who's enough of a brainlet to think the protectorate are the good guys of underrail?
Who's enough of a brainlet to think the protectorate are the good guys of underrail?
Other urls found in this thread:
>braindead anarchist thinks Gorsky, fucking GORSKY is somebody worth listening to
bby pls
if i had to shoot through a crowd of SGS citizens to defend myself from roof niggers, believe me i would.
>he took Gorsky seriously
everytime people list what Gorsky's done wrong, it's stuff the MC's done
where the fuck do I find more bubblegum
I need that exp, odditybros
Gorsky is a fucking zoneretard dude
Would someone KINDLY explain to me what I'm doing wrong? The rune matches. Ferryman told me that he hit him in the left shoulder.
So why the FUCK am I getting nothing when I inspect this corpse from every angle??
>be at Tchort
>trying to figure out the best way to take it down quickly via sniping
>armor piercing bullets did WAY more damage to the eye than HP bullets and ended up killing it after soaking up some hits from the tentacles
I wish I can tell if a enemy has mechanical resist or not.
At least I didn't have to deal with the mutagen bullshit
Nevermind, I'm a retard.
You're supposed to inspect the arms.
I got the fucking thing.
is this good for a shotgun wizard build
might dumpstat agl for more points in str/will, playing on hard btw
Every time you try to sell us on Gorsky being someone worth listening to, the less bad I feel about gassing your kind.
It's okay, user, the hypercerebrix is a little slow to kick in, that's all.
>I came to SGS to be a free man
more like
>I ran away and hid in this station because the moment any law-abiding society finds out the shit I've done I'm gonna be swinging from the roof
I'm approaching 100 natural points in most of my relevant skills, how high should I go with lockpick, hacking, temporal displacement and crafting if I have the expansion and want to do it all?
I only have the first 3 fucking spells, I can't find anymore.
If you purge the scrappers/eels Rambo style do you still need to go ask for help anyway?
if you can get into depot A, you should be good to go
The most important shotgun feat requires 5 dex.
Both Ezra and Gorsky are psychopaths so what's the fucking problem
The Protectorate questline is ok until the last mission which came from fucking nowhere and there's no other solution, like plain old guns-blazin murder spree
fuck, dexlets ruin everything
Gorsky is one retarded pipeworker, alright.
>tfw you go from a shitty non-spearhead sniper to a spearhead with a rapid reloader
is there a better feeling?
120-130 is about the highest checks iirc. You can probably stop before that unless you have 3 DEX for lockpicking by using mk3s (+10), the jacknife (+7), eel sandwiches (+1DEX), and the lemurian engineer suit (... +10 I think?), but hacking can't be as easily cheated due to in dialogue checks. You can somewhat cheat lockpicking skills with the great that gives you bonuz
seriously considering dipping into thot control purely so bilocation is no longer an instant game over. how much do I have to pump the skill in order to actually kill dopplegangers?
you cant kill doppelgangers
the fuck? i thought people have been saying for ages that neural overload kills them
have i been LIED TO?
Always do the opposite of what Gorsky says . Protectorate did nothing wrong.
dopples have shit health and dont scale iirc so all you need to do is hit them with the level 0 thought control attack a few times to kill them
Fagtectorates are ironically the real drones, defending something they've never seen or will be a part of.
You think the protectorate would even let you exist in their purview? You're too much of a risk. Too derailed. No better than a common bandit.
just flashbang the lunatics lmao
>lockpicks get a +7 weapon
>hacking gets fuck all
what's with this blatant favoritism?
jsut got to junktown on my first playthru, traded some metal armor cuz i havent figured out crafting yet. i havent enjoyed a game since i was 18 when new vegas came out. Ive never played a crpg before, but i think im addicted now.
so far i plan on playing fallout 1, 2, neverwinter nights and maybe baulders gate next, are these good choices? anyone have any classics they recommend i should play?
upper underrail is tiny what the fuck is this really the whole game
>you cant kill doppelgangers
those are great. Even better than underrail. play arcanum too
My tin can assault rifle with 3 will and 0 thought control can one shot dopplegangers. Do they even have health values? I assumed that they automatically just died when hit with TC.
is a psi with warcrimes build overkill?
nwn and baulder's gate didn't age well but still fine games. play planescape torment
or frag grenade mk4 or plasma mk3 yeah yeah I know but I'm in the DLC and it was getting mighty tiresome to be 20 minutes into a full-on war with the savages when some ooga booga spear shaman pops out from around a corner and rails my ass with mental subversion+bilocation before I can even react
I just want to have some kind of option to deal
>good guys of underrail
The only good guys of underrail are just the ones that go about their own bussiness without bothering others, like SGS, everyone that has an expansionism boner is bound to be a murderhobo, Gorsky included
well it makes sense role play wise. its legitimately a pocket knife you use to jimmy open locks. what weapon would help you hack a computer lol
the heck is warcrimes build
do you mean throwing gas grenades
an axe retard
Fallout 1 and 2 are unplayable in a modern sense and are in desperate need of a remaster in form of a UI uplift. There are too many small things that interfere with the flow of gameplay.
>>The protectorate would never hire psychos
sounds good, i'm a laser tin can with 3 will and 0 thought control so that is nothing if not encouraging.
all good choices except neverwinter isn't very good unless you get into the fanmade modules. planescape is amazing but i'd save it for later if you like the combat aspect more.
yeah, psi with offshoot throwing+crafting for maximizing grenade efficiency
im in disbelief honestly, this game is unreal. im glad autists are spamming threads everyday, otherwise i wouldve never played it
cool, ill look into it. Thanks!
oh shit, thats the one i meant over nwn, couldnt remember the name, just the box art. are the first fallouts worth playing? or is coming from this masterpiece to that gonna suck in terms of qol
Planescape: Torment for story
Icewind Dale for combat
Shadowrun if you want something turn based
>war crimes build without chem pistols
Old crpgs (Fallout 1 and 2, Arcanum, etc.) have seriously questionable design decisions and balance issues that I have to question why devs thought were a good idea in the first place (lookin at you, critical failures). I seriously do not recommend them if you're just getting into crpgs.
Guys I just "finished" the dlc got the Acorn, does the expedition really just dip? I don't want Ladelman to leave me he has too much money and sells supersoldier roids for whatever reason.I heard there's some quest with the ferryman and some savage making a painting what's that about?
There should be a grenade that deals mental damage and burns away psi points
ya thats what im kinda hesitant about. what would you reccomend next?
wish there were companions in this game, it would be so nice.
Adding to that list.
BG2+expansion (skip siege of dragonspear)
The Icewind dale games
Temple of Elemental Evil
Planescape Torment
Pathfinder Kingmaker
Shadowrun Dragonfall
Atom RPG
Age of Decadence
Divinity Original Sin 2
That should keep you busy for a while without getting too archaic.
Remember the unkillable ghosts that attacked you when you picked it up?
you can actually kill them
screenshotted, thanks ill look into them
Any vendor tips? My locker is filling up with 7000 value shit and rarely get to sell any, I walk around every 90 mins and swap it all for bullets and all their currency.
It would ruin the atmosphere.
In Fallout 2 you will fucking hate the vendors. They're worthless until you get to San Francisco, you'll constantly struggle to get rid of your inventory. Other than that, the first two Fallouts are a lot of fun.
Leave him out of this, the man is the definition of too old for this shit, AND he's your most helpful+cooperative ally for half the weird shit you run; you just need to get him the material he needs, no beating around the bush, no strings attached.
im not wild on divinity's lore desu when i put an hour into it at a friends house, but ill give it a go, thanks
styg please
baldur's gate is great even if low level dnd takes some getting used to. you can party it up or you can try and go solo, it's got the same kinda feel for me as underrail where if you know what you're doing you can sneak into high level areas and grab some sweet loot early, you can wander the map fucking around doing sidequests or just exploring for dozens of hours without worrying about plot shit, that kind of thing.
Don't make me go back So will all the vendors and shit leave once I hand it in? should I just not do that for a while?
I agree, fellow Southgater.
Would he be to old for leading a scientific expedition into the now explorable deep caverns?
why tf is it impossible to rub caltrops in certain poisons why Styg WHY
>Perception 17
>missing any of your three shots per turn
Bio damage now also drains psi points
>heartbreaker poison requires 150 god damn biology
>can't rub it on caltrops
sounds awesome, i think i just need to bite the bullet and suffer though lack of qol. i miss that type of RPG, theyre all so shit now
figure out what gives the most bang for buck and sell an extra gun or two for a few of those. i found buying the most expensive rifle barrel from SGS armory guy and then reselling them down to the people at junkyard who only take components and shit gives me extra cash.
>the man is the definition of too old for this shit
Have you missed the massive boner he has for the Acorn? You are never too old to do dangerous science that might bring about the apocalypse.
nah, to deliberating
just make something akin to an EMP grenade for psi
That makes no sense.
have fun in the expansion area
I wouldn't mind the deep cavern's scavenger hunt if it weren't for the instant respawning bullshit that makes moving around so tedious.
That'd be nice to psi animals but not that useful for humans since they'd just pop a psi booster right after. It'd make more sense to make a grenade that causes psi-cognitive interruption.
any true unarmed bros here try punching the shit out of Evelyn when she tries to daterapemurder you? curious if it's possible or even easier than playing hide and seek in her basement.
>there was a time when this game didn't have a speed-up option
How dreadful. I literally would not have played this game if you could only play it on normal speed.
If you could use mechanics or some shit to get out of DC early so you can take a break from it and work on side quests/get gear or you didn't have to constantly run back and forth between Arke, it wouldn't be so bad.
That would be pretty boring though. They are squishy as hell, so that's basically an insta-win button against Lunatics.
cheat engine
Are crossbows supposed to suck arse? I'm around Junktown, and I killed pretty much everything with explosives even though I'm at 0 throw, cause the crossbow is much worse than doing that. No accuracy even with scope, pitiful damage compared to the guns I pick up. 2 enemies are enough to kill me before I can kill them. I get 2 shots per turn, special bolts do measly 1/4 of an enemy's hp, I usually hit with one of those 2 shots.
Out of combat walking still doesn't have one and after just ~10 hours I'm at my wits' end
He literally hasn't said anything about it to me, you still talking about ezra? Tanner basically has the same spiel as Azif but gives less monies
>they won't fight back
>I can't catch up
>literally chased them around the entire floor
Friendly reminder that 7 agility is a requirement for melee.
I went fist weapons so I thought I'd be pretty good but I didnt have combo yet and couldnt kill her in one go without 3 crits in a row or something then she'd one round me.
>Out of combat walking still doesn't have one
bro I think you're carrying too much
Forgot image
many builds suck before their level 10 feat. did you pick snipe and ambush?
My pipe was so apex zoning these fisherwomen, bre.
>finally beat Tchort
>still have the expansion content to do and a lot of side quests
My first playthrough I was wearing tabis and rathound regalia so I couldnt really understand what everyone was complaining about. Those poor tin can players...
>you still talking about ezra?
A sledgehammer? Is that a trick question?
I don't like how murdering locals in their native land as a foreigner is making me feel
Is this good?
>Force User
>Continuum Ripple
>Psycho-temporal Acceleration
>Evasive Maneuvers
>Future Orientation
>Locus of Control
>Advanced Psi Empathy
>Empowered Temporal Manipulation
>Increased Will
Crossbows are definitely hard mode, have to use traps, throwing and stealthy snipes to win. No idea why Styg made them do so little damage.
Can I make a Psi/Melee build?
what did he say about Aconr to you? he just has the usual dialogue for me
they have range and utility in exchange
Don't worry, they are descendants of immigrants.
You can make anything, but the question of whether or not it'll be any good is something only you can determine.
they dont have any range over a sniper rifle. the silent part of it would be useful if you could ever kill anyone wearing armour in one hit
>stand in a chokepoint behind 40 bear traps
>shoot the guy in the back with incendiary bolts
Can I do all the quests for completion's sake or are you suppossed to pick and choose?
I haven't looked into the united stations lore, so I don't know if I want to sell info to that shady guy in junkyard's bar.
Why not just use the traps with a gun?
if you dont do it you get locked out from his other quests
He only talks when the time is right. It's more or less the same thing Tanner and Azif tell you, but getting his perspective is still interesting.
it's a good temporal meme but without hacking and lockpicking you're going to have to join the classic side
Do you get any hidden or extra dialogue by killing all the scrappers / black eels without starting the quest to kill the other side? Sort of just going to their base and killing them all on your own. Does the rest of the world react to it?
that's what I was afraird of
will it lock me out of united stations stuff if I help?
as a general rule the game doesn't recognize and react to you being a proactive murderer
i dont think so, they shouldnt know you were there unless you're a tin can zoner
I sold him out to based Protectorate. Fuck shady niggas. Law and order, bitch.
That's not true. I'm not even sure skipping lockpicking/hacking locks you out of maxing out every oddity, they are that unimportant.
If I enjoyed fallout 1 and 2 to the point of replaying each yearly will I enjoy this?
If you liked the combat and exploration side of those games you will like this
Just make sure to triple check you haven't gimped yourself at the beginning of the game by picking the wrong numbers
Not if you are picking it up with the expectation of getting a Fallout carbon copy.
That shady guy is not a free drone or any other "competitive" party, his quests have zero negative consequences to player, only open up a huge questline, tons of lore and nice trader.
We need a literal tinfoil hat item that increases your resolve while decreasing all psi-skills.
Monks are all about Psychokinesis + unarmed combat: there's a spell that adds extra mechanical DMG to every unarmed or fist weapon hit and you can summon a stand that mimics the same spell. Also like all builds in the game, melee benefits from dipping 55 into temporal manipulation to unlock the action and movement point increasing spell. Metathermics has ice shield that only blocks melee or setting yourself on fire to damage everyone close to you, but their usefulness is a bit iffy considering the amount you need to invest first. I haven't tried it out myself, but Cryo Orb causes bleeding wounds which could possibly go well with bleed melee feats.
Nah, you can do Jack and Abram's quests without making other factions hostile.
The most notable mutually exclusive faction choices in the game are one of the Oligarchs in Core City, Free Drones vs. Protectorate and Aegis vs. pirates in the expansion.
>giving new players spoilers
Don't be a faggot.
How good is crafting in this? Which crafting skill is best?
Why Evasion and Evasive Maneuvers if you're going for a tranquility build where you shouldn't ever take damage anyway? If it's for throwing aoe spells / grenades at your own feet, your energy shield should absorb all the damage. No need to reduce the damage with evasion.
Consider replacing Continuum Ripple with something less luck-based like Thermodynamicity or Cryogenic Induction.
>How good is crafting in this?
>Which crafting skill is best?
All of them. But if you must pick one, Electronics.
>agility is the most useless stat in the game
>but i love to use stealth
its not a spoiler and it unlocks a huge questline
Saying his quests do not conflict with other faction quests or lock player out of content is not really a spoiler.
Does the edgy anime villain who tries to buy the acorn say anything if you're free drones?
That's not a spoiler, but saying anything about who he works for is.
just go full agility high will intimidate temporal yell dodge crit machete
It's not if you're melee and are taking dodge/evasion as well. Anyway I have 100 persuade at 3 will and no ragrets
>i never play melee builds
Crafting gets you the best gear and consumables in the game, apart from some uniques that most of the time have more specialized effects rather than being simply powerful.
>Which crafting skill is best?
Definitely Chemistry if you're not a psiker and need other ways to cover AoE and crowd control. Grenade components are really plentiful and easy to get from all merchants, plus their crafting skill breaking points are set in stone so you won't have to hunt for randomized high quality components.
Electronics is another great general use skill since it lets you build energy shields that are pretty much always guaranteed to be much better than you can ever get from merchants or loot from enemies. Other than those which crafting skills you should pick depends on your build.
Just get stealth anyway, skill points are a lot more plentiful than stat points. This game is 3 times more fun with stealth
While the classic fallout games are great, they aged like milk.
Maybe try out Pillars of Eternity 2 or Divinity Original Sin 2. Both great games.
>(lookin at you, critical failures)
Its becouse they're based on d20 tabletop rpgs where rolling a 1 means you made huge mistake, like throwing a granade at your feet, that said i don't like it becouse rolling a 1 is far too common to be fun or realistic, in real life you are not going to blow yourself up somewhere between the first and the 20th granade thrown
I played the Fallout games in 2016 and like them more than Underrail honestly
Not much, it's a quick exchange.Paraphrasing from memory.
>I had it, but I gave it to someone.
>The Free Drones.
>The Free Drones?
Why would he go there now, when he already knows what went down when he was there in his official position.
Why do people keep recommending party-based RPGs as similar to Underrail?
Really? I just couldnt deal with the interface in fallout 2 im not boomer enough, same with Baldurs gate, I got like 3 hours in and never played again. I got furthest into planescape because the story was actually interesting but still couldnt do it.
Going to stream this game on twitch in 10 minutes
Name an isometric cRPG where you control a single character that isn't fallout
Does he then try and shank you anyway in the alleys even though you dont have it?
>Hey, bro! You like BioShock? Then you'd love Call of Duty!
Where are you in the game?
Divine Divinity.
Maybe i'm just mondo stupid but I still don't understand why the underrail exists
Was it just the megacorps used it for R&D amongst other things, shit went south on the surface so people took refuge there?
I just bought it.
Yeah I couldn't get into Baldur's Gate but I thought Fallout ages way better
Replayed F1 & 2 literally a month ago so I can do a fresh comparison and seriously underrail feels just as archaic to me. And it really made me appreciate how pretty actually everything in Fallout is, from the sprites, ui, to item icons
It's only an option once Tanner is gone.
I'm doing the train heist quest for Herve. If I resolve the quest peacefully and tell the Protectorate the location of the train can I still join the Free Drones, or do I need to let them have the train?
>paladin had best dialogue in nwn
>max will gave best lore in planescape torment
>the same for underrail
why does it keep happening bros
Yeah. I don't think he believes you.
You need to let the Drones have the train, lie to Herve and "fail" the quest.
What do you think?
Does armor penalty affect stealth?
>get to pilot a Dreadnought on a Protectorate quest
Damn. Didn't know a faction could be this based.
I'm starting again, I fucked up so badly on my first one and ended up struggling with shit skills. Help me Yea Forums.
So here's my plan.
>maximum of 8 skills so I can put 5 points in to them EVERY level
>guns, stealth, traps, the 4 psi powers
>cheat and split the last slow between hacking and lock picking
So in character creation.
>put 10 in to those 9
>15 in mercantile and persuasion, don't level those up further
So I should be around level 10 or about to hit it by the time I get to junkyard. That'll give me 55 in those 7 skills and 33/2 in lockpicking/hacking.
Starting with paranoia and opportunist, what perks should I get?
>guns, stealth, traps, the 4 psi powers
Back to the drawing board.
Yeah. Evasion, dodge, stealth and movement points.
he should change it to
>guns stealth, traps, 4 of 5 craft schools
but then same problem. every optimal build needs shit ton of crafting
Dilated Anus and Terminally Stupid.
You know, since you take all four wizard skills AND guns, and that after already fucking up the first character.
do shotguns get even better than this as you get stronger?, rn im at the psi bugs and newton mission and i'm already hitting 100 with my shotty
I am Hau-Tism, Grandmaster of Underrail Builds. Show me your characters and I'll return useful feedback.
>replace old ass starter .44 with 9mm neo luger
are pistols under .44 supposed to suck
Oh, and Traps as well.. just, why? 4/4 psi is already more than enough offensive, and only bots are a pain - so you can boost throwing with spare points every few levels, not fucking go all in on every offensive skill that exists in the game
>larger rounds deal more dmg
woah....... no way........
>guns, stealth, traps, the 4 psi powers
You don't need weapons at all if you're taking all four psi schools. Just start with high WIL and INT and become a cave wizard, either the mobile type or the tanky type.
Because Styg is horrible at balancing things and a free, surefire AoE 4-5 stack of Heartbreaker poison is completely fucking retarded.
Wait until you get a submachine gun
It's like a pistol but better in every single conceivable way
Then... what do I do? pick only two psi disciplines? I have no idea how to make a good character.
>expecting a dumb meathead who murders his way through problems to learn more about the world he's in
>guns, stealth, traps, the 4 psi powers
but why? psi powers makes any other mode of combat redundant, especially if you're maxing all 4. guns and traps and stealth works well together, high perception to shoot and also see traps to disarm them, yes. and pure psi works really well by itself and doesn't really need anything else except high will and a bit of int.
if you wanna be a fighter/mage type, pick ONE psi school. otherwise you're dumping huge amounts of skill points to make half your build redundant.
yeah, double damage it seems, and for barely any drawbacks
what do you want to do? how do you imagine this particular character dispatching your enemies? if you think "i wanna shoot this guy and then zap another guy with my mind", what's stopping you from just shooting both or zapping both? to clarify, your skills should cover different niches and situations. all four psi schools covers every niche already and then some.
will general grievous give me a bonus for not killing anyone or he's just trying to sound like a nice guy
How bad are your saves?
I need to prune this eventually.
if you wanna use both psi and weapons to do damage, pick one of the less "damage based" psi schools, thought control or temporal manipulation, both debuff/buff things and are a good backup to guns or whatever
Any point going into intimidation? Raised it as far as I could every level, and still couldn't pass a single check ever
i had that but with deus ex
Take all four psi, get Thought Control to 75 for LoC and max the rest. This is literally all you need to have an extremely strong offense that lets you easily deal with everything sans robots - for which you'll want EMP grenades. It's fine to use them even with 0 throwing, but if you got some spare points you can put them to throwing. There is zero sense of adding guns or traps if you want psi-heavy build.
Tranquility is much tankier and the damage is still good enough. Psychosis is the best AoE dmg in the game but you'll be rather squishy, at least until you craft two uber shields (high and low).
Important feats: metabolism if tranq, 4-turn wall of force is OP AF, LoC at lv14 for stun immunity, the one that doubles your psychokinesis attacks, thermodynamicity at ~16 when you finally craft solid armor and headband with cost reduction.
Lockpicking is a must have, hacking less so. Jewery is always nice for those quality materials. Coretech is best - there's an alternative but the quests are some of the most obscure in the game to access it so if you're not a wiki scrub just go Coretech.
You need high electronics for shield and however much mechanics and bio you need for armor/shield. Adding stealth is mostly pointless - just carry lightweight +stealth items.
Depot is a bitch, but all you really need is to get a single mutated skin and craft acid-resistant tac-vest, at which point the challenge is mostly gone.
Always carry a bunch of EMP grandes and a few flashbangs when shit goes wrong.
Boom, you can easily beat Hard. Don't even think about dominating, zoomer, it's not worth it.
>5 attack skills
>0 defence
No, to be honest while playing the game you won't even use more than 2 diferent weapons in the entire game plus maybe traps and granades for convinience, i mean you only have so many action points anyway, when are you even going to fling the rest of your other 30 psionic powers? Its pointless, specially in this game where specialization is heavily rewarded
You eat robots for breakfast with Electrokinesis though.
The idea would be to take psi for stuns, and opportunist to use pistol to exploit that 25% damage bonus. I avoid getting mobbed by using psi wall to funnel enemies in to traps and safely blowing them up.
If I only had to pick one... thought control and time shit have some pretty good, spammable abilities, right? But I'd love the stuns from psychokinesis as boring as they are. but then ice and fire are cool too and give me the big booms I need to set off traps.
Okay, well I managed to kill 100% of the dudes between SGS, Foundry, Core City and Rail and I'm level 16. I feel like I'm not being challenged anymore, I'm easily killing those death things that creep around in the ceiling of caves and all lunatics, etc even without cheesing like I had to before. Does the game continue to get harder or have I jumped the shark by leveling too much?
What's the max level with the expansion?
>Lockpick safe that was revealed with perception
>All it has in it is a single lockpick
Never played a high perception character this far so I honestly can't tell if this is just weird RNG or Styg making a dickass joke
Bitches don't know 'bout my EU4.
>it's over 30gb, send help
>all 5 craft schools
is this good skill distribution? looking to supplement the failings of crossbow with good nades and traps from crafting.
You really don't, especially with tranq - and that guy probably shouldn't roll psychosis. Electrokinesis is fairly expensive and the damage isn't great, even if it bounces around two targets. It's good enough, for the most part, but it's infinitely better to pop some 'nades when there's three strongmen punching you in the balls.
30. You could try doing the expansion content now because it's supposed to be started around your level. Make sure you've done Dude's quest line first so you have an easier time going back and forth.
That's a surprisingly high quality reaction image
you're gonna have to trim the fat, son. you want too many things. flashbangs and taser and other items can do many of the things you want without even half the huge point investment. bear traps set off opportunist as well. hell, almost every status effect triggers opportunist.
Funnily enough normal pistols is quite possibly the weakest shit in the game, so, uh, you probably shouldn't (acid/electric are fine, but it's not for wizards). Especially since guns need per and you'll definitely want per as dump stat for a wizard.
I don't know if it's optimal do to crafting levels earlier or later, but assuming you have an ok int, you don't need to max out crafting like you do with crossbow and stealth
I haven't even met Dude yet. I am still on the second batch of missions right after going to Junkyard. I accidentally leveled too much on Lurkers and Ironbros just trying to fucking find another city. I found Core City TWICE by accident, explored the caves and found Foundry before I have any quests there, now I finally took the train to Rail and I realized I've already killed my way right up to it.
This happened to me in Skyrim too, I was like level 80 retrieving cheese wheels from dungeons before I even got my first chant.
Should I just stick to missions and only go where I'm told maybe? Do missions more or less tell you to explore the whole game?
Should I bother leveling TM past 70 for Stasis?
stealthy xbow trapper is viable for hard, but you'll get sick of it before lv12
>they told me to play classic, bre
>this game sucks, bre
>help me, bre
Are you playing on Classic EXP mode? If so you fucked up because then it's super easy to overlevel the game. You can't grind on Oddity mode.
is it even possible to do Abram's jailbreak without killing anyone
If you're fully investing in all the psi schools anyway, taking traps or guns is completely useless. The psi schools have more than enough kill options. If you want utility for your guns, just take grenades. If you want to use psionics with weapons, only put in the appropriate points for the support powers you want.
jailbreak is fucking trivial?
You literally sneak through one corridor in four seconds and go into vents and the task is done
I'm not sure either, like I guess I could take out two of those and max lockpick/hacking. Once I get those high enough then I can work on those last two craft schools.
my strat is navigate the vents until you're near the clinic, enter the clinic, open the vent and that vent can take you to the cell with Maura
Do any of you use custom portraits?
You learned a valuable lesson. Classic should be removed from the game.
Yes. I guess if I replay it again I'll use Oddity. I don't like Oddity mode very much, but I guess I understand why it exists all of a sudden.
Do the Sormirsbaeren actually speak a normal language or is it gibberish like the grey army?
Yeah, all you need is some low level stealth gear, plus either STR and a crowbar or lockpicking and a multitool.
In truth, despite my asshole-ish reply it does get somewhat tedious at lv16 - there's only so many barrels you want to search for poop sculptures or old train schedules, and you'll need a LOT of them to level up.
Still, while it has its own problems it's superior to classic imo
and is there any point in doing so
just found an oddity in the security room that I can't get without killing the guy
it seems like some kind of spurdo knockoff, it's at least consistent with its own naming. if you get to know yngwar and have decent int you can pick up a lot of words and phrases.
I'll drop 3 psi schools and hacking for mechanics for crafting and evasion.
I'll keep... psiwalls, thought control or time magic? Time magic to reload aimed shot over and over again seems good.
I can see now why Oddity would be superior, it's easy to see. I'll finish this character's game and maybe try a shotgunner or something. Spear has been great to me.
The point is that you're not an autistic murderhobo, jeez.
There's enough thingamajigs to get to 30 without killing everything that moves.
>fucking drones
Once you're done with Depot A, what level can you get to on oddity by just wandering around exploring everything?
Bruh, either your class fantasy is just the unluckiest shit ever for this game or you're bamboozling us.
Evasion requires you to have the entire build centered around it. It'll suck even on normal if you want to half-ass it.
If you want various guns, just go high PER and forget wizardry (except maybe temporal bullshittery).
you should probably play classic if you're this obsessed with XP
>Kill Magnar
>He fucking gets back up as a ghost and continues fighting
I mean I still managed to kill him again but did I sequence break or something? That came out of nowhere while I was clearing out the faggot natives for daring to oppose me.
it's good but so are many, many other things. hell, a single toss of caltrops or molotov often works almost as well as psiwalls. you can't have everything, you just need at least one way of dealing with different situations. and since skill points are limited, you want the most bang for your buck.
>killing Magnar unprepared
top kek, enjoy spending literal hours on some of the most obscure shit to remove his curse
Sort of.
You're "supposed" to kill Magnar by finishing the unmarked Shard quest - you need to talk to the Ferryman for where he hit Sjors with it, and then Yngwar for the run marking Sjors' grave. Then you go to the graveyard and do a fucking annoying NO SAVE ALLOWED randomized sequence where you have to find a crank for the grave. The grave gives you the shard.
You take the shard to Azif in the oculus - he gives you a utility that deals damage to Magnar's ghost that is otherwise invulnerable (untargetable whatsoever).
>searching through pots in native villages
>not a single oddity
What, was he some special fag or something? I mean obviously he was stronger than the rest but one aimed shot plus entropic recurrence kicked his ass pretty good. Maybe he shouldn't have been such a weak little bitch if he didn't want to die.
I did this but on Classic and I'm level 16 without having murdered absolutely everything.
If anyone is reading this, just go Oddity, classic XP makes you OP if you explore and kill everything.
>The point is that you're not an autistic murderhobo
previous quests beg to differ
I just don't like leaving valuable stuff behind
I like the idea of doing a perfect job more than that though
I did neither of those, I pulled a Doctor McNinja and lit myself on fire then kited the ghost through it. He died pretty quick.
I'm pretty sure that's not supposed to happen and you found a way to cheese the game. Congrats.
Fucking lmao, he also took damage from cryo orb, the flamethrower, and pyrokinesis. Pretty sure my LoC+Neural Overload AoE hurt him too. If he's supposed to be invincible they really should have tried harder.
>second spoiler
old ladies, warriors, spear shamans have some. nothing at all in the pots except millions of fish and venom glands, though. i mean it is a village full of fuckin' savages, what did you expect? high quality plasma pistols?
You're probably memeing, but I'll bite: what curse?
>You take the shard to Azif in the oculus - he gives you a utility
Alternatively, you can also just take Juice yourself and inspect the shard again. No need for Azif.
What the hell? I didn't know this. Does it work against doppelgangers as well?
Maybe I'm wrong then. You can't actually target him, but I guess certain AoE damage types would mechanically work.
I wonder if you can do the same with the spoopy ghosts in the Sormirbaeren graveyard
>Does it work against doppelgangers as well?
No, afaik doppelgangers are targetable but they take damage only from certain specific types (neural-electric)
I'm obsessed with the idea of being a super crafter and using grenades and traps. What offensive weapons go best with this?
That's weird, Magnar has massive resistances to psi unless you're using TM, are you playing on normal or something?
>He didn't chug juice and bust Magnar's ghosty frosty ass with tungsten rounds for massive damage
Remember that Dude is always right.
>gas the drones
>don't actually gas anyone
>have to kill everyone myself
what the fuck I'm getting fucking destroyed here what is this bullshit
Not even if I take nimble?
If I focus on just having 8 skills guns and psi is 2.
I can easily put some in agi, dex, 2 in per and 1 in will to go SMGs/Pistols with some psi support. I'll give up on going full wizard, but all the same I feel like I need to go traps as I won't be that tough so stepping on them will be fatal. I need some sort of defense so pumping up evasion with nimble and staying light seems best?
I want to use guns but I also really like psi. I don't want to fully commit to either 100%. Either way thanks for to advice, I have a better plan on what I want to try now.
I'll just go
>guns, temporal, evasion, stealth, lockpicking, mechanics, traps
I can just buy the traps and shields as long as I can build good enough guns to blow someones head off in one round.
The only thing I'm afraid of is access to easy stuns if I want to go opportunist/execute.
Crossbows have like a -30% accuracy up close and -30% move and shoot penalty, so they're pretty much worthless if at any point anyone comes within a couple tiles of you, which they will because crossbows blow dick.
>I kept putting off buying it and I missed the sale
Did you actually release the gas in the ventilation shafts?
throwing knives
>Decode the Shard yourself with Juice
>Talk to Azif about it and he asks you how you did it
>"Well, I just got really drunk."
>"I see."
I did a blind playthrough on normal, yeah. My character isn't built right at all but I dumped tons of points into every psi skill. My effective metathermics is something like 250.
You can go loud in Abram's 2nd quest and no one will know unless you don't come back the way you came.
>old ladies, warriors, spear shamans have some. nothing at all in the pots except millions of fish and venom glands, though. i mean it is a village full of fuckin' savages, what did you expect? high quality plasma pistols?
I expected to level up after clearing 20 areas of savages but oh well, time for locusts now.
Gunslingers mostly use their .44
The other pistols are just for making use of whatever AP your .44 can't or for dealing with annoying high evade, low hp enemies.
Do it. Abram's the good guy here.
+ you should absolutely finish the quest line of his organization because you get a really cool item
I would highly recommend saving often in different slots because you may fuck it up later and lock yourself out of it. And remember, persuasion is always considered the most optimal solution.
That explains it then.
that works. temporal fits with almost everything thanks to how stupidly useful contraction is.
flashbangs incapacitate which works for execute, or for close range there's tasers which require only a bare minimum of electronics skill. bear traps and acid traps too. consumables and utility items are meant to be used, this isn't a megalixir hoarding kind of game.
best of luck out there. if you can spare anything you might consider some points into mercantile, if you're gonna depend on shops for gear you'll want them to have good stuff.
>crossbows blow dick
unless they're in the hands of an enemy in which case you get oneshotted from offscreen
Yeah, the two major ways to do that one are either not actually get detected, or leave no witnesses
I'm fairly sure you could do the same method with molotovs my man. I didn't even touch TM while fighting the ghost either. I'll try it later today.
chem pistols. super light on feats, big on incapacitation, gives you a reason to take sure step so now you're immune to caltrops as a bonus.
crossbows are only ever good at killing the player character, i dont event know why the game lets you use it
>win every fight by locus->enraging outrageously powerful groups of enemies then hiding behind a forcewall
Black sea? More like black shit.
If you're going big brain INT crafter, energy pistols have a feat that increaes damage done by them by 8% per point in INT above 5, it's great.
>crawler attacks
>1 hp
t-thanks styg
ye but none of them got affected by it so I blew up then I restarted and waited a little while now I'm a stinkin' mutie
Youre fucking retarded and dont know how to properly build your character for crossbows
Did anyone actually ever build around chemical weapons?
yes, all the time
Chem pistols are fairly popular
So we can all agree this item is the Anamorphic Disk they used to cut the Shadowlith, right? It has the same rarity level (color) as the Cube, the Shard or ACoNR. The material description is also similar to Faceless Medallion.
SMGs aren't bad (just be aware that you might run out of ammo near Junkyard). Normal pistols are absolutely terrible.
You probably could pump evasion high enough, but then you'll be missing out on crafting. Still, it'll do well enough on normal, but hard might be annoyingly reload-heavy, especially since there's a lot more enemies around.
Hint: very rarely will you be fighting one enemy at a time; arena is trivial for lv12 but it took me literally two hours to clear Warehouse in Core at lv14 with a real solid build (though I had a shit shield which didn't help).
Guns, temporal is solid. I'd definitely lose traps and go crafting instead, you can make solid stuff even without merchant. You will also really miss lockpicking; hacking can be skipped but locks are a must-have imo (especially cause it also opens vents)
All science weapons are pretty good
Energy pistols, my boi.
Shit, you have locks, mb. Yeah, it's decent enough as long as you do stats properly - just be aware that your goal pre-Depot A is not only to win fights but to win fights without blowing through all ammo when you use SMG's.
Oddity or classic lads? Which one and why tho'?
can i get tips on where to find cigars? its pretty obvious the expedition doc needs one, but i cant find it
Phyllis sells cigars, otherwise the cuffed man gives you one if you stumble onto him and unlock his cuffs, you need hacking for that though.
Oddity gets tiring after a whole but it's good ok your first playthrough. Problem is that it makes fighting annoying ass enemies worthless after a while because you collected all their oddities already.
classic is the easy one
Classic if you want to level up by murdering things (the boring way)
Oddity if you want to level up by being a hobo and rifling through other peoples garbage (the fun way)
you can buy one from the doc in occulus after you do abhrams questline perfectly
I stole some from the pirate cap'n.
Oddity is the intended game mode. You don't get EXP by murdering things but solely from achieving quest objectives and finding collectibles. Classic lets you grind and it's easy to overlevel.
Play as a hammer wizard
>stealing cigs from a fucking pirate captain
They should immediately mount a huge attack on Aegis for such transgressions
>level up by murdering things
>level up by exploring things
why cant it be both?
The exhilarating feeling of levelling up from finding Bubblegum in a urinal.
Mmm. Love it.
"CRAWLERS could be here" he thought "I've never been in these caves before. There could be CRAWLERS anywhere." The hefty weight of his steel sledgehammer felt good in his bare hands. "I HATE CRAWLERS." He thought. TenseCaves.mp4 was reverberating troughout the tunnels, making it far too scary even as the 700 credit psi beetle brain soup circulated trough his powerful, psychic brain and washed away his (extremely merited) fear of POISONOUS ROOF NIGGERS in the dark. "Play as a hammer wizard, you can go anywhe-" Player enter initiative 23+4-1000=-973 12 mechanical 7 toxic 13 mechanical 12 toxic STUNNED CRITICAL HIT 83 mechanical 112 toxic 40 mechanical 20 toxic YOU ARE DEAD
Classic is both, Oddesy is one
Classic still gets XP from oddities
just proportionally less
Classic because
How do hammer wizards deal with stuns? Is thick skull mandatory?
When to pop the pill? After Depot A?
you don't need yngwar at all
there's a hammer in one of the villages with his symbol on it
I started now a hammer wizard, but without the wizard part, so get another drawing at hand
Thick skull is mandatory, but Bullhead helps
You pop the pill as soon as possible, because telekinetic punch is such a huge boon to have
Oddity has both. Some oddities are only dropped by certain enemies, but the EXP they provide is capped. Regular rathounds for example drop Fancy Rathound Ears that give 1 EXP each but you can only collect 3 before their effects cap, so you can't just grind the same enemies forever.
Well thats why I picked temporal. Both temporal and mind control and easy to spam basic attack psi ability.
>tfw jetski kiting
>inb4 some fag brags about playing on dominating while using classic XP
Classic is pretty much a step down in difficulty because of the grind potential. If you can play Dominating on oddity, then you're good.
Wait. Did the mutagen release prematurely because I told Will it was going to be used to kill Free Drones?
No, it's just Will incompetence
Nah, he'll fuck it up either way. Remember to tattle about him to based Captain Mareth so he'll remove the incompetent loon.
I absolutely did. Toothless motherfucker almost got me killed. Ptoo. *spits on the ground*
But I hate Mareth's guts though
i wish you could finish the game when turned into a mutant
just go to the happy mutie island and peacefully live your life
calm down vera
>when you kill the degenrate scrappers and get to take all the loot for yourself
Do robots get affected by caltrops?
What happens if you get d5'd and go to the mutie island?
I don't think so. The anamorphic disc was described as gray and rubbery, while this one is green with stone/metal-like texture. It could be an anamorphic disc, but it's not the same one.
>Yea Forums suddenly hates based Gorsky
What happened?
You can't because mutants can't ride jet skis.
Yea Forums got redpilled on the Free Drone question
he became too popular
Yea Forums is racist against slavs
He's a fucking retard that gives all the hard work to you and then is surprised when you actually do the hard work without ever as much as thanking you.
And then his quest line ends abruptly with no suitable follow up.
He doesn't even kill the fucking mutants right next to his new base of operations.
Gorsky is a cunt, but there's a few very vocal metal morons trying to peddle their oddities in here.
he acts like he's better than the PC yet can't accomplish a fraction of what we achieve, thus whenever he speaks all I see is a retard
Yea Forums has always hated gorsky
>Vile Weaponry
>Whenever you cause a bleeding wound with a cold weapon, armor enhancement or trap you also apply infected wound which increases the damage taken from all sources by 10% and reduces healing effects by 25%. Stacks 3 times.
What is a "cold" weapon?
Why are these threads not on /vg/ yet? You have them multiple times a day
What is this
I have beaten the game multiple times and still don't know what this is
It looks like tanner's stasis pod but why does six tell me danger's approaching
Ask the smash and WoW classic threads.
what exactly is the drawback of taking the red pill
Smash has value and isn't some dumb indie game maybe 40 people all together have played.
Permanent -25% max HP.
>smash has value
>Smash is the only video game!!!!!
k tard
>build melee character
>ask Lucas for a gun
>sell gun for sledgehammer
Do locusts respawn if I destroy the hives or am I just wasting ammo?
Then go back to your smash threads you fucking black as tar nigger.
how do you not know this, are you 10
outed yourself as a pedophile who doesn't shower
they don't respawn if you destroyed the hives
I love doing this
One of the few reasons to get starting persuation
>3 sentence wiki article
>not even in paper dictionaries
based serbians living 150 years in the past
literally an achievement for doing it faggot
electrical damage kills them quickly enough, failing that, light them on fire
Cold weapon should be intuitively obvious though, and you can pick up what it means from context
Doesn't go bang = cold
Shooting things doesn't cause bleeding = boolet doesn't work
The problem is they're peddling completely useless builds that ONLY work because temporal manipulation is so strong.
what's the point of night vision?
I thought for sure it meant weapons that deal cold damage since that's a thing in this game. And with styg's logic I wouldn't doubt it.
There are some real dark places in the games, though the only one that comes to mind was in the sewer and there was eff all in there anyway.
You could use flares but NV is better, and besides if you've got money to burn and goggles to wear you might as well put NV on it.
it significantly increases your hit chance in dark areas
It's not about good, it's about civilization and the protectorate are the only one's that can offer something more than mad max tier degeneracy.
there are some PITCH BLACK areas, sometimes they also have crawlers in them
Hol up
*starts a genocidal war against the Omega Station*
you finna saying
*draws anarchy symbols on the walls and rambles something about totalitarianism*
so you sa'yan
*sits on his ass and leaves civilians to die*
that you finna sayin
*gets scared shitless by a handful of Burrowers despite wearing tin can armor*
you tellin' me
*steals low quality Protectorate energy shields and makes underling pay 2000 charons for a tunneler*
you saying
*guns down Black Crawlers*
that we
*guns down Oligarch employees*
that we
*creates the biggest gang in South Underrail*
Show me a build that is not made stronger with temporal manipulation
No light sources reduces hit chance with ranged weapons.
i love gorsky because he's such an asshole.
Tito, Draža, Ante
Usually bumps up my gun precision by 10-15%, even in moderately well-lit areas
Epicurus, schopenhauer, and Nietzsche
lmao fuck gorsky
>picking option 5 doesn't name the hoppers
"Actually" "Forget" "it"
>no Moe, Larry and Shemp
>why does six tell me danger's approaching
user, my man, seriously?
I was about to post the exact same thing, spoiler and all
Fuck the duplicate post filter.
Just break into her basement first and get the evidence without talking to her.
>the protectorate are the only one's that can offer something more than mad max tier degeneracy.
West Underrail, bre. Close-knit community and traditional values.
You get half the exp that way
drains battery tho, right?
>the protectorate are the only one's that can offer something more than mad max tier degeneracy.
right i forgot about that but still why would he tell me
he tells me to stay away from the cube and then suddenly cares about my well being
The gauntlet is fucking gay as hell. You get preset equipment, which is interesting and not gay, but the first room is just a stupid maze and the doors automatically close, which is gay. I found a shield emitter, which is not gay, but I didn't know you could find equipment in the gauntlet cuz all the lady mentions is finding keys, so I don't have batteries, which is gay. You get to practice engagements against masses of enemies and see how well your build is without overpowered crafted gear to carry you, which is not gay, but enemies respawn infinitely, which is gay. There's supposed to be a time limit based on the other runners, which is gay, but I don't think there actually is one, so it's still gay cuz I was bullshitted. Basically the whole thing is gay.
If you're anything but an energy pistol build, you'll have metric shitloads of batteries sitting around.
Because he only starts doing the math after he runs from the Institute like a bitch. I always wonder what kind of epiphany he has in the timelines where he guts you like a fish to read your dead brain.
>tfw you release mutagens on innocent people
There are no innocents in Underrail.
Crawler Man
Only one who didn't deserve it was Wyatt and his best friends.
V: I hate political games!
Also V: I love this game where you go to a foreign land and genocide the natives! :D
Does whatever a poisonous roof nigga does
Nordics deserve to have their homes burned and covered in poisonous spikes.
shut the fuck up you nigger deadfire is garbage
i hope you got the fisherman perk
That's not political at all. It's literally just innate to human biology. Kill, rape and plunder.
trying too hard, not even worth a (You)
The difference is this game doesn't constantly rub it in your face while going "SEE LOOK YOU ARE LIKE THE COLONISTS, RACISM IS BAD. WHILE YOU'RE AT IT CHECK YOU'RE USING MY PREFERRED PRONOUNS "
I think I broke the game. I finished the joint security HQ section in expedition then got the coords for the abyssal elevator thing, but I've already been to L2 and there's nothing there. I even went back and there's just nothing. No new quests either and nobody has dialogue. I've tried talking to the ferryman but he doesn't really say much. Is this shit just broken? Did I ruin it by going to LemCo before I was supposed to?
They worship a star eating space snake, they are cannibals, and worst of all they aren't even real natives.
Sans is the good guy
there is nothing inherently wrong with any of those things you bigot
>Is this shit just broken? Did I ruin it by going to LemCo before I was supposed to?
No and no. Explore some other coordinates.
Have you found the submarine yet? Check your NavCom and make sure you've explored all the facilities listed there.
You been to the very northeastern areas? There's a certain vehicle there you'll need the ferrymans help with
>the colossal fucking money sink that is jetskis
god damn jesus fuck it's bad enough you literally melt your dollars into metal for armor, what the hell is this
Some questions about pickpocket for the anons that have ever used it:
-Can pickpocket from the same NPC multiple times?
-Do NPC inventories ever update? As in can I steal everything from someone, then find they have more shit later, and steal from them again?
-If you stole ammo/a gun from an NPC, they won't use it in combat right?
"V" hates propaganda, not politics. They say it's politics because they just don't know how to express themselves better. When politics are addressed adequately in a game, with each side presenting reasonable arguments and not making obvious allusions to real life, they're enjoyable and stir plenty of genuine discussion. See all the Protectorate vs Free Drones discussion. There's a difference between that and propaganda from the developer's personal point of view, which is annoying.
How was I supposed to know that I needed to? I'm going around and exploring randomly but this shit is retarded. It's just like the fucking Deep Caverns where you're somehow supposed to magically assume you have to breathe deadly mushroom dust because some old faggot said it made him dizzy.
I'm already in the north anyway, I've been killing all the natives. I'll probably find it eventually
Some completely fucking pointless thing Styg added for no reason at all.
Fuckin Gorsky man... Still cant believe he wouldn't pay for that tunneler
>"V" hates propaganda, not politics.
Then why are these threads full of protectorate jannies doing it for free?
what the fuck is this
That V guy sounds like a real jerk. Someone should do something about him
Don't listen to what these zoners say about motion. Try it, it will rock your world
There is, because, you see, I'm on Godmen payroll, and Godmen laws compel me to kill each and every one of them. You might say killing natives is part of my religion. So it is written in the great Monoliths, so it shall be done..
That's literally what every single group of humans did and why any civilization rose to greatness. Nobody makes a society that lasts any length of time by being completely passive.
> Protectorate vs Free Drones discussion
> each side presenting reasonable arguments
Nigga, drones are drugged-up anarchist terrorists so their (sometimes true) grievances against the Protectorate don't exactly hold much weight
Some folks just absolutely have to rep the anarchs in every RPG they get.
>game doesn't hide items like keys in your inventory
That's what the non-plot tab is for.
*non-plot items*
Oh, now the drones also do drugs?
What's next, they eat babies?
>Implying the protectorate doesn't do drugs
>Implying any faction in the underground doesn't do drugs
They ALL know the importance of stat buffs
So what are the maximum required points for:
To be fair I think everybody does drugs in this game, they're all incredibly useful for not dying.
this is by far the best one
so there's no point in using flares if you activate night goggles?
Except for hercules
>If you could forcibly use hercules on an npc while in stealth mode so you could sneak away and watch them die from the withdrawal
Stasis is great for me. Just now I've cheated the Gaunthlet with it. I came last, but yet I win. I used stasis during combat and at that moment somebody flipped the victory lever. Stasis saved me from 30000 damage. At least I provided entertainment to crowd.
If only drugs IRL were stat buffs.
>when consumed and caught in a controlled zone, you will go to prison for X years
>chance of addiction based on your Will, fatal if it fails
>costs 8% of your wagie paycheck
-if you increase your skill their suspicion meter drops a bit and you can snatch another thing
Silent Isle and Rathound fear effect. You can technically reveal Death Stalkers with it but doing so requires a direct hit. There's also this feat, but you can do the same thing with molotovs. Haven't tried the feat myself but it seems pretty useful since Yahota constantly triggers it during native invasions.
Flares will de-stealth enemies if they're caught when you first throw it, and rathounds are spooked by flares. Otherwise, no.
Tungsten tin can = Black can or NIGGER can
Steel tin can = Grey can
TiChrome tin can = White can
SS tin can = Blue can
So what? You could say the same about traps and grenades, except they are even worse because at least with temporal they are still using their weapons, feats, and abilities, just boosted with magic adrenaline.
Ambush is only useful if you run a Sniper/Energy gun build, but boy is it useful for those, borderline retarded for energy guns even.
who the fuck cares about rathounds when you reach the point of getting a pair of night goggles
Thanks to power of stasis I came to finish last, but I won nevertheless.
Gauthlet being gay fits into narrative.
I wonder if throwing knives work with ambush, aren't they technically ranged weapons?
If you're in last though, how would you know when to use stasis? It's not like you can actually see when the guy in first is about to hit the victory lever right?
Why don't they all know the importance of [spoiler/]food?
Why's it so good for energy guns? seems like having to throw a molotov at the start of every fight would be a pain?
>enemy finally eats through my shield
>quick pockets equip another fully charged shield
>those jumpsuits
>all runners male
You might be onto something.
Stasis is really useful, when they spawn 3 dopplegangers on you just go into stasis
You can hear and see the electricity coming to kill you.
Those 3 doppels will stay for 5 turns though.
No, that's when you pop Locus of Control and zap them all in one attack
I don't think utilities classify as ranged weapons.
>Why's it so good for energy guns?
Because when you have 900% critical damage boost and high crit% you can melt anything before they can even move.
I just got to the last room and the gauntlet is even gayer than I thought. Pretty sure you can't beat it if you didn't get all the keys in the previous rooms, cuz it seems like the other runners don't have to fight anything to get to the lever.
>start a character with 15 in each psi discipline
>10 willpower and 8 int
>It's a known fact psi people exist and tools to assist them are sold at almost every doctor
>"What? psychic powers exist?"
What did my character mean by this?
>Enrage Eldran
>Turns out he's a pyro psionic and he proceeds to light himself on fire and kill literally everyone for me
Fun times.
Why did you choose the ignorant retard option just so you could get upset about it?
So I could post it o-
Well, all the options you're given are some variant of "I have no idea what psi is but please go on"
What he means is why that dialogue option exists at all, even for high INT characters. Unless your character was in stasis or just spawned into existence in the tutorial range with no previous memories of his life there's no way he can't have some knowledge about that stuff.
I got lucky.
>set up a poison bear trap next to duff's bed
>challenge him to a fist fight
>lure him into the trap and beat him down
>ok i surrender dude here's your shit
>shoot him in the face with plasma while his whores are gushing over me
Get zoned, bre.
300 IQ move.
I realized you can enter the SGS embassy room by stealthing through Vera's office and unlocking the door. What would happen if you lay traps and mines in that room and then trigger the cutscene where Tanner and company discuss if they should join Black Eels against scrappers? Would everything go boom?
None of the options imply that he doesn't know about psi. The doctor calls you in and tells you that you tested positive for HIV.
>The what...?
>I'm not gay!
>What stage?
are pretty realistic responses.
why don't you try it and tell us
I'm unable to play the game during this week for reasons. Just leaving the idea there in case someone else is interested.
>hives are immune to crits
>crit focused energy pistol build
ha ha FUCK
marsh is going to be a bag of dicks
Flak Jack my thicc boi shotgunner only cares about being paid. I shot the debtor and kept the charons while doing both scrapper and black eels quests.
Not so big spoiler don't go to the marsh. You don't need to.
That's why you have a sub shottie or loads of plasma nades.
>I'm not gay!
Fixer sells them
dont you just throw a pesticide grenade and leave?
ooc combat does have one though. try + and - on the numpad
Post quality is pretty low currently so the mods don't want to further project the idea that Yea Forums is for shit posting and headline news while /vg/ is for game discussion
I found one in the final room of the Lemurian health centre
>loads of plasma nades.
Fucking how, nobody sells the parts.
fuck this entire place, accidently stumbled into it doing the tchortists shit. Thank god I had hundreds of bullets and shit stocked up
i do but i'm chewing through them pretty fast. do frags work better?
only just hit the agri center, i assume i get to make some here.
Do SMG/burst heavy builds just commit suicide in DC?
What the hell does timelapsevertigo.game mean?
underrails initial name was timelapse vertigo. back when it was RTWP
Marsh is optional, but the last area will fuck your world up.
hold the fuck up, i cracked the code.
aimed shot electroshock pistol targeting a locust nearby deals crit damage to everything in the chain, if it bounces to the hive it still deals crit damage aka 500+ instead of the measly 50something for a non-crit hit. too bad the buggers are hard to hit reliably and there's a lot of them to soak up the ricochets.
electroshock ricochet can cheese a whole bunch of things. goes through psycho-spatial projection and super high evasion as long as you have someone to bounce it off first.
Okay I figured out how to do the gauntlet:
>savescum if you get burrowers
>savescum if you get the electric grates
>savescum if you get coil spiders
>maybe savescum if you get the maze
>restart if you don't have more than 2 keys at the end
nah except for the psi cunts who do 200+ damage per shot
I just did the drill parts quests and I wondered into some lunatics summon cats to fite me. Did I take a wrong turn somewhere ?
>He didn't go Coretech
>electroshock ricochet can cheese a whole bunch of things
Yep, now you can see why Energy guns are top tier.
*tungsten shotgun shells
Those things literally tear Nagas apart, not even ghosts can deal with tungsten shells, it's insane.
And if you have high enough mercantile Kevin will sell you those so you don't even need to craft them or haul all those tungsten plates back to your home.
where can i find a cryo collector? fixer only ever has acid
>Okay I figured out how to play underrail
>Want to build a new crossbow
>No one sells pneumatic reloaders
show me your psi builds so i can laugh at their inferiority
what kind of energy shield do I want?
Double low, high efficiency. Gives you a chance to not get raped by crossbows and still have enough high protection against most bullets.
Please respond.
What is the cube is a piece of the machine god brought by the godsmen
What if it IS the machine god, and they are trying to establish it on earth?
would if I could
Near 130 for all, don't know for socials.
>not persuading grosky for the key back
Treasure here I come!
no, that guy is lying to you. neural overload 1 shot them for me
>todd swordsman portrait
>actual character is wielding sledgehammer
doing oddity and just about to hit lvl 20 before going to the Tchort Institute after having done pretty much everything else I could before it (certainly pre-Upper Underrail)
is this normal, what level should I be
The gauntlet is literally the only time anyone needs to savescum and that's because it's fucking gay.
It's an energy source. Other than that, well, whö knows. But interestingly the symbols you see on the Cube, the Xes and the M/W, are the same symbols you also see on the Glowing Canine.
Spoilers for Institute So, have I to report the cause of tremors even though Faceless told me to leave? Will they attack on their own?
nothing happens until you talk to eidein
No, you're forced to report it to advance the quest. Making the Institute hostile also triggers the invasion.
Are there other entrances to Crimson Meadow Horticulture?
Report or just start killing Tchortists indiscriminately. Either way the Faceless will begin the siege. And that's the moment when you begin the endgame's point of no return.
Go south, go underground, keep going underground until you see spiral stairs
There's an underground route that pops you out from the tower on the left in your pic.
Alright, I figured there must be ways for STR and AGI-lets to progress.
I hate this place.
Yeah it's not fun, it REALLY helps if you have high bio res, which why wouldn't you?
Sec helmet + Heartbreaker armour means that locusts are an annoyance more than anything
What stats can I safely use as dump stats for psi monk?
Thanks, I'll let them tremble for a time being.
You could survive without INT
You'll want 12 DEX to achieve 4 AP attacks, then I'd suggest pump the rest into STR.
>playing the entire game hiding behind a giant tin can and an op assault rifle
>an OP assault rifle
can't even Burst against decent enemies, gotta drug myself to do that
So who brought the muties to Black Sea?