What do you think about Nintendo censorship policy? What happened to them?
What do you think about Nintendo censorship policy? What happened to them?
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>no external pressure
>their own game
I think you don't understand what censorship is
Uhhh... Snoy CERO Nintendo didn’t do nuthing SNOY SNOY COPE?
based retard
Censoring something and chamging the design is literally censorship you stupid nigger go fucking neck yourself
Didn't they say that they wouldn't censored 3rd party games anyway? Also what said. Yea Forums really is such a basket case
Sony is the face of censorship
Weak b8 thread but hey at least you tried, right?
So what you are saying is that it’s ok for the game to be censored on the west because it’s Nintendo and Nintendo can do no wrong?
Keep crying online like a little baby bitch then you fucking wrong manchild.
>b-but Sony!
Why Nincels are so obsessed with Sony?
Because it's a port, it's probably just a fact of less effort to remove the censorship and report fucking everything.
Its Snoy's fault.
They specifically said they wouldn't do it to 3rd party developers because it would alienate audiences, not first party games since that's a thing they've been doing since forever. Christ this is why I don't visit/v/ very often.
What we're saying is that it's ok because it's their own fucking game. They want it to have a T rating, so be it. If they were going around telling devs and publishers to change shit in their games I would be the first one bitching, but, for the same reason, people you tell them what to put in their own games can fuck off. Fund a game like that if you aren't happy with their business decisions, their money, their choice
What is the fucking point of porting a game that just came out a few years ago if you aren’t even going to fix the glaring and obvious faults.
This is by far
Your honor
I'm gonna say it
It's not(totally) the fault of Sony for Nintendo for the censorship.
>Nintendo is for kids
So why so many people like it here?
surely you can put two and two together user
Except it’s Nintendo who censors the game for the west since they are the publisher, not Atlus.
*Atlus makes a lazy port of a game that was censored years ago
That's it, I'm selling my switch. Looks like I'm going back to Playstation!
1. Slightly different designs (better designs generally) once in a while isn't a fault
2. The point is making it accessible to a larger market than 10 million die hard Nintendo fans
Hard pass from me. Censorship is censorship even if its self inflicted.
Pathetic AND sad, kill yourself.
Day 1 pirate
Ah, the old “it looks better censored anyway” cope post, lmao.
Keep coping, kid.
>better design
no u
OH NO! Nintendo is censoring THEIR OWN GAMES instead of censoring every game like SONY, NO! HOW COULD THEY?! HOW COULD THEY NOT BE LIKE MY SONY OVERLORDS?!
My opinion is that it’s okay when Nintendo does it
>censoring every game like SONY
1. How Sony can censor every game? They don't have rights to every game.
2. Why are you talking about Sony in Nintendo thread? Is this some kind of deflection?
3. Why are you shouting with capslock like angry toddler?
If anything this is worse, Sony censored a bunch of literally who VNs that literally NOBODY gives a fuck about.
I was actually looking forward to this port to finally have a legit way to play the game uncensored, alas Nintendo thinks i need protection from anime boobies.
>talking about Snoy in a thread about Nintendo censoring themselves
Whew. Just because they do it themselves that doesn't mean they get a free pass you dumb Nintendie. Any censorship is bad.
It's ok when Nintendo does it. It's just a repeat of the Wii U/3DS era where Yea Forums pretended to care about censorship but still bought games like Fire Emblem and Xenoblade and happily supported Treehouse every single day. The cock is still in their throats I guess.
>why so many infantile young men like kid's games?
I wonder...
How long till the nintendo jannies get triggered and delete the thread?
Xenoblade X and FE fates have worse censorship than #FE and yet you never see anyone complaining about it in several recent thread of those game
Holy shit! All of this asshurt.
What the heck is going on in this image?
Looks like I’ll pirate it again
How so? I don't play on Shitch. Enjoy your censorship nincel
They are based and I will be buying this game day 1.
I don't know, I saw it had a reddit filename so I ignored it.
Does Nintendo pay you to defend their honor on the internet or do you do it for free?
I pay them to do it.
>b-b-but they are not censoring other people's games so its ok
Well Sony doesnt censor their own games and since I dont care about 3rd party, then Sony has never censored anything ever in my eyes
Nobody has a WiiU.
It's not asshurt I just hate hypocrites. If you're against vidya censorship and want to wave that flag then do it, don't be a poser faggot and say that it's 100% ok when it's Nintendo. Being a mindless cocksucker just makes you look worse.
why is this a problem
oh no my anime tiddies stop fucking being a gamer
I personally support censorship and will only buy games that have the foresight to rein themsleves in.
>Purposely cutting out the very next like that proves it's published by Nintendo
Are you just retarded? Atlus developed it, Nintendo published, translated, and censored it.
>What happened to them?
Whatever "happened" to them some 30 years ago.
Good riddance. This censorship nonsense is giving this game far more attention than it deserves.
that doesnt count
This. Nintendo just refuses to objectify women and supporting toxic masculinity.
And who handled the porting?
Well, some designs do look good despite being censored. Look at Mythra from XB2. Hell, they even made it a free DLC costume in Torna because a lot of people thought it looked good.
Seethe more
Why would they? You're already doing enough
cringe and cuckpilled
>whole part about how Potato-chan is uncomfortable modeling in a bathing suit on camera, having almost every crevice of her figure judged by the public
>censorship basically makes it a fashion shoot
>she is not uncomfortable because she is very camera shy?
Justify this being a good change without some variation of "The female body is bad!"
Why would Donald trump help he wants to censorship games to
Its just a port of the Wii U game, why did anyone expect it to not be the same?
Did everyone expect Nintendo to go back and localize the game all over again?
Just don't buy it, and when it flops a second time perhaps they'll get the message. I don't know who they're censoring the game for, the target audience doesn't want it censored and no one else wants it at all regardless.
>responding to bait
kill yourselves
He wanted to censor the internet entirely because people say no-no words about him
He had plans drawn up and everything, he was literally going to censor the internet for the entire country.
I will just say what no console waring tribal dipshit will say.
When Nintendo censors a game for any reason it is bad 1St party 3Rd party or to get a lower rating it's still censorship
When Sony censors for any reason it is also bad.
If there is censorship for any reason call it out you attention whoring dipshits no one cares about your false love bonner for your favorite brand hell if you truly love them you will call out there BS
I've been waiting forever for an active thread about this game, and all I get are seething mongoloids either liking Nintendo's boot or kissing Sony's ass. God this board is awful.
Anyway, as it stands for TMS#FE Encore, we do not know for sure what the game is going too look like in the west. The trailer in all regions showed the character in Op's pic censored, meanwhile the Japanese site has a different character who was censored, uncensored. This could mean they are leaving some things censored in all regions, but keeping other things uncensored as well. We just don't know. What we do know though is that the Japaneses version is available in English, so at least we have that.
And as for my stance on censorship as a whole? I don't like it, no matter who dose it. If a game has too much censorship I don't buy it. That said, if this version is a blend of east and west in all territories, I will not but it if the censored stuff outweighs the uncensored stuff brought back.
.... The dumbest post just because they want a lower rating doesn't make it any less censorship
>Not having a 13 year-old in a thong bikini is unacceptable censorship
Pretty sure they wanted the game to actually get released and carried by major retailers.
Yes it does
>When Nintendo censors a game for any reason it is bad 1St party 3Rd party or to get a lower rating it's still censorship
There is unironically nothing wrong with cutting/changing content to get a different rating. This is not censorship, this is a business decision. They are not bending to public opinion or someone's sensibilities, they want to sell the game and make money doing so.
Yes, it does. Censorship is about intent.
>There is unironically nothing wrong with cutting/changing content to get a different rating.
So Sony never censored anything? I mean they had to put light beams on those pics because otherwise they would be rated AO and you know those games never sell
>I mean they had to put light beams on those pics because otherwise they would be rated AO
Except they're uncensored and not rated AO on Switch/Steam, so you're fucking retarded and your example is wrong
More than "also censored" is a cheap port. They will not uncensore it because it should take time and effort. This is just drop and drag the image file to a new format.
>Same games uncensored on Switch and PC
>Not rated AO
Snoibois making stupid shit up, as usual.
Nothing? They've been censoring the hell out of every single game since 80's.
Yeah, I mean why the fuck did Doom 2016 have fucking green blood?
Censoring libtards is good, what did you think people had consistent beliefs
While I do think you're right in your original post (I'm assuming is you), that's stretching it. The PS4 version of those games are usually even more censored than the Switch version which in itself is censored to get it out of AO or D territory.
Though I don't see why they can't just use the uncensor patch for the original English version and then port that to Switch unless it's far more complicated than that.
>There is unironically nothing wrong with cutting/changing content to get a different rating.
Agreed, but this isn't for that though. This is old Treehouse faggotry still hanging on, and you know the difference because it wasn't that long ago.
Sorry but those games are considered AO by Sony so they had to cut some stuff to be able to sell them, it's not censorship if its a business decision ;)
Basically yes.
>they can't just use the uncensor patch for the original English version
What exactly is an "uncensor patch"
Yes, it is more complicated than that. This is likely just a port of the existing Wii U game, they're not going to go back and localize the entire game again. Just don't buy it and watch it flop again, I don't get why they bothered to change content in the first place when the game is so niche and the target audience doesn't want the content changed.
For all we know the changes were made to retain a T rating, different ratings boards have different standards.
Regardless its the same game because its just a port, I have no idea why anyone expected them to localize the game again.
This. This came out when #FE first came to the states.
Sony is not the ESRB and does not determine what constitutes an AO rating
You can stop shitposting/being a fucking moron now
user that black thing is a kind of smoke, this "censorship" is just a case of bad angled photo on a bad timing. You can still see her tiddies.
Ummm sweety those games are held in a different light by Sony, those are considered AO by them so they obviously have to "censor" them to be able to put them on the market, sorry but that's how things are
>You can stop shitposting/being a fucking moron now
Im not the one who defended censorship though
Enjoy your light beams, Snoiboi
They will sell you weebs the uncensored versions a few years later, To double their profits, And you retards will buy them
Think about it, Why even call it censored if there is not an uncensored version?
Enjoy your censorship nincel.
Enjoy your removed vagina bones and smoke
I didn't, back in 2016, when this was released
Its old as shit and outdated, just like Sony's censorship policies
>For all we know the changes were made to retain a T rating
We know that's not the case because of other Treehouse molested games. This is just them reusing the same stuff again, because it's obviously cheaper than doing it right this time around.
I understand it, I understand why, I understand Treehouse doesn't do shit anymore and barely exists in 2019, I understand Nintendo are pretty fucking cool with boobs and everything, but this re-release is just a product of laziness.
So I guess it's not so much about censorship as it is just settling for a port of the Wii U release instead of giving fans what should have been there from the start.
>Xenoblade X and FE fates have worse censorship than #FE
>FE Fates
That wasn't even the big deal, it was the fucking awful localization for memes.
Seethe harder, PS5 will have its own built-in light bar that projects light rays/beams right into your eyes so they can censor anything and everything based on real-time feedback from journalists in California
>Its old as shit and outdated
Wasnt a lot of Xenoblade and FETH lines butchered because they didnt want to offend westerners?
I'm sorry, when did the port come out? How did people get early copies to find this out?
You seem awfully angry that after years of saying Nintendo would no longer censor you're getting hit with the realization that they never changed
But didn't Fates have the petting minigame removed or was that a different game?
>lines butchered
What is considered butchered in this context?
So, again, don't buy it and laugh at it when it flops a second time.
Niche games like this shouldn't have content changed unless its going to prevent it from being released. The target audience doesn't want it changed, the people its being changed to please don't want the game in the first place.
It makes sense to not have Bayonetta be naked in the E-rated Smash Bros. games, it would potentially cause the rating to go up, which could impact sales, and would likely cause some unease with parents. It does not make sense for niche anime crossover to have cleavage covered up because the target audience wants to see cleavage. Who are they censoring the game for? Who is still going to want the game? No one, and no one.
They aren't censoring anymore, this is a 3 year old game from the dark days of Treehouse butcher shop
Hey man, I'm not the one who's going to get eye AIDS from Snoi Censor-Beams.
>what is self-censorship
A line in 3H about one of the characters being beaten by their partner while on a relationship got changed into something else iirc
a dumb concept
Not applicable to 90% of what you call censorship
Just because you don't like it doesn't make it censorship
The line was about being tied to a chair and then changed to being tied to a chair and asked to keep quiet
You really have to make your own connections in that case
It's kinda sad you have to cling to something that happened a long time ago because Nintendo keep censoring games
>b-b-but this one is old as well
Then if they changed by they havent removed the censorship?
Well I dont mind the sunbeams on Sony's stuff so it's not censorship
How do I become a console warring Mexican, Yea Forums?
So not only do we have OAG shills, but sancuckushills have arrived as well, right down to the same OP format
Enjoy your eye AIDS and Nannystation 5
At least you dont deny the fact Nintendo is still censoring like they have always done
>he thinks what I said was bait
EOPs lose again
everyone is just afraid of the political backlash that comes with cancel-culture. this is the world the west lives in now.
>they dont censor anymore
>that's why they wont bother removing the censorship from this game and give it a better chance of success this time around