How's the Switch version?
How's the Switch version?
silky smooth 15 fps
pretty much just like the ps3 but with a more stable frame rate
It runs well at a stable 30fps.
it's handheld, which is it's best feature
It's serviceable, but not the best port. If you can, get it on PC or PS4 instead so you can enjoy 60 fps.
This. I have DaS on every platform but there's something incredibly comfy about being able to play it portably.
Better than the ps4 version as people actually still play it
I went from playing it on PS4 to Switch and the 60FPS vs 30FPS was noticeable at first but it's fine after you get used to it. Graphics are obviously not as good but it's harder to see on the small screen.
If you're going to be playing docked don't bother, just get the PS4 or Xbox version.
>I am a console nigger
Get a job
Did they ever fix the stanky leg roll?
I still don't get how the full release ended up worse than the demos for it they had before.
Does it really have the original graphics, unaltered?
I have DSR on PC and I still usually play the PTDE because of how they fucked up certain things in the remaster.
Switch if you want it portbale, otherwise PC.
>can afford to get raped by microshaft and shitny
>get a job
you were the cuck all along
PS4 had a playerbase for much longer than PC. I have both version and still played the PS4 version for way longer.
Stop limiting yourself to one platform, you poor nigger.
I work two jobs and I can't afford basic healthcare. :(
terrible sound quality apparently allegedly
Great, worst part is that it's 30fps, but the original was 30 with dips.
I've never had dips throughout the game on switch.
I'm posting from my "gaming" PC,
I will be playing Blasphemous on my Switch later.
Bloodstained Ritual of the Night on my Xbox when I'm off work next week since it's now free with gamepass.
And I might pick up Links Awakening once I finish Blasphemous.
My friend is currently borrowing my PS4 but once I've got it back I'll be playing Days Gone.
What was your problem again user?
Yeah I just made a new character on it and was pretty surprised how many people are still playing it on switch.
are the armor textures really better than the PS4/PC versions? i remember they got all waxy and washed out, where the Switch kind of kept the normal grit
got invaded three times in a row on ps4, the fuck are you on about
I am interested for this idea alone, however at the same time I feel like trying to play Dark Souls comfortably would be fighting an uphill battle
Yes. Even the fog gate effect was reverted to the original version.
Graphics are the same as the original.
>buy Switch version for invasions
>beat Biggie Smalls
>want MLGS cus INT build
>remember I have to beat 4K first if I want the good PVP covenant
>drop the game
I should really go back and finish. How active is end game PVP?
they should port bloodborne on switch desu
These are true.
Yeah, it has the original textures and lighting which makes it the only version of the re-release worth playing.
awful dont do it
Unironically better lighting than the pc/xbox/ps4 version but the audio in the game is compressed to fuck so it sounds really bad