>The Last of Us 2 new footage, will mainly feature old Joel on the hunt, detailed will be several key elements relating to the plot for the 2nd half of the game focusing on Joel.
>Modern Warfare will have a trailer detailing parts of the campaign, it's intense depictions of violence will be present in this
>GRID get's breakdown trailer for Multiplayer modes
>Ghost of Tsushima, special editions shown off at the end of a "cinematic" trailer with a release date. The steelbook and in-game bonuses. No actual gameplay
>Spirit Hunter: NG first detailed look at gameplay in a story trailer
>Promotional trailer to hype Destiny 2: New Light the free to play version and Shadowkeep expansion
>Dreams gets a full version release date
>Last Labyrinth and Concrete Genie footage whilst Sony heads discuss the future of VR, indie success and the new upcoming VR Horror project
>At the end there'll be the showcasing of the brand new Super Slim PlayStation 4 in Black for $250 releasing early 2020. Expect pre-orders to then be available