>tfw vidya piracy is legal here
Tfw vidya piracy is legal here
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Truly the most based nation on Earth. Past and present
they have enought money to buy all games they want
>tfw you have one of the laxest gun laws in the world and the lowest murder rate with a gun murder rate even lower than ausfailia now
It's kinda grey area in a lot of countries. i'd say in most countries nobody really cares
is it? pretty sure it covers only music and movies. can you cite the law that says software piracy is legal?
leck eier
usa rednecks got more money than us now. Its only downhill from here
In some cucked countries you can get letters from your ISP for pirating.
Reminder the EU cucked us with extra gun laws because muh schengen
>16 year old prostitutes were legal a couple of years ago
weed is legal nationwide too. up to 10 grams.
So they finally got rid of that g*rman """"language"""" and accepted the superior français like Luxembourg?
Once I tried to hack other peoples pc with a rat.
Got a letter from isp telling me I got a virus and should clean it up
>leck eier
nice falseflag amerimutt
america need to fix their shit with the new generation
Cannabis that contains more than 1.0% THC is classified as an illegal drug in Switzerland retard
they did not, you retard. Schweizer Franken. go fuck yourself.
Yes and no. Not much changed for semi autos except magazine sizes. You need to apply for an exemption permit if you want standard size capacity mags. It must be issued to you if you're not legally disbarred from owning guns, it is unlike the fullauto permit which cantons can deny for no reason
This permit is issued so as long as you're a member in a gun club, a collector, OR someone who goes to a gun range once a year which you need to prove after five years. So you don't have to join a gun club to get a permit for 30 round magazines, you only need to prove that you go to a gun range at least once a year AFTER five years.
In short it's still really easy. I think they will only check that you go to a shooting range once a year in leftist cantons like geneva. Uri and ticino cops don't give a shit.
That being said the SP bugmen said the directive should have been way stricter on twitter. Plus the eu is guaranteed to come back for more.
Always vote SVP
>implying it's because of the law and not because of the lack of n*ggers
you have a lot to learn
america is too muttified to own guns
>Have to pay co2 taxes when flying
>Flying barely does jackshit to co2
>Have to pay even more taxes for other countries now
Fuck this planet for being gay
>voting against your own interest
fuck SVP
Based, I'm Eastern European so I'm pirate by default
Switzerland didn't fall for the EU scam and their cuck laws.
>>Flying barely does jackshit to co2
It does way more than cars brainlet
Iirc Ticino was the only canton with most votes against it
>Always vote SVP
>voting for marxist bugmen who want to flood the nation with more third worlders is surely in your interest goy!
Gas yourself.
*for now
Germfag here, I wish we had your laws. I managed to build a fairly decent collection but fuck, you guys just have it so much better than us. I also want a cheap(er) Sig 550 and P210
>Live in hochpreisinsel schweiz
>People say you make great money
>They dont realize that you also pay great money
>Abuse the wohnen near the grenze deutschlands system
>Buy shit 20x cheaper there
>Get additional tax return
Feels good pirating in real life too
>10 grams of a narcotic containing an effective concentration of cannabinoids constitutes a negligible quantity.2
oh no no no no, imagine being as retarded such as yourself
buying it is still illegal dummy
meant for op
Cars or flying doesnt matter. And it doesnt do much to co2 either.
Youre just gonna pay a nice tax on top for the jews
what happened to the rest of the flag?
>voting for rich fags who only want to fill their own pockets
you first
we are a smol country
>moving the goal posts
oh no no no no
how do rich fags fill their pockets when the country is full of brown people who almost always vote in dictators who end up killing rich people?
>still not proving that it's legal
Only music and movies, pirating software is not legal. Prove me wrong.
Seething g*rman. They will
still a lesser evil. if only there was a pro-worker nationalist party. really makes you think
who the fuck cares? Even if its higly illegal, nobody would care.
>absolute retarded argument
>votes for SVP
no surprise there
ZOG is afraid of an armed German population, if you had guns you might rebel against them again.
pick two
kys trannyera
I cant vote because im albaner
ill take highly and retard
It is unironically because of the compulsory military service. Which will at least instill a modicum of responsibility in people.
People in Switzerland are insane.
>Need to take a piss past 10pm
>Police arrives
>mfw I finished my service this year
This may be true, but why does Liechtenstein get a full-sized flag?
Nice of you to share with your little brother like that
Liechtenstein is the based Switzerland desu
New Hampshire has no mandatory military service but also has tons of guns and next to no gun crime, so that can't be it.
>rich fags
>would self destruct in case they were attacked
>"neutral" during both world wars
>nothing relevant from them, cultural, cullinary or history wise
Are they the hidden goblins of europe?
Virgin frenchies
>Unwilling to learn german nor english
>Their numbers get increasingly smaller as the most important cities of Switzerland are in the german speaking parts
>Lower quality of life in general
>Full of poor imigrated sandniggers
>Chad Switzerdeutsch
>Can speak 3 languages fluently
>The biggest cities stay clean and civilised.
>No rapist brown junkies roaming the streets at night
>Would rather pay a fine so they can tell refugees to fuck off from their territory
frenchies are cucks and soon to be extinct from their own failures
the real reason is that soldiers used the white cross as a symbol and the red background came later. and since military flags are square it stuck like that
>tfw I don't give a fuck if it's legal or not, I have a VPN
They very much did, they're a democracy and those are jew-led.
>>The biggest cities stay clean and civilised.
>>No rapist brown junkies roaming the streets at night
this is wrong though. At least in the recent years
>implying the german immigrants coming here (even if mostly doctors) arent leftist niggers
Makes sense because of the martial background the country has
Truly interesting history, always like to read about the pikemen
here in pooland when we had compulsory military service people could learn from it only two things: how to drink and how to steal
Are you getting that 550 when you're done?
Those are the only two things slavs ever learn though. If woman you learn how to whore as well.
So even the mountain jews have fallen.
What, are you crazy? No.
Its lying in my dresser right now. Not sure what Ill do with it. Might buy some ammo just in case.dont know if I can just walk into a store and buy some rounds
Take up competitive shooting, I thought that shit is big over there. Shit's fun.
Here in Mexico you can pirate anything and no one gives a shit.
We don't have ISPs nagging us and telling us to stop like apparently Americans do.
You pay your ISP and they give you internet. What you do with it is not their problem.
>Here in Mexico you can pirate anything and no one gives a shit
Just like everywhere else, but is it literally legal?
stop pretending to be swiss you fucking g*rman. Swiss love France, see WW2
Im not THAT swiss
maybe Ill sell it, a huge rifle like that isnt really practical for home security
You can. You need an ID (and if the store vendor ask) a copy of your criminal record.
You can request the latter online or from a post office. You can buy ammo online and have it shipped to your house
Comment vous dites dans votre langue déjà? Ah oui. Mange tes morts.
Grüssle :)
Don't be a homo, user. /k/ would hate you forever
>fucking blinx the time sweeper
I imagine everything is legal in Sweden. Because I don't know anything about it other than pocket knives, meatballs, and pewdiepie. Pretty sure naked guys skinny dip with other guys in freezing cold water.
>That's the Swiss flag
I don't know anything about them either.
Self defense with a rifle is not "legal" in Switzerland btw. FYI keep your cleaning kit out at all times.
>known for being neutral
>has a plus sign on flag
its reverse psychology
What kind of idiot burger wrote this.
The minus sign is the missing flag chunk.
Germans are allowed to own guns. Its just a big hassle.
has switzerland made any GOOD games? is there any games set in switzerland?
They are the literal centristchads
It is swissbro? I wasn't even aware
Yu know that publicity "stealing X, never, Piracy? never!!" is that a french one?
So we're allowed to download but not to share right?
swiss and germans
literally the two forces that destroy europe once every century
More like Stinkx the Toilet Sweeper, am I right?
Pretty sure they have lax gun laws but really strict laws about ammo, your picture even seems to touch on this fact. That's how it was last time I checked anyway. If anything they show how intelligent gun control (ie not, take all weapons from everybody) is a good thing.
No they are literal Dwarves. They have a ridiculous amount of bunkers they can scurry into.
Swiss are just the jews of the Germanic tribes. Prove me wrong. Pro tip: you can't.
fix your fucking flag retard jesus christ looking gay as fuck with your dipshit ass square with a fucking half-assed swastika in it
whats with the random shit? Is that a /k/ thing?
>You can go around carrying it loaded
Well, this pretty much resolves the entire question of carrying weapons
Not if you play it smart
>t. german who just bought his 12th gun after 3 1/2 years of shooting
Was in switzerland for 6 weeks for work related matters in Bern and Thun. Great country and it really opens the eyes how we in Germany get deceived and the whole country is going down the drain.
How's life there? As in
>Qualty of life for normal people
>job market
>real estate
>how expensive is shit like food assuming you cook everything from home
Is she from the 80´s?
BKA ist informiert.
But this goes against everything conservatives in the US are obsessed with, at the least the people who demand the right to openly carry a loaded weapon so they can shoot any perceived bad guys. In America this would not be viewed by the pro 2nd amendment crowd as lax, for many of them this is a near worst case scenario.
no shes from E3 2019
>TFW want to work there but afraid I'll get fucked over in taxes since USA taxes everyone regardless of where they live on top of Switzerland being expensive af
Ok P*erre
>>Qualty of life for normal people
>>job market
>>real estate
Even worse
>>how expensive is shit like food assuming you cook everything from home
Pretty good
Built for asian men
>Need an ID
>Some guns need a permit
Do it nogger, the Waffenbehörde knowns about every single one of them. I know a guy with a hunting-license who bought 27 in the same timespan
most of these depend on where you are
near/in city or country side?
Id say quality of life is good everywhere
job market is ok if you are educated
real estate is fucking expensive in city/outside city but ok on the countryside
food is expensive compared to coutrys around switzerland but you also earn more so it evens out
>job market
I thought you guys didn't outsource stuff. If that's not the problem, why is it shit? Too competitive/crowded?
Pick one
Why the fuck are your motorways only 120kph and extremely twisty, small and deadly mountain roads are 80kph? If you do 80 on some of them you die. Is this to troll non mountain people?
we like to drift
Switzerland isn't very big, the biggest industries here are shit like Watch making. Fuck off we're full.
What about doctors?
>I thought you guys didn't outsource stuff.
They all end up moving to Germany or the USA
we dont have enough medical staff so we get a lot from germany
Well Switzerland is still evil and here's the proof
Good thing they get regularly blown the fuck out by EU. Just like britcucks.
>being triggered that prostitutîon is illegal
its the oldest trade for a reason you fucks
>mfw Switzerland shot down amerilard planes that violated their airspace and locked the americans up in a concentration camp run by a Swiss nazi, and got away with it completely
>"115 internees refused to work. Three times we gave the command to work. It was refused. We examined all 115 men's pockets, left nothing therein as the handkerchiefs, and we locked all in a barrack. We told them at the same time, that they only would get food when they were working. During 14 days we left these 115 men without any food. On the 14th day, they told us to die. Our answer was: Since man can live 24 days without food and drink, we'll order the doctor to day 23. Some hours later, they demanded to eat. We said: There are 57 shovels and 58 pickaxes. If you'll have worked for an hour, you'll get food. An hour later, after 60 minutes of work, 114 men were eating. The 115th endured 17 days. Then he ate."
Based Swiss teaching Amerifats how to diet and work out.
>bragging about their history as far back as the 20s
I'm guessing they won't also mention that they had one of the most comprehensive eugenics programs in the world.
the only people who live in New Hampshire are retired military boomers
>I live in the country that made this video
lord kill me
>90 seconds on prostitutes
Those swiss bastards finally found out how to make use of immigrants. That video like a comedy sketch
Why are women so attracted to germs?
swisfag here
you can literally buy ammo with nothing but a background check, if you're not a felon that is
they have entire bases inside hollowed out mountains
wasn't there an american pilot who literally got raped by russians in one of those camp?
based swiss
Wow those swedes are fucking butthurt lul.
Honest question: How hard would it be to emigrate to Switzerland for someone from Eastern Europe? Lithuania, specifically. I've always wanted to live in a little shack on a hill surrounded by the grass like they have in those commercials and milk my own cow in the morning... drink some tea from my porch while cleaning my bolt action which i'll use to go hunt rabbits later.....yeah, that'd be the life.... How much money do you need to have? Do you need to learn German/French or is English enough? Do they even accept foreigners? please explain...thank...
You can fuck off if you dont want to learn the language of the country you are immigrating to
Right but you can't carry around a loaded weapon correct? Because many Americans demand the right to do so.
okay but which one should I learn
unironically a group of screaming chimps
How many years until Sweden's policies drive that country fully into the ground so we all can have a good laugh?
why would you want that? Can't you do the same in Lithuania?
Say you want the Baltic Duchy and learn German or French. If you are some welfare subhuman, don't try.
as a Swiss, I can confirm but it's absolutely hilarious how butthurt the germfags get
Imagine having the fucking GALL to criticize another country for having legal prostitution. It's been proven time and again that when it's legal it can be regulated and the proper authorities can make sure everybody is safe.
vous vous alez motherfucker oder so oder thats why I ASKED its almost like there is no SWISS language and i wanted to know if getting by on ENGLISH is possible
No. There are no such things as hills in Lithuania. The grass here is not luscious as it is in the milka commercials and the cows are depressed so they dont give enough milk (serious). Also if you want to get a gun you have to go through a fucking bureaucratic council evaluation and pointless shit its nauseating
are there any stories of americans that survived being captured by the soviets?
Every single prostitute will tell you that making prostitution illegal is not in their interest or in the iterest of sex traffic victims.
These kind of feminists don't want to help prostitutes. They are bourgeoisie prudes who want to impose their morality on other people.
based. g*rms and their """"language"""" genocided when
Not that user but I currently live in the Netherlands. Would learning German be enough? I remember that the Swiss were able to speak German in most places and I've been to both Lausanne and Lugano. I kinda fell in love with the country when I visited it. I probably will try to move there one day. Looking for an opportunity to a PHD there too.
German is easier and the best parts of switzerland are the german parts. The issue is that the swiss are no talking standard german with each other.
Lausanne UNI is pretty neat.
English would actually be more usefull there because most people speak very little German even though we are supposed to learn it for like 5 to 8 years.
Why do you hate night showers?
>need an id
Everyone has one
Takes a week to get
Our laws are better than cali
I speak English too. Thanks for the recommendation.
>says this as leftists in the US push for a ban on common semiautos
you have to understand cheap housing is mostly filled to the brim with old people who have been living there all their life and now feel the need to police anyone who doesn't follow the "rules". If you rent an apartment in a newer block nobody gives a shit because there's a shitload of foreigners in the first place who don't even know you're not supposed to flush your boxer shorts and socks down the shitter.
How come they don't have school shootings? You can't say lack of blacks because it's the white kids that shoot up schools
american kids are not white
sorry this is for you
You mean Jewish
Midwest is
americans think having weapons is a right
europeans think having weapons is a responsibility
what's the best english-speaking country for a life around comfy vidya?
fuck off
Some tax haven in the Caribbean
Piracy is legal everywhere except dystopian shitholes like USA, UK and Germany.
how much dicks you have to suck to get a swiss visa?
nobody cares about piracy in the USA unless you're downloading big budget movies/music on release week
20 to 40 max
and Japan. It's a federal crime there. They catch you with a copy of Super Mario World on a usb key and you go to pound me in the ass prison for 10+ years. It's why they largely don't bother with DRM unless they're planning to sell to the US or third world shitholes.
brexit means brexit
You fucking idiotic eurofaggots. I swear, you have to be the stupidest "smart" people on the goddamn planet. The current population of Switzerland is 8,605,179 as of Thursday, September 19, 2019, based on the latest United Nations estimates. That's less than 10 million mostly homogenous ethnically and culturally. OF FUCKING COURSE you don't have problems. It's like a fat bitch bragging about her tits. Go fuck yourselves.
they're smart because they kept their country pure you stupid mutt. I hope you get shanked by a nigger
>That's less than 10 million mostly homogenous ethnically and culturally
that's not true at all, blue is EU foreigners and red is the rest of the world. This is from 2012. The situation is even worse now.
Do you think any of us are unaware of that? Americans are still responsible for the state of their country, it's your retarded fault.
>You fucking idiotic eurofaggots. I swear, you have to be the stupidest "smart" people on the goddamn planet. The current population of Switzerland is 8,605,179 as of Thursday, September 19, 2019, based on the latest United Nations estimates. That's less than 10 million mostly homogenous ethnically and culturally. OF FUCKING COURSE you don't have problems. It's like a fat bitch bragging about her tits. Go fuck yourselves.
>Immigration and interracial relationships are urban myths in Switzerland!
How can I tell that you're a retarded /pol/ burger.
it's much more lower than america you idiot
what does it say. i dont speak subhuman
which one?
will I be able to afford anything?
what's the internet there gonna be like?
Why make anything when it's legal for everyone to pirate? We have IP laws for a reason.
Its true tho.
Same, piracy is legal in my country.
Then stop using braind dead /pol/ buzzwords if you're argument is "lower". Swiss is liberal as they fucking come.
Get out of your burger man cave and explore Europe one of this days. If your minimum wage paycheck can cover half a day in Luxembourg, you'll notice that people injecting in the streets because they're too shy to hit the medical houses are as common as people of color cruising around. Niggers, coons, other Europeans. Indians are constantly denied entrance because most of them just want to smooch off the economy.
I'm Swiss but I'm getting the fuck out of here as soon as I can. Shit's gonna get real fucked soon.
also where are you going
you coping mutt. Half your country is filled with subhumans and you dare belittle Switzerland by calling it "liberal". According to you there is no difference between having 1 nigger and a million niggers.
I've been living here for 25 years (since I was born) and I can tell you there are a lot of immigrants.
It doesn't matter much though, least not to my generation, since most are normal people like everyone else.
I guess higher living standards and proper education + health care goes long ways.
how will you survive in the most expensive country in europe if you are not employed?
Which are the worst and best immigrants in your opinion?
shit is about to go down here I can feel it
We're gonna get hit with the aftermath of a system too good for its own good.
Too many offers for not enough demands. People who spent over 10 years in education about to get a serious wake up call when not even that is enough to get a job.
I'll go wherever I feel it, might have a few friends that could accommodate me while I work on my writing.
Blacks account for about 60% of all gun homicides and over 50% of crime. Most violent crime by blacks goes unreported, and most crime by whites is sensationalized.
t. American
This is the only meme you have and it isn't even correct. Man, I can't wait til my fellow Americans realize that Europe is the enemy and the future is reinforcing the Anglosphere.
>make 99999€/second
>still pirate games
Fuck swissniggers
job market there is poor?
What's the difference between a Switz and a Swede?
The Switz has an assful of money and the Swede has an assful of nigger cum?
Yeah, and it's getting worse. The country sure taught us to be efficient at our craft, but not to be independent. If there's one thing nobody can change about us is the fact that we are and will always be a small country. And despite that we insist on keeping the same mentality even if it doesn't fit our needs because no one would dare to say our system is flawed (because what we do better than anyone else is relativism so the discussion ends the moment someone say we're at least better than x)
>tfw french swiss
If only you knew the horrors i have to witness. Let me tell you, i speak french but french people are the most cancerous people on the planet. Holy fucking shit. Literal roaches.
What canton, faggot?
Because once we start gymnase, you choose either German or Italian. Now, German is objectively more useful, but good lord is it weird and difficult.
t. Lausannois
But what does brexit mean?
I'm Swiss and I've been taking cold showers at 2AM for years and never had any problems. If my neighbors minded then they're too much of a beta bitch to tell me about it or to call the cops on me.
My sisters work at Bern in the immigrant department and she can barely muster a 5 word sentence in German. She still works there and earn her salary. German is a meme, just know English and you'll be fine, can't say your working environment will be any pleasant though since Swissgerms are subhumans.
I think you're being generous here. Sooner.
20 years until Sweden implodes AT MOST.
Feels good to know Sweden caved in while Switzerland kept their shit together.
The worst one.
kek who in his right mind think of making this
Sup, fellow Vaudfag
Bullshit. Either way it's a problem most likely related to shitty isolation between walls more than anything else.
Nobody likes banksters. Especially not a nation surviving on them like a banana republic
I said the worst one, come on are you even trying. Get a clue it begins with GE.
Reminder that several Swedish counties are on the verge of bankruptcy but counties can't go bankrupt since legally the citizens are just required to pay more and more taxes. That is after the fact that Sweden already has some of the highest taxes in the world.
Switzerland had always been more badass than Sweden, excluding the Gustavus Adolphus era of Sweden.
>implying Geneva is worse than Vaud
My English is decent enough, so no worries there. It's still helpful to know a little bit of German. I'm starting at the UNIL next year and I don't have many other useful alternatives in literature, unfortunately.
But I completely agree on you about those retarded swissgerms. Not only is their dialect/accent incomprehensible, but the always tend to chimp out in some way if you don't understand or speak German.
>pirating and loliporn is allowed in switzerland
no wonder melonpan lives there
This country is MEGA BASED
anything goes with the swiss.
nobody understands us but other swissfags, that's why we immediately switch to normal german for the germanfags and austriafags and english for anyone else.
I feel for you. I don't want to hate Swiss germans but every encounters I had with them they were absolutely insufferable.
“You know what the fellow said – in Italy, for thirty years under the Borgias, they had warfare, terror, murder and bloodshed, but they produced Michelangelo, Leonardo da Vinci and the Renaissance. In Switzerland, they had brotherly love, they had five hundred years of democracy and peace – and what did that produce? The cuckoo clock.”
So the changes to gun laws affected guns with magazines over ten rounds? If you buy the same gun with a ten round mag you just need the regular weapon acquisition permit?
If you wanted magazines with more rounds you apply for the new permit, right? I heard you don't need to be a member of a gun club but only prove you shoot at a gun range once a year after five years?
>mountain jews let the pleb contribute to humanity while they sit on their fat goldbux eating tendiecheeses and benefit for free
The embodiment of neetdom, based
I wonder how is their neetbux system
NEET here, like 1300$ per month.
i like how everyone who criticizes neetbux just projects what they themselves would do. speaks more about you than the people collecting it
>tfw a country can't afford a full length flag
the cuckoo clock isn't swiss
Why so defensive neetbro? NEETdom is the Apex of existence, I didn't criticize anything in my post
late reply but i wouldn't say there's much of a difference
I grew up with many immigrants and native swiss people in all my classes, most being muslims (turkish) or albanians
I think, by far, albanians are the worst if I'd have to say one because they often steal and act tough, on top of having that "we're immigrants so we don't fit in, so we should look at native swiss as enemies" which is the most retarded way of thinking honestly
it only leads to them never developing good language skills as well as acting alien to the culture in some ways, sometimes their parents are actually proud that their kids aren't native swiss despite being born here and living most of their life here
I come from an immigrant background (croatian) and was born and raised in Switzerland. Both of my parents are native croatians born in croatia, but I speak better german than my mother tongue. Because of this, I was welcomed to those "immigrant groups" that were always formed during school and shit, so I know how they think like. When I was 14 I used to think it's a good thing to not be native Swiss as well but that has changed completely.
Now I'm in university and what I noticed is that about 90% of the students here are all native swiss (based on their names) which really makes you think. Immigrants just settle with stupid shit and act different rather than trying to embrace the culture here which then leads to most of their kids not getting higher education among other things.
That said, crime rate is certainly not a problem here.
but you clearly only think subhuman.
But are the Swiss happy? If so, they've succeeded.
Fuck you. Don't abandon your homeland.
And don't contribute to the continued ruining of Switzerland. They're already a third non-Swiss.
Non-Swiss people shouldn't live in Switzerland.
>Cuckoo clock
>Aus Drittstaaten
In my language "dritt" means "shit"
Red cross has a country?
Go to bed you irrelevant fjordnigger, this is a big boys thread only
But I want freedums too ;_;
Norway is a small country. Why can't we be like Swissfags, with their real democracy and their freedom to own guns and whatnot?
>tfw piracy is illegal here and no one cares because every other person does it and it's impossible to process it all
A norwegian owned a gun once. He killed more Norwegians than the Nazi occupation did. You can't handle guns and your /int/ general is the worst thing I've ever seen so it's clear you're not developed enough to join our club.
Can't really argue with that.
I love Norway and Norwegians. Nice people
t. has been to Trondheim in 2013
You're so stupid that your reply isn't even relevant to what you're replying to.
France, The current population of France is 65,160,814 as of Wednesday, September 18, 2019, based on the latest United Nations estimates. More than 40 million blacks live in the United States, making up around 13% of the nation's population, according to 2016 Census Bureau estimates. Those intentional homicides you "so cleverly" referenced? 3 or 4 are done by these vibrant people.
Honestly, are Europeans just completely incapable of understanding that our problem is darkies?
Anders is literally playing video games right now. It's all he ever does
If you consider stuck up autists mumbling when you ask a question, sure. Never seen anyone so hurried to be left alone
Yeah, COD. That's worse than torture.
What a shame. He doesn't deserve this, he just did what he thought was right
Norwegian here,
Can confirm that's how most of us are.
At least in the south, around Oslo. Go north or west if you want sociable loudmouths.
>Old CODs
Kys you dumb nigger.
>gen3 babby
As an Italianfag I can only tell you Swissfags don't know how to drive outside of their country.
Everytime they come on the north of Italy they drive like fucking maniacs, park like retards, and act like they are the king of the roads, even when driving stupid hybrid tuna cans.
There is not much else I can say about Swissfags, they are cool people.
>killed Norwegians
They were literally cultural marxists and traitors - they 100% deserved it you dumb nigger
This. There's no such thing as a norwegian anymore. They're all marxists, even the ones who pretend not to be. That's why killing every norwegian is the duty of the global humanity. They're a lost race and there's no saving socialists.
ok Schwiizer
>no no, the blonde blue eyed girls aren't norwegian
Well subverted, schlomo, make the Norwegians no longer consider each other Norwegians! Only ideals matter, not race!
>This is your brain /pol/
Are Swiss girls cute? I heard they have unrealistic standards when even they're not content with rich Swiss men
Don't even try. They're pretty racist