Convince me not to install Epic Games Store please
Convince me not to install Epic Games Store please
literal malware
It should convince you just by looking at it lmao
is there a way to duck any of these launchers into not snooping your info? I'd rather pirate honestly
/Thread but whatever I'll bite.
>Shitty business practices that are purposefully trying to fuck over the market
>Generally shit launcher missing tons of features
Need I go on? Only faggots and normies use that shit.
Just pirate them. Skip the middleman.
Why don't you just pirate? You don't need the launcher and the devs are already paid.
This, I've been doing it for years now.
List of Epic's freebies till NOW:
LEGO Batman Trilogy Pack
Batman: Arkham Collection
The End is Nigh
Hyper Light Drifter
Mutant Year Zero: Road to Eden
Alan Wake
For Honor
This War of Mine
Last Day of June
Rebel Galaxy
Enter the Gungeon
Kingdom New Lands
World of Goo
Stories Untold
City of Brass
The Witness
Slime Rancher
Thimbleweed Park
Axiom Verge
The Jackbox Party Pack
What Remains of Edith Finch
Super Meat Boy
Shadow Complex
if it's free then you can legally pirate it
I'm gonna keep grabbing the free shit and buying vbucks because I genuinely enjoy Fortnite but I give formal written permission for anyone to shoot me in the head the moment I spend even a cent on the EGS.
>tfw you install it for the free games but haven't bought shit on there
Those games are also free on the pirate bay.
Did you also jump in the van when the creepy man offered you free candy?
I'm not going to try to convince someone who is drooling over the thought of capeshit games they could have gotten for free years ago already.
Pirate them, Gabe Newell and Tim Sweeney can choke on my fucking cock
Tim Sweeney agreed but leave Gabe the fuck out of this. He doesn't deserve any of this garbage.
>I'm going to keep giving my money to Epic but shoot me in the head the moment I give any money to Epic.
Buying ingame microtransactions is giving money to Epic. Buying games through the Chinese-owned Epic Store is donating money to the communist Chinese government.
There's a big difference.
Why isn't Origin in there? It's the only one I don't own. Lame.
what happened to the other thread to be deleted?
wtf all those games have mac versions but theyre not on here
fuck epic
They're using free games to get you to use their shitty client, doesn't that tell you enough? They're technically paying you to use their client.
SEETHING valve jannies
Take your meds steamie or you will kill yourself after Tim takes over
You could pay me to do worse
Is being pro-consumer bad now?
>MFW got almost all of these with Humble Bundle monthly
>MFW i don't have to install spyware to play them
you honestly dont havve to install the launcher to get these free games. all you need is an account to redeem these pieces of garbage games that youll never play
Valve is the only pro-consumer company involved in this whole thing. Epic Games, with their egregious microtransactions and lootboxes that prey on the wallets of children, are about as far from pro-consumer as you can possibly get.
>don't have to install spyware to play them
Okay now THIS is EPIC
You know, i can't fucking tell if you are being sarcastic or not
And you need to be a Windows user, despite the fact that many of those games have Mac and Linux versions on Steam, GOG, and Humble Store. Epic? More like Epic FAIL LMAO.
It'd probably help if English was your first language instead of Chinese.
Can you install the EGS without installing Fagnite?
yeah man all you have to do is give all your login and credit card information to a random insecure website
>Muh china
>Free shit
>Buying vbucks
Dumb zoomie, you are funding the free shit. Thank you for the free games zoomie.
How are you even attempting to spin that into a bad thing?
WTF? Are you serious? Of course you can
Because it's basically bribery. They're not doing any of this out of the kindness of their heart, they're doing it to attract more people to their platform.
If the free games would actually be good.
Who the fuck cares about bamham?
>Buying vbucks directly
No you can't it forces you to install Fortnite along with the EGS installation.
I prefer getting my games for free, why pay when you don't have to?
who doesn't have all the bam ham games at this point? they've been on sale/humble bundle tons of times
hell they already gave them away for free (origins included) as compensation for the knight launch fiasco
*uninstalls Steam*
Huh weird, I could install it without Fortnite
Is it free to play only durin the week or do I get it for free permanently in my library?
permanently obviously
Holy fuck those are some decent games. Too bad Steam drones will never experience their sequels which will be EGS exclusive...sigh
>Convince me not to install Epic Games Store
you seem to have brain damage already, so you shouldn't have own money or freedom
You didn't
If you download egs not from fortnite site it will not install fortnite.
can't play without internet no matter which game
I've just made the account and got the game, never actually installed anything.
Funny, that's the only one I own I also got it for free
imagine being so retarded you dont know how to torrent
Same and I have yet to play any of them.
i would but chink bots kept attempting to login to my account and i had to delete it
Do I actually need a VPN?
Such as?
I can't believe Borderlands 3 has been out for a full fucking week and I haven't been able to play it because of the Epic Gay Store.
I don't understand why even bother with the Batman games, if you cared about them you'd own them by now. Hell I bought the GOTY version of Arkham Knight for like 5 bucks like 2 years ago.
Steam tranny jannies are deleting threads about this. Wonder why?
>Shills in pirate threads say it's a botnet
>The same shills in epic threads say it's also a botnet so people should instead use another botnet.
Steamdrones getting really desperate.
>Holy fuck those are some decent games.
That I played and owned years ago when they first released
It's a Fortnite launcher like the PS4 is a Youtube app launcher
This. Steam drones are sad
>game is free
>epic jew has to pay publisher everytime redeems the free copy
>make thousands of accounts and redeem the free games
>epic loses all their fortnite money
Oh shit, free games that I already own, thanks Tim.
Apparently the Epic version of Arkham Knight is Denuvo free so that's something.
>not having πrated those games already at this point
It's imposible to convince a retard
>inb4 spyware:
Hope they enjoy the 2TB of cheese pizza