Are gamers the most pathetic demographic?
Are gamers the most pathetic demographic?
Nah that’s trannys
But all trannies are gamers? In fact, gaming had the highest crossover of trannies and neckbeards. Even more than anime
Steam vs Epic is not comparable to console wars.
It's more Gamers vs Developers than Console v Console
fact: I would 100% play fortnite if it was first person only.
The graphics are okay. The waifus are cool. The game design is alright.
Can't really be a console war like Nintendo vs Sega because nobody actually likes Epic.
But randy and his made up numbers states otherwise!
No, that's christians
>comparing paralympics to the normal olympics
>Nah it's tranny-loving zoomers
genocide the touchscreen generation and watch how fast all consolewar shitposting goes away
Is it really a war if only one side is fighting?
>"monopoly is bad"
>Epic Games Launcher comes out
>"oh wow, wtf is this shit. EPIC BAD, STEAM GOOD"
>Are gamers the most pathetic demographic?
yes, they're tasteless consumers who will literally buy anything they're told to. it's why marketing budgets are larger than development budgets. the game itself really only exists as a vehicle to sell hype. it's part of a problem with "nerd culture" at large
Steam only has a de facto "monopoly" because that's where everyone releases their games. They don't engage in monopolistic practices to stifle competition like paying developers to put their games exclusively on Steam.
How dare epic game store have the gall, the fucking GALL, to launch their own platform and acquire exclusives to push it. That is unhealthy to the free market! Those are anti consumer practices, and I, as an ethical capitalist won't have it
this is a non-issue, other publisher game launchers have existed for years
Man, i really wish Epic would Tiananmen Square Massacre and i know your fucking discord channel you fucking faggots It would be the beat thing ever.
It's only an issue because shovelware devs wont shut up about it on twitter and retards on Yea Forums keep getting baited.
>get both
>get best deals from each
>get unique releases from each
I don't understand whats the need for a "war" to begin with.
>That is unhealthy to the free market!
Yes it is. Rather than compete on the features of their store and the ecosystem they offer to users, they just hold games hostage instead. They have no incentive to improve their store now because they don't have to. If you want to play those games you have to use it whether you like it or not. This is unarguably bad for consumers.
>they aren't competing with features, only video games, that makes the video game market unhealthy. I need a shopping cart!
It's not even Epic VS. Steam anymore. Epic is just too good of a store for Steam to compare, it's the future and (((Valveshills))) are shaking.
So you admit they produce nothing of value on their own. They exist solely as parasites that can only achieve any measure of success by engaging in anti-competitive practices.
>acquiring exclusives
>creating the most popular game of all time
>not competitive
epicstore is a fucking spyware. my kaspersky goes off when i install this garbage. i sincerely hope egs gets hacked and the data they mined goes out with it.
Acquiring exclusives is the opposite of competition retardo. It means other stores literally cannot compete by offering the game in their own ecosystem. You think that's good for consumers? Imagine if you went to your local grocery store to buy cereal and milk only find that Walmart had bought the exclusive rights to sell milk. So now you have to go to multiple grocery stores just to put together a meal. Does that honestly sound good for consumers to you?
Okay Chang we get it
Never forget about the Tiananmen Square Massacre while you shill on Yea Forums
Cry me a river
Unironically, that's the sort of thing actual monopolies did.
that would be people making shit stirring threads on Yea Forums just to be able to feel at least something, even if it is just joy at "trolling" people
>console players not only settle for 30 FPS, but defend it, in 2019
You tell me
Its about defending steam at all you retarded faggot. I don't mind using GOG, at least they don't practice gay shit like epic.
Yep white boy now cope :)
What is wrong with you?
It's the only thing this board is good for and the site staff condone it.
That falls under the gamer demographic
you are a worthless brain damaged retard
>A literal snoygger.
>its about defending steam
And he admits it
Imagine being married to a store.
not every gamer browses Yea Forums
good thing I'm merely pretending
But everyone on Yea Forums has played a game though, usual tens of games
Take your meds steamie
Someone post that image of the epic shill discord.
What is there to cope? Almost all those games are on PC. If you used something better than a toaster to take the photo I could even count the exclusives (probably on one hand).
I fucking hate SteamID and how they record everything. Do I really have to make a new Steam account to erase my cringe /pol/ past?
Wish they erased your info.
Never said that you autistic mouth breather. I know you chinks have gotta take any job you can get but surely you can do better?
>Yea Forums
>playing games
good joke
never forget martin luther king
One word, Darwina
>"Muh dick"
>never forget martin luther king
I'm not American, why should I care.
>be zoomer retard
>start playing (PC) games after 2008
>"wow this is so convenient a single storefront just like my consoles!"
>things finally start splitting up into a fragmented, open platform like PC is supposed to be
Fuck off retard, thank God Steam's monopoly is breaking up, this is how PCs are supposed to be. Go back to consoles, that's where you belong, and they work exactly like you want them to.
inb4 "b-but it's all different closed DRM platforms!"
That's not at all your worry, dumb consoleshit, if closed DRM platforms were your worry then why the fuck were you ok with Steam? No, you just hopped onto PC thinking it was another console, and you steered PC in that direction for far too long.
I wish we could go back to purely physical with no "omg so convenient" DRMs to tie up all the games in one window.
Oh no, strawman arguments posted alongside le ebin wojak variation #37146, how will user ever recover from this?
I saw you post the exact same shit in another thread, kill yourself nigger.
>Are gamers the most pathetic demographic?
>Pic related is The Verge article
This is bait. You cannot be this...I don't even know.
>I wish we could go back to purely physical
securom nigger spotted
>Console Chads
Purchase physical goods that you own and have full control over including the ability to resell. (digital cucks need not apply)
>PC blobs
Pay for the privilege of using a service for the same price (sometimes more expensive), not able to resell games you purchased because you don't actually own them and they don't physically exist.
Is there anything more cucked than a PC lard corporate slave?
Together with weebs/otakus, yes.
trips of truth
console chads rise up
>you own and have full control over
Thanks for that kek man, Yea Forums never fails to have a steady stream of high quality autism
Post your physical games PC dick suckers
Oh wait valve took them
holy shit, theres no way you aren't paid for posting dumb shit like this, and a wojak too. i hope your firstborn gets mauled by a pitbull you absolute faggot
why would you buy a game you don't want forever? why does 3 cents of plastic make a difference to you? you can just burn the games to cd's on pc if you're that concerned
>two different hardware box costing hundreds of dollars with different online monthly subscription services
>two softwares that anyone who's computer isn't an ancient relic can download and use for 0 dollars and 0 cents per aeon.
>gaymers: I literally cannot tell the difference between these things
They're definitely the most retarded demographic.
Ngl the micropenis arrow was pretty funny. Nevertheless the "you just want monopoly steamie" argument is retarded. GOG, Origin., Humble etc. existed before Epic and never had the same backlash. Your sentiment is a straight up lie.
i have sim city on floppy disk
Modern physical console games come with day 1 patches anyways, not even mentioning DLC. You almost never get a complete and final game anymore.
I don't get what the big deal is.
On PC the determining factor is whether you can pirate shit, not what platform it is exclusive to, so who gives a fuck?
another "steam is monopoly!!!!11" faggot. kill yourself nigger.
>buy game on console
>i own it
>i can sell it
>i have full control over my use of it
Are you retarded?
Enjoy buying things you don't own.
Sure :)
where did you steal that? you should give it back bro
>Steam vs Epic = console war
That's not true at all. Epic is way more dangerous for the industry than a vulgar console war.
How much does it cost extra to be able to play both Epic and Steam games?
enjoy buying things that are merely a transferable license because you don't actually own it either :^)
>Epic is paying tech rags to pretend their dumbass shit is any way comparable to a console war
>Even the fucking implication that a storefront that has existed for all of a fucking year has any sort of diehard fan
Goddamn this shit is retarded.
I honestly can't wait for video games to finish going mainstream in the media and just become one of many bullshit things tired people do after work in sitcoms or something so that any notion of being a "gamer" is completely gone and all this bullshit goes with it. This one of the few hobbies that has so much bizarro bullshit going on, nobody who reads books has to deal with this much constant butthurt about gay people and bookstore deals.
part of your dignity and privacy with a small price in comparison to consoles which you have to pay for by sacrificing your entire brain capacity
You absolutely don't. You own an executable file on a disc and a temporary license to run that on licensed hardware, which can be revoked at any time.
are you okay user? are you suffering from a stroke or something? you're just shouting random words with no relation to what has been said, maybe visit your therapist or something
it's concerning
>honestly can't wait for video games to finish going mainstream
nigga games already make more than media and sports combined, there are now esports events you can win fucking millions at, how much more mainstream do you fucking want?
Cringe boomer
I think he means he can sell it down the track, which is a dumb way to look at ownership because if I have the files I can do anything I want with them
Two words, timed exclusivity
I don't know if that's really true. Console wars were at their biggest during the 90's. I think consolewar bullshit is just and excuse for people to argue and shitpost about nothing. Blame mods and jannies for allowing this crap.
That's a choice on the dev/publisher. Valve literally has no need nor incentive for timed exclusivity.
>Steam's monopoly is breaking up
Are GOG, Origin, and Uplay a joke to you? Steam is not a monopoly, they merely have the largest share in the market.
Epic, on the other hand, doesn't just want to compete with Steam, they want to devour the entire market by buying out all the competition. All those crap about breaking up Steam is just PR talk so that their true intend becomes unnoticed. If you truly care about a more diverse market, Epic is not the answer.
>Why does Yea Forums hate Steam?
What an interesting question, thanks for asking, my dear shitposter!
Let's go over it:
> Aggresively inserting steamworks as pc standard that prevent selling game using it on another storefronts killing any hopes of natural competition in pc gaming sphere.
> Killing physical copies with the help of big publishers. Making us even worse than consolefags in terms of game copies possession
>has constant security breaches, if you register an account with them then your data is NOT safe
>Refuse to fix their security issues forcing white hats to go public about them
>has been proven to literally spy on your entire PC to find information on your gaming preferences
>Tried to monetize mods
>Invented lootboxes
>Shareholders are not public. We don't know who owns 49% of valve so it's pretty clear they have something to hide
>They put 30% tax on the entire pc gaming industry while providing nothing of a value in return.
>Forced developers to make their own game launcher dividing pc gaming.
>Constant lies about HF 3
>Completly ignoring communities of any of their game that is not dota 2
>Love to cater to chineese at every ocasion
>bans people for buying too many games withouth using shopping cart
>Invented pc exclusivity deals with darwina
There's more, but if this isn't enough to at least raise an eyebrow for you then i don't know what to tell you.
About 400MB of hard disk space.
Is that a Barbie mousepad?
I'd have to install Windows on my PC and you couldn't pay me to do that.
>Killing physical copies with the help of big publishers. Making us even worse than consolefags in terms of game copies possession
Hold up faggot
That's not steam's fault, they even have it as a feature so that devs can tie a physical copy to be redeemable on steam.
>Killing physical copies with the help of big publishers
this is how i can tell your an underage cuck because stores selling used copies caused a rise in use of cd-keys and on disk drm so good luck re-selling your fucking game that you already used the activation code on
>That's not steam's fault, they even have it as a feature so that devs can tie a physical copy to be redeemable on steam.
Yeah, that's what killed physical copies?
Because digital copies are superior to both the consumer and the publisher.
When are they actually going to start competing and not just buy up games which I don't want to play for a year?
No you retarded cunt, you can release a DRM free physical version of a game and still have it redeemable on steam for steam features.
>killed their own roots for the sake of money
Epic is pure fucking evil.
So instead of fixing the problem in pro-consumer way theytake away our rights to boost theirs and publishers profit. Yes, that's true
>He does not even fucking realize what the point of physical copies was
Way to paint yourself as literal child
>Steam's monopoly
>payed online
>no games
>Epic monopoly
>He doesn't manipulate gamers to fight over launchers
What are you, gay?
>all of them have the same price
what a competition! man it was really worth it installing 7 launchers for a few games!!
Listen you stupid, let me give you a fucking example.
Nuclear Throne's physical release came with a disk and a code.
The disk has the game on it no strings attached, it came with a code for the steam version because it uses Steam for Dailies.
There is literally NOTHING besides the cost of physical publishing for people to sell their games like this preventing anyone from selling a game like this. Steam straight up DOES NOT, have a policy that demands you can't actually sell a steam key along a physical release that's usable by itself.
>Muh loyalty to Steam!
My marketing class that Millennials have the least amount of brand loyalty than any other demographic.
The lowest possible price for the best possible product gets my money. And even then, it's only if I can't lie/cheat/steal to get it for free first.
I hope this platform war escalates to gang fights in the streets, it only bodes well for PC Master Race.
>What are keys
Have you never had a pc before 2006
This. Don't buy it if you can pirate it.
>Not organized in rows by Title with perfect 90 degrees squared corners.
Come on, senpai.
Epic fags are actually sonyfags so I don't think there is a feud between this two and there isn't really a feud between fanbases that don't evolve sonyfags.
These are good points user, but Epic only worsens the problem. It has all the bad shit Steam has and adds it's own problems.
>Shareholders are not public
Because they don't have any.
Based and redpilled.
Epic Game Store will be the hero we need don't deserve.
I hope they spank Valves ass for being such cocky fuckbois.
It's a barbie game case for all my baller PC games!
more specifically, PC gamers, it's just two different free fucking programs to double click. at least console gamers could complain about spending money on both systems and shit.
I fucking won
It took years but I fucking won
reminder companies like capcom used to release games on GFWL until microsoft decided PC wasn't worth the effort and they killed the store
All these companies trying to compete with valve are only doing it now because valve found a diamond in the rough while they were all busy sucking on consolefag cock and calling PC gamers pirates, epic included.
Egs did nothing for the 4 years it’s been out, they only started being aggressive using chink business tactics when they found out valve was putting steam in China
It's a product not a company faggot, the monopoly term is exclusive for companies and yes steam is a monopoly the biggest supply by far margin is there
steam doesn't control the supply so they're not a monopoly
Egs is like 1 years old steamie you are mixing things up, it's time to take your meds
so a monopoly is good then
all hail steam
>I pretend to be a shill FOR FREE just to troll
Jesus Christ, unironically have sex
>steam doesn't control the supply
Yes, they do.
But they do ? Steam can literally delete games from their store without any permission
>Inb4 but devs putting it on steam because they want it
No they do it because steam is a monopoly and has the biggest supply and the biggest userbase, that's the definition of monopoly, back to school, don't reply to me ever again, I have no time for mentally ill steamies
So instead of learning from their competitor's mistakes they decide to go and make the same ones?
>Are GOG, Origin, and Uplay a joke to you?
Those storefronts don't count because they aren't actively hostile to Steam and all the pro-consumer changes they made to digital distribution.
I dont really like either
Epic games launcher has been around since 2015 chinky
>the exclusive possession or control of the supply of or trade in a commodity or service
Steam doesn't have exclusive possession or control of the supply or trade of PC games therefore it cannot be a monopoly.
Publishers control the supply
They control which countries valve can distribute games to, they control the price of games including regional pricing, they control whether steam is even allowed to sell the games in the first place
If a publisher doesn't want steam to sell a game steam can't sell it, if you think steam is a monopoly then it's the weakest monopoly I've seen in my life.
I love how I've seen "cry me a river" being spammed by a single retard who makes these generals
you have to eternally seethe pal because no one here is going to fall for your shilling
>If a publisher doesn't want steam to sell a game , they don't have any place to sell their game
Well, that used to be the case anyway. Steam is no longer a monopoly thanks to epic
>But all trannies are gamers?
but not all gamers are trannies. because trannies are less than 2% of the total population
don't twist my words
you need to brush up on your history because there are plenty of games that used GFWL as their primary store
>good eastern game will be on steam for everybody to play
>epic will buy out the shitty generic western shit
is a win win scenario. everybody win
not to mention quite a few games have decided to use their own launcher instead of a digital storefront
As opposed to "rightist memes", which are Wojaks and hideous minority caricatures?
Epic game store would've been good if it came out the bat with the same features as steam but better then there would've been an actual argument. But the for pass months it's been disappointing to say the least.
why compete by offering a better product when you can just buy third party exclusivity?
Are you mentally disabled, no that's false, they released egs on December 2018
Because epic was being arrogant with having fortnite being popular so they thought if they did this everyone would be behind them. Now it's everyone is annoyed and fortnite so slowly dying.
For all the bullshit steam apparently does I fail to see how Epic is trying to solve any of them. It’s the same type of buisness but less consumer friendly.
What do you mean with publisher, most games steam games are trashy indie games, there is not even a publisher? Anyway a publisher is only publishing their supply but steam is controlling it.
Saying the EGS is good for the market because it’s competition for Steam’s monopoly is like saying Standard Oil is good for the market because it’s competition for the horse-drawn carriage monopoly.
transgenders are actually oppressed, for one
Exactly, origin is 8 years old, uplay is 7 years old, GOG is 11 years old
Steam has had competition for a long time, the problem is their scope has always been smaller than steam so steam found markets where these other companies were never looking. EGS is falling into the same trap, they aren't about providing a good or new service, they just want a piece of the pie in the existing market.
>Fortnite is dying
Says steamie since fortnite release
>Epic is dying
Steamie is still in denial about unreal and their market power
It's over steamie, steam is dying not epic :)
I'd say average capeshit moviegoer is a bit more pathetic at least video game people push buttons to consume their product
meanwhile in reality the player count is the highest it's ever been
Yes, literally a bunch of gaben cock guzzlers crying because steam has competition.
I did say slowly, come on man read
I fucking HATE videogames
>the game is slowly dying by having an increase in player count/profits
Maximum retardation.
Ok man no need to be mean fren, I was wrong
Indie devs are their own publisher if they're not working with a dedicate publisher. You need to read up valve's documentation because at the end of the day the publisher controls most of what you can think of including if to remove the game from steam. There's only a handful of things publishers can't do and that involves things like putting a game on sale too frequently
So does Yea Forums
good, video games are for faggot losers anyway
valve deserves this for getting complacent and hiring sjws
Silence, tranny.
On how many of those I can play the game without installing Steam?
Jesus christ dont remind me. I remember i wanted to buy Minervas Den DLC and it was LITERALLY impossible. I spent half a day trying to figure it out but i never succeeded. What a giant pile of shit that was.
A name change and marketing bullshit, they could’ve done it when they started the launcher, it released in 2015, they gave shadow complex for free as their first game, do some research buddy
so thats why kiwami is still not on sale
fucking hell
GFWL made it worse to pay for a game to pirate it, I remember they even encrypted your save files. I can't understand why the fuck they would do that.
how is this even a war china games has no games i want or need.
>Triggering steam users for lolz
there are literally zero games worth buying on steam and its free to play games are garbage.
i've been enjoying free games on epic on and off these days
Reminder that Epic bought the Linux devs that were working with valve and shut them down just to deny people linux support.
It's linux though, who cares
steam trannies BTFO EPIC style
>epic is way more dangerous to the industry
Ill care about this when it actually affects games I play. Its hard to care about how shit Gears of War is now when I dont want to play it etc.
Wait till EA starts buying exclusivity, and see how many people defend Epic and how it introduced this practice to the marketplace. Its going to happen, we just dont know when.
This would imply that Steam buys contractual exclusivity for video games, which it does not. Retitle the article: "Epic Games: The Console War Reimagined on the PC."
>Wait till EA starts buying exclusivity, and see how many people defend Epic and how it introduced this practice to the marketplace.
I'll do it for the lulz
It’s going to be exactly like how Netflix use to be good before everyone else wanted a piece of the pie
>Oh noooooo! EA may acquire exclusives!
If you faggots actually cared about anything other than clicking 2 launchers you would be complaining this hard about planned dlc, preorder bonuses, microtransactions, and gacha. But you don't because you're just upset about games leaving steam
I do complain about those things but Yea Forums unironically supports all of those practices.
Oh and your arguments where you complain that exclusivity is somehow bad for markets is.
You aren't worth arguing with because your head is so far up your ass, and you have so many likeminded assheads behind you that you don't care how dumb you sound.
Since you won't listen to reason, you get wojak for being melodramatic little bitches
>dude finally someone is giving Steam competition this is what we all needed
Yeah because Origin, Uplay, GOG, Humble, GMG, Gamesplanet, Nuuvum, Indiegala and the rest all didn't exist until Epic showed up
>I can't understand why the fuck they would do that.
Dead Space 3 did the same thing i think. But that was because of microtransactions probably
>tim is making drm games drm free
>somehow dangerous
just kys
>but not all gamers are trannies
...yet. It's never too late to discover your true self and sooner or later you will.
Anytime you have hobby full of pussy deprived beta males, its doomed to get taken over by SJW bullshit. Look at comics, and tabletop gaming. They also suffer from this bullshit. You don't have to deal with this shit in football, basketball and other alpha male hobbies
I do complain about those things, what is this implication that I dont, wheres that coming from. I have every launcher installed so I can play games I am interested in, Im not beholden to a fucking games store of all things. Why I bring up EA doing it is because as soon as literally anyone else starts buying exclusivity like Epic has, it has set the groundwork for PC platform wars, something that is entirely pointless and will be brought up forever more. Its just a fucking shop for christ sake.
Also on Epic the Arkham games are being given away for free, for anyone interested...
Valve is a corporation. Corporations always have shareholders.
You’re getting confused on public vs private. Publicly traded corporations means shares can be sold on the public market. Private companies don’t have shares sold on the public market, bu thtey still have shares and still have shareholders, even if it’s one single owner controlling 100% of shares.
Why is it epic vs steam? It should be epic vs steam/bnet/gog with ubishit and origin sometimes
how are you enjoying borderlands 3?
>Brings console war shittery to PC
>Wow, why does everyone hate us?!
FUCK chinks and FUCK Epic.
>gotylands 3
fixed it for you
>you would be complaining this hard about planned dlc, preorder bonuses, microtransactions, and gacha
you really havent been on Yea Forums for long, have you?
>damn, steam stole another game and made it exclusive to its platform!
- said no one ever
honestly I was really excited for The Sunken City and Outer worlds. But I can't be arsed to download spyware just to play them because developers are greedy sellouts
> exclusivity is somehow bad for markets is
>implying it isnt
See, this is how you spot consolefags. Only those peasants would actually believe that having a game that can be played only on one specific platform is a good thing in any way
They're up there for sure
>boringlands 3
My only gripe is I don't want to have to install yet ANOTHER fucking launcher.exe and make yet ANOTHER account for something.
I'm tired of all this shit.
>mfw I have Steam and GoG Galaxy installed
>mfw I have previously used GFWL, Gamespy and others
>mfw I will never install Epic Games launcher
I can hear Chang's seething from across the ocean.
that's snickering you hear, not seething
>Company creates a new entity to cater to China with
Perfectly fine.
>Company is owned 40% by a puppet of the Chinese government
Not fine.
I'm actually really tired of steam being used as a platform for propaganda by the gay community. I'm never buying a game on steam again.
Seethe more, Xiao
>Tencent isn't a chinese government pupp....
Thats because youre pathetic
>i-i-i-it's OK when valve does it, g-gwailo!!
动态网自由门 天安門 天安门 法輪功 李洪志 Free Tibet 六四天安門事件 The Tiananmen Square protests of 1989 天安門大屠殺 The Tiananmen Square Massacre 反右派鬥爭 The Anti-Rightist Struggle 大躍進政策 The Great Leap Forward 文化大革命 The Great Proletarian Cultural Revolution
So you like the girls but you don't want to see them?
>>Company creates a new entity to cater to China with
>Perfectly fine.
take your meds steamie, you have a stroke
>us official
who ?
>by jane lee
Hey fuck you I'm swinging 3.25 rock hard inches over here
>Gives you six free Batman games
>Lets you discover shitty games easier
>arkham collection
>60 bucks
Multiple give you keyss for those games for like 5-10 bucks combined.
And the Lego collection is like 12 bucks.
Why do people defend these scum here?
Shouldn't you have to be somewhat relevant to be compared to Xbox vs PlayStation?
>want game for free
>pirate it