Link's Awakening has a Framerate Problem
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Wow, it's almost like
tl;dr : don't get the physical, buy it from the store and it lags less (still not full 60fps tho)
Fuck digital niggers.
Fuck you, i'll enjoy playing with slightly less fps drop than you faggot
>the fix is just buy digitally bro lol
I have the digital version and the framedrops are still there. Its not even skipping frames, its bloodborne framedrops where the game completely slows down
I don't get it, why would this piece of shit have fucking frame rate problems? It doesn't have groundbreaking graphics or fast gameplay.
I know, I saw the video and I'm kinda angry at nintendo, I'm still gonna buy it the second it's released cause i'm a fucking fanboy but it really pisses me of
>I'm still gonna buy it the second it's released cause i'm a fucking fanboy but it really pisses me of
NAND is faster than the game card unfortunately
Who cares? It's a Nintendo product, and a zelda game.
It should be inexcusable for a game that looks THIS BAD to play THIS BADLY, but it's Nintendo so it's fine.
lmao what the fucking would digital or physical have to do with it you idiot
How is Overwatch going to run on the Switch when not even first party titles run properly on it?
It'll be a good day when Nintendo fans start gaining standards.
Uhhh Pokemon national dex fans?? The Sword/Shield shitshow in general?
>show some friends this video
>they told me I'm overreacting, that it doesn't run like shit as I said
damn these nintend.rones are beyond help, nintendo could directly shit into their mouths and they would lap it up.
I really hope they fix this garbage desu, I'm waiting to pirate the game :)
Because the Switch is an underpowered piece of (shit) hardware. I love its games to death but my god the Switch is definitively the worst platform I've ever used.
Everything on the fucking shitch has a framerate problem
>implying that people aren't going to buy the game anyway because they're all coomers who lust for waifus
How does a 2D game have framerate problems? Was this coded by monkeys?
Well, loading times.
Reading from external media is generally slower than reading from internal memory.
>pirates get to play it early and say it has framerate problems
>"nintendo knew this would happen and released a botched version and people who would buy it legally will find no issues"
>game comes out and still has framerate problems
Devs just need to stop using Unreal for Switch games. Yoshi, DxM and this game use Unreal and they all run like crap. The engine is just not optimized for mobile hardware.
It's not out yet though? These are reviewers playing the same version as the pirates
Physical copies are getting out early
Loooadingu loadingu
Because it's not true 2D. The gameplay might be in sort of 2D (which does help somewhat), but at it's core it's still rendering 3D polygons and objects
720p and unstable 30 fps, that is exactly how i want my games
It said in the video the issue is from sd cards, the physical copy just has a memory leak issue which isn't in correlation to the horrible frame rates the game experiences all the time.
only snoy zoomers care about framerate...
No they don't, retard. Stop suckling on Nintendo cock and admit their faults.
CPU overclock improves it a bit (playing handheld), but the overworld in particular runs like ass. Memory and GPU overclock doesn't seem to do anything.
well yeah, if it's not 30fps cinematic you KNOW they will be throwing a fit
This is why it feels so terrible. It's not regular frame drops, it's oldschool SLOWDOWN.
>Framerate drops from 60 to 30 for a spilt second on occasion.
>Game ruined!
Most games get patches for trivial shit like this but you're so desperate to hate Nintendo it won't even register for you.
This game is really uniquely bad for a first party Nintendo game.
Odyssey, splat2 and smash run at 60 fps on the switch. The n64 had 60 fps games. Framerate is a choice by the developers, they choose graphics over framerate.
I'm gonna try installing to internal memory. Good vid.
Week one patch like Xenoblade
Fuck off PlayStation games are just superior in term of graphics and performance but you just want to deny the evidence.
Stop shilling your shit channel andré
>pc vs console
>"ummm graphics and framerate don't matter you retard"
>ps4 vs switch
>memory leaks
What happened to the nintendo seal of quality?
who are you quoting
>who are you quoting
She's quoting you
I honestly didn't even notice.
sorry i'm not seeing it, nobody even brought up pc until
How do you make the switch install to internal if you have a SD card in it?
Tips for the fishing minigame?
>ps4 faster than switch
>xbox one faster than ps4
>"graphics don't matter, who cares about graphics, it's about exclusives!"
YouTube compression and their 30fps cap, you will notice it on th actual game when you play it
No it doesnt, works perfect on my switch 60 fps all the way through. Dont let these sonyigger videos scare you off a purchase bros the game is worth every penny.
how can a funko pop game have such a bad framerate
who are you quoting
>quality - 1080p60
youtube only shows 60fps videos at 30fps if you go below 720p
You're the first one that chimps out that frames and resolution doesn't matter if someone mentions how utter shit consoles are compared to PC in terms of performance
>Gamexplain man's explanation is different from Digital Foundry's explanation
So who's wrong
>nincels shit on BB framerate for years
>cry when they are on the other end of the stick
What a pitiful fanbase
Nobody cares about technobabble, the reality is that this game has shitty framerate and Nintendo better hurry and fix it soon
Both. gamexplain cites memory limitations when loading data as the reason for small hiccups in framerate. DF says that the 60 -> 30 -> 60 fluctuations are due to the synchronization techniques.
Both of these make sense, as while the switch has decently low latency memory, it's total bandwidth (which is more useful for loading data) is quite low. Switch also doesn't support adaptive sync like other platforms do
Bad optimization and bad coders. The fact it has such obvious memory leaks is an indication of how incompetent the team was.
Zelda team is becaming shit. Memory leaks as heavy and obvious as this is pure incompetence
Stop making shit up you fuckheads
>spilt second on occasion.
more like
>prolonged time before it catches itself again
drops are whatever but that memory leak is kinda fucking awful
Isn't this a different team? The main one is surely working on BTOW2
You retarded? Havent you seen the performance analysis?? Even the fucking fps cap its broken
It's Grezzo who made all the other Zelda remakes.
They're clearly too used to 3DS hardware and don't know shit about the Switch.
watch the youtube video and come back here when you are done.
>GAMEXPLAIN doing damage control.
>Updating the look
Impressively loaded term there. It's making a bit of experimentation on diorama photography, not a fucking "update".
Didn't Yoshi have pretty sturdy 60fps? They're running on the same engine, after all. I know they're different teams, but they could have asked for assistance.
They used the Unreal Engine, which has frame rate problems on the Switch, instead of making their own engine.
I'm certainly not. SS will still sell millions of copies, but it's not going to hit the 16M XY or SM hit.
>which has frame rate problems
It has texture loading problems and low res, but fps can be steady on Switch.
It has resolution drops though. Obviously better than frame rate drops, but it was by no means running at 100% the whole time.
>SD runs worse
Is Nintendo trying to crack up on EmuMMC users?
>They're running on the same engine, after all.
Oh so it uses UE4
well then case closed
Yeah, it should be pretty obvious that it was going to have either low res, textures loading a bit slow or frame drops. The issue about it dropping to 30 fps specifically is odd as fuck though.
>Link's awakening runs like trash and if you don't use 5GB of internal storage it runs even worse
well that sucks
Here is your (you)
consolefags are such a fucking joke
it's almost 2020 and you still can't get a smooth 60fps, what a fucking disgrace
Install other stuff to fill the SD card first. There isn't a transfer option
That'll be $59.99 + tip baka gaijin.
shamefur dispray
If you're a pirate, tinfoil lets you choose the install destination.
consoles had that years ago. pc is barely catching up
O you mean the people that are going to buy it anyway>?
There's no reason for a game this shitty looking to run at less than 60fps. Odyssey looks and plays FAR better.
See, no standards for Nintendo fans.
As long as retarded consolebabbies keep supporting it and and making excuses, it won't be fixed. Consolefags have some major Stockholm syndrome going on.
well that's because no adaptive sync on switch because nintendo cheaped out and didn't use thunderbolt for the dock port
NGL, I couldn't see shit in that video. When it dipped from 60fps to 30 or whatever, I legit couldn't tell. I didn't see any "slowdown" like an oldschool SNES game with too many things on screen. I actually couldn't tell.
And I consider myself a pretty frequent gamer, as well. So it's either one of two things, and both are fine:
Either I'm just a scrub and don't have a trained eye enough to notice
The framerate issues aren't that big of a deal in actuality
If it's the former, that's great. If someone with my own pedigree in gaming is unable to notice the framedrops, then 99% of players won't either. And if it's the latter, that's just as good since it's not a big deal.
Unbelievable bummer. I really want to play this, but I can't deal with framerate issues. I just can't
fortunately, you're a scrub. It is incredibly noticeable since the game forces 30fps if it drops below 60fps at any point. It is a drastic change and it's noticeable in the videos, let alone when you're actually playing it. But since it doesn't bother you, enjoy the game! It's probably pretty good aside from the framerate issues