>game is fun with friends
>have no friends
What am I supposed to do here?
Game is fun with friends
Other urls found in this thread:
Kill yourself.
Just accept you wont make worthwile friends and move on with your life. You get used to it.
buy friends
But I don't want to do that...
take lots of hormones and girl pills and let me drink whiskey while I beat you and fuck your anus
I'll b ur friend but you have to sit in me lap
Don’t stress over it. when I was 18 all I could think about was making friends but you first Learn to love yourself and then people will naturally come to you. You could try meeting people online or at some sort of gaming club. you might even meet your best friend there. Good luck desu.
"game is fun with friends", usually just means game is crap
Find some friends here.
How am I supposed to find friend here?
Name your interests and hope to find someone with similar interests. Then pray there not an insufferable person.
Make friends with the people who play it. That's how Killing Floor works.
the trick is that almost any game is fun with friends
"fun with friends" = shit game
I don't think that's gonna work
Play singleplayer games, they are better
You could join one of the many/vg/ communities for online games.
What genres do you like?
make friends when a "Yea Forums plays a game together" thread is up
get friends you stupid fucking retard?
im sure part of the reason you dont have friends is that you would create a thread like this
Not with that attitude
>Learn to love yourself
get lost ya stupid gay weeb
But those are never for games I like.
/vg/ is just waifuposting and shitposting. Very rarely do people actually play together.
Play a superior singleplayer game
Obtain money and buy friends.
Anything is fun with friends though, this meme is retarded
Money can't buy friendship. For everything else, there's MasterCard.
So many friend threads as of late, no one posting any profiles as usual. What do you expect, Anons?
Fuck off Bravely Default, I have friends, just none willing to play your bullshit
I don't want to get bullied after posting my profile.
Fuck i want to play fight'n rage with friends, it could be so fun
Get bullied for what? How hard can it be to block someone after they end up being an idiot? Oh no, user talks shit about the games I play!
Choose the game, search people on the forum of the game, add, play.
I'm bored fags
>Disgaea PC
>0.1 hrs on record
>last played on 24 Jul
Shame on you.
Do dumb fun unorthodox shit that makes the match stand out for other players from their previous 50 matches, like being an actual good medic in TF2 or helping randoms out with challenges in Fortnite when the opportunity presents itself, whether they're enemies or teammates.
Sorry lobanon that doesn't really seem like my kind of game.
I already played it on DS long ago, and pirated 5 recently. It's hard to play 1 again
I'll play with you if you buy me the game
Shame on you, again.
Did you enjoy 5 at least? The mechanics were nice for sure, going from an older title straight to 5, but the story was terrible in my opinion.
acquire them online
i have no friends either, but i have people to play with usually
i know none of these people irl and would never want to
I predict the following:
Private profile
Over 500 games
Less than 10% played, maybe 10% of those finished
>What am I supposed to do here?
if the game is challenging then join discord groups and head over to the LFG (looking for group) section.
I'll get it when i'm able to, i live in a shithole so buying games is hard.
I really really enjoyed 5 due to its QOL improvements, the gameplay is also really satisfying, i agree the story is really dumb and the characters really one dimensional. I also played 2 on my old psp, really enjoy the series
OP or me?
i don't want to add you, i am in the process of reducing the size of my "friends" list as i type this
Ay un veneco
Post steam profile/discord id
You, the person begging for games.
I got friends but they are only sticking to sp ps4 games.
Do you often manage to make friendly plays in Fortnite? Seems to me like most randos are dinks who'd just take it as an opportunity to shotgun you in the face and teabag the spot on the ground where you fell.
Hey, que tal.
Quit being an autistic unlikeable waste of proteins for a start
it comes naturally i'm afraid
Accepting your own flaws and working towards improving yourself.
Just look at your self from everyone else's perspective and compare that to the image you have of yourself.
You will realize the more you keep things to yourself the more you are killing yourself by not letting yourself exists in a tangible way.
I have a degree on crying during my first sexual encounter with my current wife
>not playing 4v4 with 3 CPU teammates against 4 CPUs
Literally better than dealing with toxic moba communities.
Nah, but it is true that I didn't buy most of the games I got on Steam
>Just look at your self from everyone else's perspective and compare that to the image you have of yourself
im a loser in both regards
Absolutely not, the playerbase in Fortnite may be the worst when it comes to friendlies, I've had more luck getting help from enemies with challenges in team rumble than with teammates. In this season so far I had one instance where an enemy recognized I wanted to help him get the disco nade challenge and another instance in squads where three out of four of the players in the group let me congratulate them on the win.
Is this supposed to impress me in any kind of way? You're not playing any of these, regardless.
No, that's not even in the steam folder
Why would I pirate a game to not play it afterwards?
So anyone actually want to be friends? I mostly play ARPGs with some strategy, racing and other misc games here and there but I'm open to discussing and trying out most vidya.
Random people from the internet are not friends.
Hell I don't even see any of you as real human beings.
I really enjoy SRPG, which ones do you enjoy?
Play MonsterHunter and we can talk.
I'll play with you, user.
You ever heard of Guilty Gear XX Accent Core +R?
This. Depends on the game though.
Public profile, four games, two played, one to completion but not on steam.
>have friends
>but they try to make you play HoTS
I was talking about regular strategy games user. I don't think I've played any SRPGs other than maybe Divinity if that counts.
I played it for a good bit on PC and am pretty burnt out on it.
Yes. Never played it though as I've heard the netcode is awful and it's dead online.
it's ok if you are near your opponent tho, might as well give it a try when it's on sale[spoiler/]
we are real human beings though, each with our own empty personal lives
I'm not falling for another one of these ERP threads, just fucking do this and do the world a favor
Do we really need TWO gayboi animesissy steam profile threads for the sake of ERPing at once?
Yesterday's threads were pretty good actually.
Well, what strategy games do you enjoy ?
I really want to play CIV V with someone.
If you want mentally ill trannies and twinks as your friends perhaps.
Sadly Jap devs don't care because they shitty netcode is good enough for Japan. And I'm in yurop so the odds of someone being near me are pretty much 0.
Recently, AoE/M, Stellaris and I did play some CIV V but I only pirated that.
>tfw no bear gaymer bf
I also enjoy age of mythology but sadly i'm not too good a RTS, i fall behind too fast.
I know, happens always to me with any form of communication that isn't face to face.
Have to keep that glorious nippon netcode
I only ever played vs the CPU and a few friends so I'm probably far from good either. Turn based is comfier for MP unless you have just tons of people hogging up time.
>never receive friend requests
>never send friend requests because shy
Well, I think its a good thing because I would end up not talking to them in a long time then being too afraid to talk to them because I havent in such a long time and then pushing them away out of shame for not interacting with them
just like my IRL friends haha
Play with ransoms until you make new friends! That's what I keep telling myself will happen...
go kill yourself
>plebeian blue-haired maid, No skills and No-special powers
Not him but
my account has the newfag badge of shame because I lost access to my original account and didnt bother making a new one until recently
What games do you play?
>pride in your own in-house developed netcode that functions good enough for the boss
>accept a handout from an American outside the company, with literally nobody else in the company, or even the fucking country, knowing how the fuck the netcode works
play with your multiple personalities
>finally have someone to play couch co-op with
>no good couch co-op on PC
A Way Out
Im a poorfag so TF2, mordhau, and a bit of others, so:
Batteblock theater, csgo, duck game, left 4 dead 2, war thunder, etc.
Also this happened so I lost a bunch of games and progress
literally me
He said good.
>play game with your multiple personalities
>You all only have access to one body who can hold the controller
>One personality can only play at a time
>The rest of your personalities are backseat gaming
It's a very personal kind of hell
Don't worry the new GG will have worse delay netcode
>what is emulation
All other GG games have actual netcode, +R is the only stinky one
And I don't think I'll be able to run the new one at 60fps anyway[spoiler/]
I want a twink but not to be friends with
what for then?
have friends
Add me if you like anime and want to play monster hunter world or the new cod!