Why are girl gamers so much nicer and more polite than boys?
Why are girl gamers so much nicer and more polite than boys?
Seems like the men are the ones who actually give a shit about politics. Funny, as most SJWs I've seen are women.
Because they never say what they really think,
They are Machiavellian from the womb
>women speaking like children
What else is new?
Where did you get that picture of me
define "nicer" & "polite"
funny how the biggest word for females is shopping
I wish I was as cool as this kid
you're mixing the fedoralord meme with the white knight meme
Spend a day with a woman and you realize it's all a facade.
worker's tools>poleaxe>sword>spear>weeb sword
They're the same thing.
>Yu Yu Hakusho poster
Is he /ourguy/?
what being a pretentious edgy kid has to do with defending women?
They're both standoffish tryhards who have no grasp of the context of their actions, and thus fail to see how pathetic they really look.
usually the fedora guys are the ones that complain that women just want douchebags instead of gentlemen like them, but they're not necessarily white knights
Those very people are the same ones who defend women online and act like beta orbiters because they're "nice guys". Whiteknights and and fedoralords are both an insult for beta orbiters.
All I know is that one of those is far more representative of the real thing than the other.
Both are so fucking generic. I guess that's what you expect from aggregate data. I'd find the word clouds of individuals much more interesting
no no no you're mixing them up, you don't call beta orbiters fedoralords, this is an insult for edgy pretentious atheists, beta orbiters are more on the cuck territory
They don’t actually play games
Women are non-confrontational biologically.
But those are the same groups of people. If I showed you a venn diagram of those groups, it would just be a circle.
Guys talk shit about you to your face. Girls talk shit about you behind your back.
>UwU nuzzles ur puppy so excited and adorbs
This. The only difference is that women are far more passive aggressive.
wasn't there a study just recently that said the opposite?
>argue against the point? incel
>agree with the point? also incel
I used to think this but it's not really true.
Guys talk shit behind your back as well. There's something to it though. I think a lot of women don't have respect? Is the best way I can describe it. Some are just are reluctant to give respect to other people and I can't stand that shit
traditionaly men are responsible for outside relations of the family as women are responsible of maintenance of the family itself
>women have no real interests they just sort of exist
What a horrible boring life, no wonder they obsess over getting their holes stuffed
Thats because only an incel would respond in the first place incel
absolute chad
sjw is politics only for people here...it's a question of morals
Only an incel would respond to an incel's responce to an incel, incel!
So you admit that there is a difference between men and women, that they have their own roles in and out of the homestead, and that it is traditionally known as the nuclear family?
You must be white.
They talk shit behind your back AND in front of you, usually. Also it helps that males are usually default to being friendly to other males while women see each other as rivals and have to jump over that barrier at first.
You've caught me. I was an incel all along
A small percentage of women do most of the bitching, which is why it's hilarious when people cave to their demands.
Also it's no secret that women post a lot more than men, because every fucking thing they see, taste, or do is worth sharing. Men tend to post less frequently, but when they do it's about things that they feel strongly about (sports, government, etc.). The sheer volume of instagram selfies holding lattes likely skews the data considerably.
>tfw my sword belt arrived today
My swordfu has clothing now.
today every middle class man or woman can live a full life without the need of family support, we all need to learn to better ourselves for this task and it includes things that were gender exclusive in the past
>funny how the biggest word for females is shopping
This is the real reason why every publisher has to cater to women. It's been known for decades that women spend FAR more than men, and thus are seen as a massive untapped market in gaming.
And they're right. Imagine how much money you could make if you managed to make that magical game that every basic bitch on the planet loved to play. Their herd mentality would cause the game to sell itself. And the cosmetic DLC sales alone would dwarf even the biggest franchises. And instead of complaining about microtransaction jewery they'd just see it as regular old shopping, which they associate with words like "excited", "wonderful", and "yay!".