Are there any good western games coming up?

Are there any good western games coming up?

I only play Japanese games these days

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kys fatenigger

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I hear Paradox is coming out with a new grand strategy, keep an eye out for that

Do you really feel the need to ask, fellow J-Chad?

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>Doesn't have her legs spread
>Holding her shirt instead of holding her hip
Why do 3d women fail at everything?

Anime skirts just don't work in real life.

another quality thread Yea Forums

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I'm in the same boat. There are literally no Western games that interest me anymore, the last one I legitimately enjoyed was Spider-Man on the PS4. And it's not like I'm a weeb or something, some of the most important games of my teenage years were Max Payne, Serious Sam, and DOOM.
Western devs are going to shit faster and faster, I swear.

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Definitive, unquestionable proof that 2d > 3d.

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I don't even watch anime and still I'd say 2D girls are superior

Pink hair looks like shit in real life.

This roastie is a little over-toastie
3d is shit

Based as fuck

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Left is fucking disgusting

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This, so much this
You sir are a gentleman and a scholar
You, I like you

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>wasting money in 3d pigs
lmaoing at your life

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>laughing my ass off ing

God Rin is prime breeding material
Shame she's still such a shit girl

left is one of those girls that's legitimately scared to let any kind of emotion show on her face because it might make her look bad.

Jesus Christ, if you're going to cosplay a picture, at least put some emotion on your face. She isn't even trying.

>being this new

Shit or not, I would fuck the life out of her

Can someone explain this pic to me? I keep seeing it but I never understood it.

Ugly 3d bitch tries to immitate anime perfection, fails miserably

Imagine raising your daughter just for her to have sex with the whole town/city.

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This. We should only raise raise boys and have them cuck other fathers.

Right looks better?

Either you're normal or blind
Go back

Rin is a virgin tho
It gives me joy that Kirei is such an absolute madman that he had the perfect opportunity to groom Rin into his lover but didn't even consider it due to his sheer autism of causing as much suffering as possible

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If you consider Turk a western country, then Bannerlord.

Do you honestly believe when a female says she is a virgin?

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>We should only raise raise boys
this was the mindset of China for 30+ years and it lead the greatest disparity in ratio between men and women that the world has ever seen. Entire generations of men are growing old without ever having a girlfriend because there simply arent even close to enough women for them to have one. This is the future /pol/ wants you to have.

The truth is that we should all be having daughters.

>Pink hair looks like shit in real life
It’s the lack of pencil lines irl to give it definition. She could draw some in her hair but then she’s just putting 2D on her 3D so what’s the point.

You're fucking retarded

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There’s good money in that strategy though

>being proud of the fact that's he's a disgusting degenerate weebfag who society shuns


You can't disprove an intact hymen
She broke it with Shirou in IBW but Fate canon is weird so she's kind of like Schrodingers Virgin

Holy fucking shit my sides

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>being proud of the fact he wastes time and money on fleshy pigs who don't actually like him

A man being a virgin is 100x worse than a woman not being one.

OP pic is a man everyone who jacked off to it is a faggot

>jacking off to 3d

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if people cant tell that its a man because it looks like a woman then whats the difference? do you inspect the chromosomes of every woman you masturbate to? what if they are all post op trannies?

What if the artist who drew your favorite hentai actually intended for them to be trannies and just pop op with a fake vagina?

There is literally no difference. You are attracted to them because they look like woman. Gay men dont like trannies.

Post a different pic of her next time

Crash Team Racing

i pictured your fedora emerging out of it's sunken crevice that it dug on the surface of your skull, lifting streaks of viscous dark liquid (sweat diluted with grime, dandruff, dead skin and trillions of dead microbes and their discharges) that was stuck for god knows how long under the brim if your fedora, and you nodding slightly as you made this thread, before you placed your fedora back on your head.

>being proud of the fact he wastes time and money on non-existent pigs who actually can't like him

>jacking off to anime girls costs money

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3DPD are not importa-

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>when the cope is strong

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>time is not money

I literally puked

>veiny granny cowtits
Come on dude you're failing team 3d

I like fat thots

I love my wife May Sakaali

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>he needs validation from a 3d leech because he is unable to live his own life on his own terms

>has small pp and jank face
>is conveniently "living his own life on his own terms"

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>projects his own insecurities on others
>relies on validation from people to hide his depression

so it might be a stupid nitpick to call people out on lamoing or kys yourself but why do anons keep doing it? where does that even come from and why continue with the joke/meme or whatever it is?

She has a great 51 inch butt too

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yeah man keep turning all those thots away mgtow for life!

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looks like my obese aunt
it's not even an ass it's just two square blocks of cheese

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It's just shitty Yea Forums culture

It's not even Yea Forums, e.g. rip in peace

You should see them at a con. Most cosplayers don't even try to get the ZR aspect right among other things.

based incel terminator

This is why we should all be like Crastor.
His wives were his daughters and each daughter raised was another wife.

Your coping is fucking hilarious delusional perma virgins
Keep it coming

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Im gonna hurl

Might want to double check those

back to pleddit, wojunkies

>muh west vs east

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