Literally buys hundreds of copies of games just so you can play them for free

>Literally buys hundreds of copies of games just so you can play them for free
>Yea Forums still hates him

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Other urls found in this thread:

He's even more autistic than Carmack too

Maybe if his taste in games wasn't atrocious.

that's it, young boy.
your diet of remotes is being canned.

What if this was his actual goal all along?

>buys hundreds of copies of games
>doesn't offer them

There are other people giving them away for free as well, and they don't require us to install a shitty launcher that doesn't work

Cheers Tim!

>implying I wasn't pirating before EGS was a thing
>implying I would give money to Steam which is just like EGS in every way
Fuck DRM

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>greeks literally gave the city of Troy a giant ass horse FOR FREE
>Troylets still hated them


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you don't get it, that's not how it works

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Add Rockstars launcher, they are gonna sell Red Dead 2 through there only

Why does he look like a downie?

literally every single one of those games can already be pirated

>oi goyim download my launcher full of spyware for the chinks for these 5 year old games
You can't unironically think you get something from a corporation right?

Pirate your games
Buy your games second trade

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Tiananmen Square massacre

if the eternal shill is to be believed, not anymore

Is it even worth caring about? Most of the internet turned on that after a month.

His funeral will be attended by nothing but pink-haired, obese rich kid indie game devs.


discord doesn't have games anymore


he is just our paypig

Did he offer free download codes on reddit or something?

careful now, they might ban you for this

PC unironically based. Consoles are forced monopolized, which means they don't need to make their stores good. PC we have choice.

He's paying the developers for us so we can pirate guilt free.

>Epic is paying TONS of money for exclusives, dev says
Go on lad, this one's on me

>wanting to play memelands 3
Holy shit, neck yourself.

who said i wanted to play it? i just want it

He should have not eaten my remote.


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the resemblance is uncanny

>implying I had any guilt to begin with


>competition is bad