it's on sale
is it any fun?
It's on sale
I bought the 1st one when it was on sale last, I've got maybe 80 hours or so into and it's a lot of fucking fun. As far as I can tell on the 2nd one, it's a great sequel. Took everything good that they learned from the first one even if they didn't change a couple of the shittier things like the inventory management.
I'm not sure why no one on Yea Forums likes this game. I think it's a lot of fun. Combat is varied enough and the cover shooting is a lot more fun and makes you more vulnerable than it appears sometimes.
>patches are apparently ruining the game
>Epic Game Store exclusive
Highkey you're right about the first game being fun. It isn't even just the gameplay, its the atmosphere, collectibles, hell even just the characters themselves seem like shells for more development but they're still pretty good for a Ub*s*ft game. Comfiest feeling ever seeing a healing New York.
Just get the first one and enjoy the atmosohere. No dealing with Ep*c G*mes.
I didn't realize 2 was on EGS jesus christ. I still have plenty to do in the first anyways. Why would it be EGS exclusive when ubi has their own fucking client that I'm using for the first? Also yes, the voice acting is great, the writing for the characters is absolutely disgusting. The intel lines and the lesbian doctor are just abominable.
I have a good time playing it. Just ignore anything any of the characters say, the writing is shit.
Dr. Kandel is still kinda hot IMO. Lesbian stuff is forced.
Roy Benitez is a fucking unit, he's trying his best.
Paul Rhodes is a generic based/redpilled /pol/ack it feels like.
Faye Lau was pretty fuckin boring but I mean hey, asian quality.
Still pretty shitty characters in general but they alright for Ub*s*ft.
Nah, just get the first + survival when it's on sale for $5
Lol it isnt exclusive to Epic. Of course it’s on Uplay too.
Kandel, ya she's hot and I liked her at first but it's more than the lesbian shit. That one mission right next to the BoO in the first game "While you were in your MOTHER'S basement PLAYING WITH YOUR DICK." Just really unthreatening even when she wants to be. It's like she was written by a feminist SJW housemom that thought she always had talent for something bigger but got knocked up before she started college or something. Very single mom against the dark world type shit. Very boring and just annoying.
Why are people bitching that it's also on EGS then? Literally ignore EGS wtf
No, it's boring trash. And also completely dead. It bombed hard and Ubisoft have pretty much left it to rot. The only good thing about the first game was the atmosphere and winter weather. 2 doesn't have that and suffers massively for it. It's just completely dull, there's nothing good about it.
What content are you trying to do that you can't because it's "dead"? I like the shootan, I like the duckan, I like the suppressive fire a teammate lays out while I wheel around, unzip shotgun and bload loads on the side of the face of every fucking mob. The itemization is fun and allows you to tweak shit to your liking. There's breakpoints and then room for more of what you want. I also love that different builds demand different play and you can swap between them with a click of a button. No leveling and spending shit tons of resources to play different styles, just literally play a different style. Can I ask what game you prefer to this? Maybe I'd have more fun in yours.
aren't they working on a single player spin off?
Did you like the first one? You'll like this one. Do you like loot shooters? You'll like it.
its a thirdperson shooter Diablo
and that's a good thing!
meh, it's a shit AAA game but for
I actually like the sounds, I think they did a great job with the flamethrowers and a lot of the weapons. What game that has more than 20 hours of gameplay isn't repetitive? The AI is varied enough imo that at least it's fun to keep going relative to borderlands or
It's fun, but you're getting way too fast into the endgame because of how loot works. Whenever a drop rolls, it looks at your average item level and drops equally or above that. It makes every drop an upgrade and before you know it you're already hitting ilvl 515.
Division 1 does loot better and mods are actually procedually generated, so you can slap some really fucking hilarious and awesome weapons together.
i lost interest once i reached 500. build diversity is still limited like the first game, although you can mix and match a lot more.
still fun though and will kick your ass if you're not careful/build is trash
But can we talk about a few of the villains though? Like, Joe Ferro didn't do nothing wrong. Misguided, yes, but did he really do anything too wrong?
Also, Roy Benitez is still one of my favorite characters. Kermudgeony "i was this close to retirement" good fella. Still feels a bit hollow, but the dialogue when you walk in and out of the security wing does suggest he cares a lot about the city.
Oh, yeah. JTF Gang for life.
Roy Benitez is the man, you can say anything you like about him but when it comes down to it he's THE MAN. Also, Joe Ferro obviously thought he didn't do anything wrong but come on man, torching people alive? He had the manpower to just shove everyone into a quarantine like they did. A lot of innocents suffered gruesome deaths like that guy who had asthma at the ECHO location. I respect he did a lot of the dirty work with the boys though. Respectable man but definitely a villian.
they get rid of everything that was good in the first game
>Joe Ferro didn't do nothing wrong. Misguided, yes, but did he really do anything too wrong?
not really but the man was broken, like the rest of the other leaders. shit even Keener isn't exactly wrong, but it's hard to root or support someone who is broken in the inside, to me at least.
Things that are good imo with the first one though maybe I'm not progressed enough to understand.
>AI makes you use different tactics if you can't swarm and destroy in a single reload
>Build diversity fitting to playstyle
>Most of the damage and kills come from your guns, not flashy skills
>Being able to jump and climb up on most anything, there's good cover and bad cover
>Basically anything you do in the game can help your progression whether you like pvp, survival, underground, or just running repeat on your fav missions.
Did any of this stuff change dramtically?
Imagine if his wife didn't die, I doubt he would have been so callous with his method. You have a good point user.
You're correct.
Crispy boys are still the best antagonists in the game. The Rikers just made me pissed tbqh. Felt good to get rid of LaRae. She was a total bitch, and the entirety of the Rikers just made me want to strangle them senselessly. Good job on villain design, Goobisoft.
>As far as I can tell on the 2nd one, it's a great sequel. Took everything good that they learned from the first one
Hello Ubisoft.
How is the PVP in this? Is it still a clusterfuck?
Keener's a cowardly bitch and he knows it.
I don't care what kinda sad sack fucking backstory he had, I was totally ready to kick his ass into oblivion just like Bliss when I got to the final mission. LET ME BEAT HIS ASS, UBISOFT
>AI makes you use different tactics if you can't swarm and destroy in a single reload
Not even close.
>Build diversity fitting to playstyle
2 AR builds, one LMG build and one Sniper build. Now you can also do one good Seeker mine build.
>Basically anything you do in the game can help your progression whether you like pvp, survival, underground, or just running repeat on your fav missions.
PvP is dead and Survival is not a thing in Division 2. Underground is just more RNG keys for locked chests.
Rikers were gross, but La Rae felt really fucking forced. I don't wanna turn this good division discussion into politics, but a scrawny ass woman being the cold killing boss of fucking Riker inmates? It would take a lot more than a black voice to not get brutally raped and stepped on by hard time prison inmates. Crispy bois are great but let's hear it for the LBM too. I could see Joe Ferro being a part of them in the timeline his wife didn't fall to the Green Plague.
>Build diversity fitting to playstyle
when division come out there were not set build
only yellow rare gears where you can build this
so of course when they released d2 they decide to do the same thing and slowly released set build one at a time
so no everyone play the same thing in D2
>Most of the damage and kills come from your guns, not flashy skills
well in D1 there are at least a way to make skill build
heck there was a way to do skill build in D2 but they dont like it so they nerf all skill to the ground forcing everyone to basically play the same crit smg/ar build
>Basically anything you do in the game can help your progression whether you like pvp, survival, underground, or just running repeat on your fav missions.
yeah all gone wait for DLCs and expansion
the bad thing about d2 is that all the add expansions that make D1 great complete package
they decide to strip it all and just make d2 basically d1 vanilla instead building upon the final stage of d1
Welp, sounds like the gunplay at least stuck and I don't buy a game unless it's on sale and at least a year old anyway. Sounds like I'll love it when I pick it up for 20 bucks, just like I did for the first.
I got it for free, I played like 30 minites, seems boring as heck
Gunplay is still fun. New map stinks, new skills stink. If the first game was an 82/100, the second one is 71/100
>the bad thing about d2 is that all the add expansions that make D1 great complete package
>they decide to strip it all and just make d2 basically d1 vanilla instead building upon the final stage of d1
I've been told that the retards in charge of the first Destiny did the exact same with the sequel, why are all developers so mentally retarded?
>Took everything good that they learned from the first one
and threw it out the window
>scrawny bitch
that's pretty good
But yeah, no. This is actually a really good thread, no point in ruining it.
they want to sell all those new stuff as another DLCs
they all probably thought their fans have loyalty to them
>eagle bearer players forever BTFO
truly the best timeline
I haven't set foot in the raid, what are they doing to the Eagle Bearer?
>17,000 looted items
>Still don't have a single full build yet
I truly love this loot system.
>new skills stink
this is my biggest gripe with the game. explosive mine is useless, pulse is useless, even heal box is useless.
i like the skill trees though, when you get to pick between gunner, demolition, sniper, and survivor
It's fun, but it's the definition of soul turned soulless.
Division 1
>Stat and build heavy TPS-RPG
>World design riddled with lore to find all over that builds a story outside the campaign
>faction leaders are individuals trying to reestablish their own control with their own political ideologies
>PVP is all about scrounging and survival to min-max to be the ultimate agent
Division 2
>Basically a TPS augmented with RPG elements
>Lore based discoveries from exploration basically non-existent
>factions are all basically faceless bands of libertarians with x-gimmick because it's "cool"
>PvP is this pseudo-competitive trite because they didn't want anyone to feel bad about not grinding out better gear so people with good gear are nerfed and people with shit are buffed so everyone's basically the same no matter what build you do
It's a nice ride, but it really didn't feel anywhere near as engaging as Div 1.
is that Saotome?
Sounds like typically dev shit where they wanna be able to make their money on the DLC again with minimal effort applied. Again that's fine, I'll wait another year till after I'm over and done with D1 and buy the whole pack with all DLC for $30
it has bad optimization for how shitty the game looks, but it' shit if you're not going to play with anyone.
>Why are people bitching that it's also on EGS then? Literally ignore EGS wtf
just retarded steam niggers being annoying, epic is shit but these fucks literally lets it live in their head rent free.
basically just a 15% damage nerf since it was way too popular for PvE and PvP. Of course nobody knows what the devs will do about the other weapons or exotics but it sure feels good to see some karma on the forums cunts who laughed at other players for not being able to get a raid team
>basically just a 15% damage nerf since it was way too popular for PvE and PvP.
I wonder what the DPS will be compared to my P416 then.
The Division 2 isn't an EGS exclusive, it's also on Uplay since both companies belong to Tencent.
>caring about the characters in a [current year] Ubishit game
>Increased damage of Explosive Seeker Mine by 20%.
>Now applies Bleed status effect.
>Increased damage of Cluster Seeker Mines by +30%.
>Increased cooldown of Cluster Seeker Mines from 40s to 60s.
Maybe I really should consider a Seeker build.
not that different desu but there are big chances the developers will shit on the Custom P416 since they didn't like how it had superior RoF/damage stats over other AR. Of course, if they're not complete cunts, they would buff all the other AR instead so there is more variety in min/maxing but it's Massive we're talking about.
>Tfw I just want to use any other rifle but the P416 is just too good compared to them
Massive needs to buff every other rifle massively to even make them compete with P416, this also includes extra mod slots.
played with a friend and got bored after a week
also if you have 8gb of ram, don't bother
Is 1 any fun solo?
The setting in The Division 2 isn't that great either and contributes to the generic feel of the game. New York was better because it was also taking place in the winter so it really had that comfy feeling.
I had a good time with it for sure, but you can't do any endgame content unless you're going to have an autistically optimized build, and even then you literally can't complete one of the incursions solo because it has a part where you need two players with a riot shield to block a minigun from shooting hostages tied up out in the open. There is plenty to do outside of that though so I'd say it's a solid $20 buy to play alone.
Seconding this. You can absolutely enjoy the game solo, it is slightly less frustrating with at least one person I'll admit. The thing user is talking about is a very small slice of the pie though that you can't do solo. There are definitely still people playing and if I don't party with my gf immediately, I get several invites as soon as I'm at the base of operations or really any safe house. If it's 20 bucks and you're not determined to hate it before it even installs you're gonna have a blast user.