ITT pleb filters
ITT pleb filters
Other urls found in this thread:
Watcher knights
>Mantis Lords the pleb filter
>Not Hornet 1
Well, I guess Mantis Lords do sort of act as a second filter, but unlike Hornet you don't have to beat them in order to progress, there's other ways into Deepnest.
Can't be a filter because it's optional
First goomba in super mario bros
Can you really call it a filter when there are only 5 bosses after her?
That's the end game
If you think they are filters you're the one beeing filtered ya shitter.
Uh no, Mantis Lords are piss easy and have like 2 moves. The Traitor Lord is the pleb filter.
Berserker fights in any Gears game.
>sisters of battle
Literally impossible.
never forget
And Matador in Nocturne.
Oh god
The end game is honestly the best part though. They are being filtered from the best bosses,and beat ending.
I wouldnt call them piss easy but they definitely arent pleb filters. The first hornet battle was tougher. I would say watcher knights are a pleb filter, but they're a little ways into the game.
Never played this but that game journalist that couldn't figure this out has to be mentally handicapped. I'd argue I could figure this out in less time as a 3 year old.
mantis lords are not optional unless you know the secuence break to avoid them, which would make you not a pleb, so you wouldn't be filtered by it in the first place
think before you reply, you sound thirsty
Yeah. These niggers were a major roadblock for my early speedruns and don't even get me started on my Ascended fight with them holy SHIT that was frustrating
holy shit that art style is cringe
how the fuck was anyone suppose to expect a QTE
the charging lambent boss is pretty hardcore and requires some thinking
that sweet feeling of relief when one of them finally goes down
>nail binding watcher knights
>radiant watcher knights
Never ever fucking forget that Dean Takahashi (the retard journo in question who barely figured out the Cuphead tutorial) was outsmarted by a fucking pigeon.
When you think about this, you could argue that the pigeon comparatively has a much harder challenge than Dean. The bird doesn't get guidance on what it must to to get the food, Dean doesn't have to move anything besides Cuphead into place, and the bird doesn't have hands which makes the dexterity of moving the box more difficult.
>Spec Aton by default template
>Entire fight is a nightmare involves grenades and mines
>Spec Aton into basic melee
>Or turn him into a Jedi early
>Entire fight is a fucking cakewalk
speaking as someone who played this game as an adult just a couple years ago, kh1 has some brutal fucking bosses
radiant* not ascended
Beating her without healing is true pleb filter. Needless to say she took a fuckton of poking before breaking into peaces
Best first boss
I just exploit the counter glitch lol
hornet is trial and error while mantis lords you have to git gud
The white palace plebfiltered me, I don't play Metroidvania because I'm a platforming god.
do people seriously struggle with any non-dlc boss in this game? 'cause overall the game was fairly easy, only DLCs pumped up the difficulty a bit.
when I first encountered them they were kicking my ass too hard so I left them for later
then later on I found the other way into deepnest and completely forgot about them until way late in the game when I easily curbstomped them
They are 100% optional
Finding a different path into an area is not a big sequence break, homo
Watcher Knights, Soul Tyrant and Radiance all troubled me for a bit when I first encountered them, especially Radiance.
>tfw beat mantis lords and all of deepnest before figuring out you could upgrade the nail
the fucking tank spiders take 2000 hits with the base nail
everytime kek
Is this real? I refuse to believe someone would be so stupid as to be defeated by that platforming "challenge"
It is. It's 100% genuine. Though he was laughing at himself and saying stuff like "I'm an idiot" the whole time; doesn't excuse him imo. Not as someone who supposedly plays games to make a living.
But how? I just don't understand how that could be possible. I could have my 60 year old mom who has literally never touched a videogame in her life play that and I'm sure she'd figure it out faster. Fucking how?
I don't know user. I think he's genuinely mentally handicapped and hasn't been diagnosed.
it was the last day of some gaming convention and he claims to have been awake for 30+ hours or something like that. Also notable that he usually classifies himself as a tech journalist/blogger that talks about the games industry from time to time. He's done game reviews before but its definitely not what he usually does for a living.
After the convention was over and everyone on his office as going over the material from the convention they found the footage of him failing at cuphead and thought it was hilarious how absurdly stupid he was in it. So the company uploaded it to let other people laugh at without realizing that it would serve as ""confirmation"" that anyone who talks/writes about gameing for a living is actually a lying fraud who hates games trying to take them all away from everyone.
1001 spikes in its entirety
Not Path of Pain
1year later, I still haven't beat the last Pantheon
he's just not good at platformers, ok??
Watching youtubers fail PoH is my new favorite kind of porn, its just so satisfying
Especially fun are the youtubers who pathetically lie to convince others they completed it. Really gets me going and laughing
He doesn't play games to make a living, that guy was a tech journalist.