Sony used to be the best during the ps1 and 2 era then went to the worst after. What fucking happened?
Sony used to be the best during the ps1 and 2 era then went to the worst after. What fucking happened?
Other urls found in this thread:
They became snoy boys.
Even with the acceptance of "toxic masculinity", you'd think that a over buff angry guy who is bent on revenge would get a pass.
I played through this game and was bored as shit the entire time. By the 5th time they reused the crystal miniboss i realized i truly got tricked into buying the game.
Unironically this
>not to get all jk rowling
i dont get how people realize what they're saying is absolutely retarded but say it anyway?
like theres absolutely 0 indication of kratos being bi in any of the games and you even realize that trying to retcon someone into being gay/bi a la jk rowling is fucking stupid? but you still do it anyway?
do these people have brains?
Everything that was fun and acceptable at the time got retconned to be problematic and abusive.
But they started making shitty uncharted movies back during the ps3 era.
its a bait screencap
the guy later said its a joke and that kratos is straight and that made people mad
Oh boy another thread from inceltard obsessed by journo articles and twitter screencap
this is about the culture war not gameplay
who cares about that lol
uh you cant just call me an incel bro thats worse than saying nigger
You have shit taste. This is unanymously considered to be the best game of 2018 by YongYea and other reviewers.
>Hangs out in restera
so is Cory a pedo?
Fuck Sony and fuck California!
They went for the "GRAPHICS" meme.
Cory Barlog is a fucking cunt its so obvious from his interviews. Good writer but honestly fuck him as a person
can't wait for Zoe Quinn to #metoo him
>Move HQ to California
>Start pumping out generic movie games
>Shit over pre existing ip's
>Force your politically correct agenda into every new game
Thank you based Sony!
This, it’s todays Gone Home
God of War tackles "toxic masculinity" in an actually level-headed and adult way though. The entire game is half about Kratos keeping his absurd aggression under control and only lashing out when the situation calls for it, which is probably the biggest change everybody notices. The other half is about Kratos' inability to connect with his son and struggling to show emotion towards him unless it's a fight or flight moment.
This is the game that defined this generation.
>God of War tackles "toxic masculinity" in an actually level-headed and adult way though. The entire game is half about Kratos keeping his absurd aggression under control and only lashing out when the situation calls for it, which is probably the biggest change everybody notices. The other half is about Kratos' inability to connect with his son and struggling to show emotion towards him unless it's a fight or flight moment.
kratos had to change because the last of us sold well, the same reason it has an open world instead of being linear and a more dark soulsish combat instead of fast paced back and slash
And in actuality I expect he goes Neil Druckmann in his next game
how many years until Islam takes over the world and kills all faggots?
they have no game
Nice rebuttal, faggot.
>Nice rebuttal, faggot.
Not doing a good job so far.
>This is Tommy Chong's daughter.
I haven't played the new god if war but if you're lamenting the loss of some amazing franchise because of it you need to kill yourself. The old games were button mashing trash and were considered a joke on here for years before the zoomers turned up. Fuck off.
here's your video game bro
"God of War's director on why people should not buy his games and why people still enjoy games from 2012 in 2019 and have no motivation to change"
Later in this article he also promoted piracy.
>Hangs out in restera
Of course he would. They have a lot of cert and PR people hanging around commenting about T&A games in late 2017. Treehouse and 8-4 too.
Nobody is, we are talking about putting shit liberal politics on Kratos
Pretty par for the course
Why are developers in general so afraid in make gaming like used to be?
Twitter backslash? Gaming """journalism"""? That's literally free marketing for the game.
I bet most of faggots who complain about some game "toxicity" end it buying it because everyone else is buying.
I never got this whole toxic masculinity thing.
Why is it my problem you’re easily offended.
If you’re not of my work and vision why don’t you find something else you actually like?
This. Niggas on here need to be less insecure. I wasn't a fan of the gameplay, the way the game dealt with Kratos' masculinity and how its affected both himself and those around him was pretty great.
30iq post
is fun combat toxic now?
Too many.
>Oi kratos! here are some cool green arrows!
>kratos: ok better not ask the dwarf about this ever again
great writing!
To be fair, he's right about God of War. It was so toxic that GoW3 was just fucking dreadful and dreary to play. Felt constantly flat and one note throughout the experience.
The new interpretation was far greater even if it did sacrifice the old style of platformer which was fine at least.
>I always imaged Kratos as a raging bi-sexual.
Jaffe is full of shit.
Hell that used to be Rockstar’s niche
GTA SA was in the news like every single day for like 8 months
Days Gone does this too
based blackjak
I would rail that twink dressed up as the chick from Horizon Zero Dawn (if it's a dude that is)
How did a guy like that actually create Kratos in the first place?
He legit doesn't look like the kind of guy that would be making those type of characters, looks like some faggot indie dev at best.
more like gays done lmao right ?
Two things happened;
Sony moved their headquarters to San Francisco. Sanfran isn't a meme, it's genuinely one of the most unironically politically toxic places in the English speaking world, and it's mostly due to classism (not sexism or racism, they are just used as the faces for their actual bigotry since it's easier to distract the poor with sexism and racism).
China entered the global economy, meaning China was not only selling PlayStations officially but Sony had to start considering China's laws and standards when creating content that would be sold there.
We're no longer in the days where companies are willing to have a headquarters in every region to make specific versions of games for each one. That's reserved for passion projects like the Final Fantasy VIII remake. Sony doesn't have time for that shit and would rather just dump out one product that needs no regional changes besides language, using the 4Kids approach where everyone just gets a Google translation of the American version.
He didn't. Dude who made Kratos long left the company.
It's fucking BORING. Fuck this "mature" writing.
This and whites too
>Final Fantasy VII remake
>passion project
It's the most soulless, creatively bankrupt, nostalgia targeting cash grab ever though.
>T&A games
Tits & ass?
Name a God of War game where Kratos cared about the details
We he is greek.
You're beyond too jaded to reason with, so I'm not gonna even bother.
They think movies are games.
actually, I've got more out of my ps4 than I did with my ps1 or 2
friend share feature is just too good. I can leech on the whole library of two of my friends and even play together with them even if I did't own the game.
Looking forward to convincing my friend to buy Nioh2 when it comes out, the alpha was amazing.
regarding OPpic, Kratos is still a masculine rip n tear retard, he just isn't an innocent killing edgelord like he was in the previous games. Pretty sure when talking about "toxic masculinity" Cory just meant the typical douchebag dudebro behaviour, not that masculinity is toxic in general. After all, he made GoW2 too.
You forgot the eating of the Xbox one, retard
This, Sony of Commiefornia is to blame. Especially more so now that they're in charge of dictating what sort of games have to be sexually toned down in Japan for Japanese people.
I've heard bad things about Sony's HQ in Cali, their treatment of employees etc..
Nintendo still does this with Nintendo of Europe being the best out of all of them
He didn't. David Jaffe, the guy who made Twisted Metal did. Barlog was just some faggot animator who got handed a director position after Jaffe stopped giving a shit.
Who the fuck is eating an Xbox one?
Yeah I love censored redubbed versions too!
he's right tho
also they censored tifas tits in every region so you're wrong about them relasing different versions in each region
>tifa wasnt censored she was just redesigned to have smaller boobs
yeah she was the same square enix also censored Rinoa's chest in the FF8 Remaster
I am not sure at all how exactly nu-GOW can be seen as an antidote against "toxic masculism" to western people. Its still remained as a typical story where bold head muscle man is executing physical force that forms raw violence for resolving the biggest problem in the world, just like western movie, which is the theme that you often see in the west, though.
If there is a game that effectively subverses that ideology, it would be a game like FF15 where the boys who look like gay or boys band are going to save the world with magic and the power of firendship, but typically western people' reactions to these kinds of games are shown as a sort of laugh, which is the reason why I feel this "we take our problem serious" narrative is bullshit.
Yo does this chick have knife ears
Why do any of you care? He was still a good character and a natural progression of his old one. I swear you get triggered by meaningless words just as easily as the leftists you claim to be better than
Glad I dont play modern with modern faggotry infecting everything.
That's the current mindset of most developers. Of course, this shit is causing the quality of products to decline and consequently people elsewhere that have not been contaminated by this quasi-religious thinking will take a prominent place in the industry. Until one day they also undergo the process of degeneration and other people take their place.
This is natural. The only problem is when the decadent somehow prevent others from taking their place. For example, trying to get the new creator to be censored, harassed, arrested, etc.
1. kratos has a reason to mistrust gods. it was out of character for him to not question the dwarf.
2. kratos is travelling with his son who is much more observant than he is. it was out of character for him to not question the dwarf, especially since it was *his* equipment.
3. you can't just say "wow this game is way more mature and insightful than the other god of war games" and then go back to the older games as an excuse for shitty writing.
>I live in 2019 and can only buy games locally
Just get the Euorpe versions. Other than Treehouse's fuckery with the American versions, multiplats on both Sony and Nintendo platforms are uncensored on the 3DS and Switch while censored on the PS4 with shit like beams of light.
They even tried adding a beam of light to the PS4 version of DMC5 to hide Trish's ass but took it out after backlash.
I don’t want to buy a console to “play” saw movies.
Too bad the game was fucking boooooorriiinnngg
Imagine being so up your own own ass thinking that making a one dimensional murder hobo develop offscreen into a caring father is good writing
I watched the documentary about the game (it's on YouTube) and my god Barlog is a faggot. I don't understand how the same man directred God of War 2.
>Game doesn't have better writing
>Therefore nothing about the game can be more mature or insightful in anyway
I fucking hate Common Core kiddies like you.
This game was so bad. Why did they change everything and make it worse
Didn't spartans fuck little boys in an apprenticeship program? Wouldn't it be historically accurate to say that kratos engaged in homosexual relationships?
The big push for realistic graphics eventually lead to a big push for cinematic experiences which made companies focus less on gameplay. This is why nobody talks about any Playstation exclusive games outside of Bloodborne, Spider-Man and porn based on TLoU.
They are trying to cash in on a hip social movement but they are too old and out of touch to see that no one who plays videogames cares about it
Sony Playstation, dumb little whore
The oddest thing here is the implication that blind murderous rage Kratos of the old days apparently wasn't a massive piss take.
>yeah the game has shitty writing and plot holes and contrivances all over the place, so what? that just makes it more mature!!
this is the soiboy version of how 13 year olds thought the first couple of god of war games were so "mature" because there was blood and gore. now soiboys think the game is "so mature" because kratos acts out of character all the time.
The Last of Us became a success.
You are such a fucking retard, holy shit.
yeah probably but who cares? if the developers wanted to go for historical accuracy for historical accuracy's sake they would've included something about it in the game.
There's nothing to get. It's subversion.
not an argument. your game sucked.
>Other than Treehouse's fuckery with the American versions, multiplats on both Sony and Nintendo platforms are uncensored on the 3DS and Switch while censored on the PS4 with shit like beams of light.
ironic because DMC5 is only censored in the european version. It is uncensored on the ps4 in NA. Also, aside from that 5 visual novel from a year ago it is the only game that seen any kind of ps4 related censorship, so it's a bit of a far stretch saying that multiplats are censored on the ps4 while saying that the switch only has a few games censored
gotta go woke to get rich.
the gow ps2 games had satirical levels of masculinity. funny how gears of war met the same fate. doesnt matter which console youre on you cant escape the onions
>Toxic masculinity.
>What its supposed to mean.
The amount of pressure we put on boys and the help we keep from them is making a society of hurt and betrayed monsters.
>What they think it means.
Do exactly as a woman says at all times no matter what it is and no matter how much it hurts you OR ELSE
You should also take these pills and send me pictures of your cute girl cock! ^_^
>You are such a fucking retard, holy shit.
>historical accuracy matters to me when women are involved when I think they shouldn't be (BSV)
>historical accuracy doesn't matter to me when I think that the main character might've engaged in homosexual relations (GoW)
Not my game, I'm a Switchbro. You're such a pissbaby that you contrive the most retarded, disingenuous takes from what a person says and then shit yourself getting upset over them. Nobody needs to waste their time making an argument when your responses are so off base they're not even in the same field anymore.
Keep being mad, you fucking joke. It's at least entertaining.
There was never full homo relationships, you are expected to have children. Also you are looked down upon for being a bottom as an adult.
>playing Political Agendas: The System
>anmd paying an additional yearly premium just to play online using that shitty, slow, featureless Japanese online service
>fuck lean nubile teenage boys in exchange for mentorship
>not gay
based low iq retard
but he's greek
You fucked your neighbours slave boy to humiliate/insult the neighbour. Also it's a sign of dominance. People did fucked up shit back then, you can't apply homosexuality to it in every case.
Nothing wrong with critiquing masculinity but these days it's solely done from a feminist soibeard angle.
>you're wrong about them relasing different versions in each region
American version has entire lines of dialogue, with full mouth capture and lip syncing, while the Japanese version has a grunt or cough.
The games are objectively different in each region regardless of whether Tifa has a sports bra or not, you glue guzzling, inbred moron.
Revising historical accuracy in an effort to adhere to Marxist principles is bad, i agree.
So you haven't even played the game? this is how nintenbabbies waste their time everyone
>still no argument
come back when you've played the game. watching your favorite e-celeb play it doesnt count.
>he just isn't an innocent killing edgelord
Why even bother then? Kill yourself.
>comparing a series about world war II battles with a series about a man killing all the greek gods
>historical accuracy
>using "toxic" unironically
You are everything that's wrong with the 2010s. "Toxic" has no meaning, as you people have dried up any purpose it could possibly have.
Don't pretend like Kratos was seen as anything but an awful character before this.
Why can't you be honest about your positions? This guy is
Its honestly a shit game, extremely boring story and ganeplay though I did like atreyu.
I've played it and Spider-man on my roommate's PS4 (despite owning a PS3 and Vita, Spider-man was the first game I ever platinum'd). Again, you're such an unironic retard that all you can do is make the most disingenuous takes and embarrass yourself as you then proceed to shit all over yourself.
But you're also so retarded that you literally can't understand this, so you're going to continue making baseless guesses about my character and experiences instead of curbing your retardation and taking a moment to check yourself.
Again, stay mad, it's funny.
how is this good combat?
>still no counter arguments
thank you for conceding defeat.
"To be fair" that's subjective, your emotional weakness is not the universal metric for how fiction should be depicted
I am honest. I also have never even played a Battlefield game. It's just disingenuous to claim someone is being inconsistent in their values if they hold a more historically driven franchise to historical accuracy than they do a franchise that's about an angry man killing all the Greek gods.
Last of us was more interesting and had better gameplay than new God of war, also Joel was way more likeable than boring ass kratos.
You have presented nothing to argue against, you little pissbaby. :Y
Everyone considers it good and it sold better than all the games combined.
i gave examples of some of the shitty writing in the game, you said it doesn't matter since the game is "le mature" without providing any examples.
Not me
I wanna fuck black chicks now
It's a clickbait title you fags. He doesn't even mention toxic masculinity. Stop being so fucking gullible
>piss baby
That's toxic masculinity, please stop
You got upset that Kratos didn't demand more details about some arrows in the retarded belief that "more mature" means "more dialogue and things explained to you while someone holds your hand". You then proceeded to piss and shit all over yourself.
Dont tell me what to do you toxic masculine hunk
No, Canadian.
nooo please don't eat my xbox i'm still playing with it!
I pointed out how kratos not mentioning the arrows to the dwarf ever again was shitty writing and out of character. i never even brought up how the game was "more mature" until you did, without providing examples, as if that excuses the bottom tier writing.
are you genuinely retarded? let me know now so i stop wasting my time
>tackles "toxic masculinity" in an actually level-headed and adult way though
>keeping his absurd aggression under control
>inability to connect with his son and struggling to show emotion towards him
that sounds like an exciting and fun video game doesn't it?
california is 100% the answer
Does your stupid ass not know people can just SCROLL UP and see how everything you just claimed was a lie? Even the, "I didn't bring up maturity, YOU did!" bullshit?
The absolute state of you.
If Kratos doesn't trust gods and dwarves and shit why would he rely on them for information
How is it out of character for him to continue not trusting them
It would be more out of character if he trusted the dwarf and asked him in earnest about anything let alone the weapon
Do you stop to think ever
More concerned about screencapping my based posts instead of providing examples of the game being more mature than previous titles. Thanks for confirming you're retarded!
you can make this excuse for kratos but you can't make this excuse for atreus
or maybe atreus was so underwritten that you forgot he existed? lmao
phoneposters like you need to fucking hang
>Proof of lies is posted
>Screeches about being proven a liar
Yep that's about what I expected this to turn into. Stay mad.
Is this the thread where girls ruin Yea Forums?
No, answer the question instead of dodging it like a coward
>plot holes can be excused because if the story actually made sense it would be "hand holding"
this is your brain on nincel
>Stays mad
Kratos doesn't trust gods. That's literally a baseline of his character. Theres nothing about him not trusting dwarves. Saying "he doesnt trust gods or dwarves" implies that he has a mistrust of dwarves the same as he has a mistrust of gods. Dishonest. For him to not question why gear given to him by a dwarf is "cursed" when the person in question is a god, is out of character. Old kratos would've gotten to the bottom of this and probably would've murdered someone to figure out who was trying to deceive him.
Atreus would've just questioned it because hes supposed to not be retarded.
>still no arguments
It's argued that it's more meaningful when information in media can be shown rather than explained.
An adult can appreciate the differences between a silent film and a child's cartoon where the characters stop and explain everything in detail.
You have this bizarre mindset that to be more mature, more needs to be stated, and the less said the more immature it is. This isn't a reflection of how mature God of War is, but an admittance of your own stunted development.
ah ok, so what are the "behind the scenes" "shown not spoken" explanations of why the arrows being burned wasn't brought up by kratos, atreus, or even the dwarves again? I mean im sure the dwarf would've at least noticed that his finely crafted arrows went missing and would've made a comment or 2 about it. But its like the scene didnt happen.
So it would be out of character for (old) Kratos to not kill the dwarf indescriminately, gotya.
I think they're missing the point. Changing Kratos to prevent toxic masculinity will never help to eliminate toxic masculinity itself, mostly because it's obvious they're only doing it for intellectual gratification among people who already shared the same beliefs.
thats what would've happened in the old games ya
new kratos would've just questioned them, but this doesnt happen either since the game has shitty writing so
You are so developmentally stunted that you can't appreciate that Kratos can understand something without asking about it out loud like Solid Snake every two seconds.
Also if you had even a basic education, you would already know what that scene was foreshadowing. You are literally upset about a mature piece of media referencing something you didn't know without explaining what it was to you. If you can't handle that, go back to your animes where characters over explain everything.
How can anyone look at this and think this is a healthy thing for a civilization to accept? We should carve out their hearts aztec style.
Why would Kratos need to question what he already knows?
You would be so fucking atrocious at playing Poker.
This is unironically the world's only hope. We've had our chance and we blew it, ran our culture into the ground. Only Islam can purge it now.
liberal "men"
fucking lol
everyone can understand that its foreshadowing, but its foreshadowing with no consequences. the scene only exists so that the arrows fulfill their mcguffin tier role of removing Baldr's immunity. in all other contexts, its removed from the game because nobody brings it up again despite having motivations within their character to bring it up.
these motivations are:
1. kratos doesnt trust gods and would bring it up with the dwarf after he figured out the deal with freya
2. atreus naturally questions everything and would ask the dwarf why freya thinks his arrows are "cursed"
3. the dwarf would bring it up since hes literally a gay anal about everything fag who would be upset that you threw his equipment away
I thought it was Athenians that were known to be super gay.
>no responses
fucking lol
>gigachad Kratos that literally massacres his family and destroys Greece over a petty squabble with Zeus
>vs generic The Last of Us clone but with a God of War skin
Mudslime filth will be purged by Chinese like they do it on their territory.
Alex Jones was right. There is shit in the water turning the frogs gay.
Makes me want to ditch my GayStation and get an XBone
>Microsoft HQ is in Seattle
>west gets gay and sóylent
>destroys itself
>islam, slavs and chink commies are going to purge it afterwards
Beautiful how nature always keeps things balanced
The kind of people on there. Where the fuck did they come from?
Go on. Like what?
Leftism rots the brain.
Is this cultural shift thing in Japan a meme or is it for real?
Why does California seem to have a monopoly on game companies in the US?
GoW3 Kratos was the most human he was of the first five games. GoW2 Kratos was a fucking nutjob.
>Is this cultural shift thing in Japan a meme or is it for real?
what do you think?
>pride parades use to show how normal people that were gay or lesbian could he
>now it's just a competition to see whos kinkier.
You know its bad when they gays who attended the first parades won't be seen near any of the recent parade goers
>then went to the worst after.
According to who? Nintengays?
The rest of the States is just as shitty.
You cucks censor everything.
It's been one year already, you need to stop being angry about GoW being a success
I am waiting for a game that talks about toxic female behavior.
Still seething over GOTY
Remember when Sol and Kratos where the two bastions of Videogame Masculinity?
Well Sol is Manlier than ever while Kratos turned into a onions addicted single father
that would be nintendo
>Remember when Sol and Kratos where the two bastions of Videogame Masculinity?
>Well Sol is Manlier than ever
His notdaughter is being railed by his rival every night, you cant be a bigger cuck than that
>nostalgia targeting cash grab
>has been a topic of discussion since the ps3 came out in 2006
>Remember when Sol and Kratos where the two bastions of Videogame Masculinity?
Who the fuck is SoI? Looks like a faggot.
20-50 years
Toxic masculinity is a toxic concept coined by toxic waste and fuck Onions of War
u wat nigga
>fuck Onions of War
Why? Too manly for you? Stick to bing bing wahoo maybe.
True, As a faggot i detest all this shit. i would execute these fags in the street given the opportunity.
Kratos definitely needed to be reworked
That shit worked back on PS2 but it would be boring as fuck nowadays
So Onions of War is the discord tranny idea of manly? Holy shit and you play Nintendo too oh noooo
>So Onions of War is the discord tranny
I don't see any trannies in GoW m8. Maybe you have some kink projection as expected from faggot.
You lack reading comprehension.
No white girl will date you dicklet Chang
even worse than a cheng, he's (may allah forgive me for uttering this word) hapa
I can't decide if that face is photoshopped or not. It looks so much like a basedjack lmfaoo
Kratos' change was a marketing decision, not an art direction one.
They saw a direction associated with modern PlayStation titles and a series that is popular enough among casual PS4 players, so they mixed two different things for profit.
Imagine rebooting Duke Nukem into a Gone Home clone where he talks about his girlfriend and the game is centered around relationships and shit like that.
So what you're saying is, even gays hate newfags.
They became bigger and better than ever, with their only naysayers being us thirsty losers from an Armenian basket weaving image board.
Did the slave boys enjoy it?
I don't resent that Gravity Rush had to be made under Sony, merely that it was made under this particular era of the company. Just give me my MediEvil remake so I can fuck off for good until GR3 may or may not be announced.
remove all spyro and crash games, they're multiplats, also remove PS3 remasters
>DMC5 is only censored in the european version. It is uncensored on the ps4 in NA
What? All reports showed that it was censored on the PS4 NA version after the day 1 patch while the Japanese and European were uncensored.
>posing as resetera for free (You)s
>raging retard eternally in period state
There is nothing more manly than teaching own son to be strong and collected and using brain instead of muh hurted soi feelings. and drinking good wine with him after butchering enemies. Sois like you will never understand that.
HZD is a fucking awful game that emulates ass creed games to a T
>inb4 muh robos and muh story
>that emulates ass creed games to a T
Wrong, it does everything worse then an ass creed game
>acting instinctively and getting away with it
>not the very definition of chad
hate to break it to you but most chads don't use their upper head all that much, and drinking wine is pure onions unless you're a frog or a wop.
So what are these people doing to combat toxic femininity and its prevalence in society?
>chads don't sue their upper head that much
They do.
>drinking wine is pure onions
best warriors and conquerors in history loved drinking good wine. Sorry soi.
only women and soibois use emotion over brain.
HZD is better than any ass creed game, especially with combat and lore.