>international server
>voice chat enabled
>listenning to the racial slurs and banter from all around the world
this is truly comfy
International server
>tfw faggot devs want to ban this
it's half the fun of playing an online game
My favourite:
>Hey (obviously russian username), t ruski?
>wait for "da"
>scream "pusha nahuy" at top of lungs
>heeeey johnny padooey how ya doin' ?
I was playing RDR online last weekend and in of the towns there was an Irish guy and black American racially abusing eachother as they were both shooting at civilians and police and not eachother
How do you know the guy was black?
It's "poshool nahuy", friend.
Sorry, i cant properly write cyrillic and ive only ever heard it, thanks for clarifiying
Because he was saying things like white trash mick, and its obvious a black mans voice doesn't sound the same as white
>Rising Storm vietnam
>everybody doing his worst asian accent
Stop lying /pol/tard
Nobody is racist outside of /pol/
calling your black friend a fuckign nigger doesn't make you a racist, just a good friend
Check your privilege white boy
I report any and all racism and abuse in multiplayer games because the possibility of them getting banned amuses me
>devs add toxic reports and filter every semi offensive word
>voice chat is full of racism
>How do you know the guy was black?
"Ay yo imma finna bust a cap in yo ass mufucka nawmsayin punk bitch"
Either that or "ooga booga".
>mfw everytime people find i'm br they start spamming sopa de macaco
>I report any and all racism and abuse in multiplayer games because the possibility of them getting banned amuses me
Sony doesn't ban for racism, they just delete all the messages and send you a strongly worded notification.
>American joins the server
>hits bong
>spam Trump memes
>americans getting bullied by russians and brazillians in every single global mmorpg
>queue up in Siege with my Finnish friend
>he has thick fucking accent
>gives a call
>someone else on our team starts speaking to him in Finnish
>so does everyone else
>now I'm the only native english speaker on the team with 4 people speaking in the most dry, monotone voices you can imagine in a language I cannot speak
>they ended up playing with us for 2 more games
haha yeah it's so c-comfy
when i was 13 and i was still learning english i would scream NIGGER NIGGER NIGGER like a retard at every american i saw in online games.
cuspi meu café, vai se foder user.
>The north of England and south of England start fighting each other using ever more ridiculous insults.
That fucking filter is so stupid it's almost more funny than annoying
Fucking spicy gets censored and my hispanic friend spent like 5 minutes trying to figure out why he couldn't type it out.