>[Insist] (100%) I have as of yet to present myself.
[Insist] (100%) I have as of yet to present myself
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For people planning on buying this: Its low fantasy Mass Effect
It's not.
It's not a Bioware game if you don't get the option to murder your companions for having opinions.
>other on ol menawis have cool horns and whatnot
>no option during char creation to have one yourself
Horns as hats mod is in development.
Horns or the intuition hat.
Which is it gonna be, renaigse?
Does Accuracy affect Bomb?
Does Strength affect Bomb('s armor damage)?
I'll just test it if nobody knows.
Horns with modded capes.
Been thinking of getting this. I see that there are 3 trees, gadget, combat and magic. Are there charisma based skills? Are there any tree that are better with rapiers? Are the trees only for combat, or can they be used for other stuff, like lockpicking, talking etc.?
All I can say is that you don't use the Bomb for the damage, especially towards the end of the game. Elemental damage grenades scale well (as far as armor removal goes), but not the bomb.
Pretty sure strength affects only melee weapons. Also, bomb damage is kinda crap on bosses. You throw it to auto win mob fights and to strip armor fast+long time poison on bosses.
Skills are for combat. Attributes are for combat. Talents (lockpicking and charisma go here) are for non-combat stuff.
All of it is very straight-forward in what it affects, so you shouldn't be getting lost there.
>Are there charisma based skills?
>Are there any tree that are better with rapiers?
Eh, personally I prefer to mix it with guns and magic. The game really forces you to multiclass unless you want to be a weakling.
>Are the trees only for combat, or can they be used for other stuff, like lockpicking, talking etc.?
There are three tabs, skills (branches), attributes, and talents. All are separate from each other.
It's unfair considering Constantin has one too.
You mean the Bomb special skill at Technical tree right? the poison is nice but the dmg is kinda low. I guess its used for armor breaking
>literally a seaborn
You can't make this shit up
I'm currently level 26 and basically maxed the top half of the skil tree (including heal & roll). I'm respeccing to drop 2H STR weapons / Fury. Bomb armor damage seems like it'll be plenty to strop armor in non-bossfights, at least for now, but I'd like to know if either stat affects it.
>breaking an armor
Lmaoing at you, non-magic plebs.
I'm generally not bothering because most enemies are dying straight through their armor to 2 ~700-damage 2H sword swings, but it's nice against certain heavily armored enemy types.
Hey wife scholar what wife is best in this game?
Ah, I see. The review I watched only mentioned the combat skills. As for taletns, does force you to pick one type of build, or can you spread them out, and if so, is there enough points to get the most of them?
I have a thing for rapiers. But is magic combat more fun than melee?
>Endgame sequence
>All companions present, forgot to actually update gear on half of them
>First to leave to join the other members of the alliance are Kurt my most decked out guy and Aphra
>Next to leave is Siora, my other decked out person, and Vasco
>Father Petrus of all people is the last one to see me off
>1v1 the final boss, still kick its ass
>What a shame
Great ending, I have questions about what happens to Sardine post-game. I was kinda annoyed the tree even spoke in the final cutscene, it was a mood killer. Let me and Constantin have an honest heart-to-heart without any outside interference its more dramatic that way.
Theres an attributes list for equipment prerequisites and combat stat boosts, an abilities tree for combat skills and a talents tree for out of combat utility. The abilities tree is divided into 6 starting points that eventually connect to one another and they can be roughly divided into 3 roles: Melee Combat(One-handed blades/One handed heavy weapons), Tool Use(Firearms/Elemental Traps), and Magic(Divine Magic Ring/Stasis). Even the starting presets provide you with 3 of the opening skills so mixing and matching is very much acceptable and encouraged.
Does it even worth to go all the way that though? I mean it's 7 extra points after Throwing Phials (9 with Bomb upgrades), and on the side-branch we have Shadow Burst too...
It would seem that the sardine memes are the best thing to come out of this dumpster fire of a game.
Combat is so fucking boring i can play for about 30 minute increments before wanting to change class and then realizing melee and ranged is just as retarded as magics "stun lock entire group of enemies and then aoe blast them". At least thats different from the beginning which was stun lock 13 individual mobs then whiddle them down 1 by 1.
Story is alright i suppose but there is a shitload of incredibly terrible combat shitting up this game. 4/10.
But can I use a spear?
What a boring game.
Glad I pirated it. It has so little depth, it's like a more casual dragon age: origins meets gothic. But with less interesting skills, conversations, npc's, monsters, magic, weapons and pc. Guns are cool.
Which is a shame cause I love janky games like Gothic.
i've been on tech tree for a while now and specced to 2h out of boredom and the Bomb (rage skill) dmg never did get better. its more of a util for breaking armors and poison
i mainly used guns and i didnt even bother w/ the weapon coating anymore. i didnt even use my mana till i got stasis/armor/heal skills. i never bothered with shadow burst since i can just craft magic bombs that do way more dmg
No, magic fucking sucks. Magic is "cycle through each enemy stunning them with spell. Chug potion. Whiddle down with shadow bolt spell. Chug potion. Repeat." Until you get the aoe stun and blast which is "run into center of enemies. Aoe stun all of them. Aoe blast which usually 1 shots and if not repeat steps 1 and 2 and chug potion if need be since you have 400 of them".
You're going to max the most useful talents not even halfway through the game.
And no, magic is boring as sin.
Niggas do you even kung fu
When you get the shadow dash it's like Bloodborne, Yea Forumsoomer's favorite zero- color 5 hour Soulshit
You can't defend a modern day RPG that has magic but then has fewer skills than games from 20 years ago. Hurp stasis or shadowbolt. That's it, that's your bread and butter. Wow, amazing. Let me hop over on gothic 1 and turn into a fucking raptor and bite everything to death
>magic is boring as sin
Did you already collect all the herbs, traplet?
how do you not get bored of the game?
i like the settings, characters, story but im insanely bored of having to walk 5 minutes from A point to B then back to A maybe C
its an absolute slog
>playing rpgs for combat
You can't be serious.
Dunno what are you implying here, you're going to be picking up all the weed in your way anyway. Also
>using traps
Would you prefer Inquisition, which had 10 massive areas of utterly nothing, literally miles of zero structures and barely-navigable mountains?
From a 300 member dev team
What else does it have? The characters? The story? Crafting? The world?? You can't be serious.
>The characters? The story? Crafting? The world??
t.sided with Bridge Alliance
If we're going there, what DO you play RPGs for? For me, it's the story (and I don't mean the main quest, necessarily) that you can influence to your liking. That's not a thing here either.
Inquisition was shit
this is just Inquisiton but somehwat better
Update: I tested it, neither affects the Bomb skill, it stays at 225 armor damage.
Weapon coating is melee-only, right? (Then WTF is at the end of the Firearm skill branch?) I'm just trying to determine if bombs are useful enough to justify that 7-9 point investment. Especially that you said they're not that useful for bosses.
I really love the look of the CoM Armors. Just started a new game though and I realized that the merchant in Serene was selling the Green rarity "Embroidered Marquis Doublet"(Clean/unworn version of the Old embroidered doublet) which I don't for the life of me remember seeing before. Am I missing anything else though or is that the full progression of CoM armors?
>that you can influence to your liking
Except you can. Why are you faggots ignoring the fact that the best outcome with "muh perfect choices" isn't the only one outcome?
The crafting is so boring, there's nothing interesting about it. It's literally not a challenge and you just put a different handle on shit, wooow. You're easily impressed huh?
The world and its monsters are so fucking bland and drab - it's lifeless. That's the best term I have for this game; lifeless. Oh look, a generic evil horned monster, oh look a leshe- i mean, big evil nature monster. Oh look, some bandits... again.
The story might've been interesting if it didn't all feel like it revolved around you. You're not part of the world, you're THE world. Amateur game design.
There's also a dark blue one without red cloth.
Go back to weebshit.
They ARE useful for bosses. They take a huge chunk of armor. They also poison. Unless you use your big rage bar for Fury or Storm then i'd rather take Bomb.
We're talking about Bomb (the ult skill) here not the bomb you throw with throw phials btw
This is the dlc armor you get from the start of the game.
I don't play that at all. You know why? Cause weebshit shares the same issues lol.
You are given a few opportunities to fuck up, but, at the end of the day, every Sardine and most playthroughs are going to be the same, with minor changes in dialogue and ending slides at best, unless you intentionally ignore every sidequest in the game and just rush the main quest.
It's not you blind retard.
we need more kino shots like this desu
Is it this one? Like I said I missed it on my first playthrough and just found it now when going through Serene again
>dunncas is the new high king
did i make a good choice, Yea Forums?
Bombs (from the throw phial skill) are strong (stasis bomb, poison bomb, armor break bomb magic bomb)
Then there's the big bomb skill that requires 100% rage bar called Bomb (ult) which is useful for bosses.
Dude peace and trees lmao is by far the best choice, Ullan is a dirty jew Derde is a retarded warmonger, the quests and interactions you do with them show you that Duncas is the only sound character of the three.
Huh, well color me surprised theres an unarmored upgrade set of improvements as well? I know for sure I didn't see this the first time around either and I'm wondering if theres a purple one.
If there's one thing that I'm not going to complain about in the game, it's the cutscene direction. When it exists.
>textures on ultra
>game stutters like its having a stroke, but only happens when i'm in the cities
>textures on high
>game runs normal but everything looks like washed in semen
is the game fucked up or my potato cant run it?
Is your vsync off?
The first meeting with the tree was breathtaking. Probably all the built up that went with it
of course
turn on your vsynch since apparently it fucks up your frame rate on ultra
There's some memory leak with Ultra textures it looks like.
Haven't seen it on higher levels ar least (35). Only heavy stuff.
Its whittle. retard. Widdle means piss.
Fury seems like dog shit with 2h weapons in my experience
Which would you rather play in a greedfall sequel?
A. Urban rpg taking place either mostly or entirely in Serene
B. Rpg taking place in the entire old continent
C. One of the other countries
D. A new foreign land expedition
Would you rather
A. Play as De Sardet again
B. A new character wifh a fresh arc
I see thats unfortunate, I was hoping it would be colored just like Consantin's governor outfit. In any case I managed to find the green rarity unarmored at the new serene blacksmith in my end-game save(level 32). I've also noticed that the blacksmith and native merchant change their stock every time I reload the save but the item merchant remains consistent so I don't know anymore what it takes to renew his stock
>would you prefer another horribly boring game
No. Why do you ask? Do devs only have 2 options?
I'm not sure if there's enough stuff to do in Serene, but A and A.
I'll go check all equipment mod and report after that.
B (this isn't star wars, we don't have to force the familiar characters into every story of the setting. Also sardine would be cool to meet from a different perspective.)
>Also sardine would be cool to meet from a different perspective
Only if they go with the god cousins ending.
Yeah, I wasn't really using it, which is why I dropped it.
Bomb seems like an okay addition so far. I'm not really using guns or the weapon buffs though so it's kind of a giant point sink but I already had too many doing nothing anyway.
>enough stuff
Why wouldn't there be? Huge citystate probably has a billion warring merchant families. And com has the best aesthetic, and isn't as rigidly stereotypical as theleme and bridge, allowing for more variety. Also the large scale save the world/plant trees stuff was imo the worst part of greedfall, more focus on politics would be cool.
>piss the enemies down.
That describes it too.
Limit this type of game to one city and we'll get Dragon Age 2 2.0, so i'll go with D
Also A because i like Sardine.
Male or female character?
Nope, anonmenawi, no light purples.
>Have I mentioned that I'm Sardine, partner nature god of Tir Fradi?
Lady Sardine for her voice.
The problem with a different protagonist is that things will be no longer personal. I really doubt that after everything De Sardet doesn't want to brutally kill Prince of CoM.
What do you mean?
Thats stupid. Dragon age 2 didn't fail because it was set it one city. Ps:t was set in one city. Vtmb was set in one city.
Whats the point of shadow dash when you just stun lock enemies and can simply do a 360 and walk away?
>progress my male Sardine playthrough
>VA's actor skills are getting worse
I'm honestly consider dropping this playthrough at this point. It's painful.
Thats such a boring motivation for an entire game desu. Set it after sardine is the princess
I mean, we have only seen the docks of Serene and theyre the size of the whole New Serene
I was talking about the final Technician skill called Bomb all along, and unless you take the Coating branch (which I have no intention) the only way there is through Throwing Phials. However, now I see the source of the confusion, as I wrote earlier that:
> I'm just trying to determine if BOMBS are useful enough to justify that 7-9 point investment.
My bad, guys. It never occurred to me that all final skills are Furious Attacks (or at least it seems). How do you trigger Bomb once you filled the Rage Bar? Does it automatically "replace" your current weapon's (in my case, a magic ring) Furious Attack?
>he doesn't know about secondary mage attack
Why do you think teleports behind you exists.
those aren't rpgs tho
>stun lock all enemies
>dash away
>dash back to aoe blast
Wow. Deep and immersive combat WTF is the point of shadow dash?
Why is Greedfall always being presented by anchovies
Niggah what? What is an rpg at this point? Does it even exist?
>he doesn't know about secondary mage attack
Is that long blade skill node for +50 balance bugged for anyone else? Also i noticed last night that my balance in combat is actually half of what it is on the stat screen. I assumed that was cause of playing on hard as a sort of difficulty modifier. Does nightmare quarter your balance accordingly?
>a d&d game isn't an rpg
>a white wolf game isn't an rpg
These systems literally were some of the things the term rpg was made to describe in the first place, you joke of a person.
Because De Sardine
Please enlighten me.
Nah it's its own skill that needs to be hotkeyed
Go respec and try it yourself you dummy.
No thanks. I'm only ITT to find a redeeming quality for this game to start it back up of which I have found zero.
Then get out.
Thanks, I've just been jumping between the hard saves I made looking for them and I just realized the item tiers are confusing assuming they're level based. Looking at the item merchant in New Serene:
>Level 12 - Purple Weapons, Blue Armor
>Level 16 - Purple Weapons, Blue Armor, Stock is skewed towards higher rarity
>Level 22 - Same as Level 16
>Level 26 - Purple Weapons, Purple Armor
>Level 29 - Purple Weapons, Purple Armor, Weapons are skewed towards purple, Armor has roughly same ratio as 26
>Level 32 - Same as 29
Bummer, I was hoping it would exist
Keep to your faggot threads and don't shit on actual rpgs like The Outer Worlds cucks.
yea its a skill that needs tobe hotkeyed. you need 100% rage bar filled. just drink a rage potion to spam. if anything thats where you should be constantly spending gold on.. mats for making bombs / rage potions / armor pots
Do you even INSIST
I mean, pretty much everyone is shitting on the Outer Worlds right now. Doesn't have anything to do with what other games you like.
Game would been much better if you were leading the expedition to the continent. Imagine having to decide what to conquer in order to find the cure and having to manage religious needs and merchants in order to succeed.
Burhan is like a naughty little child that immediately folds and cries and is apologetic when mommy legate scolds him, but is right back to doing naughty things a minute later. CUTE.
WTF are the secondary magic skill? I see 5 skills which I have unlocked. stasis becomes AOE and you get the AOE storm spell which literally replace the other 2 retarded spells you use in the beginning. Then you get shadow dash which does nothing when everything drops in 1-3 shadow storm uses after you paralyze the entire group of enemies.
Go play expeditions conquistador or expeditions: vikings.
The main characters last name is De Sardis which has become Sardine
Press control
The stealth in this game makes Skyrim look like tactical espionage action.
>this entire post
Pure cringe my dude
That's a really odd way of putting it.
It's not a skill, it's the same button as kick for melee. LCtrl iirc. You can rebind it in settings to right mouse key for example. Someone skipped a fucking tutorial, you disappoint bro Kurt.
Worse than thousand red suns
Oh. You mean that retarded pirouetting "shield" smash? lol. Whats the point of using a weaker spell when mana is infinite because of potions? lol
Why do you write like a retard
? It's more than twice as much damage as primary attack.
Except it hits HARD?
It's just punching, there's no pirouette
>Needing to get close to 1 enemy when you can just AOE smash the entire pack
Like I said, whats the fucking point?
Ia she autistic?
there are other monsters resistant to magic and magic is kinda boring
>Needing to get close to 1 enemy when you can just shoot everyone with a pistol
Gee I wonder
But it's not which has been my point the whole time. Magic isn't fun. Probably the worst magic class i've played in any game thus far.
>using gayass magic when swords exist
God I hate moeshit
>tfw crafting 500 boolits at the end and just gunning down those hordes of animals
It's a pretty good feeling.
Then again, you're playing it wrong.
>not using everything
Literally no reason to specialise in this game.
No, just rotoscoped
magefags gtfo
Boring as fuck
Finally, a man of taste
He does a 360 then punches. It's retarded.
The engine has some serious streaming issues by default, but it's only further accelerated on Ultra (where there indeed has a memory leak too).
Greedfall is weird in a sense that it demands / uses a lot of VRAM whenever it's possible, but doesn't really benefit from them performance-wise.
Sweet, thanks for the info!
Niggah you're just hating for hating at this point. This is getting silly.
>playing it wrong
>1 shot everything in the game
>playing it right
>do a 360 45 times to defeat a pack of faggots.
I'll stick with playing it wrong then.
I want to see more exotic lands, maybe start the game with a longer Serene section.
I feel like Sardine should become a much bigger character on the side as a possible Prince of the CoM.
God you're an idiot. Do you even multitask?
then stop complaining that gameplay is boring when you choose to play in the most boring way possible
No, i'm hating on magic because it's boring as fuck. I'm like 10 hours in and don't feel like going through the same shit again just to maybe have more fun parrying over and over instead of stun locking over and over. The combat is shit and it pisses me off that I paid full (FULL) fucking price for this game which I only have myself to blame. It's not a $50 game and i'm retarded for thinking it could have been.
> I'm like 10 hours
That explains a lot.
What are the consequences of killing mengele?
he doesnt get to be executed lawfully
I didn't know that magic was this retarded when I started and this isn't really a game with replayability.
>actual rpgs like The Outer Worlds
You'll fuck up because he gets redeemed.
Who else /postponingmainquestwhiledoingabunchofsideshit/ here?
Maybe you shouldn't have buy a game if you don't like it's genre.
I'm actually 15 hours. So halfway. It's gay and boring. Anyone defending it are the same retarded defending DA:I which this is just on par with. Id say cisquisition had better combat though which is a low bar.
i was 50hours in before i even advanced plotline past initial meeting with governors, so yeah
Maybe you don't like rpgs as a whole, user? You should stick to dota 2 or cs:go then. Something that is actually fun and engaging, you know.
I did 3 play throughs of Risen 1. This game has worse combat then Risen 1 which is an incredible feat of mediocrity.
The fact that the magic "weapon" was a magic fucking missile didn't tip you off?
>this isn't really a game with replayability
You do realize there's a way to respec, right?
>He doesn't like RPGS because he can't get into one of the worst in the genre.
Bioware games are shit and these faggots are just a mediocre bioware. lol When they said they wanted to carry the torch for bioware games I didn't think they meant ME:A and DA:I. 2 floating turds that fags and trannies wouldn't flush but instead tried to polish.
>I hate rpgs but I keep playing them
What illness is that?
The problem with the combat is that everything seems balanced around stasis. There is no next level way to outplay an arena full of six of the same annoying charging rolling enemies that doesn't involve outleveling or stasis.
Alright I've updated my image with all the ones I've been able to find, stripped of all craft upgrades, boots and gloves are no upgrades merchant prince. I don't know why I made it but it's here for everyone's reference now
ily and i guess im using that purple armor now.
anyway have you found a legendary naut set? i didn't see any and im at the end game
IIRC there's also a captain armor, grey level, that's just a blue coat but with the same shape.
stasis is completely unbalanced tho
dodge windows are plenty generous
RPG combat doesn't have to be shit.
> tfw froggies are so sjw corrupted they can't even make a credit for a male de sardine
Same shit was with ACO. It's like Alexios didn't exist in trailers. Woman must fuck off
Sure you can live but how long do you want to fight? Companions die instantly so then there's you rolling around chipping armour for five minutes and any greed or misstep will kill you. They clearly wanted stasis to be good or there would be alternatives.
I think a guy in a previous thread did find a legendary naut set or chest piece, iirc he got it from the admiral during the recruit allies part of the end-game by not having enough rep with them
It's balanced around being semi competent at riposte. Guns and stasis are a way for players bad at action to beat it easily.
Interesting. I detest da:i and I like this. The storytelling and gameplay is much more similar to risen.
You can get it ONLY if you won't finish Nauts quests before the end of the game and refuse to take them when Admiral-chan asks you to. Then she gives you this armor instead of Naut's support, saying that it saved her live many times.
So, install mod that adds all golden stuff to blacksmith if you really want it.
It's almost like fem Sardine did a far better job or something.
All well in good in theory and in 1v1 boss battles but not when you have 5+ enemies running around attack your from out of sight and every angle while your camera is stuck in a bush.
Maybe because fSardine actually delivers hmm.
Why the fuuuuck would he use the two most important people on the island as the control group?
The game play resembles Risen only in that targeting is janky AF. Risen is also 10 years old and IMO has better combat.
that's your shitty subjective opinion, faggots. I'm not asking for your shitty opinion
I guess i should give up on my autistic need to have resists on my gear then.
Maybe you should stick to talking with your imaginary friends then.
> woman better than man in something except sucking dick
you have to go back, trannies
Insisting in you, renaigse.
> tranny projections
Can't wait when you kill urself, socially dead fag
Back to memelands thread you go.
Plant trees.
Hold hands.
I think I found what you're talking about. Captain's vest a green rarity attire, resembles the look of the CoM outfits but in purple and without all the embroidery. It's not listed as a CoM outfit though so I'm not sure if I should add it to the image
>have legitimate complaint about the horrendous combat
>"Why do you keep playing rpgs hurrrrrrr"
It's almost like the retarded story of this game doesn't make up for the horrible gameplay. This is the bullshit that passes for good RPG with zoomers. How pathetic.
Yeah, that one. I think it's irrelevant so doubt it's worth adding to the list.
More like ShitFall.
looks like it got popular enough for dedicated shitposters to come here
>question naut about his naut secrets
>doesn't want to tell me anything
>okay goodbye then
>still standing literally one foot away from the guy
>"We can just steal the info from his office, let's go gang!"
>id rather you not kill all of my people but if you do don't worry about it.
Top RPG.
Which sucks.
>[show him your Naut tattoos]
I don't even disagree with asilis mptivation. His methodology is just fucking shit.
My man.
>two greenhorns with questionable reputation
>two royal scions of probably your nations most important ally
>political leaders and highest authority on the island you're on by rank
I bet the bridge wouldn't hesitate to slaughter every single person on hikmet if they could avoid responsibility of this scandal.
I implore you, I did not know they were going to slaughter every single person.
Truly regrettable
>For the love of Padme Amidala's G-string, if I hear Kurt say "a bit of poison on my blade..." one more time, I'm going to go nuts.
Joke's on you, it was Siora
>Fem Sardine VA
Fuckin qt
But it was Vasco
I think it sounded like Petrus
Not gay but constantins voice actor seems hot (no homo)
no chromo
>endurance lv4
>343 def
>299% balance
All nonboss fights are now even more boring, gonna respec all this endurance into something more fun.
Oh crap I've been proven wrong again by a fresh playthrough. There is actually a green endurance 1 armor called the old serene cuirass, found it at level 5 in new serene. It honestly makes sense that there is a endurance 1 armor before jumping to endurance 2 but it's frustrating to find I missed half of these attires before
I take that back, just encountered these mofos and they 2 hit me.
Those things fucking blow.
Why are you playing as Petrus?
Found whole set of armour, best I have right now.
So let me get this straight. Saint Matheus shows up to act like a kooky old man, you dab on his waifu and then he immediately fucks off from the story forever? That's it?
The way they treated Petrus as the no 1 companion in the end game sequence was cool.
Also while all the others have decent camps with a bunch of soldiers hes only accompanied by like 1 guy to hold the last line of defense.
D its the age of discovery.
New forgeing lands is the best fit for their style.
I am The Sorbet, fregate of constipation of merchants.
Is this working with Phial throw and guns too?
>tfw Saint Matheus is the final boss of GF2
That seems like an odd way to treat him, but maybe it's for the best that they didn't focus on him too much.
They didn't even directly tell you that it was SM.
Kinda lame. Make morange the last boss. Make matheus show up as a hobo begger. Just make him a recurring thoroughline in every greedfall, build his mythology.
What the fuck did you just fucking say about me, you little bitch? I’ll have you know I am de Sardet, Legate of the Merchant Congregation, cousin to the fucking governor and I've been involved in numerous secret raids on the Bridge Alliance, and I have over 300 confirmed diplomatic successes.
I am trained in sabre combat and I’m the top stasis user in the entire Congregation delegation. You are nothing to me but just another target. I will wipe you the fuck out with precision the likes of which has never been seen before on this island, mark my fucking words, I insist.
You think you can get away with saying that shit to me over the pidgeon mail? Think again, fucker. As we speak I am contacting my secret network of nauts across New Serene and your address is being traced right now so you better prepare for the storm, maggot. The storm that wipes out the pathetic little thing you call your life. You’re fucking dead, kid. I can be anywhere, anytime, and I can kill you in over seven hundred ways, and that’s just with my bare hands.
Not only am I extensively trained in magic combat, but I have access to the entire arsenal of the Coin Guard and I will use it to its full extent to wipe your miserable ass off the face of the island, you little shit. If only you could have known what unholy retribution your little “clever” comment was about to bring down upon you, maybe you would have held your fucking tongue.
But you couldn’t, you didn’t, and now you’re paying the price, you goddamn idiot. I will shit fury all over you and you will drown in it.
You’re fucking dead, kiddo.
>Make morange the last boss
Madame Orange is a good girl and did nothing wrong, though.
Oh user. You won't last a day in Serene's political scene if you're that naive.
>implying she didn't know what medicine she was handing your fair cousin
>implying making a huge scene when constantin was gone wasn't a calculated move trying to prey on a sick governor that gave an opening, starting rumors among the suspiciously large group of courtiers that had gathered around her
>implying a career politician would just be cool with sitting it out after having power for five years.
>implying she won't make despicable schemes back in Serene during GF2
Reminder that you're a relative of the sovereign and everyone is showing you a fake, overly nice facade for political reasons. Probably even your companions.
>Probably even your companions
Doubt it. Too pure, all of them, except for pedo Petrus
>A new character with a fish arc
Too pure, or good liars. They have so much to gain from cozying up to you.
>implying she won't be made governor again and try to declare independence
>implying this won't be a kino side-story
I really want an expac, I don't want a new game based in tree firdee but i want a bit more of the island.
>>implying a career politician would just be cool with sitting it out after having power for five years.
Yeah, that one still bothers me. Her interest in the native culture is supposed to be the reason why she's so chill about it all, but I don't buy it.
Yeah, she did all that shit and I think she is just trying to further herself from the issues she made.
Mate, you're paranoid
God, imagine knocking up fem-sardine
seeing that kind yet refined and a little smug face twisted as she slowly loses her mind after hours of hard pounding in every position and every hole
making her beg for an heir to the Orsay and Sardet princedoms as you creampie her over and over again
>she probably objects when you're doing something rough with "who do y-you think you are I'm a legaa--ahh--"
Why do I get an occasional "Incompatible with this character" message when browsing certain armours with Siora?
First I thought it must be faction-related, but she's willing to equip lower-level ones from said factions. Is she restricted to light armour or what?
Maillard seemed very confident that a bribe to the governor would smooth things over with his slave mine, as if he'd done it many times
Petrus and Siora need you but the others don't really need you, maybe the admiralty were using Vasco to get close to a Legate, but Kurt is fine.
Aphra is a literally who and not worth discussing.
It's a merchant republic m8. You're not paranoid enough.
Do you see any merchants in your party?
user, you are the merchant.
yeah that's all well and good, but what about pulling down her pants just enough to get your face in her crotch and eating her out while she's still wearing her full noble clothing and maintaining the superior smug?
that's the REAL kino
Are you implying that my legate is a lying cunt?
Sardine is unironically too pure for this.
How fucking good are kurts prospects now
>coinguard creates huge pr problem and appears trustworthy
>kurt is high ranking officer that has shown himself above corruption and loyal to his clients
>several people in positions he cpuld be promoted into are dead or charged with collusion
>coinguard gets to have a high ranking officer that is on good terms with a royal scion, just as they were looking to lose clients
Also, remember, kurt is first and foremost your employee and guard, he has no reason to not play it completely safe.
I think kurt is genuine, but it's not like he doesn't have everything to gain by faking it.
Need to get a drawfag on this
user you are literally the legate of the merchant congregation
Alright bros, whats the trick to making qts in this game?
Face 2. That's it.
If she needs to be she probably is. Reminder that sardine had snobby rivals at court in serene, and is a diplomatic ambassador, she 100% played the game.
Morange is a merchant.
How many opportunities to be a happy lying merchant do you even get? I remember you can bullshit the Theleme ambassador at Serene, but that's it.
>no green eyes
whats wrong with these devs
What form of training is this!?
No ginger hair either, obviously the French hate the Celtic, which makes sense consider you spend a fair bit of time killing not-irish.
Blue eyes best anyway.
You smoothing things over is the most profitable course of action. You're a diplomat. Legate showing a front to bridge and theleme makes sense because they are clients. It is internally in serene that cutthroat politics would create opportunities for you
Anyone else notice that you can spoil the 'twist' early on? If you talk to de Courcillon upstairs in the governers building in New Serene, you can ask about the Congregation's first, covered up attempt at colonisation of the island. You can have this dialogue before doing the mission at the mine ruins (where it's apparently a big surprise) and Sardine even talks about how his parents aren't his real parents.
I insist.
>Playing girl
>Various NPCs refer to me as he in an angry way right after becoming really friendly with them and having good, positive dialogue with me
I could almost get into this like I did old Bioware but it's so fucking janky and the combat is bad. At least it's pretty.
Not as pretty as you
either second or second to last face
cute birb
m8 have you seen that silver tongue at work, its a fucking masterpiece
Is this worth the pirate?
Do you even know who I am?
Keep cool Constantin
I had a good time with it.
yes, there are several dialogues that should only trigger after some quests
Is this supposed to sound overtly sexual?
No, please introduce yourself
A Forgotten God named Q(uality) A(ssurance), amirite?
>when your Quality Assurance is also your CEO (just like your writer)
Did the VAs also do the mocap?
>I played lady de sardet, who is the legate of the merchant congregation
i see
the lady of what?
i couldn't hear her, and she didnt properly introduce herself earlier.
>tfw no option not to warn burhan about the coup
I insist, tell me more about that silver tongue.
>implying she didn't have her kids do QA work
I'd QA the fuck out of GF
wait waaaat
Kurt's sacrifice was not in vain
Ah so this happens if Kurt betrays you?
Yeah, and you have to choose between Theleme and BA. With cheevos and shit
Maybe I could be your GF for tonight?
He likes Aphra
I'm afraid my generosity is flourishing tonight.
HMMM Guess Kurt will have to fucking die next playthrough.
RIP your sacrifice will bring shall save us all.
Only track that really sticks with me is the town theme. I think it plays in serene and hikmet, not sure about the other two
Music is really unmemorable.
Only the IT BEGINS track when they arrive in Tir Fradi is memorable for me.
Can you pick neither tho
I finished the game and I can barely recall any music. It's kinda sad.
The best
Based, I thought the music was low-key, but still nice and fitting, main issue was the absolute state of the combat music and timing which would alert you before the battle has even started and sometimes when a battle doesn't even occur.
Read what endurance does
They have horns because they're doneigad. not because they're on ol menawi. Sardine would have to do the ritual to get one.
Do you think sardine could convince siora to not become a nageid when they grow old together?
She already is one, you dumb dumb
remember goys, church bad
Enjoy worshipping your rock
Are all doneigada supposed to become horrible tree monsters?
Siora is very much not a nadaig, you turban.
>not having this on loop for 10h
Burhan pls go
*uses a shortcut*
Nothin personnel carants
>literally can't wear any of the good outfits without having 3 in Endurance
christ, mage rollers got fucked in the ass with this game
Good, magic is for women and "men" that slurp semen out of corpses.
>rolling the vanilla builds
you sound like one boring motherfucker
Church good, inquisiton bad, bridge worse
God tier: Merchants
God tier: Nauts
Okay tier and great tier if kill the Prince and crown Sardine: Merchants
>seething of melee pleb
Aloysius isn't even that bad surprisingly.
Really, m8? If it were End related issue the clothes would still render (a preview) - which doesn't happen with Siora. Plus the red "Incompatible with this character" text occupies the same area as requirements.
Siora cant wear hats?
Yeah, Aphra can't equip pistols either. They're locked into certain styles of one type of equipment.
Those are twigs
>Not being a woman
Wooden horns
Did you forget about Kurt?
>which would alert you before the battle has even started and sometimes when a battle doesn't even occur
I thought that as intentional.
Whenever I heard the music I automatically went into crouch and checked for enemies.
Who do I talk to for quests to bump up bridge alliance rep? I have every other faction at friendly now.
i thought the same. i was near the end of the game and bridge were the only ones i was still suspicious at. then i went to the governor and he had a whole quest line i missed
Under "armour" I meant chest pieces (and I should have specified this earlier). Here's an example. It doesn't even render on her, even if she can obviously wear chest pieces.
Again, not faction-related (she would equip their lower-tier pieces) nor End (even if she doesn't meet the req, it can be pre-viewed on her). Maybe she can't wear heavier pieces?
Asili's quest should be available after the coup or trials of water
Give ME Aphra wife!
fuck off donut
I am NOT donut I am wife scholar!
t. donut
>Kurt is literally "or else" of the game
What is the lore behind magic?
>Let Kurt speak
>everyone in 10m radius become hostile
What sort of name is Mi-Chyld De Sardet anyway?
>respec to add shield to the enlightened to my melee-focused dude
>can just spam it to stack it to 2 minutes
Remember - no bug reports
Where and how can I get the best islander's armors? I want to equip every member of my party in full set, that clothing is pretty sweet comparing to every other in the game.
There's literally only three variants, and the only decent looking one is the war armor. 98% of the other shit required endurance for some dumb reason, hope you enjoy having no defense if you roll mage
t. used a mod to unlock every item at a seller
I must leave you.
>>Endgame sequence
I was racking my brain trying to think of any reason at all not to take the bond but I really couldn't think of one.
Sweet Prince seemed like what to take just so I could see the good ending after hours of dealing with every bodies shit.
Especially the fucking bridge.
Aloysius isn't in charge, Domitius is, and Domitius was into all sorts of shady shit
Its being cooked up apparently.
Remember that malichor = bad gods' blood
Tell us more, I insist.
Went to /aco/ apparently somebody commissioned it in a draw thread.
>draw thread
>not sfm
Fakin hel man, I wanted to increase my party size but this mod works only after new start.
I'll take what I can get desu.
Is it at least good?
Why do I always have such a hard time killing natives when the option comes up
Eurojank as fuck but that's part of the charm, its a good time but I really can't see anyone but the most dedicated really getting a second playthrough out of it.
>based on historical 17th century Europe
Then where are the Black and Asian representation?
Because you have a good heart!
Because your inner diplomat is screaming "don't you fucking dare".
Bridge Alliance are basically fantasy arabs and there are plenty of black people in the game, its just that you have no reason to care.
Can't be, I don't like Mass Effect but like Greedfall
It's super Eurojank but damn I dunno why it feels like someone crossed Gothic II with Witcher II.
The jank is there but it feels so at home. 8/10 material, 10/10 if you start looking past the jank.
Aphra is so ugly...
Because Bioware's games have conditioned you to think that killing someone, anyone, even if they want you dead, will always lead to worse consequences.
Because the natives don't really do much wrong.
Yeah, she looks a bit better once she's not in permanent bitch face mode. But still way worse than Siora or a bunch of the other native girls.
Why are the bridge alliance such FUCKING dickholes? Even the religious people were less buttfucking retards. Every time I help them they try to pull some dumb shit. If you're going to make a faction that totally unlikable at least let me burn their city to the ground.
>somehow tumblrwhales made modelswap work
>first constantine stuff comes out
>it's homoshit
I removed her hat because maybe the hair could be a saving grace but goddamn was I wrong
Their governor is completely fucking incompetent. Like holy shit.
Its impressive, like holy fuck dude. But this is what happens when you have unrestrained scientists without an ethics council.
Starting for the first time
Who's got better voice acting, Male or Female Protag?
Female is miles better.
I think male does but some lines the female version adds a certain playful bitchiness to it.
If I want to play as a Puritan bringing the Light of the Lord to the far reaches who's gonna be more smug head-up-their-own-ass?
There's only one way to bring the light.
>If I want to play as a Puritan bringing the Light of the Lord to the far reaches
Then you play something else. You're a diplomat who only cares about the region's stability.
Only in an official capacity, Sardine could just want to prove competency to further his career.
You're correct, but honestly people here love it despite the jank. It has a certain charm to it despite its flaws.
What I didn't understand about this game is the whole race aspect. Like why are the natives so diverse, and why are all factions diverse as well?
And another thing, why is the Bridge Alliance pretending to be so scientific, and yet it allows female soldiers?
All but Theleme are really a bunch of nations made up by smaller parts.
The Congregation of Merchants is a congregation of merchants.
The Bridge Alliance are a bunch of nations merged into one via a high council.
Natives were raped ages ago.
Nauts take kids from everywhere.
No, I'm serious.
I doubt the first colonization attempt which ended up having the merchants get btfo'd could've resulted in 1/3 of the natives looking like africans.
Seriously, they put 0 thought into any of this and just wanted to make it seem diverse with no logic attached.
>Is pretty chill in conversation.
>Passive aggressive as fuck in goodbye.
>he thinks the governor is incompetent
He is either entirely incompetent or the single biggest fucking liar in the game.
The Coin Guard quest indicates the latter but overall I just can't see him being this diabolical manipulator. He's too fucking stupid.
Ler... had a hard life.
>the single biggest fucking liar in the game.
Ding ding ding.
Guy is an obvious liar. Like when you tell him you killed his little would-be assassin.
It’s just a weak story. Very generic, and none of the characters are memorable, and it’s pretty directionless. The back story is more interesting. Also, there is this weird form of sexism in the writing where every evil or crazy character is male and there is only one good man.
He lies to your face, user.
That's what makes him all the more shit.
Can I make a pirate character that hordes a shitload of single use pistols
You can have a pistol that is five pistols at once.
>there is this weird form of sexism in the writing where every evil or crazy character is male and there is only one good man
Catasach, Dunncas, Ler, black sensei and Constantin are literally unshakable pillars of moral integrity, what are you talking about? Kurt and Petrus too, if we're including companions.
Natives have been visited before then and were getting dominated before by the merchants before getting btfo by treeniggers.
Guy is playing incompetent to avoid getting beheaded back home for causing a scandal and probably a war.
>Constantin never ordered to kill you
>his motivation for doing it all because he wants to be free
Yeah, not sure what the guy is on about, unless he thinks characters like derde and morange are morally good, laughing if so.
Best cousin just wants the best for him and you, you are pretty much one of the only good things in his life.
The racial aspect is still nonsensical, though. It does not make any sense whatsoever.
why does male sardet only has emotions when worrying about his cousin
>One of.
You pretty much are the only good thing in his life and even when he goes mad you are still his world, he is fine with being killed because he knows that the future he wants might not be what you want.
Constantin loves you, well and truly.
>restrain him/her
>do not harm him/her for anything in this world
Constantin legitimately did nothing wrong.
Be sure to repeat yourself again next thread.
Stiff upper lip, emotions are reserved for those that deserve them and never shown to anyone that isn't important to you.
Showing feelings of an almost human nature will simply not do.
>thought there'd be a boss fight
>or a bitch fit
>what a shame
he didn't want to hurt his cousin even though he was part god there
>best friend for throughout your life
>snake oil salesmen
I was expecting him to see what you do as a betrayal.
But not, he understands.
He truly loves you and I feel that the bromance is the better part of the game.
>*long pause with a smug face*
The fuck was that
His final words aren't even anything about being angry at Sardine, blaming Sardine or utter confusion at what happened, just "What a shame". As if he understood your decision and knew that if even you wanted to shank him then either he didn't explain himself well enough or he really went off course.
You're probably his only reason to live anyway.
Constantin is the best thing about the game, nothing will change this fact.
What about Sardine?
Sardine is the second best part of the game.
>managed to kind of make model swap work
>now there are two heads instead of one
I just wanted to say that I like your post, user. Have a nice life
neat mod
rate my de sardine
>roll mage
>instantly locked out of 90% of the armors
level/attribute locked equipment needs to die in a fire
How so? AFAIK only two pieces of armor need Endurance 4, Endurance 3 allows you to wear everything else. A mage really only needs 4 Mental 4 Will to wear the best ring/necklace and gear tends to be spaced out well enough that you can fit in the points of endurance between having to upgrade your other stats.
>>Lady Morange, the former Governor of New Serene.
Yeah, but seeing as how leveling up in this game takes a century for each level, it will be damn near post game before I can afford the equipment requirements.
Wait 'til you find out where the word "orange" comes from.
If you are that worried/angry about endurance just leave willpower at 1 and focus on endurance instead. Endurance 3 requirements don't show up until purple armors and AFAIK the earliest reports of those I've heard of were at the early-mid 20s which would be enough for you to not only get Mental to 4 but also have another 4 points to distribute between will/endurance as you wish.
I've nearly unlocked all of the magic skills. what should I work on next? guns sound fun but the game also gave me the initial blunt weapons skill to start off.
guns are pretty easy to play as but shooting things out on the frontier feels nice
Guns or traps are definitely the safer option as your fallback for when you need to regen your mana without drinking a pot
what do i have to do to get petrus off my team? i want my siora kurt combo again
Its pretty annoying fighting a boss and we go out of a certain range and the battle ends as he walks back with full hp.
If you are in the middle of his companion quest or his portion of the main quest, nothing can be done until you finish it.
If you want to swap out companions, go to one of your diplomat estates or a campsite.
Is there a rhyme or reason for the stats of the armor the factions wear? Like I can kinda see a pattern for half of them but CoM, CG, and Bridge just seem to do whatever they want.
>Native - Light(0 Endurance) armor with poison resist
>Naut - Light armor with elemental resist
>Theleme - Medium-Heavy(Endurance 2-3) armor with magical resist
Isn't this kind of obvious? Natives, Nauts and Theleme fits a particular theme, and while it's surprising that the Bridge doesn't have a specific profile you can only do so much with 3 types of damage (besides physical).
>the joy that Cousin has if you bond with him
No, no, this is evil but i like it!
Does this game have multiplayer/co-op?
>does a story-based RPG have co-op
Thankfully it does not.
Japan does it.
“No matter the true story, you will always be my fair cousin. You have always been the only one to care for me, you are my only friend! That’s all that matters to me.”
fuck bros
how do i not like him
Do I get to pick an origin for my character or am I forced to play a pre set character with an already established background
Easiest companions to be friends with? I'm mostly interested about the sequence, or, to put it another way: in what order can I count on their Friendship bonus?
Does Kurt ever get agility? He seems unable to use any long blades other than the one he started with.
I wish legendary weapons had some bonus effect, like in most games. Like an applied DoT, extra fire damage, summons a beast or something. One of few gripes I have, that legendary gear doesn't really feel legendary.
Something is telling me you don't check the Stat pages of your Companions too often, user.
Clearly I don't. Thanks.
Thinking of picking this up but want to know what the max level of colonize is. We talking French fur traders, British-Zulu war, or Spanish conquest of the Aztecs?
ANY way?
Same studio.
I was just wondering because The Technomancer is a spiritual squeakquel to Mars War Logs.
What do I play if I want more of this?
Mass effect like the other user suggested? It's been in my backlog forever
Mass Effect
Mass Effect 2
Dragon Age Origins
Dragon Age Inquisition
The Technomancer (same devs as Greedfall)
Bound By Flame (same devs as Greedfall)
Mars War Logs (Same devs as Greedfall)
Play Mass Effect, the first one is really good.
Second and third not as much but importing your character between games is cool and you can have a pretty big effect on the universe.
>you can have a pretty big effect on the universe
red, green, or blue
>Dragon Age Inquisition
Inferior to Origins? Sure.
Superior to 2? Absolutely.
A decent overall experience? Yes.
Constantin proneboning de Sardine when?
can we get drawfags on this?
bonus if Constantin gets the horns
So give me an actual review, is it worth it? Does it have mod support? I heard the preorder dlc is broken, kinda hate that shit.
It's worth it if you like that kind of games and can forgive some things, it isn't a flawless AAA game, it can be clunky at times, but if you like Bioware games its most likely worth it
Why didn't the Nauts claim Sardine when she was born on one of their ships?
Even if the Prince for some reason really wanted the babby, what did he give them in exchange? The Nauts don't seem like the kind of guys who would just obey his orders.
I pirated it with the preorder bonus and it doesn't seem broken to me, unless people consider the items too OP. I guess the +1 Intuition hat is really usefull for the entire game, and the weapons are good for a start, but it doesn't seem gamebreakingly OP.
It was the first time I said that. No need to get so defensive over it, faggot.
How do I end the game with every faction hostile?
Maybe the information was concealed and discovered later on.
It's not some two bit noble, it's the prince. The leader of their biggest ally. Also sardine was probably considered cargo at the time? She was born to a slave. Does the nauts claim every weevil on the hard tack? Do they claim a calf if the cattle gives birth?
They were already being paid to keep quiet about it all, probably not a good idea to claim the very secret cargo they were transporting
The Japanese don't typically think of "dance" rhythmically, or in repeated patterns (except for club girls who are trying to be American). Their idea of "dance" comes from kabuki theatre, and is more like a story, with a linear sequence of actions that portray the lyrics of the song (which also tells a story and rarely repeats itself for a chorus).
It's literally like theatre-style interpretive dance. So, to them, it has all this character and tells this story of both the dancer and the one who made the song, but to us, it looks like the fucking faggiest cringey shit in the world, and it is literally boner-killing, even making hot girls look too retarded to fuck.
Imo it's already a stretch that nauts take nobles. They are probably wealthy as sin having deep sea faring monopoly, why would they not just buy some farmers sons? You could argue nobles are less likely to fuck with their children on board. But it's unrealistic to think the nauts would fuck with their main client to get a savage cabin girl. Especially since she presumably didn't even hold sentimental value at the time.
>map the entire island
>not even a 1+ to com