What did Kainé mean by this?
Other urls found in this thread:
>does nothing wrong
>Yea Forums dislikes her
But why does Yea Forums dislike LB?
Kaine>2B and A2
Maybe, but 042 is a pretty cool guy regardless.
>cringey title sequence added to the western release
>Look at me I played the other NieR game!
Grow up.
This is a Nier 1 thread you pillock
seething secondary
The King of Facade had a hard life.
Yeah but what about Gestalt vs Replicant?
They're the same game.
kys weeb
They are. I played both and they have less difference between them than some games have between various region versions. It's surprising little that was changed besides adjusting for the different age of the main protagonist. You are welcome to seethe, EOP.
Depends on whether the father-daughter or the sister-brother relationship hits you closer to home. Replicant has slightly higher production values and is closer to the director's vision, but would have made a much lesser impact on me than Gestalt would.
Changing the main character is a pretty big difference which is why they did it for the West.
Funnily enough, despite loving my older sister to death, the Father-Daughter angle hits closer to home, my father is a widower from his first wife, and he took care of my sister for about 1,5 years before meeting my mom.
That and because my dad looks like Nier except not buff.
You sound pretty triggered that not everyone learned about Taro and Nier/Drakengard by that corny piece of shit that is Automata.
And yet it's still nowhere near as important for the game's theme as a lot of other things that they kept the same.
ok pedo
One you dehumanize your enemy civilians are fair game.
Automata is an objectively better gameplay with more interesting story, better characters, better production values, music and gameplay. Only people who want to feel special by having played a shittier game before everyone else claim otherwise.
seething secondary
>Depends on whether the father-daughter or the sister-brother relationship hits you closer to home.
And whether or not you want to look like an BDSM ogre
Nah, I played both of them, I actually found them both on equal grounds, one is more of fillial bonding, and the other one tackles existentialism and why are we here? the whole humanity is dead long ago, and why do the Yorha love humans parrallels us with our primal love for a God.
Both are good for different reasons.. Nier Automata gameplay is killer tho.
I wish that the choice of relationships were somehow selectable so that the game can reach maximum effectiveness for everyone. But as it is it was probably the right call to make all western copies dad-daughter since it's probably more effective for the majority of westerners.
>That and because my dad looks like Nier except not buff.
Make him cosplay. Or at least wear underwear as an eyepatch.
dumb frogposter
It's more important than the game's theme so much so they made changes based off of potential sales. Many discussions revolve around whether or not SE should've made the change and we're still talking about it now.
That library scene was something
Weiss > everybody
Silly user if there ever were to be any "dickgirl on male" happening it would have happened with Emil
I didn't think the existentialism angle went anywhere deep enough to work, while the tragedy of sick family members is very effective even on a surface level.
Reminder not to argue with each other, but for Tarochads to rise up against bland garbage with no heart like Battlefront
Fucking these. God-tier taste, senpai. Fuck all the zoomers who've only played automata.
>Emil looks at his gay lover's dick
>Turns into a permanent boner
>one is more of fillial bonding
If you thought the original Nier was about filial bonding, you only touched the surface level, it's like saying that Automata is about love blooming on the battlefield, or something. Core theme is that no matter how righteous a side in a war might think themselves to be, the other side might be on equal moral grounds just as well, and to them, you are the villain, even if your cause seems just.
Comparatively Automata pushes one step ahead and gives you two sides that seem like they both have good reason to fight, but the truth is that neither of them do and only continue the conflict by the reason of what was bestowed upon them by their ancestors. It's less why we're here and more what exactly led us here.
>better gameplay
But not good gameplay. Mashing dodge for invincibility is just as boring as mashing Phoenix spear jumping attacks
>better characters
Lol no
>better production values
Sure, it had an actual budget
Also no.
NieR is Taros only good game.
Play video games, automatababby
That was the only shadow that gave me no feels. It doesn't make much sense as well when the shadows were supposed to be human souls and that was a random as wolf.
Filial bonding with Yonah!
This but ironically
Saying things like this is why you don't have a gf
You literally, LITERALLY have not played Nier have you
Nah,ofc not, the existentialist angle was there, but as you said, not deep enough. Probably because it'd deterred from gameplay.
>while the tragedy of sick family members is very effective even on a surface level.
Well, my sis has heart problems since she was a child, so yeah, I agree.
>I wish that the choice of relationships were somehow selectable so that the game can reach maximum effectiveness for everyone
THIS, so much, if tv tropes is to be trusted, the allegedly psp version that'd merge both versions'd been this, probably... Hopefully.
>I wish that the choice of relationships were somehow selectable so that the game can reach maximum effectiveness for everyone
I agree, like Drakengard 1 was based in the basic premise:"What if RPG characters were really human, oh you know... mass-murderers. But the whole thing was inspired by 9/11 among other things. I like that there's superficial themes, but if you reach deeper it becomes very complex, gotta love Taro and his big bald head, kek.
NieR was inspired by 9/11, not Drakengard
Also Taro said he regrets the combat sucking so much shit, because the idea was to make combat super fun, so you would feel like a piece of shit
Was it ever specified as human souls? If you consider the WCS then of course only humans require the gestalt treatment, but there is nothing inherently wrong with an old man wanting his dog to live on instead of himself.
But wasn't this because the people working on the game were amateurs, per se?
Kind of like the Arc System Works people when they did Guilty Gear 2, they worked little to nothing in 3d.
The gameplay is only slightly better. Sure you have more variance in attack which would boost the game higher than NRG, but the enemy variety is still pretty much nothing. As for characters, am I really supposed to care about A2? She's literally a nothing character and only exists to make 2B live again. And music wise, Nier is definitely better. My senior year, along with my recital I had to do a paper analysing music in modern media I did a paper comparing the differences between Gestalt and Automata. Besides Automata using motifs from the original, many songs chord progressions aren't as diverse as they are in Gestalt which had multiple uses of secondary mixture; that is pretty rare even in most music in games. I hypothesized that it may have been due to the fact that Automata did have better production values as you stated but it was aimed at a broader audience and was reigned in to not distract from the game. Where Gestalt used music to be integral to the game, Automata used music to be pleasing to the audience.
>tfw have my copy of NieR signed by Laura Bailey
Feels comfy bros.
I've nutted on the plastic sleeve multiple times
Possibly, but from what I know it's because Dynasty Warriors 2 came out and was a huge hit, so they reworked the gameplay
>What now?
>Can I go find a bush I need COOOOOOOOOOOOM
You literally, LITERALLY missed the point, champ. And also proved my point so congrats
>Go to clubs
>Talk to a random girl and call her an insane slut
>Tell her you were just referencing Drakengard 3
>Acquire gf
nier is one of his worst games
That's how to get a gf that will peg you user.
>I have no idea what this game is: The Post
Front and behind?
his owner literally traded his project gestalt spot with him, that's why it was his soul that you fought
>The gameplay is only slightly better.
For one, bullet hell sections are fully realized. In NieR, they're cute window dressing that you can almost always completely block through. Always online system obviously helped delivering the theme of keeping life going on. You may dislike hacking, but that also was used in ways to help paint the fourth wall to great effectiveness. Comparatively original game is nothing but a sloppy edgy Zelda clone, gameplay-wise. And oh god sidequests in the original game needed to shut the fuck up.
Regarding music, original score was filled with very short loops, they were good loops on a technical level, but Automata orchestrations were much longer, used better instruments and their simplicity may be attributed to the desire of creating a more action-y game.
Drakengard was physically painful to play. Maybe the story compensates, but damn.
>that was the point XD
>bullet hell sections are fully realized
U wot? They're the worst aspect of the gameplay
I couldn't do the time trial shit for the aerial missions and get the last few weapons for ending E
Feels bad
t. wiped to hacking A2
I started to get a masochistic sense of pleasure from playing Drakengard and now nothing else seems to fill that urge as well as it.
remaster when ????????????????????
>Cavia disbanded
I disagree the genre bending elements in Nier were much more prominent and experimental. The VN sections contained riddles and the camera changing sections were more daring. The whole of the facility under Emil's mansion felt like a dungeon crawler. There's nothing like that in Automata
Probably because it didn't need to pretend a level cut for budget being replaced with text adventure was a profound move.
How? I think I needed to redo one mission due to not making it in time.
Try "The Witch and the Hundred Knight".
i always wondered if the popola / devola vn section in automata was supposed to be a playable level
>bullet hell sections are fully realized.
Still not good or a worthwhile inclusion.
>Always online system obviously helped delivering the theme of keeping life going on.
Barely noticed it until the credits.
>You may dislike hacking, but that also was used in ways to help paint the fourth wall to great effectiveness.
I guess. Still not worth the time spent on it.
Ah but there's the thing, is music better with more instruments? Toby Fox's music is loved by many and while I haven't analyzed it first-hand, I had classmates that did saying that it was actually complex for what it was. I don't know if he was trained in music or whatever but with the tools he had, he still made good music both from an academic point of view and public pov.
Does length mean better? To that we can go to Steve's Reich's Music of 18 Instruments. It's an hour long piece with no breaks, not even breaks between movements like in traditional classical pieces. While I do enjoy the music and have listened to it multiple times, many others don't. It's a style of music called minimalism. Now, Minimalism isn't the same kind of minimalism that most people know about where there's essentially making something and reducing it to its most basic form. Minimalism in music is about changes over time; very slow changes. If you stretch a piece to an hour's length in time, are you really saying anything?
In comparison to 4'33'' by John Cage which is literally 4 minutes and 33 seconds of complete silence by the musicians. I recommend you watch a performance of since it's not that long. It's an avantgarde piece meaning there's more to it than what you hear. But anyway, why 4 minutes and some seconds? Is there significance or arbitrary? Wouldn't the piece have been just as effective were it to be 3 or 2 minutes? Some say yes and no.
You say that because it is longer it is inherently superior, but length does not a good piece of music make.
He should've used photos from YoRHa play for the other text section. That'd confuse people alright.
Kaine's voice actor.
>Making Vidya
He's dropped off the radar and is off making 2deep4u stage plays and light novels. I doubt he'll ever make another game again.
A visual novel has visuals.
make a BH or make an action game. combining multiple gameplays styles doesn't make it good. Just look at YIIKs
>You say that because it is longer it is inherently superior, but length does not a good piece of music make.
You should probably understand that this isn't just music we're speaking about, it's music used in the context of a video game. If you have a level that goes on for 20 minutes but all you have a is a 30 second song loop, no matter how amazing that piece is from artistic point of view, it will get old, and fast. Between the games Okabe got better at dynamic BGM too, the original did have it, but not to the extent Automata did.
That's what people said after Drakengard 3 and then a year and a half later Automata was announced at E3 of all places. Also we know he's working on a major game, has worked on mobile games and has been working on the Automata themed update to FF XIV.
You literally could not be more wrong.
Play E.Y.E.
Enjoy the ride
>Automate will be milked forever now
Yes, there is a standard for music in vidya roughly which is roughly 50 seconds minimum. At that point, most people are content with the music because repetition makes good memories in players' heads. Neither Gestalt or Automata are that short, to you maybe it's better that its longer but to the public it really doesn't matter. And really, the songs are roughly the same length between both games, so I don't know what you or that other guy were talking about.
There are 40 second long tracks in NES games that I have heard on loop for what feels like forever since I have either been replaying them a lot or been stuck on the same level for hours. They have not gotten old.
user, Automata was released nearly 3 years ago and Platinum are off making other games. He's working as a Scenario Writer in the Automata update and his Twitter is just Astral Chain and food.
If there is a game in the works it's still a fair bit away, and I doubt it'll be that good considering how bad Automata's story is compared to Nier's.
>want to replay Nier
>can't be bothered to hook up my PS3
>also runs like shit on emulator on my machine
True except 9S > Nier
>considering how bad Automata's story is compared to Nier's
literally nobody thinks that outside of brainlets on this board
No shit, do you think any Japanese creators would talk about unannounced projects on social media?
>t. zoomer
You literally have to plug in 2 cables man
How young are you even supposed to be to be a zoomer?
>If there is a game in the works it's still a fair bit away
You say that like it's a bad thing? If Taro was churning out a major game every two or three years, he'd be tired of it and it would lose its charm.
As long as we know he's actively working on projects and isn't retired, which we do know because he has been actively working on projects ranging from SINo to FF XIV, then we'll get something eventually.
If you want his content, it is still being made. If you want a full fledged action game from him then I dunno, wait I guess? I'd just rather see whatever he chooses to do.
A zoomer is someone I don't like really
Then you have either not partaken in much discussion of the games or arbitrarily call all that disagree with you brainlets no matter their arguments.
9S is probably the only part I don't hate about the game. His gameplay sucks but he himself ain't too bad.
>better characters
All the other points are debatable, but this is just ridiculous.
The Nier 1 party was fucking legendary, their banter alone made them so much more memorable than any of the of Automata characters.
Just stop posting retard
Wow you sure convinced me with those hot arguments faglord
holy shit I haven't heard this in ages
The best parts of Nier were the results of a low budget, the game is ghetto as fuck but it had to make up for that by making every character, zone and boss encounter as distinctive as possible.
Automata's world and characters are incredibly same-y, most of the bosses are unironically worse than Nier's and the dialogue is complete ass. Knocking the amazingly done text section just makes me think that you never actually played the game.
Automata's story just felt like a rehash of the first one's with a dash of robutts. They introduced ALEINS into the universe and they literally don't matter other than to justify bad robutts. The twists in both games are the same but at least the existentialism in Nier felt more genuine. The character design vs world design don't match. Aspects of the universe just seem hamfisted in. Like, where do the human robots come from? Evolved from robots like Devola/Popula? "It's in the stage play or untranslated light novel" is not an excuse, it just shows the laziness of Taro.
I could go on, but you get the point. Honestly he should've just made a new universe that he could go nuts in instead of trying to connect the original Nier to the game.
younger than me (I can enjoy ps2 tier gameplay)
Drakengard's gameplay cannot be excused because it's old. There many, MANY older games with far better gameplay.
You've answered your own question, as did the game.
All the other robots originate from bots like Devola and Popola, it's been mentioned in Automata that D&P are just one model of many.
The game also explicitly made clear that androids started making more androids.
Disagree with the 9S party.
Nines is amazing. Papa Nier is a blundering retard.
Brother Nier at least has the excuse that he's a young retard, but Papa Nier is too old to be acting like that.
>Dad Nier going at Kaine about the power of friendship
Yep totally meant to be this way right here
I'd like to imagine that Papa Nier is just legit really autistic, but because he's strong he became the murder hobo of his village.
He has autism.
Papa Nier gives off idiot savant vibes. He is fine that way. Just loving his daughter and doing the right thing.
Eng Weiss > JP Weiss
I just want Laura Bailey to swear at me.
This is actually true.
Very very true
the books legitimately have the best voice acting in gestalt.
I think 9S is probably the only arguable one I really like him, the rest of Automata's main cast is the issue
Grimoir Noir is kinda shitty.
Look at this faggot who didn't play the original game in 2010, probably didn't even hear about it and only gained interest the moment they saw robot ass in the new one and now he's mad because he missed out on the better game.
Its not a fair fight against liam o'brien
you'll never get through to these hipsters, its always cooler to shit on the new game and like the old and we'll go through this cycle all over again with the next nier.
How do you guys feel about the nier raid Final Fantasy 14 is getting?
You know how you never see autistic elderly people?
And that's in a modern, comfortable world with instant access to food and safe housing.
How the FUCK is Papa Nier surviving as a 40+ autistic in a post-apocalyptic world?
Okay, but why is there a resistance and some fags in space? Why are the resistance dressed like actual people and the space faggots dressed like a coomer's wet dream? And resistance to what exactly? Before you create Adam there is no established leadership to the robutts as the aliens are all dead nor is there a regime to take down. If the resistance androids are weaker than 2B androids then why do they bother with monkey models in the resistance? The spacefags in general felt heavily underdeveloped so I didn't really care when they all died for no reason.
Call me a retard for not getting it, but I never had these sort of questions with the original Nier.
It's not just O'Brien chewing the scenery at his hardest, he's straight up written way more colorfully. JP Weiss is more like a cool uncle, they hypercharged his ego in localization and it worked out pretty well.
That's how I see it as. He doesn't have much exposure to things other than odd jobs, fighting, and protecting his daughter.
Reminder that Kaine is a regular female and that it's just her replicant that has a dick.
If the OP had 2B in it then the entire thread would be unsalvageable as a horde of coomers will descend to spam cosplay whores and "fanart."
>but I never had these sort of questions with the original Nier.
You didn't? I had tons of questions once I finished original Nier. Someone pointed me to Grimoir Nier and things started to click into place then, but only after I read like 30 pages of supplementary material.
There's no way this thing can swing those arms around, that's not how weight works.
He has retard strength in a world that needs it. You don't see that many other people running around with massive swords slaughtering shades easily.
There are admittedly some parts that did seem a little funny or off (at least for a Japanese game) when you play as adult Nier. Especially that one scene where Kaine, a teenager almost kisses him, an old as fuck dude, but hesitates last moment.
For some reason I always thought the original game was Gestalt but then I found out it was the opposite.
>Automata is an objectively better gameplay
This is objectively true. But I'm a sucker for Platinum games, so there's that.
>with more interesting story
False. Nier 1 has one of the best and most engaging stories from any game I've ever played. Ever.
>better characters
Also false. Automata's characters have flat personalities (if any). But I guess that makes sense since they're all robots.
>better production values
I agree, but it's on better hardware and Nier 1 had always paved the way for the sequel to get more of a budget.
>music and gameplay.
I'd say the music for both are on equal grounds. I love both scores. Also, you said gameplay twice.
>Only people who want to feel special by having played a shittier game before everyone else claim otherwise.
This is untrue. The characters are story are WAY better than Automata. I love Automata, don't get me wrong, but it seems really "try hard" with trying to shove messages down everyone's throats about the meaning of life and all that jazz. Just seems really ham fisted.
It’s robot magic
So how tight were Devola and Popola on materials? Because it seems like if they were churning out replacement replicants and noticed this girl had a dick, they'd throw it out and try again. What would happen if her Gestalt came back and now had a penor?
The Resistance originated from and/or is the original robots, Yorha was created by them.
Play the game dude, it's all very clear. lol
It was just an error in the replicant system.
Idgaf, because some shitty MMO raid is not going to be the same as one of Taro's games at all.
I love them all equally except Weiss, he's the best character in the entire series including drakengard
this was by far the weakest part of the entire story
True, but at least Okabe is making new music for it.
But taro is working on it himself
I still can't believe Taro managed to make such a serious and compelling branch-off with the joke ending of Drakengard.
I thought Kaine was the only true human remaining in the world. Somehow didn't turn to salt or separate body from soul.
The only time when a tranny character actually works and is not absolutely fucking disgusting.
IIRC it was confirmed she has a gestalt and is actually engaged to someone.
>more interesting story
nigga it's literally the same story
and it got a fucking sequel
Weiss > A2 > everyone else
I should've supplanted that it made sense after the Grimoire, but most of my questions about Nier was about the story, not the underlying world.
How are they still alive then? If the alien robots, with no leadership or coordination, can easily destroy the far stronger space faggots then how do the monkey models survive?
>The only time when a tranny character actually works and is not absolutely fucking disgusting.
Probably because they draw almost zero attention to it. Funny how that works huh
Coombrains may not like it, but it's the truth.
And then he fucked it up by the follow-up.
The game was (is) over.
Fuck off, book.
Yea, it's pretty amazing. When I first started playing Nier and tried to get into the lore, people kept telling me to play Drakengard. I could not, for the life of me, understand how the two were connected. I even watched a youtube video of the joke ending's rhythm game final battle and was just as confused. It wasn't until I realized that the joke ending was actually a "prequel" to the Nier game that it finally clicked.
It's insane that a semi logical and deeply immersive story could be crafted from something so pants-on-head retarded.
>It's not the music box version of Shadowlord
Wasted potential
Did you even play the first Nier? The two stories are nowhere near similar to each other. Shit, you could even read a Wiki summary about it and realize that.
a sexy yowane haku?
>the dude does whatever he wants with his video game
>the dude does whatever he wants but now he also puts a sexy girl on the cover
Trannies need to be gassed.
>Emil's gayness went straight overhead
>like years after I play someone points out Emil is a gay character done right
>make a joke that he's not gay for liking a futa
>Dude, he's in love with Nier
I legit thought he was in love with Kaine, not Nier, and was asking those questions about marriages hoping for a future with Kaine. The "Do you think you'll ever get married again" being a question for does he think the world will be in such a place where they can focus on marriages and not the impending shade doom.
>the dude does whatever he wants but now he also puts a sexy girl on the cover
But Kaine is on the cover of NieR?
Fuccboi Nier > Daddy Nier
Umm, sorry, sweetie, but you can't refute this.
I'm usually not into shota but Emile was alright.
It's not really obvious. Probably for the better.
Could also something lost in translation.
Dad Nier is so fucking ugly so he's almost endearing
The character is not "tranny with these traits" or simply "tranny", but really interesting character that is also a tranny", which is on top not hammed into you.
I need to get my hands on these Japanese PS3 versions.
I finally got my hands on that music box. Currently in transit from Japan.
Yes, Automata is shit and is also unneeded.
NieR was done (anyone who 100% will understand this).
It's like Neverending Story, followed by a Neverending Story 2 cash grab.
You only like the one you empathize with more. If you are a cute twink then you go for the fuccboi. If you are an ugly autist you go for ogre dad.
Yea, he seemed a little gay to me during the story, but it was never "in your face" gay. I knew he wasn't into Kaine, and looked at her as an older sister. I didn't think he was into Papa Nier, though. But I guess it'd make more sense if you were playing as Brother Nier.
Either way, Emil is how you do a gay character in a video game.
Also, I guess you could say Kaine is how you do a Herm in video games. It's never openly stated that she has a dick, and I didn't really believe it when someone told me she was a hermaphrodite. But when I saw it officially confirmed, it made sense with a lot of small things that were mentioned about her in passing during the game and side stories.
I know Square Enix.
They will do another music box for sure.
>also unneeded
Based. unnecessary sequels are the worst.
>It's like Neverending Story, followed by a Neverending Story 2 cash grab.
Ironically Neverending Story, the book, does have a second part that is completely different from the movies and without which the story doesn't really have a point beyond generic fantasy adventure.
That would give me a large erection.
Return that to the store, Jamal.
both nier and automata seek to accomplish different things with their narratives and are both great games that everyone should play. personally I prefer the original nier tho for a few reasons, the music and characters mainly so.
also onii-chan nier > daddy nier
That wasn't my point faggot.
And I hate trannies, don't worry.
NieR world was 100% done with a perfect ending.
It's like wanting a sequel to "The Thing".
Automata world sucks compared to NieR world.
Automata soundtrack sucks compared to NieR soundtrack.
Automata characters suck compared to NieR characters.
The only reason why you think you like it, is because you rubbed one off to the "sexy robots", which do not make sense in the world at all.
Shadowlord is one of those pieces where it sounds either dark and brooding or somber depending on what accompaniment is playing. I really dig it.
>played NieR
>loved it
>remember being cautiously optimistic of NieR: Automata up until it's release
>eventually stuck with my pre-order and played it on launch
>didn't really like it, also didn't even try for other endings
>started playing it again
>remember it being better than I originally though
Going to try to be more thorough with it, finishing everything I can. I skipped a lot of side-quests and whatnot but still got 14 hours out of a single playthrough.
>does nothing wrong
Kaine does a lot wrong though. She basically knows that Nier is going full genocidal but does nothing to stop it
>does have a second part
So one book has a second part.
That's actually not a problem.
Unless it's a sequel book that the author quickly wrote (hacked together) to cash grab.
>didn't know about the timeskip
>left 4 quests undone because I didn't know I'd be locked out by talking to emil that one time
>100% almost everything else but the weapons
>realize that you can't ever go back in a NG+ to the pre-timeskip
I bet Kaine's dick isn't even that big
Forgetting Catherine. It's always disgusting when it's sexuality or sexual characteristics first and character second, no different from Dragon Age "HEY I'M A HOMOSEXUAL" shit.
>She basically knows that Nier is going full genocidal but does nothing to stop it
I'm confused. What?
Are you saying she knows the history of the Shades and who the Shadowlord really is? It's been a while since I played Nier, but I'm pretty sure the shade who was taking over her body never revealed all that.
>Okabe is doing new music for Automata raid!
>hoping he'd dive into tracks from Replicant that did not get used
>the first thing they do is REMEMBER WEIGHT OF THE WORLD?
This makes my penis become the small penis
Nier 1 has a much better atmosphere and story then Nier Auto.
Though I like both but it makes sense that people would prefer 1
There was no winning move, they were all fucked either way because the androids neglected their duties.
It's actually huge if we go by the witch's sabbath. She's a grower, not a shower.
it canonically is, read the canon short story
>Everything that lives... Is designed to reproduce. We are perpetually trapped, in a never ending spiral of cock and cum.
What did 2B mean by this?
She can hear the shades talking and hear their suffering as you hack their friends and lovers into bits. That said, she probably doesn't know the repercussions of killing Shadowlord.
She also probably doesn't care because big lizard killed her grandma and left her a cripple that had to fuse with a sociopath.
What part of London you from mate?
She can understand them. In NG+ you're basically hearing what she hears which is why she comments on what the shades say sometimes. The most notable one I can think of off the top of my head is her screaming at them to shut up, which doesn't make sense until you yourself can hear what they're saying
>which do not make sense in the world at all.
It does if he wanted to BECOME AS GODS.
And I'm sorry you hate trannies.
It’s in the JP version too idiot
Besides we all know Gestalt/Replicant>>>>>>>>>Automata>>>>>>>>>>>>DK3
The Drakengard 3 CE already gave me a huge erection.
Not the cuck English one, but the 4 or 5 kg Japanese one, which also includes an exclusive 8-bit NieR soundtrack CD.
>my my nier, you're hard as a rock~
>oh fuck off
This but honestly after playing both you have to respect how... oddly similar the two games are. They have little similar moments and gameplay quirks that just boost the SOUL so much. But they’re not in obvious places.
official lore describes kaine as a sexual monster
This one
Yea, I know she can hear the shades, but most of what they're saying can just be interpreted as them repeating what they hear the replicants saying. There's no way for her to really know that they're just regular people who have gone crazy from being separated from their bodies for long. The shades, historically, have been known for trying to kill the replicants, so why would she even consider that they were good "people" deep down. Hearing them talk probably just pissed her off even more.
And she couldn't say anything about it because 1) she'd have to explain about the shade living insider her, and 2) people would probably just think she's crazy for "hearing voices".
Retard, you do realize that only 1 factor from Nier actually matters to Automata? They may as well be completely different games.
Futa on female
also have both and replicant just makes more sense
this doesn't mean papa nier sucks tho
It wasn't.
this one
I mean, a lot of them literally beg you to stop and you kill an entire room full of babies at some point while the parents beg you to leave them be.
Also there's the shit with Beepy that there's no way she didn't at least sorta understand that what Nier was doing was fucked up
>Hating DK3
But how?
>They may as well be completely different games.
If the toro faggot would have done that, I would be fine with the release (it's still shit anyway).
It's like the Sony Ghostbusters remake in a way. Just aweful, but with tits and ass.
Can a NieR loremaster give me some help here?
First of all, the white White Chlorination Syndrome causes the infected to either die or become a servant of the gods. Are these servants not capable of breeding? I don't understand the strategy of "waiting it out" since they should either be able to for stable populations or die out way faster than what the game implies. Unless the disease has a long half-life and just sticks around for a thousand years in spore form.
Secondly, what was the deal with the black scrawl? It is supposed to be relapsing that causes it, but why then are not every replicant with a soul going around with it?
Not London based lad and i'm quite thankful for that
Best track of the game in my opinion.
Because Nierfags are secondary babyboys. Before Automata Nierfags got shat on by Drakengardfags, but since Automata was such a newfag magnet not even Nierfags can stop themselves from taking violent magmashits on 2B ass orbiters.
I don't think she heard Beepy, that backstory is given off screen from the main characters. And yea, they're begging for their lives, but they're also the same creatures who killed her grandma (the only person who loved her) and have been known to go on replicant killing sprees, so why would a naturally angry person like Kaine give a shit if they were begging for their lives? In her mind, they were evil demons who deserved to die anyway.
The black scrawl is a fuck up / flaw of the system they used to turn people into shades. Think of it as the data being corrupted and it getting worse with time.
Basically there's literally no way to save someone with the black scrawl. His quest was hopeless from the start.
that Weiss is a fag and that she wants to sodomize her with her cock
user are you ok?
I really like this one (unreleased, only available in the 360 preorder audio cd, or a few Square Enix samplers).
>Unless the disease has a long half-life and just sticks around for a thousand years in spore form.
The maso goddess particles are practically eternal which is why it took androids thousands of years to clean up the planet and throw out the remains of the Grotesquerie Queen, we don't even know where they dumped them, probably either back where she came from or somewhere else for some poor sucks in another dimension to deal with. They resisted nuclear reactions, the only thing nuking Japan accomplished was spreading them across the rest of the planet.
I though it was a physical reaction of the replicant developing a soul, which therefore makes the gestalt go apeshit. or am I mixing this up with something else?
but the plot twist of that reply is that I was talking about her voice actress the whole time.
>I don't think she heard Beepy
She most likely heard him begging for his robot friend to stop and save himself during the actual fight though.
Also I'm confused what point you're making. She knew they were at least aware and could feel things and helped encourage their genocide regardless. Shes just as much as a 'bad' person as Nier is for that, maybe a tiny bit worse but if you think any of the MCs or really characters in general in Nier aren't fuck ups of some sort then you missed the point.
Except for Emil of course
They both have their strengths, but the people that pretend original Nier isn't a clunky at best action game with egregious busywork for no real reason are deluded
>the game without Weiss has the better character's
How does it feel to be the biggest hussy in the thread?
Not that guy but on the bar of the other games I'd unquestionably put it last too.
And then need several marinara trenches of nothing but > to cover the other Drakengard: Like a Draken: Dragoon.
I say this while liking those games, but holy SHIT are they game-based agony to actually play, 3 mostly ironed out the problems but they're still there. But how can I say I like these games with that statement? Because I can still enjoy the story and the rare shiny bits of game between the shit. Sometimes it is in fact possible to accept and abide flaws to enjoy something for its virtues.
TL;DR Drakengard 3 is a bad game, it is significantly less of a bad game than its predecessors but it is still a bad game. I still like it, and even the other two (yes fuck you, I like 2 too) if you don't like this: Too fucking bad nigger.
That makes sense. Jannies cleaning the entire planet would take a really long time.
I believe them developing a soul doesn't do anything to the shade other then them having to hear the voice of their new 'shell' when they rejoin (hence why shade Yonah a heroes after fusing with hers.)
>with egregious busywork for no real reason are deluded
tell me this: did you do the obachan quest?
>First of all, the white White Chlorination Syndrome causes the infected to either die or become a servant of the gods. Are these servants not capable of breeding? I don't understand the strategy of "waiting it out" since they should either be able to for stable populations or die out way faster than what the game implies. Unless the disease has a long half-life and just sticks around for a thousand years in spore form.
There's never any mention of people breeding after being infected, they just turn into monsters and fuck shit up on the beast queen's behalf. In that sense, I think it's just safe to assume they become sterile.
Regarding the diseases half life, that shit hangs around for thousands of years, apparently, because at one point a replicant comes into contact with it in hopes of bringing his dead loved one back to life and he gets taken over and turned into a red eye, leading to ANOTHER long ass war. Shit, it's even hinted that the disease can affect the robots in Nier since 9S's eyes turn red when he gets corrupted with a virus in automata.
Regarding WCS, it's never really fully explained what its half life is. People just did the replicant program under the assumption that there WAS a half life and they literally had no other option. In the end, I think WCS lasts eternally on earth after the beast queen's death, because I think even the Aliens had a run in with it.
>Drakengard 3 is a bad game
But has a way better soundtrack than Automata.
Nier soundtrack >>>>> Drakengard 3 >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Automata soundtrack
I'd say Drakengard is clearly better than 3
Automata has better gameplay (which was just Platinum re-purposing Bayonetta for the 10th time) and that's really it. Gestalt/Replicant have much better characters, more interesting environments, more varied bosses, and much better level design.
Drakengard 3 has a really likable MC and at least 3 likable characters which makes it better then 1 in that sense where you kinda play straight jackasses.
>copy+paste "gameplay" hack + slash is better than unique, creative gameplay
My point is that she wasn't inherently bad because she was operating under the assumption that the shades were just evil demons. She had no way of knowing they were actually people or anything that would require sympathy. Yea, it's fucked up to us because WE THE AUDIENCE know what shades really are. You're ignoring the fact that the replicants literally thought of them as demons and evil entities.
The fishing was an exquisite agony, I don't give a shit about this petty bickering but thank you for reminding me.
Oh, and going back to the junk yard bit like eight times. I still hold to the theory Cavia Studios/Yoko Taro are actively telling players "Holy shit just enjoy the game don't be a retard and try to complete everything" in the most awful way. It's pretty much self-inflicted harm beyond a certain point.
Its been a while and I've repressed most of it for some strange reason, but I vaguely remember spending far too long killing orcs with bags on their head for some incredibly pointless payoff in 1 and realising what the game was. I knew at that moment this wasn't a developer trying to make something fun and failing, this was intentional sadism.
No, it was a physical reaction to their shade aka real soul becoming unstable and going crazy. The black scrawl is the body of the replicant dissolving on a microbiological level, suffering complete DNA breakdown.
sorting nier games makes little sense since they're all 9/10 games at minimum. yes even dod2
And then you get ending D, and it all makes sense.
>>copy+paste "gameplay" hack + slash is better than unique, creative gameplay
On how many levels of irony are you to try and claim that Replicant gameplay isn't a buttonmasher or that Drakengard isn't a shitty musou lite
>My point is that she wasn't inherently bad
I just said she did a lot wrong. Shes one of my favorite characters.
Hmm, hmmmmmmmmm. Fuck user, hard to call in my opinion but I'll grant you they ALL have some bangers. Even two had that black dragon one.
It does have baby cannibal elf nuke and Caim. I can't fault you for your opinion even if I ultimately disagree (sheerly on gameplay)
>PS2 tier gameplay
Devil May Cry 1 and 3 are PS2 games and have much better gameplay than Taro could ever dream of making himself.
that track is the best pick but i still don't understand why they limited the other great tracks behind the dlc.
Sorry then. I thought you were implying that she knew what she was doing was wrong, so that makes her a bad person.
She's my favorite character from the game, so I guess I got a little defensive!
The only thing 1 has over 3 is better soundtrack. And what a soundtrack it is.
I don't think anyone is going to say the original's combat is great but when going to Automata, I expected a drastic increase in quality. Instead, it went from ok to almost good which is disappointing when Plat is involved.
So if I get this straight:
>The gestalt suffer from programming error and goes apeshit
>Corresponding replicant gets incurable black scrawl because of this
>Those infected die permanently
>Every black-scrawl'd individual decreases the replicant population permanently while increasing the number of shades wanting to kill them.
I don't really know where I got the disease and the soul-developing stuff mixed together, but as long as it is as simple as above it makes sense.
I though the disease originated in the replicant and not in the gestalt.
>I beat NieR text adventure by smashing buttons
No, you didn't.
Creative and unique.
The story is mostly a retread with some existentialism that feels undercooked.
The biggest flaw of Automata to me is how AWFUL the area/level design is compared to the original. All the areas except the new ones in Route C are boring as fuck, and even those new ones are repeated until the final level, which is just kind of white blocks.
Is he the best voice actor in the industry?
>behind the dlc
Still waiting for the season pass to drop in price.
I buy the highly limited US CE, and what do I get? a DLC code for like 1 bundle, and the Japanese voices and that's it.
Fuck Square.
This is just me, but I half imagine outraged DMC fans at the idea this was just "average" ps2-tier combat.
Hugs for Metallia
>The biggest flaw of Automata to me is how AWFUL the area/level design is compared to the original
Are you fucking serious
Are you actually fucking serious
One of the weakest parts of Nier is that all dungeons (all four of them) are absolute shit, boring, unimaginative hallways with nearly no enemy variety that have the gall to be reused twice because they had no more money
Fuck those blocks "puzzles"
Fuck the trials temple
And literally fuck the junk heap up its ass
This is accurate, though, while I'm a bit hazy on my Nier lore, I'm pretty sure the Shade dies too once its corresponding replicant dies from the black scrawl. This means both populations diminish at an equal rate.
The Shadow Lord was the only one immune to this problem, and actually helped stabilize the replicant/gestalt relationship up until Nier killed him.
I'll give you the production value, gameplay and also the better scenario system. However I own both Nier's and Automata's physical soundtracks. Automata's disc 2 is clearly the best out of the 3 and it still can't hold a candle to either of the 2 Nier discs.
I honestly just didn't care for Automata that much. And I even went in incredibly excited that NieR got a sequel whose gameplay was handled by fucking Platinum. Nothing in Automata hit me like Beepy & Caleel, nor the Pack Master or the King of Facade. Nothing in Automata's OST moves me like Kaine Salvation and Emil Sacrifice. I just didn't feel the game. It was fine, but ultimately unmemorable to me outside of Ending E's shooting shit.
I loved that bit, but I'm a sucker for MUDs so I don't know how other people view it.
Wish the intoner versions of the boss tracks were uploaded somewhere.
This but unironically.
>Except for Emil of course
My stuff's so cheap
That you will not believe how much you can save
So swing on by and then purchase things til you're broke
W&the100knight is in some way similar to NieR.
When you break it down, tons of parts are not that great, but combined it makes an unforgettable experience.
Maybe its her going apeshit.
Drakengard exudes an atmosphere that no other game has replicated I believe. The main cast all being deranged puts the hopelessness of the world into perspective. The off kilter dissonant OST only pushes the atmosphere further and I just think the general story beats in DoD made me want to play more regardless of gameplay. Personally I didn't find any of this in DoD3 but I still enioyed my time with it.
I believe you mean Metallica
Kaine and Zero should fuck
>all dungeons (all four of them) are absolute shit, boring, unimaginative hallways
You have not played NieR.
Christ this is going back a while, but I vaguely remember DarkIds LP having the DLC music tracks in full on there somewhere. God fucking knows if its still there, or the LP is (I hope so, miss that guy) or if its uploaded to something completely defunct like tineye.
Might be worth a shot. I'd look myself but I need to work and if I do I'll not work and read that instead.
>Nothing in Automata's OST moves me like Kaine Salvation and Emil Sacrifice.
Play Nier:A for him
Is this the only defence you retards can muster? Yes I have, twice, and I'm not oblivious to its faults like you ironic weebs are, fuck you.
>two books needed to complete the whole process and have everything end up relatively clean, or as clean as this whole situation can be
>just about ready to merge everyone back together
>Weiss gets robbed and loses all his memory because you leave it sitting outside your castle in front of the gate that requires the deaths of 4 elite shades and a tree
How come the shadowlord was such a dumbass?
I would agree except about DoD2. The game was alright, but at most it would have been a 6-7/10.
The people who vehemently shit on Automata while praising the past taro games are contrarian retards. Even if Automata is one of his weaker games, it's still got better music and writing than most games.
Objective listing:
Nier Gestalt/Replicant > DoD1 = DoD3 > Automata (Still great)
Music Rating:
Nier Gestalt/Replicant > DoD3 > Automata > DoD1 (Average with a couple good tracks)
Yes, you got it completely right. It's not all lost though, because there were mentions of the guardian androids in some regions having managed to successfully activate the grimoire project failsafes and forcibly merge existing gestalts with their replicants, but we have no further comments on how many of them were completely successful and if the existing human population was even capable of sustaining itself and multiply enough to revive humanity.
>I though the disease originated in the replicant and not in the gestalt.
The disease goes both ways, the unaccounted for mutation caused replicants to become more than just bio prototypes for the safely stored away souls of mankind and develop their own souls, which meant that gestalts could not reinhabit them and existing without bodies slowly but surely drove them crazy and that process of instability also reflected on the replicant. Shadowlord's existence stabilized the shades as he could prevent them from degenerating completely which is why not everyone was succumbing to the black scrawl.
As long as the gestalt can survive without the replicant. Otherwise the amount of roaming shades is a bit silly.
And speaking of lore, a non-black scrawl death wouldn't actually have any effect on the replicant population size since they could just produce new ones, right?
And what was the reason for having replicants faffing about anyway? Could the gestalts not just wait it out without having their retarded clones walking around.
Kaine would never say this.
Her cock is tiny.
Him voicing Kain in FF Dissidia was a dream come true.
>So, you offer your life in exchange for theirs?
>Of course not, I offer yours.
If a sequel has to reach out to nostalgic strings of a past character to have a powerful emotional moment the writers completely failed.
either that or shit taste.
It's like going "oh no, I have to visit that place a few times, and have to listen to that soundtrack once again".
He was an emotional jackass that only gave a fuck about his daughter.
So literally the same issue our Nier has
damn i really thought that emil was used really tastefully in automata. maybe that was just me.
>Kaine Salvation and Emil Sacrifice
I was getting really done with those two songs after they play like every other scene which you experience 4 times.
He was, don't listen to resetera rejects
>insults will make a point
No, they never do.
You could have gone the "this dungeon is similar to the Resident Evil 1 house, and this ... and this..."
But calling them all boring, absolute shit and "unimaginative" means that you are a troll. There is no way around it (or a millennial, whose first console was a PS3).
9S > Nier
Weiss > Pods
Kaine = A2 > 2B
King Facade > Every other nigga to ever live
really underestimating the purely chaotic nature of DoD1s music to be honest familia.
>DoD1 (Average with a couple good tracks)
Fuck off.
Was meant for this troll: 478582401
No yous for you.
Well, I felt the amnesia sidequest, route C intro, Pascal's fate and gathering keepsakes hit as hard anything from NieR, but each to his own, i guess.
Oh well, on that point user I guess I agree, its a beautiful crapsack world and yeah I would say 3 doesn't really do it the same way. I'd have to think about it more but I'd say 1 gives you both personal awful stories and a general global idea of "oh shit we're fucked" wheras 3 doesn't quite do the same. Plus Japan can keep trying but magical girls will always lighten rather than darken the general atmosphere, especially compared to pedopriest, hungry hungry elf, bald sauruman, one nice boy and Mr. Murder and His Incredible Death Lizard Vs. Possessed demon army/actually just a lot of what it actively encourages you to call "subhumans" but is actually basically genocide. Sorry, I lost the thread there a bit but sure, I agree, but I find 3's gameplay helps lift it up though again: It is a rough piece of shit held under any light other than "other drakengard game"
>And speaking of lore, a non-black scrawl death wouldn't actually have any effect on the replicant population size since they could just produce new ones, right?
Yes, replicants are infertile and androids just clone new bodies to maintain accurate gestalt to replicant ratios, I would imagine.
Regardless if he was or not is not my problem. NieR didn't rely on callbacks to other Taro games to hit you with something emotional in the case of Route B, Automata clearly does with Emil. That's just bad writing.
I called them boring because that's what they are. Resident Evil parody is cute but that's just it, and the game having a Zelda joke doesn't hide how much it wishes it was Zelda.
>a non-black scrawl death wouldn't actually have any effect on the replicant population size since they could just produce new ones, right?
Yea, there's a factory in the woods or some shit that makes new replicants everytime one dies off. I'm not sure how they handle introducing these new replicants to the existing population once one of their friends die, but the Devola and Popala units are responsible for handling this. They probably just ship the replacements off to different parts of the world where that replicant population won't recognize them.
>And what was the reason for having replicants faffing about anyway? Could the gestalts not just wait it out without having their retarded clones walking around.
I'm not sure what you mean by this. I think you're wondering why the humans made the replicants smart enough to form societies? Because originally, they weren't very smart and just performed basic duties and stuff. It wasn't for a while until they started developing a consciousness and "soul" that the societies developed.
Not working, troll.
True, but after years of not listening to them and finally hearing them again they're incredibly well done. Kaine/Salvation is unironically one of the most beautiful songs I've ever heard in my life because of Emmy Evans.
>so I don't know how other people view it.
It was really cool.
>not the child who only wanted to play with the other villager children
>doesn't attack anyone and will only run away from nier
>That's just bad writing.
Why is it bad writing?
It's not the only emotional moment in the game, it's just a payoff for people who know who Emil is, tucked away into a sidequest.
It is a sequel after all and it'd be worse if literally nothing from the original world mattered.
>And what was the reason for having replicants faffing about anyway? Could the gestalts not just wait it out without having their retarded clones walking around.
Troops to help androids battle WCS remnants that was pretty much the entirety of humanity that got infected. Comparatively speaking only a very small percentage of mankind got gestaltized.
I really wanna fight red eye or run around the cathedral city in spain when it first appeared in DOD4.
Stop being underage.
>There is more futa r34 of 2B/A2 than Kaine
I wish Automata didn't exist just so this dumbass shit stopped happening.
>I want my you's
>Not giving me you makes you a child
>daughter is only thing that matters to him
>doesn't protect one of the most important things to his daughter being able to live
She becomes a full human as a result of Ending D but is a replicant before that.
>The disease goes both ways, the unaccounted for mutation caused replicants to become more than just bio prototypes for the safely stored away souls of mankind and develop their own souls, which meant that gestalts could not reinhabit them and existing without bodies slowly but surely drove them crazy and that process of instability also reflected on the replicant.
So it's a three-step process. Gotcha!
>if the existing human population was even capable of sustaining itself and multiply enough to revive humanity.
You need pretty few have a population going extinct, so they must have messed up big-time.
>They probably just ship the replacements off to different parts of the world where that replicant population won't recognize them.
That means that the situation with NieR and Yonah was just a freak accident. They really fucked up.
>I'm not sure what you mean by this.
I was just wondering why the gestalts couldn't necessarily just survive on their own, but implies that gestalts go mad without having a "connection" to their original body.
As if you needed more proof futafags are the fucking worst.
>wanting to fight Caim
You wouldn't last a moment.
I mean he literally does save his daughter and reunite them.
If I want to fall down the nier lore hole for both games where do I go? I only read like 2 stories in the world guide for automata
This shit was happening before Automata was even released, though. Before Automata, it was:
>Nier is GENIUS but underrated
>DOD isn't shit, it's just chaotic!
DOD1 is one of the few games I can think of that's shit but still interesting.
Forgot to reply to
Not even that user you're being a faggot about but quit being an underage nigger.
Magic is a Diabolus Ex Machina that makes the NieR world fucked forever for everyone. No one in universe really know how it works so the characters keep making long-term plans that fucks up at some point and make everyone miserable.
Red eye being the cause of every bad thing ever (including WW2!) is the thing I hate the most about Taroverse.
Get the first. Play that until 100%.
Don't buy the 2nd. It's crap, except for flashy graphics.
If you prefer flashy graphics over everything else, get the 2nd.
DoD is shit but it's good.
shut up nigger I played both
Difference is people acknowledged that D1 was trash and were trying to spin D3 as being misunderstood. Now people pretend D1 wasn't garbage and haven given up on defending D3.
>I played both
My condolences.
>That means that the situation with NieR and Yonah was just a freak accident
Everything being fucked from the get go and then only getting worse is sorta a theme of Nier
>Red eye being the cause of every bad thing ever (including WW2)
I refuse to believe that is true.
I was able to enjoy the combat in NieR by limiting myself to only really using a Heavy weapon (dunno why I enjoyed that). The most tedious part was just getting around. So many quests wanting you to go from one end of the map to the other got annoying real fast especially with no quick travel system. Boars helped sure, but there were times were I just couldn’t find one or the area just didn’t have one (desert)
>That means that the situation with NieR and Yonah was just a freak accident. They really fucked up.
I think it's because the Shadowlord (the original Nier) demanded that Yonah be kept close as one of his terms for undergoing the Gestalt program. I know he originally didn't want to do it, but the government convinced him it would help Yonah in the long run.
>You need pretty few have a population going extinct, so they must have messed up big-time.
I think the Aliens had something to do with completely killing the human species. Don't quote me on that, though. There a TON of supplemental reading for Nier's lore. I know Emil helped lead tons of resistances against the alien invaders. I'm not sure if it was all androids who helped him, or a combination of androids and remaining humans.
I startef with Drakengard and to me you're all retards. Half of you probably just watched Clemps lore summaries.
>Red eye being the cause of every bad thing ever (including WW2!)
This is literally the first time I've ever read this. Did you just make this up, user?
Na man I got ending E
I have a copy of Drakenguard on my shelf next to me but i'll admit that I only know about it because of the Dark Ids lets play and I haven't 100% it
I did. I tried to get into Drakengard, but just couldn't stomach it because the gameplay was SO shit. I bought Drakengard 1 for my PS2, played for 3 hours and quit. I got Drakengard 3 for my PS3, played up until the first boss fight with the slutty intoner, and quit. Watching and reading summaries is the best way to enjoy the lore.
>I think it's because the Shadowlord (the original Nier) demanded that Yonah be kept close as one of his terms for undergoing the Gestalt program. I know he originally didn't want to do it, but the government convinced him it would help Yonah in the long run.
He could have had the Yonah-replicant close but have the NieR-replicant be somewhere else. It's them having their relationship while also being close to Nier-gestalt that fucks everything up.
Shouldn't have killed a man's waifu. If you kill a man's waifu, he will kill you. Humanity killed Caim's waifu. Caim killed humanity.
Humanity didn't kill his waifu, retard.
They just put her in unending horrible pain because they didn't trust her to keep her end of the deal like the retards they are.
>He could have had the Yonah-replicant close but have the NieR-replicant be somewhere else. It's them having their relationship while also being close to Nier-gestalt that fucks everything up.
Yea, that's true. I'm not sure what the exact reason was, but that was a major fuck up. A lot of systems failed miserably, which led to the project itself being a failure. One of the key failures that even Automata address is the fact that Devola and Popola both COMPLETELY shat the bed in the first game. That's why other androids hate their units.
I have no idea who you are speaking of, but I at least have something to search for.
I haven't played Auto yet.
Was the Fire of Prometheus retconned by it?
is this sfw?
You are the cliche fake Taro fan, congrats
pascals village is pretty much symbolizing the p-model from that short story
You should educate yourself before making posts like that.
I was thinking though, is there a heaven/afterlife place for souls in the yoko Universe? After all gods are real and other dimensions. Or souls were actually dying dying.
Oh, for some reason I thought you were talking about DoD2
Right, sorry then.
>Yoko Taro is married to the illustrator of the Taiko no Tatsujin games
Still blows my mind.
Posting DoD2 Caim threw you off I guess, I just like his DoD2 look more than his classic one.
The gods are giant screaming death babies.
If there is an afterlife i'm not sure it's a positive thing.
Whatever the gods of Taroverse are, you don't want to meet them.
Explain her futacock to me
>ywn feel the love of a gf. A deep love. A great love. A love powerful and formidable. A love that crushes like a mace.
I mean, that would only make it worse really, knowing that souls at the end go the fucking hellish kindergarden.
He technically smiles more in 2. Yes.
Ending B has Yonah and Nier meet up in the afterlife.
>no official taiko for final song
>only the batshit fanmade one
Nope, Fire of Prometheus is as canon as ever and mentioned directly in one of the dungeons. You put a few dots together, the part when Beepy comes back to the surface is a critical part of automatas storyline
Programming glitch
I thought there was a legit one? Am I crazy?
i always had a feeling the gods in dod1 were the players themselves in a kind of fourth wall breaking way. i hope this makes sense because i'm not good with words
If Caim dies and either goes to heaven or hell all there's going to be is a lot of people he just fucking killed either way.
Possibly, I mean the reaper both gets pact'd and fucking dies in 2, so who knows
Does she get hard at some point or something? how do we know?
I like the video game I also have it digitally on ps4 too
There's a canon short story where she fucks a corpse or someone that looks like Nier something if I recall right. I can't recall if he's still alive or not
What you said is understandable user, but how you arrived at that conclusion isn't stated. What makes you think this?
>I thought there was a legit one? Am I crazy?
I like both NieR's. I have fetish for androids so maybe that does make me a little bias but I love both games the same. Sure they are not the same but that does make it better to be honest. At least we can all agree to hate drakengard 3, aside from Zero and Accord.
I remember a clip of text someone posted where she got exited after killing som mooks, jerked off her monstercock publicly and came in the face of an old lady. Could be fake though.
nier is just the brown word without the gg
>tfw Nier used disc is like $60
Imagine not like Mikhail like a bitch.
Also I like Octa a lot
go to local gamestops before they close
Totally understable user. I have just a thing for Zero like girls.
I mean swearing and that right way of dom. Not dead eldrish flower.
...but thinking about it...
Papa Nier > 9S > Brother Nier
This is a fact
Androids being androids, aliens attacked, Emil being emil, also data could be fucked like everything else really. We can't be sure that year gap even exist.
Look up at 1939.
Yes, I agree that it's completely stupid but Taro-approved bibliography explains the cataclysm that made Cathedral City appear also happened in the Nier universe that the watchers were there all along. And DoD1 too, I guess??? There's also hilarious stuff like Marco Polo searching for a remedy for red eye.
Anyway, I think there's too much work put in trying to tie up events and adding usless ""lore"" that has no bearing to anything between games.
I originally thought that the whole concept of Automata was a self-sustaining cycle of of death and rebirth of YoRHa, but it turns out it's not a cycle at all and it's the first time this happened? In 10000 years of pretty much nothing happening? Does Taro understand how long 10000 years represents? I'm really puzzled.
What the fuck user. Didn't even let me to finish
Is the edgy elf canon?
pretty sure nier:a only takes so long after nier because yoko taro wanted to use specific year dates like 11945 (read: 1945) and 11941 (read: 1941) when YoRHa infiltrated Mount Kaʻala
The baby eating one? Yes
9S feels like the only one who really got any meaningful development on screen. 2B's was just implied the whole way and A2 was a jaded fuck looking for a place to die.
If i ever end up working with her i'll let her know how cringe and coombrained you are, my friend
Sorry, spelling mistakes make me uncomfortable.
So the Gestalt program was fucked as soon as the replicants began developing souls right? Even if the books were used to successfully merge everyone, there would still be two souls within one body like with Yonah?
Its ok. We all make mistakes.
the project would successfully finish but the android sisters pretty much ruined it all and doomed humanity
If you think that's bad, try getting a copy of Fire Emblem: Path of Radiance
Basically yeah.
pls respond
To be honest, sisters fucked up things but even without them, or them being not brain dead project would fail anyway.
Imagine being obsessed with futa zombie cock when prime synthetic pussy already exists
Where's one (male)?
It's really depressing that this is what it's come to. People go so far now to be contrarian that they're pushing this meme about the NA release being fanfiction.. Nier used to be a hidden gem on Yea Forums but now the only time it gets talked about is for people to wank themselves off for having played it. Watching people endlessly posture themselves in front of a series you love just for anonymous internet points is just sad.
how did they mess anything up? It's not like they had any options once the shadowlord said FUCK THIS and kidnapped yonah
The program was pretty fucked because the only thing making it work is a single anomaly, the shadowlord. The moment the shadowlord tried to break the status quo, everything went to shit.
You could imagine ways to make it work, like making the replicants the actual heir of humanity, instead of mere receptacles. Or maybe using theier research on magic to find another solution.
But humanity was too bent on saving themselves (only the richest and "important" people being chosen for the gestalt program) and warring between themselves (Emil program to make weapons) to find a suitable solution, so the last thing they could do was hold the status quo and hope somehow things went all right.
They know that killing stuff and sending Nier for a genocide journey will be not a good idea and yet, they did. They were not thinking in a long term of things.
>Game casually mentions that the earth now is tidally locked to the sun
Blew my mind
Death to all Popolas and all Devolas!
SPECIALLY those who haven't done anything wrong.
They needed Weiss to regain his memories for the project to go forward, the only way to try and do that was to have Weiss get the sealed verses and absorb blood. It ended up backfiring because what it did was made Weiss bond with the Replicants. A few shades being killed in order for the project to continue is an acceptable loss.
Magic REALLY fucked shit up. It was basically reality cancer
Wouldn't that fuck up magnetic field of the planet causing catastrophic damage to anything living and probably some things mechanical as well
Only a couple fags say that it's fanfiction. Most say that its good, but not as good as Nier. You can't blame us for shitting all over the Automata fags, they're insufferable. If the OP had 2B in it the entire thread would be filled with ecchi and cosplay thots.
weiss and noir still had the ability to merge in order to initiate parts of the project that could create humans out of replicants and gestalts
>If the OP had 2B in it the entire thread would be filled with ecchi and cosplay thots.
That would be awful, wouldn it, tranny?
I think it's more likely it would be filled with retards screaming about how automata is the worst game ever made and nier is a 10/10 masterpiece
>how did they mess anything up? It's not like they had any options once the shadowlord said FUCK THIS and kidnapped yonah
I mean you aren't wrong but they were in charge of keeping things in check but they failed.
Not just that, the sun side would cook while the dark side would freeze. Massive wind storms will form due to the temperature difference. The oceans on one half would boil while the other half would freeze. The atmosphere on the dark side will vent off into space while the dark side will be burned off. Taro really didn't think the whole "tidal locked Earth" thing through.
you did play through all 300 hours of main quests to be ready for dark apocalypse, right Yea Forums?
People say that, but the automata threads i see hardly ever have lewds. On the contrary people show up saying exactly what you said, about how the threads are shitty waifu postkng even though the very thread has none.
At least here on Yea Forums most automatafags are pretty damn chill
>It's magic
Tidal lock is more of a casual lampshade hanging of there not being a day/night cycle. Except for a single dialogue in each game, it does not affect anything meaningfully. You could just headcanon it out.
That said, the night country that is sometimes casually mentioned in the lore is an interesting concept to me and I would like to see it explored further, rather than get "hey NieR fans here's some area you already know"
>That said, the night country that is sometimes casually mentioned in the lore is an interesting concept to me
which game mentions this?
>when the chorus comes in at 1:23
Wait. What. I never know that. What.
I did it in 80.
Yeah it’s a bit of a shithole here to be fair
t. cutscene skipper and raid ignorer
seething yoshipony
This, anyone who says otherwise is a normie that thinks Automata is better just because of a butt
I doubt that. Automata threads I've seen either die or get filled with the same cosplay thots/ecchi.
It's only ever mentioned in external media, and never expanded upon. There are mentions in the timeline of a "Kingdom of Night":
>5024; Aliens" completely oppress the areas of North and South America known as the "Kingdom of Night". At the same time, new weapon-grade Bio-machines begin production.
>6230; The production and deployment of new "Dragon" weapons began to support the war effort in the "Kingdom of Night".
I think there's also mention of the night country in some NieR artbook but it's really just a passing remark.
Just random Taro thing I guess.
I've read 3 game novels so far but I cannot remember reading something about Kingdom of Night. Interesting stuff nonetheless.
>no weather system in the game
>no night/day cycle
>there is a lore explanation
Holy shit Taro. What the fuck. I love you
I'll admit, it's been quite a long time since I've been truly immersed in a vidya and NieR Gestalt did it for me. Reading almost all the tidbits from Yea Forums while avoiding spoilers/gameplay led me to believe I was going to be playing something otherwordly. It wasn't 10/10, but it was still nice. Felt despair all over my body when the town got overrun by Shades and the Jack of Hearts crashed through the town's gate. The track playing during that encounter was superb too.
Where's the lore behind being able to boar drift
Taro talks about it in interviews.
>>In the settings materials and the stage play, we hear about something called the "Day Countries" and the "Night Countries." Without going too in-depth, could you explain a little bit about this to us?
>In the world of NieR, a certain incident in the world's past caused the Earth's axis to shift. Because of this, there's now a world of permanent daytime, as well as a world of permanent nighttime. I was told to give brief answers, so that's all I can say about this.
>>Q45. Are there any androids above YoRHa in the chain of command who’re responsible for calling the shots in the war against the machine lifeforms?
>There aren’t any. YoRHA, resistance members, other androids from the orbital bases, as well as the androids fighting in the kingdom of night* are all equal below the council of humanity.
The gods are only angry after humanity so they only oppose them and their inheritors.
Other animals had free reign to evolve, so boar naturally learned to do the raddest thing possible: turbo drifting.
Deers prefer to steer.
>Q48. One of the archive entries is a flyer for Accord’s shop. Does Accord exist in this world?
hold up.
Yeah, she still has her shop across time and space, but she doesn't actually show up.
>Deers prefer to steer.
Nice one
I like how you two had to have a moment where you confirm to each other that, yes, "I too belong here, for I hate transexuals". While talking about fucking Nier of all things.
You are so desperate to fit in you can't see the forest for the girlcock shaped trees.
Exactly this.
will you hate me if i watch the movie version of drakengard 1 on youtube
its just so annoying to actually play
By all means do it, I hated actually playing the game myself.
I get that the frustration and despair you have whilst playing it adds to the whole experience, but seriously not everyone wants that.
It definitely won't be the same just watching the movie without the suffering.
But if it's that or not playing, go ahead. I hope the music is annoying enough for you to get a little taste of it.
The game is shit, just watch the cutscenes.
The in-game dialogue is also good. Watch a longplay.
I read the dialogue thanks to lparchive.
Read the let's play on the let's play archive.
You won't regret it.
Do you get hilarious stuff like
>There is no time Caim, you have to go straight to the seal or the empire wil destroy it! Don't waste your time!
>mission order
>Kill all the empire's men. Leave not a single one breathing. They must die at any cost.
>mission end
>Oh no, we are too late! The seal is broken!
The interactions in the LP is pretty funny.
a shame there isn't more doujins on dod3
What the mission demands and what Caim wants are different things.
I want to see zero raped and beaten some more.
That's what you fucking sound like.
That's a fucking Glukkon