You will soon be able to resell your digital games eurobros
France saves gaming
another win for EPIC
inb4 yanks somehow saying consumer rights are a bad thing
In what way?
Stadia was a pre-emptive move, jewgle knew the goverment was gonna cuck digital kikes soon so now they can just say "oh but we're a digital blockbuster xD"
Fuck, what's the chances that this also comes to America like refunds?
I hate that so many people in this country are mindless consumer drones, it's like living in a fucking dystopian hellhole.
Valve losing billions possibly going bankrupt
get helped.
They got greedy and complacent.
>dota 2 queue times
>banning everybody left and right
FUCK Valve and FUCK Valve drones.
that thread earlier really was something
>You will soon be able to resell your digital games eurobros
Doubt it.
This kind of ruling would apply to all digital content and to all stores, there's no reason why it'd only be applicable to Steam or games.
Based Marx does it again! Remember to drink celebratory onions!
>Why yes, I fully support governments interfering to protect the rights of us consumers against greedy corporations how could you tell?
while also calling everyone a communist for thinking it's not a bad thing
if it happens to Steam why wouldn't it also happen to Epic? or any other store for that matter?
Good. Fuck gog.
Heil stadia!
>only store with actual infrastructure to make resellong possible
if anything this just forces epic back to steam
> Valve fights back against random EU legislations to force them to implement game reselling
> Holds them at bay for a while
> Epic comes up, eats on Gaben's profits
> Nobody eats at Gaben's table but Gaben!
> Deliberately shit the bed in a court of justice
> Online game stores now need to implement a resale option or cease to exist
> Epic now has to implement that if they want baguettebucks, while they can't even make a shopping cart work
The fat fuck is playing 4D chess and you're all falling for his masterful ruse.
it’s not epic shills just haven’t had their scripts updated yet
Americans are literally insane, so it makes sense.
Consumers are cattle and don't deserve rights.
>Jannu waving republican flag
I wonder if valve could just stop selling in France. Would income lost in France be worth not allowing reselling games.
This is very true sadly.
oh fuck i knew i was missing someting
almost 100% If companies are forced to make such a massive change by law they won't make it for one region alone. They'll expect that everywhere country/region will start exploring and then making the same style legislation or possibly even worse for them if they're not careful so they'll cut them off at the pass and just implement it everywhere
Thankfully the rest of the EU will also adopt this, so it won't matter.
gabens finest are probably calculating the same thing
digicucks, explain to me how you can say with a straight face that you "own" your digital games when you arent legally allowed to sell them?
EU is one market. If you want to sell to any one member you have to sell to all of them, You can't pick and choose who you sell too in the EU. This decision will probably be appealed then go up to the European high court and be fought over there.
More like gaming completely dies in the EU.
So if France does something, everyone else in the eu has to step in tune?
I thought European states got to keep their sovereignty. Guess it was all a lie.
Not even burger, just one of the last eurostates resisting the 4th reich
so what's your opinion on this?
Do britbongs really have a mcdonald tax?
Based. Conning shrubs out of their accounts and selling them is my livelihood. Now I can do it legally thanks to based EU!
I don't really care about the legal ownership of a file I can just download whenever
Should apply to every digital store including consoles.
I can see why subscription services have been popping up really fast lately.
probably not dutch have harder lootbox laws zero countries followed them
it was literally the entire previous thread you maximum retard
no? it gets voted first, if it passes then everyone does it
why are you against it, its democracy at its finest
Wait how does this work logistically? What stops one member nation from just creating a total loony law that says you can't do X if you sell in this country.
Wait, you don't?
Belgium did.
Steam also classifies their shit as rentals, Stadia is anti-piracy not anti resale by its nature.
Just wait until this bleeds into the mobile market
the european high court stops it when it goes up there. They're like the supremem court for trade deals with europe
This is how Stadia wins. What a horrible future.
I understand very little of what that article said, in part because google translate and in part because it's French law and I'm not a french lawyer. Seems like the usual "Tell the consumer what they're buying" and "tell them of their responsibilities" isn't enough in France. More babying is needed when dealing with frogniggers.
This is the future we chose by not rising up in a society.
Shoo Amerilard, shoo.
I'm not american and some of the complaints are legitimate, but only because the laws are outdated and unfit for the digital age.
I got my mcdonalds licence right here officer
in what way does this not extend to stadia?
The lack of self awareness in this post is amusing.
Americans aren't jews, they've just been brainwashed by jews for 70+ years.
This could backfire.
Now all the publishers will have even more incentive to make everything "games as a service" with always online DRM to prevent resale.
I think baguettes need to go much further and rule games as goods, not services and also make DRM illegal. Their government is full of lefties now, it can be done.
When you don't understand something, ask about it or just shut up.
What a faggot.
Subscription based service.
Kill yourself console convert.
Based Hon Hon Hons.
It's considered a service, not a good.
Remeber EU already fucked up Steam sales. As soon as returns went in, good steam sales went out. I dont understand the EU mentality, why do they need to be babysat by the government at every turn, are they that weak?
I was asking about it. But I suppose saying "I don't understand" isn't asking about it to someone as autistic as you? You don't get that I'd like an explanation without me adding "could you please explain it" at the end?
Well it's because stadia is a streaming service for games. Functionally, it's supposed to be like Netflix for games. So you never "bought" a game, you've been paying for a service to stream the games in their library.
Say adieu to massive sales
digital distribution was one of the worst things to happen to gaming. bring back physical PC games.
Stop posting anytime
>with always online DRM to prevent resale.
That's not how it works m8, resale would mean that the key and all associated signatures would have to be transferred, meaning that whoever purchases the game from the original owner will have access to all services.
And it's easy to make anything less illegal.
that's wrong, stadia is only subscription based for access to the service itself, you still have to buy the games for $60 or did you guys not know that?
EU already fucked up the sales once, remember that because of steam returns the sales went from crazy deep with free games to shitty ones.
don't worry user everyone here have a tree up their asses
>false flagging this hard
Sad! Looks like the French GOVERNMENT is in the pockets of Tencent and is obeying their orders to hurt one of the last based platforms on PC due anti american sentiments.
Shouldn't Mr. Macron instead focus on all the no-go zones popping up everywhere in his State, rather than cruelly punish American companies to get closer ties with the Chinese government? Have they forgotten that we saved their State in 1945?
>are they that weak
Weak as in we have no power to resist the Eurocrats. The EU exists for thee purposes
>Growing businesses
>Regulating businesses
>Taxing businesses
And hampering american companies so that European ones might appear is a part of that.
>Steam will soon be unavailable in France
Wait what the actual fuck. I only kept up with it at a surface level because streaming games sounded like a an esoteric system. Now that's some next level kikery.
>consumer rights
At the expense of what, seller rights? A country dictating how a business must be run is not a consumer right by definition.
Is that a French expression?
Also Apple owes Ireland 13 billion euros, a decision they're appealing right now
Those deviants?
Yes it is, publishers would just start charging subscriptions, this will mean less single player that are crafted games and more multiplayer games that go on forever. We will see the rise of dumb skinner boxes take over the industry even more.
That doesn't necessarily guarantee ownership of the game.
>Ireland becomes a tax haven for huge international companies
>EU wants to stop tax havens
>Makes the companies pay the tax haven
Hardly discourages the behavior. But tax shouldn't be an EU matter anyway.
oh yeah, that's the thing with stadia, they marketed it as Netflix for games but it isn't at all, what is actually is it paying for remote play of your games, something you can already do with PS+ and Steam
>fuck consumer rights
>please give me better sales so I can spend my shekels my jewish masters
Americans are so fucked in the head it's hilarious
They are weak because they need the gov to do everything for them, they have no pride in anything. They are like a bunch of bumbling idiot fish.
No one's going to play those games aside from consoleniggers, lest we observe how poorly Anthem did.
Sorry m8, but this is happening, and no amount of whining on your end will stop it.
Best run back to your corporate daddies and explain why you'll be working overtime for the next 6 months.
>"Finally, the "subscription" to the " registration " (of a game) made by the user, which is referred to in the conclusions of the company VALVE (...) consists in reality of a purchase, the game being made available to the user for an unlimited period. It cannot therefore be a "subscription" - in the usual sense of the term - but the sale of a copy of a video game, made at a price determined in advance and paid in a single instalment by the user. »
>the game being made available to the user for an unlimited period.
Yeah actual games need to be outright bought on stadia and they will cost full price. The basic tier of streaming is free, the $10 subscription nets you better quality and some "free" games.
No, the french equivalent would be "a broom up one's ass". Tree sounds more metal, though.
Who cares? Their women smell and have hairy unatural armpits, and their food is horrible.
you don't own your games on steam either my dude
stick isn't large enough to describe the constant seething here
Are you implying Americans don't need the gov to do everything for them?
If it happens in france it will expand to the whole EU
It doesn't matter, under this law it will have to if the person is paying an additional fee for the product itself.
With a streaming subscription and games being included you could easily argue that it's a service, but in this case with games still charging an additional $60, they're very clearly separate products.
>I refuse everything, I say no, I won the argument because I have pictures too
Lmao, corporate bootlickers are fucking retarded.
>"I-I.. I just wanted to impress Lilibet "
>I think baguettes need to go much further and rule games as goods, not services and also make DRM illegal.
That would be antisemitic, user
>Tree sounds more metal
Funny thing to say.
Only to the cucked countries..
People are just memeing when they say that, trying to start a stupid argument.
>it's like living in a fucking dystopian hellhole.
It is a dystopian hellhole, now go consume goy!
Thankfully Americans do the rest of us a huge favor by voluntarily removing one another from the gene pool.
Whenever I think of America I just think of that fat fuck CoD commentator, because literally all of them act like that.
brexit means brexit
you own your games forever on stadia as well, until you stop paying for the gate keys your account still owns those games they don't just magically disappear and make you buy them all over again.
>No one's going to play those games aside from consoleniggers
Fornite is making millons upon millons of dollars and so is PUGB. More people are interested in playing dumb skinner boxes than actual well crafted videogames. You are ignorant of you dont think so.
>Europeons be like freedom is too spicy, merci beaucoup, mon commie-overlord for cuck me even harder!
Eurofags can't even legally defend themselves from home invasions, let alone with a firearm. You literally have to hide in the closet and call the police then wait for Abdul to finish with your wife before they finally arrive to save you.
And the UK WILL leave on the 29th of march.
More like some bitchy magazine tries to force Steam to resell games. In what world do you even think that is going to pass?
Say what you will but Americans are more independent.
OK, so the whole EU them.
>being able to sell the things you buy is communism
yanks are on some crazy shit
lemme summarise it for your retards
we might be able to sell our steam accounts
that's it
you're not going to sell games separately ever
This is about consumer rights and governments interfering in business practices. Please don't mix things up.
>Tu ne peux pas
First the refunds, then the looboxes and now this. The corporation loving amerimutts will SEETHE like never before LMAO
I hate HATE the refunds, i only used it once and i rather not have them and instead have the deep sales again. Why do i as a proud American, have to suffer because of european stupidity.
Lmao nice cope.
eh, if valve makes a trade market and takes a cut like they do with cards it'll just be a way for them to double dip on first sale.
No you don't. You own them when you're paying or service is running. It's not unlimited.
That's true, but it seems like it's going to be even less so with Stadia.
Under this law, maybe, but in practice, you won't ever be in possession of a single bit of said game. I wouldn't be surprised if Google works some bullshit magic into the ToS to guarantee that it stays that way.
>the ability to resell a product is communism
feel free to stop posting chink shill
No, I don't have to wear a stab proof vest when going shopping because my government did not import a couple million monkeys, thanks for your concern.
How did they get complacent? they update Steam all the time, that's their business. Who gives a shit about DOTA.
>I won the argument because of my seething greentext in lieu of an actual argument
Lmao, government bootlickers are fucking retarded.
Yeah. Changes will be:
>Steam accounts can now be sold
>They will, however, be completely void of personal information
What's stopping you from selling your steam account right now?
The only establishment that can set rights is the state. If the state is restricting you from operating, you do not have a right to operate in that way. If the government restricted the places you could shop, you lack free consumer rights.
If the government restricts the sale of certain goods, or requires them to be sold in a way they believe benefits the consumer, this is a restriction of seller rights. This is not a consumer right like the one listed before. At best, you could say this is a government favor to consumers. It is not a consumer right.
Most Fortnite zoomers are consoleniggers you mongoloid.
its against steam tos
wich is irrelevant because you can still do it
basically nothing will change
its just that one organisation farming yous
>So if France does something, everyone else in the eu has to step in tune?
in reality France and Germany are pretty mcuh the EU, once the bongs leave even more so
>snoygroids spend the most on forkknife
In what world is not being able to resell something you bought more free than being able to do so?
Americans, explain yourselves.
Why are you all like this?
Nigga your whole continent is literary overrun with muzzie extremist and your government is full of people who take it in the ass from them and then say thank you. Just because our retarded media overplays every tragedy it doesn't mean the US is not better than the EU.
sorry dudes that's wrong, Stadia is a free service you don't pay squat for it, there is a pro version that will give you free games but the regular sub is completely free.
>ingrown toenail
>25000 USD
yeah go usa
>didn't read the article
Ok retard
>I wouldn't be surprised if Google works some bullshit magic into the ToS to guarantee that it stays that way
And then gets sued into the dirt by every single EU member state.
More like they wish they were, but in reality their day of the rope is fast approaching.
Yanks think that they can't be free if the corporations aren't free.
>americans are one person
bro... you are being trolled
That can fixed, and we will fix our healthcare. Europe on the other hand will always be cucked and has been cucked for the last 100 years. You people wouldn't even exist anymore if it wasn't for America saving your sorry asses and coming to the rescue every fucking time something even minor happens in your shitty continent. Stay cuck, cuck.
I'll see it before I believe it.
>small shithole country following suit means anything
t. Belgium
Americans are demons in human form, so they consider corporations an extension of themselves.
They also know that if America didn't have a bunch of corporations then no one would want to deal with their asses, so they defend their corporate daddies to the death.
>Ingrown toenail
>Deal with it myself because I'm not a pussy
>Even if I could get free treatment at a doctor's
get your eyes checked
Because you dumb fuck, last time this happen you retards made Steam worse. We got returns in exchange for sales, i dont even use returns because im not an indecisive retard like Europeans are, but i still gotta out up with the consequences and lose steam sales because you dumbasses are so indecisive when buying games.
>zero countries followed them
>Belgium did.
Refugees welcome!
You would only be able to trade the games to other users, its not like you could force valve to take them back and pay you for it. There will still be X million copies of half life sold, they will just be moving between accounts.
That's still them losing money. And unlike physical games these games will always be in "like new" condition.
Speak for yourself surrender monkey.
>We got returns in exchange for sales
In what world is that not a good trade? Especially when there are tons of third party key sellers that sell games much cheaper than we ever got from Steam sales.
Go back to consoles.
>we should just let Steam and corporations blackmail us into only passing laws they approve of.
it really doesn’t and we never went as hard hence we still have them in some form
>Want to sell ye olde game for $10
>for $X
>minus ~20%VAT,
>minus payment systems' 8%+30cents,
>minus platform's ??%,
>minus income tax ??%
isn't europe the main reason EA still exists?
Belgium really doesn't, though
>muh corporate boot
You dont need the government to dictate how the market runs in order to get your model to work, you just need to have a business that runs under that model.
sports keep ea alive
Why is europe so shit? In America even the illegals are better.
>Europe: Weird muzzies, who want you to kiss their ass and the cucked EU does so
>America: Hardworking Christians who want to join the Great American Experiment and clamor for a chance to work and help
How is Europe so bad everything?
>people shouldn't be able to refund a game if it's a buggy piece of shit or not like advertised because I want better sales to spend my shekels
Literally braindead
>seller rights
That's a lost sale user. This shit is gonna hit indies even harder, forget about getting shit Meat Boy or Hollow Knight.
you implying that valve fucked up their own case in order to have this legislation come out, which will lead to EGS getting fucked in the bunghole? that's some tinfoil hat level shit my friend.
>Hardworking Christians who want to join the Great American Experiment
Are you referring to Greater Israel?
Eat shit eurocuck, the only one surrendering here is you and your retarded continent.
Aren't French faggots responsible for a little thing called Ubisoft? You know, the company that vowed to brainwash kids to make them dumber and gayer?
How's that inequality index going for you, free market fag? Still on par with Brazil?
Not to mention that key-sharing charity will become a thing of the past.
>th-think about the poor corporation's right to fuck over their consumer!
>In what world is that not a good trade?
Its not a good trade at all, i literary used that shit once, but i used the steam hundreds of times. How fucking stupid do you have to be to not know what you are buying. Nigga look up a fucking gameplay video before you buy and read the forums you stupid fuck.
More like nutjobs. You fags ruined Christianity for everyone.
>every business is a giant corporation
Eay shit you lazy commie
not him but its the textbook "lure your prey until it can't wiggle back" trap, you make it seem like you're backing into a corner when in reality you're feeding it more hooks to trap it.
>At the expense of what, seller rights?
Is that supposed to be a bad thing?
>Nigga your whole continent is literary overrun with muzzie extremist
If this goes through in France, and becomes international law, it will actually kill Steam.
Even if Valve took a huge cut of all user re-sales, they'd still be hemorrhaging money on a level unheard of. Not to mention all the game publishers and devs who will no doubt cut ties with them completely and pull their existing products off their store.
It was fun while it lasted, bros.
>buying used digital games
lmao pckeks
I repeat, go back to fucking consoles, Steam sales were shit as early as 2013, well before refunds, and third party key sites offer much better deals.
Can't wait for you worthless American converts to fuck back off to consoles where you belong.
How would that even work?
In what world is Israel at the US border? They are referring to Hispanic immigrants user, those are majority Christian.
good, maybe they'll start making games again.
You mean the company who made the best open-world game?
This is a complete lie you dumb eurocuck. Eat shit, there is no point in talking to someone as retarded as you.
And then everyone who bought their games on steam will lose them forever.
Not to mention the digital market would be dead completely.
I think this judgement is just straight up not correct and would conflict with existing laws all over the world
Catholics aren't Christian
So hispanics will be the footsoldiers that fight and die in the Iranian mountains?
>kill Steam
how fucking reatarded must you be to think this? how will it kill steam? please elaborate
>all these Jewish Mutts, Euromussies and Chinkbugs worying about their favorite stores
Where are my /yarr/ niggas at?
Go back to consoles, you clearly didn't start playing on PC until after 2015.
Probably some retard born after 2000.
Why would you want? I want Steam, HL is overrated anyway.
Ubisoft hasn't made a good AAA open world game in literary decades.
Fucking based.
I haven't played 5. How does it compare to previous games?
That's a consumer favor, not a consumer right, you fucking idiot. I am arguing with the blatantly incorrect use of the term, not whether it is a good or bad thing.
itt: anons with no idea of laws or ecnomics think the world is ending cause a court passed a legislation.
It'd kill every digital store of all kinds of software and digital goods assuming the fines would be large enough.
GOG will likely be the first to die, unfortunately. DRM is about to get crazy again.
GF shills BTFO
This is all completely irrelevant for pirate scum. It's a legal matter and law is something they don't care about.
Good for the europeans, but that aside what would be the point of reselling your digital games? Unless you purchase shitty western games (which you could pirate anyway) there should be no reason to do so.
>Hardworking Christians who want to join the Great American Experiment and clamor for a chance to work and help
Isn't the US like 56% white now or something?
Every Ubisoft game is the same game with a different skin
There are huge amounts of Chirtsians (non catholic) in latino countries user. Some of the biggest churches in latin countries are Christian (not catholic) .
>Implying it's not done to boost GOG
Euro courts helping Euro platforms.
That's an old number, it's lower now.
its better than the previous far cry games
also you can play everything coop if you have a friend
No, and thank g-d for that
America is a majority non white country now.
This will be a big win for GameStop
God Americans are hopeless.
nice reading comprehension, that's exactly my point, who cares about muh laws for the stores when you can pirate it?
Fucking kek
Courts don't pass legislation in France.
>sales have good offers after 2016
That's just an uneducated lie, user, 5 seconds in Google will tell you that protestants in general constitute only 2,5% of all South Americans.
>Where are my /yarr/ niggers at
Not in the thread that's completely irrelevant to them, retard. Why are you here?
The ability to purchase much cheaper "used" games would almost completely de-incentivize new purchases (with the exception of preorders for heavily hyped-up games) and third-party publishers and developers would lose any interest in licensing their games to a storefront where people are just exchanging their games for money without giving them a significant cut.
Unironically France is the only standing bastion of somewhat quakity gaming in the west, even though their games are weird as shit
>referring to Catholics as Christians
You have to go back
How is this communism when defending PROPERTY RIGHTS is a right-wing thing to do? When you buy something you are supposed to be able to resell it, no exceptions. Everything else is jewry
>believing google
Just saying. You're going to have to come up with something better than "they follow the same god" to make Mexicans acceptable
Reselling DRM-Free digital copies of games is gonna go well. No issues whatsoever.
if all storefronts are under the purview of the law then what changes
Nice meme, that’s Britain
Jesus, didn't know it was lower. I almost feel bad for them now.
Thanks for all the new subscription services this will bring frogs, I'm going to love losing access to literally everything if I can't pay one month.
this will kill anyone but steam kek
>picture of Trump
Guy is at best an atheist, i dont think he cares about religion or anything not related to his ego.
Bing says the same.
Britain hasn't made a good game in ages
They will be modified, of course, to fit the Eurocrats' wishes. Regulations, as they call it.
laughing at storecucks like you, and looking for felows to laugh along with at storecucks like you
kys pr*Testant subchristian
Vive la France
Post more cute french anime girls
>believing bing
Go play your free games, faggot.
Keep following that false profit to hell shitskin
Good. Digital stores are a fucking scam.
You're literally buying something you don't even own, something that doesn't even physically exist.
That's fucked up.
catholics are the only,true christians that is all
GTA and Forza say otherwise, frenchie
how the fuck will being able to resell your copy of a game make valve lose money, they could still implement a cut for themselves on resales the same way they do for the player markets and that's not even getting into that to be able to resell a copy you need to have fully bought one in the first place
buying a shit-ton of copies on sale days and reselling them for cheap is the exact same thing sales-wise as buying a shit-ton of keys cheap on a sale day or getting a shit-ton of keys for dirt cheap from humble bundle
catholics are modern day pharisees
I will try with Lycos, Startpage and DuckDuckGo, but I already know they will be on my side.
whiter than you mutt
Yeah no. Classic Rare was the last bastion of good gaming there and they're essentially dead.
>Pays his way to absolution
>How dare you try standing your ground, now they're going to punish us even further!
so literally the sittuation that's been going since forever with key reseler sites. do you see anyone dying? stores dont get anything from those sells. this way they can keep a small percentage from the sale at least.
nah, i'll stay here and laugh at you some more, got to rest every now and then you know.
Someone literally explained that.
Gini index is largely a measure of genetic homogeny among a population.
Dude non catholic Christianity is growing in all over Latin America, especially central american and Puerto Rico. I seen docs on it, the past few decades it had grown a lot.
>Wow I can sell my copy of Neptunia 4 for three bucks Im truly free now.
No you moron all this is going to do is force companies to go even more jew shit to keep money in their hands.
>More intrusive DRM to make sure your you and your college mates are just passing the files around for a few pennies.
>More game "rental" services.
>Games being chopped up to be released longer to keep people holding on to their games.
>"Limited Editions" on a bunch of shit being tossed around because digital items are now "finite". Everything is going to have a fucking steam marketplace now except instead of shitty hats and knifes its entire fucking games.
>Smaller developers being forced to do shittier practices because your game can be passed around like the twink in the jail house.
>No sales ever because every time you have a sale some guy is going to buy a shit ton and sell it for a bit more than the sale price, effectively cornering the market on the developers own digital platform.
I'm not even going to go into how this fucks up digital distribution as a fucking whole. This whole thing is a monkeys paw and your fooling yourself if you think this will come out in favor of the consumers. Its even more dubious because I fucking doubt the french have wherewithal to implement this decently. It should be a interesting cluster fuck to watch though.
my french studies are finally paying off
Do you think there's segregation to Catholic heaven? I should hope so
>believing internet information
>implying they wouldn't have done literally any of that any way
Games make well over 90% of their total revenue on pre-orders and week one purchases alone.
Literally all this will do is even the odds for consumers.
Will this just end up making the sales even worse than they are?
>Tosses a coin for his absolution before he is even born
As a pirate bro, I'd sell all my games except a few MP ones and ones I really like.
More than anything, I'd just like to get rid of all the humble bundle shit in my account. I have like 400 games apparently. I could easily whittle it down to 20.
Doesn't mean we should praise the government for pushing it forward faster than it'd happen by itself.
And then we'll ban that too.
Get dabbed on Americuck.
someone was literally retarded, scrolling up the closest explanation i see is which does not even pretend to address that to resell a game there need to be bought copies to resell. SOMEBODY is still buying the game to be able to satisfy resell demand, copies are not magically appearing to the point that everyone who wants a used digital game is able to purchase one
this will do jack-shit, if it kills anything it'll kill key resellers
Who gives a fuck about sales when someone halfway around the world will sell you the game cheaper than any sale would ever offer it for?
Silence you disgusting amerilard
Medieval II is the last good game from the UK
why are they so bad at making games?
I have no idea what you mean. Please explain.
Not at all, especially sales. With Steam sale used to be a way to get a bump in sales for small games or for large publishers a way to promote an upcoming game by discounting a previous one. Now a sale just means an opportunity for someone to stock up on copies to resale for later.
It's still a Vatholic continent by a very large margin. The 2,5% figure is from 2005
It's almost like there's 30,000 nigger murders a year or something
he's jewish in spirit (just like all amerimutts)
>he believes wiki stats
Theres no guarantee that will happen though, without good sales theres no profit to be made in reselling games cheap
Fine. Buying a ticket to SA right now. I will count them myself and make a thread with my findings. See you in five months.
"Games as a service" doesn't work worth a pinch of fucking shit and all that's gonna happen if they try going full-in on it as a response to Steam incorporating resales is they're all gonna get burned because nobody wants a publisher-specific client and account when they could just have the one Steam account.
Key resellers exist and they're almost exactly the same friggin' thing as this.
Central America is like 50% Christian, not catholic.
are you retarded?
user, combined with piracy it's almost guaranteed
You are all panicing over nothing anyway. The argument was "access to steam".
All steam has to do to stick around is say "Ok you can sell your steam account and password". They don't even have to facilitate it in any way, just take the clause out of the EULA that says account buying/selling is illegal.
Sure sales would take a marginal hit but at the end of the day when a new release pops up it doesn't matter how a CD key got into the steam databse, it's still money for valve, a smaller cut but still every CD that is accepted by steam and successfully sold to a consumer was in some way money in valves pocket. Yes you get less of a cut since more people will game with regional pricing and so on but it's hardly the end of the universe, operating in Europe would still be a net gain for Valve.
>Americans said that refunds would ruin sales, third party key sellers would die, things would get worse for all of us
>Refunds came out, nothing changed, Steam's sales continued to be shit and third party key sellers continued to operate
>Americans say that resale of digital goods will destroy the market, push GaaS even more, and ruin PC gaming
Don't you guys ever get tired of being wrong?
You're about 30% off
based Europa bringing us refunds and now this?
Bye user, we wait for your results, you a hero to us all.
Yeah hes not coming back, he is gonna get lost in a jungle somewhere and get eaten by a jaguar. Well that's life.
Why do burgers nonstop talk about interracial cucking with everything?
>yeah if you don't eat at McDonald's it's because the negro cashier will fuck your gf
>don't have guns? You just want to be cucked by a slav
>why aren't you healthy size like us? It's like you want Tyrone to rape your girl!
>Seller rights
It's also 10% of the population of South America.
>Pledged on TWO (2) Bibles
>Americans said that refunds would ruin sales
>Steam's sales continued to be shit
they literally got worst
Is this just for games or other digital content like books and movies as well?
>Hardworking Christians who want to join the Great American Experiment and clamor for a chance to work and help
user you don't actually think Trumps cares about Christianity on a personal level do you?
Nah, that'll make devs and publishers get the fuck out. Who wants to sell new games when the market is flooded with games for 3 bucks each? And unlike physical goods, digital don't degrade with time and use.
So did Obama, and he's a muslim.
>talk about
It was an insult you stupid retard.
Why does everybody talk about faggots and niggers all the time? They don't, they call you one because you're a faggot nigger cuck.
Americans worship corporations. That's why workers in America are treated like literal slaves.
They were shit for years already before refunds, zoomers need to go back to consoles.
>Nah, that'll make devs and publishers get the fuck out.
And PC gamers just won't buy their games.
Why would I pay $60 for your game when I can just get an equivalent resold game for $20?
Why do burgers and euros always attack each other like rabid chimps? You all speak the same language, look the same, mentally is the same, same religion, culture etc. It makes no sense
>That's why workers in America are treated like literal slaves.
Is that why all the shitskins are dragging their dead children through hundreds of miles of desert to work for $8 an hour?
Forget about games, can people resell their windows or office key?
The amount of amerilard coping in this thread is impressive
The crux of it is that no matter the support a purchased game is a purchased game and you have total ownership of it, so you can resell your steam keys basically.
The rest is pretty much Valve either illegally discharging its legal obligations onto the consumer or reaffirming that you can't waive your rights by accepting ToS.
i really like this pic not gonna lie
Oh yeah, because being an atheist totally means you can't pledge on a Bible.
They were shit for you because you were already buying everything you wanted, but they actually did get worse because of refunds.
Keep sucking corporate dick you fucking retard. Enjoy your 500,000 dollar medical bills. I left america and will never go back. America is the worst country on earth
It's canadians
We don't speak the same language at all.
Show Morocco and Algeria now
God I wish that was me
Based France. Can't wait to sell of my games except Half-Life's.
People are not going to be reselling games for "profit". They'll be reselling them to recoup losses.
If I could sell some turd I paid 60 bucks for 6 years ago for even 20 cents today, I would do it. The best part about digital reselling is that there's no lower limit. With physical products, there's a point where people don't bother listing shit because it's not worth the postage.
Suuure, insult, not a secret fantasy.
Americans are evil people. I am fucking ashamed to be an american.
I imagine it would work like refunding
>2 hours/2 weeks = 100% refund
>more than that = 50% refund or something
They got worse because Steam is shit, not because they're eating a tiny bit of the massive profits they get from skin trading and underage gambling.
I am not European, eat shit. America is better in every single way.
He's an active member of a snowflake cult of mainstream Christianity though. Forgot the name, but it's basically saying wealth is God's gift no matter how or where it comes from, poor people are sinners who don't deserve anything and there is no sin but but being poor
I think it might just be you feeling insecure about your own fantasies being ridiculed.
Can't wait to shit on a $60 game and be able to resell it for $4.99
This is how american boomers think. They worship money
Buy some fucking hangers, yours look like cheap vomit.
Everyone in Europe speak English. Sure it might be your second language, but it's drilled into your heads from a young age. Meanwhile in Asia, Africa and USA but with jungles, plenty of people don't know a single word
Corporations are god in white capitalist western culture. Be a good slave and consume
Has Ubi got involved on this?
Or they have already allow to resell used digital games in frogland?
>losing billions
The court sentenced them to 30 000€ in charges. It's pocket money for them.
>I am german I drink cocacola all day, europe is like me we won.
What you're describing are mostly Northern European countries, and maybe Krauts to some extent.
And where exactly would all these legal 20 dollar games appear if nobody buys the initial copies?
Besides you got the article point wrong. Steam will just allow you to sell your steam account physically to other people, NOT the resale of steam games between steam accounts.
>everyone in Europe speaks English
You've never been to France, Spain, or Italy then
Reselling games is suicide for valve. But reselling (legally acquired) accounts Isn't.
Perhaps a solution would be that you can't sell a game unless it's been sitting in your account for a year or two.
We're not all retarded cuckservatives, user.
i have a feeling valve won't comply, will pay the fine.
then the matter will get referred to the ECJ and then valve will shit themselves after the ECJ slaps a few more zeroes to the end of that number.
A lot of you still are.
Even American "liberals" still suck corporate dick.
Germans even sing about "we are all living in America". You're basically the same. Any cultural difference you ever had has long since eroded. The best you have is those silly clothes you use once a year or so
Americans only care about money. Americans literally have no soul. They are robots
Nothing in the ecosystem changes at all besides the refund feature and suddenly sales are garbage. Get a grip retard. Devs dont aggressively price their games anymore because they have to make up for inevitable lost sales due to refunds.
Yeah but those are the shitty parts of Europe. No white tourist would ever go there
I think you have never been to Europe, friend.
I don't think the ruling forces Valve to implement a convent way to sell your account in its store. Maybe the only thing they will have to do is to add a function to wipe out any kind of personal data associated with your user ID (wiping out user rev iews, comments, forums posts, etc, etc) and that's it.
American culture is to worship money. Nothing else matters. This is why 30% of Americans are mentally ill.>
>France, Italy
>Shitty parts for tourism
You can't be serious
Yeah, I was really bummed when I saw all those tourists chosing Finland over the Costa Brava.
First they came for Valve. And I did nothing.
Then they came for GoG, still I did nothing
Then they came for my physical copies and threw me in the gulags. There was none left to stand up for me.
Why is it vs valve and not everyone that doesn't allow this?
I hate that you're right and I hate corporate america.
>Nothing in the ecosystem changes at all besides the refund feature and suddenly sales are garbage
You're joking, right? Steam sales have been steadily getting worse and worse, year on year, because they have zero competition and thus no reason to promote this shit.
There was no sudden drop in sales quality from refunds. It was just the same bland downwards trend because Valve would rather try and sell more crates and keys to kids instead of investing in games.
I can't believe my countrymen are licking the corporate dick this hard. I'm actually embarrassed of all of you. Fuck those giant corporations, they don't give a single shit about you aside how much you're willing to pay, I hope this burns everything to the fucking ground.
Reminder that Corporations provide Americans' health care (by insurance and private hospitals).
>corporations are like persecuted jews in WW2
Like fucking pottery
Possible consequences:
Move to subscription based/limited time models ($60 to play for 12 months instead of owning the game. Skins expiring.)
No more early access (Judgement says steam is liable for beta versions.)
No more free content updates (As resales would undercut the devs.)
Servers of resellable games will be shut down (much sooner).
No more sales (discounts). Instead, frequent and steady price reductions.
Fewer offline games. Way fewer short games. (Games will become more grindy.)
EU will become separate market (like China). With many games not being available in the EU.
Big platforms and publishers will be fine (profit from resales and subscription models). Small devs will suffer.
Consumers will profit in the short term, not own anything in the long term. (Have fun playing only games you are subscribed to.)
Feel free to point out some unique aspects that isn't regional festivals.
Europe and America do not have the same mentality at all. I went to new york and they all drive big cars, live in big buildings, talk too loud about the most unimportant things, buy too much stuff, eat too much, it's like their whole culture revolves around overcompensating the spiritual void that permeates their life.
Europeans are much more down to earth and care about what really matters.
Maybe the French aren't faggots after all
today I will eat a baguette in your honor, and raise a glass of wine for a brighter future for video games, a European future.
Reminder that corporations even run their prisons (for massive profits of course).
>make website to share games with each other instantaneously with 0 transaction fees
>only a fraction of the previous copies are sold
>france is removed from all digital stores
>hehe, I may be broken, and my gf sucking trucker cocks to feed us, but who cares! Money isn't happiness!
Doesn't matter at all if they comply or not, any contract is null and void if it breaches the law or established precedent.
In France, I can accept a job "forcing" me to work more than the legal work week, refuse to comply by citing the law it breaks, and my boss can't fire me since this part of the contract is null and void, but the other parts (and the fact that he took me as an employee) still apply.
Valve won't be able to do anything against you if they find out you sold your account.
France is the most visited country on Earth, what are you on about
>Germans even sing about "we are all living in America"
good bait friend
Where did you move to?
True. Each year France gets visited by millions of Africans and Arabs! No other can compete
Because valve are small fry compared to the real targets for this, being apple and google. Why fight a massive fight with them when you can just use a past precedent and demand their compliance? Every single digital distribution service is next.
That's really broad, user. What aspects would you like me to point out, exactly? The historical heritage, the food, the work ethic, cinema, art in general, the cars, the way people approach relationships, the humor? We can go deeper than that and start talking about views on the world, hell, religion even, education, healthcare system, you name it.
>Move to subscription based/limited time models ($60 to play for 12 months instead of owning the game. Skins expiring.)
Government makes it illegal.
Problem solved.
I don't think people understand the point of the ruling. All it forces Valve to do is
>not suspending your account if they find out you sold it
>giving you a way to "clear out" the account by wiping out every data on it (Achievements, stats, personal infos, friend lists, whatever you name it)
success breeds jealousy
american corporations are fucking evil. And americans are evil for worshipping them.
do amerimutts have anything else on their mind?
Steam as a service is allowed to sell you full packages. This is your steam account, you can add games to it or make another steam account for that game, you can own as many steam accounts as you want and you can freely sell them to other people (Note: Only whole accounts may be traded, due to the nature of the Steam service it is impossible to transfer goods between accounts)
This is something doomposters and shitposters will pick up on but won't really have that large of an effect. Get ready for a new wave of "Is Steam FINISHED FOR GOOD?" articles and youtube videos
This user is correct
Comparisons to physical media are retarded
Literally rent free nigger, goddamn. Take a break once in a while.
>the french just ruined digital ownership for everyone
All those things you mention share a lot with America
>go to the doctor
>insurance company comes up with an excuse not to pay
>doctors over charge for everything
>get slapped with debt more crippling than the physical issue you had
It clearly isn't ownership.
What will happen if all digital platforms Epic included decided to ban France rather than giving bad precedence? What can they possibly do?
>>No sales ever because every time you have a sale some guy is going to buy a shit ton and sell it for a bit more than the sale price, effectively cornering the market on the developers own digital platform.
when someone buys a key and resells it the devs lose money? Fuck off Rami
i was content with it’s current state
haha if you get sick in America, you will go bankrupt. Same with college.
Americans can't even afford healthcare or college. Even 3rd world shitholes can afford those 2 things.
Still loving capitalism?
Oh also a method to backup my game data, sell my key as soon as I'm done playing for the day or week or whatever, and then buy the key again instantly when I want to continue
This is stupidly shortsighted
All because the government subsidized this shit which skyrocketed the prices. Thanks government!
Sure it is, you own a license
France is 70 millions of people, with an accessible market of about 1 to 3 millions of customers.
It's a suicide to refuse service based solely on that. Memes notwithstanding, France is still the 5th economic power.
So basically this will kill singleplayer games
no government, full corporate control of society. That is American's wet dream.
>>i was content with it’s current state
Then you're a disgusting bootlicker.
Digital distribution has been absolute cancer since its inception. Always online DRM, higher prices despite having no inventory or shipping requirements, and the minor convenience is fucking nothing compared to the idea that you might just straight up lose all access to a product one day.
Unlike europeans who eat dog food to survive, live in ruined broken "historical" buildings and generally commit sex, Americans don't get easily sick so we don't need to use those services as often as you do. And if you get sick, it's probably punishment from God for doing something retarded.
the ONLY purpose of the government is to PROTECT the common man against corporations
yes because common people deserve no rights at all. Only corporations deserve rights. You are such a stupid brainwashed slave. Go choke on a hamburger and die you fucking monster.
On the surface, yeah, but that's because they are ex-Yuros to begin with. Take friendships, for instance. Silly thing, but Burgers will favor excessive openness and willingness to help a stranger out, but in the long run, lasting friendships are harder to come by. It's pretty much the opposite in most of Europe.
When it comes to food, I'd maybe argue that German cuisine has some similarities with the US, Italian as well, but when you get down to it, a chicken Parm has not much left in terms of "Italianicity".
Euros favor maximizing productivity so that they can slack off more (the French are masters at it, best productivity when it comes to office jobs in the world), Burgers believe you should give yourself body and soul to your job, even at the cost of your weekends. I can go on and on.
America is culturally like this bizarro world Europe, same foundations, but went in a totally opposite way from there.
College prices literally rose because of the government. Colleges started charging ludicrous amounts because the government was giving out loans and subsidizing shit
I was under the impression private companies cause that?
France subsidize its education and a year of university is less than 1000$ per year. Even shit like medical school or engineering.
LOL, europeans work less than americans and pay more in taxes but at the end, make MORE money than americans.
You are so fucking brainwashed. Keep sucking corporate dick, faggot.
Nope. USA, Russia, China, Japan, Germany, UK are all stronger. Even India is catching up fast
user wtf I just wanted to play some singleplayer games...
and soibois' indie
user digital distribution means that you send gamefiles over the internet instead of burning them on a little 2c plastic disc and shipping that in a plastic box
It has nothing to do with how the publishers and devs decide to handle your license or whatever
>digital ownership
They killed flash sales, might as well kill this garbage we have. 90% of the times the games go cheaper on weekly sales
americans are brainwashed robots who worship money and corporations. Americans literally have no soul, they are not human.
-Health care and college is BAD
-war and money is GOOD
this is how Americans think.
Property rights are only hated by communists
>you own a license
You don't. That's the point. the french proposition demands it to be treated as such, since a license can be sold.
Only if you're American, since Americans seem to be stupid and think reselling will kill SP games.
Because it definitely killed singleplayer games on consoles, huh?
Can french survive without Apple, Google, and Microsoft? Real talk. As far as I know, steam games are speck compared to them.
>Back in the 90s
>Buy game, sell it later on a yard sale if you want
>Buy game, don't even own it
>Say a word the thought police doesn't like, get """"""""""your""""""""""' property stolen
>There are people that defend this along side soulless multi trillion dollar corporations that would fuck them over at any given chance
Zoomers are a plague on this earth
Is French the best at productivity? Pretty sure I read somewhere that scandis are the best at that, which is why they have all those vacations and days off
You fucks don't know how to READ an article
>Hey Kevin can I get your steam account?
>Sure Mohammed, it will be 50€ (plus tip)
>Kevin sells his library to Mohammed, change the email address, whatever
>Mohammed buys a new game and it has a problem, sends out an email to support
>Volvo finds out that Mohammed isn't Kevin, says he breached ToS and suspend his steam account
>Mohammed cries
>Volvo can't do shit about that
>Volvo may be forced to give Kevin a way to conveniently erase him from the platform (forum posts, user reviews, stats, achievements, Cloud, saved computers for Steam Guard...)
Nothing else
then pirate them you faggot
i will never buy a steam game again. I'll only pirate games or pay money for non-steam games.
LOL, most Americans can't even afford to buy a house. You'll never own a property thanks to capitalism. You are such a stupid, brainwashed little doggie. Go suck the dick of corporations
>American wage is 14$/hour
>Polish wage is 14PLN/hour
>Which is literally quarter of that
I have a hard time I make more than americans, user. Seeing as I can't realistically afford anything, and I didn't even move out from my parents'.
I have lost physical games before due to the disc degrading or getting lost.
I have never lost access to a digitally distributed game.
Digital games have also been more convenient all around.
The argument against this is that the government shouldn't be able to force individuals who produce software to sell licenses to that software in a way that they don't agree to. en.wikipedia.org
The way software licenses work (this is not only for games, but anything that runs on a computer) is that I, the creator, retain the rights to the software and sell you a license that says you can run it but that you can't resell it. In an ideal free market if you don't agree to these terms you don't buy my product and that's that. But of course it's 2019 and people are retarded, so they have to force me, the creator, at gun point by using the government, to sell them licenses with terms that they agree with, like with the ability to resell the game.
What will actually happen is that creators like me will just raise the price of their games in Europe to cover for the loss that will come from resales. You eurofags can go get fucked. This is why no major tech company comes out of your shithole company: your bureaucrats have no fucking clue what they're doing.
Quick skim of the translation in the comments seems to suggest it might be sufficient for them to allow the sale of accounts, rather than individual games.
Thanks for admitting you're a communist I guess
That brainwashed dude is a kremlbot from /int/ by the way. A Russian with an intense hatred of freedom.
americans are evil people who hate affordable healthcare and college but love war and guns and money
Americans are not human.
you mean boomers. Boomers created this police state in America.
Good thing you don't actually own any of your digital games.
oh nonono
Nowadays, yeah, a little bit, but you take the American mindset from 100 years ago, hell, even 50, and that shit was ballers. There has never been a country as optimistic at heart as they used to be. Something went definitely wrong over there.
wow so we won't be able to sell games we'll only be able to sell steam accounts specifically made to buy and later sell that one game
What a tremendous difference
There are zoomer shills in this very thread bitching about reselling killing singleplayer games.
In case you needed further proof that zoomers deserve to be killed.
good doggie! What's the point of making a ton of money in America when you will lose it all if you get sick? Medical costs in America is insane.
LMAO you lazy faggots won't even clean out your inventory, and you now pretend you'd be selling games at a highly competitive rate?
Maybe it has changed, but I remember reading ten years ago that they were the best, yes. Which is why they still managed to stay relevant in the business world, seeing as how you can only work 35 hours a week by law over there.
If only there was a way to play the game for free in order to test it's performance before you make a purchase...
I'm an american!!!! I make 20 dollars an hour!!!!
Goes bankrupt when they get sick cause the cost of healthcare in America is so high.
You Americans are deeply evil people.
No I'm going to buy the games at the highly competitive rate
Until the publishers realise that they sell a fraction of the copies as before and somehow torpedo everything
Unlimited student loans drove up tuition.
Keep bullying our companies, Europe, and see what happens with tariffs. We own you. You NEED us to even survive. We can sink your economy faster than you can say Europe. And we got a madman who would happily do it in the white house.
The "French praradox" is that while we have very low hours (35hrs maximum legal work week, closer to 38hrs or 40hrs in practise), we have a very high productivity during those hours.
The work mentality is that we HAVE to do our work while we are on the clock, but as soon as the day is off, the day IS off.
For instance, we may have a 2 hours long lunch break, but it's extremely rare for a french office worker to shitpost at work instead of trying to do his job. It's just not in our culture.
I hate it. Way too many useful idiots in America for rich bankers.
who cares if the gaming industry goes bankrupt? 99% of games suck ass nowadays.
Fuck America too
>if you get sick
What if I don't. I mean, okay being in debt for healthcare/college fucking sucks, but having to save money for decades to afford a new car/shitty apartments isn't exactly first world standards of living either.
Oh yeah I'm sure gramps bought a resold game on steam and decided to call his mates at the nursery home to get that filth banned
yes let's make college unaffordable so that people can only make money by being criminals.
You Americans are not even human. You're monsters.
Americans are the perfect slaves. Literally brainwashed.
I'm a _____! I earn 10 dollars an hour after the government has finished raping me. Also they're allowing in real rapists to take care of the physical raping too! Also my health care makes China look good!
Rent free.
>Move to subscription based/limited time models ($60 to play for 12 months instead of owning the game. Skins expiring.)
Wouldn't solve the issue because you would still have to allow people to sell their 12 month licences to each other.
>No more free content updates (As resales would undercut the devs.)
The exact reverse would happen, the publishers now have an interest in making sure the player keep games around/the accounts they are on around and an easy way to do that is to drip feed free content TF2 proved the model works amazingly well and Fortnite tells us that 12 year olds are still a large part of the videogame market
>Servers of resellable games will be shut down (much sooner).
Would just mean getting sued earlier about this issue rather than later, it would be nice it the matter got solved soon but at the same time it could be a really fun game being caught in the crossfire.
>Fewer offline games. Way fewer short games. (Games will become more grindy.)
Again the reverse would happen, incentivizing people to have "timeless classics" that you might want to go back to some day would be a viable method of stopping people from trading away their accounts too much, after all you might want to replay them later right?
No need to be so negative over everything.
Then tell him to fucking get on with it. This cucked continent needs a fucking slap.
Or how about how your american women are all fat feminist cunts and even american men hate them and want foreign women?
seems like a problem with you, not physical media
He enjoys the government giving out free money to Achmed and his wife while he slaves away giving his paycheck to paying for Achmeds healthcare. He's a subservient slave. Brainwashed by his EU overlords.
Nah it's the phsyical media that's outdated garbage
>make an account and buy a game on steam solely to resell it later
Who on EARTH would do this and why does it "kill Valve"
It's not convenient to do this if you intend to fully play the game (i don't want to manage 15 different alt accounts), and it doesn't hurt Valve since someone buys the game in the first place
Steam account sharing was pretty common when I was in HS, I gave my account to a guy that wanted to try Borderlands, he gave me his so I could try Mass Effect.
Russia is a worthless market where games are sold for half the price, China is a bad market for video-games as well except mobage, DNF, LOL, Lineage and Dota2 and Indians are so poor that even Russian price points would be ten times too high.
Europe is a big market because 90% of the population is a potential target for the various entertainment industries.
>Keep bullying our companies, Europe, and see what happens with tariffs
lol American goods are so shit That they can't comply with Eu regs.
Slap all the tarriffs you want, no eu state will feel it.
american women are the best!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Why do you derive joy from the act of buying things, anyway?
>Always online DRM
not true for steam maybe you buy shit games i don’t know also digital sales have always been better than retail even those in store second hand retail prices can’t compete with digital prices
You mean like how we bullied Google out of 2,5bn bucks and you haven't done squat about it?
american products are full of poisons. No intelligent person buys such trash.
>Who on EARTH would do this
>It's not convenient to do this if you intend to fully play the game
>buy account called faggotgame#1337 with only an 'used' copy of the game on it
>change password
>play game
>sell when I'm done
like three more clicks to save whatever the difference to a 'new' game is going to be
>he thinks its only about selling goods
If nobody buys your garbage (which our influence across the globe lets us dictate) you're broke.
lmaooo wheres this from
Oy vey. Hey cucks, what happened to "you agreed to the ToS and now they can fuck you over with any reason they imagine" argument?
Based. Corporations > Consumers.
>>I have never lost access to a digitally distributed game.
Right now, maybe. Plenty of people have, though. PT is an obvious example. Anyone who currently buys digital on Switch literally has no way to ever revert to a previous patch of a game.
What about in 20 years? You think this trend isn't going to worsen with gaming as a subscription streaming service? We're going to very shortly start seeing games that can quite literally disappear forever overnight. I'm surprised nobody has made an artpiece project like that yet, but I guess those kinds of indie devs live with their fucking head in the clouds, and actually streaming gameplay to people takes too much effort for low budget idiots.
Physical media may have limitations, but at least the data can be backed up and be effectively impossible to lose. The same can't be said of the coming forms of digital distribution.
>And we got a madman who would happily do it in the white house.
Not for long.
I voted Trump, but seeing how he and most of the people who like him are corporate/Israel shills, I'm damn sure never making that mistake again.
Republicucks literally shill for corporations that create propaganda and hate them, they're literally THAT stupid.
America has the best women in the world!!!!!!!!!!
if steam dies, what will happen to my game library ?
Kek, that's pocket change to Google. Funny thing is, if Google pulled out of your shithole, your entire industry would grind to a halt overnight because everything you use is heavily dependent on Google.
Rent free.
Yeah, whatever will we do without Google Calendar
Doesn't matter. Dems will somehow find a Hillary v2 that turns people off, and the independents are too unorganized and poor to get shit done. Gonna be 4 more years. With, or without your vote.
If everyone buys the account then how do any games get into circulation?
Hell the worst case scenario still has huge profits for Valve and that's a the steam marketplace model where most common shit gives 1 cent to the seller and costs 3 for the buyer.
Thats a fucking 66% transaction fee and the more games there are around and the more people willing to sell them the more money valve makes.
If you can't agree to sell your product with a sensible license, you don't deserve access to a marketplace.
Imagine if I bought a fucking chair, and the company that made it told me "oh, by the way, you can't re-sell that chair to anyone in the future for any reason, okay? If you want to dispose of it, you have to bring it back here."
Fuck off, my man.
At least DRM-free releases @ Humble Bundle/Store have torrents for each version of the game. That's nice for archival purposes.
That's not how it works. Single-Payer doesn't mean I pay for Achmed, it just means that the hospital/pharmacy/doctor/whatever is guaranteed to get paid when I'm sick and I need to get myself checked.
This makes the hospital (public or private) work better because they know their expenses will always be covered up. It allows them to plan ahead.
Additionally, government decrees that they will only pay a certain part of the medical act (for instance, for a doctor's visit, it's 27€). The remainder must either be paid by a insurance plan from the patient, or out of the patient's pocket.
Doctors are free to charge more, but they must said so to the patient, which will most likely go find another one. Additionally, some doctors make deal with insurance companies to get more guaranteed "clients" in exchange of charging less.
Single payer is not only a system that benefits people without money, it's also the most rational one.
If that's all you think Google provide, I'm glad for your country that you don't manage a business.
Polish women are also fat feminist cunts and they want foreigners.
Then don't buy that chair?
>constantly logging on and off of your account
>no friends list, no cheevos, no easy way to replay the game
Normies won't do this
I look forward to laughing at /pol/ when he loses.
>That's not how it works
It's cute how you're trying to damage control. Shouldn't you be submitting your week long wait papers so they can take a look at your failing liver?
France needs more diversity.
>If everyone buys the account then how do any games get into circulation?
The normalest of normalfriends
Think of all those games that are rotting on steam accounts right now that are never touched, tons of them would never have been bought because you could have gotten a key for much cheaper
>Hell the worst case scenario still has huge profits for Valve
What makes you think this would have to be restricted to Steam
If it's like any other 'physical' game I can sell it in whatever way I want, like said website where I enter my account details and get paid as soon as someone clicks on buy, with no or minimal transaction fees for the website
This in turn will force the publishers to think of methods to make money in other ways and I can't see that being any good for us
>he still thinks the UK will leave the EU
>physical is bad because getting up to change disks puts too much of a strain on my obese body
you shouldn't have been stupid enough to buy them. You can get 99% of those games free on pirate websites
I will keep selling my games to euros, I'll just make them more expensive. Every other game developer will do the same. You will not win.
That's also what bloated costs, because Parma knows they can sell shit at extortion prices because hospitals will pay anyway due government. And hospitals themselves can charge whatever they want, making the patient do far more tests than necessary because hey, we get the money anyway.
It's why insurers are seriously strict with who gets coverage
France has all the diversity. Paris is now a slum.
sick strawman bro updooted
What the fuck did you get that from even? I see absolutely no connection to my post you quoted.
My point was I don't fucking use the healthcare, I don't really care it's "free" at the moment, while I care that I make literal quarter of a dollar an hour here where cars, apartments and shit have the "full dollar" price.
On a side note, my country doesn't have Achmeds, they steer clear of this shithole and go straight to Germany/UK/Norway.
Disappears, unless you downloaded them so you can crack them later.
the real issue is race. Non-whites are parasites who have ruined white people's economy, thus creating this huge underclass of poor white people.
Capitalism or communism does not matter. RACE is what truly matters. A white country would be paradise.
Unironically based. Fuck digitalfags (unless they're 100% pirates).
Didn't you say that last time, along with the media and the world?
Thing is, for all the crying over him, people know how he works. He's a "safe" bet to keep the status quo. So dems really gotta find a great candidate they will get behind, which they haven't yet.
It literally is, though
>but muh servers
Yeah, those are not going anywhere.
>ow em gee I would DIE withouy my phone this is literally the WORST
haha get raped you fucking slave. Nobody ever needed those 3.
So you're willing to meet sane licensing agreements, and you think over-charging will cover the profit "loss" from people buying your games second-hand a year or two later?
Honestly, this sounds like a win-win to me. You'll make less money because you're stupid, I'll get your games for next to nothing from people stupid enough to give you money, I don't see how anyone loses out.
Whoops looks like the website just published a client where you log in to add friends, that reads your steam cheevos and adds them to your account, that backs up the game data for you if it's possible
Euros really are poor if they NEED to sell accounts for pennies
shouldn't you be going bankrupt from a broken arm?
Americans are not human beings. They have no soul
>People can insult developers by paying money for their game and having none of it go to them but still legally own it
>want to discuss how this policy could possibly affect the video game and other digital markets
>80% of posts are just yuropoor vs amerilard political shitposting
This can only be a good thing.
Valve won't really lose money, since most games make money from first week sales, or people willing to pay a premium to have day one access. They aren't going to wait for second hand.
On the consumer side, those who can't afford day one AAA prices will now be able to buy them for much cheaper. This naturally works against piracy via supply-demand logic and naturally establish a sensible price point. People who payed day one can also recover some of their investment.
It's a win-win situation. Lost sales is just a meme and doesn't exist as proven by the study on piracy.
>The normalest of normalfriends
So the whole operation is still a net gain for Valve, they sold a bunch of games, less than what they might have but they are not the developer so they don't give a shit. People selling the accounts to each other costs as much as bot that writes verification emails.
>What makes you think this would have to be restricted to Steam
It doesn't have to be, that's the best part about all of this for Valve. If people sell CD keys or the like outside of Steam then it doesn't cost valve anything, sure they don't earn any money but it costs them nothing.
All valve has to do is implement a more convenient method of doing this but take a small cut (you know what the steam store originally did to get popular in the first place) and keep chugging along. People will still buy games and now some of those people will even give valve a double kickback by selling the game inside steams own marketplace, allowing valve to profit off of that one game sale a potentially unlimited amount of times.
Guess what impact games being removed from the stores would have? Rare goods in the market whos value keeps going up, there quite a few 100 dollar hat sales for TF2 in the steam marketplace, thats a pretty penny for valve and if they could do it off of old games even better.
>France just destroyed Valve and the digital market
Absolutely fucking based. Can't wait to go back to every game being available on disc
Yeah, just like happens with books and music albums. They made their money with the first sale.
the only good country in europe is switzerland. france is utter dogshit
That's Japanese.
>Can't wait to go back to every game being available on disc
Most people didn't bought Blu-ray drives. I wish it too, but I know it won't happen.
Blame them. They're just mad because even with socialism they haven't reached Utopia yet. So it has the be America's fault
If overcharging doesn't work then I'll just not sell my games to your shitty continent. You're only 15% of my sales anyways
Well it's thanks to them we have DQ in the west nowadays
cute swiss trying to be relevant
Welcome to Yea Forums
>So the whole operation is still a net gain for Valve, they sold a bunch of games, less than what they might have but they are not the developer so they don't give a shit.
They give a shit about publishers selling shit on their platform
Publishers will not sell shit on their platform if all their money spent on the game doesn't pay off
I don't know why people focus on Volvo for this, this is so much wider reaching
>wait papers
A bad meme spread by Fox news
What do you mean? Costs in European healthcare services are more than reasonable. In fact, what you describe is the American system if anything. Hospitals in Europe (public and private) are rarely made with profit in mind. They are guaranteed to get paid, but they also have an incentive to save costs since they are reviewed and the government will only "pay in advance" so much of the treatment.
Doctor gets paid 27€ by the state for a visit. A doc can decide to charge 50€ instead, but nobody will come to visit him when other docs are virtually free for me.
I'll never understand this meme. Most jobs offer some form of health insurance so big injuries really don't cost all that much. The only people who suffer from that shit are the poor uneducated retards who live on welfare.
>what are online multiplayer games
>They give a shit about publishers selling shit on their platform
The EU making demands of Valve and forcing Valve to do things is not reason for beef between Valve and Activision.
Valves hands are quite literally tied here, it's not like publishers could create their own store instead, they would run into the exact same issue.
>Valves hands are quite literally tied here, it's not like publishers could create their own store instead, they would run into the exact same issue.
Thus the publishers will think of other ways to monetise games and shit will get worse for everyone involved
They will just not do sales as often.