So lately there's been some debate over how Shadow's been written, after some revelations about Sega.
What do you think is Shadow's ideal personality?
So lately there's been some debate over how Shadow's been written, after some revelations about Sega
The coolest.
Should have stayed dead in SA2. Everything after was fan service due to his popularity.
Being the "cool bad ass" type even though there's nothing cool about the character or Sonic in general. Sonic was best when it tried to be cool despite being stupid and cheesy. Once they embraced that Sonic is a cartoon animal for little kids, the characters started to suck. The Sonic Adventure cutscenes are classic, the Sonic Unleashed cutscnese are unbearable cringe.
He's basically a parody of himself now and I'm perfectly fine with that
Like in Boom. Needlessly serious about everything to the point of parody.
Mixture of how he was handled in SA2, TSR and his own game. Being serious, but still competitive, competitive and with a soft side that is VERY hard to reveal to others.
First post
Best post
Serious and edgy on the outside, sad and lonely on the inside. Secretly he wants to be friends with Sonic et al but will never, ever admit it, to anyone else or himself, and always has an excuse for why he shows up to every gathering. He has a goofy side that only comes out when he's absolutely sure nobody's looking, and will threaten anyone who walks in on him with physical violence, but will never actually act on said threats. His usual edgy demeanour is a mask to cover his insecurities and can easily be told apart from when he's genuinely pissed off because when Shadow is genuinely angry at someone he won't waste time making good on his threats. Most of the time Shadow is just trying to keep up appearances.
>the Sonic Unleashed cutscnese are unbearable cringe.
Waut I can understand colors easily, but Unleashed? Unleashed cutscenes were fucking great
it seemed like he was developing well in SA2 but then they immedietally cut all that and just made him an edgy shitlord
Sonic 06 handled him pretty well. Then this new team turned him into Vegeta.
I always saw Shadow after his own game and in Sonic 06 as some kind of take on Batman; he handles justice in his own way now and is trying his best to do what's right by joining GUN and maintaining Maria's promise to protect human life. They really fleshed his character and motives out in the comics and I really wish his own voice actor and even Sega would treat him with some kind of dignity instead of a joke. Despite the edge, he's always been my favorite character under Gamma. That's my take, OP.
Yeah, it pisses me off that he'd just the Edgehog as far as the western staff are concerned. The Sonic twitter account was fun at first but it's had a malign influence over time.
It's not the western staff, it's all of Sega. That's the thing OP was talking about.
Sega is enforcing that Shadow be written like a furry Vegeta.
>that tear
Shadow was always furry Vegeta
Whatever he was in Sonic Adventure 2 Battle. Everything after that is a lot worse, although he was decent in Sonic 06 as well.
Are ken pontac and warren graff still writing the story for the Modern Games?
It's not his personality I care about, it's his lack of purpose. He can be a jerk, super competitive, a wimp, whatever, but he hasn't had a story arc to follow since 2005. He's just around for no reason.
A mix between his SA2 and Sonic Heroes incarnations.
Brooding, but only a little bit. He's still a cool dude who has fun with certain things.
Yes, although they didn't actually write the plot of Forces, just the english dialogue.
06 Shadow is unironically the best Shadow
If they made SA3 in the same style it'd be cringe in the modern era
He's good. I love how Rouge convinced him to work with GUN, who he previously fought in SA2.
Edgy cunt but edgy embarrassed cunt with Team Dark
Would of just gotten a instant replacement, look at Omega.
The problem with Shadow really is he does NOTHING now. 06 was the last time he made any contribution and now Sonic just does everything himself. Shadow just gets introduced as a badass and then cheers Sonic on for the rest of the game.
No one in sonic has a fucking story arc
Don't write him as always wanting to one-up Sonic, SEGA.
He was coolest when he was doing his own thing, not seeking conflict whenever.
Like many have said, his '06 characterization was best. He was very reserved after having thrown a fit in his game but he came to his own conclusion at the end that humbled him.
Of course, SEGA forget the shit they write and I bet its just easier for them to write him like a pride obsessed hothead then to give him a real reason to be around the story conflict thats not him trying to butt heads with Sonic. If he doesnt belong in the story, dont involve him.
If you are going involve him, at least have him commit to what he's doing. Six month absence in Forces says hello.
What are these revelations you guys are talking about?
Shadow's personality in TGT is probably my favorite incarnation of him. All restrictions are off and he's free to be as edgy as he actually wants to be, but he's still essentially good, so he goes way too far and has to deal with it.
You realize that was also a choice made by sonic team and that they didn’t have to revive/clone either one, right?
Literally just cut team dark from Sonic Heroes, don’t make the Shadow spin off, and don’t make 06. You’ve effectively eliminated the worst Sonic games and everything else can stay the same since Shadow pretty much disappeared from the series after 06 anyway.
Broski.. Team Dark is, like, not only the best thing about the Sonic series, but even the only thing that makes it worthwhile at all.
Just make him a hardcore badass. Not some conflicted emo for Sonic to figure 8 all over. He's gun guns; that alone shows that he's not to be fucked with.
Currently the franchise has 0 recurring elements that are presented as a legitimate threat. If I know nothing about Sonic I would automatically assume Shadow was his evil rival and they constantly clash, but that almost never happens. He's so forgettable the way he is.
Incorrect opinions.
Basically, the way characters have been written lately is being forced be Sega themselves. It's not just how Pontac/Graff write them, it's just how Sega want them to be like from now on, with Shadow being a more notable deviation.
Ian Flynn, the guy writing the IDW comic, has recently said that Sega has gotten really strict about it, to the point where he has more leeway with how he writes Sonic and Eggman than Shadow.
No, they represent the worst era of sonic. Where the series completely lost sight of why it was popular and instead just indulged in tone-deaf edginess for its own sake.
What's the source for this?
So no more Eggman shooting Sonic in the head? Dang.
How come sonic games don’t take material from comics to create more games? Like I always wondered where the hell sonic is from or why he is a talking hedgehog.
>What do you think is Shadow's ideal personality?
A dead character that should never come back past SA2.
You know.
He's supposed to stay dead.
And it sucks.
His character was perfectly fine in SA2. A superpowered hedgehog out for vengeance for the loss of a loved one, only to turn around and become one of the standalone heroes to fight against the same destructive wrath he represented in the beginning. The problem is that his entire arc is completed when he burns in atmospheric reentry. He even gets a noble sendoff by the entire cast of characters during the credits. I hated the fact he came back out of nowhere in Sonic Heroes and everyone's just cool with it as if he just went on vacation.
I guarantee a franchise such as Sonic can't do it justice, but Sonic Team has the potential with this current copy of Shadow to explore his purpose outside of regurgitating the last one's completed story. Think Shadow the Hedgehog's neutral endings that focus on him being a near-perfect android, whether it be for vengeance against his creator or seeking acceptance among his "friends" (minus all the black alien garbage).
>tfw I'm basically suggesting an angsty hedgehog Terminator who only assists Sonic due to "enemy of my enemy is my friend"
I need more Julien K themes god fucking damn it
They're avoiding the sequel to Penders.
>Should have stayed dead in SA2.
So should the series have
But then we wouldn't have gotten the best game in the series.
Is this official art? Does Sega actually distinguish the Dreamcast era as its own version of Sonic?
Sonic Rivals 1 and 2 actually nailed his personality pretty well. Everyone else has their cockiness and short-tempers amped up to give reason for why they're all competing so extensively, and as a result it actually makes Shadow come off as the most level-headed character.
Easily avoidable through good internal management, good communication between branches and writers, good sweetspot between taking liberties with the franchise and establishing reasonable limits, and others.
Oh, wait, that's right. Absolutely no one inside the headquarters of SEGA and Archie know about this, lol.
I'm not entirely sure it's official, it might have been made by that "Nibrock" fella.
IIRC the 3DS version of Sonic Generations has a boss per era and one of them is the Dreamcast one
They establish the "era" as its own, but not the character, if that makes sense. The trailers for Generations would say "2 Sonics, 3 eras" or something along those lines.
>Does Sega actually distinguish the Dreamcast era as its own version of Sonic?
It goes so far that they wont let "classic" characters be in the "modern" games and vice versa, excluding classic sonic and tails pretty much
Bring HIM back
>no classic Knuckles or Amy in Generations
Why yes I am still pissed, thanks for reminding me
SA2 Style. Take some shit from 06 but almost all from SA2.
He already knew Classic and Modern were distinct, he was just wondering if the "Dreamcast" era had its own Sonic as well, but it doesn't. SEGA considers the Sonic from that era to be Modern Sonic.
Speaking of, remember that interview on Sonic Boom when they made it clear Boom would be come "Modern" Sonic and Modern Sonic would become "Legacy" Sonic? How embarrassing is that now?
>remember that interview on Sonic Boom when they made it clear Boom would be come "Modern" Sonic and Modern Sonic would become "Legacy" Sonic?
>“Sonic Boom is meant to branch away from the classic/legacy Sonic. Our plan is to go forward with both the modern Sonic and the legacy Sonic, but the Sonic Team will handle the legacy side of things in Japan. For us, the Western initiatives will tie into the toys, merchandizing, animation – movies potentially even. We’re branching out into the more upbeat adventure style theme for Sonic Boom.”
I think they mean "legacy" is another way to refer to classic Sonic
>"Our plan is to go forward with both the modern Sonic and the legacy (also known as "classic") Sonic"