You now remember Epic Mickey (2010).
You now remember Epic Mickey (2010)
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i now remember epic mickey
And I bought it at full price.
I really expected it to be great.
I always remember it
I still have my copy.
>epic mickey
>epic mickey 2
Why did this review so well?
I remember the dumb cliffhanger that 2 had that'll never get resolved now that the studio closed down
You were saying?
that's why.
I will never understand the hype. Even if Spector was involved, it was always going to be a Disney platformer for Sneed's sake.
>racing game
ummm did you see End Game?
Never forgot it, loved it and I actually replay it once a year, probably the only game I still play on my Wii
Hype wasn't about that hack, it was the concept that they completely ignored.
I remember the clock tower boss, Mickeyjunk mountain and very end where giant Blot spawns freaky oil-zombie versions of disney characters. Rest of the game is a hazy blur and surprisingly generic.
>Hey guys, Warren specter here, you might know me as the fuckin guy who made deus ex, no big deal. Anyway, were gonna make a Mickey game that's really dark and atmospheric.
>Oh wait, I lied
Concept art promised Disney actually branching out and allowing a horror game.
>I will never understand the hype.
It was hyped as "American Mcgee's Mickey Mouse", concept art looked promising but never anything "too" dark, basically like conceptart to Black Cauldron. But once they actually got the Disney rights, unfortunately they got the uppity Disney censors with it.
GTFO Newfag
One of the best racers ever made, stupid frogposter.
I remember watching dsp playing it and lambasting it
Well, sure, but this was the very early concept stuff. As soon as the whole thing was confirmed to actually happen, it was clear as day it would eventually be much, much softer.
>i bought a used copy
>it had a ~2% save on it
>open it
>it was on the clock work boss
>my dumbass fought the boss
>died 2 times
>got the bad ending
Image thinking this.
Split/Second is as close to shovelware as you can get without technically being shovelware.
Stupid dumb frogposter, shoo shoo
Not him but there are far better games. It only gets the recognition it does because codemasters was flooding the market with shitty racers and need for speed was on a downturn.
It gets recognition because the target demolition mechanic was God tier. You're a pleb if you dislike it.
Which is why the hype died down somewhat when the later concept/promo art came out and the style was changed. Everyone remembers the very original concept art and sigh how that would've been a cool game. The game what we got did have tiny bits and pieces of same ideas but it was diluted with mostly tame and boring stuff.
thinner>paint>whatever Oswald does
I wanted to like this and its sequel but my god were they boring
Okay, this is epic
I remembered it a month ago when I made a thread crying about how unfair it is that the game didn't turn out well. Could've been a classic.
Another one in my list of wii games that I downloaded and never even started it.
This game would be way better without so many unskippable cutscenes.
>the game stored save data on the disc
i likes it
>tfw it was gonna bring Oswald back from the dead
>tfw it failed
>tfw Oswald is dead AGAIN
He doesn't deserve this fate
god i fucking hate disney
i guess so
It could've been great if it weren't for some particular former EA managers swaying Warren Specter to go against his original plan.
So many weird design choices.
Oswald is getting his own cartoon on Disney+.
I loved this game to death when I was younger, but its flaws are really noticeable. Bad camera, boring sidequests, shitty lighting...
Even the lore is inconsistent.
>Why is Pete in the Wasteland?
Oh, because there is actually a new Pete for every single cartoon he's been in.
Then why aren't there dozens of forgotten Donalds/Goofys/Mickey/Minnies/etc? Most of them come from the exact same cartoons.
Also they were too pussy to go with actual forgotten media and went with things like Tron and Peter Pan.