Anyone else lose interest as soon as the demo came out? The weapons just have zero weight to them--even the supposedly heavy ones.
Anyone else lose interest as soon as the demo came out...
Most games are like this for me. Nier, Nioh, Blasphemous, etc. Now and then you'll get a DMCV though, that gets you pumped.
I was really interested in it at first but the constant delays and the fact that its coming out along several more interesting games, made me loose interest in this. Might buy it at like 20 bucks though
Nioh is good though, i love the spear
Can't do worse than Sekiro and DaS 3 anyway.
I've lost all interest in current video game releases. I'll probably pick it up once it goes on sale after all the DLC come out for it though.
The enemies and levels are boring and it's a grindfest. Not for me.
Same, it's an anime toon maker simulator.
What games you getting instead of it? Have my eyes on Outer Worlds
I've pre-ordered The Sure 2 too and while CV is lower on my list of Soulslikes, I'm probably gonna get it somewhere down the line once the review/opinions come in and the price drops.
Dragon Quest XI on Switch and Astral Chain
Will sell well because c u m brain weebs see boobs and start drooling and reaching for their autismobucks wallets
>videogames suck nowadays
>*doesn't pay for games until they're $5 on Steam*
>wtf why is the games industry so shit? Why aren't buyfags holding the industry together for people like me??
>those look more interesting
lmao ok kiddo
Literally nothing wrong with being a coomer.
yeah they do and I'm gonna have fun with them. Cope
Lost all interest after completing the first demo. The game is jank as fuck even after delaying it for a year and the only good aspect is its character creation.
I have so many other games to play right now that I haven't given the demo a shot :(
Jerking off is meant to be a function you do maybe once or twice a day at most. But you guys have started propping up shitty games and gacha shit because you can't stop jerking off every 15 minutes because WOOOAAAH BIG TIDDY GOTH VAMPIRE GF HNNNGGGGGGGHHH MUST CUM NOW MUST CUM NOW
You need help.
the projection in this post hurts
Anyway I thought Code Vein seemed fun. Seemed like the japanese version of a eurojank game.
What other interesting games are coming out at the minute? I am generally curious mate. The only things on my radar right now are Code Vein, Cold Steel 3, Poke Shield and Sword. Already got Astral Chain and Daemon. Interesting in DQ11 and Ryra too but they aren't first weeks for.
Why can't anybody make combat as satisfying as souls? So many have tried now, all failed.
Hell, even from themselves failed with DaS2.
How does Miyazaki do it?
Youu'd think people would have figured out swinging a wet noodle isn't fun