Trigger time.
Ace Combat
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What are some other games where you go from some nobody to the boogeyman of the enemy faction?
Half Life 2
Portrait art of the enemy Su-47 female ace when?
I wanna cum in Scrap Queen
At what points do these three missions take place?
Good spot.
Who is trigger's copilot?
after Bunker Buster (2 September) and before Battle for Farbanti (19 September) if I'm not wrong
I want Avril to check my railgun
All ace combat protags are capable of splitting into as many crew as an aircraft requires.
Hello Schroeder
>Kono liked this on twitter
What was Usea doing? Why was Osea carrying the war?
Steamrolled by the superior Erusean forces
Loved the fact the Russians brought out the Su-47 at MAKS 2019.
>tfw still haven't played 7
I'm tired of playing 100 variations of cinematic dark souls. How do I into this series? Only thing I ever played remotely close to this was top gun on the nes and flight simulator 2.0.
I enjoyed them
you pick one and you play it.
they're all pretty similar to each other and while the story is a worthwhile component of the game there's no need to play them in order.
don't expect a sim, this is arcade action
Do you think trigger and his copilot fuck in the SU-34's bathroom before entering the combat zone? Just asking as a joke haha
I just looked it up and you're right! I was afraid they'd left it to rot in a plane graveyard somewhere but nope they actually cleaned it up and parked it at an airshow. Super jealous of everyone who got to see it.
any particular control scheme?
It's made for a regular ass controller. The PS2 games are a little better if you have pressure sensitive face buttons like the dualshock 2 and 3 do, but it's not mandatory.
Some of the games (e.g. AC7) have two control options. There's a casual one and an expert one.
In the casual mode turning is automated, in the expert mode you have to roll the plane then pitch up.
Definitely do not pick casual, it cripples you.
Ace Combat 5
Ace Combat 0
Ace Combat 4
Ace Combat 3
Ace Combat 6
So the Season Pass is just three missions and 3 planes?
Yes, we have known for quite a while. Maybe they'll do more but I think the Pass was planned before the game sold as well as it did. I have to assume these missions were important enough but didn't make it in during the dev hell
It's half the price of the full game for me.
Yes. I bought it to support AC
How do you rank 7?
For me it's 5>Zero=7 as the Holy Trinity
4 > 5 = 7 > 0
is as good as 5 atleat.
>Harling at the start of the game
>Kei and Yuktobania (mention) at the end of the game
I was not ready enough for fanservice
7 has great graphics, smooth gameplay and some neat features like turbulence and freezing cockpit canopies (even if those are woefully underutilized) but fucking christ there's not a single mission I'd want to replay from that game after playing for a few months. I always wanna go back and play some missions from 5 and Zero but 7 just has nothing but gimmick missions and the missions that are normal are underwhelming and/or frustrating to play. Who the fuck thought holding triangle on a yellow target for 5 seconds at close range to ID them before you can attack was a good idea?
5>0>7>6>3>4>2 (3ds remake)
It definitely has too many gimmick missions but I enjoy most of them so eh, I'm fine with it
I just wish it had X's story branching and something like Zero's ace type system, those two things would ass a ton of replay value. And wingmen like in 5, they weren't very useful but they made the game super comfy. Maybe they'll do something nice like that in AC8
whats the best way of running this game on a absolute toaster with good graphics?
the pirated version runned like butter but now that i bought the fucking thing is running like shit
What's your specs?
I ran it maxed out on a 1050ti@1080p, so it's definitely a great port.
This is the first time I've ever bought a season pass and I did it purely so that Project Aces got my money
Do you have a ps4? Because it's a locked 60fps on ps4 base. 1080p.
There are some mods that disable stuff like chromatic aberration but I doubt that would net you any fps gains. Try searching for any mods that turn down the grafix.
Yeah, your PC is shit, you aren't gonna be able to play it, the minimum is a 750ti, which is slightly better than a PS4.
Do I get all the DLC if I have a season pass?
I'm waiting til all the DLC is out to finally 100% the game
i dont what is happening like i said when i pirated the thing it did run flawlessly 30fps with a decent resolution and no drops
. then i bought it and now it runs less flawlessly.
Probably some update fucked up the optimization a bit. Have you tried overclocking your hardware?
with a 10 years old processor?
i dont even going to try it
i going to buy a less toastery pc at the end of the year anyway.
Jesus, this a Favelamonkey/spic tier PC.
it was top of the top when i bought it user back in 2009
Fleet destruction is the best destruction mission in the series though
>Do I get all the DLC if I have a season pass?
According to Kono this season pass is the only DLC planned. I'm assuming after this is done they'll be 100% focused on AC8.
is it confirmed already?
Well im going to say it but your cpu isn't that good enough to have the game and denuvo at the background at the same time. but as you said you should be getting a new pc by the end of the year, so now you can just continue playing with the pirated version if you really want to.
i wanted HD versions of 4/5/0 before 8
nah i playing the steam version
i finished 4/5/zero and the psp ones at shitty framerate on the emulator earlier this year
Literally never going to happen and that's not me saying it, Kono himself has confirmed time and time again it's not happening.
HD ports are not happening.
Apparently aircraft licenses are really difficult to re-negotiate.
I fucking love the Starfighter bros
>over RDR2
Oh, then you might want to disable steam overlay, not really sure what bandai might have done with post launch patching but the performance should be the same, there's always a chance to downgrade your gpu driver too
>a plane literally designed to kill its pilot
It was a pleb filter
The starfighter and the deep blue trailer sold me ac7 I previously never played ace combat before
Wish we could use different skins for multiple aircraft, the F-22 with Razgriz makes my dick hard in AC5
If your on PC, its not too hard to make your own skins
So what is the proper way to get into this series? I played a little bit of 5 and enjoyed it a lot actually but I feel like I was going out of order. Am I supposed to start with 3? How the fuck do I play the good version though with the animated cutscenes? Do I need a high end pc to play it?
Order isn't very important but most common way is 4 -> 5 -> 0 and then whatever you want after that. 3 is good but very weird. There's a patch for the English versions that you can google that restores the Japanese content. The PS2 games are pretty high on the list of hard to emulate games but I can run them at 2x native resolution 60fps on my midrange 2014 desktop. Just make sure you look up how to configure the emulator right. 7 runs well for a current gen game.
Oh sorry I didn't read the thread like a dumbass
>Ace Combat 0 is over $100 on Amazon
What the fuck
Try ebay, you'll have better luck.
Bros I think I love AC3 the best. The soundtrack just puts it on another level
>mfw seeing a Gründer Industries logo on the shipping containers at the start
>Ace Combat's intelligence agencies are starting to notice that protagonists exist
>playing the tank Escort Mission in AC5
>Wingmen target the enemy but never shoot
>Running low on ammo
God this mission is so annoying.
>summer has ended
>school has started
>Ace threads are comfy again
get used to it, 5 is a pain to playthrough
It's that good.
>implying zoomers care or even know about AC
In an interview they mentioned there are future plans beyond the DLC. Its a safe bet. They also reference the release of the belkan war docs in a trailer so yeah. We gonna have to strap in for AC8 sometime in the future
What are non-Usean countries doing in the AC3 era?
Are Belkans still scheming stuff?
Was this intentional?
It's just life size doll.
it terms of soundtrack it's
5 > AH > 7 > 0 > 6 > 4 > 3
Holy shit fuckin finally.
You don't unintentionally pull off a perfect barrel roll then touchdown.
It's actually pretty fun, it's just the escort missions and this one in particular that is a pain in the ass, especially when the allies are paper tanks.
>Are Belkans still scheming
Well its that or a dead Belkan so.
>panicked voice >
Holy shit.
I think the voice acting in 7 is the best in the franchise
Otto from Airplane!
For me, its Last Hope
Aileron roll, you fuck.
All I’m saying is the PC metacritic poster, and subsequent thread derailing shitfest is nowhere in sight...
Do you think they'll try something surprising in order to pave the way for AC8? Like kill off Trigger or something. post-game DLC can work for those kind of twists
If ace combat : infinity was so good, why kono-sama hasn't released infinity 2: electrosphere boogaloo???
Having fun playing the Galaga prequels?
I liked it plenty. Having never had a PS2, my first AC was 6 on the xbox360.
Bought a PS3 hoping an HD collection would come out and played Infinite to death.
Seems like I'll just have to emulate.
It would be way more shittier than Markov fight
So we might to see AC3 characters in these DLCs?
Ill have to wait another 10 years for the confirmation that AH and infinity are in the same timeline
Some really cool tidbits you can see in the trailer:
>Matias Torres, the captain of the Alicorn served during the Usean Coup. (Ace Combat 2) and was the captain of the Tanager, the flagship of the Erusean Aegir Fleet, sunk by Mobius 1 during AC4
>The Alicorn is classified as a "Super Scinfaxi-class" vessel
>The Alicorn might target Oured, since you can hear the AI telling David to "evacuate"
>In the list of what seems to be ship personnel, #12 is Heinrich Altmann who may be related to Rainer Altmann (Gelb 2 from 0)
The Alicorn also carries MiG-29K's, which is the first time they've appeared in an Ace Combat game.
I'm sure if he ever gets into a tight spot and needs fast money he'll do so. Infinity saved the series from AH.
Pretty much.
I am still wrapping my head around the fact that every Bamco game and has a canonical timeline up to 7650.
Zero > 5 > 4 > AHL > 7 > X > Infinity > 3 > 6 > JA > 2 > AH
>that soundtrack
How is it possible that the music in this series keeps getting fucking better?
Is that Cpt. Matias Torres a Sapinard?
>when the x-02 first appeared in AC4 it was a carrier based aircraft
>following games seems to have forgotten it
space combat when?
>in 7 the description literally calls it a fighter for the Navy
>never takes off from a carrier
unless you use it in the final mission
The game didn't sell well, stop spreading this bullshit lie.
Whenever they decide to remake Galaga
wasn't 3 just one big VR mission? I'm talking about having the whole game take place in space
>Sold best in the series
>Games budget would be based on how the others sold and their return
Yeah it did. Low IQ dumbass
That was only for a few hours in only Australia
>""""best selling"""" game of the week it came out in a month when literally zero other games even came out
Wow! Amazing! It didn't sell well, fuck off.
None of the previous games except 4 sold well at all. That's the only one that was over a million. 7 didn't sell for shit and the budget was exponentially larger because the VR meme.
0 > 5 > 4 > 7
What 7 does well it does really well, but I think it stumbles a lot with its missions. There's only a few I actually want to replay.
Wait so do you have to own the season pass in order to play this DLC?
Are they free or you gotta pay ?
I hope AC8 is set in the late 2020's/early 2030's and has all the concept 6th gens we've been seeing in it.
Supposedly, 7 is the best selling game in the series and 04 sold ~2 million copies.
isnt that kinda dumb?
I bought all the planes without the pass, it should be the same for this.
Will there be another season pass or what. I mean all this season pass shit started with EA acting high and mighty removing battlefield premium status.
>Will there be another season pass or what.
Probably not
Ive never heard of a game that makes you buy a dlc just for three missions before
>arguing with a faggot
7 sold the best out of all games. And if we take into account that 7 was made with the cash earned by previous games we can safely assume 8 will hold the standard.
>protagonists are strange phenomenon that only manifest in times of war and possess super human abilities
>we probably gotta wait another four years for another ace combat game
Halo sort of
master chief always been a big deal? Only one in the series i could think of is ODST?
We will have wingman and whatever EA shits out.
Ne players who are interested yet sitting on the fence would probably like to try out one of the DLCs. Also, season passes are scummy as fuck
mig-29 is cute
The covenant always calls him "The Demon"
The covenant call spartans demons but chief is The Demon.
Ace Combat 7 suffers from obvious cuts. Like it's pretty clear that there was supposed to be a branching path where you blow up the space elevator, and every part(mage, spare, LRSSG, post-cascade) feels like it could have used like 3 more missions to feel fleshed out. There's also the part where you get Erusean conservatives and radicals marked with special designators when there's no actual distinction between them. The evidence of cutting is there. I think one of the symptoms of this is that almost every mission is a gimmick mission. There are almost no missions where you just blow shit up. The thought process I'm imagining is that they were told the game had to come out now with a bunch of missions half done, and they had the choice between finishing the gimmick missions and the normal ones. They chose the gimmick ones because they already had unique assets and mechanics partially done and didn't want to have to waste that work, and because they'd rather cut a mission that's similar to other missions than cut something that has nothing else like it. End result being that there just aren't enough normal missions where you just play Ace Combat 7.
Nothing can beat AC memes
There are plenty of simple "blow shit up" missions.
Long Day, Fleet Destruction, Stonehenge Defence, Farbanti, Shilage, taking down the final Arsenal Bird.
>There are almost no missions where you just blow shit up.
Mission 6, 11, and the first halves of 8, 15, and 19 are exclusively blowing shit up. And that's also not counting straightforward missions that have zero gimmicks that might as well just be blowing shit up like 1, 2, 3, 5 (once weapons are disengaged), and 18.
I don't think it will take that long, 4 years is a bit excessive considering the tech is already done. Time between AC4 to AC5 was 3 years and AC5 to AC0 only took 2.
2.5 years, maybe 3 max is what I'm guessing.
And to 7's credit, none of the gimmick missions are as obnoxious as 5's
mission 9 in 6 is my favorite.
winning matches with it is the most satisfying shit
especially unlimited lobbies
Keiki Kobayashi is a fucking genius.
I bought AC7 on sale and got filtered so fucking hard on mission 4 that I haven't gone back out of sheer embarrasment and shame after I accidentally snapped my micro usb cable.
I was enjoying it up until that but dodging all those missiles and working under a timelimit to destroy those bomb carriers while all your team mouths you off was really driving me up the wall. Was it as hard for anyone else or am I just retarded? Should I go back? I'm playing on normal with the expert/classic handling. I was thinking of caving in and just using the special edition planes with better stats.
You gotta pay unless you bought the season pass. It's well worth it though considering how devoted Project Aces is to doing excellent work.
>200,000 sales is good
No he's Erusean. He was present for the Battle of Comberth Harbor during Operation Rough Seas when mobius and pals completely annihilated the "invincible" Aegir fleet.
Really? Mission 4 is pretty easy. Mission 6 is what really tears your asshole apart if you don't go fast.
>ace combat sell's 200.000 copies
>is considered a HUGE sucess
>battlefield V sells 7 MILLION copies
>is considered a total failure by EA.
i guess is all about budget
Mission 4 was Harling rescue, you're thinking 5.
I don't know how you're not managing to deal with the bombers in time, the base can take a bit of punishment as well. Try zooming out the minimap, the bombers will be the red circles.
I wish AC did more civilian defense missions. The airport in 5 isn't particularly difficult but listening to everyone in the airport panic and report on how you're doing is great. The opening of 6 is also good in this regard, so is the airliner in 4.
I just don't get the same feel when I'm shooting down jets trying to bomb a military base.
>only for Japan
>what are budgets and profit margins
Sorry, mission 5 I mean. The one where they move you to the new unit.
You don't read too good, do you? Here's a hint: look at when the article was published.
You just need to practice friend. You can do it. Turn down the difficulty if you need to.
That one is easy peasy, just go fast and prioritize the red TGTs. Dont waste time on the escorts.
Okay then yeah, that one hurts you hard.
Basically just don't focus on anything else except the bombers. If you want a decent score you have to come back for it later with much better aircraft.
If it's your first AC game that's understandable. I blazed through the entire game on Hard in a day and the did Ace the next after. Just keep playing and it'll click.
>still no ACX planes
I need my Fregata
Man they really fucked ace difficulty in 7.
if all the MC's from all ace combat games fought eachother who would win and why is mobius 1?
How do you all have problems with any of the missions in game?
They are eazy on ace difficulty.
4 still solidly a best, that feeling is untoppable
7 is equal to 5 imo
0 still the weakest AC
Pretty much. It doesn't help that Western AAA developers will spend about the same amount that the development of the game cost on marketing.
I managed to get all S-rank on Ace, but 9 and 19 were motherfuckers and took many attempts. Faceless Soldier(9) was the most obnoxious.
>mobius 1
reminder that Trigger is in fact a dog
>0 still the weakest AC
Yes. I miss when a missile was actually a threat. I can take 3 and still come out on top if I have that repair part.
user ace in 7 is a cakewalk.
Mobius is shit without his high-end F-22.
Cipher would end him.
I was playing on release day and I was getting my ass shafted on missions 4, 5, 15 and 20 fuck that tight space in the Space Elevator, I kept stalling. Not playing AC for years makes you rusty again.
bad bait
if cipher is so good how come he never worked again after the belkan war while mobius 1 was still trucking late into the 2010's
200,000 in the first week only in Japan, and that's considered "sold out" over there
>0 is the weakest
Git gud at dogfighting shittr
I don't think you understand user
Cipher IS Mobius 1
7 was my first game and the mission i died the most was the yinshi valley cause the thunderstrikes kept making me crash into shit.
ehhh. I'd bet money on Cipher.
Although with AC power rankings the current protagonist is always the most powerful unless you're Garuda 1 so Trigger would probably win.
That too. That mission was just stressful.
I legitimately powered through highest difficulties on all of the Holy Trilogy but Faceless Soldier on Ace fucked with me a lot.
Its tough if your aiming for an S-rank and getting the named ace
>Manabu Shimomoto: We have received so much great feedback from our users with Ace Combat 7, so we have to do more. We want to do more. I wish I could clone myself in order to get everything done. At the moment we’re prioritizing all the projects that we’d like to do.
>Kazutoki Kono: Just yesterday we have established a roadmap all the way to 2025.
>Giuseppe: So that’s when Ace Combat 8 is coming out (laughs)!
>Kazutoki Kono: Can’t say. Nobody knows that. On the roadmap, we marked the challenges we have to tackle. It’s filled with circles representing challenges from 2019 to 2025
Mobius one has achieved a sort of godlike status. He's the doomguy of jet fighter games. You see mobius 1 references in quite a few nip manga and anime, it's nuts.
cipher didnt singlehanded won a war against the eurisians after they had already won the war.
all he did was bully belka that was already loosing the war.
>man who's entire deal is shooting down other aces wouldn't win a contest between aces
Mobius 1 just loved killing Erusians that much.
I'm willing to bet that Jager guy is the dad/grandpa of Erich.
>Just yesterday we have established a roadmap all the way to 2025.
If Bamco just gave PA like 10 more devs instead of wasting their money with fucking Jump Force and Idolmaster, AC8 would be the most kino game of the generation
Same. I've aced all the PS2 era games but struggled massively with the score requirements for S ranks in 7.
I even went back to the older game after 7 to get a feel of why its different. The score and time requirement is definitely more strict.
>getting the named ace on bunker buster
How in god's name are you supposed to take out a guy flying to the corner, and then pivot immediately to the ICBMs on the opposite side of the map that will cause a game over state if you don't immediately deal with them?
>We have received so much great feedback from our users with Ace Combat 7, so we have to do more
This isn't just PR talk by the way, they actually did have a questionnaire made where they asked fans what they should add in the next game.
I asked for supersonic shockwave effects and hangar animations
use the MiG-31 and pulse lasers
You must become the fast. Smoke him with his own ride.
Answer: Mig-31
It's actually one of the easiest aces, the ICBMs won't speed up until you get close to them
Pick a fast plane and then upgrade it to make it faster.
Romans 10:9 kjv
>That if thou shalt confess with thy mouth the Lord Jesus, and shalt believe in thine heart that God hath raised him from the dead, thou shalt be saved.
>other aces
we never see how good those people are until you beat them.
everybody knew how fucking good yellow squadron was.
Be one with the MiG
huh, picture didn't load
>No emulation for the 3DS game.
Is this true? I thought 3DS had an emulator?
How the fuck do you top Zero's dogfights, 5's hopeful cheesiness, 4's Mobiuswank, 3's animeness and also evangelion/lainness, and 7's return to formness?
Yeah, okay, I'm being half serious, but how the fuck do they top the best moments of the series without going too hard into Macross/anime territory? We've literally had everything in this franchise, gigantic air/ground fortresses, fighting in the fucking matrix, shooting down a gigantic nuke thing, fighting superplanes piloted by aces/AI's, flying through underground tunnels and geofronts, etc.
What the fuck would 8 have to do to get even more hype?
wrong thread user?
Thanks, I baited you into posting it so I could save it myself
Go to space.
>without going too hard into Macross/anime territory?
This is what is needed to get even more hype.
DYRL is probably the standard in how to end a movie on hype shit, but Strangereal/the franchise is not there yet, technologically, to have gigantic space battleships and alien monoliths hundreds of kilometers long.
Can we talk about the chad that was Gryphus 1?
>last line of defense in the sticks, pulls through in a 50-year old junk F-4
>most squadmates got blasted on the first mission, has to one-man army the entire Leasath by himself
>chooses his own path, needs no commander
>finds an experimental plane, runs with it canonically flew Apalis, most likely was intended to stay with it before suits insisted on another F-22 cover plane
>plagued with constant supply shortages, shrugs them off
>plays aerial joustling not with a puny fighter like cipher but with a motherfucking aerial fortress
>enemy is jamming the radar half the time, is plain invisible the rest of it, has to rely on intuition, visual (on a 240p screen no less) and oldschool guns to get shit done
>straps himself to a fucking bomb that would blast him if he as much as engaged afterburners, flies with it into a combat zone to prevent his comrades from getting gassed
>faces off Stonehenge if Stonehenge wasn't shit, a decade before Infinity too
>takes down a whole ace squadron of ridiculously overpowered superplanes
>sells merch of himself after the war
Mobius 1 and Cipher have nothing on the Southern Cross.
just ace combat 3 style of multiple routes with a cheese story, betrayals and a mobius 1 level rival.
A change in perspective. An Ace Combat game where you play as the aggressor and change sides, like what we thought AC7 was going to be.
>play as the aggressor and change sides
Isn't that AC5?
And yes, Osea was the aggressor
I didn't realize Gripen was such a slut.
AC5 was just scooby doo where old man belka was behind it all
Comfy airbase
I too agree that Belka did nothing wrong.
I like to bring the Su-37 to Hoffnung.
I'd like X more if the AWACS wasn't voiced by the most boring person of all time. The briefings were so bad.
You forgot
>his AWACS officer literally jerks off to him whenever he can, also a huge fanboy
>liberates a city defended by like eight batteries of fast firing laser cannons, none of that pussy shit like Excalibur that took eight years to load and fire, they literally cut you down in seconds if you fly like shit
>soundtrack guys just stopped giving a fuck and gave him badass buttrock as soundtrack for his vs token enemy ace mission
>is allowed to fly an XFA27 with an equippable scarface module, meaning his badassery is acknowledged to be at least on par with 2's protag who was the king of 90s butt rock
>casually obliterates an enemy airfield during his SECOND sortie, probably flying a shit junker plane as well
>did the "assault a canyon mission" before 7 made it cool
>has the overall comfiest game
Gryphus 1 is a chad
You switch it up and go back in time a little, playing as a mercenary working in various proxy conflicts in Strangereal's Cold War. Start with crap like the MiG-17 and later Sabre models, F-15, Su-27, and such are endgame planes. Be able to choose who exactly to work for, which can affect available aircraft, missions, etc. Plenty of opportunity to do a little more world-building for Strangereal too. Basically Ace Combat 88.
Trigger 1 is the most insane one because all the feats that trigger ace spawns are canon events. So you can say he canonically flew into caves and pretended to be shot out of a mass carrier in the middle of a civilian genocide. For fun.
The aggressors in 5 are Yukes. They attacked first, instigated by Belkans.
The first Gripen was delivered to Brazil this month. It's kind of a shame that we no longer have an aircraft carrier to launch them from anymore though.
The hell with 4, 5, and 0, X is the game that should get remade.
I liked the touch of the briefings in 7 being from the perspective of the screen with a reflection, but they improved upon it.
Also Bandog best AWACS.
I love how X's soundtrack seamlessly mixes trinity's orchestral, 3's techno and 2's rock.
>I liked the touch of the briefings in 7 being from the perspective of the screen with a reflection, but they improved upon it.
They're gonna expand on that in the DLC missions apparently
>Giuseppe: The main game has a lot of cutscenes. How is the storytelling going to be in the DLC missions? Will there be cutscenes or the story will be told mostly in-game through radio chatter?
>Kazutoki Kono: Of course the radio chatter is still there, but there will be cutscenes and many of them are portrayed from the perspective of the characters and aren’t necessarily characters acting a scene like in the main campaign.
>There will be characters acting in the briefings as well, and I think that’s quite interesting. You may see characters having a fight during briefings.
based belkan lolibro
>with that look on your face Trigger, I know exactly what you want to do
Make one of the missions basically escaping a rain of missiles with your buddies while racing through swarms of the drones to shoot down the ones sending out the control signals.
>turned out to be fucking Belkan all along
>my fucking face at the reveal
I think his voice added some charm. Crux was clearly a young and inexperienced guy who suddenly found himself in charge of Aurelia's biggest trump card, imagine the responsibility he had on his shoulders. He saw himself as Gryphus's support rather than commander, and genuinely cared about him.
This, pretty much. I don't know if he's as good as Mobius 1 or Demon King of the Round Table but he's certainly the craziest one.
If Trigger played AC0 he would be 100% Mercenary within half of the game.
Remember the hype just for the fucking trailers?
Another Grand Flight
ISAF disbanded and gave their best to the IUN, allowing Osea to take over the country by proxy. Hilarious and strange because Useans love independence, especially after they received little support following Ulysses.
The people who do the trailers at PA need a fucking raise. Every single one they've done is amazing.
>If Trigger played AC0 he would be 100% Mercenary within half of the game.
>Did 100% Mercenary on first run
>First Mihaly encounter triggered something in me and I started to permaaccelling my way the rest of the game and remembered how I won B7R
>mfw chasing and landing hit after hit on Mihaly in the valley just barely avoiding crashes when it was giving me so much trouble up till that point in the mission
It wasn't just Mihaly who felt the old thrill coming back to him.
>that Zero trailer
I kind of wish the macro-political events in AC made more sense even if it doesn't matter at all. It seems that every country is run by retards
I misplaced my copy of smile sweet sadistic sister solitary, anyone has it?
I remember everyone shitting on Infinity when it came out because it was grindy as fuck but the campaign was fantastic.
Still waiting on that HD Collection
Another meteorite
You're telling me that spending our failing nation's entire budget on a superweapon instead of rebuilding is NOT the smartest fiscal decision? Nonsense.
I think another meteorite might cause the apocalypse. Not because it would directly impact the planet, but because that was what awakened the primal Belkan instinct to instigate discord and hatred among others.
Honestly I want them to dabble with space combat again. Space is hardly unexplored territory for the series and strangreal Earth already has more of a presence up there than we do.
>oh shit they have a space fighter
>good thing we have our own space fighter
>protagonist, ride this rocket up and make sure we're the only ones with a space fighter
>alien guitars intensify
Embrace anime and go full gundam and have the final fight be inside a space colony while Belka is trying to drop it onto the earth.
>The final mission is you going to space and dogfighting the meteorite to save strangereal, while being supported by a single reconstructed Stonehenge cannon.
I'd buy it.
>awakened Belkan
Is such a thing even possible?
They still have Sotoa and Verusa to work with. Probably could involve the advanced weapon tech Diego Navarro was exporting.
As much as I wanna see AC set in the future I think the REEL PLAYNS ONLEE autists are going to put a stop to it.
AC9 or whatever where the F22 is the starter shitbox would be funny though.
3 > 4 = 7 > 0 > X > 5
I would love to see some OVAs or manga set in the strangereal universe.
>A Belkan is involved
No surprise there.
They. Did. Nothing. Wrong.
I've only played Ace combat X on the PSP but fuck me if the trailer for 7 wasn't the most amazing thing i'd seen in a long time
Very nice
It would be pretty cool especially if the viewpoint took place with the side who doesn't have the game equivalent protagonist just to see how much they become feared.
Me too buddy
Me too
I don't think that's gonna mean much. There are 3 other people in that list that share last names with characters from the series.
>Hermut Schmidt / Bernhard Schmidt (Grun 1)
>Carlos Vasques / Marcela Vasques (Espada 2)
>Jan Olsen / Ulrich Olsen (AC2 AWACS)
So two from Belka, one from Sapin and one from Usea. Probably just a cool little nod.
well play it then, its fun.
when/where did that happen?
did the pilot make it out alive?
> >
whats best way to farm MRP in 7 once you finish the campaign?
Replay the campaign
4 > 0 > 5 > 7
Go play the PS2 games, they're like 7 but 10x better
Multiplayer, but that might be dead now, haven't touched it in a while.
Survived the crash
Fun fact: There IS a second meteorite. The Aces at War book implies that Nagase's mission in space was to destroy a second meteorite and come back. Harling died protecting the elevator because he knew that, without it, Nagase could not return.
Jaypeg Dog
But they completed the mission right?
As the world continues after 7, yes.
Multiplayer obviously?
Still alive on Xbone. I'm sure it's even better on PS4.
Oh right, my bad.
I was thinking something like"we thought we had neutralized the asteroid but we were wrong"
Why do they even separate pc, xbone and ps4 players, it's not like it's a shooter where pc has an advantage.
What about the 3rd secret asteroid created by the Belkans?
>she looks like she fucks ace pilots.
The third asteroid is Belka.
I think it's even region locked. I'm only ever playing with other Americans.
Infinity was the bomb though. You could play with literally anyone around the world. Even at 5am I could still find 40+ rooms.
Genus, someone promote this guy to head of weapons development
NEMO > Antares > Cipher > Mobius > Scarface > Trigger > Gryphus > Talisman > Blaze > Bishop
First, I'll shoot down the girl, then after I get an erection from his lamentations, I'll shoot him down.
>yfw PA makes Infinity 2 to pay for AC8
I'm pissed I got a PS3 after the servers shut down
antares did nothing special
That's because Chief was supposed to be the Last Spartan
One of his (bonus) missions was literally taking out a very long list of other MCs and major antagonists from other ACs. All in a row.
mobius took 7 aces at the same time all by hinself
You're right, it surely lacks intense air battles.
>antares that high
Imagine JA being your first AC
Not canon
Full Band buddies
i just want to fly the xfa-27 or adler with buddies again
i didnt think losing infinity would still hurt after 7
They really should have brought the Infinity MP to AC7, it was such a better experience. I miss taking down the rank IV superweapons
Good fucking damnit Kono where's my Holy Trinity PC port
I never played Infinity but AC7 multiplayer is honestly just shit
It's like War Thunder arcade only somehow even worse
>mfw they started adding AC3 planes to Infintiy with the HUD and all
I spent 2 hours attempting to turn around in the Su-47 in the space elevator vertical shaft. I probably should have put on some parts that would help but I did eventually do it.
Belkabros rise up
The plane selection is honestly what I miss most from infinity. Everyone could fly their planefu.
>all those ungrateful shits bitching to Kono on Twitter about Jump Force
>and still bitching to him when he has nothing to do with that giant piece of shit
Fucking goddammit I was mad.
Imagine some non-whale saving up for a fictional plane in Infinity only to buy a shitty level 1 and only fly it once because of its low level then have the servers close week later
What if my planefu is from the early 50s
It was mostly about 4v4 score attack, but where it really shined was the emergency missions, where you fought updated version of the superweapons from the previous games.
It actually made Excalibur and the SOLG fun to fight.
>three strikes
>Three strikes
>Three strikes
>Three strikes
My God someone should have been fucking fired for that
>dogfighting in a laser labyrinth
holy fuck thats cool
>No love for the best handled game in the series
It's only cool if you had a plane that could actually fucking do something to Excalibur's target's, and had a plane fast enough to get out of the way, because playing that with a low level F-14 sucked balls. Then there were the faggots who would steamroll the bosses because of their maxed out equipment. And that was before they made it you could upgrade earlier planes to be ALMOST as comparable to later in the research tree.
This, everyone forgets that infinity was fucking obnoxious about trying to get you to cough up money.
Ignore anyone saying the mig29
Use the Strike Eagle with speed parts and pitch/roll upgrades
I honestly think I would rather see 4, 5, and 0 HD remakes over Ace Combat 8 in the near term.
Get used to using your machine gun for everything. It helps the bullets are the size of fucking trucks
Why not?
That's my girl
fucking pisses me off how I can't have nay fun with parts unless I get the multiplayer ones
Three Strikes in the sky... too bad for this guy.
Well you can't use the multiplayer parts offline anyway.
Can you not use them in singleplayer?
welp, guess I'm just an ass pilot then, nvm
Close enough?
>I'm in that Excalibur video
Infinity's fuel system was ass, but damn the gameplay itself was solid.
Will any of these DLC retcon the story to not suck ass?
>the only game where you fight actual aces is the weakest
No, but as long as they have kino moments it'll be fine
Cross Rumble/Assault Horizon Legacy was my first Ace Combat game so I'm glad to see I'm not the only person who remembers it
How can you claim to love her when you're not willing to fly with her?
But that's just is, the story in 7 was so bad that I didn't know or care about what was going on, making the big hype moments much less effective than in previous games.
This stuff was probably cut from the game by the execs to make DLC since they noticed this game was garnering more attention then they expected before release. I always felt like there were missions missing and there's probably more they're holding out on. The interviews I read are always weird like Kono is being forced to hold back information.
No. But if it's cool shit. Then it's okay.
She always tries her best user, I'm proud of her.
>tfw nobody makes any skins for your planefu
>Like it's pretty clear that there was supposed to be a branching path where you blow up the space elevator
It wasn't going to be blown up because Nagase
As soon as the mission update occurs turn 180 degrees towards COMET. Once you get near him get your gun piper over him and hit him with your gun before launching your missiles. Then Immelman towards the IRBM Full throttle.
I tried, but I got brainletfiltered by not knowing how to actually work on it once it was opened in an editor. Like, how do you do anything to it without yeeting all over the details?
>SU-34 bathroom
you mean the funnel that goes out the fuselage?
If you're planefu is the MiG29, I made one, the previous screenshot should tell you what it was about.
That's what layers are for son.
cum historia
Lasers are always wrong.
even if you're shit at the multiplayer? still good source of dosh?
If you're shit, just pick something with QAAM, pump them with upgrades, then turn in circles all day. Everyone will hate you but this MP sucks anyway so who cares. You'll make the money.
Is there any way to save multiple loadouts for the same plane in singleplayer?
My favorite as well.
>that very instant when you enter the tunnel at full speed and then this starts playing
it does but unless you like the framerate jumping up and down like stupid don't
ADFX-10. I prefer it to many of Mihaly's themes.
Magic Spear, of course. Meme missions always have the best tracks.
No, it just saves your current loadout.
>In Japan, the game sold 202,379 copies for the PlayStation 4 during its first week,[17] and has sold 286,570 units as of March 2019.[18] In Southeast Asia, the game sold over 500,000 units within a month.[19] In the United Kingdom, it had the highest debut sales in the series, entering the charts second overall.
Flips love AC and have buoyed the franchise for over a decade, the game sold well, get over it.
Why don't you guys just play DCS?
Nope. I just designate specific planes for specific loadouts.
Very nice
DCS is purely simulator. AC is for war tales and realistic-but-absurd military technology
Because fun.
Imagine not playing both
I was gonna say ADFX-10, but did it first.
So I'm gonna go with 444, it's such a weird track but I love it.
DCS doesn't have Superweapons like pic related or tracks like these
>tfw no indie ac clone that ramps the superweapons up to 11
because ace combat and dcs are different
there's some PS2 game that's basically ace combat with boats that does this I think.
>ac clone that ramps the superweapons up to 11
that's what Infinity did already
Not in AC7, but future titles will get some.
Yeah, that's probably a good idea. I hardly know how to use the software in the first place. I figured out how to get something working in the game, at least.
Belka isn't that bad. They had economic trouble so they were desperate.
>tfw no historical game mode of one team being ofnir defending solg and the other razgriz attacking
>Shut down Infinity just before 7 comes out
>Think, "oh they must be rolling the content into 7, rad"
>Nope, just tdm and br that gets boring after a week
I'm so mad.
had someone convince me that AC7 worked with custom resolutions, so i spent some time (fucking hours) trying to patch a pirated copy to do that and sure enough, yeah it does.
the HUD is completely fucked however so i can't actually play it at this resolution. free flight is nice tho.
8560x1440. the exact field of view is 146.7 degrees in case you were interested. just in case anyone else is looking for it like i was, the byte code for that is: 7B 18 7F 3C D8 F5
That looks awful
y tho?
That makes aspect RAIDOU look tame.
No one cared about the Belkan War, it was a skirmish that lasted a little over two months. It's the action of their agents involvement in pretty much every war after they lost which is the problem, to the point where people were actually hunting them down in AC7 following the communications blackout.
you're not meant to view it from a photograph. if you sit in front of the screen with them perfectly flat and lined up it looks normal. and no ofc it's not perfect, the game doesn't officially support this at all. the widescreen hack gets completely lost if i tab out, another reason i can't play it in this resolution.
I want this so fucking bad. Also Give me a F-8
>ywn hear a trailer at E3 with the Him, I know him live again
God I want a remake just for the hype a reveal would cause alone.
when are they adding him to smash?
Also I think this trailer's better for Zero personally
for me, i think they wouldn't be able to surpass zero even if they tried
>forgetting Ace Combat X where they literally call you "NEMESIS"
>Rot 1 to all craft. Time to hunt some wild dogs. Down'em all.
I love that line so much.
> let the victor, be justice
why was gault fight so kino Yea Forums?
Those cheating motherfuckers.
>not gelb
hope you weren't too close once they decided to shot a missile right into your face from their six
Schnee are the ones that shoot backward missiles. I've never seen Gelb do that.
the su37 did that so it couldn't have been schnee, they just shoot missiles from really far away for what i remember
>Every line in Lost Kingdom
That and the music really fucking sold you that you're fighting a desperate people willing to pay a steep price for their sovereignty.
You almost forgot
>Is not-Australian
>Wit mocks LRSSG for losing wiseman
>Count's "You bastard!"
What'll his final smash be? V2 or a burst missile.
Infinity annoys me because there was some really cool shit in it, all hidden behind an annoying F2P model. Was the life support that the IP needed though.
This is what unguided bombs are for
>branching story
>muh futuristic laser planes
Anyone that suggests these is a tasteless shit. I'm holding you personally responsible if AC8 sucks.
>tfw dropping cluster bombs all over the refugee tents and trucks
heh, nuthin personnel eruseans
it wouldn't be an ace combat game without a scifi original design somewhere
I really liked how during the final mission, you could hear all the other pilots physically struggling with the Gs they were taking to keep pace with the drones. It's the little things.
AC3 has all of those and is fucking amazing. The only "tasteless shit" here is you, retard.
I just did this mission for the first time just now. Pretty emotional t b h
I bet he's one of those dweebs who wants a prop plane Ace Combat
not him, but its called warship gunner, 1 and 2, both are incredible underrated games, dropped at least 200 hours making different boats, and using them against superweapons ace combat with boats is by far the best description you can give them, don't expect the story to be on par though
How can propfags ever hope to recover?
>Shilage's pained breathing when he takes you on
They can't, they'll just go back to WT where they'll pretend to enjoy getting fucked raw by slavic kikes.
I think they took some notes from the sound design on Assault Horizon. It went for a much 'grittier' kind of soundscape, including for how other pilots sounded. Tried to give it a quality that sounded more like it was being recorded in a cockpit. 7's sound design is much cleaner, but they kept a few little elements like that.
>the explosion sound delay when your missile impacts a distant target
>the mechanical whine of the nozzle petals activating as you hit a/b
>the mechanical switch SFX when you switch weapons in cockpit view
There's a lotta neat details audio wise in 7
the chad tomcat vs the virgin mustang
What was the name of this comic? I remember reading it years ago.
Flight Highschool, by Anyan
How come this stupid unmaneuverable kite is a cap for a fighter tree?
Because your misusing it.
Slap stealth level 2, missile range extenders, and go run circles around the furball circlejerk.
The Su-34 doesn't actually have a bathroom. It has a portable can that you can piss in. The whole "bathroom" thing was a misinterpretation of very early info about the plane.
If people want fancy conveniences on military aircraft, they should sign up for cargo plane service. The C-17 has a microwave where you can heat up some hotpockets, iirc
is he gilf
The Airforce spent thousands of dollars so you can brew a cup of coffee while banking and turning.
I recognize you CaKos you sweatnigger
He's plane Snake, so yes he is.
When will we finally get to play as the actual good guys and fight for Belka?
Where is my planefu, PA.
>Ace Combat: Belkan War 0 The Rise of Belka
The 23 was my favorite plane when the Morgan came out and all the fags were spamming IEWS. I would just abuse stealth and stay outside the range of their e-war bubble and fire HVAAs into it from long range and pick off the Pixyfags one by one. Really good times, I miss when every fag in the lobby was spamming Morgans, now I have to actually work for my Black Widow kills.
why do lasers suck so much now
The briefings are such an important part of this series to me and part of why I love it so much.
because before you could only unlock them after beating the game but now you can get them as soon as the mudhen/terminator or earlier if count plsl but plsl is actually very good
Anti laser coatings
Download the mod that makes them op again.
Some of the direction is questionable, and parts of the translation are objectively bad, but overall it's pretty good.
I sort of agree but i think parts of zero are better and the whole drone factory scene just felt really off.
>Some of the direction is questionable
In comparison to 6 and 5 its downright naturalistic.
Most of the time they actually sound like people rather than an English anime dub.
It wouldn't be fun if lasers still oneshot people in multi even though single player and multi weapon stats are separate what the FUCK
the distorted radio voices really gave the game a touch, in the rest of the series voices sound clean but zero sounds like you're listening to old deteriorated tapes
It's not really fun when lasers one shot in single player either. It's entertaining for like ten minutes and then you use another plane because they're too overpowered to be fun.
Oooh actual story dlc. I'm intrigued.
>There were supposed to be 3 more VR missions
Damn, they really chopped out a lot of content in order to get the game shipped
>Damn, they really chopped out a lot of content in order to get the game shipped
remember, 1 year
videos description:
>*VR Mission 4:* Mobius 1 attacks a Free Erusean fuel base at Roca Roja. Phase 1 mirrors Cape Rainy, where Mobius 1 would fly at the base under radar while evading helicopter patrols. Phase 2 would entail destroying three fuel bases. Sky Eye says something about "a wakeup call," which makes me wonder if this was a night mission in Roca Roja. Would have been interesting.
*VR Mission 5:* Mobius 1 attacks a fleet, the two carrier strike groups Ran and Hronn. A new pilot joins the fray, Halo 11, aka Lt. Van Quang Nguyen. It is heavily implied that Quang is Sky Eye's son. Quang is shot down at the end of this mission while supporting a damaged Omega 11. Omega 11 bails out safely and successfully hails rescue with his EPIRB. Halo 11 is not recovered. Sky Eye laments Halo 11's death and openly wonders aloud what he'll tell Quang's mother.
*VR Mission 6:* The Boyz find out that Free Erusea is gunning for a nuclear sub that's currently under maintenance at Anchorhead Bay. Phase 1 entails a two-front defensive, protecting Red Bear and Meliton Squadrons in the north and south. Phase 2 entails an attack from a stealth plane squadron, one Sky Eye mistakes for the Ghost Squadron. This is actually the Arachne Squadron, who use E-767s to jam radar during their fight with The Boyz. In Phase 3, the Ghost Squadron arrives to wreck faces up, declaring that they will "avenge their friends." One of them breaks formation early, beelining for Mobius 1, and is warned by Ghost Leader, "don't engage the Ribbon Fighter solo, Quang!" His voice is identical to Halo 11. In the ensuing battle, Quang is the last to fall.
>AWACS without heavy radio filtering
Is this game good with a joystick? I used to love HAWX but this looks a lot better
better with a ps4 controller
Joystick+VR is pretty top tier. Its not designed around a HOTAS though, so if you don't have a VR set up to really make use of the immersive qualities of a stick, just use a gamepad.
If you liked HAWX, you'll love Ace Combat.
Especially since AC just does everything a lot better than HAWX ever did.
Nothing will ever top the Megalith commando squad in 4.
>Altman, use your hand grenades!
>Dammit, he's got a flamethrower!
>Don't let those pilots die...
>Body swap is the Geopelia
How did I never notice
are you sure about that?
>the DLC trailer is better than the original trailer
don't fly in a straight line. it makes you an easy target for both missiles and guns
not really, it can't surpass stonehenge shooting after 20 years once more
Yes, the acting in 4 isn't that great overall (they hired a company that normally did phone messages or something instead of real actors) but the commando leader with the British accent is pretty good regardless.
More importantly, the lines themselves are far more memorable than anything in AC7.
Also, the fact that they didn't use anime VAs makes it feel more authentic in a way.
>"Do you hate us that much?"
4 feels like the most grounded/ down to earth of the ace combats doesn't it?
Yes, its the best written Ace Combat by a country mile. It strikes a perfect balance between character drama and military coms chatter.
Ace Combats afterwards lean a bit too much towards characters monologuing over the radio.
>invades your country
>expects to be liked
>becomes your foster dad
>after killing your old one
It follows ISAF's campaign to take back the continent in a three act structure:
1. The defense of North Point, starting with defending against enemy bombing raids and ending with crippling the invasion fleet.
2. Striking at the continent, covering the ground forces' landing and destroying Stonehenge.
3. Pushing the Erusians back to their capital and ultimately defeating them.
There's no crazy twists, no political moralizing, no betrayals from wingmen. You just follow the course of the war and see the legend of Mobius 1 grow.
In addition, it's also the best implementation of the rival enemy squadron, which goes from untouchable and legitimately intimidating to just being able to scratch one, to shooting one down to shooting them all down over the course of the game.
>lose your qt brown buddy
>turns out the boy you thought was your friend/surrogate son hates you
>your planes are slowly degrading from sabotage
Yellow 13 had a hard life.
I think 4 is the best written war story in ace combat due to its mundane nature but i still really like joint assault
Wanting to be liked is a little too far, but hoping they wouldn't set bombs trying to murder him/point guns at him while calling him a fascist isn't asking that much. Or at least it's reasonable for him to think that.
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