What game is you playing

what game is you playing

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Zelda tonight. Woo!

Right now i'm playing taking a break at work

Just finished Daemon X Machina. Probably going to start another playthrough of Three Houses later.


thinking about killing myself because i'll never fuck an anime girl

Red Dead online, I regrettably purchased the outlaw pass and i making sure I unlock everything before dropping it again

Fartboys 3: return of the big stinker

Until i get paid kh3. I tryed the cold steel demo but damn it kicked my ass. Even on normal. Not because i dont know how to play but because god damn those valkyrie girls after beating the mechs are attack sponges.

>is you
it's "ARE YOU"
Learn grammar you fuck

If you understand enough to be able to correct him then theres no problem

ragnarok online

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He was asking about You, not you.

Silly user that's Hanayo

stella glow

Attached: 325258-stella-glow-launch-edition-nintendo-3ds-front-cover.jpg (800x1104, 234K)

post her autistic girlfriend

Kenshi but srsly the engine blows donkey dick

Nothing I’m at work like a normal human.

he is talking about you

Her name is You you retards

Attached: Watanabe.You.full.2296629.png (512x720, 424K)

her name is mine? so I got to name her?
hmmmm what about karen

You Whataname


Going through Half Life for the first time
pic related

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I would give anything to be dating a girl name You.

I wanna fuck You.

It's 曜, the o sounds drags.

Tekken 7 on ps4

Daemon x Machina, I am an utter retard trying to figure out how to launch a mission without my arsenal for a very specific and retarded mission I cannot talk about without inciting spoilers.

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i fucking love you-chan

i love all the aqours girls. hanamaru is my favorite though

Attached: Hanamaru_smile_ur1708_t.jpg (512x720, 91K)

Daemon X Machina

Attached: Kanan.jpg (625x667, 265K)