>excited over $60 graphical update
Nintensoys will eat up anything
>nintendies will cling to a sub 90 metacritic score
should not be 60$
>Nintendo bonus scapegoat is gone
That's pretty low for a Zelda game
ninceldo is shit
mario is shit
zelda is shit
congratulations if you like any of the above you legitimately have Down's Syndrome
For a 2d zelda its fine
It will go lower, trust me.
Wait a minute, that card...
8 hours
8 minutes
>Nintendo bonus
>Zelda bonus
>Still below 88
Kiero mugre nincel
Good game
Doesn't worth 60$
Max 40$
... it's over.... nintendobobos.....we lost..
You could have made a thread with a thought-out OP facilitating good discussion. Instead, you used a meme that does nothing to foster actually talking about video games. Shame on you for making your board worse.
Feel the same for the Snoyboys who are excited for the FF7 demake.
I too remember when DBZ wasn’t shit all those years ago.
>expecting good disscusion on Yea Forums
>meanwhile pay $60 for a third a Final Fantasy 7
This poster has autism.
The state of nintendies
It was an easy 100 without the technical issues
Didn't spider Man get 88 and nintentoddlers were dogging all over it? The user score to reviewer score ratio is the important part anyway.
>The user score to reviewer score ratio is the important part anyway.
It was mostly Spider-man 2 fags and anti-capeshit tards who shit posted about the Spider-man score
You’re one to talk, considering you can’t even spell Nintendo correctly.
>discussing anything in Yea Forums
wrong board, bro
>68 without nintendobonus
it's 38 actually. you forgot to subtract the remake bonus.
Nah. Its sub 90 even with the nintendo bonus. That's sad.
Pathetic excuse of a remaster
Gameplay is in no way the same in 7r though
nintendo bonus isn't real but zelda bonus absolutely is
And he's wrong about that?
They're both real and they both stack.
88 points.
- 20 (Nintendo bonus)
- 20 (Zelda bonus)
- 15 (remake bonus)
Actual score: 33
Oof. This game must really blow
can't wait to emulate with Yuzu
y'all need to have sex
Now it's all makes sense