This is Keiji Inafune, creator of Mega man, Mega man legends, Mega man X, mega man Zero, Onimusha, dead rising, Lost Planet, resident Evil, Monster hunter, and metroid prime.
Say something nice about him.
This is Keiji Inafune, creator of Mega man, Mega man legends, Mega man X, mega man Zero, Onimusha, dead rising, Lost Planet, resident Evil, Monster hunter, and metroid prime.
Say something nice about him.
MH ? Ya sure ?
Monster Hunter is the one that stood out to you? Not Onimusha or Metroid Prime?
Becayse he didnt for MH , it's Kaname Fujioka
He did co-create Onimusha
He directed Metroid Prime?
Wow, what a legend..
>metroid prime
Inti-Creates is pretty based when they aren't being led around by the nose by this joker.
His best game is Soul Sacrifice tho it shits on MH and the hunting genre in every imaginable way.
Wow, how could capcom have let such a genius go?
>Soul Sacrifice
Would someone who burned out on the hunting game genre find anything worthwhile with this one?
He left on his own irc, you guys have a bad opinion of him but during his tenure at capcom he produced pure gold. You can argue all you want about the role of producer too for all I care but it has shit to do with money when it comes to games unlike movies.
Remember that he scammed all of you with Mambo No. 5.
The story and lore is unironically good, and I'm not joking.
Kaname Fujioka is the brain behind most things about Monster Hunter. Monster designs, weapons designs, armors, even lore. He's still involved with Monster Hunter World and Iceborne, although he's more of a general director and art director nowadays.
I wish I still had the screencap of gamestop's website saying Metroid Prime. Shit gives me the giggles
>He left on his own irc,
He was forced out after releasing some massive bombs like Bionic Commando 2009. Japan doesn't fire people but instead pressures them to go.
>but during his tenure at capcom he produced pure gold.
Inafune became a corporate officer, and his first order of business was to outsource all of Capcom's new games to cheap western devlopers. The following games are examples of the outsourcing:
>Capcom Vancouver
>Bionic Commando 2009
>Lost Planet 3
>Dead Rising 2-4
>DmC: Devil May Cry
Many of the credits you're giving him are wrong but I also get the feeling people tend to forget really fast the good he's actually done.
Without him you wouldn't have got Megaman Zero, Legends, Zero (the character), many MM2 bosses, Dead Rising and Onimusha.
He may not be the most creative mind Capcom ever had and he was more of a businessman than a creator, but Capcom hasn't been nice to their creative minds in years. Monster Hunter fans cannot realize how luck they are for still having Kaname Fujioka working on their games.
Great story and lore like the other user said, also the combat is fast and fun. The level of customization is great with synergy spells making all sorts of cheesy combos possible. If you have friends to play with there's even more silly shenanigans you can get up to. Like having one morph into a flaming boulder and using a giant fist spell to punch them into the boss.
It's a fucking travesty that Delta hasn't gotten a PS4 port like Gravity Rush
It's good but no, it doesn't shit on MH. Nice concept but subpar implementation.
>many MM2 bosses,
Inafune's job was to work the fan submitted bosses into boss designs. So he was just streamlining someone else's work.
Why did Twitter suspend his account?
He's a good businessman.
Inactive accounts often get hijacked by spammers. That would be my guess.
I don't care about him in any way.
by lou verga, huh
Look at Inafune's output from 2008 to 2019. String of bombs and underperperforming gmaes. And he had THREE companies he founded and they're all defunct.
if you take money for an uncertain promise and then deliver a product despite that uncertainty, you are a good businessman.
if you take money for an uncertain promise and then deliver a nothing people wanted you are a good conman.
>if everyone were rich, there would be no monsters
I can't believe the fat, ugly turbojew ended up being the biggest bro in the game.
Is this guy the new Inafune?
>only flops and disappointment after SFIV which was more of a lighting in the bottle
>The gem fiasco with SFxTK
>Fucking up the crossover of the two biggest fighting game IPs in the world
>The launch fiasco with SFV
>supposed to launch Deep Down along with the MT Framework, Capcom's past gen engine, successor, Panta Rhei engine; both disappeared;
>Also involved with MvC:I
Only difference is that unlike Inafune drones still defend him
>which was more of a lighting in the bottle
SF2 Nostalgia + nearly 10 years since the last proper SF game. Now we're getting into the same problem as before with fighting game after fighting game after fighting game. As a FG fan, I'm expected to spend like 500 dollars a year on these.
>Panta Rhei engine;
So obviously Capcom's new engine is the RE engine. I wonder what happened? Is it a successor to Panta Rhei? Or did the Panta Rhei project fail so hard, and RE6 was making a new good engine so they just used that one?
>Dead Rising
One is "Resident Evil but with YOOOOOOOOOOOOOO" which fucking anyone could've have come up with. Dead Rising was his genuinely good original game and the way he managed to get greenlit was pretty ingenious.
Still, fuck him from damaging Capcom as much as he did.
According to some findings it seems like the RE Engine is a (massively) scaled down, salvaged Panta Rhei Engine that is also cheaper to make assets for and develop with.
He didn't even create MegaMan. Just the character design. Everything that was good about those games was someone else's doing.
>Just the character design.
The only designs he did for 1 were Bombman, and elecman. Like 90% of the designs were done by Akira Kitamura, and Bon Bon did some others.
Inafune joined the project mid-way through development remember. They were half through the game, but they didn't have a design for their hero yet?
he was the one who wanted DmC
while he didn't create megaman he was absolutely important to the development of the franchise in the long term
Yeah, he was a series producer for years after Fujiwara left. Who knows how the series would have gone if Fujiwara had stayed?
One big impact is Legends. The series sold mediocre, and no one at Capcom cared. Inafune was the only one pushing for sequels. That's why when Inafune was forced out the game was cancelled.
True. He was the guy with real pull in the company who pushed for the series more than anyone else in the company.
Honestly, what pissed me off about Conman is that he was incredibly fucking vain and arrogant. And not in a hilarious/lovable way like Kojima but in a completely obnoxious "Everyone else but me are shit despite the fact that I'm not really much of an actual developer xD". Those interviews where he says Capcom didn't respect his "Inafune Brand" was cringe personified.
to be more specific he is credited for a game with ex Prime staff : ReCore. And this game flopped as well.
>He was the one who wanted DmC
Same for Matt Walker
Imagine if instead of making MN9 and Recore, Conman teamed up with Armature studios and made Red Ash instead?
Recore is a competent looking professional game. MN9 is like some college kid's fan project.
remember when he said Japanese games should copy the west?
>Recore is a competent looking professional game
Define "competent".
It had lots of frame-rate issue and the level design was all over the place, pretty glitchy too.
looks good. It's just a bland gmae. With some Japanese director it could have been better.
No, it doesn't look "good". Looks very amateurish.
>Inafune. The man. The Myth. The Legend.
>Con Man
What happened?
I forgave him for his mistakes, because he's still the designer of my favorite Mega Man character (Zero.)
I hope gets back on his feet and I look forward to his next project.
He'll manage mobile games basiclaly forever until he dies.
I will never hate Inafune because Mega Man Legends wouldn't have existed without him. Also I played MN9 and liked it despite the flaws. It does a lot of things right.
He'll make a comeback eventually.
>he successfully scammed people out of millions of dollars and got away with it
kek remember when MN9 was supposed to come out on 3DS and Vita, and then the devs just vanished?
Explain without looking like a tool. There is very little MN9 does "right".
Reminder that all he wanted was your money, he has no passion.
Ching chong numba 9
The game has a nice flow to it.
The dash ability is fun to use and the game rewards you for doing it well.
The bosses you beat assisting you in the next stage is a cool idea.
Ray is a cool character and delightfully edgy.
I'm sorry that I don't have blind hatred towards everything.
I chuckle a lil user
> Ono
I would say OhNooo
Feets feets!!!! Moooeeer
Isn't this fucking guy the guy who scammed millions of dollars off the internet with Mighty #9?
So is it Mega Man or Megaman?
It's Rockman
>Now we're getting into the same problem as before with fighting game after fighting game after fighting game.
Except back then they actually made different games. Now it's just Street Fighter and crossovers over and over.