Was this the pinnacle of cringe in gaming?
Was this the pinnacle of cringe in gaming?
I remember watching that live. It was fantastic.
It would have been if it were a bunch of dudes... but, a bunch of girls trying to help people being bullied online isn't really cringe...
this post is the pinnacle of cringe in gaming
I'm still convinced this was all concocted by a Nathan Fielder-type comedian as one big joke of a social experiment.
>a bunch of girls trying to help people being bullied online isn't really cringe...
Yes, it is. Especially when the whole concept is impossible to execute.
You won't get harassed by your opponents over voicechat and you can't join ranked games.
It was a bunch of girls trying to market headphones or some shit. Bullying had nothing to do with it.
Did this actually go anywhere? I remember seeing the promotional video and nothing after that.
No, that is and will continue to be console wars nonsense
It was all fake you fucking mongaloid nigger
You trying to go for the title yourself? Commendable.
It was just a shitty marketing campaign
It was shot before it came out of the womb.
yes: the entire internet complained about how stupid and hypicritical it was going to be and found some minor dirt on either twitch or twitter of one of the hunters. the headphone company noped out of that shit, cancelled everything and tried to explain how they weren't really trying to market headphones anyway.
>Show up in the twitch thot that promoted this with a bullyhunter name
>Get banned from her chat instantly.
She is still assblasted to fuck about this and her "faggot" slip up.
really, it's how every faggotty marketing campaign should go.
>a bunch of girls trying to help people being bullied online isn't really cringe...
you fell for the marketing
what a total goddamn moron
these women wanted to make money and they specifically targeted those who feel vulnerable online
expanding on this, the headphone company also said some stuff about how they had no idea how the event was going to happen or anything, they were conned into trusting these women thanks to the current social climate. Their PR team probably had murder on their minds after this.
As for the actual event, it was faked to hell and back and poorly executed, not to mention full of inconsistencies regarding their entire model, as said earlier.
Not to mention the whole premise was based on faulty data and faked footage.
It damaged Stealseries and was one of the first times we saw "get woke go broke" work even before the product launched.
I was even going to sign up to poison the well, every time i was "called" i would just turn up and bully the target along with the the "bully's"
>they were conned into trusting these women
oh please they fucking knew what they were planning. They just had to throw them under the bus to escape the backlash.
having dealt with aposematism harpies in the past, you almost never know what you're getting into whatsoever, regardless of what they tell or show you
Is something wrong with me if I find this somewhat funny? Its not the worst attempt at comedy that I have seen.
I just have no idea how they thought this was going to work. Everyone involved must have been age 50 or older.
No they knew. They even made custom headsets man. You don't put a work order like that in unless you get the go a head from the top. They saw an easy out by blaming the crazy blue hairs when it turned in to a dumpster fire. They were 100% on board till it fell on its face.
it started off as a shitty lie on paper and then they somehow managed to bring it to fruition through the powers of SOCIAL JUSTICE
'go woke get broke' basically means 'don't fucking make decisions based on the whims of some whiny purple haired blogger, like what the fuck this is real money at stake why would you ever do that'
you seem to think being 100% on board with the branding means they were in any way engaged with the actual event
that is not the case. they thought that an anti-bully gaming campaign was gold, because it was presented as such
It was so cringe solely because the entire premise of what they were doing doesn't even fucking make sense, it's like someone that doesn't understand how games work just wanted to make money. It's like when you're watching a TV show and someone's being hacked and two people get one keyboard and start typing fast.
So are you saying Stealseries is bad at vetting? Come on you know as well as i do the marketing department was 100% in the know and supported it. Shall we get a list of the PR reps and marketing departments and see how many danger hairs there are or will you concede that yes they just threw the thots under the bus when it backfired??
if it actually made it to tv it probably would have been cringe, but sw:tor was maximum cringe compilation
Why did you take a screenshot from Borderlands 2 and slap a fake Borderlands 3 logo onto it?
Hatred was.
didn't someone ask one of the girls to say the "name the bully" line at a con recently? (she ended up calling it harassment iirc)
That's got nothing on the "I am a gamer" video.
The SJW took it so seriously it went way beyond cringe
That’s just a more hilarious version of Postal 1.
Gamergate was
what title
It's a marketing scum bag is why. He isnt a real poster with opinions.
based retard
the funniest thing about this was how the Rick and morty voice actor was the only one actually going along with it and putting in effort
you could tell that Ninja and that other fuck were literally only doing it for the paycheck and did not give a shit about both the game and event
I stayed up all night to watch it live
Totally worth it. It was indeed glorious
Randy with the guitar. Youre physically uncomfortable right now just by remembering it.
reminder that steelseries were behind this whole thing
No it didn't, I wish it did though
I would've bullied someone, get a bullyhunter called on me, and then since I was getting specifically targeted for kills I would call a bullyhunter on the bullyhunter and see them duke it out.
It's up there.
Yea Forums after 2015
>Cooke added that FCB is looking “forward to finding new, more effective ways in the future to fight bullying in gaming and will share details on those when we are ready.”
Bullyhunters 2: Electric Boogaloo when?
Name the bully.
If I say yes will they beat me up?
I'm still waiting for that Rick and Morty Borderlands 3 stream
I'm still just fascinated by how little they fundamentally understood CS and how it works.
no, I'd say GamerGate turned into the ultimate gaming fail. It was good at first, it just got manipulated by baitmaster anita and too many future /r9k/ posters took the bait. Now we have fucking 8ch, where the Yea Forums board STILL has an active gamergate thread (last I checked, after the christchurch shooting I gave up on that place completely).
By comparison, OP's thing was just funny.
I hate you for reminding me of it.
I think that one all-female moba team, Siren I think was cringier.
Name the bully
Not him, but I work in marketing, and sometimes, the person that pitches doesn't get many questions because he is friends with some of the higher ups
Some of the pitches usually last 5 mins, and the executive says yes or no based on how much he trusts the person that bought in the pitch and how much time he has available.
That's how stupid shit ends up happening
user! He called me FAT!
>Yea Forums taking obvious bait like this
Every fucking time
guess Yea Forums is the pinnacle of cringe
Post the tits of the girl who organized this shit
Give me a quick rundown. I heard about it existing but I don't know how it turned out nor do I know any cringe stories besides someone coming up with it. Did they at least show up in some games trying to do their thing?
>thumbnail has some problem hair holding up a pot of greed as though that joke wasn't played out years and years ago
not even going to watch because I already hate this
Like a true Yea Forums janitor. Good luck.
Not cringe, just pathetic. Gaming has and always will be a boy’s club. Anytime myself or any of the other guys i game with hear a girl on mic we verbally abuse, teamkill or switch teams to kill her until she leaves. Roastie sluts, FUCK OFF!
They only made one thing during a half hour stream and it was such an obvious fake that they cut it early and later tried to backpedal and claim it was only a demonstration, one of the main hosts or whatever also had a bunch of tweets of them bullying and calling people faggots and whatnot so the whole thing pretty much instantly disintegrated.
did some shitty stream or whatever where they obviously faked everything and nothing they said made sense. interviewed some retard with a doctorate in sucking dick or something. may as well have been a skit.
i would become a professional bully only to get punished by them if this was actually how it worked
based, women should only be doing house work and treating my penis
>you now renember this was done with the only purpose of advertising some fucking headphones
i wonder how that turned out in the end for the company
>imagine the countless sexist! mysoginist! and mansplaining accusations if that post were made by a guy
It's a three way tie between this, and of course the classic
Let me tell you how I know you own a fleshlight.
>you could tell that Ninja and that other fuck were literally only doing it for the paycheck and did not give a shit about both the game and event
You make it sound like it was bad... in any case they put the effort the game/event deserved. Probably more actually.
Props to Justin Roiland.
Given the speed with which they pulled out of the whole thing I do believe they were scammed into it at least to some degree, if they weren't then the dumb cunt in charge would definitely have screeched about it being all their idea.
its not even a problem hair
thats a trannydos bro
this one was based though
caveman is a fucking legend
poor steelseries. they were scammed into it to some degree. we still need to bully the shit out of them by constantly reminding them of this fuckup for the next decade just to make sure nobody else bends the knee. logitech and razer never need to do this shit.
>the person that pitches doesn't get many questions because he is friends with some of the higher ups
So how does that absolve Stealseries of blame? Really if it was just
>1 or 2 bad apples
How come they have not been thrown out on their ass? I will tell you, they all are true believers of this bullshit. This was a big mistake they backed. All to shill some headsets and woke signal.
Stealseries made their bed, not our fault now they have to sleep in it. I wont buy from them at all anymore.
Really not that bad
Do you think the tatto artest felt regret at destroying a madmans face for some pathetic fantasy the loon has?
Its da jokah baby
Yes, of course. Please keep trusting companies and corporations! This was a mistake, in fact, they actually like allies! I mean males!
his faggotry makes up for some great YTP, stay all the way up to the end youtube.com
Have people forgotten about this?
Outside of literally everything about the story is watch dogs 2 fun?
isn't this the game where you play as a nigger in san francisco, and the game lets you wear a commie hammer and sickle shirt?
come watch me paint my tits live on twitch
Is that thing male or female?
This makes me angry.
I would
What? That was hilarious. You're real sticks in the mud.
holy shit its da joka babe
What is it with autists and the joker?
R.I.P. Maya the Siren
Cringe? Bullyhunters was the pinnacle of comedy.
Where can I see this tit painting
Why do people waste time watching camwhores do vaguely nsfw things on streaming sites when actually nsfw camwhores exist and an infinite supply of actual porn is at their fingertips? I just don't get it.
>trap card
Probably something to do with them thinking they are actually friends with the person after they watch them for however long, I would 100% watch some of my female friends do vaguely nsfw stuff
Who doesn't?
It's the most common sex toy. Most people over their twenties thay aren't in a relationship own at least one. It's weirder not to, and easily gets you pointed out as an asexual weirdo.
>What? No, I'm not the weirdo, you are!
Nice deflection, virgin
Okay Virgin.
>Most people over their twenties thay aren't in a relationship own at least one.
I have my sincere doubts that you will be able to corroborate this in any way.
I'm not a virgin.
you guys remember the all female league team sirens
that shit was cringe
A pussy pocket does not count as losing one's virginity, virgin.
you can't and you shouldn't
I have an ex. I dumped her after 4 years.
Don't stick your dick in crazy. Get a fleshlight.
The blatant prerecorded footage was absolute gold
I think you're underestimating how naive some people are. I remember when I played LoL nearly 10 years ago some guy named Milkfat started and made this big post on the forums about how he was setting a challenge to get #1 within a month of playing, it was a big deal because he was friends with someone at Riot and they gave him an account with everything unlocked. He didn't even hit top 500 iirc, he thought because he played Dota 1 he could just come to LoL and dominate people, so even people in gaming are naive as fuck when it comes to gaming. I'm sure these retards thought bullyhunters was a legit idea and everyone would think it was awesome.
As crazy as you sound, I think she left you just like I'm leaving you now. Freak.
That Game Theory faggot giving the Pope a steam code for Undertale.
Haha no. Sounds like you're projecting. Wanna talk about it?
I’m the bully.
Honestly, this is: youtu.be
Define "most"
Also, are they worth it?
>kids using this Q&A session as technical support
Any gaming related event is a cringe fest.
I cant honestly think of any E3 or TGA that wasnt fucking horrible
Also this post
Nigga they probably thought it was some generic Stop Bullying type campaign. That isn't something bad for a brand to associate with. What they didn't realize was they were going to present it as if they were some l337 gam3rz going out to own the bullies
It would be if Yea Forums didn't exist
Not him and I've only had 2 onaholes but one was especially good. The tighter it is seems to be the better. Would recommend.
fuck off reddit
Agree. Feigning ignorance is always a good card for us in the business, brother.
Finally someone else who gets it. Damage control isn't hard people