>60 USD screen for screen remake of a gameboy game
>simplistic, ugly graphics
>inexplicable framerate issues
>only added content is a half baked dungeon creator that no one will ever use
60 USD screen for screen remake of a gameboy game
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uh u retarded snoynigger zelda is the best ok?
The graphics are great. The rest is true, but the game is a 9/10 anyway, why the same game with better graphics, better music, better QoL features, and more content should be scored less?
Can't spell ignorance without IGN
Wow almost sounds like you're honestly evaluating the game and not being a miserable sniping faggot
>more content
>The graphics are great.
stopped reading here
>half baked dungeon creator that no one will ever use
There's yeah. Topic a bit Bop like a bit baps flowering baps that worry Bap flowery Batman tell me more about these flowery baps. They wanted some detail and fluffy. Yeah large enough to hold a narrow talker. Yeah, so, what's the story? All right. All right. Yeah, it's my first time making them just a brownie good job.
>better graphics
Idk, I feel like a review shouldn't be based on the price. Never going to fucking buy the game, because $20 for this game is absolutely insane and scummy, but I don't think that should be accounted for in a review.
ninceldo is shit
mario is shit
zelda is shit
congratulations if you like any of the above you legitimately have Down's Syndrome
The dungeon maker
Yes, pic related. Look good and fitting to me
Keep seething
Those goombas are different now, they changed them so they look more like the ones in the original game.
Has a Zelda game ever gotten a bad score like ever? Even Skyward Sword, which was panned by fans, got like a 94 from game journalist.
The game has a cute girl companion so it's okay.
Tri Force Heroes I think got some mediocre ones
Okay eric
Cut the 15 points from the Nintendo bonus and that's a solid 7.9, which it was it deserves
Maybe it was 9/10 for a portable game twenty years ago.
If it was the exact same game, except you swapped Link for a different model and released it on Steam, people would be wondering if it's worth $15.
You lost the culture war resetera faggot, video games are here to stay.
No, true art only age superficially, and that remake take cares of that, at its core Link's Awakening was still a 9/10
How many seething threads do you have to make?
Where did you go to school?
Soys keep SEETHING
Ah yes the "Legend of Belda" argument. Especially dumb since good indie games sell millions despite looking 30 years old
>all this snoynigger seething
dont worry you still have days gone :')
user 9.4 -1.5 =7.9
I wish nintendo would shit on my face
This wouldn't pass as a good indie game.
He said 15 points.
Link's awakening is the weakest of three game boy color zelda games.
They are counting every .1 as a point.
>I'll make my own arbirtrary point system
That's not how numbers work.
Probably would get an even better score because the expectations would be lowered, and would sell more for being multi platform.
>2D indie game
>metascore 88
why is nintendo so based?
>Never losing the feel of the original
>It completely gets rid of the depressing atmosphere the original had
Stupid ign cucks
Gaming "journalism" is a joke. How the fuck did Nintendo brainwash people into giving 20-30+ bonus points to games just because it's called Zelda or Mario, no matter how much of a turd it actually is?
Poor little snoyboys can't cope with Nintendo domination
It's not especially dumb when you realize that it's 100% true and would happen, faggot.
I really hope you didn't waste months of your life shitposting about this game only to get BTFO. That would be pretty embarrassing.
You think this game without the Zelda branding would sell at all on other platforms? Let alone at 60 USD? It wouldn't even be a joke among the community, it'd just fade into obscurity.
OPs mum here, can you please delete this? My lil' didums is crying.
Wow, can't wait to replay a game I played as a 6 year old but uglier and easier
AHAHAHAHAHAH. I can smell your mental anguish.
>For Link's Awakening fans, this feels like the game you've always dreamt of
This makes me seethe unironically because the remake completely destroys the amazing atmosphere of the original to appease basedboi modern Nintendo fans. And they'll get away with it cause gaming journalist don't know shit.
Not really
>ugly graphics
According to who?
And I can literally see your mental deficiencies in your post
Cause its Nintendo. Cut out like 10 point from the score at the very least.
Jesus, it looks like fucking garbage.
Yes, clearly you're the holder of Truth that has evaded the rest of us idiots, the slavering masses. It couldn't possibly be that you're the one who's wrong.
Snoyfags replayed their movies so much they have nothing better to do than shit on other consoles
Damn, that Nintendo bonus is really on overdrive.
>major advertisment vehicle publications would NEVER fellate THE BRAND
I was just gonna complain about that, neat that they fixed it
>Damn, that COPE is really on overdrive.
Why are you so desperate for a game you probably have zero interest in to fail?
>1 point is actually .1
You suck at math.
I guess the game sucks because Link doesn’t have man hairs and wield a gun.
Fundamented and scarletmedicated
How come Nintendo keeps Yea Forums seething day in day out?
Why are you arguing with something I didn't say or imply?
You mean spider-kino :^)
I want the game to fail because it's a lazy, shit take on one of my favorite games.
Censor this!
>grrr I am enraged at your brand convert to me obey me call me goooooooooooood
Just fuck off, kid.
It makes sense if you consider a point as an increment, rather than a whole. Like they don't do 9.45, it's 9.4 or 9.5, so it's 15 increments. Not the greatest way to say it, but I knew what he meant.
They can't stop obsessing and coping
>Take a 10/10 game
>Don't subtract anything
>Add things that alter the game superficially at best
>10/10, minus 1 for lack of effort in the recreation
Sounds fine to me
Isn’t it already working? You can emulate breath of the wild so just do it with links awakening too you dirt poor scrub
I know what he meant too, that doesn't mean it is right.
>tfw don't have crippling autism so I can enjoy the new graphics
You dumb niggers need to get your head out of your asses.
You obviously didn't if you sperg out so much.
The Nintendo bias is very real
IGN stopped giving bad reviews to Nintendo games because they hate dealing with the fanboy backlash. (Death threats, mass dislikes)
>Take 10/10 game
>add framerate issues
>destroy the carefully crafted dream-like atmosphere of the original
For me, I'd say it deserves -2 for the cost vs length, and not the -1. But still, not bad. Still on the fence about getting it if it's that short, I never played the original.
The gameboy version also had frame rate issues. The problem is not exactly that they added it, it is that they couldn't create a fucking simplistic graphic style that ran at continuous 60fps.
Well it's not like the hardware is that great.
Remember the backlash when one reviewer dared to give TLoU less than a perfect 10? Hang yourself you tribalistic retard.
Only 9.4?!
The framerate is way worse in the remake, it's in a near constant state of studder in the overworld. Considering that it doesn't seem to be running at native res in handheld mode, it's a fucking disgrace.
Nice cope. How unique and original would that game be outside of the Nintendo and Zelda perspective? There is nothing that look or play like it on any other system. If anything it's taken for granted right now because of its trappings
Don't worry, OP, you can still go to metacritic and post a 0/10 score and make a thread later claiming that those deliberately lowered scores prove it a shit game too, that way you have backup for your dumb opinions.
It's a Nintendo title and a Zelda title to boot plus it gets nostalgia bonus points because I REMEMBER THING. I own a Switch and really liked Link's Awakening but I'm not paying 60 fucking dollars for this half-ass remake.
Twilight Princes was fucking good I don't get why people keep saying it's bad
SOME of the graphics are great
The player character the most important part looks awful.
>The lowest rated mainline, singleplayer Zelda game in a decade has a higher rating on MC than Spider-man, same as HZD
Holy fuck
Ninty out here having their best year since, well, 2 years ago.
That feels close, I expect by the time all is said and done, it'll be 84ish, due to cost vs length.
To be fair, GameSpot just gave Link's Awakening an 8.0
I don't think so.
I do not believe there is any Nintendo bonus in general but I absolutely feel these is a bonus for zelda specifically.
Nintendo pay for critic scores. This is not new
Absolutely. Phantom Hourlass is a 90 on metacritic, give me a fucking break.
lol this type of tripe getting a 9.4 is a joke
>carefully crafted dream-like atmosphere of the original
Nostalgia goggles, the post
cope sonnygger
She dont even exists
She is an allucination
Absolutely not, giganigger. Are you somehow not aware that 90% of the indie pixelshitters make exactly the same crap as this Zelda game, but they don't have the privilige to put the Zelda name on it so everybody proceeds to not care about them, like they wouldn't about this game if it wasn't called Zelda, they would just brand it as the cheap chinese mobile indie crap is it would deserve.
You're kidding right? Graphically this is above any steam game of a similar genre. If it isn't, name (7) that would fit what you've described. Graphically this remake is beautiful and with the production values like the live orchestral scoring no one would be wondering 'is this worth $15?' They'd be wondering if it's worth $60, which is what I'm wondering. I think $40 is fair. Especially when games like No Mans Sky have wayyyyy less content and love and production values poured into it and they've been at $60 since launch
Source: Your ass.
It's almost like a company known for putting a ton of care and detail into their first-party games make really fucking good first party games! Whodathunk? Everyone knows you buy a Nintendo console for the exclusives and first-party games. Remarkably, those games are really good, thus they review well. That's your "Nintendo bonus" and "paid reviews": hard work and well crafted games.
Another 8/10 getting that 1.5 Nintendo bonus. Only Nintendo game that deserves to be over 9 is Smash and the only game that deserves a 9 is Odyssey. Everything else is an 8.
Fuck off, don't spoil it off for all the zoomers, imagine how good and strong it was to experience this as a kid
>projecting this hard
Solid 8/10 demake. Fun for the nostalgia, but stick with DX for the true LA experience.
>ton of care and detail into their first-party games
Oh riiiiiiiiiiight, the ton of care and detail that was put into this screen to screen remake of a fucking gb game, but made with chinese mobile tier ugly 3d graphics really shows how much care and attention to detail they put into their valuable products! Absolutely deserved.
Jesus dies in a cross
Shit Did I spoil the bible for the zoomers too?
Remember, you are talking to the very same people who fill the board with autism every time a new character in a party game is announced.
There is no reasoning with them, their brains are simply underdeveloped.
do you even know what projecting means?
So no proof of paid reviews? Thought so.
Nooooo! NINTENDO paid for the reviews!
It looks like shit. The production values are shit. The polish is shit.
>hard work
It's so hard to recycle a Gameboy game screen for screen. It's so well crafted that the framerate is shit.
It's literally a spruced up gameboy game like Let's Go, it shouldn't be full priced.
Deflect harder, nincel, that's about the only thing you have left to do.
I'm almost certain there's more people here that haven't played the original and haven't met pieces of shit like you than people who haven't heard of the ALLEGED death of Jesus
You're projecting your bias and fear onto a situation
Have it pirated, waiting for the day 1 patch to be uploaded. Game looks great but god damn is it pricey. Fuck that, it's gonna make a fortune on parents anyhow.
>graphics are great!
>game is on switch
Lol okay here comes the Nintendo defense force. Keep paying full price for ports and remakes you fucking manchildren.
look at this same fagging excuse of a man
I've projected a hot load of semen into your mom's asshole and she begged for more. Had to hit the slut in the chin hard with my cock to shut her up.
That’s the exact kind of aggression I’m talking about. Typical child
Imagine a world where someone thinks this is funny. Forgot to add projecting is also about projecting your insecurities, which it looks like you have lots of
Nintendo should stop releasing video games so our sony friends won't be so insecure anymore.
The only reason I might be interested in this is to potentially hack it. Mainly I'd love to redraw the character face textures to be a bit more detailed and like the DX photo album chibis, and remove the toylike gloss. The expressions are all done through flat textures instead of modeled detail and the glossiness can easily be adjusted since it's done with smoothness maps.
better spam this in every thread now, cause the criticism won't stop, sweaty
You're projecting your own insecurites onto me.
Is the meremaid bra censored?
>yfw they ruin the Oracles by demaking them in this same fashion
Play the original version first. It still holds up fairly well today.
Snoygger seeth never ends.
Always wins
> Franchises with the most 97's on Metacritic or 95's on Gamerankings
> 1. Super Mario (6) (Nintendo)
> 2. Legend of Zelda (4) (Nintendo)
> 3. Final Fantasy (4) (SquareSoft)
> 4. Grand Theft Auto (4) (Rockstar)
> 5. Metroid (2) (Nintendo)
> 6. Metal Gear (2) (Konami)
> 7. Chrono Trigger (2) (SquareSoft)
> 8. Half-Life (2) (Valve)
> 9. GoldenEye/Perfect Dark (2) (Nintendo)
> 10. Portal (2) (Valve)
>I make up excuses and conspiracies for things and have zero proof of my claims, but you're deflecting by pointing this out. Why won't you just let me spread lies?
1 passionate guy working in his garage could probably make a better game or a better remake
Who are you quoting?
pls remove the tilt shift effect I'll love you forever
The silver lining is that it would absolutely expose fanboys if they tried to justify the style being reused since they'd have to change their justification. The excuse of TOYS IS DREAMS wouldn't work with Oracles since they don't take place in dreams.
Yes, we know you're going to shitpost constantly. You've got plenty of time, with no games to play, and no friends to play them with.
>>destroy the carefully crafted dream-like atmosphere of the original
Fucking wut
It will get a userscore in the high 8.0s once the initial reviewbombing is over, and you know it.
Imagine having framerate issues of a Gameboy game remade screen for screen, but with ugly dated graphics too.
It's only okay when you're called Nintendo.
Pirated yesterday and started to play. It stuttered to bad I dropped it hoping for a patch to fix things. I can't understand how reviewers can forgive it in this state. I even overclocked it (benefits of being a pirate) and it didn't improve at all.
Why are you so fucking angry? Jesus, I think it's time to get off the internet if a remake of a 90's game makes you seethe so hard.
why is this entire thread just 1 guy replying to herself?
Another trashy Nintensoy demake.
Unfortunately that seems to be a rendering issue rather than a texture or model issue (where my artistic talents lie). Figuring that out would be quite above my pay grade, I'm afraid.
I enjoy watching nincels unironically defending it. Every time someone defends this crap, the nincel fanbase loses more and more credibility.
This is what baffles me.
It absolutely does, the only thing that doesn't is the difficulty, which they did nothing about.
So what the fuck am I paying for? A new yacht for a gaggle of creatively bankrupt losers?
but if they fix it.....................with a patch MEANT FOR DAY 1 RELEASE................ then im right and your wrong? FUCK YOU FAGGOT
i don't care if it doesn't fix it, i just want people to stop complaining about shit PRE LAUNCH.
shit, remember BotW? remember how that was PRE LAUNCH?
hmm sweaty you need to be cool
My concern is that it's a remake of a game that's only long until you solve the puzzles and I solved those puzzles decades ago.
Hope not. It makes sense in this game, but not in the context of Oracles.
>person who played the game feels differently about it than person who hasn't yet
It's a literal gameboy game released in 2019 with absolutely trash terrible graphics and 0 improvements, now with added technical and framerate issues.
I don't understand how this game isn't being shat on more.
Doesn't really say much about the aggregates or reviewers in general when the third place franchise is a fucking moviegame.
Congratulations, you got 97 in the retard olympics! Your game is so inoffensive and accessible that a hundred gorillion cognitively-deficient morons enjoyed the heck out of it!
I've got epilepsy and I'd rather risk a seizure playing something that makes my neurons fire than this dumpster fire.
>defending criminal activity
Oh no, shitposters don't think we're credible! Whatever shall I do?
The funny thing is it's always Zelda that really gets the shitposters going. They think about this franchise more than the actual fans.
Same for me. Let's be honest here : You remember every single puzzle from a game you played more than 10 years ago ?
Try rational and reasonable people who are intelligent enough to see through Nintendo's brainwashing. Something nincels are obviously incapable of. See: they are defending a literal gameboy game that looks like shit and has framerate issues, that is being sold for $60.
I fucked up wiring in my brain with blacked and IR porn.
I got so degenerate i cannot fap to anything else than interracial rimming so i cannot control myself when new BLACKEDRAW or Dickdrainers video comes out where a cute young looking girl shoves her face in black ass.
I dream of being a rich young white girl from a prestigous family that sneaks out at night into shadiest and most dangerous dark alleys in the city to be assaulted by huge dirty black thugs and be forced to rim them all night. Not even get fucked or suck their dicks. Just have them sit on my face and let me lick their dirty, unwashed sweaty assholes all day until i suffocate.
who knows WHY it has that issue!
if this patch fixes it, you have zero reason to COMPLAIN ABOUT IT!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
The words "Zelda" and "Nintendo" on the same package are a guaranteed ward against all criticisms. As is calling dissenters "snoys" or using Metacritic scores as a substitute for actual arguments about content.
I really haven't been bothered by the frame-rate of any game on Switch before this. Call me a console pleb but low frame rates have really has never bothered me so long as the game DROPS frames instead of going into slow-mo.
The janky way this game chugs all the time, seemingly not actually to drop the odd frame but to slow dock and hickup all the time, reminds me most of all of trying to emulate a game on a system that can't handle it, which I suppose is fitting.
>I don't care if 90% of the staff or more weren't people who made the original
>I don't care if all the assets are new
>I should only pay the price of what the GBC game is now
Look, I understand remakes aren't new games in the sense of experience and story but the shit was made from the ground up and those staffers gotta be paid. If the cost is too rich for your blood just wait to buy it used if you're that Jew about other people's efforts.
If you still dont know nintendo games are balantly overrated you are retarded. If you want to get the real score of nintendo subtract 20
Nincels like to eat shit and are proud of it, what else is new.
Absolutely this.
Meh. Thid looks like shit anyway. Not even worth shitposting over.
Uh oh, sounds like the check bounced
Because, believe it or not, I care about the gaming industry and Nintendofags who buy up amiibos, obsess about smash characters to an annoyingly degree, buy up any port/remake gimmick shit Nintendo shits out are a fucking disgrace. I had a switch and beyond botw and odyssey, it's just a bunch of games for children or overpriced garbage ports. Oh wow, animal crossing and pokemon, two games for literal children and women, are Nintendo's big releases this year. Go fuck yourself, manchild. Go buy your gay link amiibo and create another thread about a smash reveal or how you're letdown by the new pokemon but will buy it anyways.
>muh nintendo bonus
$60 plus tip.
Why are film remakes so much more respectable than video game remakes?
Obviously there are exceptions, for instance The Thing (1982) and The Thing (2011), the former took inspiration from a corny film and turned it into something truly terrifying and original, the latter took the 1982 version and just slapped a new, yet somehow uglier, coat of paint on the same story and called it a day.
In the film industry, 2011's The Thing is vilified, and rightfully so.
So tell me this, why the fuck is this new production being praised for doing nothing but slapping a new coat of paint? Uglier or not withstanding.
Stop supporting companies re-releasing their own trash to fund their corporate cocaine sessions.
Yes, all the reviews praising it are wrong, and you're right. Obviously there's a world-wide conspiracy to inflate nintendo scores, and it's not just you being wrong.
>In the film industry, 2011's The Thing is vilified
But not for any of the reasons you listed but because it didn't make a fat molesting jew any money.
Yah yah yeet get dabbity dabbed on homo sex.
WTF am I watching?!?
In their captures you can clearly see the stuttering all the time, but I'm 15 minutes into the gushing review and they haven't mentioned it at all?!?
>I care about the gaming industry
>oh but I hate the only console maker that actually gives a shit about making games
What did he mean by this?
Casual reminder that you can redeem your gold points on the e-shop before purchase. I was able to get it for $49 after exchanging my points. for those that don't know, every digital purchase gives you points that can be used towards your next purchase. Wal Mart also offers the physical game for $49.
How's your game coming along btw?
>Why are film remakes so much more respectable than video game remakes?
They are not and they are fucking cancer.
...they finally get into it right at the very end. I'm really surprised they left it till then given the whole point of their channel is to review graphics/performance.
Has anyone tried an aggressive CPU overclock to see if it helps things, if it really is an asset decompression issue?
Or your nitpicky criticisms just aren't that important to the vast majority of people. So few folks lose their shit over 1080 vs 960, 30fps vs 60. If the game looks great, plays great, and is fun, then we like it. People don't sit and analyze still pictures for pixel edges they never see when playing, and then fling feces around over it.
You're the one letting a company bully you into submission by baiting you with video games, regardless of quality.
Don't just forfeit your ability to choose because you believe there's no other option.
Also that's really specific and a little odd, "a console maker that gives a shit about making games". I mean realistically, who gives a fuck if a console developer makes vidya or not? All that does is poke the exclusives fire.
Hell, that's why Nintendo gets away with selling underpowered Nvidiashit for $300 plus tip.
Maybe if console developers made consoles and had to compete based exclusively on the quality of their console, the fucking industry wouldn't consist of two budget computrons and a Chinese tablet.
But you don't consider that shit, do you? Nah, you're too busy eating up whatever shit stew your color-coded team of slit-eyed kikes are serving today.
Have some fucking integrity.
gbatemp tried overclocking and said it doesn't fix the fps
they've been on a nostalgia binge lately
Probably because as they said, even with the issues that they delve quite deep into, the game still ends up amazing and fun in spite of what many of the shitposters here would have you believe. Even techies like them think it's a ton of fun.
>your color-coded team of slit-eyed kikes are serving today.
I'd rather side against racist assholes.
That's actually playing for the "laggy prerelease version" hypothesis
oh god it's not even frame-skipping. It's the literal slow motion kind of shit framerate. fuck.
fucking bravo nintendo. don't try to have any semblance of quality control. god forbid you show any fucking effort at all.
The prospect of a patch that fixes things, or perhaps just the option of a 30fps lock, makes me want to put off playing it 'till it's fixed.
> ALttP Link was a waifufag
>a 30fps lock is fine for a game that originally ran at 60 on Game Boy
So i take it by your lack of response that you are not currently working on a game of your own?
Would a LTTP remaster work in this engine / with this art style?
Ignoring your own vices so you can feel good about your decision to continue doing the same thing that hasn't worked for nineteen years.
A shocking development to be sure.
I'll work on being less racist, what will you do?
Absolutely. Fucking. Nothing.
Perpetuating a cycle, ruining an industry.
Racism isn't killing video games, so I'm not entirely sure why you're so against it anyway. Do you even have any logic to your hatred of racism, or is it just another thing you parrot because of general consensus?
Goddamn, I'm talking to a wall.
No but it'd work and look great in ALBW's.
It will be made
Keep fighting, champ! Obviously you're winning the war, no blacks, women, or gays in gaming now compared to 20 years ago! You've obviously got popular and industry support with you pushing forward that agenda, and surely it's because of that winning personality and keen grasp of reality.
I imagine A Link to the Past in a more painterly style. Maybe this engine but with the BOTW (or TP) art style / colour pallet.
so Last of Us is actually a good game and fags who dislike it are wrong, right? good.
Hey there, ain't got nothin' against Afro-Americans. Don't go puttin' words in my mouth.
>>oh but I hate the only console maker that actually gives a shit about making games
lmao, go buy the wii fit and the new switch dick ring.
>this is an average american
Its like each and every one of you are crackheads
No. LA's choices feel very attuned to the game itself. Other games wouldn't fly.
Or people who dislike it maybe just don't like that kind of game? I hate fighting games, so I don't play them. Doesn't make them shit, just means I don't enjoy them. I don't have to force that opinion on others who do enjoy fighting games. There are always some legitimate criticisms of games out there, but 1 or 2 small flaws do not turn a game into pure shit, unplayable garbage, etc, as is being screamed in here (and about most nintendo games), nor mean there's a world-wide conspiracy to prop them up (also always claimed about nintendo games). I've not played TLoU, but it looks like a good game to me.
>botw is a masterclass in open world design
>LA is a masterclass in remaking games
they are literally parroting themselves now
The reviewers really have no shame but the situation is old as the man itself
I'd rather the Oracle games. They could use a graphic bump.