AI The Somnium Files
Other urls found in this thread:
>reach the part where Iris almost gets kidnapped
>Aiba goes galactic brain mode
>expect some clever plan
>get THAT
half of the dialogue and scenes are downright terrible, how did they manage to make it charming instead of cringeworthy?
is there a true ending to this? not sure if I should do each branching path as soon as it shows up or just finish the game once then start another branch.
It's weird. I can actually buy Aiba's bullshit powers way more than I can with other visual novels.
The fights aren't meant to be taken seriously. It's just shitposting because the story isn't about how Date and how many nameless chumps Date destroyed, and the story works regardless of how Date proceeds through them.
Not talking about the fight scenes but the amount of times Aiba "hacks" into stuff. Usually that shit would drive me up the wall but it's perfectly fine for me here.
It is a secret AI getting to use all the precious government agency backdoors after all.
Yes there is a true ending. It's similar format to Zero Escape games where you're meant to do pretty much every branch because one branch unlocks progress in another branch until you reach the real ending.
This game never held itself up to a standard of being realistic. Calling it bs is like calling ki blasts & flying in dragon ball bullshit.
oh, so if I stick to a single branch I might hit a dead end and have to switch to another?
Seriously thinking about dropping this game. I went into a shitty route and didn't even know it, and I just beat the game on that route and all it did was leave me with questions. I now have to go back to the beginning and try out more disappointing routes until I can find the real legit ending? That's fucking stupid and it completely killed any tension this game had going for it. The multiple routes thing is fucking weak when all the non-true routes give you a non-ending that answers 0 questions.
Pretty much. You either reach a dead end or LOCKED on one branch then do whatever you have left in another branch.
I'm tempted to get this game because I enjoyed Zero Escape games but also because it feels like a more "ridiculous" version of Deadly Premonition if that makes sense.
Have they released a fix for the game not launching and just being a black screen with a fancy cursor?
At minimum 2 routes take at least 6.5 hours if you don't fast forward through dialogue. Not sure how many hours it takes to get to true ending (without fast forwarding).
You moron! You forgot to apply the crack
guess I'll just do each path horizontally instead of vertically.
Works on my machine
Dumb fucking pirate troll
What if you fail a qte?
That's not what Date looks like.
How is the switch version? Size for the digital version?
Then you die dummy.
>Iris explains why she wanted the date
>can't even tell if it's real because Uchikoshi might be enough of a hack to go through with that bullshit
comedy gold
Is this visual aids intentional or what the fuck?
The Receptionist's english voice acting is actually 10/10 for the personality she has.
looks like a dying video card or just fugged game
>Is this visual aids intentional or what the fuck?
What the fuck is that aids?
t. Didn't play Zero Escape
>Mayumi's Psync
Okayyy so guess this is the end result of piracy.
Works on my machine
Only scene in any video game that made me cry like a bitch. How did uchikoshi do it?
I'm going to give my grandparents a call later tonight
I'm always happy to get the shittier routes first, I ended up with Mizuki's end first which is great because i hate Mizuki and now all further routes will be improvements.
If you end up accidentally getting the most interesting/secret revealing route first then it'll cock block you with an 'i don't have enough information go do other routes then come back' which feels worse to me.
>Hating on based /fit/ Mizuki
Fucking manlet twink
Why would you call her that to her face? Does these autismos know how real life works?
Is it good? Should I cancel my special edition order?
alright I solved it
basically having a 144hz screen and having vsync on forced the game to run in 144 frames per second despite it normally being capped to 60 (?)
so yeah here's the end result
I thought the game looked fucking great in 144fps but fuck's sake my eyes can't take this
Left route/aka:Mizuki, Ota's route
Very well done. A+
Right route
Kinda lame imo. It's just sci fi info dumps over and over again. Hoping near the end of the routes it shuts the fuck up already
>Does these autismos know how real life works?
Is this one of those games where I can accidently ruin the experience for myself by doing the routes in the wrong order?
From what I'm hearing is there's only one route that fucks everything up.
Don't turn on the TV, hit it.
possibly, all zero escape games have this to some extent
Basically if you remember
>Lift the Left Cage, the one with the torn photo
>Hit the TV
then you're set to do the least informative routes first, leaving the heavier/more weird routes for later
Thanks, I've come close to ruining a few VNs for myself by going in blind and getting the wrong route so I'm cautious these days.
>tfw already too deep in Iris' route to switch to another
I hope it all works out
if you're only a bit past her psync then abort
Definitely go left route first.
Right route is getting fucking annoying with the amount of sci Fi and mythology dumps. NIGGA I KNOW YOU CAN WIKIPEDIA YOU DONT NEED TO FLEX OVER IT
uchikoshi can't write any joke that isn't a boomer sex joke, jesus christ
Okay resetera
you are right but he uses them so much that after a certain point it changed my perception of Date into an absolute porn addict and that makes his character even more silly so I can't hate it
Is this worth getting on Switch? As in, no weird framerate drops or some shit.
what kind of game is this ?
MC is a coomer
Is it less retarded than ZTD this time? Pieceing the fragments together wasn't fun at all.
Many frame drops unfortunately, play it on a laptop if you wanna do it in bed.
It's literally about a Coomer with chad tendencies investigating virtual idols murders.
Holy shit. I know the porn jokes get overused but I laugh every single fucking time
Do you love them too?
A chad life is accepting and loving everyone
Anything with a pulse
Spoiling the ending, but serious question
How am I supposed to be happy about some stupid fucking parallel world BULLSHIT?
The other worlds where everyone dies still fucking happened, so what's the point? How is it a good ending, if in only 1 world people survive while in all the rest they suffer and the villain wins.
Life is simply cruel.
Most other endings aren't super bad. I mean the bad guy dies in Annihilation and Mizuki end. Ota end is to be continued.
Date is the main character of the year
So there's 5 routes right?
Goddammit, that sucks. Thanks user.
If you don't count bad ends by wrong dialogue choice and Date running off with big tits secretary joke end.
The fuck? I got 3 routes so far what the hell are the wrong dialogue choices?
Pestering big titties too much about going out in one of the routes fuck I remember which
Not protecting Mizuki during the shootout with So
Choosing not to body swap with Saito under threat
As Mizuki in Somnium choosing to hug her parents instead of Date at the end
Probably trying to shoot Saito in true route but didn't choose that one
Right route spoilers
How the fuck do I get the rightmost path in iris scene?
Choose not to craft disco ball and instead go for explosives or whatever, might need to dig something there
Don't listen to Iris during the next stage either, go into one of the buildings and talk to zombie, then craft super pick and go through shrine wall
Break the mirror after I think inspecting the monitor, then finish her off
What happens if you choose to not body swap
He kills Hitomi and you pan to the black, nothing super interesting.
Why is this game full of gay propaganda?
If a western dev tried to pull this shit off they would've been shot by now
It's funny no one made this of a stinker with swery's the disappearing
nu-Yea Forums doesn't like niche vns
I thought this game was really good, but maybe my standards are just extremely low after ZTD. Also look at these thighs.
She has better hips.
>can deal with hired guns and yakuza in less than a second
>gets BTFO by a single guy flipping a table over
everything is full of gay propaganda user
You forgot his giga shuryuken launching a grown up man 8 meters in the air 20 across
So what's the optimal route so far?
I'm thinking
Ota -> Mizuki -> Iris > Manaka > True
iris route is shit, just fast forward user.
No, that's just how Uchikoshi's characters work
I like how they glossed over how Date rips her fucking eye out to use the prototype Psync machine in that route.
He can put it back in if she wasn't fucking dead either way
I said GOOD graphics
I legitimately thought that it was part of the dream thing since it only happened in there
>If a western dev tried to pull this shit off they would've been shot by now
were you under a rock the last 24 hours with anons autistically screeching about a certain scene and trying to damage control that it was just localization?
You're supposed to pop the eye out of the socket and leave it dangling, then pop it back in when you're done. I don't remember if Date knew that in that route though.
>bad guy dies in Annihilation end
Seito didn't die there though?
They could share AIBA still
Manaka route? I thought it was just Ota, Mizuki, Iris and True routes.
Didn't Aiba shortcircuit his ass? I dunno if it was a stun or kill, but either way he is fucked.
I'm mostly done. Just need two routes left
I was in the middle of the iris split. Didnt know that's the "true" route. I think it ends in a nice little tease for turning the tv on
Anyone else think that the dub's good?
How long is this game? Does it branch like Zero Escape games where you can jump between the timelines and collect everything?
Why do these fucking memes crack me up? I hate this but fuck
didn't she do that in the true end? Maybe I'm misremembering
>I was in the middle of the iris split. Didnt know that's the "true" route. I think it ends in a nice little tease for turning the tv on
Yeah the Iris route pretty much helps in setting up the true route. Honestly didn't remember there being a Manaka route.
I have never heard of this game. I have never heard of this dev. Looking at your screenshots has me completely confused. What the fuck is this game. I almost wanna buy it.
In the end before true end he has Hitomi strapped to explosive to force you to switch in the police headquarters machine. After that he takes your AIBA prosthetic and she short-circuits him then rolls out of his eye as Date finding himself in Boss's body losses consciousness, presumably his mind dying.
In true end Date orders AIBA to perform 41205 code and just blows off Saito's whole head.
prepare for twists and/or disappointment
He wasn't single in the end.
So not worth it?
emulate 999 instead and wait until people finish the game to know if the ending is pure shit and ruins everything
So far for me it's pretty decent if you enjoy VNs or adventure games like Phoenix Wright
The ending is actually not retarded and pretty much wraps the whole thing up. The story isn't super complicated and only really one gimmick is used, so no alien fax machines.
how does it compare to VLR?
I feel it's shorter and simpler overall with fewer mind fuck twists, or bullshits like time line shitting with betray/ally. It actually ruses you a fair bit. I liked characters and toilet humor with the amount of dumb shit you could make AIBA do or the optional dialogue. I am actually the kind of guy who counted on much more of a wild ride here. Definitely closer to VLR in quality than to ZTD.
nice, cheers!
So just got to the reveal route. Not the true ending yet.
wait so what happened to Date's real body?
This fucking game. I've only met Hitomi and I already have my head full of possible asspulls regarding plot including purgratory, simulation, comatose and time travel.
You mean where it is during that route or what it is?
Where it is
where the fuck did Rohan go?
Presumably either got plea deal and is getting out or back in prison
is it good?
really hesitant to dump 62 leaf bucks but still tempted
Oh yeah you're right. Forgot that part of the Annihilation ending.
>I hate you and I never wanna see you again
I thought Rohan died completely
Who says that line?
It's a lot simpler in regards to twists. It's a sci fi kara no shoujo. It's his best work imo. Not too convuted like Remember11 and other Nakazawa's work and doesn't overstay it's welcome like Root Double
I'm just assuming he fucks off somewhere. I don't think they mentioned anything after he runs away.
In the true ending
Rohan definitely dies in the true ending though
WHO says it though?
Wasn't there a line that had Boss suggest that she and Date fucked quite a bit in the past?
That's a spoiler my dude
Date/Falco to Aiba
Trying to remember I did true lock > annahilation > true and I still don't remember what happens to him.
You mean the consummate on a table thing? Don't have the pic. If someone else has a screencap, they could post it
Seito(using Renju's dying body) bailed out Rohan(who was using Date's original body) and then afterwards Seito swapped bodies with Rohan which left Rohan's subconscious with Renju's body so I presume he died with Renju
I wanna fuck Boss
So.... 1. Does Date just not go to prison anymore despite being an assassin? 2. Will Date, Hitomi, Iris and Mizuki just be one big family now? 3. Will Date fill Hitomi to the brim with his sperm?
Post more lewd Boss comments.
No. the fucking japs would never expose one of their own as corrupt. That's dishonorable.
can anyone verify if this happened?
Hell yes
Wait a minute. What's with the whole affair with Renju (adjust collar) and watch? Was that just a red herring?
So it's safe to assume a 5th member of this family will pop out in a few years
I think it's to show that Renju REALLY likes his watch. But that leads to another question on what happens to his supposed lover who gave it to him
Wew. More!
Yeah I original thought it was manaka which makes sense on why iris was so close to him. But they never explained it.
Idk if you finished the game but his lover is Pewter
That's true. I honest thought he was Iris' dad and Manaka's lover . Maybe he did love her back in high school but was upset when you know who took her.
But yeah. It was never properly explained.
You have the one where she said that she and Date banged on the table?
Another score for the based team.
Wait till nu-Yea Forums hears of this.
I am looking for it throughout all the scenes in the office
> Pewter
I can believe that.
So what was Seito's problem?
Ok. degenerate.
It's revealed in the Iris route which I guess is optional ?
It's literally explained in the game. It's because he was born was some defect in his brain or something.
Bigger question is will Iris ever learn that her biological mother was Manaka who was killed by her biological half brother Seito who shares the same biological father with her which is So Sejima
>that spoiler
I think Date and Hitomi will probably tell her someday when she'd older. She's too young to know all that stuff now. Besides she has a loving mother, a loving uncle(who will become her father) and a loving little sister
aiba is mai waifu
Uchikoshi plz
That scene is at the place where they do the Psync shit. I think there was even a line where Boss asked Date to do her doggy or whatever.
Are they a better couple than Junpei/Akane and Sigma/Diana?
eru ji bi to no hito...
It's funny how Hitomi was basically embracing the body of the man who killed her best friend 18 years ago, killed her other best friend few days ago and recently killed her daughter. But it's technically Date/Falco in that body and he is Hitomi's lover so it's not as bad
Other than that, yeah. They're a more interesting pair than those other two especially Junpei and Akane who both went to shit in ZTD.
Kinda wish they had a bit more "chemistry" together. Maybe get Date to flirt with her a bit
well date/falco's no saint since he's the reason why hitomi's a one armed babe now
Bros do they have scenes described by pic related?
>ship sigma and Phi
>Ship falco and iris
God damn it am I cursed?
Well originally Hitomi was going to be the main heroine over Iris and her romance with Date would have been one of the main plotlines so maybe that would have been where we got more chemistry. But eh.
I think Date also makes some suggestive comments about Hitomi in Rohan's Somnium so there's that but then Date's just naturally a pervy guy.
It's better to lose an arm than lose a life and that is what would have happened to Hitomi had Date not intervened since Rohan went to her place to kill her. Plus she's the one who jumped in the way trying to protect "Falco" when Date shot at his original body
Yeah. Boss basically does some sexy shit with Date in some optional scenes.
>ship a old geezer with a young girl
>ship a grown ass man with a high school girl
>not shipping him with his eyeball
same here bro. i shipped junpei with clover and look where that got me...
How would you rate the game compared to Uchi's other works?
> shipping him with a dead eyeball
Complex Yikes
Right route after Mizuki dive
hate 'em
in my defense for VLR. Sigma was 20 or so.
His best work. He doesn't go overboard and there's nothing stupid like ever17. The left route parts get into some really wholesome shit. The main plot could use a bit of tweaking and certain characters feel under developed.
Is this exclusively a 3D VN or is there actual gameplay?
There's no way Date and Boss didn't get it on atleast once.
It literally made up for the abomination that was ZTD. It's honestly better than VLR and up there with 999.
>Iris starts going on about parallel worlds
>ends up not being that relevant and is just a way to speed things up in repeat routes
Thank FUCK
They're okay in porn, but the second you hit reality they're fucking terrible.
Sounds like the writer/developer is living in fantasy and needs to be slapped with the reality of it.
The gameplay is made up of Somnium sequences where you go into witnesses dreams and solve puzzles/ remove obstacles to access hidden memories and stuff.
So where's the twist?
> gets away with all the murders he committed as an assassin because he has permanent blackmail against the government with the cyclop killings info
>has a hot babe of a waifu who will cook him good meals and would take a bullet for him
>has a hot teenaged daughter who's completely loyal to him
>has a cute middle school daughter who's tsundere as fuck with him
Did he get the best ending?
You're trapped inside the main antagonist/cyclop killer's body
Yeah. I'm glad Uchikoshi didn't go full autism with this story compared to Zero Escape.
I meant in the cover you stupid perverted old man.
He also has his sexy boss who's always down for a quickie.
But then there's his aibo....unless they will find a way to resurrect her.
The eye.
>The eye
Uchikoshi bingo sheet.
Wasn't really sure if you call whatever Mizuki has a super power.
Also, where the fuck does panties come from? Didn't he only write one hentai game but it was never discovered?
>Wasn't really sure if you call whatever Mizuki has a super power.
I mean she clearly has superhuman strength.
Yeah but it's played mostly for laughs.
I fucked my first Somnium dive and end up on right side of the board. Should I care ?
Yeah but it's still not normal. Hence superhuman.
Yes. Just redo it from the last save point.
I know but it's not too plot crucial.i know it's nitpicking but you can remove her superstrength and it wouldn't change much.
Depends since she went in and whooped on So's guards in her route and whooped on Seito in the true route
So in the end.... how old is the real Date? We knew that he and Boss were in police academy together in their 20s or something.
It doesn't matter because all in universe action is retarded. Date himself can shoryuken a man across a whole industrial hall.
So is this game good or not? Heard it has cringy dialogue
You're cringy.
It does matter as it was again used for plot reasons.
Punch-Line my man.
Is't it like Zero Escape games where I will have to unlock everything for full ending?
So I've completed 2 or 3 routes now, and I must say, maybe they shouldn't be using the somnium system if it can lead to this drastic a different result. Characters are dead all from a somnium dream and how Date decided to investigate. Seems crazy.
Did you pay attention to the explanation given in game, user?
>It does matter as it was again used for plot reasons.
And Date being Ryu allowed bad guy to escape. The whole universe is semi cartoony in violence.
Holy fuck I like this game
Yes but it still plays into the actual plot so why do you keep arguing against it?
So how will Date support his weird family now?
He's still a detective you know. That's how he makes the $$$$. Plus Hitomi's a teacher so I think they'll be fine. Iris is graduating from high school soon but she'll have her idol gig to make money off of. Mizuki's too young to work so she doesn't have to do shit.
Mizuki already spends nights over in the Sagan house so this is hardly any real change for her.
It doesn't do. Her super strength is used in a few cases where Uchikoshi could've thought of a million more realistic ways for violent scenes to play out.
Date could've shot all the mercenaries himself. Date could've done the same with bodyguards. There could've always been less bodyguards. Mizuki could've knocked out Seito in more realistic way, or helped in any other way. None of that really has anything to do with the actual plot about body swapping bullshit murders. You might even say all of that action scenes are Date being dosed too much and exaggerating.
>It doesn't do. Her super strength is used in a few cases where Uchikoshi could've thought of a million more realistic ways for violent scenes to play out.
Yes in scenes that are involved with the plot.
Yes all those scenarios you pointed out COULD of happened if Uchikoshi wanted it but they DIDN'T happen. Instead Mizuki's superhuman strength was used instead.
All those scenes are connected to the plot. You're literally grasping at straws here with this argument. I don't know why you're so against Mizuki having canon superhuman strength.
Will Ota finally get his idol pussy?
why is every interaction with mizuki kino
>Mizuki spends nights over at the Sagan house
>Mizuki and Iris are basically sisters
>Mizuki and Hitomi have a daughter/motherly bond already
>Mizuki has a daughter/father bond with Date
>Date and Hitomi were both single(but kinda weren't because they had their connection to each other)
>Iris got close to Date again despite his amnesia and it was implied they had a personal connection when Iris was a kid
All the pieces were there from earlier in the game tbqh. I'm honestly not surprised by what we got in the end.
He'd have to cut out his weird kinks or else Date would make sure he never writes again if he touches Iris.
Because Date/Mizuki interactions are top tier along with Date/Aiba.
>Yes in scenes that are involved with the plot.
They are as filler as they can get. It's like theory crafting about bath episode in your favorite anime having a girl punch a guy into the sky and then going how the bath episode connects EP 6 and 8. It's Uchikoshi having fun without interfering with the main plotline. You're not gonna waste your time judging integrity of scenes of who won in a fist fight with whom to progress plot in a murder mystery.
Why don't you bitch about how Uchikoshi destroyed any plot integrity by having mercenaries prioritizing porn mags over a firefight, or Date becoming super humanly fast with porn mags.
>I don't know why you're so against Mizuki having canon superhuman strength.
So does Date and the (tiny) Yakuza boss then.
You should sign up for the mental gymnastics user. You'd win for sure.
Shit, I watched TV instead, so first route was green up to lock (now on red). Should I just throw the game in the trash and kill myself then?
You're an absolute brainlet who can't accept that any literary medium loves hidden meanings and you can't take everything literally. But okay Date has unexplained super powers, so does Mizuki, so does Iris because she can run faster than Date. Let's not forget the plothole where Mercenaries get hired despite them being incompetent retards who can't not look at porn mags in the middle of a firefight.
You're also the guy who dropped Umineko around EP1 because he saw the witch do magic trick and got angry because magic doesn't exist, right?
Just restart it you sperg.
Oh so you're retarded too huh.
>Start new game
>Game just freezes at the beginning of the intro
Send help please
anyone who has 100% the game able to mention their playtime?
went looking back at my zero time dilemma playtime and i'm surprised that shit was only 23 hours for me
That wouldn't change anything, I've already seen what's in that route before lock. Restarting the game doesn't change what's already been seen in ones own mind. Im worried that what I've learned in green first will ruin the rest for me, so there's already no point in continuing
user stop being autistic and just keep on playing. You literally haven't even touched the real meat of the story yet.
THAT is your cock?
Why let me go down a route just to lock it? Just don't let me go down it in the first place.
It's 8.5 inches. What the fuck do you want?
You've never played a Zero Escape game before?
I mean it's the same Uchi shit as always, if you like his stuff you will probably like it. Uchi isn't a good writer though.
D-Delete this. I'm working out at the gym to make it grow longer. You'll see Tesa. My dick will be big enough for you soon....
I have, i don't remember much though
You can bench more than a little girl though right?
So..... What was up with that Somnium of Iris where that blue figure was making out with So? Was it parts of Seito? That would be weird seeing how I don't think he'd have that in his somnium..
no...i can only bench 175... i'm not a monster like mizuki....
it's bits and pieces of So's memory with Manaka
But how? That stuff came from Iris/Seito's Somnium seeing how the blue figure was making out with the victim who was getting stabbed by Seito but difference is that victim had So's face instead
Pls no bully...
Date's that kind of guy who's into everything isn' he?
Not him but since that's primarily Seito's somnium with like 1% Iris, it's possible due to Seito's fucked up brain disorder or whatever that we're seeing how Seito probably walked in on So getting giggity with Manaka hence why Seito hated Manaka and chose her to be his first human victim
That actually makes sense. So's having some of his memories getting mixed together. The one with Manaka with his dad but his dad has the body of the victim Seito was stabbing to death.
We can all agree that Kagami was best girl right?
What did you guys text her?
I texted her this
"Why don't you want to fuck Ota?"
>what do you mean you won't have a threesome with us?
>implying the true ending doesn't lead into this threesome happening
Can't forget about Mizuki too so it's technically a foursome. What a lucky bastard Date is.
>game uses pounds instead of kg
>English text using Farenheit
>Japanese voice clearly speaks in Celsius
Pretty sure Mizuki is permanently daughterzoned after the official adoption. Iris may only be slightly daughterzoned.
However, Date is definitely catching up on 6 years of MILF action he missed out on. Iris may even be cheering him on- she needs a new brother
Huh. So breaking the framerates actually causes the slowdown effect to sperg out. That's probably why it's capped.
Actually the only reason timeline change is either because of info that Date gets butterfly effecting things.
Making Iris reluctant to get into Reiju's free candy van saves a lot of lives
I think Iris and Mizuki are both equally daughterzoned with Mizuki's being official. Iris clearly wants Date to be her new dad and bang her mom. It's literally been one of the things she's wished for all this time. Hitomi is ready. Iris is ready. Mizuki is likely ready too. Date needs to pull out his manhood to give Hitomi her long due dose and to give Iris and Mizuki a little brother or sister
Date saw that frozen body of Manaka in Mizuki's Somnium and thought it was Iris which is why he warned Iris to not leave her house because he had a bad feeling that she'd die. That's how she ends up rejecting Renju/Seito's offer to get in the car which ends up ruining Seito's crazy plan
anyone have a torrent?
Yeah but he will have to live now wondering how many times his body got raped in prison as Prisoner 89.
Just buy the game
-Readjust Collar-
"Come to the abandoned chemical factory, I have omurice and a private ShovelForge server"
I'll gladly trade an eye for the chance to live in Iris' body. Especially for the opportunity to molest Ota in front of his mom so she can see how little he resists.
>*sips glass filled with a liquid that doesn't reach his lips*
Not reading this thread.
Just tell me if the game is good and has good twists. No, being very slightly better than mind hacc dilemma doesn't make something good.
Why did he have to die bros
I would think his face and records with the Kumakura family would probably scare enough inmates to not mess with him
Unironically Date's fault btw
I was about to buy this game but these lines killed this game for me.
Is it worth the pirate atleast Yea Forumsros?
Yep. Well, VSync overrides the cap but still
Not unusual, animations and such are often tied to framerate
>Not reading this thread.
>Just tell me if the game is good and has good twists. No, being very slightly better than mind hacc dilemma doesn't make something good.
Less shocking twists.
There's only one major twist and the rest is red herrings or setup. It's very good and focused because of it. It's corny as fuck though.
He selfinserts as the bull, it's okay
He is just a coomer with a billion fetishes
Because his gay lover and dumbass talent agency was more important to him than his daughter getting the shit beat out of her by his wife, whom Mizuki probably inherited her strength from. Seriously, fuck Renju so hard.
the dude has every fetish they felt like writing in, including a fetish for skeletons
If you read the archive files, it's implied that Aiba shocks him whenever he tries to masturbate, so he's got at least 5 years of pent up. Which she's probably doing so she can fuck him in a wet dream that he'll forget about
>selfinserts as the bull
Yeah, that's what I heard them say all the time. Not that I believe them tbqh.
What about the infamous LGBT obsessed character?
Does it make sense in the game or is it just a usual gay good straight bad kinda deal?
Well he had Boss around for that shit. But I guess that's irrelevant now that he's with Hitomi. Both of those two really need to let it out on each other.
Atleast Renju TRIED to remedy his shitty relationship with Mizuki unlike Shoko. And I'd think the strength came from him since Mizuki told that story about how incredible her grandfather was but Renju could have been making it up.
Fuck, I think I'll jump back in the flowchart and lift the left cage.
wait what? renju's gay? this is a joke right?
He's bi.
He's got it in with Pewter
they go to a bar that's owned by a fat tranny mistress who seems like a jap stereotype
the line was probably added in, and the archive thing too because uchikoshi is desperate to appeal to westerners given that's where he got almost all of his sales for zero escape
it's probably the kind of garbage they see a lot of from within japan when they look outward
No that's the little girl is scared by the information dealing okama but goes "I DONT HATE GAYS I HAVE MANY GAY FRIENDS IN FACT MY BEST FRIEND IS GAY" kinda deal
I want to fuck So.
damn user. quit bullshitting me.
Thx, mates.
Guess I'll try out this game after all.
Yeah but she also writes about Yaoi in her notes as being “the purest form of love”
>the line was probably added in,
for the english version?
definitely wrong
>"infamous" lgbt obsessed character
do you unironically base your views of a game by the autistic screeching of people on Yea Forums? not even memeing, form your own opinion man
Doesn't that meant that she's just a fucking perv tho?
That's the impression I got anyway.
Fake news. That's from the archive and are Uchikoshi's notes. Just him shitposting as usual.
I didn't say for the english version, consider reading comprehension
I honestly prefer you don't play the game. I don't want retards like you in the fandom.
>do you unironically base your views of a game by the autistic screeching of people on Yea Forums? not even memeing, form your own opinion man
That's the mindset of most people who post here sadly.
I unironically will do whatever I want with my money, and if there's something I don't like about it then I won't buy it. It's just that simple bro.
I honestly doesn't even have an opinion on this game yet.
>consider reading comprehension
perhaps you should m8, considering I literally phrased it as a question for clarification
good, but again I wouldn't ask for opinions on here because it's been like 48 hours of sperging out over 1 minute of dialog which should tell you you're not getting many well rounded opinions
You sound like a complete retard.
>click clock
>"A clock"
If you're not going to have meaningful flavor text, just don't make shit clickable at all
No one played the disappearing. If more people did, I definitely expected a bigger shitstorm here. Eh, I liked it though
>Date tapes her mouth again
holy fucking based
>good, but again I wouldn't ask for opinions on here because it's been like 48 hours of sperging out over 1 minute of dialog which should tell you you're not getting many well rounded opinions
Those threads were getting deleted by mods recently. It was mostly just shitposters on here and from /pol/. If you've noticed this thread, there are people who were talking about the game.
Anyone else feel bad for Shoko? Did she deserve that?
How so?
Is it the mistype? Because I do that sometime without realising, and I couldn't be bothered tbqh.
That shit was funny af
you didn't ask for clarification, if you did you wouldn't have jumped to a conclusion in the following line
Iris route. Uchikoshi for some reason just has to make everyone connected to everyone.
I was actually surprised how many people called her fujo, I wasn't really as keen on clicking optional dialogue during her parts so I was wondering whether people mistook the notes in files for hers or I missed some small inspection.
I guess people just don't play video games they bitch about in the era of hassle free pirating.
>question mark at the end of a sentence doesn't imply asking for clarification
are you an ESL by any chance?
the "jumping to conclusions" was in the event that was the case
I mean I do kinda pity her because 1. nobody deserves to have their body stolen from them out of nowhere and then have you be thrown in some ugly gorilla's body instead and then have your body and you get killed off by some faggot controlling your ex husband and 2. Renju was hardly around to help her with Mizuki. But I don't condone Shoko's actions towards Mizuki. That was plain wrong and she was pretty messed up to say those things about her. But then Renju also mentioned how Shoko's mom raised her to be like that and that's how Shoko doesn't know how to love or show affection for her child despite trying as hard as she could . Doesn't excuse her actions but makes you feel a bit sorry for her. I think she should have waited to have kids.
i knew pewter was kinda faggy since he reads yaoi doujins but man....renju...
He owns an idol industry and some shit. Come on now.
that would just be so he could have the idols suck him off. i mean his receptionist is a big boobed babe
I'm surprised this game was way lighter than I thought it was going to be. I thought it was going to be this gritty edgy chuu VN. I'm surprised the tone wasn't too harsh. Happy even, I hate it when stuff takes itself way too seriously.
Now the thing is...
Which body did date and boss have sex in?
>b? but b is wrong
just admit you're retarded and we can move on
Date and Boss had sex?
In Seito's obviously. But they could have got it on in his original body as well since they knew each other since their police academy days
It's heavily implied they did with their dialogue. They pretend it's a joke but it's clearly not.
but date is for hitomi if she can save her virginity for him, then it's not fair that he loses it to someone else.
he still thinks the older characters are virgins.
user hitomi is as pure as snow. she is absolutely a virgin. saving it for date.
This. Renju and Shoko clearly aren't virgins as they had Mizuki together. Date and Boss also aren't virgins as it's implied they've boned in the past. The only one who's probably not a virgin would be Hitomi unless she got it on with Date before he left
>just admit you're retarded and we can move on
ironic, considering you yet again misunderstood how the sentence is structured, it is not
>does a refer to b? in that case it is wrong
I'm not sure why this is difficult to you, and I would suggest studying more
Just finished it.
While it missed the "sequel bonus" which made some VLR mysteries better imo, it ultimately managed to wrap it up in a better fashion than VLR did. (basically ZTD)
One thing I was a bit bummed about was that after around 60-75% of the game at the latest you could figure out most mysteries.
Also the parallel world stuff didn't have any background to it this time which iirc was handled better in other Uchikoshi games.
And for some reason peoples faces would detach from the bodies from time to time.
she and renju have sex all the time bro
Lost anal virginity
Non virgin
Lost both
Fucked Date after memory loss probably before too
Idol, fucked faceless bald old men
100% virgin
Ota's mom
>Ota's dad
Ota'd dad
Aiba would kill Date
Fucked Date in wet dreams
>Dead womb girl
Fucked old men for money
Fucked too many times
Lost all kinds of virginity
>Taxi driver
Probably gets mad pussy
>Bar tranny
Drunk raped several buff men 100%
100% virgin
100% virgins
>So's bodyguard
Lost virginity at Marble
>SAT officers
>Dumb kid with brain problems
Might've fucked some cold bodies
50/50 chance
>Rohan's brother and his 2 yakuza
100% virgin
Non virgin
yep you're retarded
less retarded.
There are only 3 locks and the game tells you if a lock is unlocked
>Sequel gets made
>It's about parallel universes
I can already see it fucking coming.
Huh, I only saw one lock for the true ending, what was the other locks?
>Annihilation end sequel
>lol let's bring a 12 years old to a gunfight
Is Date retarded?
Dunno how you'd even make a sequel to it.
bruh she's not any regular kid
sorry for exposing your ESLness bro
but had to be done
He knew that the guards can't aim for shit.
delete this. they were just best friends
There is 0 proof that Hitomi is a non virgin. She was pure and didn't go all the way with Date/Falco yet because he fucked off. Though it's obvious now that he's back, he will take her long overdue virginity.
Date's back at it with another crime that's similar to the killings back in this game.
Things seem similar but they don't fit 100% like in the previous games.
Stuff from the OG games keep happening even when they don't make total sense.
Turns out some asshole is using cross world information to plan out the perfect murders and relaying false information back to our world. Date isn't "Date" and is instead (you) or his future kid from the future.
Mizuki's a superhuman. She's even stronger than Date.
Easy. Just have Ota be the main character and win over Iris.
That sounds retarded enough to actually work. I mean we really don't know jackshit about Date's childhood or his growing up years.
Gotta have that Blickwinkel in the franchise
Date is into NTR, remember.
Sequel will be about bringing back Manaka from the the other dimension
he got pussy from Boss though
You forget that Mama declared Iris a virgin and its profile specifically notes that Mama's virginity detector is uncannily accurate.
sequel will reveal that iris was actually date's biological daughter and that manaka had some secret relationship with date behind so's back back in those days but she had so believe that the baby was his when it was really date's
So gets triple cucked - the story
>50/50 chance
Does skullfucking count? If so, Rohan was definitely not a virgin. The fuck probably has all those eyes he collected carefully preserved and tied together on a string of anal beads
I can see this happening. Would be kek worthy
Mama was on drugs when she said that though.
Is Iris wearing a hooker-length dress or is it supposed to be a long shirt and shorts?
>tfw the Minecraft dance sequence
The one at the end was nice too
National debt! Bayonet! A-Set!
Hooker-length dress I think?
holy shit i was fucking dying.
uchikoshi's been playing too much indigo prophecy.
All the scenes I have seen of this game on twitter are fucking horrible and actual cringeworthy but all weebs hail it as some kind of masterpiece, what the fuck?
So lads is it shit or not? I'm still mad about ze3
You bet!
>not going "sayonara, thot" and bypassing her retarded dance
I wish I actually bought the game, hell I wish I pre ordered it. I feel ashamed of pirating it.
It's a very sophisticated type of humor. I don
people who haven't actually played it are cherry-picking out the shitty parts to complain about
Bless the CTRL button
Best Uchikoshi game.
He doesn't go full autism. The twist and stuff are quite simple so you might be disappointed over that but the characters/emotional tone are definitely great.
One thing that I don't get a lot of people saying online was how they didn't "see" the twist coming.
How the fuck did you not see that coming? They give you a HUGE redflag like 40-60% in.
It's less wacky, you can ignore the explanation of why you can jump around on the timeline, and it's loaded with optional scenery dialog, some of them from interacting an object repeatedly.
You need a very high IQ to understand Date's remarks and personal philosophy
>has to worry about feeding his two daughters and then there's the possibility that his waifu wants to have another child and child could end up being another girl
>three daughters to look after
How is this a good ending for Date again? He was better off being a lone wolf and getting mad pussy from Boss.
Way better than ZTD.
The "gameplay" is hit and miss though I feel.
MPD pays well. He probably has a shitting of blackmail money from the government.
He can just hack the McDonald's booth with Aiba.
Should I be doing all the "routes" in the Somniums or should I just be trying to get through them? Is there side content to find?
Is face/off a good movie?
He's got the government in his pocket after what happened so he has really nothing to worry about.
>373 replies
>65 posters
Is this game destined for failure?
where the HELL is the secret photo in ota's warehouse psync sequence? I CANNOT FUCKING FIND IT
She's dead tho
How far in the game are you?
did you play the entire ending user
God damn it I need to leave before everything gets spoiled for me. I don't want a repeat of what happened with Labyrinth of Refrain.
I miss the Zero Escape big brain puzzles, shit is easy as fuck in this game.
Yeah, it's a new series for a start with very little advertising and I imagine ZTD really put off a lot of people
So uh question? When Date and Hitomi get married and she changes her last name to his, would Iris and Mizuki take on Date's surname as well?
They were mediocre. VLR's was shit.
Yes. Why wouldn't they?
Nonary games release had peak of 960 users. Niche VN/Adventure games have hard time selling on steam. Someone was posting that special edition physical was delayed due to unexpected demand, but can't confirm it.
Danganronpa 3 is one of the more popular titles of the genre and its peak was about 4.5k.
If Mizuki hasn't taken it yet at the ending then I doubt it would happen later. Though now I want to see Mizuki trying to call him something other than Date.
No, they'd probably keep his last name. It's going to be a massive plot point in the sequel. Adding a bit on to this.
The world, scenario and settings are almost the exact same. But Date investigates a murder of another woman by a different name at the park. Halfway in the game when you go through the somnium of some people you get people seeing visions of Shoko being murdered instead and that's where the mind fuck comes in. Date being confused as fuck asks aiba what the date is and he ends up having a meltdown because it's 30 years in the future.
I liked the ZTD ones, the alien puzzle was hardcore as fuck.
No. Yes. Maybe.
>Minecraft LPs literally being a symptom of brain cancer
danganronpa 3 is an anime
Is it?
V3, fuck you
>Reika doesn't show up all the way to the end
The real sequel bait
Wait she shows up?
fuck spike chunsoft desu
>super game 2
>anime 3
>new game v3
>40 year old Mizuki
Theory time: Date is Delta.
Who else isnt aware of timelines but understands memories of other timelines due to going INTO THEIR MIND? Who else hates criminals and wants to purify humanity? Who else has heavy eye related motifs?
All this plus the fact that Date's original body is voiced by D.C Douglas... I wonder who he inherited the genes that make him tell so many dirty jokes from?
>My pornography taste is... complex
Should I get this game? Will it remind me of the social/support link system in Persona 5/FE3H? Or am I being retarded for thinking so?
Why in the fuck? Is this what retards think about Japanese games?
>am I being retarded for thinking so?
>weebs are retarded
Literally what's new? No, I am not a weeb. I am a Japanese culture connoisseur..
What the fuck are you even saying?
>Yeah retards are stupid
>But I'm not a retard! Despite me saying something retarded.
danganronpa's the game you want
Low IQ post.
just finished. I liked it a lot better than most people will, but then again, I didn't dislike ZTD. people looking for mostly-serious ZE tone are going to dislike it because the tone is more evenly split between goofy anime and srs bzns. a lot of people don't like Uchikoshi's writing or like about half of it but hate half of it because it doesn't line up with the expectations they set based on the first half, or something like that.
spoilers follow:
my biggest complaint of the game is that it's essentially completely linear. you get a few places in the start where you can make a choice that splits the plot... but there's only a few of these before you start either completing endings or getting locked, and once you've wrapped these few branches up, you are forced into a linear progression of scenes for the rest of the game. the general progression of the story is really good though, your perception of what's going on shifts several times and most of the red herrings etc. are well executed, or at least I thought so. playing through the game was a fun ride that I personally enjoyed a great deal
the protagonist slowly starting to carry over bits of knowledge from other story branches is never explained/justified beyond "parallel universes lol how did i remember that idk lol" and I can't tell if I actually love or hate this. I guess it kept me hoping for a final crazier twist/revelation or something that never came, not a huge deal tho
I liked he didn't go full autism with the parallel worlds. I was ready for him to do that bullshit and I'm actually really happy he didn't go for it.
For fuck sakes, don't make your game series convulated as fuck.
what was your playtime?
Holy shit, the side characters are so fucking annoying in this game.
Both Mizuki and Iris are the most annoying fucks ever. Do they get better or are they gonna be this annoying the whole game?
not him but i finished the game in 10-12 hours. people finished it in 30.
also the first real Iris psync sequence is possibly one of my top five narrative sequences in a game of all time.
yeah same I think at this point with the games he's made it's like, if you're gonna do that, then you have to do it in a way that's self-aware of your past iterations on the concept, and if your game isn't _about that_, then fuck it lol handwave it who cares
27:25:21, listened to maybe half of the JP VA, fast-forwarded through some repeated parts, read all text in the game tho, and got a handful of psync easter eggs
10-12 hours all routes?
Yes. I skimmed through most of the "repeat" dialogue though.
My only gripe with the game is that the OST wasn't that memorable this time around.
i liked yakuza room, true ending song, and also normal ending song is surprisingly dope
for those who have finished the game:
the character that comes back to life in the true ending might prove that Iris' /pol/ redpills *weren't* actually delusions caused by the tumor and are in fact canon. trip on that shit.
I for one welcome our alien AI overlords
Holy shit her route sucked though if it is canon im gonna slap uchi in the face.
>all these people crying at Ota's route
>he is worse than Anthony Burch, ending ends in a cheap WOAH twist and doesn't even reveal that much
>all these people crying at Mizuki's route
>she is still a complete fucking bitch to the only person in her life to care about her and treat her properly, her only justification is "muh bad parents", has the dumbest fucking shit that is her retard strength, the yakuza fight bullshit, the cheap drama with Date blocking the bullet, the only revelations being who is Date's parent and that So is fucking retarded
This game better improve right the fuck now because it's pure shit
>she is still a complete fucking bitch to the only person in her life to care about her
It's called family banter you fucking retard, have you ever had somebody who loves you talk to you?
pic related indisputable best character in game, prove me wrong
are you willing to have always-online Google Glass in your eye socket, but u get hologram waifu in exchange?
what about her route sucked tho, you got to enter the mind of a zoomer twitch streaming idol as she has a dream about a trippy minecraft idol music video right as her brain begins to shut down due to a fatal tumor, sorry but that's art
She goes batshit insane with her redpills.
Just infodumps over infodumps
I really fucking hated it over the infodumps.
>Ota's route
You're right about the twist but damn you must have been the perfect child if you didn't relate to his route. I'm envious of your parents. You're a better person than I am.
why would you read uchikoshi if you don't like infodumps? that's about 30% of his charm, and if nothing else, I hope all of his games going forward continue to have an "Appendix"
plus she wasn't wrong about any of her redpill infodumps except for the paranoia that they were trying to kill her (and even that's arguable lol)
fucking this m8 holy shit
I could handle his shit before but not in this game. Maybe it's because there wasn't too many in the first half than suddenly in the diner
have you finished the game? that stuff is localized almost entirely to that one branch, it was practically fanservice for those who appreciate that aspect of his games. like all the ZE games bring up random shit uchi autistically read about for like a day or so, and only a fraction of it actually unambiguously factors into the plot at all, just all sorts of different contradictory thought experiments, philosophical ideas, and so forth. after that one specific branch (that one specific diner scene desu), it goes back to mostly not being a thing, because it's all part of the rusecruise making you question the mechanics of this story's universe, while toying with your expectations thereof.
>dad dies from overwork to pay loans
>lmao lets drop from uni, waste time not even trying to write LNs, buying figurines, buying doujins and beta orbiting streamers
If he really doesn't want to work or go to Uni fine, but spending most of his time dicking around and not taking care of his mother?
>b-but he said something mean when he was 5 years old
who cares, he got scolded and then everyone made up, this happened to everyone
>acts like a piece of shit most of the time
He would get a pass if it was just because he was stressed or very busy, but he clearly didn't give a fuck
Just because an utterly trash son did some things everyone does once or twice in their lives I'm not going to suddenly forgive him, specially since he almost got a girl killed due to being retarded and knocking out a police officer
Actually, where the fuck does he and his mother even get money from? This doesn't even make sense if neither of them have a job
nigga, i just said i don't like it. sure might be good for you but for me it just felt pointless and dumb.
is the LGBT stuff ironic or has uchikoshi actually gone full SJW
It's the guy who says DDLC is a masterpiece.
you can read into it however you want. basically it's identical to Persona 5's portrayal, i.e. from the nip perspective, but with the Added appendix entry and a few lines of dialog that show that Uchi finds the phenomenon fascinating, just as he does 1000 Balls or Mandela Effect or anything else lol.
it is not impossible to read into it that explicitly mentioning LGBT in a positive light is a shield for expressing literal /pol/ ideas as well tho
Wow you really are the perfect son. Good for you autistic anime poster.
eng or jp va?
I don't know how JP va is but Eng VA is perfectly fine. Greg Chun is perfect for Date's voice.
I think all the eng voices are pretty good.
The receptionist's voice is ridiculously good for the personality she has, absolutely nailed it.
>taking care of your eldery mother in her time of need is unrealistic
I'm nowhere near close to being the perfect soon but jesus christ
fug this makes me want to replay with eng now
also why the FUCK was my end sequence in English despite having my voice language set to Japanese? is this a bug?
also shouts out to the mercenary soldiers VAs, I'm assuming it's the same in both jp and eng & it's incredible
on Switch, this is the same for me too, plus DANCE MODE is also forced eng for me too, is this a system language setting?? wtf
Confirm something for me lads.
Pink is true?
I think all I have is green left, went purple, yellow, Red.
yup. what's your time at so far senpai?
11ish hours.
You forgot Blue
Is that not purple (Iris?) Oh fuck say no more. I'm going down Green now.
>want to talk about game
>People just keep making /pol/ threads
Fucking shit. I hate you fucking fucks fuck you mother fucking fuck I hope your mother fucking fucks your fucking uncle and your dad fucking fucks your sister and fucking fucks the priest.
Is it good?
Best game he's written. At least the most rounded one.
go in with zero expectations and have one hell of a ride.
Did the update on PC just cap it to 60fps?
I don't have an update.
no idea but is the PC version as slow to load whenever a rendertarget to another scene has to pop up? near the end of the game whenever it's flashback after flashback, on the Switch, it sometimes takes like ten seconds to load the next piece of dialog, because it has to load in all the assets for an entire other scene, only to then erase it two dialog boxes later. honestly disappointing in this regard
Turn Vsync on, but if you do, psync sessions bug out if you don't move.
are there any ZE references I missed aside from the creak sound effect at the beginning of the game & behind "door 0" (open cost: 999) in that one psync, "All-ice Alice", and the save sound ?
Is this actually good or is it a meme game like 999?
peak bait, and this might be a spoiler for some, but it's both darker and lighter than 999, or any ZE game. either you'll dig that or you won't
The 999 billboard when you go to Akihabara.
>I guess it kept me hoping for a final crazier twist/revelation or something that never came
WEW LAD we coulda told you that wouldn't happen
>t. brainlet who thought the final, final twist in the game just before the final credits rolled was gay last-minute fanservice and doesn't realize the implications of the last few lines of dialog
Yes, Ace's signature on the Autograph wall in the Diner psync, who is there alongside Junko Enoshima and a third antagonist from a game I didn't recognize
The other name is Mikimoto. My best guess is that it's a reference to Haruhiko Mikimoto, the anime artist, but Aiba describes him as "a photographer with some sort of beard like a mountain man" which is confounding.
First playthrough and I think I'm on Iris's route is that okay or should I go back and life the Left cage?
It's a reference to Kamaitachi no Yoru.