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wow sounds like good news that is in no way biased
ok but what about gamepl-
oh right it's a sony exclusive
It really does look great
>Literal reddit post
silky smooth not even 30 fps
I too am amazed at console graphics and Batman gameplay / lead writer of the game
I'm also amazed at the game, probably the best game ever / Yakuza
Holy shit I can't believe it's not Bloodborne / game designer
>open world samurai game
>combat by western devs
Not coming to PC, cope and seethe
Buy a PS4 if you are so jelly
Whoa.... the top dog of playstation.... thinks that people should get a game on his platform.....
Pack your bags, PCbros Xbros (lol) Nintendbros, it's all over. I'm hanging myself tonight and writing in my will to use all of my wealth to buy playstations and donate them to starving african children.
>Literal reddit post
>Check it out guys, Ghost of Tsushima here, top of line the Samurai sim, please get hype
>Sekiro releases
>Radio silence from Ghost of Tsushima
It's going to be SHIT
>when ur seething so hard u reply to 7 people
>After more than half a fucking year of fucking nothing, the best update they can do is remind us the graphics are good
Sony please, I’m trying to look forward to it
>Not coming to PC
i sure hope it doesn't, there's enough movie games on the platform that are ruining the medium as is
I'm so hyped for this game that I might finally take my PS4 out of the cupboard for real this time
But the gameplay looks sluggish compared to Sekiro
Art direction is the most important. Ghost of Tsushima does look very nice though.
Yeah but can the PS4 play Crysis at 1080p 60fps?
Too bad it has bamham gameplay
Too late, PC already has Youtube.
Yet another Sony “exclusive” taken away.
Can't wait until I can watch the next SONY masterpiece.
It really is beautiful, but goddamn, you can already see what a hot mess combat is.
>Buying a PS4 when the PS5 will make it obsolete.
If you want to waste your money send it to me.
those who choose to watch these "games" on youtube were never really going to play any game in the first place unless it's some fotm multiplayer thing anyway, so i'm not bothered
Can a PC?
Hey crazy ken, how is the false shitposting working?
PS5 is going to be shit isn't it?
I bet anything looks good on a $40,000 TV.
I know this is marketing and all, but I get chills regularly as I'm just riding around playing RDR2. Games are starting to look really really good these days, and if the worlds are designed well with incredible vistas, OP headline is not far-fetched. I've spent at least 10 hours in RDR2 literally just hiking and looking at the environment.
Post the pointy helmet one
>r/PS4 literally one of the most circlejerking places on the internet
>phone poster
Jesus christ what happened to this place
>wahhh you didn’t use a computer
>knowing enough about Reddit to be able to rank them
You’re the problem you fucking queer
I've not got it sadly
no u
>babies first game with dense foliage
>retard that has never seen a videogame outside of whatever 8bit shit his children played back in the 80's is blown away by the first modern videogame he ever sees
How is that news?
>actually, unironically, factually, literally bamham combat
No fucking way, dude.
Dying Light 2 on PC will look better
Ok I stopped caring for the arkham games after the second one, when did they add that stupid pause shit and why?
as a pcfriend that "gameplay" video really did look nice.
Try Crysis Warhead, everyone knows Crysis doesn't run well in any system.
because you gotta feel like BATMAN dude! it's CINEMATIC man! it's just like the movies!
What year is it?
it's a combat upgrade that lets you chain knockouts. I guess for better crowd control
I played Sekiro.
why would anyone pay $60 to play a movie?
youtube is the only suitable way to play these "games"
desu it looks bad in both, just that the ps4 version is worse
>samurai game made by western devs
sure bruh, you can keep this one. there's better console games to be thirsty for
>Take devs who used to make fun games like Sly and Infamous
>Now they're making a shitty bamhamu "geimu"
Why must Sony do this to literally every one of it's devs?
>Kill off Evolution
>Kill off Zipper
>Kill off Psygnosis
>Shackle London studios to fucking VR garbage
>Kill off Liverpool
>Have Naughty Dog make nothing but movies
>SSM has butchered God Of War and turned it into another muh feelings simulator
Fuck, that does look good.
Like I said when this was being spammed yesterday
t. nintendo baby
So that's both Nintendo and PC you guys have tried to deflect to.
Going to try for xbox now?
I know people will shit on this game because of the movie game meme but I"m actually looking forward to it. Sucker Punch made Infamous 2 and Sly 2 and they're amazing. Gameplay from the presentation doesn't look too interesting right now but I'll wait for an actual demo of the game before I judge.
Sekiro was shit tho. American devs will still fuck up Ghost of Tsushima and it'll probably suck, but that doesn't make Sekiro good
Sushimans isn't going get any breaks because Nioh 2 is going to do the same shit next year.
I hear you on Sucker Punch but the footage they've shown is obvious bullshots.
Sony always does this shit, PS4 slims would not be able to deal with all those moving blades of grass even at 720p without chugging.
Just look at how RDR2 performs and consider how amazing Rockstar are at optimization.
We really do need to see a proper demo because as far as I'm concerned they haven't shown us a game at all yet.
>Imperial Japan setting
>Samurai are the main characters
Wake me when they show off the Japanese dub
did you pay for your playstation membership? don't want you getting booted off midgame
Pretty but the gameplay looks shit