>mana regeneration doesn't exist
>Classes that don't use mana are the best DPS
Oh wow
Mana regeneration doesn't exist
Mages can kite, Warlocks can leech, Priests can heal.
And Warriors need to bandage after every pull.
Fights are over so quickly that very limited regen doesn't really enter the equation, oomkins and the like just have to pot but that's pretty much it. That's supposing we're talking about group PvE context: in regards to solo leveling manaless classes (ie. warriors/rogues) have some of the worst downtime and the time they spend eating or bandaging more than compensates for time some mana-users spend drinking, which isn't necessarily much time spent at all.
And if we are discussing group PvP, it's worth pointing out that melee (ie. classes that don't use mana) are pretty much inherently handicapped having to chase mobs and run away from more mechanics (-> lower DPS uptime). This isn't very relevant in most T1 fight (or even most of vanilla), but when you start seeing fights with mechanics, melee are very much handicapped.
>wake up at 4am
>check mail
>make some more potions and relist what didn't sell
>watch as people run around org
>maybe chat a bit in world
Yea, we comfy hours bros
>mana regeneration doesn't exist
It does but you don't get it to a significant degree until your in full epics even more so in BWL onward. Also it depends on the fight. Just look at Rag Mages typically dominate DPS in that fight because melee constantly need to back out and they get AoE DPS on the adds. Every mana using class besides hunter has a way to regenerate mana in combat Pallys practically have infinite mana in later gear once they get a lot of spell crit.
are moonkins actually viable?
they were my favorite dudes to raid with (BC/WOTLK/Cata) but always seemed to struggle
truly a blessed creature, we always did the DI into BattleRez combo when the raid was over, it brings good luck
t. ret
>Level with a warrior
>Heal his ass
>Only one who has down time is me, cuz I have to drink
Yeah it's so hard to be a warrior. This is why 1/3 of the players are warriors.
They are "viable" as in "capable of carrying their weight" (ie. if everyone in the raid was performing at that level, content would still be doable).
However, that's because vanilla content is trivial in terms of tuning. The gap between balance and useful specs is a wide gulf, and unlike TBC where their utility is seriously buffed, they really are just Bad Mages.
Healers are balanced around being limited by their Mana in groups.
Warriors either need to wait on their healer or bandage/eat after every pull.
People will want one for the crit aura.
It's also fun blowing up stinky horde as a giant owlbear.
>robes of the archmage are nothing special for an epic, stat-wise
>but it has an on-use ability to restore a tiny bit of mana
>it doesn't share a cooldown with mana potions/gems so the robes are 100% best in slot for the next 8 months
As it should be. Man the fuck up and get into melee, son.
Imagine being a mage, playing the game on EZ mode, and STILL complaining that you aren't the absolute best in every way.
If mage is EZ mode then what are warlocks and hunters?
Poor little warriors have to wait and not spend money on food. While I not only have to wait 30 seconds, but spend my money on drinks. It's so sad. I bet they are not even the top dps in raids, oh wait.
No they don't. You don't "want" moonkins even in TBC where their personal DPS is closer to par, crit aura is 5% rather than 3%, they also bring +3% melee hit, can actually use insect swarm to reduce mob hit chance, and have more mana to spend thanks to Dreamstate and new regen formula (ie. less need to innervate themselves, mana that can be used for CR). But in that case they're at least close to +-0 overall contribution compared to taking another mage/lock in their place: in vanilla they're just trivially bad.
They can do crazy damage but get oom really fast. Oomkin isnt actually a meme.
Vanilla content can be cleared with less than 40 people wearing greens.
The short answer is they suck, the long answer is you can probably find a raid group and be liked for the spell crit aura, but if you just want to do damage then play a real spec. Literally feral DPS is superior to that garbage.
Warlock is second place. All hunters do well at is leveling and farming mobs, but mages still kick their ass in this department. Really, nothing can compare to a frost mage in vanilla.
>Imagine being a mage, playing the game on EZ mode, and STILL complaining that you aren't the absolute best in every way.
What are some hard classes to play, genuinely curious.
What is your point exactly?
Warriors do top damage once fully geared, everybody knows that.
My point is they have other shortcomings.
My point that this game is that Classic is imbalanced and warriors should be nerfed.
Why should they be nerfed?
There aren't any really hard classes but most classes in the game will falter at performing in most areas. Warriors suck to level up, same with rogues, and they both lack utility. Hunters have tougher PvE rotations and 1v1 PvP can be a stress with the deadzone and limited CC. Paladins and Shamans are also constantly playing second fiddle to everyone else outside of healing.
Because they excel at everything.
meanwhile the warlock version has a use that heals your pet
>Heavily gear dependent
>Are worse tanks than bears in early raid content because druids don't have that issue
>Are worse dps than rogues until extremely late into content
>Are complete jokes in PvP unless they have a healer pocketing them
>Easily the worst solo leveler in the game
>Not enough energy.
>I don't have enough energy.
>I don't have enough energy.
>I don't have enough energy.
>Not enough energy.
>Not enough energy.
>I don't have enough energy.
>Not enough energy.
>I don't have enough energy.
>I don't have enough energy.
>Not enough energy.
>I don't have enough energy.
Please tell me there's a way to turn this off, rogues seem really fun but I can't endure this for even a minute.
They really don't.
They excel at single target damage or tanking. No sustain, no AoE, no CC, no utility...
Disable error speech.
I want to grind out my Human Warrior just so I can hear more of "I need a target". Whoever did the human male speech is a fucking god of hamming it up.
>you now remember the whining of your Blood Elf male paladin
All classes are gear dependent...
Compare a warrior tank in pre raid blues to a bear and there's no comparison. Some classes scale better with gear than others which is why warlocks have a slow start and become gods later, same with warriors. Classes like hunters and druids don't need gear as badly because their scaling sucks.
Actually, pre-raid BiS warriors are (slightly) more durable than bears, although bear threat is always superior so they're not strictly better. T1 raids happen to have some good gear for bears however so T1 BiS actually makes bears more durable in addition to maintaining their threat lead.
excuse me user, warlocks are gods from the moment they get their Imp
>There are people that don't turn of error speech
I neve make errors
Why are you playing with a shit warrior? Then again it's not your fault, 90% of warriors in this game are complete shitters who don't use range weapons, keep potions, or even level cooking/first aid.
The meme of warrior being hard to level only exists because of retards who charge at mob packs of 10 enemies are the only type of people who play the class.
Fuck off back to retail kid
>be mage
>get fire damage gloves and pants
>throw fucking bomb fireballs
>kill elite mobs in four shots
Warlocks problem is they have 0 hit until 2 tiers in meanwhile mages can just spec into hit. They still never outclass mages they just come close enough that the best warlocks with the shadow debuff from priests can compete with an average mage.
>mana regeneration doesn't exist
Heal me, bitch
go Human mage for better in combat mana regeneration noob. This + Human racial is OP for mages.
>See faggot spellcleave memers swarming every mob area all trying to blizzard kite
>Tag 2 or 3 mobs and pull into their blizzard letting them do the killing
thanks for the dmg, manacucks
>hurr durr i heal the warrior so the warrior never dies
Are you really this fucking stupid? You clearly have no clue what it's like to level in classic as a warrior with no fucking healer.
Mages and Warlocks dont use mana?
get lost retail tranny.
If you ever see this shit you should probably quit rogue coz you clearly cant manage your energy and just trying to do mongo rotation without thinking.
>Classes like (...) druids don't need gear as badly because their scaling sucks.
For druids, especially for tanking, it's more that raid itemization sucks for them, their scaling is so stupid high that blue items from level 55 dungeons can be better than most stuff in AQ40. That stupid high scaling is also the reason why they are better at tanking early raid content, because they scale insanely hard on mere blue items as long as it fits them.
You're retarded
Mages get like 45% mana regeneration during combat with mage armor and talents, plus clearcasting
Warlocks never should run out of mana because of life tap
Rogues killing people while naked is gear dependent? Mages topping all meters until extremely lategame by hitting one button is gear dependent?
Playing on an RP server is so comfy, lads. My Orc Shaman stumbled upon two Undead hobos /sleep-ing in the middle of the road at Crossroads the absolute madmen, and lost his shit. It caused a whole commotion to break out. It was really silly, but fun.
How goes your RP-ing, Yea Forums?
>Manage energy
You mean burning it when it's up for combo points. Okay, yeah, "management"
>They still never outclass mages
They do after BWL, the only exception is that one mage who soars to the top of the charts from absorbing all the other mages' ignite damage.
Hilarious, honestly
There was an undead warlock preaching dumb shit about the end of the world and how everybody should accept the inevitable doom and we all started to talk shit to him
>"pssh, taurens... I should have known!"
>"How dare you! It was thanks to Cairne that you became an ally of the horde!"
>"Cairne is a fool!"
>ten tauren, leaded by me, start to chimp out at the warlock and call him a motherfucker
That was a lot of fun
not even blues, greens. volcanic breastplate is ridiculously strong for druid tank in mc even if its a level 52 green item.
I seen a Gnome hiding in a bush pretending to stalk some Elf. I ended up joining him talking about the marvels of the human females. We ending up marching out of Stormwind and dueling some male Elf who thought we were disgusting.
Was pretty surreal and silly but fun.
>Lock lifetaps to 1hp while I'm drinking.
>Tank pulls like usual to let me finish drinking in combat.
>Mob does group damage.
>Lock dies.
I’m presuming that guy was RP-ing as a guy who foresaw the events of Cataclysm? Bonus points if he was preaching in Camp Taurajo.
Any lock which taps without bandaging is a retail retard anyway
I always have a renew up on the locks I group with less down time more dmg
Which of these 3 is most fun?
Druid, Hunter or Shaman.
Friend wants to play and would team up with him. No idea what class he will play.
Nope, middle of oggrimar
*pops soulstone*
*continues tapping*
Both shaman and druid are a lot of fun because they allow for four different gameplay styles: healing, tanking, melee and caster dps. I personally prefer shamans because all the totems
Hunter has only one gameplay that can get boringly monotonous but the pet management is a fun addition
Whatever the class, there is no fun to be had whatsoever in raids
>Like getting immersed with my character
>Have never gone full blown RP
>Friends didn't want to go RP-PVP
I feel like I missed out on some fun by not going to Grob.
So glad I went shammy. They might have a billion buttons but all I need is a wr crit.
>caster dps
Shaman can easily tank dungeons during leveling, which is the only part in WoW worth a damn.
>that autist who screams at people not following the meta
every time
flex on niggas while I refresh rockbiter
Lol, noob faggot
I personally think WF and enhacement is overrated as sin. Go elemental once you reach 40 and you won't regret it
why elemental once you hit 40? what changes
hunters are unironically the hardest class to play in vanilla.
You can do some simple ones like in the video here. The uploader is just a low level Troll reporter and there’s also an Orc RPing as a lowly peon. Take the plunge, it’s worth it user
probably for the guaranteed CL crit every 3 minutes
I actually like error speech
t. Druid
why would i care about that when I have 5x the crits with windfury in that time?
I caaaan't attaccck that taaarget!
It's probably a lot more fun than gambling on windfury. It sucks dick to autoattack and get zero procs then finally get one when the mob is almost dead.
Elemental has the problem of requiring all the talents to make lightning work. Technically you can respec previous to 40, but since you need to have all the appropriate talents of the tree first then its a good mark
it exists. Though I agree that mp5 is a shit system
spirit should work in combat so a caster would have to balance spirit and spellpower gear
>are moonkins actually viable?
Which WeakAuras do you guys use
>go to arathi
>crowded as shit
>go to stv
>every place crowded as shit
>go to tanaris
>everything is crowded as shit
how can anyone play during prime time is beyond me, maybe I should just change my schedule and playing during the night before work
Best feeling. I already got Lionheart helm for my warrior and now I can rest easy knowing I will never find a better helm.
What this user said. He beat me to it.
You could argue that you could respec at 39 instead of 40 since elemental mastery (level 40 talent) is more of an icing on the cake and isnt even taken in the cookie cutter ele build at 60
This, so much this
I've died several times just because windfury just fucking refused to proc. That's what bad luck does. Stonebitter was more consistent but still the fights took too long.
When I realized that by throwing lightning I finished mobs in half the time I was so fucking glad. I also have no clue of where the "enjoy drinking aftwr every fight!" Meme comes from, since I'm actually drinking less than when I was ENH because as an ENH I still had to spam inefficient shocks to not get killed
>make 20 classes
>4 of them are viable
Why do devs do this?
>Here guys, you can work a 1 hour day and we'll pay you $300 for the hour or you can work a 12 hour day and we'll pay you $10 an hour, but you get to wear this cool cape while you work.
Elem Mastery has more value while leveling than in dungeons/raids because the natural downtime while traveling makes its cooldown less impactful, and the insane burst it provides lets you quickly clear out a larger pack of mobs.
The meme of warrior being hard to level is about trying not to be bored. who the fuck wants to level a class that mostly auto attacks because of rage starvation at low levels?
All of them are viable. You are just a fucking noob who thinks himself clever for choking on the min max meta faggotry without even trying to understand the game
Oh definitely. I didn't mean that you should pass up elem mastery and go straight to resto just to save a respec fee at 60. I was just being tired and autistic. lol
what's the appropriate talent build for ele then?
Stupidest shit, senpai, elementals in dungeons are great and the downtime meme is stupidly exaggerated. At the very most you drink as often as the healer.
>muh raids
Dont speak of raids, son
>play alliance
>am shit at game so gotta be in a party 24/7
>always 3 people with me
>see single horde player
>scared even with all the people around me
>nobody dares make a move
>I attack because my hormones just kicked in and am suffering aggression episodes
>mfw 4 of us actually managed to kill a lone orc
>post this story in my favorite twitch streamer's chat
The game is simple and easy enough to beat the entire content with any composition. This has been proven time and time again.
>warlocks can out dps any class with hellfire aoe pulls
>mages have the highest dps in MC
>warriors lag being until ravanger with is only reliable when it procs
>rogues rely on 2+ min CDs
>classes without mana do the best dps
Ret, Prot (paladin), Enhance, Elemental, Balance, Feral, Shadow, and Survival would all like a word with you.
And no, bringing a token 1 person of the above specs for xyz aura or to swing nightfall does not count as viable.
Everything is viable as long as you're in a chill guild. You can 5-man raids anyway and there are optimized guides for every spec.
Then go into resto to get totem mastery and that +3to hit with spells
What's wrong with survival other then it being a pure levelling/ high risk tank spec?
Play the fucking game because all of those builds actually would like a word with you
Meta noob faggot
>Muh raids
Look at him, look at him and laugh
Next thing you'll mention will be how world buffs are necessary
>not viable
>hundreds of flamers picking ret and feral and downing content
>prot pally still second best dungeon tank
>feral dps in top 10 dps in guilds that aren’t autisticly stacking mages
>bear tanks currently tanking ony and most of MC
>shadow still pulls numbers with decent mana management
The only actual useless specs in vanilla is balance and ele. Everything else is able to perform. Just because you saw some faggot minmax article stating ret has the lowest dps because he’s missing world buff #473 doesn’t mean it’s not viable
This is a good example. Just note that those 3 points put into the call of flame are flexible. some opt for elemental warding, improved fire totems, reverberation, or even earths grasp for that extra yard radius for earth bind
Why are Vanilla hunters so based bros?
Even then
>ele useless
>when half the thread has started to argue how its the best for levelling and good in dungeons
>when elemental shamans are terrorific in pvp with their stupid high burst damage and totems
I've also seen elementals and balance pulling their weight in raids. Specially in ZG and AQ25. But I recommend against them because they are fucking boring, not because they are not viable
It isn't viable to play as.
Raids are the end-game. Viability is determined by ability to do end game stuff. This is not arguable nor contestable, deal with it.
Ret is only barely viable in an extremely specific spelldamage build with fucking ironfoe.
Prot is completely nonviable because it can't reach uncrittable and it has no taunt and it relies on mana.
Feral DPS is dogshit compared to rogue.
Bear is only illusory 'viable' because of inflated HP values in extremely easy content like MC/Ony. They're useless past that.
Shadow does half the dps of a warlock and literally only one is brought to amplify warlock damages and maybe as a mana battery.
do you have to sacrifice the leveling experience to heal dungeons? i ask because leveling as a healer spec is fucking torture
You're autistic
Ah yes, you speak like a fucking faggot who has surely reads dozens of guides and has yet to play the fucking game himself
Congratulations, now fuck off kindly
>It isn't viable to play as
I dunno I'm pretty sure the point of survival is to survive encounters. With 25% chance to avoid damage you're constantly shitting out counters and mongoose bites while tanking 2+ mobs while having your bear tank another 2 mobs. Plus you can always assist your bear with arcane shot since it will be out of your deadzone. Explain to me how it's not viable outside >muh group content. I've already said it's for levelling, which is 80% of the game.
Dont be retarded. You can heal dungeons as any spec. I really fucking hate those "shaman dps lfg" idiots who think they can't be healer as enh or elemental. Same goes for the other healing classes
Nope I just know the reality of the game.
Played real vanilla, and played private servers for years. I know how vanilla works. You're just ignorant or hopeful I'll be wrong when you finally reach max level. I'm trying to warn you before hand but if you want to ignore me go right ahead. You will not be viable and no guild will want to invite you.
i've only tried it early on when i had no talents in resto and it was hell. 3 heals and I'd go OOM, that's why I'm asking.
He is retarded, your post is futile
>muh private servers
Fuck off
Just stop this retardation now and save yourself the embarrassment.
Leveling is not end game content.
Leveling is not the determination of viability.
Also the point of hunter is to do ranged DPS. Survival cannot do that in appreciable numbers.
No you can't. If you are running around in strength gear you sure as fuck cannot heal dungeons; you will go OOM after 3 casts.
Imagine having this shitty of a personality
>tfw i'm completely feral and I've still healed many dungeons
Only Naxx requires 40 absolute minmaxers. But BWL is hard enough that you can't bring 20 nonviable specs and expect to clear it.
>Be Warlock
>Use all mana on Shadowbolts
>Highest DPS
>Have use Life pact to get Mana back
>Lowest DPS
mage/warrior make up 50% of the games population
defend this classicbabs
Holy shit, this is surely bait right? Or really severe autism?
You are doing it extremely wrong then. Its not your spec. I've healed countless times as enhacement and nobody ever died. Never ran out of mana either
Are you spamming the highest rank heal? You shouldn't, learn to downrank when healing
Fuck off nigger, you are so wrong and annoying
>Only Naxx requires 40 absolute minmaxers.
All the classes are viable. Are sime better than others at certain things? Yes but every class can play and beat all content
It actually doesn't require 40 min maxers
The meme of naxx being difficult was because nobody ever put any effort into it when it came out (since BC had been announced) and private servers overtuning the fuck put of it and nerfing healing (I'm not joking, fuck private servers)
Loads of potential tanks and loads of portals and mage food for everyone, i dont see the issue
I don't understand the pvp, how am I supposed to git gud
mages are faggots and warriors can do this thing called tanking
Do people want niggers asking for gold to tank because there are so few tanks available?
Pvp in classic is so volatile that often its whoever goes first the one who wins. Stuns and slowdowns are OP and using them while having counter measures is an important factor
lets starts by your class.
tell us what class you are?
I keep hearing "just dot and run bro" but it doesn't work, it's not that simple
Good im a pro Warlock so next answer
Your spec
Your Macros.
>Your spec
well I'm only level 45 right now, so that deep affliction SM leveling spec, with fel conc.
I don't really have any other than
/cast Drain Soul(Rank 1)
/run PickupContainerItem(4,GetContainerNumSlots(4)) DeleteCursorItem()
which isn't even pvp related
>nothing special for an epic, stat-wise
>stats are better than everything that drops in mc, bwl or zg
I have no fucking idea of how make macros, absolutely fucking zero at all.
I have no macros at all and people keep telling me that as a shaman I should. Can anyone just copy paste theirs to me so that I can use them?
Now comes a big one. Do you have Shadoweave set? This is must have for all Warlocks. You need it for big shadow damage.
Do you use Void or Succubus?
I Highly recommend making a global Macro for Void's Sacrifice and Succubus's Seduce.
Heres your rotation. Fear > Immolation > Fear (If Immolation breaks it) > Corruption > Curse of Agony (Exhaust, Tongues) > Siphon Life.
Now at this point you just spam fear use Death Coil only as short term CC like Warrior gets melee at you Coil him. Or you get stunlocked by rogue use Coil and fear. Also use Drain Life, Wand depending which one makes more DPS faster. Use Shadow Bolt only if hes like 30-15 yards away and its safe to cast it during hes feared.
most macros are meme shit like heal on mouse hover. completely optional garbage. i personally dont use any
>Do you have Shadoweave set?
no, haven't even started with it mostly because I'm kinda poor and didn't even get my Tailoring up, I'm at 186 now and I think first piece is at 200 or 210.
Also I was suggested to get the 3 pieces of Dreamweave set instead of the appropriate shadoweave set, do you reckon they're right and it's better?
Man up until now I didn't really have a way to go farm mageweave cloth, but I think I'll try it in those humanoid camps near feralas horde camp
still BiS until ZG
also yea
>I Highly recommend making a global Macro for Void's Sacrifice and Succubus's Seduce.
I have bound all pet ability to mouse buttons so I just put the useful ones (like sacrifice, spell lock, charm) on the same slot and that works good enough I guess
>do you use void or succubus
I should be using succubus for leveling I think since I don't have imp Voidwalker but I've been using felhunter for a while now for some reason, think I just wanted to try him out and forgot to change it
Dreamve = More Expesinve, Les Spellpower but more stats
>Shadoweave = Less Expensive (Shadow Silk can be farmed in Dustwallow Spiders all of them) High Shadow Spellpower but less stats.
but how do I deal with the spell knockback effect from faggots attacking me? basically impossible to cast anything
only need 1 or 2 tanks
90% of warrs are dps warrs + tanking is pointless in this game because everything is so easy
>Les Spellpower but more stats
how does that work?
Like what is the correlation between "Shadow damage" and "Spell power"?
Because, for example, Shadowweave gloves have 17 shadow damage while Dreamweave gloves have 18 spell damage, so what does that translate to? How do you determine which is better?
Each Shadow Spell power is excatly as Spellpower but only for Shadow school of magic.
Spellpower is most important stats any Caster will ever need. It's a flat out damage boost to your class not only that it also increase like healing from Siphon Life and u get more mana from Life Pact with higher Spellpower. So it is the most important thing you want. I recommend pumping stamina items ever ones with str or agi in to your rings, necks or capes so you get surviability with stamina
ah okay that;s what I thought, so in this case the Dreamweave gloves would be better than the Shadowweave ones.
I do agree they seem a lot more expensive because of fucking wildvines, but I think I have some just enough for at least one piece
Still debating whether I should just go buy all this cloth or go farm it and hope I get some exp out of it
You definitely want a tank for things post-SM, but any tanking class will do. If every mob is attacking one person then that lets the healer be more mana efficient, and thus reduces downtime.
Warriors are one of the fastest classes to level if you are good, there was some private server vids awhile back that shows some warriors kiting multiple mobs between weapon swings.
>tfw 60 Deep Resto Shaman
>Can't raid yet because no 60s
>also can't raid with the other people who are 60 because Nightshift + Weekends
Send help to Incendius, I just want to raid between 3:30 and 9:40 est.
Or a fucking Tuesday / Friday raid guild.
Rest in peace 60y nameplates, you were the best QoL accidentally added to classic ever.
Just how fast do boomkins go oom? I feel like as people get geared they might want boomkins for the 3% crit in addition to fights being over faster.
I can see if they run out of mana literally after 10 seconds not being viable but I feel people still would want to pad meters with that crit
M8 warlocks can life tap
>remember that one rare emerald whelp pet
>check AH
>its up for 1 gold
>buy it
>sell it for 99 gold
This is easier than vanilla, I was considering grinding out levels on those whelps just at the chance of it
You are supposed to save 45 energy not spam sinister strike
>trying to tank SM
>fuckhead pulls because he got to close to the mobs
>can't charge for the initial rage boost
>pop bloodrage then start doing the cries and sunders
>hunter takes aggro on one of the mobs, grab him with taunt before he runs away
>rogue takes aggro from another mob, start slapping it with sunders and revenge to pull the aggro back in
>trying to keep aggro on 3-4 different mobs with my mediocre rage generation
How do I keep aggro with these fucks? I tried marking one to focus on but nobody is paying attention and I want to fucking die every time we do a dungeon.
>on a FP
>Bob fucking Ross on PBS on the TV while I fly
>explain healing aggro to healer
>"just let me apply a sunder on the other mobs or if I drop bellow 50% health
>unable to comprehend, starts healing after I take a few hits
>other mobs aggro to him
I should pull with full rage and battle shout spam at this point
warlocks are high skillcap in PvP. You don't actually think PvE takes skill, right?
FP are literally the worst shit ever in classic
wish they changed them. fucking alt tab simulator
Even worse is when they heal you with Power Word: Shield just before you pull.
>find extremely good epic gear for twinks
> WTS gloves for 130g
>someone whispers me "its for 20g on the AH"
>buy those and bid my time till BGs appear
easy fuckong pease
That’s not rogues
>clearing anything post onyxia without 40 ppl
yeah good luck with that
now where have i heard this before
Vanilla endgame content is severely undertuned. The only reason why raids took so long to world first clear back in the day is because of artificial roadblocks. Seriously, look it up, every single boss was killed pretty quickly and the only exceptions were bugged bosses and shit like 4 horsemen.
I can’t play games like this anymore. They feel like a complete waste of time when I don't get anything tangible from them. I'd rather practice guitar or something I can impress people with. Makes me sad bros, I miss the comfy days of not giving a fuck and letting the hours slip away immersed in the world
>>Lock lifetaps to 1hp while I'm drinking.
>>Tank pulls like usual to let me finish drinking in combat.
>>Mob does group damage.
>>Lock dies.
Chad lock here I do this all the time fucking cancer bneta pussy healers u have to heal the almighty alpha warlock
I got Witching Stave in SFK and didn't know it was a twink item so i equipped it.
People are already doing 20 mans for onyxia and rag.
good thing I got good at guitar in my early teens
The boggest boost to ele is at 39 you get a full second shaved off lightning bolt and chain lightning. Before that theres a lot of cool stuff that helps you cast gooder but that full second off feels so good. Also if you time it right you can get ele mastery to effect 2 spells instead of one
When can I start SM? I'm like halfway to 32
>That video of the 40 priests raiding onyxia that got DMCAd for copyrighted music
4 levels ago
You already can. Graveyard is common for people to start with from 29, at 31 you may also do library, but depending on class you may miss a lot and get many resists, especially in the later parts, however if you're a healer there'll be no problem, and many groups would be fine with carrying you through library anyway.
If you're not a healer start with looking for GY, often the group will want to continue with library after and you'll be brought along. If you're a healer there'll be no problem going into library right away.
You may also get to heal the later parts at 31, but you should be very careful because you'll pull from great distance. The healing itself should go fine.
>mana battery
this isn’t tbc
warrior is the default class that everyone makes 1 of. almost none of those warriors make it past level 10 anyways so those numbers mean jack shit. mages are just objectively the best class in the game in every circumstance and in every way imaginable, so people think they're good if they pick one because the first 60 was an aoe spam mage and they think they'll be as good as he was
>like vanilla enhancement
>dont want to play horde
just spam dots on everything that breathes and life drain something until you get a free shadow bolt then scream at the warrior tank for losing aggro
>dont want to play horde
Literally why would you want play alliance? It's filled with trannies and zoomer faggots
>muh tranny boogeymen
rent free
horde is literally all streamniggers and special snowflakes. also shoeless nigger races that live in mudhuts
orc is the only okay race in the horde in vanilla, nowadays there's a lot more choice
>want to play mage or priest
>zombie or goofy troll
>want to play rogue
>hulk hogan, zombie or goofy troll
alliance has human or two kinds of midgets and that's not bad
Better music
Better cities
Better races (inb4 muh nigger trollzz!)
for just a start
I'm pretty good but you can always get better. It's just an example anyway, you can replace it with lifting, or writing, or doing research or whatever.
Maybe I'm just anxious, I can't watch movies or TV shows for the same reason, though at least with those there's the justification that you can talk about it with your friends.
>*steals healer gear from healers despite sucking at healing*
>*steals rogue gear from rogues despite sucking at dps*
>*steals caster gear from casters despite being oom when casting*
>*cant kill anyone but has enough oh shit buttons to stay alive forever like paladins, druids are literally so boring to fight that there is an actual unspoken rule amongst druids not to attack each other since it will literally go on forever*
>*constantly spread misinformation about how they are superior dps, tanks and healers because an e-celeb told them so but don't have any results to back up their claims*
>*is the favorite class of pretty much every resident contrarian faggot and streamers including baseddapoppin*
Can all druid players seriously just fuck off and die?
Can you druid niggers just pick one spec to be mediocre at and only roll on gear for that? You don't need to ninja loot from every fucking role in your group. Especially if you aren't even having the courtesy to tank the fucking dungeon.
>literally all the biggest streamers are alliance side
I'm sure you rolled a human race warrior like your hero asmongolid
>knowing what class and race streamers play
like i said, shoeless horde niggers are all stream drones
>there was some private server vids awhile back that shows some warriors kiting multiple mobs between weapon swings.
which is only possible on pservers because of changes to how the latency works. hamstring kiting is literally impossible in classic
on a scale of 1 to 10 how much will i regret making a gnome warrior?
You said you knew that streamers played horde though? Sorry sweetie but it seems like you're the real nigger here :)
2 if female
10 if male
gnome males are fucking gross looking
Yeah like you don't know, you trannies don't stop posting your favorite streamers here
I already stopped playing, the initial hype gone out quicker than I thought
>Doing some quests in the EPL, have loot set to free for all since I know the other 3 people in the party
>About to do a group quest at Tirion's grave when a gnome rogue asks for an inv
>Epic drops off one of the trash mobs and he loots it since no rolling
>Actually agrees to roll on it, loses, and gives it to us
>Sold overnight for 180g
Thank god I didn't roll horde. If that were an undead mage/rogue you know damn well that fag would have immediately ran off with it. Alliancechads are men of integrity and honor.
horde niggers lashing out at the humans again. funny how closely video games mimic real life
King's Honor, friend.
>I told him to do the thing!
well memed friend, but rent free
>MMO in its early stages is an unbalanced shitshow
>people leaving because classes/races they want to play are outright unviable
>people already dropping this game in droves
Blizzard was right and you're just now starting to realize it
no-shoes are always so jealous of alliancechads despite blizzard giving them better treatment forever
Shut the fuck up you idiot!
I need more retards playing that shitty class to be my enervation and mark of the wild botbitch!
how long did it take you to come up with that piece of fiction?
I'd rather save 45 braincells and roll another class lmoa
>90 posters
Yikes, dead already
As long as it took me to unsub, blizzshill
>Implying people aren't leaving because they know it'll go into BC/WotLK
Anyone else enjoying playing casually, questing around, grouping with randoms, enjoying world pvp?
Sometimes I feel like I'm the only one who doesn't enjoy high level meta or instances or even gear. I just want to explore the world and such. Helps that this is the first time playing this I guess
I know there's nothing to explore in MMOs so not really.
Just show your panties to everyone
Based. They really are great. I went human female paladin, kind of regret it because their /silly is shit tier.
>waaaahhhh I can't play an ugly race because I'm an insecure turbofaggot
This is literally all alliance trannies
And yet I still see most non AoE dungeon groups still asking for caster DPS and tanks. I don't think the imbalance is nearly as bad as people here say except that maybe rogues are less popular than normal.
so you think people are leaving because the game will actually get good at some point?
There is a reason they've been called Oomkins since forever.
95% of horde players are undead female for that exact reason lmao. not a good defense for you
>Anyone else enjoying playing casually, questing around, grouping with randoms, enjoying world pvp?
I was one of the first players in on stalagg. Im still not 40 largely because Im going a more completionist route this time around with a partner for 100% of the journey. Its not the best xp going all over hells half acre to get every line done but I feel like Im seeing a lot more of the game than I did when I was twelve and spent 80% of level 40 in redridge fucking up alliance players
Are druids biggest jews of classic?
I haven't played WoW since shortly after Ulduar. All these Classic threads are making me want to try retail again. What have I missed?
>playing casually
This is a buzzword for poorly. No. I'm not mentally disabled like you and are able to live off of the government. I have a job so I try to make the most of my time in the game.
>questing around
For the XP, yes. The actual quest lines are so dull and shallow you can count the number of memorable quest chains on one hand.
>grouping with randoms
No. A miserable experience 7/10 times. Always have someone who sucks or some faggot being passive aggressive anytime one thing goes wrong or someone gets a piece of loot they wanted.
>enjoying world pvp?
No, layering killed this. Any time I pass by a hordefag they don't try to engage me in a fight and I usually have to be the aggressor. Then they're either shit tourists who don't know how to play or just stand there and /clap sarcastically instead of retaliating. I went to south shore and started ganking lowbies for an hour since I was bored and they got butthurt enough to report me and force a name change even though my name (Noobsmasher) wasn't even remotely offensive.
>95% of horde players are undead female
Lol that's not even remotely true
Most common races are undead male followed by orc male
I slay all horde niggers on sight, you better hurry up an hide inside layers tranny
>95% of horde players are undead female for that exact reason lmao
You go undead female for the flipping animation, trannies are the female trolls with the uwu face
nice source
every census site lists undead as vastly above everything else, and all are skewed to female
>nice source
>doesn't post source
Hunters were literally designed to be the easiest class that anyone could pick up.
People 5 manned onyxia in vanilla. Pretty sure most raids can get along just fine with a few boomkin and elemental shamans.
BC and WotLK were peak WoW, we all know it
Stupid KFC nigger, horde LITERALLY AND ACTUALLY represents an edge evil faction for zoomer kids filled with weirdo races trannies associate themselves with.
Alliance on other hand consist explicitly of Aryan humans and amazon elfs joined by bro dwarfs and genious 300iq gnomes, white races which joined together to defend civilization against a threat of NOSHOES immigrants coming from another world.
They cant die, they can't be slowed, infinite mobility. I really do hate druids.
Sure, you will pay me 500g per piece of loot I boost you for
Modern zoomers prefer horde because it's the edgy faction. The zoomers of the 2000's played Ally because they were human shaped.
I wish Alliance was a better alt right containment faction. It's fucking dumb when kids start deus vult larping as the Somali mudhut faction but I still see them doing it anyway.
>switched to ele shaman from enh
Holy shit this is amazing. Like it was cool blasting a warlock 100-0 in one WF crit but now I can do that from 30 yards away and without relying on luck to do it
>playing an mmo
>WTF why are there people everywhere?
You sound like every edgy teen guild on kronos. You couldn't pay me to raid with you.
what level? and what's your rotation
Assuming I don't care about the cost, should I just get Dreamweave over Shadoweave? It's only 3 less spellpower for +9 int and +7 spirit on the robes.
I also have +10 int, +5 stamina, and +6 spirit shoulderpads, are they actually worse than +7 stam +17 shadow damage shadoweave shoulders?
I feel like if I got full +shadow damage on most of my items, my other stats would be tanked too badly by hardly having any of it in any slot.
point being healing the pet is fucking useless, especially once you're DS/Ruin
The only stupid thing about leveling elemental is you have to wait so long to get your chain lightning/lightning bolt spell cast time reduced.
so what are the class demographics going to look like in a month or two? seems there are tons of mages and warriors and not that many rogues but there seems to be a lot more healers and almost no tanks this time around
i remember priest being gold because you could always find groups/loot at the drop of a hat and you were guaranteed a raid spot but now i'm not so sure
Why would I ever want to pay you for leeching of me? Are you mental?
>Heh, look at this kid thinking he's good enough to raid with my guild
>Sips caprese sun mixed with his parents cheap vodka
Switched at 40 and the go to has been lightning bolt to EM+CL while the bolt is traveling and ES/FS at the end of the CL cast depending on which bursts for more. Getting rhe drop on someone has regularly meant fighting someone with less than 1/4 of their health if they were at full
>N O S H O E S
>mage and warlock are top of the dps meters
>classes that dont use mana are the best DPS
Why should you get loot if you aren't pulling your weight?
Here we have your typical hordesoy
I feel like everyone heard how good rogues were then decided not to roll it to be contrarian and so they wouldn't need to compete for loot.
Nice made up RP Goldshire story, now please fuck off back to retail since nobody wants your stinky kind here.
I feel like the mana issues of balance/ele are blown out of proportion. Fights dont last as long as they did back in the day so you dont go oom much
Because numb nuts, vanilla is easy. Like I said earlier, people were 5 manning onyxia in vanilla and people have already cleared MC in greens and not everyone was 60. What is it with this retarded min-maxing meta you people insist on when it isn't even needed?
And no one likes tools who have to read a guide before they can make a decision.
>want to level a priest
>fucking hate wanding and the shit mana regen
there's a lot of bad things about modern WoW but at least you can kill 2 mobs using your actual spells instead of using 2 dots and then swinging a pointy stick at them until they die
or pay out the ass for water and spend half your leveling experience drinking
You could always get mana gear too.
You think when YouTubers and social media use wojak edits, that's when you stop
Onyxia was 5 manned in actual vanilla retard. What a dumb post.
>I should do less than everyone else and also get rewarded for it
Loot in vanilla is very limited, there's not a lot to go around. It wouldn't be fair to everyone else if you got the same loot despite doing less.
Priest is one of the comfiest and most fun classes to level, you can easily take out 3 mobs at once and you never have to eat/drink.
Wand spec is for autismos who can't enjoy the game unless they min-max as hard as possible. Just grab spirit tap and make your way down to mind flay. Every kill will get you about 35% of your mana back and mind flay is a very cost efficient spell.
>Doing less
I bet you think you need flasks to do MC.
>Shadoweave set
>didn't know what it was, trainer is off away from the other tailors in UC
>look it up, it's great, and I'm just at that level
>requires shadow silk to craft
>just sold off my 20+ shadow silk on the AH because I didn't think there was anything left to craft it with
Where did I say it was necessary?
>not throwing on a bubble, casting pain, and tabbing out to let your character level itself
>no one likes
Strange, I get complements from random people and help them with advices on how to preform better every time, perhaps you should actually leave goldshire and see world around you instead of delluding yourself further into madness, tranny?
Just a heads up, the run speed increasing pocket watch trinket isn't actually Alliance only, even though all the Gnome's quests refer to the player like they're Alliance.
If flasks aren't required, why are optimal builds to progress past trivial content required?
>tranny for not being a mindless spreadsheeter fag
Keep trying kid, someday you might actually land one that sticks.
I have it on my troll. Did people actually think this?
Well you see the whole game is a Ragnaros speedrun. Dont look at things through any other lens like pvp or 5 man content or leveling.
>tfw levelling a holy pally
pain, only pain
I hit 50 on my paladin, then I thought "if TBC was out, I'd have crusader strike" and so I kinda put it on hold.
Been questing a bit in Blasted Lands but everybody was sharing the spawns, even in medium pop hours
That guy posts here all the time, he probably grew up on this retarded board so it's no wonder his brain is fried.
Correct me if im wrong but they deal more damage than mages but they run out of mana way too quickly. If you are going to try too build one than go intellect>spell power
spec? I might switch to tank, levelling solo is hard atm (level 34)
Do you have an agenda when you say shit this stupid and you sort of know you're pulling it out of your ass or are you actually retarded and you believe what you typed? Because if it's the latter I'd love for a team of professionals to sterilize your family and dissect your brain.
I’m leveling holy and it’s awesome. I haven’t done any quests since 20, just groups. I’ve filled in for healer, tank or DPS. Fuck yeah hybrids.
what level? i have a 30 holy paladin and it's stable but incredibly boring
>auto attack 1-3 mobs to death
>100% crit holy light
>full health and mana
>rinse and repeat
I never said it was required.
Gnomes are awful
>naming your char noobsmasher
what are you, 12?
I'd rather clear onyxia with 5 people than you though, why would I share anything with you if you are useless? lol?
>post onyxia
retards can't read, color me surprised
Modern zoomers literally prefer alliance because of asmongoloid
I went arcane mage
Why do people do this. Who looks at frostbite, shatter, improved crit damage, and ice barrier and then decides that a 30% increase damage and mana cost cooldown is better for leveling?
Loatheb was also 5 manned.
Next you'll say Blizz should remove zeppelins and boats between Kalimdor and EK, everyone should just swim over to the other continent because you want everyone to go as slow as possible.
Gnome Warriors are absolutely fucking based. Own that shit and you’ll love it.
did you quote the wrong post or something?
I'm literally complaining that the FP will do 30 spins around the continent before getting me to where I want to go and they're slow as fuck to boot.
15% of 0 is amazing
Not only that but the world should be redesigned so traveling between zones should take weeks unless you have a mount.
this game is 30 years old and fucktards like you are complaining about the game mechanics?
fury-prot would like a word with you
>Not giving your character some retarded, juvenile name if your intention is to gank and be annoying
orc in this image has the right idea.
>mostly forced to play with randoms or players who don't fully understand threat and aggro
>grown accustomed to the modern brainless tanking where you barely have to care about it unless you're doing high-end content where doing a ton of dps actually matters
i kinda want to play warrior but i know they're more or less forced to tank and i'm not sure i want to do that for most of my time especially since i lean more towards pvp than pve (yes i know it's just a pointless minigame but it's fun) and i feel bad being just another fury warrior refusing to sack up and do his damn job
you're a bananahead
But they arent. You have to manage arrows and pet happiness and you have bag space taken up by a quiver.
Your pet is squishy and dies in a few hits.
They have no defensives for a ranged class and are easily dead-zoned
With spell batching you cant kite as effectively.
They do sub par aoe cleave compared to insane warlock and mage damage
You have to manage weapon swing timer to effectively weave in aimed and multi shots to maximize dps.
Aimed shot is your only effective damage skill and is nearly impossible to get off in pvp if a melee is on you or a caster ccs you/ deadzones you
Besides leveling, they are one of the harder classes to play/master.
do whatever you want nobody cares.
go paladin so you can do ret pvp and tank if you need to
You get both wand spec and spirit tap/ Mind Flay is not efficient to use until Rank 3.
>ret pvp
>newer games are just better designed
zoomer detected
fuck it bros
respeccing to holy x prot pally
I forgot to mention they go oom incredibly fast and have no way of getting mana back besides mana pots.
I wish hunter focus wasnt cut from vanilla
too bad you cant pay gold to reroll a class
Me (arms warrior) and my buddy (holy priest) annihilated a multiboxer running druid/priest/mage/mage/mage today for stealing our quest mobs. We chain feared them and the multiboxer couldn't turn his dudes around fast enough to aim frostbolts at us. I'm sad that I didn't think to use my mind control hat to steal one of the mages and run it off a cliff though.
idk if tank spec is viable at all, I tanked ZF in ret spec (but it was kinda painful since DPS would outthreat me)
Holy: 10% str 10% intel, Consec
Ret: -15% mana costs, 5% parry chance, seal of command, 5% crit chance, then fairly straightforward talents. I think aura of retribution is what gets you the most value while leveling, so you might as well put 2 points in improved ret aura, and not put points in aura of sanctity
As a drawfag I can relate. Now that I’ve fallen behind my party is already pissed at me
kek, based.
Oh yeah that intellect buff for warriors is so based dude.
>get to ashenvale and start making my way towards auberdine
>get ganked by a warlock
>doing some quests in stonetalon, killing harpies with a bunch of horde players
>get ganked by a lock
Why are warlocks fucking dickheads all the time?
Reminder to slay and dab on every hoard you see
LFM tank SM Arm/Cath
Usually walking along I dont even need to stop to kill anyone, just throw my dots and ramble on
Anyone that doesn’t think playing a Frost Mage is ez mode is bad at this game. I just can’t wait until all of the shitter Frosties get absolutely exposed when BGs come out.
> t. 10+ year frost mage
>Oh man that human warrior pulled a SECOND raptor?
>Well lets just dot up raptor 1
>Dot up raptor 2
>And the human for deflecting unwanted photons into my eyeballs and violating the NAP
Hey shitters, if you’re at low health and I sheep you, I’m not trying to gank you I’m just tossing you a free heal. If you try and fight me don’t QQ when I wreck your bhole because you can’t catch me
>pull more than two mobs? too bad, they get +ap and stop running away
>also, you get slower cast speed
Killed more than a few mages this way
>put curse of tongues on a mage
>they don't dispel it with remove curse
How shit are people at their own classes?
>Running GY with 2 mages in a noncleave group
>Neither has remove curse purchased
Its not an aoe attack so they dont buy it
Thats because they follow the guides and dont level it
I do this all the time (without the dying) and I tell the healers to stop healing me because I can just drain and death coil, but they never stop. They think they're helping me but really they're just ruining my contribution to the group's sustain by wasting their mana and it pisses me off so much.
gnome female with pink pigtails is absolute kino for dabbing on horde shitters
Ok, heres another one
>see a warrior on the road
>here, hold this Amplified CoE for a sec
sums it up they are retards who are followers not leaders
Ain't this the truth. I am a tank and I constantly have to deal with brainlets AOEing instantly before I've gotten more than proximity aggro on the mobs. I'm hoping things will be easier when I respec prot (am tanking as arms currently) but I kinda doubt it.
Is it feasible to level as fury? Arms is fucking boring
And thus deserve getting their ass cursed
>charging into a group of mobs, hitting sweeping strikes, then blendering them with a ricocheting whirlwind is boring
Well, to each his own. Yeah, fury is fine for leveling, but don't dual wield -- your miss chance skyrockets. 2H fury is legit.
Doubtful it seems arms with sweeping strikes is best.
Which is actually incredibly stupid since spell cost scales with level, so they will end up paying more for it.
I have the opposite problem. I'm playing a warrior and it took until level 25 or so before my brother realized "hey, maybe I should hit his target with my staff in between healing him!"
I was annoyed with my mana and then I found out life tap scales with shadow/spell dmg.
Suddenly it's the bitch healer's problem and I'm never oom
What level are you?
You mean spell levels? Dont they go down a bit with you gaining more rep?
The higher you level up the highest they cost, you are going to spend serveral golds for a level 20 spell if you purchase it at 60.
Post yfw blizzard adds /dab
Don't waste your gold. Idiots who AoE before you have decent threat are going to pull off you no matter what spec you are. Stay Arms. Prot sucks for leveling anyway, including 5-mans.
>Bring a crit aura that affects 4 people at most
>While the useless fuck deals about 50% of their dps
Yea really worth it for the crit bruh.
Primary benefit of Hunter is solo play and being the kings of farming.
Oh now I see what you mean. Instead of gradually spending money to level it up, they will have to spend them in one go
Yeah. I'm level 52 and tanked up to mara just fine as arms, so it's not like it's affecting my ability to do dungeons. I might go prot at 58 and just spend the last two levels farming brd/scholo/strat for gear for my priest and I though.
>implying racials make any difference
Wojaks has been the go-to template for almost 10 years, now. Everyone is fucking creatively starved. Nothing but wojak and pepe edits FOR TEN FUCKING YEARS.
bro your brother should be using a wand. dont tell me hes a.. a.pff.. a pff.. A DRUID OR SHAMAN OR PALADIN
My priest has zero downtime. Zero. You are a noob?
Wait, ten years already? What?
>mana gem
>mana pot
>life tap
To be fair it does help weapon skills lv up so any magecucks here be sure to throw Arcane int on your melee boys
death coil
mana pot
Wojak has existed since like 2008 or so, but back then he was just "feels guy" and nothing else.
Starting around 2015 or so, people started giving him the Pepe treatment, IE making as many different variations as they possibly can.
>implying they don’t
Are you retarded?
>i dont want to be able to dispell my class's greatest weakness for free
and drain mana, but it’s kinda shit
As an afflock, your health and pet's mana are also your mana. So is the health of whoever you're fighting.
>mages get cucked by cooldowns
>lockchads can get mana anytime they want
If you’re worried about racials you’re not based in the first place. But if you are then escape artist is still the best alliance pvp racial.
>improved drain mana
>instead of increasing the base, like any other talent
>its a fucking sidegrade
>dispels MIE
Immediately hit with another frostbolt.
pet tap is trash though, please get ruin
>casting shadowbolt while questing ever
You're not serious, are you?
>put CoE on gnome
>escape artist
>put Amp CoE on gnome
>dispell roots
>dispell nova
Both of these are huge and you haven't played warrior if you think otherwise.
>playing on a PvE server
Even if you dont, there are tons of ways to gain mana
>most of my guild already went back to retail
what went wrong classicbros
nightfall nigger
>I'm on Benjis server
Christ, I might actually run into him at some point.
Who the fuck would go back to retail? i can understand quiting classic and wow altogether but not that lmao
>implying i play on pve
Don't tap yourself down to empty and you'll be fine.
Inefficient trash only good for killing fleeing mobs or when you get jumped by a shoenigger.
just spec dark pact and turn your pets skills off autocast, its like infinity mana
I was 2-handing Fury until around 39 when I finished RFD and all of SM to get 2 swords and I've been dual wielding since and am at 46 now. Anything at the same level as you or 2 levels above you should die easily enough and anything 3 levels is hard fought, but feasible. Anything higher you're going to die without pots just from missing so much though.
This is not true at all
There are classes that don't even scale off of gear like druid and hunter...
Just because they scale poorly doesn't meant they don't scale.
It proves you're a retard who has no idea what he's talking about though
This would be an instance of "git gud fag"
Both Arms and Fury are fine for leveling, it's all about keeping your weapons up to date. If you do that, just have fun and ignore autism.
Scaling worse doesn’t mean they don’t scale at all. Everyone does better with better gear.
Mages are the best dps by far atm, retard
>he isn’t theorycrafting about raids that won’t even release for a year
>it's another "spout epic Yea Forums and /pol/ maymays in Barrens chat" episode
why are you all like this
So fucking stupid kek
>can't handle bants
gr8 b8 m8 i r8 8/8 no h8
Classes with less utility, less damage, less AoE damage and less ability to AoE farm? What are you, retarded?
>something I can impress people with
You are already lost
Wow hunter pets don't scale so I guess the whole class doesn't scale at all lol!!!
There is a fucking night and day difference between hunter dps before and after chromag xbow.
begone normalfag
Pvp is like the whole point of classic, not a minigame. You kill all the bosses to get the best loot, to be the strongest in pvp (aka the world).
Gnome is best warrior pvp class
wow wtf why i am i silenced and baned
>say speech lose object
your choice in guild
>everyone is pro-/pol/, pro-Trump and anti-SJW
How is this a bad thing
haven't played WoW in years, but those days of playing my lock were fucking fun all day every day
>undead lock
>desolace, pre cataclysm and whatever other shit since
>anytime see some alliance, just toss up some dots, run off do my thing
>if they ever tried to get the jump on me, id just sacrifice vw for shield, slap dots on some alliance bitches again, and casually hop away
good times
>pol and trump
literal redditors praising a literal kike worshipper
How do you get elected president with out using kikes? user?
>>mana regeneration doesn't exist
I'm leveling a priest right now and you're full of absolute shit. Zero downtime. It's lovely.
Don't post my wife with your shitposts.
rogues are better for raids desu
>mfw replaced all the humanoid death sounds with loud nigra
level 15 and it still hasn't gotten old
why would you even need a guild in classic?
the raid is faceroll trash that can be done in pug and there's nothing else to do with a guild, other than maybe autistic world pvp
*charge hamstring*
woah that was hard...
Does modding classic work like modding vanilla? I still have a bunch of old porn mods I was using on a pserver but didn’t try here yet.
>charge in combat
>why would you even need a guild in classic?
You literally don't
I always bandage when I life dump as a Warlock, but it honestly feels like a bitch move
>First Aid
suck my free crit holy light you edgy fuck
yeah bitch
It's incredibly useful, sorry you don't like playing optimally
Can you people not navigate to /vg/?
>needing First Aid
How about you navigate to muh dick mufugga
>optimizing vanilla
You and the rest of the BiS autists drive me mad
Keep bragging about you numbers while I stride with a bitchen set through the cities
I know I’m retarded, but how should I go about fighting undead rogues as a priest? At least with other rogues I can use psychic scream to get them off my ass to get a few casts off.
>first aid
>doing any of those
>he doesn’t like making money from fishing/cooking
First aid is inexcusable tho
First aid is worth it to get a better price on vendoring silk alone
I like first aud. Aside from the healing, it lets you consolidate cloth stacks into pure coin. With the leveling rush, vending bandages can be worth more than trying to sell cloth.
are there any normal fish that sell well or is it deviate and blackmouth?
i swear to god this has to be true, because that hamstring kiting shit on classic is fucking slow
Nightfin is probably the best, and if you cook it into the mana per 5 soup it’s big boi money. You just gatta fish past midnight
grobb #1
>Person 1 rolled Greed for (item)
>Person 2 rolled Greed for (item)
>Person 3 rolled Greed for (item)
>Person 4 rolled Greed for (item)
>Person 5: hey does anyone need that item
what the fuck do you think, retard
Flavor and classes. Horde is meta, and it's all witch doctor shit.
>all the alliance trannies triggered by this post
Doing god's work
Hi guys I play a feral druid. Need a tank for instances? no? Ok Ill go cat form.. oh you need a healer? Yeah I can do that, let me just get some water and make a couple of mana potions. :^)
>Horde is meta
Nigga what? Horde has situationally good racials for solo PvP while leveling while Alliance is straight up better at everything end game because of paladins.
Based and pally pilled.
I'm playing on Elysium and I'm trying to have fun. But I'm not. keep dying on dumb quests, hard for the sake of buddying up but I have no friends to play with.
Horde is the carebear faction. They have better racials, better quest rewards, they have a protected leveling range of 1-25ish, superior flight points, more dungeons in their areas, teleporters to the alliance ones, and blizzards will imminently address problems if they are affecting the horde. So god forbid something be slightly better for the alliance.
pally is literally the chaddest class in the game because you're a jack of all trades no matter your spec BUT the buffs force you into every raid
the virgin every other class
>fights for top dps rank
>cries about aggro
>bitches about healing
>competes for gear
the chad pally
>gets into every raid without having to try hard
>all gear "just werks" so no need to fret about rolls
>can pvp as a healer
feels good man
>what is the five second rule
>what are wands
Unironically git gud you shitter
you can win with pure moonfire spam on melee because of the crit on moonfire talent. Put the rest of the points into getting feral charge.
>No Skeletons
>No Felguard or Infernal Summons to Attack own Faction with
>No Battlegrounds
What's disappointed you in Classic WoW so far, Yea Forums?
>supposed to be this badass warrior of light
>instead is forced to be a healslut/buffslut in robes otherwise no one will invite you to groups
>chaddest class
Lmao paladin players are delusional
Not really. The 3% crit aura is not worth having a useless character. Owlbois suck until Wrath sadly. But don't fret, you're kinda useful in pvp in vanilla.
nice falseflagging
Ret Pallies have decent dps and are better LoH users since they arent as mana dependant as a healer. Also they are one of the only classes that actually uses a two-hander so your two-hander drops dont go to waste on a retard hunter.
imagine posting this unironically
PvE doesn't matter at all you absolute retard. That said they're high skillcap in PvP, but so are warlocks.
>Ret Pallies have decent dps
Stopped reading right here
>Be paladin
>R E C K O N I N G
>Brainlet horde attacks me
>spam sit to build charges
>Hammer him
>Smack him with reckoning bomb
>Heal back to full, camp his corpse
I'm sure, like a typical hordefag, reported me for harassment then came to this thread to bitch about paladins.
>He doesnt use consumables
Explains a lot really.
Imagine posting "pally is the chaddest class" unironically
>Alliance is better in raiding
hmmmm it must be the racials right?
No it's the chadadins giving out the best buffs and raid utility, having consistent dps if played right and being the very best healers in the entire game.
Hoes mad
I mean, even if you use consumables your dps is still shit compared to an actual dps using consumables so I don't get your point, retard
put on that dress sissy
you are no chad
Shut the fuck up and start healing, slut
>He doesn't know
Yeah you definitely don't get the point. Stick to your shadow bolt spam or whatever, brainlet
No. Stick to frost spec faggot and keep that cloth armor on, it makes you look sexy.
Meanwhile I'll protect you form the big scary rogue, princess.
I thought sit was broken?
In vanilla/classic they absolutely do.
proximity to blackrock mountain is pretty sweet and having a clear advantage in AV also
>b-but this this thing I don't want to say
Shut the fuck up delusional retard
>People bitching about paladins being broken
>Nobody listing their class and spec because they are turbovirgins and know paladins are chad-tier and incomparable.
How the fuck you gonna charge in combat you brainlet?
Do you want to play a paladin now? Are you tired of being told you can't apply your gay moonfire or emo corruption?
>*hearthbubbles away at any sign of danger*
Lmfao paladins are literally the sissiest class
As a undead rogue damn right I woulda made off with it. Community first after the gold
no tard, they removed sit causing reckoning to trigger
look it up
What classifies as danger to a chadadin?
>Implying I ever played an elf.
This is the reason they removed it. Horde literally shaking and farting everywhere so they 'fixed' it.
Turbovirgins, just like Thrall
>not bubblehearth
classic =/= vanilla
as long as i keep that in mind i don't care
it's almost shocking how little nu-blizzard know about their own game, hell they didn't even save the data
i know it's progress and all but the game literally made millions, why the fuck wouldn't you save a 1.0 version at the very least to remember your roots
>farm cresting charms
>sell them to level 30 Warriors looking for their WW axe for one gold a pop
>not stacking the fuck out of spirit as a warrior
>not playing a troll warrior
You people don't know the bliss of having absolutely no downtimes and regenerating back half of the damage a mob deals to you.
because its not their game
actiblizz has nothing to do with real blizzards work which fell apart decades ago
>gouges you and first aids right in your face
Rogues are the third easiest class
>trying to find a BRD group as a rogue
i'm destined to just grind mobs to 60 aren't i
>Besides leveling, they are one of the harder classes to play/master.
You must think this because it's the only class you've tried to play seriously or something. Almost every class has swing timer shit they have to abuse to be the most effective in PvE.
>blue BoP drops
>the class that very much would need it greeds with the rest of the party
>that guy: wtf I needed that
Warriors hate you there for rolling on their stuff too so you either gotta find friends or start a group yourself.
As a Mage i disagree. When leveling many classes have it much better them. Mages have so much down time that their dungeon dps is awful. They just barely top the charts first pull then they strugle to keep up with the healer. Warlocks and priest just DoT and wand, shamans melee and druids cat. Of course theres other reasons to bring a mage poly, nova+blizz
>Get into BRD group on my hunter
>Hand Of Justice drops
>Need it
>wtf that's not for hunters
Find me another trinket then you mouthbreathing warrior retards
Shaman is better than paladin in pve though
I'm a dagger rogue so I wouldn't roll on their shit even if it was an upgrade, and I make sure to tell people that. Still impossible.
Ive seen lv 60 warlocks spawn infernals on the zepplins and it just picked of every lowbie one at a time before depawning
wanding and dotting doesn't do good damage and if the tank is an idiot multi-dotting just gets you aggro'd
Should have just waited for p2 to get a much better trinket. It's bis forever for warriors.
Not that I care, I'd never invite a hunter anyways.
Are you surprised that an old game has outdated mechanics, op?
Early on wandot does a fuck ton. Frostbolt spam does more but you run out of mana faster
What class are you playing? You shouldn’t need to constantly throw heals out. If you’re a priest you should have spirit tap, if you’re a shaman you should be auto attacking and only use a heal every few minutes, if you’re a Druid you should be soloing.
No, imbecile. Warriors have no hit sources. Compare to a mage who gets 9% spellhit from talents. Warriors need to hit to generate their resource, they will miss a lot before they get hit gear and thus have lower threat output/dps. Bears don’t use weapon skills and bear threat is multiplicative. Bears will generate much more threat while warriors are missing everything.
That’s what people mean by fear dependent.
Not really. One more mage will deal much more damage than having 4 mages crit more often and a useless always OOM moonkin.
>2005, vanilla
>hanging around orgrimmar, looking for a party to level with
>orc warrior runs up to me, invites me to party
>just me and him
>"we go stranglethron"
>we make our way to booty bay then head north to find mobs to grind
>we find some, and the warrior pulls way too much at once, nearly dies in the process
>"why no heals?"
>"uh, im a mage, i cant heal"
>"you are cloth, you heal"
>"hang on then"
>invite warrior ro duel, he accepts
>sheep him, his health rises to full almost instantly, then i tap him with my staff to bring him out of sheep mode
>"uhh, thanks, i pull 2 at time, you sheep after, we good team gogogo"
>we spend the next 2 hours grinding, and get pretty efficient at it
>party like this multiple times until we both get around level 50 then i never hear from him again
>You have to manage weapon swing timer to effectively weave in aimed and multi shots to maximize dps.
Multishot is not affected by weapon swing timer. Aimed shot can easily be casted right after the autoshot comes out.
Granted yes, that is still harder than the average caster that only needs to press a single button, but not exactly hard to play.
Keeping your quiver or ammo pouch full isn't difficult as long as you're somewhat sentient and and feeding the pet once it stops being green is also easy.
Hunter gets interesting in BC where you actually needed to play around steady shot. Classic hunter is mainly just autoshot rotation with two abilities to cast every few seconds.
It's a bit slow with the mediocre damage output but I'm so fucking durable and I can tank or heal. Pretty good compromise if you ask me. Besides I like playing a support role, raw DPS isn't the only valid metric.
>be hunter
>roll need for literally everything, even wands and plate armor and shit
>needed to play around steady shot
>2 button rotation turns into 1 button rotation
I don't understand what it is about WoW that attracts this kind of retard that just assumes other people have class features they don't actually have.
>tfw went whirlwind hammer
>tfw mace spec procs in pvp
This shit's way too much fun for dicking over casters and paladins
because it was 2005 and nobody knew shit and 99% of the playerbase was teens and kids
>farming SM armory with the lads
>our shaman has been wanting Ravager since he made his character
>we need 1 random after bud #5 leaves to sleep
>invite a hunter
>i mean, it's 2019. surely people learned what hunter gear is
I don't think I need to finish the story because you can all guess what happened next
the shaman won the axe and everything was good
Yes, but at least you needed to properly time it and you lost DPS for every suboptimal tick.
Also, thanks to the removal of the retard debuff limit, they could also use serpent sting to multidot and multishot was still worth casting unless the fight was extremely long.
Shaman wanting ravager is equally retarded.
This shit is pathetic. This might come as a shock to you but your autistic minmaxing will never grant you anything in life. You're still an aimless unemployed loser. Your "guildies" aren't your friends, raiding isn't your job, wow isn't your life.
Ravager dropped on the second run and both the shaman and hunter rolled for it.
The shaman won.
It ain't perfect but it is a lot of fun to have
What can shadows even do in classic?
Mindflay would take a debuff slot, same as SWP. So do they literally only case Mind Blast every 6 seconds and wand otherwise?
Blizzard's Vanilla class design is incredible. It's almost as if they didn't know the debuff limit was a thing. That should have been removed ASAP.