Can orks canonically beat tyranids?
Can orks canonically beat tyranids?
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To be honest i dont think any faction can die off ever.
They're currently in a stalemate with one of the hive fleets after an Imperial thought it was a good idea to herd them together and kill each other, not stopping to think that the fighting will just draw more Orks in and the Tyranids will just get more bio material from the Orks and evolve.
I don't know much about the universe but aren't the tyranids supposed to have conquered like 99% of the entire universe?
Isn’t it also hinted that the Tyranids are actually running from an even bigger threat than them?
It is unknown since the true scale of the tyranids is not known. If they are as numerous as it is thought then no other species would be able to beat them.
I want Dawn Of War 4 so fucking much. Someone tell me there's a chance.
A recent codex updated that lore. Orks are winning and are preparing to attack the Imperium in ridiculously huge numbers even for orks.
It's also said that if the orks united under one Waaagh they would stomp every other race at once. It depends which particular bit of fluff you're reading. Then there's the necrond who don't have consumable biomass.
Canonically the only ones that win are the Chaos Gods because even if the Nids omnom everything they will just go to sleep until a new sentient race starts being shitty.
chances are close to 0.
If age of empires does well, relic only focuses on churning out age games.
If age of empires flops, the company will probably go for company of heroes 3 or just close down.
They didnt even make the necron expansions due to low sales, chances for dow4 are slim, you better off hoping another dev makes a new 40k rts.
Canonically who fucking knows. The series is literally build on pulling over the top shit out the ass.
I have industry connections with Games Workshop corporate (run an LGS) and point blank the chances are zero because GW tabletop games are selling in record numbers and releasing a convenient alternative to tabletop would definitely cut into them.
It's the same reason that Total War: Warhammer doesn't have an Army Painter. Expect to see more budget adaptations of standalone boxed games and classic IPs.
Pretty sure tyranids can wipe everything in eye of loseness too
>he doesn't actually have any connections what so ever
>he has no idea what is coming after Total Warhammer 3
It depends on their numbers, really. They both have very efficient methods of reproduction, and are about even in terms of unit firepower.
What's coming next is a Shadespire digital game, an AoS casual "RTS" that is more like a moba than an RTS, and two more budget turn-based strategy 40k games.
Cool greentext tho
It's anyone's guess what happens outside of the milky way, but it is evident that the tyranids came from outside of it. Whether their invasion is them running away from something nastier or part of their natural expansion is also unknown. I've never read anything suggesting they've conquered 99% of the universe, just that the tyranids tormenting the galaxy are just the spear of their actual fleets, which are supposed to be massive.
Luckily, their very nature prevents them from organising to that scale. It's a miracle they're even able to band together as it is.
Orks have already won
>a long lost STC comes out of a black hole
>humanity wins in two weeks
Cool story, bros.
They're back though
It could be an STC for a trash compactor, not all of them are insta-victory engines of war.
Then show me their codex.
>It could be an STC for a trash compactor
That's not how they work unless they are severely damaged. Also, it would be an STC with all the knowledge.
It's just so lame that in a galaxy full of billion years old advanced aliens humanity is still the strongest, but then they just lose their minds and go fucking stupid on purpose to not win anything.
>DoW 4
>After the shitshow that was 3
user pls
>Can orks canonically beat tyranids?
Orks can defeat Tyranids.
If I remember correctly they're capable of doing this for two reasons: one is that the Orks just keep fighting, and two is that the Tyranids aren't capable of gaining any useful material out of them, so the longer Tyranids fight Orks the more resources they 'lose'.
>Canonically the only ones that win are the Chaos Gods because even if the Nids omnom everything they will just go to sleep until a new sentient race starts being shitty.
I don't think that was ever explicitly true.
The Chaos Gods are invested in the prolonged angst of the universe and are anti-Tyranid same as any other faction given the fact that if the Tyranids win they'll consume everything and replace all life with Tyranid life. Forever. And the Chaos Gods can't feed off the Tyranids.
Orks should theoretically be able to beat anyone or at least take anyone down with them seeing as how to completely get rid of them you essentially have to nuke your own planet
>That's not how they work
No, that's exactly how they work. They're ancient templates to build automatic tools for human expansion. They could be a new kind of rhino tank, a new type of exterminatus-capable battle cruiser, or a pencil sharpener.
Orks and Tyranids will be having an arms race until the heat death of the universe
Tyranids can't extract ork material?
I don't know, the necrons know more than they let on, and they already dominated the galaxy that one time. Also both the orks and the nids tend to avoid them.
They tried, but the ork cells ended up getting into molecular waaaaaaaaaghhh with the tyranid cells.
>the Tyranids aren't capable of gaining any useful material out of them
I've never heard of this, I thought they were just biomass just like everything else. Maybe you're thinking of the necrons, the tyranids can't do shit with their materials.
So its true and Geedubs is ROYALLY PISSED with Relic for that fuckup with the montreal subsidiary, and took even the Rights and The SRC from them.
why can't they hire blizzard for fucks sake.
That is hilarious
I’ve never heard of this, but I really hope it’s true
Orks are the strongest race in 40k, they're just taking their time winning because they want to savor the fight.
The Tyranids have been absolute jobbers since 5th edition, so if you want to go by fluff since then, all the major races are capable of fending off Tyranids while only taking acceptable losses. The Tyranids are just monster of the week types there to build everyone else up.
I just looked it up to double check and what happens isn't too far off from what this user said: and is actually 'worse' for the Tyranids than what I had initially thought.
Basically the more Orkish biomass Tyranids eat the more their Hivemind becomes compromised by Orkish psychic energy. Ork biomass can be used to make more Tyranids, but the genes inside Orkish material are incredibly difficult or next to impossible to recycle. To make matters worse, as said before: the more Orks they eat, the more Orkish biomass they accumulate, the more disrupted and dysfunctional their hive mind becomes as they progressively get reversed Ork'ed from the Ork-side-out.
>all the major races are capable of fending off Tyranids while only taking acceptable losses.
Except Eldar. Poor, poor Malan'tai...
They already did it
I don't think it's true. In fact I think the sopre launcher guys, the biovores, are based on Ork DNA.
Aren't biovores literally retarded cows that just eat rocks and have the cannon as a sort of parasite?
>all the major races are capable of fending off Tyranids while only taking acceptable losses.
I'm chalking this up to the idea that the factions within 40k are only fighting the 'scouting swarm' of the Tyranid forces and what's been seen within the setting so far isn't even a fraction of what the Tyranid are capable of.
Like, they're literally fighting probes or what have you.
I stand by the idea if the Tyranids actually 'were' invading the 40k universe that only the Necrons and Orks would be able to stop them.
That's pretty amazing if true. They're the old ones' way of trolling the galaxy.
I wouldn't write off the humans like that, even in their decaying state and divided by the cicatrix they're covering most of the galaxy and have probably the biggest standing army. I'd be more concerned about the eldar and the tau.
*high-pitched muffled WAAAAAAGH*
Last I read about them was in 5th because I played the faction. I remember biovores giving me the impression they were Ork based because the models at the time had Ork faces if nothing else.
But new Cruddace lore establishing that no, Tyrandis are 100% incapable of beating Orkz sounds exactly like the direction he wanted to go with the faction, so it might well be true now.
Orks are the best
I think the piece of lore about that was that either the Mechanikus or the Elves managed to secure a piece of equipment capable of tapping into transmissions coming from outside the known galaxy and what they picked up sounded suspiciously like Ork chatter
Same as how the Skaven did something similar in Warhammer Fantasy, and it was elves that picked up the phone.
Who cares, all xeno factions are NPC's used either for mating press or to make my SPEHS MUHRINES look good.
That is FUCKING hilarious.
Could Orks theoretically forcefeed a carnifex a shit-ton of Orks until it slowly became a part of da waaaaagh?
what do ork femalez look like, they have never been shown in any 40K game
They don't have females, they reproduce by spores.
I hate that this is right. Even before Primaris Shit, Eldar and Orks were literally just stepping stone races to make chapters look good.
They don't exist.
There are none.
oh weird, i don't know much about 40K lore
All races in the game became bitches to the Imperium. You play them because you like the aesthetics, not to win games or read about your faction winning.
There's a model of an Ork cheerleader with tits from the old days. It was a Gorka Morka thing.
>Wanting 2019 Blizzard to make anything
Hard pass. They couldn't even make mobs not path through walls in WoW classic.
damn, that's sad to hear. I don't see how the games wluld cut into the tabletop sales though, imo they are completely different experiences.
The original Warcraft was Warhammer.
Relic fucked Blizz over and then they had to reshape it a lil and release it as Warcraft
They sent in one (1) Swarm Lord once who sent Gulliman packing. Nids are big boys, just biding their time.
Orcs are not a real threat either. 'Lets throw lots of biomass at the nids' is not a winning strategy, they're just feeding them. The real threats are 1) necrons, who disintegrate biological enemies & are inedible, and 2) Chaos. The latter is the big one, if it werent for how totally fucked the warp is in the milky way the nids would have just steamrolled it. But they don't want to risk dogpiling into a galaxy that might get swallowed by the eye of terror without warning. So they squat in hibernation outside the galactic plane & probe for soft spots.
Woah orkz sure are str-
>a bunch of scared civilians blow up an ork moon
>Necrons and Orks would be able to stop them.
Chaos forces are literally unlimited. They are can deal with anything.
>molecular waaaaaaagh
My god that is fucking brilliant. My chest hurts from laughing so mucn. I am so grateful to have the orkd
>Blow up Ork Moon
>Begins raining pieces of it onto the planet
>Orks ride pieces down
"Get zogged ya humie gitz"
>Could Orks theoretically forcefeed a carnifex a shit-ton of Orks until it slowly became a part of da waaaaagh?
No, Tyranids do not evolve on an individual basis, but instead evolve and field new 'models' of Tyranids as generations based on need and demand.
So to paint you a picture a Tyranid Hive Ship is attacking a particularly resistant Orkish world and things begin to draw out. The Tyranids keep killing and eating Orks and the Ship keeps shitting out Tyranids.. But the fighting has been going on for so long they notice more and more Tyranids are coming out 'wrong' or dysfunctional and the 'reception' to their Hive Mind begins to pick up more and more static.
Eventually everything just grinds to a halt as the Tyranid Hive ends up being more Orkish biomass and they're making, if anything else, just right ornery Squigs loaded wif dakka n' choppas da' liks a' which any Ork ad' be proud of.
at this point I'm not sure how much dust I would have to clean off my thudguns. My lead thudguns, not pewter because RoHS wasn't a thing
Canonically they can fight them to a standstill unless there is someone of Ghazkull's caliber. The whole (engineered by Kryptman) war between the Leviathan Nids and Charadon Orkz led by the Arch-Arsonist was this...until old Ghazzy didn't crash into the party, take over the joint and caused the greenskins to beat the unholy tard out of the lizard bugs. This also backfired for the Imperium because Ghazkull and the Charadon Orkz became far more powerful with the former slowly turning into a new Beast. This would've backfired either way for the Imperium since either side would've emerged even more powerful than usually.
But you are what you eat, no? So a nid that eats ork flesh will be replenishing its cells with orky ones
this made my day
>your cells need more dakka
>your organs need more dakka
>left lung thinks right lung is a scrany git and never liked that guy anyway
>left lung waits for right lung to exhale and launches attack
>takes over whole chest cavity
my sides
Don't overthink it. It's basic jobbing to fluff the Orkz up. It's what the Tyranids do. At this point I think the Eldarmare the only race without a resounding and definitive advantage over the Nids.
Yo my dudes, while we're talking about this, what is the likelihood of nids evolving to successfully process necrodermis? Could they eat up necrons like any other race and produce nids with necrodermis plating?
I'm not overthinking it, it's just funnier and extremely fitting to me that if you eat an ork, the proteins that make up his body will get into a big fight with your body just for the banter. It's fantastic.
>And the Chaos Gods can't feed off the Tyranids.
STC is a term that means two things in the lore, depending on the writer. On one hand, they're individual super factories that can produce peerless examples of individual goods, rifles or knives or whatever. On the other they're fonts of knowledge, likely driven by some kind of AI, that contain the sum of everything pre-fall humans knew and then some. Those STCs are referenced as being colony starters, helping settlers make the most out of whatever's at hand. They don't make anything, they tell you how to make whatever you want out of whatever you have.
I was always kinda surprised that they never figured out how to just disolve them
>pull up to tolichen sporesmb planet
>blow load of acid or lichen spores into tomb
>wait a year
>drink high iron energy drink
like I get the magic-science trips over itself a bit here but if you can damage a necron with a bolter you would expect some sort of chemical attack to work if the tomb doesn't activate and repel
If a new Ork Beast shows its gonna be a bad day for everyone.
that was supposed to be tomb planet, my bad
>piss off imperials both in universe and out for simply existing
Unironically the best faction.
>tfw massive salt harvests in Dawn of War with kroot rush
>tfw even if you agree to "no rush" rules you still bring out the Krootox later in game to harvest more salt
Warhammer 40k lore seems so cool, but when you read threads like this you realize it is retarded cluster fuck. I will never go into the lore more than the games provide.
not that user but I haven't heard of that first definition, I've only heard STC's as being templates for a piece of machinery. The Imoerium has recovered loade of them ovee the years but they've all been either danaged or just never complete in the first place. The tech priests are still looking for the "Omnicopeia" which has everything stored on it.
Isn't Gaz basically being introduced ss the new Beast?
Fair enough, but they could still be blueprints for a zamboni. They're not necessarily for weapons, just devices that would help in the expansion effort.
It's shocking to see art of the tau not getting their shit pushed in. It seems the tau bullying isn't just something the fans do, but something GW encourages.
I think you're thinking of that one race in Sins of a Solar Empire.
Oh, they are out there user.
Lately Tau have been getting shit on in the all of the new artwork, but there were a few good pieces of pro-Tau stuff a few years back
Personally I think it's a little retarded because it implies that Orkz are Orkz down to the molecular structure, and if enough of them are peeing in the water supply then the rivers turn to Ork and the fish becomes Orkz because this shit is supernaturally powerful bio-persistence.
Like basically, the fluff is made just to fuck the Tyranids without considering how it would fuck 100% of everything else.
Well, orks could always literally literally orkify worlds if they owned them enough gens, so....
It kinda makes sense since orks are just overengineered mushrooms
And dunno fi orks even pee or have penis-like things to urinate
They definitely piss, as the Cain novels have them using a shrine as a toilet
>Personally I think it's a little retarded because it implies that Orkz are Orkz down to the molecular structure
>Imagining any faction but Chaos will win in the end
lads we've already seen what endgame warhammer looks like from The End Times. Chaos always wins because GW sucks them off like nothing else.
They dont have genitalia so whatever excretion happens it probably goes out of a cloaca like hole. They do however put iron testicles on their titans sometimes.
based Chaos chads
Considering ork psionic energy is so powerful that they can make a cardboard box with "spayshup" written on the side actually fly in space purely on the belief that it will work, I can't help but laugh that they even fuck up something like tyranids on the cellular level through willpower.
>. Chaos always wins because GW sucks them off like nothing else.
>13 epic crusades
>each time they were beat so badly that they hide their asses
Biggest losers in wh universe
Even in end of time if vampire guy didn't go mad, chaos would be btfo pathetically
>Considering ork psionic energy is so powerful that they can make a cardboard box with "spayshup" written on the side actually fly in space purely on the belief that it will work
No, this is not how it works
>Implying Chaos won't vanish when all life in the matterium, and therefore their key food source, does as well.
Being the last to die is a cold comfort...
Chaos is also empowered by things like Stars blowing up and stuff well beyond mortals feeding them. Chaos is literally unstoppable.
Emperor alone could easily stop all 4 gods
Just like he stopped them from teleporting his sons across space... Oh wait.
The EMPRA is a desiccated old corpse.
The chaoswank authors have been losing influence since the times we don’t speak of.
I think that and ADB using Master of Mankind to air out his daddy issues, to the point even chaos players starting complaining, were the turning points.
>Its another secondaries head canon thread.
Aren't orks known to ride around in vehicles that, instead of an actual engine, has a piece of paper with "injen" written on it in place of where an engine would be?
The WAAAAGH field makes things work when they probably shouldn’t, like a fucked up engine still working, but it can’t pull something that extreme.
I think the most dramatic example was a box full of bolter rounds managing to function as a pistol, but I think that was from xenology, which is a fairly dubious source.
No. That's not how WAAAAGH magic works.
If that were the case, WAAARGH's would consist of Clouds of Orks flying through the stars Superman-style
gork or mork?
gork, nuff' sed
They slap together something that barely resembles an engine block and it work as an engine.
How would you feel about a take on orks that acknowledges their ultra techy smartboi origins while still keeping the same culture? So they are bumbling violent idiots featuring some of the best hardware around, but they are too retarded to use it properly and prefer melee. Wildy missing shots with super precise weapons and hitting people with guns that would make mechanicum drool
They've won two encounters against Chaos IIRC
>Orcs are not a real threat either. 'Lets throw lots of biomass at the nids' is not a winning strategy
*destroys hive fleet leviathan as a side quest while preparing for bigger krumping elsewhere*
Well, chaos always were pathetic jobbers who never won anything
Save for the giant bum fuck rift across the material space now.
I've never heard that definition, but that should be wrong. STCs are not simple designs, they are the AIs and their means to create and design anything you want or need. Like that ship that was found once and had an intact AI, but decided that current humanity is not worth it so it took off.
Orkz don't do anything unorky you don't see flying orkz because flying without a rokkit is unorky. Same reason you don't see naked orkz even if they're feral. Nudity is unorky
>Lotr game has a nemesis system
>No warhammer orc game with that system
oi, wazt n "orc"?
I thought they patented it?
Gork n Mork could beat'em
I believe that's that's been made canon but im not sure
Orks are the only race aside from tyranid doing intergalactic travel. The farthest probes sent by the imperium just hear ork radio chatter
Whats the source on that?
The biggest problem with the Tau is that at somewhere along the line GW forgot that they're supposed to be representative of all the little alien empires scattered about the place that are mentioned but never really seen (which is also why the Kroot, Vespid, and Demiurg are there, to give a wider cross-section of literally who xenos). Formidable in their own right, but incapable of competing with any of the other playable races because they're so teeny tiny that they're literally just a dot on the galactic map.
Then suddenly out of nowhere they became the best at absolutely everything and started winning absolutely every single battle against anyone they ever fought, even when an Imperial crusade rolled up that was a thousand times larger than the one that was only halted when they reached a core world (which the Imperials weren't expecting to be so heavily defended) and a motherfucking Hive Fleet showed up nearby that needed all hands on deck to fight. You'd think this would be bad news for the Tau, but the entire campaign is just a series of 'and then the Tau brilliantly out-did the Imperial forces at everything and killed a trillion Guardsmen for the loss of two and a half Fire Warriors'.
They basically got Ultramarine levels of wank applied to the entire race all at once.
fluff in one of the codex books I think
Probably because back when the Tau were introduced, they were trying to sell them super hard with only some of the dark shady shit being hinted to here and there.
Current Tau, outside of maybe Farsight, may as well be punching bags considering how much art there is of them getting torn to fucking shreds by literally everyone they're fighting.
Truth is, they're just as fucked up as any other race in 40k, but for some reason people want to use them as some kind of woobifying tool and ignore all of the horrible 1984 shit.
>Eventually everything just grinds to a halt
This would absolutely not happen unless a real big Warboss appeared to violently unite them under a WAAAGH Banner. The fighting would otherwise continue forever because all Orks love a good foight.
What about those really old people who have weapons that 1hit everyone else?
Why don't they just auto-win
>Then suddenly out of nowhere they became the best at absolutely everything and started winning absolutely every single battle against anyone they ever fought
Necrons are too busy dealing with Mechanicus infiltrators and Dynasty infighting to care. They're content with their current realm of influence at the moment.
So, normal orks? You realize they can teleport entire moons, and the AM even tried to retro engineer that tech so they could fuck off with their entire planet during the war of the beast?
>A Red Tyranid Hive Ship that's red with checkered flag patterns on it.
>Goes faster.
Explain how they managed to conquer a ridiculous amount of space in an extremely small time frame without suddenly becoming hyper-competent at everything, then.
t. butthurt imperial guard player
>bitches about guard dying and acts like the Tau are unstoppable gods
>has to add a snarky UM comment at the end
The difference is the tech wouldn't work by pure thoughtmagic. They were gene engineered super soldiers in the far past, I think it's funnier that they basically have brains full of knowledge they can't even access vs the 'lol it doesn't really work they just think it does' stuff
I see, so you mean like the Jokaero, they would have a genetic knowledge of technology. That's what the Oddboys are in essence, iirc.
>Ridiculous amount of space
The Damocles Gulf isn't even that far from T'au, what the fuck are you on about?
>Hyper-competent at everything
Except for the time the Imperium ground their advance to a halt, the huge swaths of Orks destroying colony worlds, The Farsight Enclave escaping Ethereal grasp, and literally every single piece of art where the Tau get their dicks kicked in by literally every other race?
Seriously, where do you people get your info?
Recent editions made sure to specify that the Shadow in the Warp/Hive Mind makes demons shit themselves for some reason.
Because they're really old people?
Plenty of boomers in real life have weapons that could 1-hit you and auto-win, but they don't. They're happy just taking a nap in The Home instead.
And the Dark Eldar cultural exchange
They're not unlimited. They need a body to possess in order to exist in real space. At the end of the day, they will always be limited to the Empyrrean.
Yeah kind of, only they have no clue what half the stuff they make is or how to use it. Essentially they'd be all about a great gift squandered on utter fucking mongoloids, but still dangerous as fuck because of it. They'd think all the fancy crap was just toys to play with. I dunno I think it'd be funny
And the fourth sphere of influence oopsie
You're not far off the mark with that idea, though. It's true that on the surface, it's all about "they get shit to work because they believe in it" (although this is explained by the collective psyker field they emit, it's not just memes), but don't forget, an Orkoid society's level of tech is determined by how many Orks are part of it. It's pretty much unlimited how advanced they can get. But they are capable of technological marvels, see War of the Beast. I think they do have the totality of the Old Ones technological know how ingrained in them, but it's dormant, and frankly squandered, because well, they are Orks.
Wouldn't Necrons beat everyone anyways?
t. know very little about 40k lore
It's really hard to get a good power level reading in W40k. A rule of thumb is: your faction is OP, except when compared to everyone else.
> level of tech is determined by how many Orks
But there's already fuckloads around. So to get anywhere near interesting they'd already be too OP. I guess some kind of middle ground between a massive green tide and good (misused) tech would be my cup of tea.
>AdMech literally lit the entire Gulf on fire, preventing further T'au expansion
>Hive Fleet Gorgon is back and ready for seconds
>Ork Waaaghs increasing near the Empire
>At least one powerful Necron dynasty awakening not too far from their borders
>Death Guard fleet is invading their wormhole fortress that leads directly into the heart of the T'au Empire
>More commanders beginning to realize either the Ethereals are full of shit or not worth it and are defecting to Farsight
The Tau certainly have a lot of problems and they're just as hard pressed as anyone else. He sounds like he's one of those Imperial players still suck in the 00's decade who hasn't bothered to look at recent lore developments in years.
>That era of Yea Forums that thought the Guy Fawkes mask is cool
Ill gladly keep my wojaks
Necrons are not wholly active, they wake up one tomb at a time and the current big shots don’t work together
>patenting a gameplay mechanic
It's like someone patented fucking melee combat in video games
>only just now noticed all of the ancient memes in that picture
so what are imperial cucks good at?
They have one million planets.
Being the protagonists of the setting.
that was always my headcanon for the orks
Like said, Necrons take awhile to get going. They can also only phase out so many times before they're destroyed completely, and the lesser races currently have weapons that can match/ straight up beat the Necrons in open combat.
They have to play their cards right and just hold on to what they have.
Necron technology is far beyond whatever race in the galaxy can throw at them. They even have a map of the galaxy that imprints its changes in real time to the universe. Erase Terra from your map? No more Terra IRL.
>Orkz are Orkz down to the molecular structure
That is completely In line with the rest of their fluff. You're telling me an orky cell pulling out a microscopic choppa just to whack white blood cellswith isn't as orky as it gets?
>Far beyond whatever race in the galaxy can throw at them.
I didn't say they didn't, I said that the other races can hurt them. It would be embarrassing if a metallic husk with millions of years of combat potential gets turned into scrap by a green space nigger literally born last week.
>Can erase terra from the map.
Can I get a source on that?
Reminds me of that battle where one space marine chapter master faced one of those and rammed it hard enough that its shields went down to allow the rest of the fleet to destroy it.
It's not that STCs have two definitions. On the one hand you have a machine that tells you how to build anything. On the other, you have the blueprints the machine made. What the Imperium has recovered are STC blueprints. What the Mechanicus wants to find are uncorrupted STC, and they haven't yet because human made AI declared war on man ages ago, and any surviving STC endeavors to kill humanity.
not that guy but one of the more impressive Necron Lords in the setting absolutely despises the Orks because they're so chaotic in their actions that it's impossible for him to accurately predict them unlike everyone else in the galaxy
Are orks literally a metaphor for niggers?
Look up "Celestial Orrery". It can both predict the future and alter the present.
Canonically nobody can ever win because then the story is over and GeeDubs can't sell you overpriced miniatures anymore.
The best you'll get is a slapped together ending where everyone dies and some sort of lol random divine entity does a time warp and everything resets and nothing in the story matters.
Now buy our new giga-beakies you faggots
>magic by definition defies preconceived rules
>"No! Magic can't do that! It'd against the rules!"
Nope, Football hooligans.
It's not magic, it's just psychic energy. Same way a psyker can make a car go vroom vroom just by thinking about it. Orks do it without realising.
I seriously can't believe the Earth Cast was dumb enough to be like "Durr, what's a Gellar Field?"
Do you realize what STC stands for?
...What do they eat?
There is no difference
thats why he got his shit pushed in by Horus? The minion of a minion of a minion of the chaos gods?
There must be, because they are different words altogether.
Of course you would, you grew up spamming them like a mouthbreather.
Yes, but you should read above, it was already explained by someone else. STCs are not singular blueprints, they are the AIs that hold all the knowledge and can design new ones as well.
Sure. Because your Wojacks are ironically about being try hard fags instead of because some teenagers misinterpreted Yea Forums's reputation at the time as being serious and not "they explode van's with internet wizard powers".
Being fucking obnoxious, pathetic kids on purpose is better than becoming obnoxious on accident right.
Did they even test it beforehand, or did they just think "ye, that's good enough, let's have our entire expeditionary fleet fire the engines at once without knowing what it'll do"?
can we PLEASE stay on topic thnx
That mostly stems from this being a setting for you to create your battles in, and not an ongoing story. Events happen, things change here and there, but the status quo of the galaxy being on fire and everyone being at constant war with each other has no reason to change. If it does, then you get age of sigmar'd.
The Emperor alone had trouble fighting the Demon of the First Murder, a pawn of the warp at best. The reason why the Emperor (Beloved by all) was spreading the Imperial Truth in the first place is because Humanity was slowly evolving into a psychic race and the more superstition there was in the galaxy the stronger the Chaos Gods got. Khorn was literally shmoozing around since Genghis Khan was butt fucking Asia, so they had a good couple thousand years to feed on that tasty, tasty psychic energy.
Waaagh! Magikz doesn't make Orks fucking magical super gods, its a psychic field that links Orks to one another so they can do stupid shit. They don't have paper with the word "enjin" in it because 1. Orks, can't fucking write to doof.
And 2. Orks already fucking KNOW how to make engines and shit like that, and the ones that don't are usually Feral Orks that learn as soon as a Waaagh comes their way.
If it was that fucking easy, Bik Meks and Mad Doks wouldn't even exist in the god damn first place.
Canonically, the Nids could actually be fended off by the Imperium. I forget where it was stated specifically, but the AdMech were the ones who found out that you could easily just set the sky on fire and wait while the invasion was killed off by reinforcements-turned-firebombs. The only problem is that nobody outside of one specific Skitarii cohort know this, because in the grim darkness of the 41st millennium, paperwork's a bitch.
nobody cares about your meme squabble faggot
>just set the sky on fire
What battle/planet was that?
The scientist who developed the Tau equivalent of a warpdrive straight up told the Ethereals that it was a terrible idea to activate all those drives at once, as test runs only had been done on smaller, single ships.
I must applaud their continued optimism after waking up the entirety of the warp's horrors to their existence.
Back in 4th, they were on about a total scorched earth policy to fight the Nids. Post Cruddace everyone's mom has an Achilles heel on them. Heck, the 5th edition TYRANID codex indicated Tau beat Tyranids because Tau adapt better tactically.
The Shadow in the Warp cockblocks Chaos now, but give it time and a demon will possess a Norn Queen or some shit and suddenly you'll have Chaos hive fleets.
>been browsing this Mongolian basketweaving forum long enough to remember actually seeing these ancient memes posted unironically and in real time
Like '90s """""nostalgia""""", faggots like to manufacture the notion that there were once "the good ole days" of Yea Forums. It's never been good. It's always been shit, it's just that newfags don't know any better.
>orks are winning
"It's always been shit" was a meme of the time. But back in the day you legit got a lot more OC and sites like 1d4chan made sense because you couldn't keep up with all the original joke characters bouncing around every thread.
Then they banned all the artists in 2009 and got really serious about what you could and could not talk about. It's a way different website today. More organized and safer from viruses for sure but also less fun.
>implying orks even want to win
where's all the fun when there's nothing to fight anymore
once you stop fighting, you can finally concentrate on getting more dakka for future fights. It's important to stay positive at all times.
>It's also said that if the orks united under one Waaagh they would stomp every other race at once
Every other race in the galaxy. The majority of Tyranids are still en-route, in the void.
cope your shitty maymays are only memories now
>winners start fighting each other
well you make a good point
Here we go
>weaponizing the entire atmosphere
That's pretty fucking metal.
Yeah. This is the same shit as the "Tau out adapt Tyranids" story. They're depicted as mega retarded bugs that fall victim to literally any strategic change, and instead of developing fire-resistant spore pods they just die in the flames all battle until they lose. It's treated as the Nid enemies being clever, but it's really the Nids having no agency and no ability to control how the battle is fought.
>when there's nothing to fight anymore
half the time orks are just fighting each other nigga
white humies love big ork boyz
>tuns the tide
imagine. imagine spellcheck. imagine a single competent proofreader.
More like big ork boyz love white humie boys considering Maggy’s crush on Yarrick
>I know we're in the KKK, but it's always "I hate black people" with user. Doesn't he ever want to talk about anything else?
Daily reminder there isn't enough biomass in a galaxy for Leviathan to not be the main Tyranid invasion force and 99% if harvested biomass gets eaten just to maintain current Nid numbers, not expand them.
Nids aren't the massive threat they're huped up to be. Literally refugees.
Did they ever explain why the FUCK they thought anything about DoW3 was a good idea?
Hope Battlefleet Gothic 3 is in the works.
Probably finances? I mean it's usually what you blame. Either they were mismanaged and they had to release what they had, or they weren't given enough money to make something better - or a marketer thought a boring game would appeal to a lower common denominator.
Galaxy's aren't big enough to provide the biomass Tyranid wankers speculate they have and most of that goes just to maintaining their numbers. Nothing to eat in extragalactic space and they spend a long time there so their numbers in the void are laughable as large numbers of Nid bioships would literally just die of starvation during the trip.
There are hundreds of millions of planets that can support life in a galaxy, user, that's a lot of biomass.
Orks won because they live in violent universe full of war, and war is all orks want. Only way to orks to lose is if all other races set aside their weapons and start having tea parties instead.
>that one time a pre-fall human ship AI fired a black hole gun and rewound time after it missed because it was too lazy to fire twice
I don't understand how the Eldar are able to be so smug and arrogant when it's pretty clear that DAoT Humanity was more advanced than they'll ever be
I always speculated that Tyranids behave like spores during hibernation and need very little energy, and that when they're near a sun they could photosynthesize.
It's hard to say why they strip planets bare. They can make Tyranid micro-organisms so it's not as though they couldn't make self-sustaining hive planets with a Tyranid ecosystem.
Imagine Orkz show up to storm a tea party and our thoroughly defeated when the elves and humans write a sternly worded letter to what they think are the Ork'z home owner's association.
They'd just keep fighting eachother
>the more superstition there was in the galaxy the stronger the Chaos Gods got
This is still going on, you know.
The Eldar you see today are less advanced than pre collapse Eldars. If you want to have a truer approximation of what they were about before Slaanesh, take a look at the Dark Eldar, they are the closest thing to a pre-collapse Eldar society. I don't remember all of it, but I do remember they routinely give each other black holes in a shoe box as birthday present.
If somebody created the Tyranids, I suppose you could say they programmed them for maximum devastation, with the intention that the Nids would starve to death after their work was complete, and their ability to travel space was not intentional, throwing a wrench in the original plan for their deployment.
Well the black hole gun probably wasn't pretty and that counts. Any good elf knows any technology that doesn't look good isn't TRULY advanced.
Then they'd just fight each other. Orkz literally cannot lose.
>you are now imagining orkz having a tea party
How can they have birthday, you're going to ask. Well, they also stole a couple of stars and put them on an orbit inside of Commoragh because it wasn't bright enough, so now they have birthdays.
I knew Khorne was behind this
No because Ork is an emotion and it isn't one Khorne feeds on.
Just as planned...wait
>are preparing to attack the Imperium in ridiculously huge numbers even for orks
Isn't that just The war of The Beast (or whatever the fuck it was called) all over again? Or was that not canon?
We've been had
I want some new Dark Angels lore.
Ork victory was Tzeentch plan all along. umad bro?
>Dark Crusade's director was at the helm of the game
Maybe people just lose touch over the years and forget what made games good
why does it seem like 3 of the 4 chaos gods focused on humanity
werent there other psychic races before humans
Tzeentch has already won the universal war eons ago.
Untrue, if Tzeench would ever succeed at anything he would cease to exist
No need for hope after success
They focused on the Eldar too, and the Eldar are the reason they exist at all. They just like humans now because there's more humans and humans have less restraint. Eldar are too puritanical.
Aside from that there are whole planets with latent chaos energies, but they aren't very civilized.
Yeah but they were all too easy to trick to death. Just look at the Eldar.
This whole shit is in one galaxy with the little mention that there are orks are nids out in the open space. Now that's still a miniscule part of the universe, so the whole of W40k doesn't even matter. There can be a lot more advanced and fearful races out there.
>started an ultimate apocalypse Ork soulstorm playthrough just a few days ago
>mfw I can recruit as many flash gitz squads as my pop cap allows
Anybody else played the Soulstorm campaign with UA installed?
I'm slightly afraid I'll get bumrushed by titans in missions where the AI starts with a ton of resources like fortress missions
Tzeentch won in this universe already, bro. Maybe there are other universes to toy with.
Untrue, he can never succeed ever
I wonder what other crazy shit is out there
Is the Warp in all galaxies?
Tzeenche's weakness is that he's constantly changing his plans, so nothing has ever come to fruition.
Fuck you he can succeed as many times as he wants and you'd never even know because it was my plan the whole time for you not to know.
Khorne came into existence because of wars waged in medieval Europe (yes, that is still cannon, funnily enough)
He can’t, physically he cannot
UA doesn't work with the campaign. Best you'll get is DC's campaign with Titanium Wars.
>h-he can succeed!
>the reason he didn't is because his plan is not to succeed
The absolute cope of Tzeentchaboos
WH40k outcome has been planned by Tzeentch and there's nothing you can do about it.
oh i thought that was just slaneesh that came from the eldar
Those were the Golden Years, newfag.
It doesn't?
What, does the AI never make use of all the units it can produce or does it make too much use of them?
I honestly don't know because so far I've only done 4 basic skirmishes for honor guard
Khrone and Khaine are pretty similar, you know.
I mean they can't bum rush a titan. In spite of it being 95% of the mod's focus, almost no game should reach that tier. If you get your builder Hero and use him to throw down UA's infinite super turrets, you can advance and title at the same time.
Everyime you can contest a point, do it. Even when under fire. Then throw down a fast listening post and spam turrets. The AI can't deal. Heck human players can barely do anything about it. Turrets cost as much as one Space Marine but will kill a squad.
Die you bird clam
>4ft nothing taulets
>the size of Space Marines, that at their shortest is around 7ft
Talk about Tauist propaganda
They flat out said the orks are quickly getting close to hit WotB levels of rape
40k Khaine is a cuck though
Huh, scratch that, apparently they made it work as far back as 2013
I don't know what the hell I was on about, but I was under the impression that it was unfeasible.
You can modify UA to run the campaign, but the base missions become a cake walk because the AI is built around the scenario and not prepared to have nukes shot at it. Also the Eldar map is bugged - it looks like they started modifying it for UA but then stopped, leaving a bunch of invincible buildings in the staging area. As a result your main base needs to be on the eastern hill and while it's slow, the AI is also not programmed to loom for you there.
>mfw Xeno thread
Keep spamming the same shit over and over again, you retarded 12 year old. Everyone will think you're cool then.
When you think about it, Magnus really didn't do anything wrong.
Yeah, that's what I thought. You can brute force playing the campaign, but the AI will be at a loss.
>got into 40k because of Dark Crusade
>still seething about Necron changes
As if there was ever any doubt
Emps is at fault for not just explaining the webway project to his kids and being an arrogant self-absorbed asshole
And also for being retarded with Angron, if he had handled the situation any differently he would have had an extremely loyal but very angry boy on his side
They still run UA AI on the normal missions. It's just that the UA developers don't seem to understand what they've done and the AI will casually saunter through the tech tiers like they matter.
I always roll with a skeleton crew of point capturing units and spam turrets offensively. Offensive turret spam was why the devs nerfed them to 4 per HQ originally, because it was broken even before UA's turret upgrades.
>Got into 40K because of that one weird kid in 7th grade
>Held the line ever since
He also fucked up royally by not sitting down with Lorgar for a talk instead of sperging out a his cult. Funnily enough, the Imperium nowadays probably resembles Colchis in more ways than one.
I'm not really making use of all the super heavy/overpowered shit that UA brings to the table, I'm mostly keeping myself limited to infantry vs infantry warfare
My main concern is just if the AI can handle the raw amount of stuff you can throw at it as a player or if it just follows usual protocol (for instance fire warriors -> broadside battlesuits -> couple of ships -> rinse and repeat)
Guess I'll find out the more I play, I just couldn't bear to play Soulstorm for like the 14th time vanilla
I just downloaded this to make it work since the default menu screen for UA didn't seem to have campaign as an option
Tyranid hive fleets are just small scouting fleets. The main force is still gathering outside the Milky Way. And they literally ate multiple galaxies on the way here.
From what I understand, they also made the Tau the de facto defensive faction, at the expense of the IG. Pretty weird choice if you ask me.
Yeah but without that shit ever fight against Tyranid would become that one kid at school.
Nuh uh my guys are fire proof now.
Nuh uh my guys are immune to viruses now
it becomes cancer and uninteresting as hell. Oh boy faction vs invincible adaptation bugs part 95 electric boogaloo remix with hint of lemon. I wonder who wins?
Looks like I have a campaign to catch up on, then.
They will certainly escalate all the way to Titans. It's just that they can't do anything about turrets or walls until Fire Prisms and Baneblades or whatever, so it's easy to box the AI or even players in.
I used to do FFA games with friends, and one guy would always build a perimeter around his base and just tech up all game. Once the walls were built the strategy was complete. If you'd diverted funds towards anything but tech, you were already behind him, because you'd never bring down the fucking walls without relic units. Or against the guard, without titans. And if you build titans woe fucking betide you if he built any tank traps because they're invisible and will block the titan's pathing.
>Got into 40k after High school.
>Just bought my first box
>Still figuring out my OC
Fuck OC chapters
Go Red Hunters
Again, the original combat strategy to defeat Nids was a scorched earth policy. If you can beat them by just making them walk off a cliff like lemmings then there's not a lot of interesting conflict there either.
>molecular waaaaghhh
>just started playing in march
>have 8000 points in CSMs already
>fucking love building them and mix marching parts
>friend who got me into it says i need to slow down but doesn't realize its either swan dive suicide into a hobby or nothing.
I'm not even fucking good at this game
The tyranid hivemind produces a shadow in the warp that takes the local zone over. Chaos beings are born and fed from sentient emotion but the hive mind is no huge that the thing is too much for them and 'overshadows' the warp around it
I don't know if they think they made the Tau defensive, but EVERYONE is defensive in UA. You become offensive by building defensive structures in range of the enemy or by building a titan.
The Tau are pretty bullshit with their shield generators, though. Supposedly they make things under them weaker to melee but good luck reaching melee past the turrets and infantry.
>sustainable ecosystem
Choose one and only one.
While they're at it, why not make biological dyson spheres if the goal is to make maximum biomass? Lots of good sunlight being wasted out into deep space.
How they came to be this way isn't at all clear, but Nids have precisely zero interest in being farmers instead of hunters.
I hate how all of your faces look good. How do you get that effect?
IIRC the Tyranids can't replenish their biomass from daemons since they just get forced back into the Warp when defeated.
>And if you build titans woe fucking betide you if he built any tank traps because they're invisible and will block the titan's pathing.
Your friend sounds like an AoE2chad
>Celestial Orrery
so why not just like shart all of it away and win lmao
don't know who they are, but there are others.
>40k ends with a massive stalemate between orks, tyranids and chaos
this is fine
Pretty much the big “I”s attack dogs. Constantly memory wiped to avoid taint from all the bullshit they deal with and their old 6th/7th trait let them “relearn” a bonus like Tank Hunter Or such for a turn as needed.
By joint effort of all other races, orks would be rounded up and thaught proper behaviour, proper speech and etiquette. To make it hell for orks.
Its not a stalemate for the nids, they either need to eat the galaxy or move on to another one & if they retreat they'll have to massively cannibalize their own forces to not die of hunger in intergalactic space (even with deep hibernation, nonzero resource bleed+loooong trip=bad times)
Also you forgot the 'crons
We played one game where I actually beat him to Titans and had multiple reavers running around, and Iin preparation he'd scattered tank traps all over the map behind the initial walled off front.
By that point in the game detectors are too squishy to live, so my Titans stayed stuck behind a minefield of invisible chest-high walls made of scrap metal while he shelled me to death with the Basilisk Magnus.
UA developers have no clue what they're fucking doing and had a habit of making it worse with every patch. The excuse is they wanted turtling to be a "viable strategy" but I think maybe they just don't know how to play anything but Sim City.
I don't know, I remember playing against an Insane Tyranid AI and there would systematically be a point where they would spawn their weird spires that can pop up everywhere and destroy entire chunks of bases. I'd lose everytime I let things turtle to the point they got them.
>tfw I miss the early 2010s "shiggy diggy and implying implications" era of Yea Forums
It's probably just because that was when I got here, though.
Oh, the Tyranids are fucking broken. Once they pass a certain point they'll have an army the size of two players and can spam Spinegaunts for free.
>Was in college around 2010
>People put games like Dawn of War 1 on the college computers to have LAN games on
>Got into 40K lore stuff because of that, though I've never played the tabletop
Scottsmen, i think.
C'mon no Magpies no Magpies
I hope all 8000 points are painted.
This image looks a lot like those "UP NORF, SIMPLE AS" images that get posted on Yea Forums recently.
Remember to always T H I C C your paints
Luv empruh
Luv chapta
Luv libraries
Luv steelin
'Ate past
'Ate chaos
Luv chaos
'Ate chaos
Simple as
It truly was the cursed founding.
>he's constantly changing his plans, so nothing has ever come to fruition.
So Tzeentch is like Valve?
Nids don't suffer hunger, they are a single organism, individuals don't matter. They just need to get out and of course if they lose biomass rather than gaining it, it's a loss, but who cares about hunger?
You're missing the point that the odds go up of running out of biomass entirely if they're ever forced to backtrack
Yes, that was the whole point of the Horus Heresy, thank you.
Because humans are fucking delicious. We stick out in the immaterial like a fucking fridge with cheese sticks at 3:00AM. Chaos straight up favored other races but they just couldn't shit out as much potential as humans did.
Eldar fucked and killed so hard it made the god of excess and it pissed the other gods off because now they have more competition. There's also only a few million of them left, so they don't add as much juice to the blender as humans do.
Just under 4000 points painted.
Most of my expensive stuff points wise is unpainted
But how they use up their biomass in the intergalactic space? I mean they use it for travel, and how much they need to cross the empty space? The main fleet is out there so they are starving right now, while the invading hive fleets are basically their last efforts to survive? Doesn't make any sense.
Who do you think Orks prefer to fight the most? It's obviously not the Tau, since they can't fight in melee. I don't think it's the Tyranids either, since most of them are mindless husks at the end of the day. I think humans are their favorite opponent, their fervor is the closest thing you can find to an ork's lust for battle.
Khorne daemons probably
Space Marines. The Great Crusade was basically the best time of their lives, even though they were losing almost every single engagement.
I have similar amount of guard with only two Basilisk unpainted
I played this game for the first time last week. Absolutely fantastic. How does the second game compare? As far as I'm aware it's less about base building and more on upgrading individual units/groups, right?
Second game is equally as good but in its own more RPG, loot, story and character-driven way
You'll definitely enjoy it if the core of what made you enjoy dawn of war was copious amounts of blood, explosions and spehs mehrens shoving their chainswords into xenos' faces
I really don't have an excuse for having so many unpainted models.
I really should stop buying them until I'm finished painting what i have.
I hate how they made the flamer the de facto choice for all armored vehicles in 8th edition. There is literally no reason to take a heavy bolter now that templates are gone.
You're not thinking about this very hard. Or well. The Tyranids stock up on enough biomass to transport themselves to the next galaxy, depending on there being enough biomass in that galaxy to stock up for the trip after that. If they are repelled from a galaxy with a net loss of biomass it becomes a race to try and find a new source of food before their stores run out. Thus the resorting to cannibalism.
Double Heavy Bee Chimera is still swanky though
How the fuck did that guardsmen manage to get up close to the Tau and beat him in CC to stab him?
And that's where it doesn't make sense, they only have so much reserves that they can barely go to the next galaxy, and they MUST gain a lot or else they are starving? That sounds they are on the losing end of a war that's already turned into a chase for them. Which is kinda implied, but then what the fuck is the point of this race. Also, they still shouldn't need so much biomass to fly through empty space that they need to turn to cannibalism.
Balls of steel.
Is that a mister of battle?
I've got a couple of steambux left so I'll give it a shot. Cheers, amigo.
As much as people tend to think otherwise. Tau are more than capable of missing.
They're also prone to panic like humans do, and in the case of the Nimbosa Crusade. A hundred thousand screaming space cossacks barring down at you will probably make you falter at least a bit.
Not to mention Imperial ordnance, suppressing fire from tanks/gun emplacements, and the screaming Cossacks also shooting at you as they're charging, you can only stick your head out of your hidey hole so much to take pot shots.
As far as the last question, consider that Tyranids don't have the warp, or nuclear fusion, or any special magica. They have FLESH, and have to find a way to use that in a way to travel through space. That's costly even if at its most efficient. And you're not considering that although it seems like a precarious strategy, it has worked for them. They face opposition as stiff as our galaxy's so rarely that a method of overcoming it was not yet a part of their evolution, and considering how absurdly specialized they were already, that implies until now they've been more or less unstoppable.
Chimeras are tough to love, but I would never deploy without them. Having a mechanized column is just cool.
Pretty much. Their visors grant them all sorts of tactical goodies and indicators, probably even a holographic crosshair, but their poor coordination will always be there. It's like a 12 year old playing an fps with aim assist. He can and will still miss.
Enjoy, friend
God knows what I wouldn't give to experience playing DoW2 at launch again, or Dark Crusade for that matter
Make sure you also pick up Chaos Rising if you do end up enjoying Dawn of War 2, it really follows through on the story/character themes that DoW2 builds up
>Relic actually picked a canon traitor
>It was one of the shittiest possible choices
>one of the shittiest possible choices
Take that back.
They foreshadowed that part too
Avitus makes complete sense though, Kyras literally walked him through the broken and massacred IG stronghold. The rest of the traitors don't make as much sense.
well it is easier when you choose a colour you can spray them with
In older editions maybe. I forgot which one but when they did tests they convinced an ork a stick was a gun and it started shooting and the ork broke out of the facility. Newer canon nerfed them so tech has to at lest generally work or look sound enough and there has to be a certain number of orks in the area who all have to agree that something works.
what does Yea Forums think of primaris marines
Oh no my secret paint scheme technique
GW finally figuring out how they can get decades long SM players to start from scratch
Man, until CoH2 Relic might have been the best at RTS storytelling.
and even then CoH2's expansion has a pretty solid singleplayer too.
They have some good looking models and some bad looking ones. Lore-wise they are stupid as all hell but I think GW has done some good work with 8th Ed in general so I'll let it slide.
The fact that every founding chapter is finally getting some love including my boys in the Raven Guard is nice too.
GW treating their customer base like idiots again
>Hey, you like Space Mareens right?
Glad I got out when I did.
>not liking the necron changes.
You don't like being free?
all the lore is written for a stalemate
orks get their shit together they annihilate the galaxy
necrons wake up they annihilate the galaxy
chaos slowly annihilating the galaxy if things continue
IoM find some old tech from dark ages of tech and go from slowly wiped out to #1 bitches
eldar/dark eldar.. yeah dunno. dying but clinging on? still able to win shit despite being millenia old
tau new starter but ridiculously tech proficient and growing
>Laughs in Disintegrator Cannon
They really were, I think the only other RTS story that comes close is Warcraft 3's
>tfw talking about old Relic causes your mind to wander to the game that must not be named
So the lore said the Imperium managed to captured one of the Tau battlesuit intact (XV-02?)
Whatever happened to that plotline? had they done anything to it?
Knowing the imperium, it probably went something like the ending to Raiders of the Lost Arc, Stuffed somewhere in a dusty, endless hangar.
Admech will get it and then keep any developments to themselves for 1000 years before handing scraps to the boys in blue
>It's the same reason that Total War: Warhammer doesn't have an Army Painter
Because they will sell it as DLC after game 3 comes out?
Also mod support on steam kinda lets you army paint already.
it's weird that the plot line didn't get developed equally because the Tau made a new battlesuit in responds to knowing that the imperium captured one of their suit, and yet nothing ever came out of it for the IG. With the current attitude towards tech heresy I think it's time the IG bois get some xeno love. Seriously, over the many years IG is the faction with the least addition overall
defend this greencucks
SMs get everything we all know this
Doom of malantai is a huge threat, i hope nids like that show up again.
I think we are starting to move in that direction. Belisarius Cawl is a rather inventive guy, if you told me about him ten years ago I would've assume he was just some tech heretic. It looks like the Imperium is warming up to inventing new, or at least perfecting existing designs.
>implying the hivemind wont become orkish and just start fighting itself for fun
Orks a shit. No one likes them.
its so sad that such a cool setting has to be a mostly static setting, because the lore is really nice
then again, there are people who prefer xenos and chaos like faggots that would cry a reality melting autistic screeching if the imperium managed to overcome its enemies and finally win, fuck those guys
I was expecting total wars success to open up the floodgates.
We got battlefleet gothic 2 and mechanicus and a shitty vermintide DLC thats it for anything decent recently.
ye waiting for him to give my cardboard bois some love because power armor don't win wars, adamantium balls do
orks are good so but there are no video games about orks therefore video games are shit it makes sense
I checked out of 40k soon after the 3rd edition
The idea of Tyranids having special characters is pretty daft to me. And they all look the same now, I liked them when they were distinct, like they'd evolved and been created for a special purpose
I miss the old Screamer-Killers, the old Hive Tyrants. Now everything looks like a worm with armor plates
>implying flak armor isn't capable of stopping anything a xeno is capable of throwing at it
Looks like someone needs to visit his local commissar for a little chat.
>act like a total retard
>genius tactician with future prediction tecnology can't figure you out and gets mad
why people give retards so much credit?
>adamantium balls
>Get a laser rifle
>Backed up by tanks
>Space marines
>Orbital bombardments
Meanwhile the guys have to fight the exact same thing
>implying xenos fire can even get through the balls first
coward commissar need to wear armor cuz he got no balls to shield himself with
>t. uppity Eldar
How's that looming damnation of the soul coming along, you space refugee?
user. Your commissar probably has a lasgun grafted on his eye. Take that back right now.
he's a little bitch who can only inspire his men by shooting their friends, unlike the Priest who can rouse the men up so hard they start gaining magical power like ork
>why can't they hire blizzard for fucks sake
oh god why would you want that ?
Just waiting for my washes to dry and then I'm going to do some drybrushing
To be fair, anyone would be roused up if a crazy old bloke was running after them with a double handed giant chainsword, and yelling at them to get into battle.
because reasons
it has something to do with creation itself and that if they go wild with it, the whole thing would crumble and everyone would just dissapear; the whole artifact sounds almost too mary sue-ish to me and borders with non-canon stuff, but GW put it there and it sits there under the custody of some lichguards that just watch the place and do nothing about it
Personally i don't like them.
Space marines are enough of a pain to deal with without specialized bolters and an extra wound for 4-5 points each.
>tfw Inquisitor
if you dont play imperium you deserve to be crushed
doesnt make much sense to have orks outside the milky way since they were created there
thats because the setting itself can be considered as humanity struggle to overcome the darkness of outer space, and anyone that sides with the enemies of mankin is a traitor or a tranny chaos lover
no one can canonically beat anyone else.
It was part of some old Ork Codex, I wanted to say 3rd edition? hasn't been referenced since but I'm not surprised. If it isn't know territories and no plot related then its usually orks
That said, I wished the other minor races that once got mentioned before get some love too, like that Q'Orl
>we'll find out what's inside the vault in the next episode
can someone explain me if the chaos forces that fuck the galaxy have dominion outside of it or are pretty much limited to the milky way too?
STC's are AI's yes, in terms of the original thing. What survives of them is the things they designed which prove to be extremely well rounded useful as fuck efficient designs
So whatever happened to all these minor races that have their own empire? Did GW forgot them too?
>generic astarte has died
>meanwhile heroic plot-armored one destroys the hive-mind himself barehanded
warhammer 40k lore in a nutshell
I don't know of any proof that the warp exists "beyond" the milky way, or rather that the chaos gods have any influence outside of it. The only things existing beyond the galaxy that I am aware of are the tyranids, of course, and the Outsider, who's been chilling in his Dyson Sphere under the galactic plane.
all purged by either the glorious crusades or tyrannid invasions (maybe orks too)
>Storm of Chaos
I still laugh
>Chaos "gods"
>Spend 40000 years trying to conquer the milky way galaxy
>Only 200 billion more galaxies after this one
100 baneblades
yeah, chaos arent goods, they are just overgrown leeches, like the c'tan
there are no gods in the universe, only fools that believe in them
The AIs can survive as well, but they are extremely butthurt so no one can use them.
dilate slaneeshi
Wonder what it could be. From what I've heard, the forces fighting against the Space Marines in that video are non-Chaos rebels.
is that true? The description they gave the Q'orl make them more powerful than Tau already
The fuck is that model?
*gets owned by some orc*
Probably some archeotech. The glwoing tatoos on the not-a-psyker guys throwing electricity looks like electro tatoos worn by tech priests. They could have ties to the Dark Mechanicum for all we know.
chaos is a mirror, it technically contains everything that it could possibly reflect but will only confront you with something more or less relative to you
I don't get why people don't understand the first thing about the meta nature of chaos
at this point, if they arent mentioned anymore, its because they got purged
maybe the star of their system went supernova too or something, no one cares anymore either way
then why everything is blood, decay, deformities and trannies there?
>Q'orl have a crystalline organ, implying genetic tampering, and are unnaturally good with tech
>Tau have a crystalline organ, implying genetic tampering, and are unnaturally good with tech
Gee, I wonder what crystal shitting race could be behind it.
Because you’re either a memester or an idiot
Do the Tau even understand how fucked up the Warp actually is?
i mean its clearly stated the eldar stole the Q'orl queen and toss it into Tau territories
because the mirror broke some time ago
nice answer, slaneeshi tranny
I still find "ORIGINAL CHARACTER DO NOT STEAL" jokes like that image to be funny, even though I've been seeing jokes like that for about a decade.
They do now.
This is purely conjecture and nothing of the sort has been revealed at all. It would make no sense for them to be stationed anywhere if they need to constantly consume biomass.
Eldar fucking shits.
Eh, the "campaign" in Soulstorm is more of a skirmish mode with a map.
they cancel each other out
they barely know what the warp is
I wouldn't be surprised if the tau even think chaos forces are some trannies from a fucked up world outside their empire
only the ones on the fourth sphere expansion fleet
they went full /pol/ on the other allied races of the fleet, because, unlike them, their psychic soul is the whole reason the warp is such a nightmarish place
baby's first chaos trip, so sweet
>if they need to constantly consume biomass.
they don't, we have at least one case of a stationary hive fleet nestled on a planet, you're mistaking the need for biomass for the need for energy.
biomass is never truly lost.
you're thinking of kroot
tyrannid evolve based on adaption to their current foe
kroot evolve based on the dna structure of whatever biomass they consume
Wasn't there a thing where the Tau fought some Slaanesh daemon, and thought it was actually Slaanesh itself?
It's a matter of perspective. In the grand scheme of things they're some nebulous spec of a fart in the universe, but for the people in the galaxy they're unmeasurable in power.
but, space is literally huge, even bigger outside the galaxy borders, and they probably are big enough too to travel really slowly in space distance
In the lore they basically feed off each other, so no.
In a really, really old White Dwarf when the Tau were first introduced in the early 2000s. They've become a lot less naive since
>Operation Protect My Virginity.
>they're some nebulous spec of a fart in the universe
chaos fights on a multiversal scale, you're mistaking an entity with a million heads facing you with only one as a being with a single head
>why does that female looking thing has a dick?
>it must be slaneesh
yeah, they're literally kids in the galaxy still
btw Im pretty sure this is supposed to be the same Kais from Fire Warrior, and O'Kais from Dark Crusade.
keep thinking that cultist
>They've become a lot less naive since
they've attempted diplomacy with tyranids
a number or times even
why are you even here?
I see. I didn't start reading about 40K lore until around the early 2010s, shortly before the Newcron update happened.
tau are the newfags or w40k
They tried to do that with the Orks, not the tyranids, and even then they realized that some alien races are simply lost causes.
Is that when they met that minor chaos deity created by the gue'la believing in the greater good?
you gotta realize a lot of the lore comes from actual tournaments and fights people had at events hosted by GW
the tau players just wiped the floor with a lot of imperials, so much so that despite the empire having massive resources, and everything going for them that should guarantee their victory, they had to write bullshit saying the tau won without any losses.
I can't be the only one finding this ironic now
I actually played that game on PS2 a few years ago. It has a nice atmosphere, especially in the later levels, but the two weapon limit and the *teleports in front of you* Chaos enemies were annoying.
they did it with the tyranids too, it should have been detailed in the tyranid codex
Yet they see the emperor as "The Anathema." You're wildly overestimating the reach of the chaos "gods".
meet the boyos
No, they also tried with the tyranids, and the deldar. The deldar.
If there's one game I wish was better so I could enjoy it more, it's this one.
I just checked, the only mentions of Tau at all are in a minor thing about Gorgon invading their Empire, and this.
I couldn't get past the section where a bunch of Space Marines are on the bridge of a ship. Couldn't remember if the ship was Tau or not.
the emperor is the anathema as far as their game in the milky way is concerned
slaanesh is getting sodomized sideways by elven gods on the other side of the multiverse and 40k slaanesh doesn't even feel it
you still haven't understood how chaos works
Good job, guardsman. The emperor protects.
They got tricked by the deldar into sending diplomatic envoys. Although that's not much better
>trusting a spiky boi when he tells you he just wants your ethereals for a friendly chat in Commoragh
I'd take an annual fire warrior over what we're getting right now
I'm sorry, I'm just not into your headcanon.
You may have missed it, but WHFB being in the same universe as 40k has been retconned roughly fifteen years ago.
are you mixing up fantasy and 40k lore?
Closest we got was the Ork community in Eternal Crusade. Thinking about how that game failed still hurts.
The Space Marines are quite tough at first, but you do get to use bolter weapons yourself, which makes them easier. Even though a Tau Fire Warrior shouldn't really be able to use a bolter.
I don't know, it's probably the last game I remember giving my computer a blue screen. I've been afraid of installing it on another machine ever since.
oh i see, you still think fantasy has anything to do with 40k
im sorry to hear you are retarded
we dont speak that name here
Nice job being a literal incel lol
page 20, 6th ed
>all attempts to establish peaceful contacts with tyranids ended in blood
and this was AFTER the first worlds were devoured and the tau refugees already reported on the horror of the hive fleets
tau are not just naive, they're dumb
they still try so hard to be like the good guys even tho we already know they only really care for themselves like everybody else
Where do you think we are?
tell me why a fantasy map shows the eye of terror then
Not even going to indulge that with a response.
Do shut the fuck up if you're unsure about something.
holy shit man, luckily this thread reached the bump limit, so lets just leave it die with you in it
>plain bases
I love seeing all you virgin incels with your tiny painted army men. Makes me feel better about myself
Man i hope we get another /v40k/ thread soon.
Nigga you saying
Looks better because MUH bases?