Atelier Ryza Famitsu Review

Famitsu Scores: 9/8/9/8

>+ improved graphics
>+ new battle and alchemy system are fresh
>- there's some part that are rough and difficult to understand
>more than 40 hours of gameplay content

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wow, it's up there with other great titles such as detroit: become human

>>- there's some part that are rough and difficult to understand
Famitsu is retarded, so this likely translates to "the game didn't play itself for me in this one part".

Is this a good place to get into the series with? The gameplay looks fine

>One More Week
Let's go baybee!

Question though.
How much a difference are the graphics between the Switch versions of Atelier vs the PS4 versions? If the NSP releases earlier than the release date, I may not be able to hold back and may just start the Switch version. But if it looks like complete garbage, I'll hold out until Thursday.

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Yeah, sure, why not.

pc when

I think it's october 29 for US and november 1 for EU.

Shut the fuck up, Onsokumaru

I think they showed some switch gameplay on one of the streams.

famitsu review is retard, but actually the retard one is you in this case
review is alwasy subjective, and thats why famitsu review is done by four people

Shut the fuck up Onsokumaru.

>comes out same time as Dragon Quest XI S
I'll have to pass for now. I'll get it after Xmas.

Wouldja happen to know which stream/vid?

Is this the power of bing?

So when is western release date? Next year?

It seems to be like Lulua where the Switch version is ridiculously impressive and only lacking some ambient occlusion compared to the PS4 version.

Oh! Surprising!
Lulua's Switch version was really good?

Yes. You can download a demo of the game's prologue from the Japanese eShop if you want to see.

where can I buy my girlfriend a dress like this? what do you even call this style

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No one wants to hear about your tranny bf yikes

Looks highly comfy.

When is the steam version coming out?

Shut the fuck up Onsokumaru.

I sail the high seas so I've already had it in my switch HDD for a long time now. I just never got around to play it.

I'll do Switch then. Don't have to hook up my PS4 now.

Ok, I don't care what you think, lets make it easier and say its for me since you're more likely to beleive it. Where can I buy it and whats it called

What you're saying is that it's a 6 - 7 out of 10 in the west that will sell around 10k copies and be considered a success because the budget is a bunch of shoestrings and a pack of bubblegum.

Same day as Western console versions

No mana khemia party member switch system, no buy


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Ryza is fat! FAT!

I wonder how the sales will breakdown? The PS4 and Switch versions are the same game without any cuts right?


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Why are their faces - flat textures? Was Atelier always like this? I seem to remember previous games having better faces.

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>Mana Khemia 3 Never
>Mana Khemia 1 + 2 HD Remaster never

I miss my friends...

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So it’s the best Atelier game yet? Nice, it’s going to be my first Atelier game anyway

I don't think I've ever read a Famitsuu score posted on here that wasn't all 8s and 9s. At least Western games media can duck down to a 7

The modeling style differs depending on the character designer, but the faces generally aren't complexly-sculpted, at least not on young female characters.

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Damn, she looks absolutely nothing like Meruru from before.

Nah, it's still Meruru, you get used to Lulua's models by the time you reach her.

Keina on the other hand, might as well be a completely different character. They even changed her seiyuu and she sounds nothing like the original one.

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Disgusting pig protagonist

do these game stay kinda light hearted or do they end with "defeat the evil lord whos also god"?

Will the Switch version be censored?

Generally the former, the finale may get a little dark in a couple games but never to the extent of your typical jrpg.

She’s a fertility goddess, peak femininity

I hope the alchemy style returns to Salburg/Arland system



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>Give mc big tits
>Sells well

They get kinda serious towards the end but not to the level of defeat god.

Yeah that might as well be a different char.

What took Gust so long to realize?

That's the worst case though, other returning characters are more recognizable.

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Wow it's nothing.

>40 hours

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>This pic
Oh man. Fuck it, getting the PS4 version.
Look at all that Soul.

probably in another decade or two when Gust want to make school themed game again.

Just make it even more like persona and it will be million seller

Technically, yes. The way the previous PS3 Atelier 3d models were just a blank face, and then all the expressions are just textures that are swapped depending on the situation.

The new Ateliers are modeled seems to be modeled in the style of the usual anime 3d models.

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Seconding this
Corset dresses + pantyhose are where it's at

>Never played an Atelier game
>Porn has given me a strong desire to buy Ryza's game

Ideal length is 20 hours.

Same here, hope it’s worth it

>implying its only the tits
just look at it

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Ar Tonelico 4 never ever......

That’s already more than 90% of modern AAA western releases

just do it, enjoy the casual gameplay and relax

Are you saying that's too short?
40 hours is a good length.

Some are just too goddamn long.
I was so hooked on Wizards Symphony but I was like 40 hours in and not even halfway.

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Don't they emulate really well?It's probably better than a remaster they would end up putting out but yeah a sequel would be nice

Another Ar Tonelico when?

Really dig in 'Dive inside girl's heart to solve her problem"

please just fuck off onsokumaru
you've been here too long.

>Really dig in 'Dive inside girl's heart to solve her problem"
Play Stella Glow in the meantime.

Maybe when Atelier line die in a fire then Gust might try something else than this shitty moeshit

Are any of the other games worthwhile? I have a PS4 and Vita if any games on those are worth playing.

>Stella Glow
Shity gameplay desu, got bored after 1 hour

Maybe if Ryza's sale will allow Gust for another pet project. I don't know what happened to Trinary, but I think its already dead.

The PS2 versions emulate extremely well.
I dunno about the PSP versions but those ran pretty bad on the PSP, so I'd like to see HD versions.

Also gives me a chance to give GUST some MK money.

How? Stella Glow is absolutely fantastic.

Pretty standard Gust RPG length

>Sci-fi JRPGs are dead
It hurts

Is this a good game?

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i would say get rysa and if you like the game, wait until the dusk collection to play ayesha on the ps4.
as much as i love the vita, the graphics are not as good. if you don't care about that just buy it on vita

shit weeb waifubait
kys animenigger

Rehash of the worst kind. Massive weeb bait

>still haven't finished one month past the timeskip
>80 hours
>3 more routes to go in NG+
>DLC on the way
Spoiled as hell.

>they're all dead

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9/8/9/8 is basic bitch Famitsu.
Anywhere from sum of 32-36 is "wow this game has nothing offensively bad about it"
Which is as good an endorsement as anything.

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>How? Stella Glow is absolutely fantastic.
I don't know, it's just didn't click with me, the combat feel too slow even though i love turn based games like DQ, Persona, Disgaea...

Can't wait for the art book.

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Good, /u/faggotry should be burn

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Alright bros, are you getting it for Switch or PS4? Sorta learning towards Switch since I don’t have many games for it.


Switch, I always prefer jrpgs on handhelds.

I asked the same question earlier. Apparently the Switch version looks really good too, if it is the same as Lulua, but after seeing this I'm gonna do PS4.

Even if I could pirate the Switch ver.

I love my wife Ryza!

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>I sail the high seas
He pirated it.

Literal perfection.

>Really dig in 'Dive inside girl's heart to solve her problem"
Might I suggest Blue Reflection

9 days before release for both atelier and code vein

>Atelier Ryza had 76 preorder points for physical copies
>meanwhile code vein had 80 points

I think this will be the best selling Atelier game yet, minimum 100k physical copies at launch in japan and around 30% more for digital, but yet it still can't beat code vein haha

>there's some part that are rough and difficult to understand
How the shit is this a minus?

Name one reason why I shouldn't just get Steam version now that PC releases day and day with console

didn't famitsu give FF13 a perfect 40?

Shut the fuck up Onsokumaru
Of course the Shit version will looks horrible

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Cancer. Filtered.

Actual best girl

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>"will looks"
No, you shut up.

I was going to get Code Vein until I realized Ryza was coming out next week as well. Gonna have to get that later. Especially when Ys comes out the same day as Ryza as well.

Shut the fuck up Onsokumaru

YS IX, Ryza and Code vein at the same day, and the next day is Dragon quest XI for switch

>100K in Japan at launch
When is this, 2005 ?

The early game is boring as fuck and i forced myself to not drop it but the game starts getting good after you get the second witch.

remove the furs and i agree



Good taste user.

Stella Glow is one of my favorite games of all time. So comfy and cozy.

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>choosing Dorothy
Have fun getting your dick cut with a chainsaw.

When does this game come out for a burger like myself?

Jokes on you, I picked Hilda.

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W-what is she doing w-with that right hand of hers?

any entry is a good starting point. The story in these games is paper thin and only serves to get to the next cutscenes of girls being dumb or ditzy or kawaii or clumsy or retarded. You'll figure out the archetype of any character in the first 5 minutes and they never change or evolve. It's a slice of life, there isn't going to be any major change to the status quo, you're supposed to enjoy the moment not the whole.

With the graphical update, I'm guessing it'll run like shit on switch. It's only with Lulua that the port got decent but now they've updated the engine.

Lulua was when they changed engine, Ryza is still using that.

My homeboys Imageepoch went out with a bang...RIP

I miss them, I want Stella Glow 2.

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Can anyone who owns this artbook tell me if it's worth ~$30?

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Didn't the guy get released from the Yakuza and started up a new studio?

Yes it is.

I want them to release the soundtrack at least. Those songs were too great to just be stuck on a ripped version.

How do you even get into this series? I tried I think it was Sophie and I couldn't do it.

PC since I'm not a cuck.
And I'm pirating it.

Ryza will be sad if you pirate her game

Then tell KT to stop releasing games made on a shoestring budget in less than a year for $60+$80 season pass with no sales, at all, ever.

Stop being poor

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stop getting fucked in the ass

Seems nice, do I have to play previous games to understand the story?

why is this man hiding such murderous intent 殺意の波動

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I want to impregnate Ryza over and over again until she can’t have more kids

Same desu

Freshly uploaded English version of the TGS trailer:

>until she can’t have more kids
Impossible. You must keep going

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shut the fuck up onsokucucku

This game looks so comfy and cute, are all Atelier games like this?


I don’t like that artstyle

Ryza looks legitimately good. Not just the character designs, that's a given already, but the new battle system and tree alchemy stuff looks cool. Lulua also proved that they finally understand what traits/combos/etc are OP and assigned them huge TP costs in that game so I'd imagine the balance will be good in this one too.

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I don’t understand what’s going on in that pic

That's the new alchemy minigame thing, replacing the Tetris from Mysterious. That's just the tutorial so everything is locked but it gives you an idea of how deep the alchemy will be this time.

Neither do I, and that's what makes it fun. I hope they don't handhold you too hard.

That's not why they're locked, you unlock the nodes with adding materials. The number at the bottom next to 回 says how many materials can you put in.

remember when people gave a shit about famitsu scores? me neither

You have to care. There are no user reviews, so it only comes down to gaming magazines

It's not that complicated, each node requires one type of material, you put in that type of material to get an effect. Like putting in firepowder to get small fire damage, the circles on the node show how many materials you can put into the node. The number below the lock on other nodes show what you need to unlock them, 4 fire, 2 fire, 2 fire, 2 wind etc. And it shows what the node does, increasing quality, adding effects, unlocking new recipes. You can only put in a certain amount of materials so you have to calculate what you want and fill the nodes accordingly. That's pretty much it.

Nice thumbnail.

lolicon japan fashion

You mean Lolita, not Lolicon. Unless you were making a joke.

Sue is the cutest Atelier protagonist. It was Totori before her.
Ryza is the sexiest Atelier protagonist. It was also Totori before her
Prove me wrong.

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It's a shame the game is going to be just another boring Atelier yurishit

based suebro

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For me, it's whoever this paizuri professional is.

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There are just as many straight relationships in Atelier as there are yuri ones, bait or otherwise.
And yes, straight bait happens too, see Rorona and Sterk who are pushing 40 and still acting like teenagers around each other.

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Lila, she’s half-beast

PS4 always.

>who are pushing 40 and still acting like teenagers around each other.
Legit the gayest part of an already awful franchise

Okay but most importantly how /u/ is it?

So far it could go either way, there are party members who could realistically romance Ryza of both genders.
Klaudia doesn't fit the "turbodyke who drools over the MC" profile, but she very well could be /u/ shipped with her.
Lent is her childhood friend and a "knight with a heart of gold", however he doesn't seem to have that obvious otome appeal Sterk, Mathias and Aurel did.

All the old Arland characters look really off in Lulua.

Based and Bluepilled

Also Sophie best Atelier

Ayesha is cute. She also has all the best girls in her game.

>using COMG
Kek. That didn’t work out for Azur

The English versions are a month apart.