Anyone else scared that they might decide to remake the other 2D Zeldas in this trash art style
Anyone else scared that they might decide to remake the other 2D Zeldas in this trash art style
Nah, they always change it up.
no, because i know all nintendo remakes are shit anyway no matter what style they choose
As long as they don't fuck with the best 2D Zelda, Minish Cap, I don't care.
The remakes look better. Fight me.
It looks too kiddy. Further encourages my opinion that the switch is for babies and manchildren.
>Toon Link
They don't have to do anything to fuck it up
>heres your LTTP remake
>thatll be 49.99+tax
Except ALBW stepped away from just being a remake of that game and became its own thing with original dungeon design, and has neat gimmicks as well
You clearly haven't played the game, retard.
If nothing else, it'd be entertaining to see fanboys squirm to justify this style if Nintendo applies it to other remakes. The DURR TOYS IS DREAMS logic won't work elsewhere.
So youre a tryhard teenager ? Got it
If I was a teenager, I'd probably be playing the Switch. You're getting upset over it, so it seems you're the one who's underage. Be worse if you're one of those man children we often hear about.
except MM3D is the superior, definitive version with a proper save system and a working bombers notebook
If they apply it to further remakes it'll be the Oracle games and nothing more since the internal justification is trying to capture the feeling of the world feeling tiny/cramped on a GB screen.
>working Bombers Notebook
You mean the one that catalogs everything fucking ever in the game and has slow animations and sounds that completely transition away from the gameplay? Wow, what an improvement alright.
Protip: The original is still playable.
Artstyle is just artstyle. Does the game run well?That is my concern.
Oh yeah, and you're a well-adjusted, successful adult because you say so on the internet and whining about the art style of a video game is a surefire way to display the caliber of person you are.
Looks to kiddy for a big boy like me!!
>Does the game run well?
get bent
They fucked up the observatory for whatever reason, but everything else looks far batter. I mean goddamn look at that sky on the remake vs the original. Fucking gorgeous
>everything else looks far batter
Nigger please. MM3D isn't even the definitive version of MM3D.
This hack removes or reduces a lot of the bad changes in MM3D. The big changes so far:
>old Zora swimming restored
>old Goron rolling controls restored
>old Deku Link run and hopping speed restored
>3 D-Pad buttons dedicated to the three major transformation masks
>Item Menu is now on Start and Notebook on Select
>Bombers Notebook updates are now instant
>Song of Time optionally saves the game
>old Inverted Song of Time speed restored
>Odolwa/Goht/Gyorg lose their weak point eyeballs
>Twinmold takes less cycles to kill and Red doesn't reset his hit counter when he burrows anymore
>Ice Arrows work on all water now and the insulting water sparkles are removed
>Captain Keeta is fast again
>Owl Statues can be activated with a sword
>Stone Tower blocks sped up
>Elegy of Emptiness doesn't double play
>Song of Soaring only double plays once per session
why not just play the 64 game at that point?
Because the N64 version doesn't (and sometimes CAN'T) offer some of these QoL changes, retard. Plus MM3D has a better and more stable framerate, and is portable.
Can’t you get somebody to just hack in those QOL features into MM64?
>just hack in a touch screen and second stick on your N64 bro
Why are you so fucking miffed over people fixing the objectively shitty aspects of MM3D?
why would you
Why does everyone always love to harp on about this? It never makes the n64 games a chore to play since it was designed around it.
I like the new style, I just hope it doesn't become the new normal and that it's just a one off game.
>It looks too kiddy
how to immediately reveal you aren't (at least mentally) past the age of 15
Because Majora's Mask 64's frame rate isn't even close to as stable as OoT's was. You are REALLY getting upset and looking for any reason to shit on this hack, huh.
Wind Waker's art style is GARBAGE
What the fuck is Nintendo thinking? I wanted a dark and mature game like OoT, not this kiddy CELda SHIT!
ninceldo is shit
mario is shit
zelda is shit
congratulations if you like any of the above you legitimately have Down's Syndrome
kys manchildren
>Because Majora's Mask 64's frame rate isn't even close to as stable as OoT's was.
I still rarely, if ever had any trouble with it and people complain about the framerate in both.
>You are REALLY getting upset and looking for any reason to shit on this hack, huh.
I haven't said shit about the hack. Yea Forums isn't one person.
Yes, I am hopeful they will decide to remake the other 2D Zelda games in that wonderful art style
Dude, emulators exist
If this hack could be combined with using the original n64 textures (and would probably require the old models as well) that would be god tier
>zero work on game design, just lift it directly from the previous game
>throw together some half-assed, low fidelity funko pop graphics
Yes, this surely deserves the same monetary compensation as RDR2 or Sekiro.
The problem with the brightness hardly has to do with textures. The lighting is what kills it, since it's so fucking overblown in OoT3D and MM3D, and knowledge on its workings isn't documented as far as I'm aware. You could theoretically darken all the in-game textures but that would be a massive tedious workload and that doesn't do a whole lot in the end to combat overly bright lighting.
>shitting on ALBW
some people should just stop playing new games
People like you are why nintendo is associated with manbabies.
user, you need to be able to tell at least obvious bait like that apart from actual posts.
I guess link needs to have manly man hairs on his man balls. And he needs to swing his man sword with man graphics. Forget creativity, we need every game to look like a FPS or Ride to Hell.
I agree with you user but I think most people can't be bothered to argue with the same noisy autists.
>forget creativity
Yes, that was Nintendo's exact mindset when they sold people a remake.
If this one sells, they will. Hope you enjoy your blurry plastic toyland remakes of the Oracle games.
>color palette/lighting is completely washed out 99% of the time
>the other 1% is stupid color filters that weren't in the original
Nigger, it was a short GameBoy game. I'm surprised they decided to remake the game at all.
Did you really think it was going to get a Triple A budget? They used a cost effective art direction that still has character and is cute.
Then why is it $60?
oot3d wasn't that bad, mm3d fucking sucked though, so glad I dodged it.
I think this artstyle is cute.
Because Nintendo are greedy kikes.
>does the game run well?
Not at all. Constant frame drops even though barely anything is happening.
Because the market determines value of a product, not the effort put into it. You and i both know that this game will sell well. Nintendo knows this too, and at the end of the day they are trying to make money. Nintendo will not willingly choose to lose money for such a small reason.
the artstyle is fantastic and the original game game had mediocre pixel art with shitty colours and awkward tile limitations.
kill yourself.
But the saving mechanic in Majora's Mask was integral to the game. It's part of what made it great. There was a level lf challenge in trying to think like Bill Murray in Groundhogs Day, seeing how much you can remember and manage to do in a three day cycle.
Also, the MM3D Bomber's Notebook holds your hand so much. It's fucking terrible.
If you were an adult, you wouldn’t be arguing over gaming consoles. Unless you’re a man child.
confirmed for not playing
>definitive version with a proper save system
Imagine hating on an artstyle inspired by claymation for the sake of trolling.
>imagine criticizing product
The horror.
>for the sake of trolling
I'm sure this is the reason. Are you a Wind Waker fan perhaps?
its not a gritty realistic art style like 95% of all modern video games?
>Nutendo fans are so sheltered that they actually think that the only two possibilities for artistic direction are low detail toy shit or gritty FPS games
You can't make this shit up.
Still better than ALBTW Art style.
It's really only link himself that needs changing, everything else looks fine
hey bro how about you prove me wrong with some examples?
oh wait you cant
If that was true you would be able to provide evidence of oot3d being bad.
Majoras mask was awful yes but they did fine on ocarina.
It was a big success and critically acclaimed.
I can see the oracle remakes being in the same style, with removed content and all, for $60 each.
Is that what they call "soulless" now?
>Elegy of Emptiness doesn't double play
Is this a glitch?
wow, it doesn't look like toys. Therefore this is such a dark, gritty edgefest, right?
>being born poor
> scared that somebody might make a game you don't want to play
Christ you fags are timid.
>no examples
No. You know how Link automatically plays back a song in OoT/MM after you manually play it? The hack removes the playback from the Elegy of Emptiness and Song of Soaring in order to keep gameplay more direct.
No, that was Kirby and the Rainbow Curse which was soulful. This is just shit.
Nah, videogames don't influence my life to that degree.
everyone in this thread was born after the release of phantom hourglass
>Dude eyeballs
>Anyone else scared
how old are you? do you pray every 6 hours in hollywood direction before donating to Mc donalds without even eating?
Right, because no one could hate this artstyle right? Everyone is just trolling.
It looks like mobile trash dude.
>Is that what they call "soulless" now?
t. Brainlet
Claymation is animation with Clay, like wallace & gromit
Stop associating this ugly funkopop look with Windwaker. The art styles are completely different other than using flat colors.
Inspired by Playmobil, everything looks made of plastic like if it's toys, no wonder babies and manchildren love it so much.
I'm well aware. I'm just wondering if Switch owners are incorrectly using the term to justify the expressionless artstyle of the remake.
I'm only stating a fact, and that fact still stands
Miyamoto says when creating the first Zelda his intention was to create a "miniature garden" finally a game that looks close to that comes out "nooo! zelda must be gritty! give me twilight princess 2!! waaahh!"
oh, my bad
but like this guy said it look more like playmobil or Lego
LA remake looks just like wind wa-
The game is still good despite the somewhat in need of getting used to art styles and the not very optimized performance which is honestly its biggest fault.
And the next big minus is the Chamber Dungeon. It's nice and all for people who want to play Zelda Maker or whatever but I can't approve of locking seashells, heart pieces and a bottle behind it.
And the best rewards in basically every mini game or getting everything from the crane game, etc. are those stupid chamber stones. Additionally, having to purchase a shitload of them for 1280 rupees each is just a big fuck you toward completionist even if they give you 300 rupees for clearing one of these special chambers later.
Basically, give it a performance patch and stop selling the Chamber Dungeon so much and it's still a solid 8/10.
That's horrible and I wish it didn't exist.
Miyamoto is well past his prime and he got lucky early on with technology not allowing his worse ideas to come into fruition.
I'm sure miyamoto asked them to ruin windwaker himself.
For LA let's see what it looks like if we strip the last bit of soul left from the WW design. Perfect!
2D Twilight Princess style. We can only hope.
I can understand the artstyle but why the fuck does people like the shitty overused DoF blur shit at the top of the screen, who thought it was a good idea?
Yes MM3D looks better, but they made a lot of tougher shit way too easy and simple because they were afraid of upsetting retarded journos.
>Why yes I preorder Nintendo remakes, how could you tell?
Nah this is part of the dream fish. The other two remakes if they ever are made will look better.
alttp is a fucking ugly game with a terrible color palette for anything but bosses.
To be honest, the game that comes closest to that vision is Pikmin 1, 2, and 3. I love those games, but it's clear that Miyamoto shouldn't touch any Nintendo games beyond Pikmin.
>designed around it
brainlet. you dont understand FPS
Fuck you OP. i liked it.
I figured it would end up playing twice after you input the song.
I meant a Zelda game that comes close to that obviously. Also I dunno if Miyamoto is anymore involved in this than he has been in the last couple of Zelda, I just think no is cool they went with that idea and I think it fit the dream theme.
It does I remember one imgur with over 100 images being posted on these threads showing as much, can't be arsed to look for it. Both 3DS remakes were better, Yea Forumstism will never accept it.
Twilight Princess had trash stylization but then they made Skyward Sword which is even worse although it might have the best Link model to date. Make it look like a cartoon or painting but plastic toys is too much.
getting the Oracles in this artstyle would be great
miyamoto can eat my farts
If they give it to Grezo, yes. Grezo will always fuck it up and go with the laziest thing they can.
Was this game worth $60 + tax + tip?
That is a choice he has, yes.
Stop texting in class faggot
I'll take painting or plastic toys over Twilight Princess. TP was released in the time when it was cool to be "dark" and "edgy". Good fucking christ, I'm glad that fad is over. Now we have artstyles that are fun, interesting, and even occasionally experimental.
Grezo did, because like, they wanted the game to be open, but not able to see more then one screen in focus. It's "iconic" of the gameboy style.
At the same time, they couldn't keep the framerate stable because not only are 10 screens out actually rendered at all times, but they also have DoF and when you get within 5 screens of the edge, 10 more screens are rendered. This is why areas around the center of Koholint chug so badly.
Is that why? Wasn't it to make it look like miniatures?
Worse than that is that the IQ was awful in TP, it's like they used TN monitors with very bad contrast, it was impossible to adjust the image settings and make it look good, then the bloom was the cherry on top, fun game none the less, the dungeons at least.
Sure was.
And it looks better than every other 3D Zelda game
link is for taking it up the butt only
So it wasn't for performance then?
I'd love a 2.5D Link to the Past remake but they really need to refine the art style first.
Thats the sort of thing only 15 year olds care about. You'll regret thinking like that when you're grown up.
You get the best sword for 40 shells and just some stupid chamber piece for 50. I feel betrayed.
Definitely go and do that.
They were emulating the art stye from the picture minigame in the DX version.
If anything, they'd make the Oracle games in that style.
>being this butthurt that you had no childhood
I’m 90% sure this remake only happened because the game development cost were Pet project tier
Miyamoto probably spent more of Nintendo’s money on Cadence of Hyrule than this
cadence of hyrule was actually good.
looks like tranny shit to me
Ugh kiddy shit
Why is this allowed? Why would they go to the effort of making it look worse?!?
God you fuckers hate everything
Someone autistically tell me why you think this art style is bad and what Nintendo was supposed to do to remake LA without drastically changing the graphics of a game from the 90's
>people unironically complaining that the new Zelda game looks too kiddy
Holy shit, it's like I'm back in 2002. Kids never change it seems.
Reminder that the song from this CM is literally the only decent part of this whole fucking trainwreck of a remake
And Nintendo are too dumb to release a full length version.
Despite the fact BOTW 2: Wild harder is already confirmed and in the works
Anyone know where the secret seashell is right below animal village and right before Yarna Desert?
The sensor keeps going off but I dug up the entire area and ran into all the trees and got jack shit. I don't know what else I can do.
Fuck I know exactly what you're talking about, but it's been years
Ask google
The hardware of the previous consoles was too weak for these gimmick shaders and fx, so when Nintendo finally got more capable hardware they went overboard with it. Imagine if they ported the old N64 games, they would ruin it, somethings are best to stay in past.
I did but Nintendo added a fuck ton more seashells and since the game isn't actually out yet, they all refer to the same 26 seashells and none of them address the one I'm talking about.
You have to play Marin's Song.
There's 50 seashells now according to one of the reviews I watched this morning, I forget which one. There are also 36 heart pieces now as opposed to 12 in the OG
Damn that's a real stretch to figure out for a secret shell but seeing as the Walrus was there before, I can believe it. Thanks user. I'll try it when I get the chance.
That sounds about right. I was nearly at the half point at about 22 shells in the mansion meter. Didn't know about the heart pieces but I do feel like I have a lot of health.
There's 32 heart pieces. You get the last full container by completing chamber dungeon challenges.
Are you literally shaking?
Yeah, took me a while to remember as well.
On another note, anyone know how many chamber stones there are in total? I'm at 11 and I can still purchase some, getting those 1280 for each pieces is a pain in the ass.
Do you still get L2 sword at 20 shells? Or did they up the requirement?
one of the reviews said doing all of the chamber dungeons is worthless because the last reward is not worth it. Maybe they were wrong
You get three times four challenges. Across all of them you get heart pieces, seashells, a full container, and the last reward is a bottle.
I haven't completed the special challenges where he suddenly gives you 12 at once so maybe the review was referring to that? I dunno what you get for completing that, I'm at 2/12 right now.
Is the anime style intro on the game or was just for the reveal trailer?
They upped the requirement. At 20 you get a seashell detector. Someone said you need 40 now. Haven't verified that myself but I have verified the 20 mark.
Sword is 40, 50 is a chamber stone.
Yes, it's in the game.
the ending too
thanks Yea Forumsbros
Wish I could help you but I've only gotten 2 or 3 so far.
In game but the sounds are way worse than the original game. Doesn't feel nearly as impactful. They really screwed the pooch on sounds/music in this remake.
I'd be fine with both Oracles on one cartridge with a more accessible password and link system built right in. THAT would be a remake worth 60 bucks. They could also make Mystical Seed of Courage.
Nice, at least there's that to look forward.
>there is a timeline where they figured out how to simplify the password sytem and the third Oracle game was released
>there is another timeline where they went with the original idea of "remakes" of Zelda 1 + 2 with a new third game
Man, we got the shitty timeline.
It's not tranny, but 90% of the people of hyrule are black in it.
I like it fight me nigger
Does one even exist in the game?
It may surprise you that trannies aren't behind every single indie game
This post would have worked if we were still in 2011
Both the moons look stupid but I think that's the point. You would be complaining about it even if they were the opposite.
>Except ALBW stepped away from just being a remake of that game and became its own thing with original dungeon design, and has neat gimmicks as well
Absolutely this
Doesn't change the fact that the artstyle sucks.
In terms of the in game graphics, sure, I can see why people think that. But it also has to do with the 3DS resolution
The promo art is fine though
It won't happen. Oracle of seasons and ages don't happen during a dream like links awakening so it won't have that surreal kind of feel to it.
There's a lot of people whining about the art style but they don't understand why it was chosen. It's hard to make cartoony graphics benefit from increased power. People have been complaining a lot about Pokemon because it doesn't look like that much of a step up from the 3ds games and that's a big part of why. By making it look more plastic, like toys, they make it look less cartoony and more real, allowing them to take more advantage of lighting and effects. While you can't make a cartoon look more real, you can make a toy look more real.
On the other hand, some complain that it isn't realistic enough. They don't want a toy aesthetic but for it to have a more realistic aesthetic like breath of the wild and the other 3D Zelda games. These people don't understand this game isn't being made by Nintendo. It's being made by a small second party studio. They don't have the resources to make a game on the scale of a 3d Zelda game. Nintendo isn't gonna focus their main A list teams on creating a remake of a gameboy game. This is the best they could realistically do with this so if you don't like it, just don't buy it but sitting here whining about it is childish.
My biggest issue with the game is not the art style but the exclusion of analog movement like what albw had and bringing back the stupid 8 directional movement of the original game. What a retarded thing to do, albw was a lot more enjoyable to play due to the analog movement,2D Zelda never felt so smooth to control
It's easy to understand why, it was just a terrible fucking decision.
Explain how. If they went with the typical cartoony 2D Zelda style it wouldn't look much better than a 3DS game and everyone would whine about it like they do with Pokemon.
Upvoted and sent you reddit gold
At least they could have focused on a solid frame rate, but they didn't even manage that.
More than the details it's the colors that ruined this, it's fucking neon.
The eyeball change was much better. You had to focus on a single weak point rather than swing away at they're ankles.
Because it's fucking ugly, how about that? It looks disgusting, plastic, overprocessed, and fake. Sprites are better than this. Cutesy 2D is better than this. Wind Waker-style models would be better than this.
This. Did people really think we were gonna get BOTW styled game of this? Seriously? I kinda think the toy theme fits with this being just a dream.
I remember buying the original Links Awakening DX on my gameboy color as a kid, and it wasn't $59,99 but $49,99.
What the fuck nintendo.
>Massively simplifying the battles with ugly eyeballs is better
Goht in particular is a fucking travesty.
Because the switch is mobile hardware you gotta give up on 1 of 3 things.
1.Graphics (lighting, textures)
3.Frame rate
Can't have all 3 on the switch. Something has to suffer. That's why we need a switch pro.
I'd have been happier with an ALBTW or ST styled game.
The only bad looking Zelda game is TP. Every other Zelda game plus remake looks great
I love it. Everything in it looks like real toys. It's a very interesting art style I personally haven't seen in any other games. The closest thing is yoshi making everything cardboard.
The $50 you paid back then is worth more than $60 now.
Give me that moblietrash then, I really need a mobile game to escape from gacha hell
You can love Playmobil all you want, but I despise it. They visually ruined my favorite Zelda game.
Okay good for you, don't buy it. Why are you in a thread for a game you don't have any interest in?
And they gave up on the most important one.
"WAH THEY KILLED MY CHILDHOOD! THEY WENT BACK AND DELETED THE OLD GAME AND NOW I CAN'T PLA-Oh...oh it's still here and ready for me to play? I don't have to buy the remake? O-O-Oh...well...okay."
Because the op reads
"Anyone else scared that they might decide to remake the other 2D Zeldas in this trash art style"
and not
"link's awakening praise thread"
>You're not allowed to discuss why you don't like something on Yea Forums
>In a thread that was started to complain about the art style
I'm just looking forward to more Marin.
>tfw going back and finding out that I had missed tons of tiny shit she does during the part like scolding you when you hit a cucco and cheering at you to dig more when you use the shovel.
I wish more Zelda games had more little bits of interaction when you've got female characters following you
Of course I can still play it. But this remake is a horrible travesty and they won't get my money.
they need to remake the oracle games in the artstyle of take me on by Aha
OOS has Rosa, but she's not as expressive as Marin.
Okaaaay? Annnd?
LA is far from my favorite zelda but the artstyle is still incredibly off putting to me. So even if this was significantly cheaper, which it should be, I wouldn't have gotten it.
On the plus side, this version doesn't add anything of significance so skipping it isn't the worst thing.
And this is a thread that is about complaining. So I'm here to complain. Welcome to topicality.
People make the mistake of thinking the issue is that we think it's 'kiddy,' and while there are a couple of underage subhumans like that, that isn't it at all for me. I'm not 12 anymore, I don't care how 'childish' something looks, I hate this style because it's plastic.
Just replay the original game you fucking cuck. You won't even get the photos with her in this shit remake
>You won't even get the photos with her in this shit remake
Why did they take that out?
Scared? More like hype. I want Seasons and Ages remade in this art style.
Thank God I don't follow the soul soulless nostalgianigger hivemind.
The saving mechanic did literally nothing for the game except fuck you over if your game crashed or the power went out. Even in the remake if you improperly manage your time, you'll likely be resetting anyway to get a fresh start.
Because they knew that the game would sell stupidly well anyway.
So you make a thread to complain about a game that's inoffensive, you won't buy and won't kill the original game. Wow. That's really sad.
>all these people defending this
What the fuck happened? Old Yea Forums would roast the shit out of this.
There are more people here upset than defending it. You blind?
Old Yea Forums wasn't autistic about other people enjoying games. Old Yea Forums would roast you for posting Reddit images and getting mad at video games.
Apparently not if some people don't like the changes. Also, I didn't make the thread, dumbass.
totally agree, why is nu/v/ still bashing last of us and other sony games? must be fags like you.
I think the art style is fine except for Link's face.
>if your game crashed
If you're playing it on real hardware this never happens unless you're fucking with the cartridge. If you're emulating, use savestates idiot.
>or the power went out.
That's all games
You obviously never played ALBW.
>he thinks I'm a console warrior like him and not an idort
In other games, you don't lose four hours of progress because of factors completely outside of your control.
I have no desire whatsoever to buy this remake but really like what they did the with the credits theme for the remake
>those samples from the original track
I want Zelda simplified to the point Link just looks like three or four green, yellow and pink basic shapes.
You absolutely can, most games back then didn't autosave.
Fuck off faggot. Development costs haven't risen in the same ratio as inflation but sales have increased massively.
Not to mention that inflation is basically an indicator of how fucking greedy people get. They simply increase prices because they believe you can afford more not because they need to be increased.
I meant "you" in regards to the thread maker. Sorry that wasn't clear. And by that logic, there are more people excited for it who have played the past game that outnumbers you, such as myself.. It's inoffensive and you guys are spastics. Mm. Well have fun bitching instead of playing vidya.
And those idiots can make their thread talking about the game. You don't see me disrupting that.
>He thinks I'm not playing a videogame as I post here
alundra is better
Then we are free to call it cheap lazy shit.
Drawing is hard.
I just think this is how switch games should be done. The switch isn't powerful enough to run realistic looking games well but it's a waste to not use the increased power from the wii/3ds at all. By using a unique art style they're able to make the game look nice without running at a super low resolution like ps4 ports. I would like to see more games like this, at least until the switch pro comes out. Animal Crossing went in a similar direction and it looks great.
And I know people are gonna say "what about Mario Odyssey, Splatoon and botw?" Those games are made by Nintendo EPD, the best God damn developer on earth. They work wizardry to get the games looking like that on mobile hardware.
It's less the style and more the fact it's a 1 to 1 remake. Just feels like a complete waste of time and kind of ruins the opportunity for them to actually remake the game
The only worthwhile remakes IMO are ones like RE2 and FFVII, since even if they end up shit at least they're their own experience. They can stand as an independent game. These 1 to 1 remakes with a new art style slapped on top just feel redundant. I can just play the original and get the same experience, or even an subjectively superior one
You talk about power but this game lags and has FPS drops out the ass, this is a poor excuse.
I unironically raged at that part
The soulless memes are fucking true
You can maybe, but most people aren't okay with gameboy graphics any ore. If it was a GameCube game I would agree with you, but turning a gameboy game into HD completely changes the experience for me.
Forgetting to manually save after four hours is 100% user error. MM doesn't let you hard save unless you reset time.
At no point did I mention Framerate. That actually helps my argument because it shows that even with a simpler art style it's very hard to get good looking graphics out of the switch. It's just not strong enough for realistic looking games, Nintendo can only get close because they're geniuses.
And by four hours you've absolutely done enough that you should reset in MM and thus save.
>it shows that even with a simpler art style it's very hard to get good looking graphics
No, it shows the devs are incompetent and graphics have nothing to do with its failure.
Even with the song of inverted time a single cycle takes around 2 hours and 45 minutes
Okay then, three hours of progress.
honestly zelda games in general are visually pretty bad, but that just makes it a testament to how bad the remakes are for looking even worse on top of fucking up the gameplay
Can you tell me who outside of Nintendo EPD and monolithsoft is getting good graphics on the switch? Luigis mansion looks like it might look good so far but it's not even out yet so that's just assumption. What you're basically arguing is that every developer is incompetent when the simpler solution is just that the hardware isn't strong enough.
its artstyle is lazy but infinitely better than the plastic shit we got with LA
That feel when articles are already calling out the frame rate issues
What Nintendo switch game doesn't have Frame rate issues? Can you name 5?
Point still remains that you should've saved by then.
Just about every Switch game has better graphics than this 3DS level gloss.
The old 90's games with pre-rendered graphics if done with better computing power they would like plastic too.
If Frame rate was such a huge concern for you why would you even buy the switch? Why wouldn't you just wait 2 years for the switch pro that inevitably fixes the Frame rate of every game?
>Dude this console isn't strong enough for extremely simplified 3D graphics!
The Switch is stronger than the PS2, which did way better than this remake with higher detail models. You're full of shit.
Name me 3 games not made by Nintendo EPD or Monolith soft for the switch that look better than this.
All of them.
I'm more scared they'll remake them without extra content or jew us and make us buy two games instead of bundling them.
It isn't extremely simplified 3D graphics dipshit. They use advanced lighting systems and depth of field to make it look like toys. Those post processing effects are very taxing.
Nevermind the art style, if all they have to offer for top down Zeldas are remakes or games that rehash entire overworlds such as ALBW, their top down Zeldas are dead. Grow some fucking balls and make an original top down Zelda.
Once emulators are able to run this game we'll be able to disable the DoF effect and it becomes more palatable visually.
Because they think it will sell for that much. There are plenty of Nintendo games that retail for less than $60 if they don't feel it will be as successful.
Except for that it was forced into 480p due to the Wii's shitty lack of power, I thought Skyward Sword looked great, why can't we do that again but better?
i never played zelda game, redpill me why someone should even bother looking into the series. don't even even try to give me none of that nostalgia bullshit.
What if you're just entering the boss room and your shitty N64 emulator crashes?
What if you're playing the Collector's Edition and every room transition is a gamble with whether the game will freeze?
>Let me use these advanced graphical tools to make my game ugly as sin, with worse graphics and performance than a PS2 game
Why do you "people" want all games to have the same old drab "artstyle"?
I want to see the Oracle games like this. Stay mad.
Nigga this isn't a 3D style LoZ game.
I still can’t believe that they are pricing this at $60. Lmao
You can already turn it off.
You dont even know what the fuck graphics mean. Graphics does not refer to the art style at all. It refers to stuff like AA, texture quality, resolution, lighting and post processing effects. This game objectively has good graphics for a switch game. Your problem is with the art style, not the graphics.
Christ. They didn't try. They couldn't even render a Peach-er, Christine game model to be in the same pose. What the fuck?
Most of them are great adventure games with puzzle solving elements included, and the artstyle usually changes to keep things fresh between games
Does it improve performance?
Skyward sword was made by Nintendo EPD, the best developer on earth. This game is made by grezzco a small 2nd party developer. If you're asking why Nintendos main development team doesn't spend a year remaking a gameboy game, maybe you're retarded.
No, because it was specifically meant to replicate the original's unique art style.
That's just pathetic
Looking plastic has been an insult against 3D models for longer than you've been alive, and for good reason.
This looks suspiciously like that one awful sonic redesign
Smash, Odyssey, Splatoon, Arms, Fire Emblem
>hahaha I want to eat shit and pay a premium for it le epic salt xd stay mad n00bs I pwn joo
Savestates. Don't play on an emulator if you can't handle issues cropping up.
I haven't seen a single person ish for this game to be realistic.
3 of those games were made by Nintendo EPD. Fire emblem looks like shit and Smash is a 2d fighting game for fucks sake.
But what the fuck is the other option? They're not gonna make 2d sprite based games anymore, if you don't want realistic graphics and you don't like going for a unique art style, what the fuck are you looking for?
All shell and heart piece locations for the lazy ones.
>The only art styles in this world are sprites or plastic toys
It's a dipshit strawman that fanboys cooked up to use as a catch-all to try immediately invalidating critics. They'll literally just say that anyone who doesn't like this style just wants gritty realism or Twilight Princess 2 and pat themselves on the back for it.
if anything, isn't this glossy toylike style with its simulated photographic tilt shift more of a "realistic" style?
so is the nsp out yet?
Stop bullshitting. Tell me what art style you want for 2d Zelda games. You say you don't want sprites, toys or realistic. What do you want? Stop being a little bitch and answer a simple question.
What's the reward for 50 shells?
What art style do you want? Easy question, answer it.
But now you're adding hard saves that didn't exist in the original.
Chamber stone. No joke.
They should've done Wind Waker/Spirit Tracks style. Simple.
i'll take toy link remakes any day
but games without zelda or ones that take place away from hyrule aren't my cup of tea; it's like being away from home for a time
games like LA or MM i find even less appetizing cause their worlds are not only entirely self-contained, but completely disappear after the story is completed. it's like they're only there to get in link's way as opposed to link saving the kingdom and having it stick
Link is cute when he's drowning
can see them re-use it for the oracles and minish cap
rather they go for a different style but it might be too easy a re-use for them
And you're also playing on an emulator, which was never intended.
>iM FoRCeD tO pLaY tHEM
Both the remakes and the originals are great. MM3D has some less than great choices but I still had a blast going through it again. I played all the originals on the GameCube collector’s edition as a kid and the 3DS remakes - they’re both fine, they both capture the same spirit of the core design, and the color gradient / textures changes are just a new spin given better hardware. You need to stop letting your attachment of the original get in the way of things - both these versions exist as separate experiences, not interchangeable ones. I wouldn’t expect the FFVII remake to “replace” FFVII
A chibi style that somewhat recalls the Game Boy sprites but takes the opportunity to add some more detail rather than disguising bare minimum copies of 16x16 sprites with tacky gloss shaders and a tilt shift filter to disguise the low effort style. More specifically, the chibis from the DX photo album pictures would be the best inspiration, sporting a variety of more dynamic anime-like facial expressions rather than the bland flat expressions we've got now just because HERP DERP GAME BOY HAD LOW DETAIL THEREFORE 3D GAME ON HD SYSTEM SHOULD HAVE LOW DETAIL TOO.
Pixar, cel shaded, painted, hand painted textures like Super Mario Sunshine, a combination of everything but Playmobil.
I disagree, wind waker is an ugly ass game. I think the main reason it never caught on like other Zelda games is the art style.
Nice. Thanks buddy.
Is there an infinite amount of chambers stones? The shop has at least 5 and it seems like you can get more from amiibos.
I would classify Mario sunshine as realistic. Don't know what you mean by painted.
>they got rid of the lvl 2 sword
What the FUCK
And you have shit taste, congrats.
No, the concept art has a lot of the same colors as in the remakes. The dark shading and colors in the n64 version were a mix of lower dynamic range and computational resource limitations. I like the moodier, darker look of the originals a bit more, but the concept art and adventurous tone is matched by the remake’s visuals
Sword is at 40
>10 for heart piece
>20 for shell finder
>30 for chamber stone
>40 for Koholit sword
>50 for chamber stone
I'm not sure, I have 11 so far. Most likely not.
I can still buy some in the shop.
Others that I can still remember are from the crane game (getting everything) and one from the Rapids Ride race (sub 30).
You get it with 40.
Cell shaded games have never been popular. If you're saying I have shit taste you're really saying most people have shit taste which just means you're a contrarian.
This x100
The change to swimming is fucking unforgiveable
Painted would be something like the watercolour effect of SS.
you got to be some tasteless zoomer because if there's one thing better on the original it's the skies
I don't mind the chibi take, but I hate how plastic and toy like everything looks. They could have gone with something a bit more inspired or anime looking.
I think SS graphics worked because it was supposed to be more fantastical than Zelda games normally are. The idea of the game was it was going back in time to explore the legends of the Zelda world, to find out how everything started, how link became the hero, the origins of the triforce, etc. It was a really fantasy kind of story, kind of like what you would get out of a fairy tale, and that's why they used a surreal art style. I don't think that's something you can copy over into any random Zelda game and have it work.
Surely you can understand that anime art style isn't popular though right? This is a game aiming to sell >7 mil anime style is more for niche games.
Popularity has nothing to do with quality and you know it.
Anyway has a screenshot in the attic with the food when he's a miniature? That was a cool effect.
>Rapids Ride race
I thought that the minigame was shitty since you can barely see the rapids until I learned that All the trees and logs can be hookshotted
>W-Why can't games have a dark and mature style in my children's console!
Yeah that whole area, the minish size parts are really neat.
It's also about accessibility. If it wasn't for emulation (Which Nintendo despises) a lot of older games are no longer easily played, while their remake is.
LoZ, Zelda II and ALttP are already playable via the NES/SNES Online service. Nintendo doesn't care enough about the Capcom Zeldas (Oracle games and Minish Cap). The DS games are heavily based on Wind Waker's artstyle so any remakes of those games would also retain the artstyle. And the 3DS games are too recent to remake.
This is Wind Waker all over again. Every time switch it up and try something new you faggots start crying about it.
>This is Wind Waker all over again.
They did do a bait and switch.
>They did do a bait and switch.
How? The original game also had cutscenes that didn't match the in-game sprites.
They did considering the HW limitations. With this one they have nothing in common.
I still don't see the bait and switch. Is it the fact that the first minute of a minute-thirty trailer wasn't gameplay?
Do you mean the WWHD remaster?
He means back when Wind Waker was showed off for the first time and it didn't look like the E3 tech demo they showed off that looked like more like OoT
They baited us with the visuals of the intro, making us think this was how the game was going to look then they give us the soft plastic toy look.
ah fuck, yeah reminds me of the Zelda Wii U tech demo as well