Isn't the character creation in this game just.... SWELL?!
Isn't the character creation in this game just.... SWELL?!
I-it can't be..
If a game doesn't have character creation or character customization, it's shit.
Also I watched the movie and this character sucks.
Steven Universe is bad
oh shit that hol horse?
How'd you notice?
I still find this game's customization options to be pretty ridiculous.
Still, it's pretty fun to mess around
nice Yasuho m8
Thanks! Now check this Kira
Prove it fag
is HERE! Haha!
is that supposed to be Elizabeth Bathroy?
It took 6 years and a movie before you guys had anything to praise about the show lol
>steven universe
this board gets worse with every day
Please, SU fans praise anything that comes out of Sugar's asshole. Look at Yea Forums. They go through months and months of free cocksucking and shilling, and then back to hatred and the sudden realization they ate shit for breakfast, lunch and dinner.
We’ve LITERALLY been here since 2013
Bronies are still here and will be until Yea Forums dies
You’ll never be happy if the mere presence of people you don’t like makes you mad
go back to /trash/, literal pedophile
It's worse than the previous games' too.
Yeah :^)
Reminder that the Steven Universe fandom almost killed a girl for drawing fanart of skinny characters
I only skimmed the movie when some BR uploaded the whole thing to xvideos. Too much singing. Spinel is just there for lonely nerds who want a girl who is as broken as they are.
>Literally the only good thing about this whole franchise
Seriously, I love everything about her design. She looks like an edgy OC for a 50's Disney cartoon, but of course, they had to ruin her later.
>tfw tumblr and resetera are literally more evil than Yea Forums
Yeah, she seems real oppressed. If I had absolute power, I would not trust myself to simply not kill off people like that, with no remorse
Yeah, though it's also just the fandoms in general too.
I don't see her Gem
Its a strange, but beautiful feeling to know you stand against true evil
At least her design didn't change
I like how tumblr actually called the cops on those pieces of shit and then they cried about it.
Yea Forums is just a bunch of anonymous dorks bitching about a lot of stupid shit. The amount of actual evil folks on here are no more than anywhere else. When something exciting happens Yea Forums related for example it's mostly positive. Like Deadly Premonition 2's announcement.
Retardera however is the opposite. Instead of a big mix of differing opinions it's a hugbox. If you don't think mentally ill men should be allowed to mutilate their body you're silenced. If you think children shouldn't be groomed into wanting to mutilate their bodies? Silenced. Shit's legit terrifying.
Hey jackass I watched you movie. It was alright but Steven voice actor can't sing for shit so why did they make him do it so much?
you should kill yourself lol
>actually called the cops
No way this is true
Options arent as good as 5 out of all things
That's not hard to understand.
A seedy, rowdy bar is TEN TIMES more preferable than a cult.
I don't have a screencap on me, but I distinctly remember some tumblrina crying about the cops showing up and confiscating her pc because of this. Felt good.
You know her, user?
Can you tell us who she is?
We live on a society where killing yourself still isn’t enough for Resetera
Based and big if truepilled
This. Any evil that Yea Forums does is generally chaotic in nature, because they take pleasure in sabotaging themselves if they think it's funny.
ResetERA on the other hand seems more coordinated in wanting to rid the world of all that they deem evil, not unlike every evil villain who deem themselves saviours.
They're more evil than Bchan, if you factor in suicides of mentally unstable kids tumblr has a higher bodycount.
Why does that not surprise me
Who cares?
A lot of people
I can't wait for Steven Universe to end, it's like the embodiment of everything wrong with Yea Forums and this decade's animation.
I've read these both and I'm hella confused as to what this zamzam bitch did
>Literal pedophile
That one really made me think
Holy based
Why yes, I do start Steven universe threads on Yea Forums, how could you tell?
She drew a fat character slightly skinnier. Somehow this is worthy of doxing and death threats.
She drew some characters skinny or a bit off model in her own style. This got Tumblr mad becuase they prefer the features like being chubby or being Indian more pronounced to racist levels so they can say it’s the real deal.
She just drew normal fan art.
except if you're not white
You're only defending her because shes white.
Are you fucking kidding? Of all the people I met here that I'm good friends with, most of them are black or half black or something. This place is filled with black people, you just default to the idea that the average user is white for some reason.
This is a black thing isn't it?
Not him but you just proved his point by showing your racial bias. If this girl was anything other than white you wouldnt care. Oh wait, youd probably care if she was asian too and want to fuck her xD
That Matriachlady really wants to get spaded
user what is this?
BBCslutwife4u aka Emily Salazar
She's a teacher who got fired because students found out that she did homemade interracial porn with primarily black guys in her freetime they should've just kept it to themselves and started living a hentai manga plot but eh
Thats because thats where women post.
They're really mean to each other like that in general, why do you think all the girls who are actually chill hang out almost exclusively with dude friends?
Even chicks don't like hanging out with chicks.
What assholes desu. Its none of their business
customize your character all you want but you'll never outplay nasc
Did you have a stroke or is that someones name?
She's so fucking cute. Sorry Yea Forums. I get it. I know, tumblr/sjw shit. But just fucking look at her!
In her defense, she's based on rubber hose characters.
I'll let it slide, she's the exception for now
And Sufags say Suhaters should burn.
1) Maybe you can consider the fact that people don’t like rubberhose either
2) Ink & paper scarcity used to be damn good reasons for easy art styles, but not in the digital age.
>I thought tumblr would be a more tolerant place
>she wasn't thrown in jail (even though she should have been)
>as long as you check your privelege and don't say or do things you will regret when people who believe in equlity find out about them
Is this satire? It reads like some orwellian doublespeak. Yea Forums is the fucking "internet boggieman" and unless I posted myself abusing animals or some shit I wouldn't expect anything worse than people calling me a faggot or someone trying to get me to post my waifu's feet.How many people got in a huff over whatever shit this is?
>Maybe you can consider the fact that people don’t like rubberhose either
Cuphead (and his pal Mugman) say hello.
>See the movie after a fuck buddy recommends it, never watched the show
>Actually liked the movie, Spinel was a pretty nice character to empathize with
>Haven't bee to Yea Forums since the Samurai Jack revival
>It's the biggest echo chamber of snowflake SU cocksucking where even the slightest offensive joke gets piled up on
Did every fag and dyke from tumblr migrated and took over Yea Forums? The place is barely recognizable, mostly because of how fucking sensitive it fucking is.
>Maybe you can consider the fact that people don’t like rubberhose either
Where the fuck are you taking that from you retard? Get the fuck off my board with your garbage taste this instant
There’s a reason it’s called Yea Forumsmblr now.
>Is this satire?
No. They're seriously THIS oblivious about themselves
How can one possibly dislike this era?
>It's another thread ruined by Yea Forumseddit and Yea Forumsmblr
There was literally nothing stopping you from posting that.
You gaybien
>tfw no spinel gf
This thread proves that this year's april fools should be merging Yea Forums and Yea Forums into some super autism duo. Like the Swat Cats or Army of Two
Why yes, I did max out my charisma. How could you tell?
What the hell would it be called?
>Seasons upon seasons of tumblr shit all redeemed because of one goofy-ass don't stick dick in crazy 30s cartoon edgy bitch
Please, Yea Forums, don't forget this is still Steven Universe we're talking about.
Who said the show was redeemed?
Wy do you fuckers keep wanting to spam this shit all the damn time?
I've seen this damn thread over and over again.
Spinel is fine, I dislike the other characters.
What did they say what did they do?
Yea Forums has always been counter culture.
The culture of today is simply evil.
The art is overall pretty bad but sometimes I like it when it makes me pp hard.
>first time I see an image of this character is an ntr image
I thought the show was over? Someone lied to me.
There's at least 1 more season coming.
is sugar tits and co. going to be using character sheets this time? I still can't believe they didn't consider being on model as important.
It got a film
/cov/ ?
/vco/ ?
Unrelated adventure film a la Dragonball, or big finale film like Hey Arnold?
Would you fuck a rock?
Visual commercial obsession?
You can't stop it user. Anything that's even slightly cute becomes this place's new obsession.
There's goddam thread on Yea Forums dedicated to making edits to her to look like Yea Forums's mascot.
sounds great
>like Yea Forums's mascot.
Even with Spinel, Steven Universe still sucks, right?
She's the only good part.
God I love Edgy crazy characters so much. Surprising seeing Steven Universe, of all fucking things do this
It's an objectively worse version of SC5's. So no.
>they didnt use this as leverage to fuck her after school instead.
I'm upset.
I don't want to stop it. I'm obsessing over her too. i just want people to remember Steven Universe is still shit
Well that sucks. Was gonna watch the SU movie but didn't feel like it and decided to watch Dark Crystal: Age of Resistance instead.
No, fuck that. I want the crazy one with the scythe
Most the musical numbers were pretty good too.
It was,fuck coalburners
How about we stop talking about actual garbage and talk about a genuinely interesting series like and
have posted about.
But jojolion won't be finished for another 40 years
We're not talking about actual garbage. We're talking about Spinel
>make a decent villian
>give her TWO redemption arcs in the movie using the power of friendship
Who deleted this by the way?
It was at this point that I realized I had a fetish for broken-down whores. Is this the same way women feel about bad boys?
>Spinel will never go full on Kefka or whatever
>She will never not be redeemed
She was wasted for being from this show to begin with
No a new one
meant for
What happened to jasper anyway?
No, dummy. It's male fantasy
Convinced in literally 3 seconds. Scrapped probably
Did they explain why a toy gem is so fucking strong and is able to summon a fucking scythe?
I wish I could pluck Spinel and S1-2 Peridot from SU and put them into a much better show. Especially Peridot, it was fucking heartbreaking to see how quickly she got flanderized to hell and back after her redemption arc.
Why can some Indian girl hold a sword nearly the same size as her
the scythe isn't her weapon, it's a tool that was used to reset gems that were acting out of line.
She didn't summon the scythe. It's homeworld tech and not her Gem weapon, that's why the others were able to recognize what it was.
As for strength, it's probably just an unintentional side effect of being made to be a toy that's sturdy and stretchy enough to not be broken by a Diamond "playing" with it. They wouldn't want Pink to harm her new "best friend" like she did to the previous one, her original Pearl
>why a toy gem is so fucking strong
When are toys NOT overpowered in fiction?
Press H to hug.
>emily salazar
>spic and jewish
>bbc whore
surprising a total of 0 people
She pulls it out of her gem though
Things can be stored in gems.
Pointing out that Tumblr actually tries to hurt people, specifically with the example of that chick the STEVEN COMMUNITY tried to get to kill herself for drawing characters too skinny and or not racially stereotyped enough.
Another fucking reddit calibur thread? Fuck off with your dressup shit and play actual fighting game you casuals
>use creator to make oni waifu
>stopped playing because friend has weak wrists and got owned by carpal tunnel
Does the singleplayer campaign get any good? The last SC I played was 2, and I remember playing the shit out of it but I just don’t care about the story in this one so far. I only got to like level 10 though.
Go eat a gun
Oh like what fag
Marvel Vs Stunlock
A tumblr post of a woman saying that a 15 yearl old teenage girl deserves death and worse for drawing a fat character as skinny
>Amethyst was the first to die
get gud you purple midget
Amazing how literally millions of people all got together to target this one obscure Tumblr blog.
I love Spinel!
She's showing up again in sesaon 6. Can't imagine her being too happy about fighting against her diamond the whole time and accepting her death never happened
you mean Zamii, the chick who also drew Homestuck fanart?
You losers already made MLP a plague. Keep to your containment zone.
They started the war by having grown neckbeard incels and land whales attack this one single teenage girl almost to the point of suicide all because of a drawing
Amethyst is the worst fighter of the group, even steven surpassed her. She's only good for thicc bait.
MLP hasn't been relevant since 2015
Her self esteem issues seem pretty justifiable. Imagine being created specially to be a soldier in the best soil possible only to see a kid who doesnt have 1/20 of your age surpass you in combat
It's breddy gud
Holy fuck lmao
>tfw you realize the autistic spaz became a better fighter than you in just a few months so you let yourself get poof'd
I want to emotionally abuse amethyst.
I'm not even sure if you're talking about Steven Universe or Jojo.
weird, I remember Yea Forums frothing at the mouth whenever SU was brought up, usually out of fear of it becoming the next mlp
they're just tourists who are upset that somebody on Yea Forums disagreed with them.
I want her to back in her hole that was made for her.
>SUfags actually think they're not horsefuckers 2.0
Is that a really low resolution screencap from one of those painfully unfunny normalfag tier meme videos? I think they were called asdf or something.
It's cyanide and happiness
I am honestly convinced that constantly having minor scrapes and bruises healed by Steven has gradually made her inhumanly strong. It's the only thing that makes sense. She cuts a fucking car in half in the movie. An entire car, in one slice. No one even talks about it after.
So still painfully unfunny normalfag stuff.
Why aren't you reporting this thread?
Also, why can't you niggers ever talk about video games?
You mean THIS?
Difference is they want to fuck humanoids so they're no where as bad as furries or horsefuckers
Keep telling yourself that SUfag
there is nothing wrong with MLP and the series ends in 3 weeks.
I haven't watched the movie but I still have listened to her song like 20 times now.
No seriously how is wanting to fuck a humanoid alien anywhere as as wanting to bang a horse?
whats wrong with wanting to fuck horses?
I mean, you say that, but that puts you on the same level as no feral furries.
CaS is the worst addition to the Soulcalibur series
>I mean
>More SUfag denial
I want to fuck this rock. I want her to do that on my dick
Does this mean y'all don't want to have a SC6 custom character thread...?
I got all excited and everything
They're nowhere near as big as horsefuckers were
Nigger it's been part of common vernacular long before the onions mean, you aren't gonna do the same faggy thing you retards did with the term "Peg".
When's the Switch version of Crosscode?
>grown men watch this show
Literal tranny propaganda for children, look (((who))) is responsible for the current state of cartoon network.
>stopped being yandere in the end
it's shit
Ok Barneyfag, you keep deluding yourself
Nobody in the show is a fucking tranny. No amount of mental gymnastics will add any.
is that a jew or a mutt? i can't even tell with americans anymore
I just dont get it because I dont find any of the characters attractive. The best porn has them way off model. Maybe I'm just a weeb but I just don't see it.
anyone have the webm of her getting run over like a dozen times by jasper
Tomorrow. Maybe I'll replay it with one of my friends who's been looking at it then
Tumblr and Resetera are on a mission to purge the world of anything they deem problematic. It doesn't take much for the assholes to get carried away, or for malicious people to work themselves into a position of power in the movement.
It's horrible. All these shitty cartoons now throw it in your face how utterly devoid of talent the new wave is.
>he doesn't like rubberhose cartoons
if su had a fighting game i would totally main jasper for that super
She looks nothing like one
I imagine a SU fighting game would just be Budokai with all the what if transformations and no flying. Could be pretty good actually
Are you sure
poor man's Peacock
Hush lolifag.
Bros... HUMAN PINKY POE!!!??! WTF!!??
>Dude old timey cartoons but EDGY AND DARK
I hate tumblr.
What the hell are you fucking talking about? This isn't Bendy.
I just made the smallest, flattest female possible and stuck Arcane Knight armor on her. Its pretty enjoyable.
Yea Forums regular here, you've either never actually been to Yea Forums or you're lying. SU threads are mostly shitposting and lewd drawfag requests. No one fucking complains about ''offensive jokes'' on Yea Forums and those that do get ridiculed. Most of the SU threads were mostly saying how much they dislike SU and how much they wanna fuck Pearl or the Diamonds, until the movie came out in which case the threads are nothing but Spinel shitposting and lewd posting.
you might aswell have the whole english lexicon in your basedboy radar at this point if you're gonna get stiffy about the words "I mean"
They are a cult, we are human miasma.
A cult follows dogma, we just take a piss in an ocean of urine.
The obvious difference is that without a profile we don't have to follow peer pressure nor what's popular, we can have an opinion and then the mass opinion forms organically, in the cult they have a taboo punishment system and glorification of victim hood as well as some retarded sense of virtue above that of strangers.
TLDR we are actually the good guys against a fucking cult.
Don't forget that instead of posting in pre-existing threads SUfags make a new thread for every post they want to make.
Kill yourself JustPassingThrough.
SU is for trannies.
There's not a single transgender character in the show and the main character is a straight white male.
Who knew that horsefuckers were the ones getting pissy that there's a new pink waifu on the block. Then again they got pissy over getting cucked by Weird Al so I can't blame em'
Stevonnie is canonically trans
What did Weird Al do?
His self insert fucked Pinkie.
top kek
>little boy and girl fuse together
>create attractive woman
I still hate you freaks as well but so far no "SU tranny" has ever tried to dox me for not liking their show which is more than I can ever say for the zoophiles
I'm not even joking. That's actually fucking canon
>click on video game thread
>it's actually not about video games at all
bamboozled again
>reddit meme
haha wouldn't it be funny if you were fucking some 10/10 chick and when she came she split into a little fat kid and his poo gf?
Do you call everything you think is unfunny "reddit"
in this case is a literal reddit/twitter meme.
But it started on Facebook though.
Gimmie a source, it's not possible for one man to be that based.
Cozy glow is sexy
drink bleach
install 4chanX
The movie was incredibly mediocre. It was more of the same as the shows always been, almost exactly as the show would have played out if it was just a weeklong bomb arc. It did literally nothing unexpected and pushed zero envelopes, but at the same time it didin't do anything worse than what it normally did. The art is marginally better, and thats about it, spinel is the only enjoyable part of the movie besides a song or two. Its really weird. It really is just "Steven universe the movie". I enjoyed enter the florpus more overall compared.
this shit is fucking crazy
>Newfags don't understand the immeasurable snowball of autism that is MLP and try to compare SU to it
It's like saying "That's the next Sonic the Hedgehog"
based spinel poster
Just Bought SC6
I'm gonna try making Mao Mao
The real question is whether to use Mitsurugi or switch to Haomaru style when he comes out
You can swap their styles no problem at any time, so you can do both.
Just got this done on Yea Forums, they have some really talented drawfags there. Also, how active is SC6? I was planing on getting it on sale on PC just to fuck around the character creator and fight people for funsies.
Getting any fighting game on PC is usually a stupid idea. Activity dies down way too fast on PC.
>Play SU fighter
>Online is nothing but Garnets spamming future vision counter
a su fighter could legit work but it have to be kinda simple so people wont get too destroyed online.
How did he got away with that?
>playing fighting games online
>not just playing them with your friends in person
You DO have friends, right user?
I-I ... hum... yeah sure, haha. i do have friends, LOTS of friends actually,so many i dont know which ones to choose to play vidya with me.
She’s strong because she’s made for comedy, including slapstick. Basically, she has access to toonforce powers from rubber hose era cartoons that allow her to shrug off injury by being flexible and stretchy.
Pretty sure "the jester being super strong" is a pretty popular trope in most media.
>He doesn't want a DRAMATIC FINISH
You called?
Ain't that a load of garbage
Should make the blue diamond. She is not only cute but dangerously thick
>tfw no blue diamond mommy to bathe with
she's pretty hot in a trashy way
I tried really fucking hard.
Give advice on how to make better, it's so fucking difficult.
To implement properly
O-O-Oh but it can be. And it is!
I know that show has shit consistency when it comes to proportions, but is there seriously that big of a size difference between the two Spinels?
She can stretch all parts of her body. We see her enlarging her own head in the movie.
>I love edgelord characters so much.
Why? I'm on the completely opposite side of the spectrum. I've got a soft spot for the characters fight for the win-win scenario against all odds.
I love how Spinel has taken over Yea Forums pretty much overnight to the point where Yea Forums is making "Channel" edits of her.
Fucking hell, post more.
it's the only good thing about soul calibur
Come on user, you could have used a better argument, like "Oh you dont like something, ok"
imagine being over 13 and watching cartoons made for literal children jesus christ
Like Fairy Tail and Dr. Stone?
Imagine being over 13 and playing with toys for literal children jesus christ
Can she stretch and expand her clit?... for gameplay purposes only, of course.
Imagine having fun. Can’t be me.
I only play games rated M for mature dumbass
if watching cartoons is your idea of fun you probably need to be tested for developmental disorders and/or learning disabilities lmao
Um... Yeah, he is definely not black
I don't venture outside of Yea Forums and Yea Forums much. What other boards has she penetrated?
ah a fello /vco/ user. Can't wait for Glitch Techs to come out so we can finally shitpost semi-on topic
Post the rest
admit it Yea Forums
you believe in steven, don't you?
almost exactly what happens when that weird stalkerish dude wants to dance with her and they accidentily split and he's like "nope fuck this I'm out"
>is increasinly a messiah figure
>straight up lets the villain win while trying to redeem her, and the Earth is destroyed
>he just shrugs it off and fixes the entire planet with his super powers
>redeems the villain
>also finds the villain a job
I don't get it. Sugar is Jewish. Why would she make Steven such a blatant messiah figure? Are Jews tsundere for messiahs?
This man (male) speaks the truth
Yea Forumsmblr like ot belive that
I mean she's been saying steven was everybody's guy since the start. It just got crazier as time went on.
Kill yourself JustPassingThrough.
>Goes to Yea Forums
>Gets a Steven Universe thread
Ah classic Yea Forums
Mods just leave them up at this point, can't even shitpost in them without getting your post deleted.
This thread is has been up since this morning what the hell
this but for the entire show
I thought I could come to Yea Forums to escape the Spinel threads for a while.
I guess not.
Of course the pic is related you dip
I wish the show was more clear about that, I always assumed that Pearls were the only gems that could do that since our Pearl is the one who does it 90% of the time and her gem type is specifically designed to basically be slaves who also function as bottomless handbags, so I always assumed it was exclusive to them though. Spinel pulls shit out of her gem differently than Pearl does though
I love Steven Universe and I think it's a great cartoon. Peridot is still the cutest
Peri the best
steven is a tranny
Oh thank God
Justify this statement.
Kinda late, but yeah, that one.
i hate tranny universe but i have to admit that spinel is one of the most based waifus in any recent media
Well, if you want to be literal, he was his mom.
Is this gaemu worth 20 bux? Fanatical has it on sale.
When's runescape
It still doesn't take very long to find a match, but most of the people online WILL be better than you and you'll spend most of your time losing until you level up.
There should be a surge of new players in the next steam sale, or when season 2 comes out at the start of November.
>seethed so hard she tried to kill all life on earth
The gameplay is really good desu
ponyfags didn't made anyone try to kill themselves over fanart
Other Yea Forums user here. This guy speaks the truth.
They did dox people who didn't like their shitty show though.
other Yea Forums user here
this guy is lying to save face
talk about forced
source? I've never actually heard of that
They like to go on about how she's so relatable and precious but the fact is this shitty tumblr self-insert will be abandoned in no more than a month.
Very impressive OP, your thtead still lives. What other OCs have people made in SC6? I think I might be the only one who made samurai jack.
That is true, but Spinel's still a good character.
So were you.
Rate my Spinel.
>not "slayer.webm"
why did that stupid bitch ring out herself before GnomeChild did it for her
it's pretty good desu
>These replies
Yea Forums doesn't abandon waifus outright, they just aquire more to ogle and make lewds of. Just look at Jenny from MLaaTR.
Anyone want to play on PS4? I made a lobby.
3 rounds
Hardcore Battles
Other Languages
Other Regions
PS4 name is WhY4k. Spam exclamation marks in the room chat once you join so I know not to boot your ass.
Thank you
Unfortunately, it's completely unironically posted and how these people actually feel. Using big words and throwing mental gymnastics out to poorly construct a point and try to sound smart.
>leave Yea Forums for a few months
>we like SU now
>Implying the impostor wouldn't go
There's been a general on Yea Forums for these edits since the movie aired.
I've always like SU. I'm glad the rest of you finally got some taste.
That'd actually be really cool.
Can you explain this in a way that someone who doesn't know anything about MLP but a lot about weird Al can understand?
It's gay jewish subversive trannyshit like undertale but some characters are just too based too ignore
They all pull their weapons out of their gems, dummy.
It's still airing? I thought it ended years ago.
She was before she lost the limb enhancers.
Literally this. The only thing that was disgusting about being an mlpfag was because you wanted to fuck a talking animal.
Lipstick Spinel makes my dick hard as fuck.
can you give your customized character in soul calibur special moves or stats? are they just cheap skins that do nothing special?
I have made much.
End thine own lyfe
Their height changes their attack range and power but that's it.
I made a physical spirit that kidnaps random people to lock them in an indeterminate dungeon.
I like him.
I made a fun mystery nigga
mystery solved
Guess i'll post a few of my own.
none of you fuckers will remember this minor character from Libre of Souls that I recreated
Have they added fist fighting yet? I can't recreate half my guys from V til they do.
didn't he die
I got too embarassed to keep up with show years ago but Spinel is primo
Hell the movie in general was way better than the entire last three fourths of the show
No. I doubt that will happen since the season pass 2 guest character is Haoh and not Heihachi
Fuck I wish that lizards actually had some nice clothing. Fuck them for not adding Aeon.
All of non-human races were fucked with customization. There isnt much to do with skeletons, or autos either.
I took one look at a SU thread and all I saw was the word "toxic" being thrown around like a drunken sailor cursing out his shipmates. Your board is shit, ban everyone.
If they were smart they'd have ended the show with the movie since it's so good that most people would have forgotten how retarded the show got
Instead they're having another season set after the movie (AKA an epilogue to the epilogue) where they'll just remind everyone of how bad the show could be
I like this. This is good.
You just now figured that out?
Thanks, have another.
part of me wishes I bullied the chick that bullied zamii
I don't know what site you guys have been browsing for the last 10+ years, but there have been multiple mass shooters, and dozens of regular murders live posting here leading up to their arrest, and at least one serial killer who has yet to be caught (though he shit the load when /x/ actually found out WAY more information about him in a few hours than he anticipated).
BASED JustPassingThrough triggering barneyfag
I wonder if his Lee's Twin knows about the shit he's said
What a cute character I wonder where she's from? My other friends could know.
They were saying toxic because it was used in an official interview. And that actually meant literally toxic, because in the context of the movie the villain is trying to poison the planet.
terminate thy own existence
I think he was joking about how the tumblr harassers were just a handful of people.
I made revolutionary girl utena
Here's a fucking niche ass character. Fuckin figure out who this is.
nice minion
I hope it comes back for evo 2020
SC is a garbage game with no neutral
can't tell if serious
>Players separate from melee range
>Will there be a contest of spacing and timing with players using pokes from the edge of each other's range, aiming to bait with their own movement, reactions to attempts to get in, counterpokes or whiff punishes?
>No they're just going to run back into point blank range and guess
I forgot his name but he's that one faggot from Wakfuk S2
Who is this cutie?
>at least one serial killer who has yet to be caught
>thread still up
why was spinel deleted in a spinel thread?
Jump into death
I think he was trying to say that he's Jewish because the creator is. That's dumb though because Jewishness is passed down via the mother and Steven's mother is... an alien rock.
Or maybe it was a joke about him being mixed race since he's half-Gem.
Spincels are worse than barneyfags
Wouldn't it make more sense to turn the ball into a raptor and have it maul the child?
Based raptor earth
>No they're just going to run back into point blank range and guess
that's any fighting game when americans are involved
the image isn't archived
horrifying but also based
I love Mystery Niggas posting. Don't really know why.
Made me check Yea Forums out, thanks Yea Forumsmrades.
Quilby did a fuckload of wrong things
>We are a tolerant and progressive people. If you don't do exactly as we say we'll do everything in our power to ruin your life
gets me everytime
dum psyprox go back to /soul/ dummy
What kind of flavor is this thread again?
Even zoomers hate the idea of borkin some black guys' sloppy seconds.
>1 day 2 hours
I love soulcaliber
no it’s not you retard
Why is this thread still alive? I just woke from a full night's sleep.
Based ratfucker
Imagine limiting what you like based on perceived adulthood
>1 day
This is how you know somebody's changing IPs too keep the thread going
they’re gonna add lizardman in the next season
his moveset is already in the game in the singleplayer
how did you make the ayylmao skull?
>thinks you need to change IP to keep a thread going
This is how you know somebody's has no idea what they're talking about
>No they're just going to run back into point blank range and guess
easily punishable
One person can't bump a thread to 500 posts. After about 10 posts you no longer bump the thread
I'm unfortunately not Darth Cervantes. I can't help.
>cheese and pinkie literally, actually, canonically fucked and had a kid
Holy shit. That's amazing.
Is this a Yea Forums thing? Because it definitely doesn't apply to other boards. I don't post as often here.
Fuck do I have to buy this game now
Scars are underutilized in this game.
Fucking finally people are starting to despise twitter.
I don't really understand hating a website with so much variety like reddit or twitter.
It's not like Yea Forums is just /pol/. There are good and bad parts of all these sites. Even tumblr.
they essentially just hate people
Shit, I need to catch up
Same here.
I'm three seasons behind.
I hate people who just hate people.
Oof, I'm only two seasons
>Yea Forums now unironically shills SU
Things will keep getting worse, no?
Is this confirmed? I'm all for Aeon being back but my expectations have always been low since he wasn't always popular.
>tfw no SU 2D fighter with fusion functioning as a ratio system
I don't know, but after fighting an NPC using Aeon's weapon/moveset, it was obvious that he had been cut for DLC. Which is jewish as fuck.
>day old thread on Yea Forums
Am I seeing this right? Has this board finally slowed down, at least a little?
Maybe if you had good taste you wouldn't be mad when you see people enjoy good shows like SU.
I'd like a platformer where you get to explore places like the ancient ruins from season 1.
Blossom from Ruff Ruffman
Kinda hoping someone would drop a link.
I wanna see my kinda cute christmas cake get wrecked.
Yea Forums lives in perpetual fear of its own power. It fears that if it likes anything it will become the next /mlp/
I like that explanation.
>guy claims he's a serial killer on Yea Forums
>posts pictures of photographs he took of victims
>lots of pictures of their corpses
>basically taunts the fact he's gotten away
>says if people can guess one of the victim's names, he'll give a location and clues for the next victim
>probably feels real smug watching Yea Forums flip out
>/x/ gets on the case
>identifies the girl within the hour from a 90s missing persons report
>starts figuring out the dimensions of the room
>figures out some of the plastic sheeting he has is a standard type used in hospitals
>narrows the guys' location down to within 3 states
>starts making headway on the identity of the second victim without clues
>serial killer goes totally silent, likely runs to the hills
>gets the FBI on the case
Nothing more happened from there, last I checked. Just google "Yea Forums serial killer" for the full story.
Shill your shit somewhere else, fuck.
She's a good girl.
Not mine. Just the first thing that came up when I looked it up.