Let this cute Elezen tank this dungeon for you
user :)
Other urls found in this thread:
This beefy lionman is my tank.
neck too small
That a HUGE bitch
wow threads belong there too then. be consistent if you're going to be an autist about discussion about video games
Don't bother with that guy, he does that in every thread
lol ded gaem
Please no, Hrothgars tend to be pretty terrible at this game.
i think elezen are cute
Reminder that parsing is tranny shit
>pulls one pack at a time and still loses aggro somehow
Turn on defense stand nigga
I love elves!
Sitting on the toilet and listening to the trailer. They should remove the automatic logout already so I could take a shit in peace
>he doesnt idle in a retainer menu
Go back to goddamn /vg/ you attention whores.
Do you stand or sit while wipe, and scrunched or folded? There's only one right answer.
When are we getting Estinien's hair bros? exclusive to Elezens (males) of course
>needing to wipe
I ghost on command. M A S T E R R A C E
>Heard about how amazing story is in SB
>Can't push myself through Storm blood
Send help
>sit while wipe
What the fuck?
>using the retainer menu instead of the HUD layout edit menu
Mhigger-tier plebeian.
Either buy a boost or skip every single cutscene.
StB is not that good storywise, and you won't miss anything you won't be able to pick up later
literal child
sit and folded
>how amazing story in storm blood is
Fucking wew lad i feel bad someone lied to you like that and I also want to know who this faggot is so I can show him an actual good story
>No motivation to raid or play now after finished the story
I have became what i hated, a casual.
It's comfy though, i hope the end of this expansion will be top tier like HW.
Too many games to play these days anyway, alot of good games too
If you need to "push through" any of the story this isn't a good game for you, and you're only going to waste your money as evidenced by the people who will tell you to buy a skip potion.
I want an Elezen wife so bad, bros
I hate you for posting this pic, because every time you post it I'm at work and it never fails to give me a boner.
Anyone with the screencap of the retard bitching over toxicity because crystal pugs can't clear savage for shit?
What did Koji mean by this?
*wark* *wark*
No, what did Koji mean by THIS
>tfw have a cute duskie wife
That at the time when a majority of art was religious art, that's also where smut appeared. You stupid?
Matron's teats!
I'm a Flame but our poster is shit compared to the Twin Udders. Why wasn't Raubahn smart enough to use sex to recruit?
Shit taste is what he meant
Gays not welcome
This. It should at least include cute Thaliak.
You are playing the wrong mmo
I don't play any MMOs at all.
>thinking the degenerate western community has anything to do with the game
Self-absorbed as usual.
>playing homo fantasy 14
>"gays not welcome"
What's a redpilled fc on jenova I'm sick of this lgbtqia rick and morty cuck shit
This should be an actual book.
It's many hundreds of books.
Venus looking haggard as fuck
>DC split
>end up on crystal
>every [duty complete] farm party becomes learning party
I mean a book with lewd pictures of XIV deities.
You're full of shit, doing Omega Savage farms at the end of SB after the D/C split was the cleanest farming experience I've ever had. Same with Titania/Innocence EX. ERP shitters don't do content, they just fuck around in roulettes.
Doing leveling and expert is pure fucking suffering now, but PF is better than ever.
>l-l-lewd...!! >///
elves are made for rape
liggers and bunnies are only good when they're NPCs
>/vg/ shit thread still up
Make a proper XIV thread at least.
Well she's a representation of love itself, so take it as a painting about the perils of being fooled by a butterface with a fat ass.
Lewd is a real word, and that was an appropriate use of it
>tfw looking at crafting nice things
>half the materials drop from treasure map dungeons nobody does
>the other half are airship voyage only
>expensive as fuck on every server on light DC
>sit and folded
>report people for ERP shitposting in /shout
>GM asks "You wish to report [player] for lewd phrases?"
I'm sorry your vocabulary is caveman tier.
You are far more transparent than you think, go cry to your "catboy bf" about it.
I know it's a real word you stupid faggots my point is that it's turned into the 'cutesy' pornsick animetranny word for porn
I think you guys are a wee bit obsessed
You might be retarded, boy.
>other people use it incorrectly, so you have to stop using it
Shut up, faggot
Fucking sack of delusional shit.
I didn't do alpha because I already had everything I needed
Tried to get me some missing birds and they were some of the most horrible experiences I have ever had. Of course Titty and Inno EX were good during FUCKING EARLY ACCESS. Now it's full of shitters.
Your last statement makes no sense by the way. Nothing but trap parties.
>crystal had the cleanest omega clears at the end of stormblood
Holy shit didn't know it was possible to get a headache from laughing so hard
the lack of good Alisaie porn saddens me immensely. If it wasn't for that Au Ra guy there would practically be nothing.
If you get sad because of a lack of porn then I have to wonder when you plan on transitioning
>tfw no elezen gf
I'd rather have less Alisaie porn than anything including shitty player characters and self inserts.
>shitty player characters and self inserts.
>it's another Exarch and a catslut
Glad korean artists use derplander most of the time.
Based Hrothchad.
Fuck you now i cant unhear it
thats the person who got b& from the game by posting modded pictures of ryne on twitter right?
Hi Salut
I'll remain silent and just run forward a bit.
(|Hellfrog Medium|)
>see cool mog
>search it
I hate starting this game so late
This but jump a lot instead.
And write Thanks for party at the end with a macro.
>see cool mog
>search for it
I hate starting this game
Psst. user your WoW is showing!
>always type salut + tab at the start of a dungeon
>forget to press tab and just type "salut"
>other party members type "oh god no" in chat
>get a cold sweat and leave the dungeon immediatly out of shame
Omelette du fromage?
Natsuko Ishikawa is marriage material!
About the roulette reset, can I queue before the reset bonus starts up, will the bonus be applied? Or will I have to queue when the bonus hits
If you guys know what I mean
As long as you finish the dungeon after reset, you'll get the reward
>based director/producer
>based composer
>based writer
>based interpreter
I wonder if Aimi made this before or after getting married.
Aimi can't be based. She doesn't even play the game so she doesn't understand what she's translating half the time. She's even had to look over to Koji and Yoshi for help several times.
Blame Koji's changes.
>it's a direct translation retard
*blocks your Discord translators*
>pick a random server since haha there's no way I would get a rp one
>I'm on the rp server
I volunteer to teach him how to swim
The entire Crystal datacenter is the RP server you stupid faggot. We warned you.
o7 hewwo! Nice to meet yoow! :3
I thought you guys hate avatarfags
>wow threads belong there too then
I need lalafell pictures I need memes of potatos
get me the source on this one
/micon "Swiftcast"
/ac "Swiftcast"
/ac "Raise"
/ac "Raise"
/ac "Raise"
/ac "Raise"
/ac "Raise"
/ac "Raise"
/ac "Raise"
/ac "Raise"
>Alphinaud isn't real
it's not fair bros
Looks exactly like me
I want to put my penis inside that, if you know what I mean
Stop this right now
NO! Nyaaa~
It would be funny if I came home one day and he was tied up haha
>3 layers of make up
>costume and specialty shoes
He'll never just be real.
I want to breed Alphinaud's boypussy
>He was tied up
By who?
when I see people with a skin covered in makeup stuff like that I always wonder if they feel like plastic or what
Reuniting with him was perfect, and then he straight up calls Vaughtry an ugly bastard to his face. My elezen boyfriend grew some balls this expac!
Shisui is a very comfy dungeon
it must, kissing a girl whos wearing alot of makeup feels gross, you can tell
I'm on omega though
Anybody got any good bloodborne glamours?
You'll have the taste of crayon and powder in your mouth.
Perfect if you're a retard I guess.
>make up? wow, so yikes and cringe...
>t. dating mtf
>Tfw after 6 years, you can only become attracted to people who actually know how to good players who don't waste your time
Why is everyone in this game shit? How hard is it to do basic rotation research?
Would trade it for sketches of Krile in the same stages
Wtf are you trying to say? You get hardons for good players? I dont understand that sentence
I mean, it's pretty fucking easy to put together what I mean from the rest of the post.
Ya i don't understand
You like good player cock? pp go big?
>What was originally said was autistic
>Not understanding what he intended is equally as autistic
I think he meant Shadowbringers, and he's pushing himself through SB. It doesn't help that they both have the same superficial initialism.
ShB is legitimately great. It's the best FF story since IX (and I love both X and XII). But the struggle through Stormblood is real, because it drags on and on and on.
It is literally the same as saying 'I won't date somebody if they're fucking stupid' you retards
so pp go biggie?
>>Tfw after 6 years, you can only become attracted to people who actually know how to be good players- who don't waste your time
Only needs one word to make sense, I think
Why is DRG so fucking comfy to play bros?
I feel like i'm losing braincells playing SAM and BLM and Monk is just a fucking mosquito with its constant buffing and debuffing. Ninja feels like a wet paper towel hitting at 10000 mph and the rest of the dps classes are shit.
From the sounds of it user's pp activation is only after confirmation that the player of interest is capable of competent play.
Anyone else like to play spot the controller user?
>aoe appears on ground
>takes them 2+ seconds to even notice that it's there
>they turn on the spot instead of strafing
>run in a random direction
>it's already hit them
>repeat for every single aoe
Post Pathetic
You know the one
>they turn on the spot instead of strafing
That's just a standard control scheme user.
>Every goddamn post about this fucking game is "hehe uwu look at my cute character hehe isnt she pwetty :3"
Every time. It's such a shit, fundamentall fucked game too, but you don't care, as long as yoshi pumps out more kawaii clothes for your virtual fucking barbie doll, you'll eat as much shit as he requires of you
sounds like somebody plays an ugly character
I want to be like this person for an hour but only if I can become immune to the brain scrambling
Impossible since everyone in the game looks the same
t. ugly betty
this desu
I'll teach him how to love
sorry wrong picture
found the femroe player
DNC is top comfy
Apparantly i did understand it. Just found it hard to believe it would actually be correct.
Wtf kind of faggot nurd plays this game looking to be ‘attracted’ to people?
>face 4 trannyzen in plate
Yawn. Seen this one too many times, change the channel.
t. Ugly in real life
get an eyes check she's cute
Found the catty 34 Yr old land whale. Ugly Betty hasn't been a thing for over a decade, hon. Finish your box wine and go take a nap you old sow.
Compared to midlanders, cats, lizards, and rabbits, she looks like shit. Face 4 is total witch skull. Also don't samefag or defend your discord tranny friends. It's gross.
that Louisoix is terrifying
That is the cutest alphi I've ever seen but what the FUCK is that beside him?
Wow, this is an extraordinarily bad xiv thread.
it's really like I'm on /vg/
>world of darkness in alliance queue
I want to cuddle this Hroth boy
Is there any chance of them getting rid of the ilvl ‘exploit’ that people use to get crystal tower raids every time?
is that fucking epperson
>recognizing /vg/ namefags
Go back
He's seen some shit
look at the OP, it was doomed from the start
What healer should I play if I don't want to heal
Blue Mage
5.1 WHEN? Finished raid, got BiS, slowly getting new mounts and achievs, leveling other jobs, but it is losing the magic.
Age is just a number
literally no one use face 4 for elezen retard
End of October IIRC.
gaol is just a room
Any hole is a goal
Unless you want to prevent actual new people from trying to play the raid series I don't think there will be
Red Mage is a DPS who can heal, but is almost never expected to use his healing spells.
Though even if you're playing an actual healer, good players will always be expecting you to heal as little as possible. You can gauge a healer's skill by how much time they spend DPSing without actually letting people die.
>Orbonne Monestary in alliance queue
Why would you want to get rid of that? Fuck HW and SB 24mans and it shouldn't be my problem if you want loot from there when I don't.
>I want the rewards from the roulette
>But I don't want to actually do the roulette!
Sounds like it's your problem buddy
I haven't gotten orbonne once this expac and I do the roulette at least 3 times a week.
I outright haven't been able to do Void Ark yet because of most people in the Roulette taking their gear off. People are still queuing for Ivalice manually, but that's not going to last forever. The reason the Roulettes exist are so people can do old content, at this rate I'd be better off dragging two of my friends along to unsync the HW raids which is an option not everyone is going to have.
I'm not the one crying about people just queuing for CT and ST because it's doable and thank fuck it is. Same with trial roulette.
How would it be different to new people trying to play one of the other alliance raids as things are now?
I've got orbonne once, couldn't finish because of healers leaving after a wipe in Thunder God, since that happened I abuse the ilvl bullshit.
The community would be much better at orbonne if people didnt do this. As it stands, people probably did it once and then never again so if it shows up in roulette they dont remember mechanics
Why's she so stingy with the tit-fucks
I do roulette every day and I get it roughly once a week.
It's a total shitshow though. So many groups strand at Thunder God Cid because they can't do simple mechanics and end up ragequitting.
Blame SE for making the HW and SB 24mans just absolutely awful to queue for. More often than not you spend at minimum twice as long to clear as it takes to do CT and ST because people are just so fuckign shit and the bosses are bigger hp sponges than they need to be.
Also be glad you can even queue for it at all even if it might take forever, not everyone abuses the ilvl trick (but I wager the number grows steadily every time a HW or SB 24man falls apart), most other MMO's just let old content outright die with pretty much no way to do it at all if it's group required. But yea, it sucks for new players wanting to get the clear but people stripping down their ilvl shouldn't be forced to do it if they don't want to. Max ilvl forcing is enough and fitting for mentor roulette, nothing else.
What are some fun DPS classes? DRG rotation is starting to burn me out.
Is SAM any good? I don't see many people playing it, same for RDM or MCH.
Hell I've seen more DNC then either and I heard they suck right now
The world first for ES3 and 4 both had Hroth DRK MTs.
Have you ever considered that people are shit at the Ivalice and Void Arc raids because they take the option to never do them?
If you couldn't abuse the ilvl trick to dodge harder content, maybe people would actually have to git gud instead of living in the kiddie pool all their lives. And for fuck's sake, it's just normal mode. It's not like you're being forced to run Savage shit with randos.
>get GNB to 80
>unlock Blasting Zone
>try it out
I never expected a off-global ability to feel this good.
Post yfw
>Literally namefagging someone from your tranny clique
Holy FUCK mods please for the love of fuck prune this thread or move it to /vg/ you fucking niggers
MNK is king right now, though it's not the most fun DPS to play IMO.
NIN is the opposite in that it's fun but kinda shit, though they're supposed to get a rework in 5.1 so maybe they'll become good.
I was a femezen for years but wont regret my fantasia until the day they rework the animations for elezen. most emotes look awkward as fuck on them and I couldnt stand watching them run around with a stick up their ass.
>Recurring threads
Fuck off
It's just a bigger Danger Zone, user. It's nothing special. I fucking love it though.
>Have you ever considered that people are shit at the Ivalice and Void Arc raids because they take the option to never do them?
My experience with HW and SB raids is that no, the ilvl trick is not responsible. I did Mach series raids multiple times and there was never any fucking improvement and the same applied to the Ivalice series raids. The playerbase is just outright atrocious and they refuse to learn in general. Opting out of shit raids they can't clear is a blessing honestly because they will NEVER LEARN.
hope nier raids are thunder god difficulty but not such hp sponges
>a krilefag
We're an endangered breed, user, but we will persevere.
You realize you're contradicting yourself here, right?
24-man raid bosses aren't HP sponges, people just do absolute trash DPS, so if they tune them lower it will end up like Glasya Labolas where you haven't seen the 2nd part of the fight for five fucking years
In what way? I'm saying people are absolutely shit at the HW and SB 24mans and never improve and as such "abusing" the ilvl trick to avoid said raids is a boon.
>thunder god difficulty
Thunder God isn't even difficult though.
It's not the difficulty that's the issue. Thunder God is pure mechanics and people simply don't bother learning mechanics even after dying to them three times in a row. It's like trying to dance, fucking up because you don't know the steps, and then crying that dancing is too hard instead of just learning the fucking steps.
nah the sb raids were def hp sponges they took way too long especially orbonne
>it upsets me that people aren't getting better
>that's why I want people to stop getting better
That's how all they are on release. By the last patch only the last set of bosses take a while and the rest die fast.
no lol, even now sb raids are a good 10-20 minutes longer than hw ones.
>sitting somewhere in Ishgard with one of my alts while I eat some food
>tabbed out of the game
>hear the whisper sound
>tab back in
>someone is complimenting me for my Elezen looking nice
what the fuck I'm not on crystal, I don't want you people talking to me
The sound and particle effects are rapture-inducing. The screenshake that comes with it all is enough to throw you over the edge.
>People never get better
>Avoid the raids they are shit in
>Somehow I'm now responsible for them not getting better
That's not how it works you mongoloid, also confirmed to not have done said raids when they were new. You see people bitch about Orbonne in particular here still because those same people that never fucking could do it right when it was new are the same fucking idiots doing it now and whether I queue fo rit or not isn't gonna help those people, it'll just make my day worse.
>I'm scared of difficult content so I should never have to do it!
I hate the fact that this game caters to people like you.
I bet you quit out of roulettes when you get a dungeon that scares you as well.
Nice projecting there idiot. There's nothing hard about any of the 24mans, just because I avoid queuing for them doesn't mean I think they are hard, they are just a massive waste of time and just serves to ruin your day.
If you rather your 24man roulette you are doing for exp take 40-60min with high chance of not even completing, more power to you, dont force that shit on me. I rather take my easy exp in 12-15min hassle free.
No they're not
>I never want to make any effort to get good! Just give me my participation trophy for the absolute least amount of effort and stop bullying me pls!
Modern gamers.
Keep projecting. You are a fucking joke if you think Alliance Roulette is for any form of challenging content.
elezen x lalafell
If it's not challenging, why do you keep crying about failing it?
Is FSH retainer useful or should I not bother with it?
There's a difference between the content itself being challenging or not or the players. The players are the "challenge", not the content. But you are too small brained to understand what the problem with HW and SB raids are that makes a lot of people not do them.
If you're only using the 2 free ones, just get a botanist and a combat class.
What an idiotic post
No, I understand it perfectly why you're desperate to shift the blame onto everyone else. Someone this frightened of failing normal mode content would naturally have a fragile ego.
But whether you're the absolute best player or the absolute worst doesn't really matter. If you're afraid to play cetain content to the point where you need to abuse the ilvl system to dodge it, you're actively making the roulette system worse. If the roulette system is to have any meaning, ilvl abuse should be made impossible.
I'm 99% sure the people that cry about this shit are the ones that mop the floor the entire fight when you do get in there. I do Alliance Roulette every day, often multiple times a day. Get the HW raids often and have never seen a wipe in there. Get the first two Ivalice every now and then, again, no wipes ever. Never see Orbonne though which is too bad, I've only done it once and it was rad af. It's not the group that has a problem, it's them personally. And it's not fun to die over and over again I can dig that. So keep on cheesing the Roulette user, it's cool. Also make sure you drop group instantly if you see the leveling Titania trial, wouldn't want your shit DPS to be holding us back.
Go complain in a wow or smash thread, faggot
>that opening cutscene
>the soundtrack
>phase one
>then THIS happens
>no Shared FATE parties in The Tempest
Why the FUCK is everyone being a whore in the Quicksand instead of playing the game? I still need 40 more FATEs to finish this last area, you fucks.
>Would you rather take 12-15minutes to get this exp
>Or would you rather take 20-60min with a decent chance at disband
Hey, if you want that second option I'm not stopping you, you still shouldn't bitch at those taking the faster route. It's literally just exp.
SB as a whole is shit, but it has its kino moments
>It's not the group that has a problem, it's them personally.
That's exactly the thing.
If you fail sometimes because the PUGs fucked up, that's possible. But if you fail a lot it's obviously your own fault, because the only common factor in all of your failures is yourself.
I don't get it.
Stormblood has a shit story, but some super kino bosses.
You can state again and again that repeatedly running easy content is much better for you, but that only tells me that you're too dumb to understand the argument.
I'm surprised people keep using this dumb image I made.
>tfw I've made it to the last floor S E V EN T I M E S and I still only have 2 of the 3 mats I need for the bed
Actually cancer.
>recognizing ebins
Shiggy diggy.
The stormblood MSQ wasn't as good as HW but the primal fights are fucking fantastic.
>tfw first time I did this I got told not to and it was "for the tanks"
>I only died because the group didn't do their job at blocking the orbs that travel towards you
The Mhigger half of Stormblood is shit, the Asian side is breddy gud
>this retard on the thread mad because some people don't enjoy doing fucking 24man raids that can take a hour to finish, that they already did thousand of times.
Dude if you think everyone is exploiting ilvl because they think Orbonne is hard or that the playerbase will be better just cause they get to do it once in a week I have bad news. Just do your party for this shit, queue in PF or whatever. I've seen multiples wipes on CT raids, the most braindead raid content in the game, why the playerbase can't do CT without wiping even if they do this shit daily?
From my experience on Chaos DC, HW and SB 24mans take on average at least twice as long as Crystal Tower/Syrcus Tower raids. They don't often outright fail but they do often fuck up enough that's it's just obnoxious to be there. How many times do you tolerate people dying to pillars or charges in Rabanastre? What about failing simple math in Ridorana or seeing clear movement indicators for attacks on the last boss there? Or people constantly dying and leaving against TG Cid?
It's similar in CT actually, there's almost at least once a week those idiots that run straight into the atomos lanes and starts it and people not standing on platforms so it causes a wipe. Or people running straight into dullahan so only half of A gets tethered and a boss that usually dies before A even loses the debuff now took twice as long. Just that despite these two fuckups the time cost is incredibly minor, in later 24mans wipes often cost a lot more time.
No you don't seem to understand the point. It's basically just a matter of time and preserving sanity. Different people have different levels of patience of watching people repeatedly fuckup the simplest shit as DONT STAND IN ORANGE for example. And after all these years I've just gornw to outright despise people in 24mans in particular that yea I take the easy way out because despite the fuckups people can make, it doesn't negatively affect me enough 99.9% of the time unlike in the other raids. But please, do keep replying because you are upset people don't queue for the raids you want glamours from.
I still sometimes queue into Susano normal just because it's an all around great fight. Great music, great voice over, fun mechanics, distinct phases
>start prae run
>"movie time! XD"
This angers me greatly.
>Not just starting a PF for EX under the guise of WT
>one guy is clearly literally afk, doesn't move at all in most boss fights
>point this out and try to vote kick him before Lahabrea
>"dude who cares, we're almost done"
I understand that you selfishly choose to exploit the system because easier dungeons are better for you.
You don't understand that manipulating the roulette system just to get a little bit more XP makes the roulette system worthless.
>those 2-3 people who never shut the fuck up the entire run and keep making unfunny jokes about whats happening in the cutscenes
>antisocial incels getting upset because people are trying to have some fun during the most boring parts of the game
Top Yea Forums.
Yes yes, I exploit the game while you keep crying over not getting your glamours. Boo hoo.
>get this situation daily
>votekick never goes through or they do the "not roll on loot" trick so it's impossible to kick
>"wow dude it's only a game lmao calm down XD"
primal fights were amazing, but the MSQ was trash since it was just following Lyse around while the WoL took a backseat. Still love doing Shinryu just to watch half the group fall off the edge 5 seconds into the fight
I got mine a long time ago, but keep proving you don't know what I'm talking about.
>World of Darkness
>guy is clearly afk during Angra Mainyu
>even kills one snared guy because he doesn't move out from him
>Start the vote to kick him
>vote fails
>we kill hydra
>still afk
>Start the vote again with an explanation on what's happening
>gets kicked
>one guy "Why did you kick him???"
Only a glamourfag would be butthurt about people ilvl cheesing alliance roulette to only get CT and ST.
I know you're too dumb to understand the purpose of the roulette system. No need to keep repeating it.
PvP should be enabled at the ends of dungeons so I can take my frustrations out on the retard tanks in this fucking game
Cute. But is she any good?
>character is an ugly as fuck lizard with awful makeup and mismatching slut glamour
She suck a mean dick when drunk, she usually hangs out in the cellar of the forgotten knight
t. horse fucker xaela roleplayer
If you want a roulette system that is meant to actually help new players, use mentor or MSQ roulette. That is EXACTLY what those are for. The others are more for daily rewards than helping new players.
I don't know why, but this always makes me a little angry.
There is nothing wrong with being fucked by horses
Keep saying it.
That's because XIV threads can't shut the fuck up about trannies.
>brb wife aggro
Can't I buy a dance potion?
>drink a dance potion
>immediately get all the levels/stats you need to be the perfect dancer
>still haven't learned how to actually dance
Why doesn't Cid just kill Ultima? He's way harder than either of her forms.
That fight has a second part?
I never even saw it
Min ilvl roulettes when?
Yeah, I'm not looking forward to 6.0 either.
See, I would believe this, but I see people eat shit all the time on the Crystal Tower Raids even though they've undoubtedly run them so often that they should be able to do the three Raids in their sleep.
Alliance Raids are casual enough that even if like 5 people fuck up at the same time you won't even notice it unless all 5 are healers. There will always be retards that never learn and just get carried all the way, hell you occasionally find the same retards in stuff like expert roulette, still getting carried. But shit like an entire party getting wiped at once because they've never seen a mechanic just doesn't happen in Crystal Tower content, while it does occasionally happen in Ivalice content.
>oops my controller died xD
>smoke break
>I've seen multiples wipes on CT raids
I'm sorry but I just don't believe you. What DC are you on?
director of the game does this
>doesn't happen in Crystal Tower
I get wiped occasionally in Labyrinth of the Ancients
I've been playing since HW and I've literally never seen a wipe on LotA.
The only fun to be had in CT raids anymore is wiping the raid on cerb by holding onto his fetters, people get really fucking mad when that shit happens.
I was thinking of getting another retainer to make fsh so I was wondering if it was worth it?
>my time is more valuable than yours
>im entitled to wasting yours because i'm a socio/psychopath
I bet you have a lot of friends.
have consensual sex
Nothing wrong with that unless it's one of those cunts that proceed to afk for 15mins.
or go into the belly and /splash his vomit on trannies. they start sperging out
It can be worth it especially if you do quick ventures a lot (the long 18 hour ones give crap rewards in comparison and Fisher rewards tend to be meh to begin with), but I'd take a Botanist and a Miner over a Fisher. If you already have both of those, get a Fisher next.
I still see some try to get rid of the adds at Scylla, ignoring (multiple) purple orbs even if they stay a few feet next to the fucking streams, trying to kill adds on the second boss instead of burning like the FUCKING ONE MARKER SUGGESTS, still ignore slimes and remove all ice prisons when the dps is so high it will either skip the second ice or have it spawn when toads are still going strong.
It's people being retarded.
People hate on the MSQ. The bosses and alliance raid are great.
Not him but homie you are unbelievably stupid. The daily rewards are only there to coerce you into doing them. They made them specifically to keep old content relevant. And mostly to force low level stuff to pop so a new player never has trouble playing the game.
How does this simple concept escape you? It's no wonder you can't stay alive in any content harder than the Syrcus.
give birth
Really? I'm seeing it WEEKLY if not more often. I'm new-ish maybe that's why?
it depends on what you craft or just do in the game in general
I garden so having a mining retainer for grade 3 thanalan soil is infinitely more useful
fsh also can't obtain very many fish
Last boss from Crystal Tower, where you need to go to your pad to block the explosion, countless time there. Primal DC.
Which DC are you on?
You ALWAYS get a few shitters there who either get greedy DPSing or just don't get the mechanic and get caught on the wrong side of the shield, but for the whole raid to actually fail to put up the shield is super rare in my experience.
Maybe I'm just lucky, or maybe Light DC is less shit (which I find hard to believe).
>frog server
Of course.
Oh so it's stupid french and greedy brits.
Well alright FSH isn't useful then. Thanks for the answers.
fsh retainers can't catch legenardies and there aren't many fish that are useful for much outside of a few cul recipies and a couple of DoH leve turn in crafts here or there. rose shrimp and sweetflesh oyster are necessary for the current end game crafting food and I'm sure a fsh retainer can bring those in so it's useful for that at least
I would say DoW > MNR > BTN > FSH
>Maybe I'm just lucky, or maybe Light DC is less shit (which I find hard to believe).
It's probably Light having a better attitude about things. American randoms are impatient and greedy enough to be genuinely terrible at everything they set out to do, no matter how simple it is. Then they bitch at everyone else and quit.
I heard Light is better, but it's too late for me now
How do we fix Novice Network?
By removing it. It's all bots and cliques.
I wanna fuck mother Miounne
subtelty troll the henpeckers
Not really
I say this but I'm not married. I just know it annoys people
Literally just change the crown to a watering can.
Or change it from 300 commendations to 1,000.
or they could make the requirements more strict
How to fix pvp?
>Or change it from 300 commendations to 1,000.
You mean 5,000.
Anyone played this?
Commendations are worthless as a measure of how good anyone is, since even a complete shitter can go into dungeon roulettes as a healer and get 2-3 commendations per run for doing the absolute minimum.
Getting rid of the crown is a decent start though. Too many retards see it as some kind of status symbol.
Feel like you in the wrong thread bro
It's fine the way it is desu. It's fun in short bursts and nobody wants to see it turn into some sort of esports thing. Plus the way it's set up doesn't affect PvE in any way which is the way it should be.
I want one as well, but mostly I want that white chocobo, I need to get married while it's on sale
getting a fuckload of comms either means playing for years or being good enough for people to notice
it's a good enough measure when it's a long farm, 300 is just nothing
My point is you can be the best DPS ever and still have less commendations than some chucklefuck who can barely play but he mains a healer.
>healer leaves at start
>new SCH joins during cutscene after killing first boss
>they decide to go ahead to kill adds
>cutscene ends right when they start going down the elevator
>party is marooned
>people get butthurt
>SCH apologizes
>vote kicked for "cheating"
yeah, but only if that chucklefuck has been playing for years longer than you
Well you can start by fixing the problem where people look like they're sliding all over the place when moving. It not only looks janky but it feels like ass to play as a melee DPS because of it. It's not my connection either since I get 62ms.
Also make 8v8v8 frontlines a DF option instead of it being random. It would be easier to get into games and its less difficult to coordinate 7 retards than 23.
Should I level up a MNK through Stormblood? Everyone keeps saying the devs completely fucked it up.
That's just not true. If a healer main and a DPS main have been playing for the exact same amount of time, I can guarantee the healer has 3 times as many commendations even if he's a retard. And I should know because I main SCH.
>get DD in leveling roulette
>"we're gonna go in every room"
it's criminal that blasting zone isn't a linear aoe
the old sound effect was better. but it does look nice visually.
Level up whatever you want. Just know that you won't get special dialogue in the MSQ for playing MNK like how DRGs got extra dialogue in HW MSQ.
Every single faggot in this game thinks their favorite job is fucked up and needs to be fixed. Why the fuck do you care what others think? Play what you enjoy playing you helpless nigger. Do you need to go on Yea Forums and ask for opinions before you wipe your ass too?
wow so mean
The "canon" classes for every part of FFXIV are:
Archer for 1.0.
Warrior for ARR.
Dragoon for HW.
Monk for the Ala Mhiga part of SB.
Samurai for the Doma part of SB.
Black Knight for ShB.
But like said it doesn't really matter.
that's because 5.0 severely fucked almost every job in the game
Wish I could afford to play this game again, I loved tanking for people.
Punish wintrading.
make it so mentors can't join
just have it be a clusterfuck of newbies figuring things out
This is your Dark Knight tank for tonight!
>no more login queues
bros... we dead now?
Lalaplayers are objectively the most skilled players on average.
SB is kino just for the Shinryu fight alone
>Scale and Steel in the first phase
>second phase is Evil Boss Music with the Stormblood theme trying to fight its way into the theme here and there
Also Ghimlyt Dark makes SB top tier
>a pall most murderous blasts with the Stormblood theme fighting the Imperial Theme
>World War 1 vibes
>fighting with your friends and allies with some of them limit breaking
>the twins doing the fistbump
just only the meme jobs like warrior (MUH FELL CLEAVE), scholar/summoner (MUH DPS), astrologian (BALANCE IS THE ONLY CARD WORTH USING), and ninja (MUH MUDRAS)
this. literally all my favorite jobs to play got raped in the ass other than DRG.
It's 2 PM you dumb NEET
why wont you fucking shitters eat food
EAT food if youre going to raid ffs
Yeah yeah every expansion has ruined everyone's favorite job every time I get it
nice choice, fellow dark knight.
I don't care if it was a meme job. What they did to AST was unforgivable. I went from having 3 healers I enjoyed playing at the end of stormblood to 1.
>Light Knight
I hate how the ears point out on most headwear makes it hard picking out good helmets
the shire weapon so gay
I only feel this way about 5.0. Even DRK was salvageable and still fun when 4.1 hit just because of its aoe in dungeons. AST needs a full rework to be fun again. There is no way to fix the seal system.
Maybe answer the fucking question you fucking twat. I'll fucking eat your lalafell alive fucking bitch fuck you mother fucker
is so gay*
i could barely contain my annoyance with its shittyness
>I'll fucking eat your lalafell alive
That's my fetish.
the login queues were always a sham. it's just bots flooding in. the game is probably in its worst state right now when it comes RMT. bots are blatantly walking in the air in major cities in front of everyone, gil prices are 3x more than what they used to be back in heavensward, some new players are even getting locked out of leveling because they flood the zone lines or solo duty instances which gives them a busy error.
For me, it's Scathach
Yeah, I plan to replace it with the Forgiven greatsword if it ever drops for me.
Just another comfy day in Gridania, bro.
What the fuck do useless-ass GMs even do? What use are they if they can't even ban all the bots clipping through places as obvious as the goddamn Limsa plaza? The bots have become a plague recently.
Titania is cute! CUTE!
They ban them in waves, but it's clearly not enough because you can ban 500 but 1000 come back the next day. The game needs a proper anti cheat solution. If it detects irregular coordinate movement then it should be a automatic disconnect and repeated attempts will cause a automatic ban.
The GMs only handle with people who get reported, they don't deal with bots at all.
The only thing SE does to stop bots is their bogus banwaves, but you never notice those because one to three hours after the banwave all bots will be back again.
I regret unlocking Warring Triad and getting these fucking fights 3x a week in trial roulette. The story was cool but holy FUCK the fights are the worst unfun garbage shit in the game
>The game needs a proper anti cheat solution. If it detects irregular coordinate movement then it should be a automatic disconnect
>and repeated attempts will cause a automatic ban.
No. There should be a investigation first to make sure no innocent players who just had some bad glitches get banned.
I'd rather see an endless number of the blatant bots than the player ones that never EVER get banned and are still farming lightning crystals in steppe 24/7 for the last year straight.
Getting disconnected by the anti cheat trigger should send a notification to a GM for them to investigate. So if a player is glitched they can TP them out, if its a bot then banhammer.
>gil prices are 3x more than what they used to be back in heavensward
Feels bad.
I used to buy gil regularly but I've stopped ever since a measly 10 million gil became like $20. Worst part is it'll never go down since there's enough idiots willing to take such horrible prices that there's no reason to lower it.
GNB tank here ready to be punished.
I farmed most of my 4.5k comms as a blm in SB expert roulette
Slut glams?
yes, bad glitches like hovering through walls and into the sky
I just hate when that happens!
You'd have 13.5k by now if you played a healer.
Why is Chaos like this?
What hat glam is that?
>The only thing SE does to stop bots is their bogus banwaves
Most of the bans are just trial accounts advertising shit, if you ever look at the posts the breakdown is something like 10000 accounts but only 30 bots being banned.
That's not entirely correct.
Bots farming for Chinese RMT shit are included in the RMT section, not the botting section. The bots it lists explicitly are just individual users not related to RMT.
>tfw Gejdlgbs Akxcjvitn, Warrior of the Light runs past you
This fills me with rage for some reason.
Heavensward was probably the best time to make gil in this game as a crafter since people used to buy a ton of gil for dirt cheap and spend it on the MB. There was also no world visiting or datacenter party finder so there wasn't much competition. All those bots who farmed gil got banned, but the people who bought gil already transferred it to the marketboard which is effectively money laundering.
Mogstation eastern schoolboy hat
Why are all the Hrothies played by fags or other women?
Why are there no hetero Men playing Hrothgar?
The Return of the Bull is one of the most kino moments in the story so far, fuck weebs
Which is the most brain dead magic dps?
>Why is the furry race played by degenerates
Is this your first week on the internet?
Every job is brain dead, just pick the one you think looks cool.
>Why are there no hetero Men playing Hrothgar?
There are. They are boomer dads and WoWfugees.
There's so many bots teleporting underground now that FC banks sometimes play the crowded city noise around them despite nobody visibly being there.
Probably RDM because you can play like shit and nobody will care as long as you buff, heal, and raise when needed
Damn, thanks.
Because only fags and women have good taste.
I hope I wasn't wearing any of his relatives
red mage has the lowest skill ceiling
That's what I need though. I need a 30-something manly Hrothdaddy.
viera, miqo'te, and au ra players on average are worse players than other races.
Okay have cute instead
But those races make up the majority of the game. Are you saying majority of FF players are bad?
>1.2% ultimate clear rate
fuck you
Miqo'te are all over the place simply because they're either the most played race or the second-most played race (depending on your server). So naturally they include some of the worst but also some of the best.
You're right about Viera and Au Ra, but it's highly suspicious that you're not including the obvious pick of Hrothgar.
more popular = more retards bandwagon
Hrothgars in any role except healer are some if the best players I've ever seen. Hrothgar healers are fucking terrible, though.
>t. Hrothgar player
>t. Catboy
Fixed that for you.
>C@tboi lusting after bara furries
I should've known.
I prefer Femroe, thanks.
Had a buddy who was playing Monk and had to grab it since the OT was dead or something, but if you do it as Monk you grab the sword with your bare hands.
To this day I'm jealous that I haven't been able to try it myself.
Potd sucks
I just wanted some quick levels to start using my BRD.
Leveling DPS as an alt-class sucks worse than a million runs of POTD.
femroes are the hottest males by far
Dunesfolk are scary good players and cute
Are you doing floors 1-10? That queue takes fucking ages for some reason. 11-20 for me popped instantly.
They're good to bully and use as a meat shield.
This is from NA, but in others DCs it was pretty much the same.
I'm doing 51-60.
lalas seem to have the broadest extreme between shit eating retards and elitist faggot pedophiles
>meat shield
i hate tanking honestly but i play it anyway to get perspective
>females of all races score higher than their male counterparts
/xivg/ was right about raidtrannies all along!
what more proof do you need that elezen females are primarily played by actual biological females?
I never have to wait more than 2 minutes for 51-60 at any time of day or night on primal, what DC are you on?
Lalafell with a food name
That's impossible, my comm/duty ratio is already like 1.5
Kinda surprised that hyur male is more popular than au ra.
Older (35+) biological females at that.
Default humans are always a popular pick, no matter what game.
Its good to play all three roles for that experience. Not that any of the jobs are actually that hard to learn.
don't bully your healers
not even in fanart can i escape these illiterates
Outside of hardcore progression where all roles are mor or less equally hard, I think tanks are the hardest to learn in general. Not because they're actually more difficult classes, but because people tend to have higher expectations of tanks. Second would be healers, and nobody gives a shit about what DPS players do as long as they're not obviously fucking up.
In general I never usually say anything to anyone. More often I used to tank and sometimes get sassy with a healer if they struggled. Nothing horribly mean mind you. I thought about picking up the game again soon.
>they stop for a sec to take the AoE dump
What can I sell that sells decently without needing to check my retainers every hour to check that I'm not getting fucking massive (quantity or Gil wise)? Please help :(
tfw no Ryne gf to whore out
no, make it so you cannot be a mentor until you have unlocked the mentor roulette, and make it so you cannot unlock the mentor roulette by unsyncing any of the content, only counts if you did it normally
Yeah, there are quite a few little gameplay details that are mostly only relevant when playing tank. Though they aren't hard they're the kind of thing that take a while to pick up on.
Nothing. There will always be that one undercut shitter.
That can be true, back when I still played I often made learning parties to help other people. Usually to just get some practice and chat via discord so people could get a grasp on their job better.
- Reflect on what items could possibly be in demand or will be in the future
- Diversify because sell volumes are generally not high
How the hell do people get 2-3mil a day?
Daily GC turnins
HW craft/gather quest stuff
Competition for everything is pretty rough with cross-server visiting
find out what's in demand on your server but doesn't have enough supply and deliver that demand. can't give you a solid answer because every server has different wants.
botting or doing extreme trials to get their drops and make glamor/items
they follow demand
I made 90 million in the first few weeks of ShB but that’s over now.
High end tinctures and food.
this giraffe still causes wipes in 2019, pretty based
I honestly don't know anymore. Nothing seems to sell except food and potions and they got pricing cuts every hour or so.
Whats the better strategy for leveling crafting classes? Levequests give good exp but are basically a money sink since they're shit for returns.
craft materia
5mil an hour
Any general items I should take a look at?
There's a few levequests that are just a lot better than the others
Get a friend to craft them HQ for you
Ixal turn in, moogle quests, catfish quests
Do your daily GC turn in, HQ if possible
The entire crafting system is a money sink
>Virgin Monk dies but Chad BLM survives.
>kobold brown dye can't be bought from kobold tribe
this is a dumb fucking game
Tank is the easiest role. There is NOTHING complex about tank anymore.
Like I said it's hard to say since every server is different when it comes to its economy. A preferred server with more new players will likely have a active low level market, a roleplaying server will be interested in rare dyes and housing items, a raiding server will be more focused on stocking up on food or pots. If Mogboard was still up then you could easily see whats in demand and doesn't have enough supply and focus on that, but that website shut down so you have to manually search in-game.
Someone draw Yoshi-P's Lalafell smoking.
Have you ever considered that maybe other people aren't trannies and you two are just assholes?
Really? Didn't those die down? I remember that was my market too but it went from 200-300k to 80k and it didn't feel worth it anymore.
There is no such thing as a complex class in FFXIV. That's not the point. The point is that tanks require better knowledge about the content they're running than other classes in order to perform well.
>not reflexively hating "hehe look at how cute my character is"
>clearly they must play X race
You're only further reinforcing his point by saying he plays an unattractive race, way to go retard. It doesn't matter what kind of character somebody plays, but any functional human being would at least keep their deviant predilections to themselves rather than flaunting it for the world to see.
>Both of the (real) girls in my FC play elezen. One of them is a 32 year old lesbian.
>stereotypical edgy underageb& is a Xaela male
>Mexican dude plays midlander samurai with pompadour and wears poncho exclusively
>memespoutting faggots are mostly lalafell with one roegadyn male
>resident tranny plays slutglammed Xaela female, formerly Viera, formerly Xaela
>boomer plays malezen
Don't call it a stereotype, call it pattern recognition.
No Hrothgars or Cats at all?
I think I'll concede that point. I've played every role a shitload, and tank is definitely the easiest, but it's by far the worst fucking role to go into a fight you haven't done yet.
Not a single hrothgar, and I think we had one cat but they kinda tapered off the game since they only played it as a dressup simulator.
>Do your daily GC turn in, HQ if possible
>Tfw didn't know HQ deliveries were a thing and they give twice as much exp
Yeah, no.
>2-3mil a day
That's nothing at all senpai. I've made near 20 mil in one day back at release week timeframe. And I'm not even a gil person. I'm sure there were some people here making a hell of a lot more than me.
why lalafell have body shape of ghetto nigger
What did you sell?
Markets are always insane just after release. You wouldn't be able to pull the same thing now.
They don't
Off model lala art is gross
Hot markets will generally crash and burn extremely quickly due to the insane level of undercutting that happens in this game. I still stand by the fact that auction houses and market boards are a fucking cancer.
Don't forget your weekly challenge log
30 crafts
20 hq crafts
Affix 5 materia
Yeah the best time to make profit is when a new patch launches. Everyone wants their hands on the latest stuff. We're about 2 months into Patch 5.0, people already got the latest stuff so the prices devalue.
Healing is worse. You can't even optimize until everyone else has stopped fucking up.
Eh, outside of hardcore progression that's not really an issue.