>real time combat
>strategy and planning not required anymore cuz you can just spam the attack button
Into the trash it goes
>real time combat
>strategy and planning not required anymore cuz you can just spam the attack button
Into the trash it goes
2000 hp is kind of a lot for Midgar.
>strategy and planning
Your game sucked and always did
If you want strategy you should play something like SMT which allows for press turn economy instead of pushing attack as fast as you can so the enemy doesnt get its turn first
>strategy and planning
The original game had none of that as well.
FF7 was one of the easiest in the franchise. It makes no attempt to kill the player and requires little strategy.
>Strategy in FF7 and any other ATB games
>>real time combat
>>strategy and planning not required anymore cuz you can just spam the attack button
just like in FF15
>Character C heals
>Enemy wipes out your whole party except the character C that healed
>C is on 1 hp
>C's turn
>Scramble for the heal command
>Enemy 2 kills C cuz ATB and youer too slow
yeah no its just another kind of shitty real time combat
At least now you can avoid damage instead of dealing with shit.
I can tell you started the series with 7. Try playing 5.
ATB is perfectly fine. These complaints only started recently, I'll bet some zoomer youtuber shit on it. I know none of you kids think for yourselves. RTWP is good too btw.
>you can just spam the attack button
You literally do that in ATB and you win too
Fuck off retard
ATB is the true tactician's choice
>allowing your team to get downed
You had one job retard
>ATB is perfectly fine
ATB is a compromise between actual strategy and actual reflex gameplay
It does neither as well and it only goes halfway
It's shallow and only aims to please people who have no patience and want to be pressured into using reflexes.
It's incredibly limiting a gameplay style and it doesnt aim to create depth but just compromise between two wants and fulfills neither.
It makes for boring fucking games.
>strategy every needed
Underrated post
>I don't know what spamming means
You actually can't spam regular attacks to win because they do chip damage, it would take you forever. Meanwhile in the original game, you could spam attack and win most fights easily, usually in one turn.
Compromises are fine. You're stuck in black and white thinking like a 12 year old. ATB forces quick decision making. It's the equivalent of speed chess vs unlimited turn time.
I'd agree but ATB games are never difficult because if they were they'd be unplayable for anyone without the reaction time and thought process to navigate menus while enemies are ready to kick your shit in.
I mean, they had to implement a wait option for that very reason which just proves they KNEW ATB was a shit idea.
>final fantasy
>strategy and planning
>Compromises are fine. You're stuck in black and white thinking like a 12 year old.
Imagine thinking this
A compromise is a sacrifice of actual depth for trying to cover as much field to appeal to the most people as possible. You satiate none of the hardcore reflexist or strategists.
>ATB forces quick decision making
In theory, In practice not really, ATB games are designed so that strategy isnt so much an issue and doing a skill as fast as possible is usually more optimal. It's just a shitty action game where taking damage is guaranteed at this point.
>False equivalency
Oh fuck off.
>Select spell
>Select spell
>Recharge MP
>Recharge HP
>Select spell
>Select spell
>Select spell
>Select spell
It's the same shit.
If they're smart about it, they'll keep HP pools static across all installments, and focus more on Defense/Materia/Buffs to evaluate damage and bolster HP. Most RPGs don't really need HP to increase every level if there are already other means to mitigate damage or increase health/magic. Although, we still have very little information about the gear and materia variety, so it could just be wishful thinking. If the pacing matches the original, the actual Materia available is gonna be pretty shallow.
If that's the case, enjoy having a million HP by the final installment, and pretending it doesn't clutter the screen.
You can get a lot of materia early on this time, notably summons.
Nothing false about it. Compromises are absolutely fine. Look at RTWP CRPGs, they have more depth than nearly any turn based game I can think of.
Most rpgs are too easy to require more than 5 seconds of thought on each turn. The pressure of making quick decisions brings at least a bit of depth to that.
>cuz you can just spam the attack button
You could do that in the original. In fact, I'm doing an all melee run right now, and it's easy as fuck.
Are you new to how demos work?
>turn based JRPG's
>just mash the default attack on every character for 90% of the fights
>slow it down unnecessarily and call it "strategy"
You don't even have to position units. Most JRPG's don't do turn based justice at all and you're kidding yourself if you think it has depth.
turn based is the chad choice but at least we can all agre that ATB is one of the many things ruining vidya today
disgusting tranny face
get help bud
>in a jrpg
>teammates automatically control themselves
>'the combat is better' -Yea Forums
game is not out
>game is not out
game is not out
>game is not out
game is not out
>game is not out
game is not out
>game is not out
>he never played a SaGa game
you speak the truth user.
ATB fucking sucks dicks
>has never played an SMT game
>hold O to win
>starts webm with getting hit and knocked back
They could fix the real time combat portion of this, and xv, if they just added a heavy hit in addition to the normal hits and allow some basic action combat combos. it would make it much more engaging
No you, it looks like Michael Jackson.
>babies cry it's an ARPG
>they give you classic style
>keep fucking crying anyway
Surely there are exceptions, but most of them are way too simple, like you can beat them with just spamming the same attack, healing and grinding.
i literally just finished the original by doing exactly that and abusing materia.
how does this make you feel
basically the same people as sjws
and it still works
But you can't. Watch the Guard Scorpion fight in its entirety. Regular attacks deal chip damage.
Stategy and planning doesnt exist in turn based games
ATB has a wait option that pauses fights until you select a skill or spell, dumbass.
You have nigh-infinite setup time outside battles for equipment, personnel and (in FFVII's case) Materia setups. FFVII also gives players nigh-infinite time to wail on shit mobs to level up on. You do not need reaction time and thought process to navigate menus. Enemies are ready and willing to get their shit kicked in rather than yours. The game is NOT The Last Remnant.
i bet it would look comfy af sitting in that hallway with dead guards all around
they return to the lifestream after a while
>hold o
>autist is clearly holding R1+O and still gets hit taking damage while having wait mode on and using one of the strongest base game regular weapons in the game Durandal with elemental advantage against one of the weakest grunt mob enemies in the entire game while having a full 5 member party
he's in
Auto battle is not what classic FF7 did
-ur mums
>barry is still holding O
cloud looks like an absolute twink cant wait for the crossdressing scene not gonna lie
thinking fast is also part of strategy bud
I don't see what's wrong with this.
At what point do you want to do "nothing" in an rpg? Never, so the default action stops being "stand still" and turns into "attack", the game wouldn't be any better if you had to constantly press X and choose some other action now and then.
Xenoblade got a lot of hate for this but it's one of the best design decisions it has.
>nathan still watching trailers just like he'll be watching the game play itself
Fuck off Nathan
looks more feminine than most western representations of wahmen
ff7r lets you do nothing to win
every fucking day
same dumb shit
Arite yeah guarding and moving automatically is where I draw the line what in the hell.
Is that easy mode or something?
it's an optional mode to pander to game journalists and casuals (like Tabata). You cna play it normally
Are we really going to pretend the entire series isn't about mashing attack for 90% of it?
Whoops XV-kun and xer tranny lovers are here. Time to bail.
its classic mode
it automatically attacks, blocks, dodges, and moves around for you
No it's the definitive mode that invalidates all others because ff7r is made for casuals like Nomura which is why he put hold to attack in by default and put in press nothing to win
why do you make these threads? Anyone who knows anything about the game knows that there are three different combat options. You can play the game literally any way you want.
to shitpost
It's going to translate in the real game. It always does.
funny how nomura put hold to attack in his game after nomura fags spent years claiming he'd never in a million years put hold to attack in his games
yeah just like how footage and playable demos of the original FF7 that took place in the first reactor had Aerith at 3000HP
Don't shit on .hack//g.u.'s combat fucker
I'm 30, sir.
Yo Barry! Still shitposting about Final Fantasy non-stop, and raking in the (You)s with your low effort bait. People don’t understand XV-Kun is just the most prolific troll on this site because nobody could have opinions as bad as his.
So am I, and ATB is nearly as old as both of us. Moron.
>that chromatic aberration overload
Cute flower for a cute boy!
>you can beat them with just spamming the same attack, healing and grinding.
That's every action rpg as well. Hell you can do that in every souls game.
If you wanna be pedantic about it you can simplify any genre to sound stupid.
if you think strategy and planning was ever a part of the entire FF saga then I'm sorry for you user, no game in that series presents difficulty enough to require planning
I dont remember FF7 having any form of strategy or planning requirement.
Op here, sorry, I was wrong
New Thread mod does.
t. nathan the seething retard that is routinely BTFO with facts while he defends FF7R playing itself
Oh look, XV-kun is arguing with himself again.
I hope you haven't been breaking any consoles on childrens head recently.
Are movie games okay when Japan does it?
>strategy and planning
I beat this game when I was 10.
I think you are dipping into too much nostalgia.
Yeah, and it is still ruining vidya today top kek
Here’s your (you)
You’re spreading misinformation faggot. You use the attack button to build up ATB to perform moves. Regular attacks don’t do much, so strategy and use of special attacks, Magic, items and limits are necessary to beat enemies.
If you don’t like that, play the classic mode they announced. ATB builds more like the original.
The problem is that doing something should require doing something you fucking retard. At what point do you want to "not win" in a video game? Never, so the default action should stop being "stand still" and should start being "complete the game automatically"
>Final Fantasy
>JRPGs in general
>Strategy and planning
Play them on hard and don't grind too much.