What did you get from that?
Have you pretend to be a girl in MMOs?
I haven't, but the girl bonus is real. People throw items at you all the time. So if you're good at pretending, you can get free shit forever.
Few times, people help you with quests and give you free items, though you have to deal with incels hitting on you constantly so it's not worth the hassle.
Never outright pretended to be a girl, but I made an alt character that was one for aesthetic reasons. Got more invites and whispers in a couple of weeks than I did in over a year on playing with my main character.
Stop stalking kids OP
*hits pipe*
Is having daughters the ultimate cuckoldry?
I cannot think or comprehend of anything more cucked than having a daughter. Honestly, think about it rationally. You are feeding, clothing, raising and rearing a girl for at least 18 years solely so she can go and get ravaged by another man. All the hard work you put into your beautiful little girl - reading her stories at bedtime, making her go to sports practice, making sure she had a healthy diet, educating her, playing with her. All of it has one simple result: her body is more enjoyable for the men that will eventually fuck her in every hole.
Raised the perfect girl? Great. Who benefits? If you're lucky, a random man who had nothing to do with the way she grew up, who marries her. He gets to fuck her tight pussy every night. He gets the benefits of her kind and sweet personality that came from the way you raised her.
As a man who has a daughter, you are LITERALLY dedicating at least 20 years of your life simply to raise a girl for another man to enjoy. It is the ULTIMATE AND FINAL cuck. Think about it logically.
No. I always play as a man.
halt your cooming sir i dont believe she is the age of coomsent
I am a woman in real life, I don’t have to pretend.
I pretended to be a girl in Runes of Magic and I don't even know why.
I'm pretty sure people knew I was male just from the way I typetalk.
I pretend to be a girl in lol and only gift I got was some rp. I took me a week or so to have conversation with a guy in lol chat (that used to be in the client) to get that. Except this no one gifted me anything. Not worth I would say.
>What did you get from that?
A deep and enduring sense of shame.
Mostly played animu MMOs where everybody plays a girl anyway so not really.
tits or GTFO
>Prequel to the reddit invasion
Uhh ... the reddit invasion was years ago
lol is not an mmo bruh
This place is basically zoomer redderit Nintendo fans
Like bruh. Don't be buzzkill. I brought the tiddies. What have you done besides comfortably play it safe and tryhard? You thought I was a girl?? With these giant knockers hanging out, and playing so damn well? LUL
>trying to get your dick wet over the internet
Biggest faggot award!
Try it in WoW. Back when I played it you could get gold and items just for playing a female character and using emoticons, not even talking much.
I bet she's 40
imagine a fucking grown-ass 30+ y/o dude saying this shit
No, but if I played a MMO nowadays I would for the free shit and guaranteed spots in raids, among other privileges.
>you shouldnt judge how I play, but it's okay when I judge how you play!
But your logic youd be cucking your father in law and thatd be based so it evens out, bro.
Does that guy in the background have a hole in his head?
One way hypocrisy highway is the only road worth traveling.
I pretent to be a man to not be bothered by incels and 3rd worlders
Not MMO but I once set my clan tag to [girl] in MW2 and thirsty teenage boys would flock to me and compliment me for playing the shittiest of loadouts and even let me boost headshots and nukes. I never once used voice chat or confirmed anything to prove I was a girl but the just believed it. Teenage boys are losers.
Do they even have age of consent in russia?
I haven't.
I wonder if the original post was meant as a joke. I honestly forever will
I have lost that innocence.
Every retarded post is genuine.
and you are now, by issuing that statement, pretending to be a girl so you'd get (you)'s by incels and 3rd worlders
fuck off tranny
I never actively pretended. I once played a female undead warlock back when I first played WoW because I already had a male undead rogue and didn't feel like playing another race. People were noticeably nicer and on a few occasions where I fucked up and got yelled at even got defended and white knighted by others. Shit was weird. I made no attempts at letting others know I was actually a guy.
Now I generally play guys. Sometimes I might make a female alt, but I don't often make alts because of the time involved. I do generally play as old grampa looking wizards and make no attempt at letting others know I am actually only going into my 30s. Sometimes fellow guild members choose to believe I actually am a grampa.
have sex incel
If your dad is 30 you are, by law, not old enough to be here.
Won’t her feet get dirty?
If you really want guys hitting on you, play a female healer and do dungeons. Don't forget to type "Hehe" or " ;) " and you will feel like you're the bell of the ball.
Hundreds of hours of assistance and resources in-game and between $2,000-$10,000 USD over a course of three years.
That's the most detailed camel toe I've ever seen.
This. That post is like 13 at best. Get that faggot outtahere.
>he didn’t father a child at age 12
Lmao look at this loser
I don't know man it's way too over the top at some points. Like even if the idea behind it was genuine the post is just so ridiculous. That's why I'm so puzzled, it seems plausible that its a joke but on the other hand you just have that retarded feeling in the back of your head that its honest
Is a man retarded only if he is pretending to be one for the sake of fun?
he had me when he was 10. also,
>not getting the reference
I enjoy pretending to be a domineering 11 year old girl because it's pandering to my ageplay fetish. I don't want any items or stuff. I just think it's fun and hot.
I always play as a girl, generally I prefer customizing chicks and i've noticed their animations are more satisfying but if someone stupid cunt decides to asks i'll always tell them straight because im not a weirdo
>2-10k dollarydoos
Hope you enjoyed it, I'm calling the FBI and reporting you for fraud, identity theft, and larceny.
oof I wish I ran into you in a lobby somewhere
>Tell people you're make
>Play female characters
>Not a weirdo
>gender identity theft
That's right, that's exactly right.
>identity theft
I've never specifically stated that I'm a grill in an MMO/multiplayer game. HOWEVER I did not correct my guildmates/teammates on their assumption that I was several times.
Suprisingly all I ever did was being nice and helpful to people and I like being nice and helpful because it's seen as a weakness irl and is otherwise exploited and abused. I'm tired of playing hardass all the time.
>im not a weirdo
honestly the minute you play a game as an opposite gender you betray yourself as a BIT of a weirdo. Let's face it we all self insert at least a bit when we play, especially in RPG's, so you can't give out the generic bs line like "I like looking at girl ass xd"
I used to pretend I'm a muslim chick for like five or so different dudes because I wanted some taunts and hats on tf2 but i'm a stingy fuck.
Sometimes all you need is a scarf for a makeshift niqab and some makeup to make your eyes more feminine with eye liner and boom, betas.
I could have scammed fucking hundreds of dollars off them if I kept it up and they fucking ate it every time.
Women have it so fucking easy it's not funny
Did you dillate today?
>I like being nice and helpful because it's seen as a weakness irl and is otherwise exploited and abused. I'm tired of playing hardass all the time.
godspeed you beautiful human
>t. been a girl online for 14 years
Easier to get in parties, groups and raids.
Less to no insults if I fuck up.
Some guys are thirsty as fuck.
Some guys are desperate as fuck.
Have to daily shut down "go bak to kitchen bich lol" tier people. I know I shouldn't care but being called an e-girl triggers me.
Whiteknights. They're actually useful when I don't want to deal with something or someone so I just have to lift my finger and they do all the work for me.
Merely pretending to be somebody else is a crime in America and if any actual names or photos other than his own were used for the ruse then identity theft can be piled on top of the charges.
>i'll always tell them straight because im not a weirdo
honestly thats hotter than a female playing a female character. once you know someone is a desperate dude who wanted to actually play submissive female you just know they're down for anything, as they have no inhibitions left at that point. meanwhile with people who pretend to be actually female theres always going to be a disconnect, because they are trying to disguise themselves or eventually come out as "trans" to avoid hot topics.
damn. Where do you find asshats like that? Are they really all over the place?
Is there really THAT much profit on the internet? Just because guys ASSUME you're a girl?
What do you mean 'pretend to be a girl'? You sit behind your comp with a ponytail? hahahaha
>Merely pretending
Me and little bro made niggersses in archage, called them Shanaynay and Bufalanaquisharia, took clothes off and danced up against ransoms while spouting stereotypical crap. Was a good laugh for an hour or so.
Using someone else’s identity is obviously a crime, but lying on the internet and saying you’re a woman is not, dumbass.
Isn't being unable to use voice coms a cons?
you're a fat neckbeard or anorexic lanklet like all the rest of us
It is if you receive anything of value from somebody you're lying to, dumbass.
>Played Fusionfall in pre-teen years
>got cancelled
>Recentely fan-revived
>Makes an account with two characters
>One is a boy, the other is a girl
>Literally 0 people offered to help me as the male character
>play as the girl
>5 minutes in, already have a friend
>two guys helped me on parts where the enemies gangbang you
>they didn't let anything that damaged me get away with it and leave
>had around 7 friends by the end of the day
If you want to play an MMO on easy mode, play it on the first days as a cute tomboy character
Voice changing software and vocal training exist but most of your sperglords refuse to use chat in the first place so there's that.
>women have it so fucking easy
Try getting raped by your father, his friends, or your brother's friends and then saying that unironically.
this is the least i've ever enjoyed a camel toe in my life
fucking everywhere. Shit, go on /soc/ right about now. Pick a random dude who sounds pathetic enough to fall for it, act a little bit flirty, agree on a videochat 'but no voice because my family is here tee hee' or I even convinced a dude I was legit mute and backed it up because I know sign language had to shave my fucking arms for this one but I have passably slim hands aside from gorrila hair, write a couple nice things about him, how nice of a guy he is, listen to him rant about his fucking failure of a life and casually bring up something you want when you're playing the game together
It's becoming an issue depending on the game. Before people didn't care that much about voice chat, but your generation does.
I dodged it by making my persona evolved, now I'm the big sister, motherly kind so if I just say I'm having the news on, my nephews at home or a favorite sitcom playing they usually don't insist.
I've read that doujin, that's a good doujin.
>Free sex whenever you want it
>Be even average at best and you can bang 7/10-10/10 guys because they're all horny Mommy's boys
Nobody respond to this. If you respond to this you're a faggot
holy fuck my guy
I may very well do this. I can't believe you fucking convinced a guy you were a fucking mute
How's a that a negative?
oh i get it now
>by pretending to be a women you stealing from other women, and thats crime.
does that make you a faggot?
>Free rape whenever you don't want it
>Can get raped by 0/10-10/10 guys because they're all muhsoggykneestic rapists
Yeah, I'm thinking women are based
It's the reception in exchange for quantifiable cash value that's the literal crime, idiot. Don't you piss your half-assed 'philosophical' incel theories at me.
You must be cute, LONDON?
Detroit and I'm a brown male with a goatee.
That's fine, we can put you into a gimp suit and no one will be the wiser.
Bullshit, companies lie to customers in exchange for money all the time. That user was providing companionship in exchange for financial compensation. Get rekt, virtue-signaling negroid.
well who was raped by their father then
I respect your honesty
So this is the power of virginity...
It doesn't work like that really, atleast in popular mmos because loads of people use female characters now
All women, especially ones who's father's changed their diapers since even looking is a crime. Hell that makes all faggot father's that don't leave menial chores rightfully to the mother rapist pedos.
a lot of people caught on to the jig. Shame, was a good ride for a lot of smart people while it lasted
>mfw I catfished at least thirty guys in Ragnarok online out of nearly 30,000 dollars
>mfw playing games of pretend and theatrics paid for my liberal arts degree and housing for three years.
I am not talking about just using a female character, obviously.
>liberal arts
Why are there no conservative arts programs? Seems a little partisan to me...
I mean, I guess you could open your own school and teach a bunch of alt-right neocons paint by numbers and connect the dots?
Actually what i've noticed actually is people are far me likely to rage quit when you are fucking them up with a female character which is pretty funny. Anyway i've had this conversation a million times, i know im not some tranny lite, I just like playing as chick characters and if that makes some autist faggots uncomfortable, well I couldn't give a flying fuck.
go for it, mahdood but you have to be real careful. Everything counts. Try writing down whatever you tell him so you don't contradict yourself and be fucking sure you can pull it off. If I didn't have passable eyes, no amount of makeup and plucking out eyebrows could save it. A single beta getting in on it and calling you out will have to force you to change accounts and find another source of betas to exploit.
>atleast in popular mmos because loads of people use female characters now
Pretty much. Most characters are actually female now. It drove me to a point where I actually now play male characters, because of how much rarer they are. I wanted to post a collage of screenshots, but for some reason my FFXIV documents folder deleted itself in the last patch and I had like hundred screenshots of people whispering and catcalling me every half hour with shit like "Do you want to be my daddy?" or "Me and my friends get really excited when we come across you everyday". It's fucking amazing how e-trannies will put you on a pedestal.
Well what would you do? Try to remember the rewards you are receiving vs what you would think of your actions looking back as an old man
Autosage? lol
Fuck jannies