risk of rain
Risk of rain
Loader is the best and most fun character. Prove me wrong.
>noo stop talking about video games!
fucking kill yourself. the game recently updated and people are discussing it you wannabe janny
Holding M1 on bosses gets real fucking stale fast
>drawing her suspenders as underwear
>its okay to have a thousand smash threads a day
>you cant talk about an indie game which just got an update
Fuck off reddit
how to make useless items useful
>Monster Tooth
Now automatically restores 6 hp instead of it being a dropped consumable
>Rusted Key
make it so that is also makes invisible chest easier to see
>Red Whip
Air momentum is increased by 30%
also slows enemy attack speed by 15%
Healing past full simply grants you a barrier that last for 10 seconds instead of it rapidly decreasing
>Brittle Crown
SELF INFLICTED damage does not activate brittle crown
Make it like an inverse Shaped Glass, so that you simply heal 100% more but your damage is decreased by 10% (or 15% or whatever)
>not creating some distance so you can charge your fist and grapple to them, then unleash for HUEG damage
you're playing the game wrong
Trying to unlock the one Huntress challenge where you get 12 crowbars but rng hates me.
>be hotpoop
>accidentally give artificer a dogshit 0.2 proc rate on her m1 for no reason
>fix it in a patch later
>new patch with skill loadouts, give artificer a brand new M1
>give it the exact same dogshit 0.2 proc rate error again
Very epic
rent free
I'd make the monster tooth home like infusion to make them more unique, but otherwise good changes
except chronobauble, it needs to be a white or just removed
Monster tooth and brittle crown are your only good suggestions
>has one combo
The problem is her special is super fucking boring and doesnt work in the kit at all, its basically just a free kill all small enemies without any thought or care. Needs to be replaced with something that works with the rest of the kit to make it more interesting.
>spam the most inane threads every single day and clutter the catalogue
>Yea Forums is near unusable every time some smash related news are released
>"r-rent free"
get real
Lol if u don't like the threads go away nerd
here's the REAL fix for chronobauble
>slowed enemies also speed you up by 2%
sounds like you just hate fun, she's great and had more variation than most other characters
smash and nintendo living rent free in risk of redditors heads, sad
Shes fun but poorly designed, her special needs to be redone and her combo is not that interesting. Have a nice day.
>too scared to quote directly
you're anonymous, what are you afraid's going to happen?
what a shit opinion, I bet you're bad at the game
how do I play loader? I can't for the life of me figure out how to use the grapple in combat or what items to get
>b-b-b-b-but muh smash
Smash is board culture
not him but what a nice argument
It just got buffed and is really fucking good now if you have the right build.
>red whip
I say instead of it being a binary on/off effect it should ramp up the second you stop doing damage and max out after 5 seconds. That way it's useful in combat still.
Good idea, that'd actually make the increased duration from stacking worthwhile, so those 10 enemies you accidentally slowed and plan to deal with later will be giving you a buff. Good idea.
Charge fist, use grapple on enemy, release fist, throw out special, hold M1 until cooldowns are finished, repeat
>not him
also """he""" didn't have a single argument himself
hopoo hire this man
>"Generals"—long-term, recurring threads about a specific game—should be posted in /vg/.
except hes right her special is shit
why cant she have some other fist attack, just throwing out a magic AoE machine is lame. Its also the best AoE attack in the game, procs like a madman and obliterates groups in seconds.
Stop trying to unlock it and just play the game as normal. You'll eventually come across the printer as her.
FUCK I completely forgot her charge is her shift, I'm wrong and retarded. I thought he was complaining about her charge attack which is beyond amazing
this, the thing is retardedly op
Shilling is board culture. That doesn't make it good.
Go back to your smash and oh nonono thread.
Does 2x shaped glass unlock Rex's half health teleporter challenge? Also what's the strategy for chunked, I don't think I've ever done enough damage with Artificer to instantly kill a boss.
the game recently updated, go away
Videogames is board culture
Just stack shaped glass and one shot boss, that's easy
>if you have the right build.
Thats the issue. You shouldn't have to have an ideal build for a Red to be "really good" In an ideal world, Reds shouldn't be situational, which Aegis is. A Red is suppose to be an overall improvement to a survivor (even if something like Frost Relic is only good on two of them). Still one of the worst Reds in the game.
A few shaped glass and a charged M2 should do the trick
The game used to lock you out at like 9,999 damage, now it can go into millions, you should be able to pull this off easily.
unpopular opinion the only good red is brilliant behemoth
couple questions
Is huntress's new blink literally just normal blink but starts with 3 charges or is there a downside?
Is huntress's Arrow Rain replacement skill any good? Her bouncing frisby already deletes groups so arrow rain seems kind of redundant and is annoying to consistently hit magma worms/flying bosses with.
A smash thread died for this
Im not very good at RoR 2, and i dont have many people to play with, will someone play with me?
>why cant she have some other fist attack
So she doesn't get absolutely buttfucked by an Imp Overlord or any blazing bosses. You'd have to give that other fist attack i-frames and then at that point, she'll just be Merc 2.0.
There isnt any downside, its an upgrade
Her special replacement is pretty good, high damage but for single targets instead of AoE.
It's one of the most situational, but also one of the most potentially powerful ones. A crit build commando with aegis is simply invincible. Meanwhile the generally better ones like clover, behemoth, or tesla are essentially just "You get more damage".
New blink is way shorter and can't go upwards as far as i know and her new R is pretty great, you get way higher single target damage
that's just not unpopular, that's blatantly wrong and retarded
Gee, how about an ability that gives her increased attack speed and elemental protection for a few seconds then instead of the most OP AoE ability in the game for a melee character.
It controls like commando's roll, so no up or down movement. Default is the purely defensive "OH SHIT GET ME OUT OF HERE" button, and the new one is a more offensive "Let me just move out of the way of that real quick" button.
I love using slapping down a blackhole and putting arrow rain on it with ukulele + bombs and or bleed. stilll haven't got the new one yet tho.
All she needs is a way to stick to enemies. Imp overlords+blazing bosses are safe to melee as long as you're on their back. If one of her grapples allowed her to zip to them and hang on tight and up close then she'd be able to melee more instead of just using her dash punch for all problems.
What was the point of Rex's new skill, or am I missing something? Rex is only good because his M2 spam, and having it on a default cooldown seems really pointless. I'm loving commandos new M2 though.
Loader's special shouldn't be a lightning turret but should have been a rocket punch.
Is it fine to start with 2? I never played 1, and 2 seems like a big change in gameplay style.
But her shift is a rocket punch?
completely different games user so yes
>edited xml file to unlock new skills and items
>can finally enjoy the new update without retarded tedious bullshit
no, like the fist comes off
It's not very good yeah. Hopefully it gets buffed or he gets another new skill to replace M2 as a damage dealer. Its only saving grace for now is that it can make good use of backup mags to help get around its longer cooldown.
I think he means like the fist flies off and punches as a ranged attack. Which is basically her alt grapple but with no utility and more damage.
>unlock everything instantly
>whine 20 minutes later about nocontent
because it's fun
>the skill that you get guaranteed if you just git gud is tedious to get
user, you can just admit it is hard. Nobody is going to judge you for being bad.
How do I do this? I rarely play on monsoon because controller
I never considered challenges as "content". Content is items, bosses, stages, enemies, skills, characters. Not retarded achievements.
The only one I consider hard is no-hit prismatic trial. Everything else is just grind. I unlocked Commando skills legit way and it was just a 90min snore fest on drizzle. It wasn't challenging nor fun. Don't want to waste more hours for this bullshit.
I hate unlock system in roguelites in general. Some do it right like Nuclear Throne. Some acceptable like Wizard of Legend. Some annoying like Enter the Gungeon (but that game is shit anyway). But RoR2 just reached the absolutely retarded level with this update. I like these games for interesting unique random runs not for grinding for bullshit. It's ok to unlock stuff when you learn the game, it's ok to unlock characters since it's a brand new way to play and interesting enough unlock. It's ok to unlock skins for Monsoon obliteration - I'm actually gonna do these legit, gonna be really fun with fixed health regen. But spend my whole day grinding stupid prismatic trial and reset everytime a wisp hits me with hitscan attack? No thanks, that's not fun.
I actually play on controller myself and never had problems with Monsoon before the nerf. Wonder how it'll be now.
Do the new skills for Artificer actually make the character good?
Anyone got a room for EU?
>always get to third stage in under 10 min on monsoon with loader
>grovetender/imp boss always deletes me in seconds
what do
I wonder if they'll bring time stop mechanics back for this
host it
Yeah, but you didn't need to unlock commando's skills on drizzle. You could've just played commando because he's fun and sooner or later you'd get a run that went to stage 20. Same with most of them. You don't have to go hugely out of your way to do them, just keep them in mind for when the opportunity presents itself.
Well she has a thing now where her alternate flamethrower skill actually projects her high up in the air so she's not complete shit with zero mobility anymore
10 man host user, you're awake?
Is the superjump worth giving up the flamethrower for? All Artificer really has is stupid high burst damage, giving up one of the two burst abilities for mobility would just make the character entirely worthless, wouldn't it?
>time freezes while fighting Worship Unit
>we all pummel it from the same side
>time restarts
>all the hits taking effect at once cause it to go splat against the wall one shotting it
>Yeah, but you didn't need to unlock commando's skills on drizzle
True but then I'd need to spend hours and hours playing with old skills. I already played with them for more then 100 hours, I wanted something new and devs promised me new skills, that was the most hype thing about the update. I see literally no point in doing this. As I said, my fun with RoR2 is doing runs not challenges.
How long until the predicted full release?
I prefer to wait for games to be out of EA.
Kinda yeah, but it does make her pretty much untouchable since she starts the game with infinite flight. If she gets a good damage replacement for her utility then the jump will easily be a great choice.
I'm not the most pro artificer around but I think her flamethrower is really hard to use when you need to dodge everything and get close to enemies.
The superjump and the hover let her ignore 70% of the enemies on the ground and also allows you to reach for more cover to escape the golem boss laser and wandering vagrant nuke
I still really like the flamethrower but the jump is just more useful to me
check the roadmap for ror2
Monsoon ?
That's just sort of the issue with playing it on early access. These 'tedious' challenges would've been completed long ago while the default loadouts were still fresh for us all if we hadn't been playing since the start of early access. That's also why I don't mind people cheating in the ones that you're sure you've done before.
>half a year
Back to waiting then
What are the best loadouts for all the Survivors?
is that a
I personally don't care how someone got their stuff, just don't act like you did them on rainstorm/monsoon if you actually did them on drizzle/notepad.
It was way more of an issue in ror1 when the item pool was determined by the host's unlocks and a new player was in this way discouraged from being a host, but ror2 is nice enough to pool everyone's unlocks together to create an item whitelist.
Direct upgrade tier: Loader
Probably better tier: Commando shotgun
Probably worse tier: Merc uppercut
Why would you ever take this tier: Merc R and Rex M2
IDK seems pretty good, but so are the defaults tier: Pretty much everything else
Yeah, pretty much. Just like that "kill 500 elites" in Scorched Acres update. By that time I already killed thousands of elites but I had to kill more just to unlock some new toys, that already annoyed me to death but at least that was easily doable in normal play without any gimmicks. I'm actually have autistic habit to unlock everything legit way, I never edited lunar coins and I have like 100 of them. But right away when I saw that don't get hit unlcok I knew my patience is over. Maybe I need to thank Hopoo actually, they helped me to realise I should stop wasting my time with unlocks.
>just don't act like you did them on rainstorm/monsoon
Implying anyone cares about your autistic achievements. Everyone showing off good runs and those are literally unaffected by unlocks.
The prismatic trials screen says that getting a high rank won't give you anything "yet". I wonder how they'll handle the skins or whatever you unlock through placing high on the leaderboard or whether people will just be able to edit them in like everything else.
>warm for life
how the FUCK do you do this? walking in fire trails and getting killed by blazing enemies doesn't count for some gay fucking reason
American Lobby
comMANdo's welcome
that's uncalled for
Merc Uppercut does more damage (450% vs 2x200%), also can be used to climb vertically.
>Obvious edit on the name of the game
Who hurt you?
>red whip bad
Fuck off
It's a green item that helps you when you're not fighting. When you least need help. It's nice for saving time, but then so is an extra soda.
It inconsistently cuts off your third swing of M1, which is 130%, 130%, 300% + 2x200% at 960% versus uppercut's 130%, 130%, 450% at 710%
user, where you at?
is it fun now?
it's literally worse than both white movement items
>Charged Gauntlet is DF's rocket punch(which also was the charged punch of the counter sword from S4 league) but better than it could ever hope to be
Glad they finally got it right.
And it's worse with backup mags than spin is since it displaces you from the boss if you spam it between your other skills(aside from vagrant, it's better for them).
EU monsoon. v/ should stop hoarding items. I'm using tele as soon as I find it
>google "DF rocket punch"
>its from overwatch
>S4 league
nevermind, unequivocally based
This guy mains merc. A man of culture. Uppercut is for squares.
Rex M2 does an insane amount of damage against bosses.
New director is trash. TRASH!
2 slots open
>giving up consistent rotation and almost half your damage for a virtical jump that stops your sprint
It's really not an even trade. You'll really feel that lack of damage in the early game.
I got that reference
>they still haven't even addressed the fact that imp overlord spawns on the other side of the map 90% of the time and you have to waste time to go get him
it's been half a fucking YEAR
>Trying to do the monsoon obliteration
>Random lemurian throws a fireball
>I die
Latex booty.
Is the lewd modanon still in this thread?
Artificer is inherently flawed by design as a character with almost zero mobility or escape is beyond shit tier. Change my mind.
>But she's good lategame with mobility items
So is any other character which doesn't such massive dick early.
1 more slot (US lobby)
Come back after you've unlocked her flamethrower replacement
You should be blowing up anything that can hurt you in the early game. Her massive base damage and the fact that she can keep herself airborne makes her ez modo until Loop 1
Her hover is seriously powerful because of how enemies can't aim at airborne targets, and she has a mobility/escape tool now. She's probably still worse than most, but not so much that it should hold anyone back from playing her.
I just did my first run as loader. The charge fist is extremely fun but the regular punches seem so crap by comparison. Do I just have to find ways to string them in anyway? Also I picked up wax quails and was using those for speed boost instead but couldn't tell of the damage was better or not compared to swinging for speed, anyone know about that one?
Gosh that Merc challenge is fucking gay but I have to do it. This is the perfect prismatic seed
US east
where is everyone today?
>shoot him once
>immediately teleports to you
Monster tooth literally only needs to home in on you and it'd be perfect. As it is it doesn't last long enough to pick up half the time and you have to be on top of the thing to actually get it, which is the opposite of fun.
Aegis is fine you're just retarded.
Corpsebloom shouldn't have an upper limit on health per tick. It should just portion any heal you have received over the span of like 15 seconds or whatever instead of instantly.
More of them just giving you the healing bonus.
no one joined, closing the lobby.
Are you still around? May I play with you user?
>be merc or loader
>have to fucking run over to him
>just did engi on monsoon
>just now realized he doesn't have an alt skin
>clear teleporter boss
>making great time
>have an internal debate about whether to go after some chests I passed up early on
>fuck it
>end up wasting like a minute on the endeavor
>Tesla Coil pops out
Yes so worth
Did someone at Hopoo really play the challenges for unlocking new abilities and say to the rest of the team "Yeah, these are fun additions to the game, leave them as is."?
Do you guys remember that old bug with MUL-T's nailgun and Ocular HUD? It's here again, but with saw instead.
>Did someone at Hopoo really play the challenges for unlocking new abilities and say to the rest of the team "Yeah, these are fun additions to the game, leave them as is."?
No, no one played them. Hopoo and everyone at Gearbox play on Drizzle only
I wouldn't know, I've yet to beat the fucking boss.
What the fuck is this?
>trying to unlock commando R skill
>need to do 20 stages without picking up a lunar item
>do run with a friend
>reach stage 22 and this thing drops
I couldn't find the item on wiki or anything.
with he new R skill she can become an attack chopper with enough backup clips. It's fun but early game is a slogfest
I'd hazard to guess it's the special item for the new Celestine elites
There's one for each element, it's rare as fuck. As in, 150h+ played and haven't seen a single one rare.
All aspected elites have a very fucking small chance of dropping that. You gain their power til the game ends but forfeit your equipment slot. You're probably the first person to get it for the celestine enemies.
Literally unlocked her Monsoon cheevo on the first try without a single red or lunar item. Her burst damage obliterates anything you'd need to escape from first loop in. Hover lets you escape 90% of the trash mob attacks.
The only shit tier characters right now are Commando and maybe Rex.
>Celestine elite
Honestly fuck these guys, they're inmune to procs. Or at least damage procs, yesterday I saw a stone golem with x9 fire procs and he was standing there like nothing happened
Its probably like this because his teleport counts as an attack, so to prevent unavoidable damage they make him spawn outside the TP.
Just a guess, though.
It actually never locked out your damage, it just failed to display properly. Now the numbers actually support much larger numbers.
>when he just swipes at your healing drone for 5 minutes
What the fuck do Celestine elites even do
>page 9
whoa that was quick
constant threads for 2 days discussing nothing but an update to a relatively small game, so no wonder
Git gud. Arti's damage is such that you don't need good items early game. Her base damage alone can get you to stage 4 where the good items are.
well the rex one lasted about a week and there were a shit ton of lobbies and stuff
I'm getting worried about the release
Why do cheaters feel the need to justify their actions?
I can't, you're right.
Nah she has some kind of leotard under the turned down suspenders if you start taking the model apart.
maybe most of Yea Forums lost interest on RoR 2, but the game will live for a long time
People who have played with mods: what's your favorite enemy to play as? I like beetle guard and teapot
Loader has made it really noticeable how skills cancel your dash even when they can be performed while dashing, its annoying as fuck. If dashing is a toggle already why does my dash have to cancel after grappling when I kept my finger on the movement buttons? Why do I have to slow down to charge up, yet I can immediately press shift to start dashing again? Can't believe how much I have to press CTRL to keep momentum already thinking about remapping it
Ten man was hosting RoR2 for a month before skills 2.0 and constantly filled out to max. Risk of Rain 1 players hosted for years, and years, and still filled up to 10 up to RoR2's release. Last week we had a 7/10 game. It'll be fine.
Is loader second m2 better than her regular m2?
yeah, it does damage, and also will pull small enemies to you
Also stuns
only downside is you cant swing off a wisp to batter other things but you still get to swing on big mobs
this has been a big complaint since day 1 and hotpoo has not acknowledged it once
I thought the Brass Contraptions were Large Monsters until loader pulled one toward her
TIL Loader's head also functions as a bottle opener
I put dash on my mouse thumb button
it's better, but still stupid how skills cancel it
Most of the challenges are easy.
that's weird, cause I thought MUL-T bounces off bells like they're large enemies
what if Loader could ferry other survivors
Are those risk of rain toys?
Should I buy this on switch for my hour long commute?
I wouldn't because
>anything other than M+KB
But I'm hard considering getting RoR1, only $15 too.
ror1 is good on switch. I don't think ror2 is fun with controller
How do I deal with blazing elites as loader?
EU lobby
nah the port is shit
I want loader to carry me with her big strong non-exoskeleton arms
got it for $2.50 on PC back in the day
Yeah, I made them.
Does the game have a proper ending yet, or are you all still playing a woefully incomplete pile of garbage 3d shooter that should have been scrapped from day fucking one?
Go play RoR1. Better in every single fucking way.
For Switch it's $15, already have RoR on PC.
Cool! Any recs on how to build them? did you use pre existing parts or 3d printed?
>Monster Tooth
just have them drops home in to whoever needs it the most
didn't 1 work like that?
Best items to get for a 20 multikill and burst a boss down in 5 seconds as Artificer?
is this game just a wannabe borderlands 3?
where will you be when the war of 2019 breaks out?
Glass + black hole cube
Because the fight against Providence is why I crave Risk of Rain and not the giant hordes that appear during loops.
At home, fapping to Artificer
RoR2 is shit and loses all the charm of the original, long live RoR1
Full game: megaup.net
is that why no one's hosting ror1 anymore and ror2 10man is all the rage now?
ror1 served as an excellent proof-of-concept that still had a long way to go, ror2 is genuinely better in literally every way imaginable and its not even done yet
The soundtrack is worse
Is risk of rain even fun alone? Should I skip straight to ror2? Or is the original worth it? I don't wanna play a clunky piece of junk
Did they ever release that artificer schoolgirl mod?
I use parts of existing figures as the base, and 3d print when I need a custom part.
Artificer is a spidergirl figure painted black, with apoxie sculpted parts (her tunic, the rings around her arms and thighs) and 3d printed parts (all of her shiny white gear). Her skirt is cotton with jewlery wire sewn into the border to allow me to pose it like it's flapping around
pirate it, easiest pirate there is and you can join lobbies with pirated version
>modding in an enemy
Waste of time desu, I just add bandit whenever the game updates and then I play him.
RoR1 is perfectly fine playing solo. If you play with Yea Forums rules on multiplayer, it's more of a party game than a co-op roguelite.
RoR2 is objectively better with multiple multiple and can be pretty empty with just one person. I don't understand the antagonism since they're really two different types of games at this point.
Buffed Engineer mines are fucking sick. They literally drop imp overlord from extremely dangerous to "Unhappy accident waiting to happen"
maybe, i automatically mute all games' music as soon as i first launch them so i wouldn't know
Did I miss something? What is smash faggotry doing in ror threads?
Risk of rain is still totally fun alone, but more fun with friends. You should play it for the music and art, at minimum.
Loader is mostly smashed together figures. His torso is a stormtrooper, his legs are from Kylo Ren with kneepads from some halo figure. His helmet is my own design, based on face shield/hard hat combos, which is printed. His mech arms are from a world war robot figure (3a toys, got those parts camping ebay) and they socket into a backpack I modeled and printed. And the rollcage is from a funko power loader toy.
HAN-D is almost entirely 3d printed, save for his joints and hands (also from a 3a figure)
That's pretty autistic but you do you mate
But are people even still playing it?
EU monsoon
Very cool. Custom /toy/ shit is the best.
Honestly I think RoR is pretty perfect and that RoR2 has a long way to go i.e. both of Merc's new skills being inferior to his defaults, worse OST, worse thematic cohesion (so far). What are your issues with it?
Yea Forums rules? I'm assuming they're autistic
It's more of a hardcore mode. It's actually incredibly balanced and well put together with tons of room for self-alterations to make it more or less challenging for oneself.
I love boomeranging that bitch with bandolier stacked 5 times and just spamming boomerang
after playing ror2, the sheer distance and amount of time to get from point a to point b in ror1 is really a huge drag, as is the requirement to kill every single enemy after the teleporter event; it's mostly tedious stuff like that
How do you even do 20 stages without dying?
Or even worse
20 stages as commando with no lunar item
RoR2 is better in every way autists accept it. Your bullshit ugly indy shit lu retro XD pixel shit was bad and now its finally a game people who have seen vaginas can enjoy, instead of an autism corral.
yeah i am autistic, music is super distracting to me
still open for 3 :(
Anyone want to play Risky rain 1?
extremely easily
Reminder Yea Forums rules only exist because basic RoR IS A BAD FUCKING SLOG PIECE OF SHIT GAME.
Yea Forums hates fun and thinks Command is bullshit
Ehh those things don't bother me much. It achieves much more than little things like that to drag it down for me in the face of Commando's useless grenade, vagrants and the alloy/solus units having a fatal issue where mercs can bully them into the ground for instant, or two hit deaths; RoR1 is just overall a much better game than Risk of Rain 2 as it is right now. Only thing Risk of Rain 2 has over 1 is that 2 is very pretty. Very pretty indeed.
No its a shit game for retards.
Malachite does aoe or poison or some shit.
The other one does aoe invisibility.
What does celestial do tho?
Have they added the final boss yet? How many stages have they added since launch?
Kinda got tired of running the same 4 stages and bosses over and over again.
Play on drizzle for that.
New third stage, new fourth stage, no final boss, but two new bosses to coincide with the new stages. New enemies, new items, etc.
>trying to do merc achievement
>don't even play merc but I want my logbook full
>one wisp spawns in while i'm in my iframes move and snipes me for 3 dmg
>Quit to Menu and try again
Yeah fuck this autistic shit
after playing ror1, the sheer distance and amount of time to get from point a to point b in ror2 is really a huge drag, as is the requirement to loot every chest while the teleporter is inactive; it's mostly tedious stuff like that.
>first time playing Loader
>find focus crystal printer
I hope this works as well as I hope it will, because I got 25 of em
I dunno, I think it's fun. It's easy to make yourself different enemies with the console. Clay man is hard to play as since he's very weak and has only a basic slash attack.
Thanks man. I'm still working on more characters, albeit slowly.
It takes a huge amount of time to cover distance in RoR too
>Only thing Risk of Rain 2 has over 1 is that 2 is very pretty.
Or that doesn't feel like dog shit to play unlike RoR
RoR2 is actually far easier to navigate than 1 with surfing terrain being possible. And if you're looting every chest in the very first loop, you're absolutely playing wrong. Rush TP, buy afterward, move on.
Okay so what are the rules?
There are 8 stages now as well as the option to choose at the bazaar. As well as the Gilded Coast.
Is loaders alt skill just straight up upgrade? the only down side is that you can't swing around small flying enemies.
Gotcha, I may do a few merc runs again just to scratch the itch. Least it doesn’t look like the games to far off from being complete
Just play RoR2 ignore RoR1 autism shit game played by shit people.
You think so? The larger pool of more useful items says otherwise.
Pic related.
I had an overloaded imp overlord spawn in on the current prismatic seed. It was only once and on the only run where I popped a newt portal on stage 1
Might be something to look into if you want the Mul-T skill
Nice autism reddit chart.
RoR is for bug chasing trannys.
Man I was right. That is autism. I guess I'll try it though I guess. How does multiplayer work in this game? I have to input some code?
Just get the two topaz brooch on first stage. Second stage get the preon from timed box and use the topaz brooch printer for 9 brooches. It's easy
No sense in setting up for multiplayer unless someone hosts. The rules are just fine played singleplayer.
user why do you hate the original so much? you sound like worldsperm in monhun threads and it makes me not want to take your advice. Give detailed opinions based on facts, you autist. Anyone can say "ooga booga this good that bad reeeee"
So does anyone know if there's any bypasses for the 100% challenges? Does barrier mean you're >100% HP or shields?
Saw some conflicting things regarding the challenges and shield in earlier threads
So nobody plays multiplayer anymore? I guess that's to be expected. Guess ill just play it alone
>every time a lewd mode is shown to be made, the creator fucking disappears
That's what I've been trying to do. Always get chip damage from a wisp though. Just fuckin sucks losing 3-5 minutes worth of effort because I mistimed a shift or ended up slightly too far away from a wisp. The last try I was shifting on a golem and a wisp spawned in and sniped before I could even get to it. This is stupid
alright listfag, it's time to stop when you have to reference your samefag trolling in other threads
The only way you can do it is stack barrier. If you use transcendance and take damage, you lose period
plays like shit, is 2d (SHIT), crashes every third ability, has hella item bloat, less interesting characters other then Chef and Poison dog, ugly as sin pixel shit art, the majority of characters have an ability you will never use, controls are shit game is shit.
But he posted it
is the loader "significantly more damage at higher speeds" shit bugged? I do 2k damage with a normal punch, and going as fast as I can with a grappling hook I barely deal 3k damage. I get that's a 50% increase, but for the amount of time it takes to set up that punch it doesn't really seem worth.
Darn, thanks for the tip though
RoR1 hosts are few, but they're around. We had some games in the last 5 days. Good luck. It's really gonna kick your teeth in the first dozen or so runs.
RoR1's teleporter event was more fun than RoR2's. I don't like being tied down the one little zone of the map once I start hitting end-game mobility because there's rarely any action that goes on outside the TP zone.
>plays like shit
How do you figure?
>crashes every third ability
Not so.
>has hella item bloat
Definitely not. For normal vanilla play, you're pretty much guaranteed to get a useful item no matter what.
> less interesting characters other then Chef and Poison dog
Less interesting compared to what?
> the majority of characters have an ability you will never use
What abilities from who?
>Controls are shit
You can rebind them.
I'm not listfag and anyone with a brain would realize listfag is a falseflagging worldsperm. I am an oldfag though and world unironically destroyed monhun threads despite the quality of iceborne. Anyway, that stuff is off topic in this thread. If you cant explain why ror1 is bad with facts, shut the fuck up
Buying Gunner drones can help you out with the aimbot wisps and removing aggro in general. There's 3 in the first stage
negative int reply nice try tranny.
sure thing listfag
Thanks for that tip. I've been only grabbing the one gunner drone in a cave. Just found another one in the pit at the bottom lol
Risk of Rain is shit you should just accept it. Its a trash game that autists litterally had to fix with a set of rules (litterally becoming niggers on par with Smelly day players) and now you cant let your garbage game die and smear your shit all over RoR2 threads.
What do you mean by item bloat? The glitches don't sound too good though. Are they really that common? And you can't remap controls?
I just asked 20 minutes ago if anyone wants to play ror1 (i can host) and only reply i got was from retard.
>Everyone calling loader a her
Did devs outright call it a her or is Yea Forums full of faggots
You can rebind controls. The glitches really aren't that common.
Devs. It's on her overview tab.
The devs made it clear ror2 loader is a woman. Also gearbox she her girl powaaaaahd all the way through the stream for this patch
>Did devs outright call it a her
yes,check the patchnotes
I've never played the game, autist. Why are you replying to me if you don't know what I'm even asking about? Neck yourself
m8 you just put your server up and wait. This your first rodeo? I'd wait 20 minutes at a stretch while hosting RoR1.
U wot m8? Coving ground in the first game takes far longer.
Not first, usualy i get some replies and then host.
What's the appeal of Transcendance?
I don't really get it.
Fuck boomers, EU fags join up
You get some cute antennas
50% extra hp, it's amazing on runs where your healing sucks
Yeah, Loader's a girl.
She's a different character from ror1 Loader, though, before you go getting your panties in a bunch.
Did something happen with Rex? When spamming his M2, I swear his health stays much lower than it used to, and his heals seem much worse.
It's actually very easy. Try not to spend more than 3-4 minutes in the first three stages, while grabbing as much as you can on your way, and around the tele. The first three bosses should be pretty easy due to the timer difficulty being low. If you get outpost, grab the Preon. On stage four, buy everything as fast as possible, and get enough money from the tele to buy thr legendary chest, and you should be set.
A billion items that almost all do the same shit.
The only acceptable answer is fucking hot poo
The update reduced natural regen outside of Drizzle (it was originally 250% of what it was supposed to be), that could have something to do with it.
the regen nerf hurts Rex way more than other character
>Artificer is a spidergirl figure
>meanwhile asked modanon for Spider-Gwen skin for Arti because it's basically same character with few blue/purple dots here and there and he said "maybe someday after I'm done with brapmods, fat...thickmods, feetmods, lewdmods, etc."
Fuck this gay planet I'm leaving it.
>Try not to spend more than 3-4 minutes in the first three stages,
Are you saying per stage or in general only spend 3 to 4 minutes total in the first stages. Because I can't even kill the boss in 3 minutes if I rush it.
And then what?
I'm mostly having troubles on my 2nd or 3rd loop, there's a point where my damage falls off so much that every boss takes 10 minutes of kiting.
>being this buttmad he wants to turn every survivor into a girl first before he does requests for trash character replacements
What is wrong with you?
Fuck I wish we could get some official RoR figures
Confirmed. If you go to the Bazaar after first stage, the second stage boss is an imp overlord. Now to do it all again because apparently 30% health wasn't enough to insure a killing shot with bfg. Fuck these challenges bro I swear to God
Stacking it until quint-digit HP which instantly refills by just fucking off for a few seconds.
Rush all of the chests in every level. Don't sit around dawdling, constantly be on the move.
You don't have to rush the teleporter at the beginning to the exclusion of a bunch of items like retards here might tell you, but do try to be fast about it.
>Not just cheating the new stuff in
Whats the point a walking turret
it makes no sense
They're cute!
Addiction Awareness
How many Tonic Afflictions have you had today?
They deal more damage to compensate for the lack of bungus heals. But the AI is dumb, so it's irrelevant
yeah hopoo is a retard
Honestly I don't think I've gotten a single affliction since the patch dropped.
>follow user's prismatic trial advice
>still can't make it past 1st level due to constant spawning of wisps and golems sniping my ass
>doesn't go into detail of which crystal order to break so idk if I'm supposed to skip certain ones and backtrack
>not enough brooch or iframes to deal with all the projectile spam
fuck this gay shit this might be the first time I just edit the .xml
Benefit from goat hoof
Better survivability against certain enemies
Amazing with unstable tesla coil and frost relic
I don't get why people complain that they're weak
>first time
people have complained about every single new skill
"if I have to play differently it's bad"
thanks for the tip, I didn't realize you get a different version of the level if you go into the portal first
I want feel Loader's biceps
whats the consensus on the new skills? i heard merc's are mediocres, but how are commandos?
When did world wars 3-18 happen?
Hey guys I think I found a bug
I haven't tried it on any other character but if you are holding down attack with Mul-T's nailgun and activate the dragon egg you continue to shoot
>whats the consensus on the new skills?
haven't played the update yet/10 personally
Still feels weird having the space equivalent of a dockworker be a woman desu. She plays amazing though, so all's forgiven.
>grenades are fun but much less useful than suppressive fire
>shotgun is a must have
what the fuck did hopoop do i keep getting disconnected
>been playing loader for a few hours and just now realized you can charge her fist
alright now i understand why people say she's too strong
>second try
>get back to second boss
>get imp overlord to ~20% and save BFG shot until after teleport
>the fucker hits me with his daggers which then do overloading damage and almost kills me
>running away
>fucker finally teleports
>as the shot is charging up it starts recharging it's shield making the shot not do enough damage to finish him
>have a mini internal rage session but I can just kite him until it comes back up again as beetle guard and drones aren't doing any damage to him
>after 2 minutes of kiting BFG comes back up
>chip the shield down so the final blow will kill him for sure I can taste it
>gunner drones finish him off while second attempt BFG shot is charging
I'm done. How do I mod my save again?
What's the LORE of ror? I hope it's not one of those "games are like porn" meme games
Commando feels great with the shotgun. Easily shooting to my second most played character.
Does anyone have a picture of loader without her armor?
Finally made it past stage 1
Also fuck you I'm not a faggot, I'm just considering being a faggot
does loader have a cap on her charge?
Arti's new Mouse1 is utterly useless and if I catch any of you using it I'll flay you alive
Her new M2 is great so long as you learn to stop aiming at the ground
Her new R is great if you aren't confident in your ability to kill before being killed
Commando new M2 is a straight upgrade
Commando new R is actually worse than the default
Huntress new Blink is basically a straight upgrade, only downside is that you can't move upward with it
New Ult is strong but the cooldown is waaaay too long seeing as it can barely kill golems with all 3 shots
Mercs new M2 needs the launch strength adjusted some but it's a great way to stay in the air forever
Don't use the new R
MUL-T is still the strongest
The plant got utterly shafted
New engi turrets are worthless
His new Mine is a sidegrade in every sense of the word
Loaders alternate M2 is a straight upgrade
>alien entitiy (Providence) takes down a transport ship because it had technology from its planet on it
>you were on the ship for one reason or another and now have to fight your way to the wreck to escape the planet
>lmao lets go back and loot this fucker
Had this same realisation. Don't worry, we can be retards together.
>immediately go to character select
>read abilities
>it's literally called charged gauntlet
>this worthless opinion
thanks for giving me a chuckle
is the monologue in the description of brittle crown Providence's brother or something?
How do I edit my save to unlock the new abilities?
What's with the initially-neutral alloy unit that just dicks around doing it's own thing on the new level? It's there every time so it must be deliberate but it is different to the actual boss. What's what about?
How am i wrong?
Wtf I hate ror2 now
>Huntress new Blink is basically a straight upgrade
No, it's shit because of that reason.
>New Ult is strong
Also mostly garbage with the exception of being actually usable against flying shit. If hopoo wasn't a fucking hack and actually made the hitbox of the old r a cone instead of a tiny sphere it would have been strictly worse as well
t. huntress main
RoR1 is actually complete and has a little intro and a final boss, so we know more about it than RoR2's lore, but RoR2 takes place in the same universe.
I'm no expert on the lore, but I know the basic plot of RoR1. The Contact Light, a freight ship, crashes on an alien planet after Providence teleports on board and fucks shit sideways. Survivors land on the planet scavenging things that fell from the ship as they fend off hostile alien life as they use the planet's teleporters to explore the planet and look for the Contact Light. Eventually the survivors teleport into the contact light and find Providence in the control room. They kill Providence and take off, leaving the planet behind. Some survivors get a feeling they did something they shouldn't have and can't explain why there was a teleporter from the alien planet on the Contact Light. Most likely someone on the Contact Light stole the teleporter and Providence came to get it back.
No idea about the second one.
Is there any strat for getting the merc prismatic trial challenge done easily? or is it just wing it till it works
>or is it just wing it till it works
Isn't that everything?
I could tell by how you called spider mines a "sidegrade" that you're a worthless couch theorycrafter that thinks he'll have the time to lay out tactical minefields during a portal event, especially on the later loops, effectively invalidating the rest of your post since you're clearly just a drizzlet with no grasp of the characters
>be fast thanks to tonic
>use artificers jump
>launch sky high
>outside of the teleporter zone
>can't hit shit because you can't aim directly down
Just edit it in so you can see how much it sucks. Then you can be glad you didn't waste your time getting a shit skill you'll never use.
RoR2 is about Providence's sister doing shit
Well the prismatic trial has specific items and is always exactly the same till it resets, so there could be a strat for this weeks.
>the current prismatic trials has a shield at the start for the merc unlock!
Sure here, let me kill a motherfucking overloading teapot at melee range without losing one point of hp sure.
US East
New rex skill better or worse?
no thanks I'm good.
>Providence's sister
I hope she's hot.
If it's still up, the current prismatic trial has 2 golden topaz on the first stage, and a topaz printer on the 2nd stage. Use those to keep a buffer of barrier.
There's also a fuel cell and bfg on the 2nd stage for killing the boss quickly
just dodge it and use the BFG to kill it.
I didn't and I'm telling you it's not worth it. You will regret doing that challenge because what you get is garbage.
The 'advice' is to save up for the Big drone and let that and your queen kill it while you focus on surviving.
Where the fuck was that thing, I searched both maps and couldn't find it
holy fuck Loader is fun once you figure out she's basically just fucking Spiderman, swinging around with the hook and punching shit at the speed of light will never not be fun. Also shout-out to the user for that thicc mod that gives her abs and giant tiddies you the best.
dude theres always a timed chest in the snowy zone. its usually in a shipping container or ontop of the mountain with the antenna
>that thicc mod that gives her abs and giant tiddies
Wait hold on where?
First stage has a topaz on the bridge across from where you start and another in a multishop in the cave that is sometimes locked. Get those and the three drones (two are by cliff in valley, another by curve in the cave that leads up to the bridge). On stage two, there's the preon accumulator in one of the storage containers and a fuel cell right behind it on the spiral hill. There's also a topaz 3d printer in the cave. Just let the preon charge up to 2 then use it to kill the boss, which will be an overloading dunestrider. This is only valid through tomorrow night when the seed updates. Since the second stage is Raypoint Delta, you can do the same thing to get huntress' 0 damage skill.
Hot damn, that's pretty good. I wish I had more of these.
>There are beings that canonically understand how stupid Providence's protection of a death world was.
She seems pretty based. Still killing her.
I edited my save to have everything but the skins (obliterate on Monsoon) and any loader or commando challenges. I never cheated anything in this game. Every lunar coin I've spent I found in the world, but you can kiss my ass with this 100% shit Hopoo.
this one
>I never cheated anything in this game except for the stuff I cheated
Excellent summarization. I give you an A+
>Get enemies clustered up with Primordial Cube
>Charge fist
>Release cf
>Kool-aid man through them and get a huge amount of Debris Shield from it
>Basic attack until cooldowns are over and repeat
How long does it take for a reference to be made?
>One second has passed.
>Every lunar coin I've spent I found in the world
wait don't tell me there's some kind of dogma against cheating in coins?
Per stage I assume. Generally you wanna be in Stage 3 before the 10 minute mark, whether you want that chest or not.
I did the exact same thing. What an idiotic idea to make the challenges so difficult, like hell I'm going to waste my time trying to do a Prismatic Trial as Merc without taking damage for one lousy downgrade. Leave the bullshit challenges for the skins, the skill unlocks should be moderately difficult at worst.
>anons desperately trying to justify cheating
might as well play on drizzle lmao
cheating is cheating
I love grappling bosses and treating it like a good Attack of Titan game.
Where is the big drone at? I can find it if I go to the shop but not on the vanilla run.
>her special...doesn't work in the kit at all
Friendly reminder you can use her special as a grapple point that you can personally place.
>reach the new forth level (Siren's Call)
>find and destroy all the egg nests
>shoot the spawned boss to death
You have to eat the eggs
>play on drizzle
>if the 4th stage is sirens call, destroy blue eggs
>you'll get a message that says "Whirring in the distance"
>the next one you destroy will put "Whirring is louder"
>defeat boss
Break a few eggs
wtf bro open that shit up
She has fucking tits and a waist like a barbie doll.
woooooooow sorry to inconvenience you with playing a video game lil bro
just started
Do I have to do something extra to unlock the new skills? I was in the air for a good fucking minute as mercenary and I didn't get anything new when I died.
Any host? Tired of these non monsoon, level after death, merc playing fucks.
How do I beat the third teleporter without healing even once? Do I really have to not get hit at all?
Is there a trick to using the egg equipment? You just float around taking damage for a weak ass explosion
Yeah justifying it is a waste of time. I cheated the stuff in because I wanted to and I can. In any game where I can take a shortcut or otherwise cheese something I will because I can
I find that while it may not synergize perfectly with the rest of her kit, it allows her to ignore smaller floating stuff like wisps and vultures and focus her attention on the big guys. Also sometimes when you don't have something above you to swing off of throwing the pylon helps a lot (like in the plains or rallypoint)
Natural regen is fine, just don't pick up healing items.
alright, it is open
Don't pick up healing items
>the way to unlock loader is to crack a few eggs
we really aren't getting chef are we?
Standing on monsters doesn't count, you may have clipped a wisp or something. There's a geyser on titantic plains which you can whirlwind spin repeatedly onto, someone around here made a webm doing it.
i just find it funny that people are looking for validation by posting about it in the thread
Programmatically how hard would it be for hopoo to lock save files so you can't just notepad in whole achievements? Couldn't they just generate a hash for the save file and compare it on game startup or something?
from my experience if you kill something on contact it extends the duration so you can fly around pretending to be a missile and kill wisps. It's not the best item but it's kinda fun. Also helps for characters with poor mobility like commando and mul-t.
I mostly use it as a mobility tool to climb up cliffs/cross big gaps or gtfo from messy situations
What do Celestine elites even do? At the very least they're not one-shotting me like Malachites.
we actually saw it last night during the 10 man runs, but last huntress alive couldn't get to it before getting nuked
great job user. Now do it again with huntress for her new R and with MUL-T for his alternate M1. (For MUL-T you can take damage but you gotta go to the bazaar in between the levels to get the Imp Overlord to spawn on Rallypoint)
Here's how, and be fast you have like 30 hours before a new trial starts:
>start trial
>immediately turn 180 degrees and zip across to the bridge
>buy topaz brooch from the shop that's there
>jump down and go into the 'secret' room that's not always there
>buy other brooch
>break time crystal in there it explodes on death so finish it with shift or R
>break time crystal outside
>go through cave tunnel to buy a drone
>go up and buy gasoline and break final crystal
>do boss
>grab ALL items
>level 2
>immediately break time crystal where you spawn
>leg it to the cave on the right and print all your items to topaz brooch
>run down to shipping containers to get preon accumulator
>go up spiral cliff to get fuel cell
>go back to printer opening chests along the way
>print until you have 7-8 brooches
>go break time crystals for money
>save up around 600-700 depending on how fast you were first stage
>buy big drone by teleporter
>make sure you have healthy shields BEFORE buying drone or it will kill everything you try to gain shields from
>start teleporter
>fire two BFG's at boss for 80% of its health
>stay far away as drone finishes the job, you don't need to stay in the circle for a trial, just kill the boss
There. It's a lot easier than it sounds.
>tfw did the trial
easy desu
On the small raised square walkway in the middle of the map, closer to the cliff then the water. Its surrounding the 'speaker'
use it to gain vertical height or simply explode it with E and do damage,
Who do you think Loader was based off of in the first place?
They have though.
They actually make you play the game instead of just sprinting around immortal fungi fused tanks.
What's the point? Cheaters will just cheat engine everything in anyway, so why go through the effort?
Since we can repair drones that have died I think it would be neat if we got a drone centric character his passive could be as simple as being able to see downed drones within a certain radius that increases very gradually with levels
>kill sticky bombs
>kill health regen
>add a challenge to do 20 stages as commando without lunar items to unlock a dogshit grenade
>add new overpowered character with turbo mobility that deals the single highest damage ability in the game which coincides with scorched acres' changed items to deal damage depending on your ability's damage instead of your base damage
>I never cheated
>but I cheated
what a fag you are, just admit it's cheating
What if they made it so that if you are dashing, and you take an action that interrupts your dash, you start dashing again once that action is over?
You know, like a sensible game with a sprint button that works on a toggle.
just get the preon lmao
Yeah, wait until they nerf her too.
Hopefully they're just trying to find a good balance and aren't being anti-fun faggots.
>>kill sticky bombs
>>kill health regen
Her fist damage falls off really fast, if they nerf her she will be unplayable after first loop.
dont forget about introducing guillotine in the same patch as sticky nerf, an item that much more overpowered than stickies
she's not OP
>an item that much more overpowered than stickies
t. never found an OG sticky printer
OBEN 5/10
Have you ever found a guillotine printer?
when? and did they just say "who cares, deal with it" I assume?
Oh shit, how did I not realise this?
I'm glad original loader got to go rebuild his life away from that hell planet.
>join multiplayer game
>leave after first tele
yes, and it's no point stacking them past 6-7 because they soft-cap. stickies never capped at any point and the damage got so fucking ridiculous the more you stacked
post pics
>stacking increased proc rate AND damage
too good for this world
Loader's R is weird. She's a melee character but then she has an AoE laser turret. Its useful but it feels like Hopoo couldn't figure out what to give her and settled on this.
you can easily find 6-7 whites of a kind in a printerless run, making all elites oneshots
stickies took a bit longer to reach their full power
>Critical stickies proc'd further stickies which in turn might be critical and proc further stickies
EU lobby, NA fine
It's useful as a grapple target and multiple can be out at once if brainstalk or bandolier proc
I wanted to make the point that I've never felt the need to cheat anything in, not even lunar coins which everybody I encounter seems to have edited in. Locking most of the content in the update behind onerous challenges was just stupid. Risk of Rain 2 is full of stupid decisions desu
Early Access build
>sticky bombs are scaling too much and double-triple-quadruple dipping crits
>solution in Scorched Acres...
Scorched Acres
>yeah we nerfed the shit out of stickies but we created another problem with our overtuned malachite elites so we added guillotine
>guillotine is a common item and introduces new problems in that it trivializes non-malachite elites and makes the meta GET GUILLOTINES AND WIN
Sirens Call
>ok we've made guillotine a rare and added in a new level of elites even harder than malachite
>but haven't tweaked malachite even though we've effectively gotten rid of a way to deal with them in a timely manner
>oh btw we just realized you have 250% more health regen than you should have on rain/monsoon even though we've supposedly designed everything around that and playtested with it, fixed and monitoring :^)
Meanwhile Commando's base kit getting worse and less viable with every patch and the patch and Rex who was more challenging to loop with than any other character besides Commando got nerfbatted hard by the regen changes. Don't even get me started on how you might as well quit to menu/desktop if you don't get some specific items in stage 1 or 2 on Monsoon
how do I unlock guillotine? I always see people talking about it but I've never seen it so I assume I dont have it unlocked
>making all elites one-shot
lmao they cap at around 70%. meanwhile, EVERYTHING got one-shot with a bunch of stickies, including elites. old stickies were fucking busted
its a great anti air field, something melee units usually have big problems with, so I'm not gonna complain about it
plus you can grapple it
I wonder now, what if you remove the cooldown on the Loader grapple?
kill 500 elites across all runs
It's not hard (as a software engineer) but what's the point? It's not a competitive game, so as a developer, what do you have to gain by locking that shit down? Even cheaters bought the game, and I'd much rather have a game that everyone can freely mod and enjoy than a game that is locked down just to stick it to lazy people.
Sure, it is lame that people cheat, but ultimately all they are cheating is themselves, out of the challenges and fun of unlocking stuff naturally.
Haven't played since the game came out
2/4 join immediately
Commando is at his most viable since launch stickies right now given his shotgun and the fix to his default R.
>But muh phaser
Shut up. Shotgun is more fun.
Lmao based
Can someone tell me if transcendence works for the Mercenary challenge? I heard it disabled the huntress challenge, I just wanted to know if its the same for the Mercenary.
Loader + Backup Mags is super fun, reminds me of spiderman 2 on the PS2.
the new elites are pushovers, and commando is better than ever
that said, I've unlocked everything except the new equipment since we're story swapping
also you're right about monsoon, fuck hopoo
it's the same, doesn't work
Why do cheevo hunters feel the need to justify arbitrary challenges?
EU lobby, NA fine
We need one more.
Can you join ours instead of 2 different lobbies?
3/4 join immediately
mama told me to never answer a question with a question
tfw no thicc buff mommy to hug me
Merc's got one too.
But she's flat.
just had my first run since the update and played merc, very first chest i got was shattering justice, second was afterburner and then i got a bunch of these focusing crystals (idk if they're good or not? are they just a flat damage buff within melee range?)
I did dream of wind in the bazaar and got the new level, didn't get new boss though - are there any secrets on the stage? dashed around everywhere but couldnt find shit. Also dream of fire just gave me the usual last stage - what would have happened if i just went to stage 4 like normal?
Alright, thanks.
Ten man Risky 2. CTRL+alt+~, connect
Very quickly testing out a "glass" mode thanks to an user who pointed out that stacking two shaped glass = 400% damage, -100% health. Enemies drop chests upon death. Probably just gonna loop once.
how do I
here's merc. Not sure if this is the same user who did the huntress mod but it doesn't seem like her model is changed.
Find bird nests in Sirens Call and break five or six of them. Then fight an easy boss with stupid high health to unlock Loader, who turns the game into Spiderman.
Main menu and do the thing I said in the post.
I think the new one blows, but then again I think I mostly used the old one to get to high up shit, and less for actual dodging
>There isn't any downside
did you even try it? you can't move vertically anymore
Focus crystals are like A tier on melee, why wouldn't they be lol. They're a flat +15% dmg to nearby enemies for every crystal you have
oh those eggs that explode like barrels?
i thought i must have killed 6 of them but i guess not. cool.
how about the dream stuff? not on the wiki as far as i can see
just do it yourself dummy
how hard is it to make 3d models for unity anyway?
>monsoon is now dramatically easier than rainstorm
Fucking hopo doesn't play test this shit do they?
The dream stuff is you selecting the next map. You pay lunar coins to set the next stage, instead of it being random.
Then I also recommend the following:
Titanfall 2 (online only, sadly)
Apex Legends (as Pathfinder)
A Story About My Uncle
and obviously the new Marvel Spider-Man game for PS4
Haven't played much of Windfall or Bionic Commado, but those're supposed to be swinging based games too. Would not recommend Energy Hook, it's absolutely empty.
i didn't know the math on them yet, have the wikis been updated or where are you getting the info from? Shattering seems nice for early game but i feel its one of those items that falls off late game because you're either one shotting everything or fucked
what the fuck are you talking about? do you have brain damage?
>Didn't realise the 250% health regen was on higher difficulties
Yeah, they clearly only play on Drizzle.
i've gotten all of them except that one
thats fucking garbage why would you ever pay 3 coins for that? For the legendary chest on 4? I'm guessing the new map doesnt have one. Is there any reason to go to the new map outside of content unlocking? Seems shortsighted
Whats in the new update anyway?
is that everything? breddy gud update
how do you get multi-person mods working? all the ones I've found haven't updated since before last patch
hell even BepinExPack hasn't updated on git yet
I haven't played in months and now see a new update has dropped.
What are the significant changes? Will I get bored in an hour?
Its basically the same at this point except you get better items on monsoon. The 250% health regen didn't matter at all that much on monsoon before, but really made a difference in rainstorm
We could, if we beg hopoo hard enough. I really want some shirts or something, I'd be autistic ebough to wear them in public so long as they don't literally just say risk of rain on them or anything, fuck shirt companies that do that
For avoiding scorched acres
>you get better items on monsoon
no you don't lmao, what the fuck are you talking about? it's objectively harder because the difficulty ticks faster
oh its every stage not just stage 4
fair enough. yeah fuck scorched acres
its pretty but the layout is fucking terrible
would be cool if we had >sniper
They added Loader, who is fun
> Passive: Damage dealt with fists is returned as Brooch armor
> Primary: Swipe. Lifts you upwards slightly when hitting airborne enemies
> Secondary: Pylons. Float in the air and deals damage to nearby enemies. Can be grappled
> Grapple: Grapple. Rather than functioning how it does in ror1 where it pulls you directly towards your target, you can use it to swing around. All other attacks can be used while grappling.
> Ultimate: Zoom Punch. Deals heavy damage and launches you across the fucking map
Rely on her ultimate early game and buff your attack speed so that swipes take over for dealing damage. You can become fucking invincible against fat enemies and it makes quick work of common mobs.
Yeah you get better shit faster with more and bigger spawns
You should be able to pilot small, weak drones while dead
lol that loader looks like she's wearing her underwear on the outside, wish there was a version with her regular clothes
>Is there any reason to go to the new map outside of content unlocking? Seems shortsighted
Alloy Worship Unit guarantees red drops upon death. The thing is also food for Loader's M1 when you buff the speed a bit.
>Zoom punch to deal a bit of damage and get on top of it
>Armor maxed out in a couple of seconds
>Strafe around its head to avoid projectiles
Easy Red
no you don't, the price of chest increase with difficulty. you're just plain wrong about this, monsoon is objectively harder
There is.
the cost difference is negligible
So which skills actually make characters better or are direct upgrades. I only have a few