Oh boy lads. Time for EU to fuck things up for everybody again. Forget Steam, if this dissipates to the rest of the digital marketplace then we're heading straight towards a Grade A clusterfuck.
Oh boy lads. Time for EU to fuck things up for everybody again. Forget Steam, if this dissipates to the rest of the digital marketplace then we're heading straight towards a Grade A clusterfuck.
Other urls found in this thread:
Ive heard Paris looks like Pakistan
I don't wish to read that massive wall of text. Please explain briefly to me why they want to make the resale of game licenses legal? Do they want to make the consumer-to-consumer sale of movies legal too?
>B-but at least its the government fucking us over and not muh companies!
lmao I bet Commies are defending this
cant wait for gaben to just outright disable steam for that entire commie shithole
>We can resell a cartridge, a tangible support, why not an access to Steam?
>Problem, Valve prohibits the resale of the account
>resale of the account
it's nothing
You can’t force a pizza store to refund you a pizza if you ate all but one slice of it.
So why should Valve refund your money if you already played a game to nearly completion?
>Please explain briefly to me why they want to make the resale of game licenses legal?
Because they're literal boomers who think digital = physical.
This will easily get reversed then, right? No way these old corpses can be this dumb.
this isn't about refunds, it's about reselling stuff
this would also immensely fuck over places like itunes and other digital media selling sites though, so I doubt it'll go anywhere
The EU is literal cancer: More at 11
Are these people retarded? This'll just make publishers double down on subscription services and "video game rentals".
In the short term sure it might be cool to sell the game you bought but in the long term I can only see a horrific future where customers are further fucked. WHY CAN'T THESE FUCKING COMMIES GET ANYTHING RIGHT?
>Americans storming in this thread and shitting on based Europe
Lmao you guys like it to get fucked in the ass it seems.
translate, I dont speak omelette du fromage
Lmao the valve shills are at full force
>GladiumTonitrua !!zcFZLXRSEqn
grea, now fuck off
>Actually defending the idea that you don't own a digital game you buy
What planet are you from
>Believing pol lies
The EU being literal cancer isnt a pol lie though. Its reality.
>NOO GABENS 30% AND MY GREAT SUMMERSALES WILL SHRINK (that arent great since 2012 )
Canmot wait for the forced stuff where i can finally sell all my shit game and never bother seeing them again.
What's the problem? It's a replenishable product.
It makes no sense to create licenses and region locks, nothing more than amoral made-up restrictions to duct tape a shaky business practice.
The High Court of Paris isn't the EU court it's essentially the French Supreme Court.
Based EU holocauting the jews again
>tripfag is so retarded he can't into english
How surprising!
Americans literally choke on big corporation dick and say "thank you, sir" after swallowing. Truly the most submissive subhumans we've seen walk the face of the Earth.
>Within clause 4, relating to player behaviour, the publisher reserves the right to sanction a player for breach of the "common sense" rules or the "basic rules of behaviour". He can then terminate the contract, the player loses his virtual items.
>These provisions were not considered sufficiently clear for the courts. They "do not allow the consumer to determine when his or her behaviour (online conduct) would be considered inappropriate".
If I eat a pizza, it's gone. If I play a game, it's still there.
So the developer/publisher loses nothing if I sell the game I played to a friend. They can profit off their copies which they have an infinite supply of.
>consumers bad
>soulless corporations good
They're right, it's typical legalese and was promptly BTFO. Europeans don't like having to pay legal consultations to partially understand a EULA.
Here we go again with the retarded food analogies
Both to co-workers who went to Paris in the last two years got mugged. One was “sold” a keychain for 70$ American.
This will just push forward even more anti-consumer practices you dumbdumbs. I know DRM and digital ownership is already in a bad spot but opening up the idea of an aftermarket after the industry has entrenched itself so hard in its silly ways will just throttle us forward to the glorious purely subscription age.
Rest in piss steam
Valve and the publishers could also get a rake off of the proceeds if people sold their games through the market place. But this will just allow you to sell your entire account without breaking Steam's rules.
Finite subscriptions will probably become the norm anyway, as big publishers seek to create cloud based games, and more "service" games. So if this doesn't get repealed, indie devs will probably be the only ones impacted.
Let people gift up games already in their library, then force them to go to reseller sites like g2a if they want to sell. Doesn't say that steam is forced to be a reseller
>the publisher reserves the right to sanction a player for breach of the "common sense" rules or the "basic rules of behaviour"
These are made intentionally vague for the publisher to determine but that leaves the player at a severe disadvantage and cannot properly determine at what point their ownership is at risk. This is an issue
Gotta love all the threads complaining that governments actually regulate filthy corporations.
Its the reason we aren't screwed completely yet.
Why the fuck would they force users to use a different website when they could tax sellers with a resale service?
french consumer associations are based
So I could buy a game on sale, then potentially resell it during time frames where it's not on sale? Sounds pretty good to me.
>consumer rights are bad if it negatively affects a company i like
keep sucking that cock
The french government, and especially macron, don't give two shits about the general populace
i don't understand
how can you resell steam games
Because it might sound like they're giving power to consumers but in truth it'll just push corporations to jew us further.
This entire law will only affect indie games the most once most major publishers pivot towards rental services. And in the end it will just lead to even flimsier digital ownership in the long run, not just in video games, but on all fronts.
Valve will have to either adapt every contract or make an appeal.
>all these government bootlickers in this thread
You guys are about 50-100 years too fucking late.
Stalin, Hitler, Mao, and Pinochet could have really fucking used people like you.
Model citizens for their regimes.
Just like real life, but with Steam's marketplace.
>put game on sale
>valve and publisher takes they part of the money
>seller loses access to the game
>buyer don't get "online SERVICE" key since seller already used it so can only play offline
And eventually publishers will sell "online SERVICE" keys separately for people that buy used games.
>Pictures are total lies, everything is photo shopped by /pol.
Or just region ban the baguettes.
>sell your entire account
What's the problem? Why would I have to pay a publisher tax like they're some sort of government body?
This is litterally an awsome thing.
Wtf you niggers are on ?
>that arent great since 2012
they werent any better back then.
This please.
I was just about to ask why nobody has pointed out the obvious response. Valve would simply cease doing business in France, if it came to this. It would be the less financially damaging option for them.
what does it mean
will I still be able to buy cheap steam keys from cdkeys?
France is part of EU mate.
yeah those riots, terrorist attacks and banlieue's are fragments of pols imagination
Settle down schlomo
I had a friend who got stabbed and his girlfriend never left the city
by EU laws you can't do that without bannig every other EU country
It's not that bad yet, but you'll go by the formerly "beautiful" parts of paris that look like homeless shelters that stretch for kilometers
Hey what do immigrants do when you accept millions of them and there already exists a housing crisis in the younger generation? Oh right, they go live on the streets. Well at least they look very tolerant surrounded by the homeless.
>believing media lies
You're just as dumb. You can watch videos of drive arounds of paris and notice the homeless fucking everywhere, now.
>riots and terrorist attacks
Like how usa was founded
How do you resell a digital game you own, and for that matter would you have to adhere to the current asking price or can you undercut?
>Fight piracy for ages
>Now want to force steam to add the possibility to resell games/accounts which has been proved to be worse than pirating, at least for physical copies
Are the frogs genuinely retarded?
why is Yea Forums against reselling games? isn't that supposed to be a good thing?
I'm just saying, in an ideal world, Valve would make it easy to transfer games and allow you to sell them through the marketplace. But the reality is that they'll just be forced to drop the clauses in the ToS that says selling your account is grounds for Valve to close the account.
Fine, Just wait a few more years until the EU finishes falling apart.
>Buying games online that other people bought and sold like a cartridge
Okay, I mean, it’s a simple idea but how would it work? Would you get those people’s save files and such because it’s THEIR original game or would you just get a copy of the game for a bit cheap?
Either way, if Steam has to do it every site has to and it’ll fuck up digital game sales.
How in the fuck would this second hand digital market place even work?
How does a regular consumer resell a digital game without it being considered an infringement of copyright law?
They're not, it's just contrarian teens
Yea Forums is full of corporate cocksuckers and contrarians who are desperate to "fit in".
>frogs showing its people that you don’t own digital cancer and that you’ll be better off buying physical for its resale value
I hope more countries follow-suit
just like it works now with steam items?
you just put the game for sale on the marketplace, set the price adn wait for someone to buy it
Valve would unironically have to let you retrieve your game key so you can give it to someone else. Or create a second hand system to undercut their own profit margins.
We don't like ameritards. That's why
should make it like selling a used laptop that hasn't been wiped: all the data is still there from the previous account , including payment methods for those stupid enough to not unlink it prior.
It doesn't work, And it's a fundamentally retarded idea.
You're basically re-selling your product key presumably, This all just seems ill-concieved.
ok muhammad
>buy physical
>it's a steam code inside an otherwise empty box
>you're selling a box and a code that will never work again
>french fag from france
>using "dématérialisés" instead of " non matériel "
>using "consacre" instead of " proclame "
god i hate theses fucking faggots
“Ameritards” are the reason why you still barely have a country, you retarded paki
Well what happens if Steam implements this? Does literally everyone else follow suit? Not just games but movies, music, etc.?
>but what about
The irony is that this is also true the other way round.
>reselling digital content
this will fuck up sales immensly
You simultaneously solve and exacerbate the piracy conundrum overnight
*laughs in gayben*
One country within EU doesn't dictate the course for all the rest.
>tfw eurocuck
>country not part of eu
feels good mane
Planet zoomer.
Videogame forums are a good vector of propaganda. Voting age is 18.
Is this supposed to be a bad thing?
I would love to be able to resell some of the games in my digital library, not like Valve loses any money on this.
The idea is neat but I feel this is a real shitshow to implement. Did these frogs even consider how many fucking dumb ass hoops and loops would need to be placed for such a market place to exist?
Does their ruling state that sales have to be made at lower than current price? Considering the nature of the store, it wouldn't make any kind of sense for them to allow used sales lower than their current market value because there's literally no depreciation ever. The only way to really do it would be to allow users to sell their keys at full value to other users interested in taking part in such a transaction. This would fulfill valve's obligation to allow game resale
So they're making a caliphate in your country, but that's okay because that's how the USA split off from Britain?
>we may get to resell digital games and tank the digital sales industry
I see nothing wrong with this. This sounds awesome
imagine if you can sell unwanted game licenses at the steam market with reasonable limits. that would be cool.
How is not being able to resell software licenses a bad thing?
All this means is Steam can't ban you for selling your account
>French supreme court is somehow the European Union
>Being able to sell your Steam account is bad
Why are yanks so cucked?
france looked better before the """allies"""came
Ultimately this is what will happen.
Steampass coming soon, you won't be able to outright buy any games now.
Wrong.It's not the supreme court.Valve can still makes an appeal. In the article,they said it was the "Tribunal de Grande Instance " (TGI) of Paris. If Valve appeals the decision, it will go on an Appeal court and THEN,maybe the "French Supreme Court" (Cour de Cassation)
If it's a big deal, steam will either institute it in a way that still leaves them out profitable (like the automated refund system that they cite any time you try to take advantage of EU consumer laws, most people won't put in the effort with the automated system and will just take a denial laying down instead of invoking their rights.
That or if it's really bad, they just shaft the entire country, like belgium's been getting with lootbox bans. They just straight up can't play half the games on the market because no one rebalances their shit if a person doesn't have access to loot boxes.
It's only a bad thing for Valve.Also it infringes on some copyright laws but those didn't make sense in the first place.
This, you just own mostly everything you want now. Sales are so incredibly frequent they are no longer special.
Is 60% of this threwad made up of retards?
This would be very easy to implement on Steam, just make it possible through the marketplace and remove the game like you'd remove an inventory item.
Valve does not lose any money on a resold game, nor do publishers, stop being moronic.
And even if they did, who gives a fuck? Consumer rights are more important than any company's bottom line.
They *are* retarded. Nothing good has ever come out of Paris.
>Are these people retarded? This'll just make publishers double down on subscription services and "video game rentals".
Doesn't matter if they double down or triple down because that shit will never catch on. People want to be in control of the shit they buy. They're waking up to the fact that online services are a scam.
They were. The issue isn't the games that were on sale. It's true most people have most games that they want. The issue is even new games got deeper discounts via flash sales, and flash sales in general provided deep cuts on a lot of games that people would buy on impulse. You'll never see a AAA game going for $5 on a nearly fucking 90% discount again. Eve
>thinking this hurts valve and not the publishers
honhon le retards
>you try to take advantage of EU consumer laws
But those laws don't apply, when you buy a product on Steam you agree to recieve the goods immediately thus forfeiting the 14 day cooldown period
based as fuck frogs
>This will easily get reversed then, right?
only if gabe sends them a check
i'm sorry but you are the retard
>Valve does not lose any money
just how stupid are you? getting any percent of 10 dollars or 2 dollars is less than 30 to 20 percent of 60 dollars
>this would also immensely fuck over places like itunes and other digital media selling sites though
Good. They should all get fucked. They've been getting a free pass for way too long.
When you buy a thing, that thing is your property. Doesn't matter if it's a physical object or a "license". And when it's your property, you can sell it forward. There is no valid way to argue this should be stopped.
valve will just make more buck off instore sales i just fear for potential sales mon amis
How do you resell digital content?
If it's trough steam, Valve woulds simply block your access to the game and transfer it to the new owner.
>And even if they did, who gives a fuck? Consumer rights are more important than any company's bottom line.
I wish more people understood this. Corporations are not good for you and do not deserve your defense of them.
You don't claim copyright when you resell a physical good, so selling a digital good would be no different.
By breaking every current copyright law put in place
Let's say Valve follows this.
How will the France/EU be able to convince the rest of the big wig corporations out there? How about Disney even?
I would fucking love to be able to buy prey 2006 on steam. I bought 4 god damned boxes and in all of them the code was used already. Thankfully chargebacks exist but man. Fucking scammers. All I want is a prey 2006 key for my steam account. Is it so much to ask? Even full price would be fine.
>Did these frogs even consider how many fucking dumb ass hoops and loops would need to be placed for such a market place to exist?
Doesn't matter. The corporation will have to figure out a way to get compliant in time or else their profits will start to get eaten by sanctions.
G2A have some
They were €2 (went up to €4 after their gay fees) so I didn't touch it
Why are you niggers focusing on steam?
EGS will also have to make it legal and they will not be able to do it
This is amazing news for everyone
>including payment methods for those stupid enough to not unlink it prior.
Yeah because that totally wouldn’t be a disaster or anything
The EU is a large enough market that most major international corporations will follow the law and probably implement an EU exclusive system to honour it.
The 14 day cooldown period applies to any product so long as you return it in original packaging and in marketable state. Which is by default with digital goods.
>Threaten so stop letting them sell to the EU.
>Big company obviously would lose fuck loads of cash from this and comply
Yeah that’s why EA is currently rubbing their new NBA game in everyone’s faces with actual gambling in it
why the fuck more rights for the customers triggers americans so much
Police should do video game buybacks to prevent incel shootings.
Subject to appeal.
Even if that fails, they can just pull out. And it won't just be valve - any digital marketplace with a similar licensing scheme would have to comply or fuck off, and I guarantee they're choosing the latter. France will lose all the digital game stores, any online store that sells digital music and movies(like amazon), etc.
So if you live in france, bet big on the companies that make CDs and blu-rays, I guess. Production's gonna be jumpin'.
because communism or something
Means less sales, more russian hackers trading shit, it's a nightmare for volvo
CDs still get made? What the fuck
It applies differently to digital goods. Once you receive the product you can't refund it. I forget which site it is, I think its GreenmanGaming? But once you click "reveal key" you can't get a refund any more. As the product is then "opened" or whatever and the cooldown period no longer applies
Why do you think you can get refunds blocked if you abuse the system? As far as EU law goes Valve are complying even without the refund system
Pretty sure with physical goods they have to be unopened too but I'm not 100% sure, I've only ever returned stuff that was faulty
Thats awesome, good for feance if they get rid of that cancer
Theyr economy would boom overnight as people stio spending money on american garbage
Because burgers are scared of having rights because they don't like the soviet union?
I don't understand it myself.
Because Americans don't see themselves as consumers but future CEOs.
>“Socialism never took root in America because the poor see themselves not as an exploited proletariat but as temporarily embarrassed millionaires.”
>― Ronald Wright, A Short History of Progress
Honestly won't this just push publishers to avoid game ownership as a concept even more?
Perhaps the green man gaming system can close the 14 day period. It's an illusion to deceive the common consumer. You can challenge them citing your EU rights and they will comply.
Obviously. If stadia sales are anything to go by
Why does Yea Forums lust after corporate cock so much? Explain why do you personally defend huge corporations on the Internet for free?
There one thing very good coming out of this, the platforms can't ban you for arbitrary reason anymore.
They currently don't have the tools to do that. Stadia maybe but then a government can regulate it as well. Easier to apply DRM to streams. You are right, the gov't just wants to transitively slip the concept of ownership from consumer's hands.
Implying the EU wont make streamed games be property too in a few years
>wanted to go to France my whole life due to Joan of Arc being our family's patron saint
>finally get to go
>visit her birthplace in Domrémy, it's small the people are kind and the land still beautiful
>Orleans is kind of loud but still ok
>decide to visit Paris
>smells, is ugly, trashed and tarnished and filled with arabs
>mfw Joan died for this
Kill yourself please and thank you
>le temporary embarrased rich man
g2a ripped me off over $10 on the african kingdoms expack for aoe2, and I'll never use them again for that. Fuck them and their dumb shield shit they use to inflate the cost and get you a real key instead of fake shit.
See the latter half.
I don't give a fuck about Valve or anyone's bottom line, I care about consumer rights, so I'm glad the French did this.
Of course.
It's why while I respect the idea I think it's horribly shortsighted of them to go for this.
And the worst part? This is the kind of shit that takes years to process and by the time Valve capitulates, every major publisher out there will have found a way to circumvent the ruling.
Sounds reasonable. If one day I decide I no longer want to play games, why should I be prohibited from selling my account containing 700 games?
>family's patron saint
What does that mean? Are you nobility?
Yeah because no longer selling anything will definitely save Valve more money than just allowing the resale of used games.
Some of the people here just love to suck corpo cock, don't know why.
Well yeah, there are homeless since there is a housing crisis in most of the western capital cities. If people weren't speculating so much on housing we would have it differently. Nowadays we have entire empty buildings because some rich fucks buy an apartment for their summer holidays or their kids to have one day, no upkeep, no nothing and one the other side we have people renting places by the day with airbnb at outrageous prices because it's just better business than to rent it the old fashioned way.
There is absolutely zero chance this nullifies companies' ability to offer software as a service.
You can't ban offering software on a license with stipulations. This is bullshit and will never go anywhere.
do tencent shill realize this will effect all stores
>the gov't just wants to transitively slip the concept of ownership from consumer's hands
You're on some real 5d chess shit with that logic. I'm impressed you managed to take a government going really pro-consumer to be a secretly anti-consumer move.
I have no idea what kind of thought process it takes for that to make sense and quite frankly I don’t want to.
Based, fuck copyright
They don't
They used too in the past but I guess they finally trained their staff properly as the time I tried that they wouldn't refund me (I knew I wasn't entitled to one anyway)
If you look pretty much every digital good store will have some variation of this when you are checking out. This is complying with the law, you have no rights to refunds. Iirc the only reason Steam even did the refund thing was a lawsuit in Australia
I paid for it so its mine
Don't do that
>Nowadays we have entire empty buildings because some rich fucks buy an apartment for their summer holidays or their kids to have one day, no upkeep, no nothing and one the other side we have people renting places by the day with airbnb at outrageous prices because it's just better business than to rent it the old fashioned way
It's not like that's any of your business what another human does with their money.
Goods don’t have to be unopened, how the fuck would you know if what you bought works otherwise. Just don’t destroy the packaging like a retard.
How do you own a the streaming service of another company?
Statistically, people who apply Occam's razor are much more likely and easily manipulated. Governments could have stimulated or regulated the gaming market in many different ways but chose this one at this moment. Why?
You literally cannot waiver EU rights away. I'll go and probe them this weekend.
Welp. Time to welcome streaming and subscriptions Yea Forums.
The poor in America are better off than the poor in the rest of the world. Also socialism never took root throughout the West as a whole and there will never be a worldwide revolution of the proletariat, get fucked.
I capture and save the stream. Totally fine since I have uhmmm 512MB of RAM so I swap to disk all the time. If they want to protect from this, they ought to apply cryptographic DRM (and they do).
STADIA CHADS RISE UP. Where were you when streaming games was the FUTURE
It has nothing to do with copyright, retard. Nowhere in the IP laws is it even implied that you can't sell digital products you bought. That's just something online stores decided on their own, and in fact turns out that was illegal.
>everyone else waits for steam to do something
>quick, copy the legalities valve used and copy what they did for their store!
some really capable staff working in these other digital storefronts and corporations
This is fine though? Why the shitposting?
Sounds great, copyright is cancer
Witness the big brain user in his natural state of thoughtlessness.
He considers nothing. He sees only 1 or 0. He applies a single factor to an issue and boldly issues his conclusions from it. He is free of the problems that come along with normal, three-dimensional thinking so common in his fellow human brethren. If ignorance is bliss, he should be ecstatic, and yet he is not even happy or content, and dwells in a world of infinite brick walls, constantly bumped into head-first.
You'd have to be a special kind of individual to think that there is a french government conspiracy to deprive you of your ownership of your videogames that is multiple years in the making.
The guys responsible for this don't understand videogames or how their decisions will impact the market, they just interpret the law.
>The poor in America are better off than the poor in the rest of the world
Some Catholics choose a specific Saint that houses more significance in their family than other saints, so they tend to pray to them more often than other ones
It fucking is when it impacts other people.
Part of it definitely is. Paris structurally is a mix of pozzy rich areas and ghettos full of niggers and gypsies.
I'm proud of being French, get fucked you corporations loving dumb fuck. If I want to sell my game I should be able to.
>reselling something you don't actually own by definition
Based retarded politicians once again proving they're stuck in the last century. At most it's going to lead to steam blocking that shithole and moving on.
The rights aren't being waved away, this is how they apply to digital goods. If you wanted Steam to have your 14 day cooldown period, it would need to have a separate button after where you click to receive the goods (like the other website I mentioned) before you can play the game, at that point the cooldown period ends and you can't get a refund
I mean look at this website:
>The 14-day cooling off period does not apply to all purchases. Some of the exemptions are:
>online digital content, if you have already started downloading or streaming it and you agreed that you would lose your right of withdrawal by starting the performance
>sealed audio, video or computer software, such as DVDs, which you have unsealed upon receipt
You could have found this out with a 5 second search on the internet
because supreme court decisions in EU usually means it affects entire markets, and a decision like this basically is a technological impossibility unless every single digital storefront colludes together for centralized storage/hosting/storefront.
tl:dr longterm consequences is there's only one market, and it's run by communists who are censorship happy.
>Governments could have stimulated or regulated the gaming market in many different ways but chose this one at this moment. Why?
Are you that stupid? Noone bothered to approach governmental bodies on their own behalf before. The guy that brought this to whatever judicial organ this is was doing it because some citizen approached him and the politician wants votes. Video games are also much more popular now than ever and that brings media attention so that means lots of votes. They're basically doing what citizens ask them to.
>The poor in America are better off than the poor in the rest of the world
I bet you actually believe this as well
>The poor in America are better off than the poor in the rest of the world.
That is absolutely not true unless you only look at third world countries.
Because France is a shithole country of boomers
>why can't i sell this house I'm renting??
>wtf stupid corporations
Each country in the EU has its own laws user
>Yea Forums has gone so contrarian they're corporate bootlickers now
>his'll just make publishers double down on subscription services and "video game rentals"
They are already doing that, they won't wait for consumers to have the hability to resell their games.
Imagine thinking having less power as a consumer will stop corporations from buttfucking you, imagine being this retarded.
Socialism never took off because a good percentage of people either served or had family members serve in the military. They had a carefully controlled source of (dis)information from a child's age.
Your society has been subverted since the hippy days and the war on drugs. Casual American culture bends the knee to LGBTQ+ and other cults to the individual. Time to go several steps down the Maslow pyramid.
I don't have direct proof but I can think like a CEO because I regularly converse with executives.
>The poor in America are better off than the poor in the rest of the world
>no healthcare
>medieval diseases coming back
Oh yes Im sure
Because companies will completely change how they operate as a result.
Either higher prices, or no option to buy at all.
So, they basically legalized piracy?
You an have free money (560€/month) a home in less than 2 months (if you're not picky) and free healthcare in France if you're homeless.
no retard, supreme court decisions in EU has ramifications across the entire EU.
How exactly does that impact other people? It's not really their place to beg for their money.
And I can just as easily ask you the same thing, Why aren't you giving your house away for free you prick? Retard.
If I could make a 1:1 copy of a house to place anywhere like TF2 engineer, I would sell it, yes.
The company might just change its operations EU wide because its easier. But France can't force its laws on the rest of the EU
Just like people are in control now? 90% of consumed media is from streaming doofus.
Fuck you commie bastard
>I don't have direct proof but I can think like a CEO because I regularly converse with executives.
So do I, I'm related to one and your idea sounds like a crackpot conspiracy theory.
Told you to stop trying to use the monkey paw retards, you're too dumb for it.
How do you enforce people reselling only one copy?
It's honestly much better than Londonistan.
I have concerns about the impact this would have on the price of video games.
Consider a standard game purchase on Steam right now. You pay let's say $60, Valve takes their 30% of that, and the game's makers get the remaining 70%.
Now consider a resale. The seller (you) has to get some portion of this. Let's say you can only resell games at their original price. You still want a part of that $60, otherwise there would be no point. This means that either Valve's 30% or the devs 70% would have to be reduced, in order to make room for your profit off it. So even in the most absurdly consumer-unfriendly setup, Valve and the devs are still making less money off this resale than they would off a standard purchase from the game's Steam store page.
The more profit the seller (you) makes, the less Valve and the devs make. In order to make up for the deficiency, the most logical thing for them to do would be to increase the price of games. This is not some "think of the poor corporations" bullshit -- this is going to translate directly to an increase in video game prices, which hurts the customer.
Someone please tell me there's something I haven't thought of, and that game prices somehow won't go up as a result of this.
Exactly and I am more inclined to have this prejudice than the government protecting my interests one.
> Get government involved because you're a fucking failure that can't control your purchase habits
> Get assraped in exchange
Great job retards
I hate london and think its the worst city in the UK, but this is absolutely not true. Paris is a special kind of awful.
Wow you're fucking stupid.
The analogy you just gave is tantamount to piracy. You don't own the rights to what you're copying and selling.
This particular law is making the argument that a digital video game is a physical product and that single instance of the game can be resold, not copied and the copies sold.
> hon hon hon le plebs think corporations will pay for it but instead the consumers will pay for it hon hon hon
>”And which of those do you actually own?”
Oh my god, you actually believe that. If America tried to do half the shit first world countries did to help poor people, Republicans would have a shit hemorrhage.
It's different to be sanctioned by normal courts, than it is to be fucked over by SUPREME courts.
Supreme court = ethical/moral/baseline rulings that affect ANY case which have similar proceedings, and any lawsuits or attempts to combat it will auto-default in loss in courts.
it's not about easy or not having to enforce "muh france laws", supreme court decisions in EU are across the entire EU, no matter which country they occur in, because supreme court decision affect life and law on core level of society.
any supreme court decisions in germany or france is more or less GG no RE in terms of every other country having to adapt or get penalized
That's 2k, stupid, and apehoop is mainly an Amerimutt sport, and Amerimutts are corporate slaves.
consumer should be allowed to sale the games they brought.
physical or digital
Games have been arbitrarily raising in price. This won't have such an impact. I wish I could resell at a fraction of the original value and keep 100% of the money.
If the prices increase even more people will just pirate.
service subscriptions for digital "products" should be banned right after, or right now too
>This particular law is making the argument that a digital video game is a physical product and that single instance of the game can be resold, not copied and the copies sold.
Really fiddling with the lock on Pandora’s box with that one
It would be both sides of the aisle if we're being honest here. Its crazy how narrow the spectrum is on american politics.
It wont change shit. It will just mean Steam wont be able to ban you for selling your account. It wont force them to let you sell your individual games
Good thing you can live in the countryside and enjoy all the good advantages of living in France. Meanwhile no matter where you go in England you'll still have shitty social rights.
Video game sales could literally halve.
Why would you click a button to buy a game for $60 2 weeks after launch when there's a constant stream of people reselling for $40 on a third party marketplace?
If I sell the game, I lose access to it. However, games are not banknotes and infinite copies can be made, so the publisher cannot prove he loses money with such a resale.
Ah. Forgive me. Still what the actual fuck?
Having empty places for years on end while people are freezing outside should be criminal. I'm renting a place and living in it, it's very different.
It's also moronic.
The market implications of this are so massive that I can't actually fathom what the landscape will look like if it ever does come to pass.
Because the resales may not have multiplayer features and such. I would be totally fine with this.
All the Vidya I own were bought with the free gibs the state is giving me for little to no conditions. Feel good to be a neet in the greatest country on the surface of the earth.
I'd be happier wageslaving in burgerland than have to live my life surrounded by frenchmen.
As it stands I'll continue to enjoy living in Scotland.
>infinite copies can be made
Whether by the company that owns the license or some gopnik in his basement, only now the laws will be extremely muddied
user, reselling games already exists. The prices are already "resellable friendly" (boxed copies being the same as digital ones in price) and have been rising either way.
>higher prices
This only affects the retarded "must buy everything at release" crowd, don't give a fuck really
>can't buy
So... Rent? This will only incentivize devs to make good games that you don't drop after a couple hours when you realize it's shit
Win-win for me
How can one resell a non-tangible item.
Okay but you don’t actually own your games though.
>you rent the game kek
You moron, nowadays, even the fucking physical copy you buy in stores are just codes for a digital copy. The whole "you rent the game now" is just an excuse for greedy corporates assholes. I pay for the game, and i'm owning it.
How do you "sell" it in the first place?
I don't see the problem. Company C gets game G bought once. Whether person P or person P1 is playing it does not matter.
Will consoles have to adapt now too?
Will I be able to resell my digital switch games?
filtered ;)
wtf I love the EU now
You're thinking of London. Paris looks more like Mogadishu
Legally? Be a corporation
Illegally? Whatever the fuck these French lawmen are trying to interpret
>eventually it'll sort itself out
> France
> 2019
> Not being a game over country
In theory yeah, but there's probably some stupid loophole or tickbox you'd have to click that would immediately invalidate all of your rights.
French people in the south-southwest are chill and easy to live with. And living in a tiny village is top tier.
>Having empty places for years on end while people are freezing outside should be criminal.
It's none of your business what people use that space for, That's the beauty of private ownership.
And it's not any different for you user, You could offer your place for some homeless people and pay their rent if you're so virtuous. You're not doing enough for them.
>I don't see the problem
Piracy would basically be legal and at the same time consumers would still get reamed up the asshole
>classifying puchase of licenses with no defined time limit = purchase of product
this will fuck up so many things, much more important than video games
It's like a sad joke at this point
No. You own a license, similar to renting.
> Filled with niggers and knife wielding moroccans
> Pay lots and lots of taxes
> Can't buy video games
> Can't sell video games
> Owning firearms is illegal
> Have to surrender your children to mandatory state homo indoctrination
What is the EU's end game? Make everyone unhappy?
This is really, really bad.
Imagine when the EU realizes half their systems are licensed software. Nothing says lobbyist pressure like providing the database services for half the departments of your country.
Again, licensed software is NOT GOING ANYWHERE. Ever. For better or worse.
Yes, and?
Why would it be? You sell a product and cease having access to it. Granted, I firmly believe all software should be free and open source software, otherwise we get into self-made conundrums like rigged supply/demand markets. If it were FOSS, there would be no proprietary EULAs to maneuver around.
How so?
jews already panicking
Many Americans think that when the government comes up with more regulations, it's solely to extort money from businesses. Megacorps have taken this notion and shilled it to include when regulations are put on morally dubious and legally gray practices that are 99 times out of 100 malicious, anti-consumer horseshit.
How the fuck would reselling digital games even work?
> I HAVE to buy their games, I HAVE TO, please government protect me from being a retard!!!
>I firmly believe all software should be free and open source software
Oh so you're a commie
Yup, I agree that I don't do enough for them.
Well, I'm sure Gaben will find a way to jew on resells anyway. Valve already takes a cut on market sales, nothing is stopping them from doing the same on game resells.
>I firmly believe all software should be free and open source software
And who would make this free software? Who would ensure the makers of this free software are housed, clothed, and fed?
Honestly I want to see Steam follow this so that everyone else follows suit.
It's going to be such a hilarious shit show for everyone involved.
France thinks this is just about vidya game ownership but once the ball gets rolling, they'll realize just how big of a headache this actually is.
Then worry about yourself and shut the fuck up about other people.
>pay full price of a game for a digital copy on steam
>oh wait you dont actually own it
>oh wait you don't actually control the means of its usage
>oh wait youre a fucking corporate slave
>oh wait youre defending this
Like always in the EU. some ancient bureaucrat invents some new fucking law not based on actual reality and it's up to everyone else to handwave together an interpretation.
It's funny how there's always that exception.
>AMERICA IS SHIT if you don't look at 95% of the planet
>Why would it be?
On the basis of how vague the law currently is. If it goes into effect you can state that you had a hundred copies of (new game) and they were sold “legally”
And this can go for practically everyone because again it’s incredibly vague on who would be punished
From a practical standpoint, it's a massive reduction in revenue, meaning (if unregulated) games will either become incredibly more expensive, subscription-service only, or F2P with micro-transactions.
If this spreads to other industries like music and movies I don't see the MAFIAA allowing themselves to take it up the ass.
>> Filled with niggers and knife wielding moroccans
Not in 80% of my country, again just avoid Paris and big gay cities governed by leftc*cks
>> Pay lots and lots of taxes
Not if you're poor
>> Can't buy video games
>> Can't sell video games
>> Owning firearms is illegal
Lmao, there's hunters everywhere and we're probably more armed than ameriburger living in libshit states like California
>> Have to surrender your children to mandatory state homo indoctrination
Nah, you can freely educate your childrens at home.
>What is the EU's end game? Make everyone unhappy?
To make amerimutts seethe
Uhh the developers are running solely fed and housed BY PASSION ALONE baka, obviously we consumers (neo-proletariats) deserve the spoils of the developers (bourgeoisie working class) for free.
It's less that people are opposed to it, it's more that there's no way in hell reselling a game will even WORK digitally. And that's what the baguettes don't get, they're demanding Steam to allow resales of things that are close to impossible to even be able to be resold in the first place. And let's face it, if they're gonna shit on Steamfor doing this, they might as well shit on all digital retailers for the same thing, because that Office copy you bought from Microsoft a year ago isn't resellable either.
Oh wow. An actual inceltoss comic that made me chuckle.
Lol why are people in the UK anti Brexit again?
>If I want to sell my game
That's not 'your' game though.
I support copyleft, yes. Evidently piracy exists and is not going away. It's a natural occurrence and only serves to remind people selling 0s and 1s is totally fine but enforcing some sort of supply chain on them is idiotic.
Anyone in the world can contribute to it. I contribute to a wayland window manager at the moment.
>housed, clothed, and fed?
Their employer. Some people get paid 6 figures to write for the linux kernel or its drivers, for instance. Free as in freedom, friend.
You can literally trace it all via receipts. Selling copies you didn't pay tax for would be a tax evasion felony, in the minimum case.
Free as in libre obviously.
>pay full price in rent for room of house
>wtf i bought this room, why can't i renovate the housr and sell the house that i now own
Are you jewish?
I'm loving how triggered all the corporatecucks ITT are getting.
Reminder that when white people finally fuck off this will only get worse, can't wait to vote for Warren so she can break up Facebook and Google.
But it IS specifically about digital video games, not sure what everyone here is on about other softwares.
>praying to Saints
>not praying with the Saints as conductors of the prayer
God fucking damn, do people not understand that shit is heresy?
That wasn't the deal back then. And fuck the DRM. This shit is pure cancer and i hope it will change.
>man that entire section of the world seems pretty awful to live in
>good thing I don’t live there
I’m absolutely frothing at the mouth
>t-this is bad, it will hurt gabe newell!!!
cope steamdrones
t. frenchchad
>Not just games but movies, music, etc.?
The digital market for movies and music has shifted over to subscription services. I guess you'll be able to resell all those individual .mp3 files you bought from Amazon, though.
Are you sure that's not the dilator tickling your pelvis?
Physical games can still be resold. Digital games can't. Digital games didn't adjust the price to account for this. This is a return to normalcy and sanity.
>pay full price for game
>you don't own it
How do we fix digital distribution?
I don't understand, the thread title implies that Paris approves of game reselling but everyone in this thread is negative?
well that’s to be expected
Getting refunds on digital games on PC was the first step, now with resale digital games may finally not be a complete ripoff compared to physical, and don't give me that "l-lower prices" shit because it was literally never true and was just a talking point used by retards and shills.
>What is the EU's end game?
>First eu bring refunds to steam, now they will bring back ownership of games
Holy fucking based
Basé et rouge pillulé
>Selling copies you didn't pay tax for would be a tax evasion felony, in the minimum case.
In America sure, but again that already only punished people that are following the law. In other countries where such law wouldn’t apply, they could build entire businesses making previously illegal license keys and sell them for total profit
Valve and the rest that copied them are already protected from this because legally you do not "own" the games, it is intentionally worded as a license tied to the account you made which they allow you to use as long as you do not breach terms of service and behavior (cheating, breaking the rules, ruining everyone else's fun or blocking access to their account etc.). The government protects the companies from abuse and their business just like it looks after the citizens.
You cannot resell your game, it is tied to your account. You cannot sell your account for money and be legally able to sue etc. and demand support nor can the person you sold the account for money to. This is all according to law.
Valve even allowed refunds, refunds after sampling the "product" and sharing games you've bought with whomever you want as long as they too have a steam account (Steam Family Sharing).
They cannot be hurt legally in any way. They have went beyond what is asked of them by the law so they are not even conducting suspicious business.
They did this to protect themselves clearly seeing what could happen, and by doing so they also protected video games for the near future, by guiding it away from the worst alternate possibilities like subscriptions, always online, game streaming.
Based Valve
>thinking EU is one country
>thinking all EU countries even follow EU laws or directions
>not realising there is country where people are as free as americans but with mediocre "free" healthcare and heavier taxation
>and less darkies
>also keeps telling EU to fuck off because muh constitution
our last government tried to privatise everything, and our current government is trying to socialise everything and its been this centre-left centre-right march for the last two decades
we really wuz little america
EU keeps trying to take our freedoms every two or three years too but they aren't allowed to since civilian firearm ownership is a military interest t. defence forces t. deepstate equally paranoid of the EU, US and russians
also fuck swedes
*in America and other countries following the law
>just avoid parts of my country that literally aren't my country anymore
Cuck. Your Capitol city is actually occupied territory and you're making excuses. Europe deserves to be arab occupied now.
The same way it works now? You sell your steam account and hand it over
Or the way gifting works if they have to do it in the app like that
What would make sense is if government forced a stipulation that made licenses transferable without promise of further services (e.g. multiplayer servers, technical support).
That seems ideal.
I don't think we're on the same page. You sell the steam account and you lose it forever. You can't sell 5 of the same account.
Frenchbros, not gonna lie, you did good here for once.
Good shit.
Bootlickers don't @ me.
That doesn't help your average gaming enthusiast when hordes of retarded normies will just buy whathever big daddy corpos sell them.
>you don't pay lots of taxes if you're poor
wtf I wish I was poor now
fucking half of the states is occupied by spics at this point, don't pretend you're in any better position
Yeah I suppose we aren’t. I’m talking about game keys still.
It's because this shit is damn near impossible to actually achieve. It's what happens when you take tech illiterate retards and put them in charge over digital laws. It's why shit like Article 11 and 13 passed in the EU despite everybody agreeing it was a bad idea.
>don't @ me
is this the hot new meme
>(e.g. multiplayer servers, technical support).
Nah, that wouldn't work either.
If I sell an old PC game like Battlefield 2 there's nothing stopping me from accessing the online portion, don't be retarded.
That would just make people even more likely to pirate.
Then you just do what every enthusiast does when their hobby becomes popular, you go into the niche that caters to you and live there happily ever after.
t. dumb mutts thinking they know shit about France.
It's like if I was saying that all of America was like Jew York or commiefornia
Its not exactly a big difference when you consider the fact that your average south american/mexican is about as white as your average "white" american.
>It's because this shit is damn near impossible to actually achieve.
Not really, you could literally have it work the exact same way the marketplace works for inventory items, only it would be items in your library.
Who says I'm American? I suppose it's only natural for you lot, you surrendered without even firing a shot this time though. Pathetic.
>you go into the niche that caters to you and live there happily ever after.
Until that niche gets flooded with retards
That's quite easy to regulate. Don't keep a boolean value whether a key is in use, keep a use count.
No. Without promise (I should have said GUARANTEE) of working further services.
This is just so if the license is specifically discussed initially with extra services the owner doesn't then make that same obscure guarantee to the next client. Imagine if you sold a license of softwsre to someone in your city that guaranteed onsite support but then they sold it some company in India.
>hurr must be American durr
Everyone hates the French
When I say poor it actually means "rich" for an American who's paying absurdly high rents, healthcare, insurance etc etc. For example my rent here is 178€ with electricity and water, so even as a "poor" guy I manage to save money every months (and I'm not working right now)
There's always been a strong hatred betwenn rurals and urbans here so I'm actually laughing at those pussy city faggots.
At that point its worth considering why everything you enjoy seems to attract retards and maybe do some self reflection.
Renting a room isn't buying a retail product you fucken kike.
>no drm
>having the right to sell the game you bought is communist
fuck you
You don't have a war to do in Iran?
it’s 2015 old
t. meme expert
that's a wrong conception if I ever saw one, people think that their secret safe clubs get flooded with retards, thats true, but what's also true is that retards will never come if they didn't saw their peers already there, that means you
only retards attract other retards user, you attract what you are
Except that analogy makes no sense because in this case I would have to change absolutely nothing to provide the same services to the new owner.
An easy way to solve this would be, y'know, what older PC games did, namely community fucking servers, so it doesn't matter because it's not you providing the service anyways.
The only people who think this is a bad development are console converts.
user, EVERYTHING that could ever possibly be liked is eventually ruined by retards
>Time for EU to fuck things up for everybody again
wasn't it the EU that literally forced Steam to add refund option to the games?
The shit I like hasn't and its been going for longer than I've been alive so I dunno what to tell you user.
Yeah, they cannot be hurt. Just like drug delears don't sell you narcotics, they sell you collectibles.
No one fucking cares what you call the product you sell, court will decide what it is.
There is nothing stopping valve from allowing game license transfers, even when you dont own it.
>Filled with niggers and knife wielding moroccans
and yet it's safer than america
not true at all, and I'm not even french
the only globally popularly hated people are the amerifats, a country so retarded they had to put "US" in a map so they would know which one was theirs
Country of corporate bootlickers from their very inception user, they know no other way
The only people paying high rent in the US are retards living in cities like San Fransisco or New York. I'm sure you're happy in your tiny cuck shed though.
France is so fragile economically and socially that a minor gas tax sent the population into revolt for months. Frenchies have no room to talk.
user we have actual Steam shills here, these are bad things to them.
Do you think SecuROM debuted with Myst or something? There's a whole lot of disc-distributed PC games without any DRM included.
I know you won’t name what you like to keep it safe, but just know that you’re lying to yourself.
What exactly is the problem here? You haven't been able to add game copies into your gift inventory for a long time now.
You sound pretty bootybothered. Perhaps even a bit fannyflustered.
No, you absolute fucking mongoloid.
Imagine if the license said something like 'you are entitled to multiplayer servers dedicated for at least 2 years after purchase' but then if it's resold 14 years later, you can't guarantee that. You don't lock people out of base functionality, you just don't force owners to stick to license stipulations that are too specific or cannot reasonably be upheld.
Because America is filled with gun wiedling niggers.
the only part of the world which is still white is eastern europe
>inb4 slavs aren't white
>There is nothing stopping valve from allowing game license transfers
What about the game publishers' contracts with Valve?
that's literally a gippo town
In fact here’s exactly how it will happen as it’s happened to me
You know the best part out of all of this? Steam is literally the only one with a robust community run marketplace infrastructure that they can restructure to accommodate this.
And if every other publisher storefront will get hit by this then they'll all be forced to come up with their own marketplaces as well. If not, they'll have to come crawling back to Steam.
Lol the only shithole thats becoming more commie is the USA you retarded piece of shit.
The things I like are so utterly autistic that they scare away any actual morons. You'll mostly end up playing in small communities of people who all like the same thing as you and its extremely comfy.
what's tickling your tuchus?
>but then if it's resold 14 years later, you can't guarantee that.
Then don't guarantee that you fucking moron, just make it "2 years after game's initial launch date."
This is all literally non-issue shit that we solved 15 fucking years ago, when people like you were still in diapers.
Yes, and they also tried to stop the loot boxes nonsense. And I remember eu trying to do something with games being sold with half of the campaign locked behind paid dlc but it was a long time ago and probably went nowhere.
Of course all of this is bad for Yea Forums:the bootlicker
Everything america mocks other countries for, america already went through.
Like, americans mock european countries for having too many browns and having riots but their country is literally like 50% white and has constant race riots today and in decades past.
God i fucking hate americans and how low IQ and niggerfried their brains are.
won't fortnite and lol be forced to include a market place for their cosmetics as well then?
Np shit, and guess who this benefits?
Just like with refunds, it benefits us, the consumer.
Thank god Europeans aren't all fucking morons like my countrymen are, makes it much easier to not get fucked in the ass by corporations.
>TimSweeney has logged off.
So which of your hobbies got degraded?
Contracts can't break the laws.
The DRM was in the form of checks and cards.
it is because the game required you to look through shitty leaflets, or those god awful spinners or just plain ass fucking code books/cards to boot up a huge number of games, going back to before DOS.
As I said, been going longer than I've been alive so I'm not exactly worried.
gotta project
the image only applies if the hobby is actually learnable by out-of-group members
gatekeep or get into REALLY autistic shit
the fun part about americans is that most of them are already niggers, even if they are not black
being a nigger is a mentality where you justify every violent action with something others caused, not them
the same reasoning that leads actual niggers to commit crime is the one that most US people use when they support wars or retrograde laws
You people are such cucks.
>omg retards are taken advantage of! help me government!
>The only people paying high rent in the US are retards living in cities like San Fransisco or New York. I'm sure you're happy in your tiny cuck shed though.
>France is so fragile economically and socially that a minor gas tax sent the population into revolt for months. Frenchies have no room to talk.
You know fucking nothing like every retard on this website and yet your the one talking all day bout things you don't even begin to comprehend. The gilet jaune didn't went into a massive protest just because of the price of the gas you fucking imbecile, I guess this is what happens when you et all your informations from /pol/tards.
Anyone mind giving me the short version of this?
You should be. The internet is destroying everything that used to be niche and autistic
Like anime?
>Ubisoft, EA, and even Epic's exclusives all suddenly forced to go back to Steam so that they can use their second hand market infrastructure
So it's basically saying they won't allow Steam to sell digital copies of games? Am I getting that right?
EU is a globalist conspiracy and should be disbanded
Digital distributors are about to get bent over the based EU and forced to allow resale of digital keys.
This makes corporate bootlickers and Americans seethe, but no one cares about their opinions.
Have the gillet jaune protests stopped? Haven't heard of them in a while outside of Macron promising more and more violent pushbacks.
Totally wrong.
>Like anime?
More like manga.
Since manga is almost entirely creator-driven it's easily segmented into lots of smaller markets that offer something for everyone.
There are entire manga websites that are dedicated to a specific genre and ONLY host content related to said genre, just because there's so much variety.
Ah okay. No skin off my back, I'm not a europoor. *dabs*
>Have the gillet jaune protests stopped
they're still mad that some people are richer and more successful than them
If that happens then we're back to square one where Valve is once again ahead of the curve so game publishers are forced to come to them again.
Guess how I can tell you don’t have a job.
Based retard.
I don't think you're the user I asked.
And before you ask me why we're protesting: Macron is trying to copy the Anglo-Saxon way of life ( making us into stupid and individualistic goyim ) with a massive blow to our working laws, unions and social laws.
It's still going on, we don't want to be turned into powerless drones like the Americans. Of course you won't hear shit but misinformation from the """journalists""" because they're working for """""them""""'
would like to know what the last games you bought were and when
probably a console chodelicker and most likely a piratefag neet that has never bought anything in his life
if you are not an adult and do not buy pc games you should not be able to vote or have a say or even post here, like in fucking sparta. nobody cares about your shitty cuckbrained opinion about things you don't understand.
Do you have any website they have up to monitor their activities?
What is it with americans and sucking corporate dick?
I bought Mordhau and Risk of Rain 2 on launch.
Neck yourself American bootlicker, fuck off back to consoles where you belong, where you can't even get a refund on digital purchases once you've downloaded them.
>LGBTQ+ and other cults to the individual
But that's Socialism, and not in a retarded "alt-right" or "American" sort of way, the emancipation of the oppressed is literally the foundation of Marxism.
This is setting a precedent not just for Steam and video games, but for all kinds of digital distribution. Steam, Epic, Origin, Uplay, iTunes, Amazon - they will all need to come up with something.
Or ban the French, lol
>just consume and get excited for the next product haha
>if you are not an adult and do not buy pc games you should not be able to vote or have a say or even post here, like in fucking sparta
This is the funniest like I've read in months. Almost crying here.
>OP and some faggots think this will hurt Valve
If anything, it's a blessing that they're the first ones hit with this because it gives them a head start over everyone else that will inevitably be dragged into court.
This will never work imagine the world where you can play hundred hour and sell it back to the market. Only a retard think this will work
I don't think so, the yellow jackets are simply using social website like Facebook to organize the events, still I remember this one :
that is showing the hard work Macron has done so far.
great way to have steam and others switch to an always-online netflix-style rental system.
thanks a lot you dumb commies
To be fair the general populace is 50% french
Ubisoft lobbyists are pulling strings as we speak.
Make an installer downloadable to your machine that you can use without using that service.
If there just was a store that did that....
sounds good to me what's the problem
That's literally how physical games work you mongoloid.
Neck yourself zoomer, fuck off and go back to consoles.
The court just said it was.
>where you can play hundred hour and sell it back to the market.
Historically it's the oposite. Origin did refund in 2011 when valve was trying their luck in the court for 4 years.
Jew gaben will never allow customers to have nice things withouth a fight
>French trying to fuck over literally every software company
Lol good fucking luck when Adobe and Autodesk no longer offer their products in france
and then you fags will cry when the industry reacts by killing off single player games. This will only push game as service even further
What can Valve do though? Do they have to consult every dev and publisher first about their game becoming products that can be resold?
I can respect EU for doing this but at the same time stop fucking coming up with these rulings and then just dump all the actual busywork to the people involved.
And then no one plays their games and PC gaming dies.
Works for me, if they're that shitty then they don't deserve to live.
They'll ban the French.
>automatically hating anything that helps corporations or liking anything “pro consumer”
>automatically hating or liking anything EU
Retards, the lot of you.
Allright, makes sense with their decentralized modus operandi. Thanks.
I am interested in like one or two games AT MOST a year. It will be no real loss for me.
Industries can get fucked with their anti-consumer behavior.
I'd love for them to just say "nah, fuck it" and collectively abandon an entire country. The butthurt would be phenomenal.
Would you pay taxes from profit or VAT tho?
>Do they have to consult every dev and publisher first about their game becoming products that can be resold?
Does GAME or CEX consult every distribution company they come by to see if they can resell their products?
>Origin did refund in 2011
As someone who tried to get a refund on BF3 in 2011, Origin's "refunds" were refunds in name only.
Steam's refunds are vastly superior, Origin's were literally console-tier (can't get a refund if you launched the game) and were shit until they changed them in ~2015 after Steam started allowing refunds.
This literally can't ever happen to Factorio
it would affect all gaming you dummy. you realize digital stores exist on consoles too right?
>Valve and the rest that copied them are already protected from this because legally you do not "own" the games, it is intentionally worded as a license tied to the account you made which they allow you to use as long as you do not breach terms of service and behavior (cheating, breaking the rules, ruining everyone else's fun or blocking access to their account etc.).
The Judgement addressed this. The Court decided that's bullshit and you own the game.
Enjoy that corpo cock up your ass homo.
At this point we need to scorch the earth and kill gaming, no other way.
you will surely get the karkland
Newfags have grown up with the digital era and know no better
Look at all the fucks I give.
I hope they push that shit even more so zoomer faggots like you can suffer.
Based France
Being able to resell your keys on steam is retarded and rightfully banned because it would bring so much abuse. France's lawyers are stupid and i say this as i'm French
Welcome to Yurocuck hours
The game may be there but the first time experience you paid for isn't.
Only retards and zoomers buy digital on consoles.
Get fucked zoomie, can't wait to watch you suffer like the faggot you are.
are you retarded? and then have everyone competing with the publisher over licenses to intellectual property they don't own?
that's literally the dumbest idea i've ever heard of. At least in physical media there's a degradation of the media as a factor of risk for second hand transactions.
lmao I can't even imagine how massive of a migraine this is going to be for everyone that's eventually going to get involved.
EU might be hot trash but they do good every now and then. I want to see how much fallout this will cause across the ENTIRE digital market place.
No, it's bad. See what it did to NES, SNES, Game Boy, PSX and PS2. SO MUCH MONEY LOST, no wonder those consoles died so quickly.
Imagine being a literal cuck for corporations
A country that thinks "fiction pulpeuse" is an acceptable translation should not be allowed to have any say in language matters.
No, origin allowed you to refund a game up to 24 hours after you first launched it. The policy is still the same up to today, stop spreading bullshit or learn how to read agreements
>and then have everyone competing with the publisher over licenses to intellectual property they don't own?
Yep, fuck publishers, that's how the world works. If I purchase something it should be mine to do with as I see fit, including selling it to someone else.
Don't like it, kill yourself.
>Can resell your product
what nonsense are you spouting?
They would do it regardless
You sound like some Quebec trash
Where do you think you are? 4channel.org is full of the biggest consumer lemmings imaginable, even moreso than reddit.
That's in Quebec you dip
imagine wanting government to control videogames. dont come crying to me when they ban anime and violence in games
first refunds and now this
EVROPA is saving vidya once again
except you never buy the IP, you buy an intransmissible license. this has always been the case.
He's just align his intrest with the intrest of valve. Mentally ill person, just ignore him
Why would you think this is limited to video games?
Read the fucking article you dumb cunt.
>Get all my money spent over the last decade and a half for every game in a class action, hell I'd take half.
>Excuse to pirate the games I actually play
Please, by all fucking means.
Why does that matter? Why do French laws effect an American corporation with no stores or offices in France? Not to mention a digital store
Why wouldn't I want to sell this album I got on itunes if I could resell a game I got on say Epic?
Doesn't matter, if I purchase something I should be able to resell it, full stop.
Again, if you don't like that, then fucking do the world a favor and kill yourself.
Would it be enough if Steam removed the rule that forbids the selling of accounts?
Isn't the "no account reselling" supposed to be customer protection? Why are you against this unless you're a scammy slav stealing accounts to sell?
it's not that I don't like it, it's that that's simply not how it works or can work with media, dumbass.
yess, fuck the corpos and bootlickers, power to the peopl-
aaaa save me free market! ..what do you mean I STILL don't own the games?
If you want to do business in a country, you have to abide by that country's laws, retard.
Because most of the time Europe as a whole ends up adopting these laws, and at the end of the day there's no reason not to also offer these services to American customers.
And Europe is still a pretty large market for PC gaming, though not as large as Asia or the US.
At the end of the day though, this benefits me as a consumer, so I'm all for it.
nothing wrong with reselling digital games
if you can resell physical games, you should also be able to resell digital ones
it's literally the same shit
Just like the UK for the last 500 years
The 90s called, they want your myopic view of markets back. If they offer their services in a country, they need to play by their rules.
I hope they do ban anime. Tired of fucking pedos degrading women
Are you insane bro?
Sure it is, if I can sell a CD I can sell a digital product, just like I can sell digital trading cards and packs on Steam's market.
You're the only dumbass here regurgitating common knowledge and missing the point entirtely.
You think we don't know how it fucking works you literal child? The point is that it shouldn't work like that. If you disagree kill yourself.
>If I purchase something it should be mine to do with as I see fit,
I agree, that's why I copy and sell Luis Vuitton bags and Rolexes I bought.
>Corp bootlickers are cringe
Corps invented games and shiet
>Gov bootlickers are based
Gov invented mass murdering and taxes
Are people really that fucking stupid to believe is isn't going to fuck over everything?
If I could sell my games I would probably sell like 460 out of my 500 steam games. Everyone would be selling their shit. With a marketplace flooded with "used" digital games the price of games will get down to like 20% of it's normal price. Why buy a game for 60$ when you can buy literally the same thing but "used" for 17$ on a marketplace and give no money to the dev? Game sales will fucking implode and more and more subscriptions like game pass and apples iOS shit will start just so the industry can survive and pretty soon games will be exclusive to their services. I'll will be the like how there is now 100 Netflix competitiors but with gamepass.
Then fuck copyright laws. It is a low time coming anyway.
who will buy them for full price when it's the exact same thing as 'new' you retard
and where should you be able to sell them on, the front page of the store?
>Why yes, I hate billion dollar companies with a burning passion how could you tell?
>thinks frogs is a big market share
LMAO, every single product could be banned there, and the producer would barely see a dent in the profits. They're too poor to buy stuff due all their no go zones covering up almost 10% of France now, it keeps growing.
absolutely this. i believe their court's decision is completely retarded
>MDE poster is retarded
Nothing new under the sun
>Corps invented games and shiet
Spoken like a true zoomer.
Now we know why steam is running away to china
>At the end of the day though, this benefits me as a consumer
Only if you're short-sighted. Companies will eventually adapt and make everything worse in the end.
>government regulations
>nah bro I'm more of a free marktet kinda guy
At long last pc bros will have justice, this day marks the end of valve and steam
Then we'll ban that too.
I'm not an Amerimutt, so I have no qualms with the government banning corporations from doing things that are anti-consumer.
The long lasting repercussions of this is actually astounding.
Forget Steam. Forget Valve. Forget video games. This shit goes fucking beyond that. Way beyond that.
This'll be a domino effect that spans across the entire digital landscape and I have no fucking idea what it will look like after.
I can't fucking believe the frogs started an entirely new revolution over night.
not my problem
steam marketplace
>Grade A clusterfuck.
How is me being able to resell my digital products (say sell games I don't want to play on the marketplace like steamcards for example) a clusterfuck for anyone but the big companies that don't want me doing that? I feel like the frogs are doing the consumers a real solid by starting this cluster fuck up.
>B-But think about gaben and developers!
not OP but see The logic on this ruling isn't just limited to games.
gotta buy your video game subscriptions now. Can't wait
Subscription services are treated as a service and not a good, there is no precedent that would allow you to ban them. Everything will become cloud streamed and you won't own a single fucking thing. Ever. Again.
I'd love to sell my Steam games. Bring it on!
>Manlets being jealous of american supremacy yet again
I hate socialist so much, you fucks almost ruined Peru.
So, nothing will change. Cool
With this, vidya subscriptions like those offered by Stadia will be the norm. Fuck this.
this prices are fucked now
>I can't fucking believe the frogs started an entirely new revolution over night.
Like how gamestop killed the majority of videogame companies in the early 2000 because they resold used games?
A service that provides a good is still providing goods, as such is still subject to the same laws, as such, ban it baby, ban it.
québécon de merde
stop shitposting samefag
I don't give a shit about gaben or steam I care about me the consumer
I kno that's what I'm saying. It will be a massive blow to all digital products and stores but why wouldn't I want it to happen? Fuck those big companies in the fucking ass, this sounds awesome and gives me another degree of control on products that I bought.
>you must be 18+ to access Yea Forums
Have fun being brainwashed by your local failure of a history teacher and non existent geography you dumb inbred mutt nigger
We need to circle around Valve and help them out. It's our duty to America for saving us during WW2. Not to mention, every attack on Gabe is a boon for epic store. You want the chinese to hack your computers? It's time you pick a side, the honourable American company that stands with freedom, or the sleazy chinks trying to suppress whites. Who are you with in the war over the internet?
because it would fuck up game sales online, nobody has done this before and it would make selling games on pc not worth it
Im not sure why anyone thought prices would get lower honestly.
>Be business, find a way to save money on production of my product
>I could either pass the savings onto the consumer since I can afford to
>Or I could charge the same price, and the extra $20 I saved per copy just goes straight into my pocket
No business is going to take the first option unless they thought they could use it to squeeze more money out of people somehow.
>Angry manlet who declares himself Emperor
>Gets exiled to a shitty island he can be Emperor of
frog btfo
I'm just explaining why it's a "Grade A clusterfuck" as OP put it. Because it really is a hilarious snowball getting ready to roll.
People conveniently forget more people got killed after the Revolution than before.
Localized physical (degradable) resale vs global digital (perfect) resale are two very different beasts.
>Im not sure why anyone thought prices would get lower honestly.
Americans (and UKucks) are stupid and think companies are their friends.
Thank God i recently bought a console. PC gaming is now dead thanks to those stupid lawyers
oh okay I see he was saying it will be a clusterfuck in general. For some reason I read it as a clusterfuck for the consumer. I'm tracking now, thanks user.
What stops companies from just not doing business in France due to transferable digital copies?
>implying this somehow skips PSN, Xbox and whatever the fuck Nintendo has
Someone make a new thread and have the OP be France saving gaming.
no you don't, there's tons of homeless here
nobody really agrees with you, just shitposters spamming and attacking pc gaming because they're poor and consolefags
this imaginary law doesn't protect your rights in any way because it is not concise and it is vague
get beat up on the street weeb
what ownership? There is no ownership at all atm.
yeah enjoy buying those $60 movies while I'll be making big bucks reselling my steam games
Can enemies of the revolution truly be called people?
Spoken like Robbie himself.
here's your (You) faggot
There is LITERALLY no difference with a used digital file and a new one. and it being digital on the one store there is no reason not to buy the cheapest version. If you were on Amazon and we're going to buy something and there was a button right next to buy now that sold the exact same thing for 1/5 the price why the fuck wouldnt you pick that? Everything is fucked in this scenario and all games will turn into ftp trash
everyone "supporting" this simply pirates games instead of buying them, he is laughing at you
>buy something with obvious terms
>change terms through passing a law
>"wow wut a cuck"
>Being able to resell your games is now bad when PC does it
And consoles are going to be replaced by streaming anyways so EA, Activision, 2K, and Bethesda can take home 100% of the revenue instead of giving 30% to Microsoft/Sony/Nintendo for nothing.
Well, that is pretty cool desu. Valve could probably just change some stuff in their user agreement. If they implement a system to turn games into Steam Wallet monopoly money, I would be happy enough. They can not afford to kill Steam for the whole EU.
Companies will absolutely kneejerk over this and find new and inventive ways to sell you half a game so anyone you resell too is permanently fucked out of the other half.
And it would be completely unneeded because the vast majority of consumers will never resell no matter how easy they make it. Humans are horders by nature. I BOUGHT IT SO IT'S MINE. MINE MINE MINE. Nevermind they haven't played the game in two decades. It's theirs. Nevermind they hate it. It's theirs.
it can't not work like that, retard, that's the point.
So, like piracy?
At the end of the day, digital is no longer about just having access to the game, on PC I only buy games if I want to support the developers.
If you want me to buy your game then you need to carry yourself in a way I like, or offer a fucking physical copy.
If not, I'm pirating your game.
You don't own the games, you own a limited, non-transferable license to use them.
If this is illegal then ANY licensed software such as FL Studio, iTunes, literally everything you buy on the android and ios stores and all e-books and digital movies would be illegal. There's no way in hell they will be able to force all those companies to bend.
Just wait until the order gets replicated at an EU level.
>If this is illegal then ANY licensed software such as FL Studio, iTunes, literally everything you buy on the android and ios stores and all e-books and digital movies would be illegal.
Yes, and?
Is that supposed to be a bad thing?
>There's no way in hell they will be able to force all those companies to bend.
Kek, wanna bet on that?
What stops France from just saying this non-transferable licences are illegal and says the companies have to make them transferable?
Oh, a license only? Shouldn't cost 60 bucks then, it is not a fucking professional software.
The free market selling you medicine for 20000$ that costs 10€ in Europe?
Sounds great actually. You should be able to resell games you own.
>Can't weasle out of laws by calling it a subscription when it isn't
Thanks France!
Sounds like France are based, honestly. Game and movie companies wanted to ban fucking rentals and second-hand markets for years, the only thing that stopped them was consumer push-back.
There is literally no reason why a digital license shouldn't be transferable, other than greed.
Yes, and they're addicted to heroin, cocaine, alcohol and shit. That's why they'll stay homeless.
If you're clear from drugs you have the rsa (560€/month) and the APL ( that will allow you to pay around 80% of the price of your rent ).
If you're homeless in France it's because you really want it to be this way.
Based frogs. Anyone protesting this is most likely mentally ill and fantasizes about sucking old Gabe’s cock.
Somebody's been using their 3rd grade history book lately I see.
You forgot mental illness.
The irony is now those companies will be doing the renting themselves to guarantee nobody can own and therefore transfer anything.
Yeah but it's way horrible in france where there's a lot of institution willing to give you a roof and tools to get over it even if you're completely moneyless. In America there's almost nothing if you're mentally ill to get you out of the street right?
Get fucked kike.
Why don't you fuck off to somalia if you hate government so much?
No history book is this shit.
Consacrer et proclamer mean two differents thing nigger, also non-matériel = immatériel =/= dématérialisé
All your english equivalents come from french/latin anyway