So why didn't this kill them? Look at that blood loss
So why didn't this kill them? Look at that blood loss
Literally too sleazy to die
because it's vidya user
You need to lose like half of your blood before you die.
those are surface cuts and thats actually not that much blood, your heart also doesn't stop pumping out blood as long as you're breathing
You can lose up to 30% of your blood, after that various symptoms happen and at 40% you risk suffering an hemorrhagic shock. 30% of 1.5 gallons/5.6 litre is a lot of blood.
Most of the cuts are very shallow.
Anyone feel sorry for them in this game despite how scummy they are?
retard who thinks knowing facts is being a nerd
Look at this nerd
tfw never ever Kane & Lynch 3
You need to cut a LOT deeper than that to actually kill
I have never played 1. I just have a PC and Win 10 but I have heard it runs bad on Win 10.
You don't need that much blood to smear it all over your body.
Bit like Max Payne 3, they just dont get a break.
Shame really given the ending of 2 hinting towards more. That and them appearing in Hitman Absolution.
Worked well enough when me and a friend played through it in co-op this year.
The fire inside them burned brighter than on the outside.
The blood got back in their wounds
>look at all those superficial cuts
All that blood doesn't even come down to a fucking liter.
>married a chinese woman
this what happens
this is the correct answer
haha ok poindexter calm down
Man, what a terrible game. At least the first one had a couple of decent missions, until it completely shit the bed with the banana republic part.
not half, when you lose more than 20% you go into hypovolemic shock.
So 1/5th total.
I think both K&L games are underrated. The MP was essentially Payday before Payday.
Yeah that was stange. Doing bank heists and shit and then you're a freedom fighter.
This, I never got the hate the second game got I fucking loved both of them.
Strangely, Kane and Lynch 2 is BC on the Xbox One, but the first game is not.
>I never got the hate the second game
It's four long and it has no story. As a single player experience it's extremely underwhelming. If I had paid full price for that game I'd be fucking furious.
>fisheating zipperheads die from lacerations and cuts and the high temperatures ensure they bleed out and quick
pathetic yellow subhumans
I bet you memorize sports stats, nerd.
Unless you cut an artery it will take too long before it clots
>has no story
What? Are we talking about the same game here?
only for Kane. Lynch deserves every bad thing happening to him.
Decent visual style in Dog Days. Like a 3rd guy is running along behind with a DV camera.
wasnt that the idea? they even look at "the camera" when standing against a wall
I do sympathise with Lynch the most considering he was just trying to build a life for himself. When he broke down sobbing realising they'd never find happiness in this life it hit be pretty hard.
Kane & Lynch 2, right? The first game had an objective. It had a reason for K&L to go to certain locations and do certain things. K&L2 has none of that. They accidentally kill somebody important at the start and then the entirety of rest of the game, all four hours of it, is being randomly ambushed in random locations. When I think about things like the random ambush on a highway and the random ambush in a restaurant it's pretty obvious the devs came up with set pieces first and then wrote, and I use the term wrote loosely, a story second. I wouldn't really mind that if at least the gameplay was decent but it's not so fuck that game. I like the first K&L but the second is utter trash.
>they even look at "the camera" when standing against a wall
Not just that. There's moments when someone is clearly picking a camera up, one of them holds the door open for the cameraman at one point, the last shot of the game, etc., etc. Clearly there's implications of a guy following them around with a camera filming everything but I don't really understand what the point was. Was it a cut plot line? Was it a pretentious commentary on "bloodthirsty" audiences? Was it just a dumb running gag? The answer from IO might be out there but I never cared enough to look for it.
Plus when you die you see the camera screen drop to the ground like the camera man died too. Pretty cool but yeah I can't understand who they were or what was implied myself
How deep user? how?
This game is so fucking good
the online on this game was really fun. reminded me a lot of the opening for the Dark Knight with the Clowns robbing the bank. I wish another game had the mechanic of killing other players to take their share because holy shit
>everybody else dies to cops on the grind house working to the exit point
>3 people left one guy is downed and begging for help
>you and another lad truck it to the exit point
>fucking western staredown wondering if hes gonna betray you or not
>toss a propane tank at the fucker and instakill him then get away with the jackpot
right. i never get it too, but still looks great
You're pretty cool nerd.
Death by a thousand cuts was a capital punishment for extraordinary crimes in ancient China.
They didn't lose that much blood, it's just that the blood they did lose got smeared all over their body to make it look like a lot.
>Man, what a terrible game.
Kane & Lynch 2 is a kino anti-game. It does what Spec Ops: The Line pretentiously played at doing.
>At least the first one had a couple of decent missions, until it completely shit the bed with the banana republic part.
That was leftover content from the cancelled Freedom Fighters 2.
Death by a thousand cuts is mostly a myth. The more accurate name would be "Death by maybe a half dozen cuts followed by mutilating your corpse for sometimes days on end."
It's not that much really.
Also do you think they got penis torture?
You'd think more penis torture would happen in history.
>It does what Spec Ops: The Line pretentiously played at doing.
What the fuck are you talking about? It does no such thing. Kane and Lynch are sociopaths. Proper sociopaths, not bullshit pop culture sociopaths. That's all the game is about. Two sociopaths and their warped views of reality. Spec Ops is not about that at all. K&L is an "anti-game" because the gameplay just isn't very fun. Spec Ops is called an "anti-game" because retards whine about the game being mean to them.
Actually not that much blood.
>What the fuck are you talking about?
Spec Ops pretends to be not particularly fun to play because it's supposedly some kind of commentary on the third person genre. But it's ultimately a mediocre TPS playing dressup.
K&L2 is different. It is actively unpleasant. It's a 4 hour long nightmare of screaming and neon lights. There's really nothing else like it in terms of aesthetics. Basically no other AAA game has ever dared be so fucking bleak and hateful towards the person playing it.
look at this nuuuuuuuuuuuhrd ha ha
You are all fucking retards, it's not about how much blood you lose inherently, it's about the amount over time, you can lose about a liter if it's spread out, but even a pint really quick can overwhelm the body and send you into a state of systemic hypoperfusion (what you n*rds call shock), also blood is notoriously hard to determine by amounts if it is spilled out onto a surface or covers the body.
Source: ambulance pro
>Spec Ops pretends to be not particularly fun to play because it's supposedly some kind of commentary on the third person genre.
That's wrong. Spec Ops is a decent TPS and at no point were the devs ever intending for their game to not be fun to play. The idea the game is some sort of attack on video games is wank. I've read multiple interviews with the people who made it who play down that crap when prompted and say they were more influenced geo-politics and classic literature than they were video games. You aren't meant to self insert as Walker in the game. It wasn't criticizing you personally. You were just supposed to pay attention to his story and take something away from it.
And your idea that K&L was not supposed to be fun and that that was deliberate is also crap. Of course it was supposed to be fun. K&L did not invent morally repugnant subject matters or anti-heros for video games.
I wish this had local coop on pc, really want to play through it while getting drunk with a friend, it's only like 4 hours so it's a perfect one session game. Personally I really like the gunplay and the whole fucking desperate feeling of everything, the whole point is that you're playing as two desperate out of shape old men in an alien culture who know literally nothing but how to shoot people, also the ending is fucking brilliant.
>And your idea that K&L was not supposed to be fun and that that was deliberate is also crap.
If K&L2 were a movie, it would be universally regarded as a film trying to make its audience feel disoriented. K&L2 is one of the only AAA TPS games in existence that makes cover not work on purpose. That make all your guns miss wildly on purpose. It is designed to be extremely erratic to play. The game's art design was created by taking pictures of other pictures displayed on CRT computer monitors using cheap cameras or some shit. It constantly flashes bright lights in your eyes and this paired with the violently shaking camera is not meant to be pleasant to look at.
>K&L did not invent morally repugnant subject matters or anti-heros for video games.
Bear in mind that K&L and K&L2 are very different creatures with extremely different design goals and aesthetics.
I don't think it's a commentary on anything, it's just a visual style and a nod to the existence of the player. I guess you could say it helps disconnect the psychopathic protagonists from the player?
That looks like an average BJW match.
wow i bet you like sausage.
Shock is not death. I heard in a Dave Grossman lecture you need to lose half your blood before you lose consciousness. Not even him, it's common knowledge among military/law enforcement etc.
>dying from shallow cuts, even if you get a deep cut you wont die fast. You actually need to cut a artery like Aorta
>I heard in a Dave Grossman lecture you need to lose half your blood before you lose consciousness.
Forget losing consciousness, you're going to die without immediate medical help if you lose that much. I don't know why you would think your body generates so much surplus blood but I can assure it does not no matter what a "killologist" claims.
>game in which basic features don't work
>this is an art statement bros!
Fuck off.
Superficial cuts, you only die of blood loss by cutting an artery.
Want to complete 2 but save game glitched :(
>also the ending is fucking brilliant.
I hated it at first, but playing it again it works. It's over in a flash, no blaze of glory, no grandstanding. It fits.
That picture is America in a nutshell.
>show gallons of blood
>whoops can't be seeing the ol' ding a ling, gotta censor that.
In order to die of blood loss, you need to be cut in an artery that pumps your blood out of your body.
Bleeding "a lot" through a bunch of cuts isn't going to be anywhere near enough to kill you.
I think both Spec Ops: The Line and Kane & Lynch 2 are among the best games of all-time.
you're a fucking moron, good luck surviving when your in a paralytic shock and bleeding out. without immediate medical help you are as good as dead
its a really cool stylistic choice, does it have to be a part of the plot?
They taught me in emt school after 20% you go into compensated shock, then if you continue youll go into decompensated shock where without fluid i.v youll die, just saying.
There's actually a guy there in the game carrying a camera around filming everything. The game acknowledges his existence as a physical presence in the game world. The characters in the game acknowledge his existence. That's not just a mere stylistic choice, that's an actual character present in the story.
this post is retard in a nutshell
>the game being mean to them
not really relevant to your discussion in particular but spec ops is garbage because it literally yells at the player for doing bad things, then when the player tries to, in the game world, not do those things, they're instead pushed forward, and forced to do them. It removes any player agency, you're just watching a fucking movie.
It's incredibly easy to make Trevor in GTAV look exactly like Lynch.
>because it literally yells at the player
A character in the game yells at another character in the game. The game never "literally yells at the player".
>It removes any player agency, you're just watching a fucking movie.
So it's just like 99% of games out there? What's the problem?
I swear to God, gamers are the most thin skinned people out there. Hypocritical considering whenever they aren't whining about how upset something has made them they are whining about how lefties need to toughen up.
Based med student
I remember hearing that the south America shit was recycled assets from a cancelled project
Youre one of those gullible fucktards huh, probably think kevlar helmets protect you from bullets knocking your brain around your skull and giving you a concussion along with bruises.
fuck you leftist faggot
go back to plebbit
then bite your fucking dick off and die
They only had 999 cuts
He already looks like that at the start of the game
It's kino
What about Lynch's GF?
Yeah she definetly got the works...
she was very badly raped you see.
Bummed to Oblivion.
>mfw the shaky cam becomes too much
This is unironically one of my favorite games of all time. I still think the aesthetics are unmatched to this day, and fuck gaymo's who complain that the game is unfair or too hard. It unironically, no joke, suits the aesthetic and makes the game more harrowing and fun to play. I consider this game to be pleb filter.
A decent game series completely fucked by the paid reviews shit show it's marketers caused.
>camera man helps out
It's refreshing to play as the bad guys. No redemption, no hints of goo intentions. Just complete shitbags.
I fucking love Kane and Lynch 2. So dark, gritty and raw. This is how you write a good game.
I'm going out on a limb here but I think they just thought it was cool.
tell me more about how a person feels in this stage
I periodically play it on nightmare difficulty in coop. Great experience.
It's the antithesis of your standard AAA shooter. It's dirty, violent and raw.
some people become unconscious when they lose half a liter
Clearly you haven't seen enough Yea Forums rekt threads.
Do you think they made it to Ecuador?
shallow cuts
I'd like to think so but considering it's China they'd probably try and shoot it down. No clue, but what's the standard procedure for hijacked aircraft?
Im surprised to see so many people talking well of the game after remembering how many people bitched about it on release. What was all that about?
People who wanted a standard 3rd person shooter whinged about it. Plus anjry Joe said it was dog shit and all his fans followed
Playing as Kane in the last level was a kino move.
I wish you could unlock the option to play as him through the game once you complete it
Yup. Showing Lynch was just done, his story was over and he just wanted to forget.
Shock is death if you don't get immediate medical attention, which they don't.