user turn off the game console right now!
User turn off the game console right now!
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Kojima never cared about the canon
Kojima wanted Snake and Otacon to die at the end of 4.
So do you agree with me
Colonel... I'm playing on a PC.
and Konami expected people to take the AI seriously after shit like this
The AI is merely a device for making Raiden's introduction not "LOLRANDUMB"
Remember that Raiden was solely created because girls wanted a bishonen character, he was not created for any other motive, not even a social or political one.
If the game merely did "after 3 hours of controlling Snake, you are now controlling a random bishonen! What a twist!" then it would suck
>The AI is merely a device for making Raiden's introduction not "LOLRANDUMB"
problem is that the AI twist is revealed hours after the Raiden twist.
>the AI twist is revealed hours after the Raiden twist.
And? They're still connected
You're making no points whatsoever
what are you even trying to say ?
That's not why he was added, lol. But nice weaboo take on the franchise, funny as fuck.
>after 3 hours of controlling Snake
What kind of shitter are you? 3 hours?
>Remember that Raiden was solely created because girls wanted a bishonen character, he was not created for any other motive, not even a social or political one.
at least Konami realized their mistake with Raiden and sought out to fix him
In his defense, he never actually played the game and just whines about it on Yea Forums
Whatever hours fuck you, my point still stands
Yes it was
Kojima made Raiden because girls wanted a bishonen to be the MC, he was created to appeal to female gamers.
A poll told Konami that women (or at least high school girls) didn't like Solid Snake because he seemed "like an old man". Raiden was created to try and draw them into the fold
>That's not why he was added, lol
Actually it was
>According to series creator Hideo Kojima, the decision to make a new character to replace Solid Snake for most of Metal Gear Solid 2: Sons of Liberty stemmed from the developer's desire to develop Snake from a third-person perspective. Kojima stated that Raiden's character and his perception by the audience were important to the overall feel of the story.
Stop lying
The fact you think a game dev in 2001 would do anything for females, let alone the niche minority of female MGS fans, is hilarious and retarded. Just like you.
The thought process may have been something like
>our male fanbase will like it anyways, might as well throw the grills a bone
I haven't heard guys complain that Raiden is too feminine or something.
The point is he is a weak character, not manly in anyway. As a stand in for the player, so (You) as Raiden can see Snake from the outside and understand the struggle of not always being the epic big hero. It makes you work for everything, with Raiden (the player) whining every step of the way.
If you have a single source towards your bizarre fan theory then I might humor you. But I've never heard this in my life and I've played them all since 1.
>As a stand in for the player
ah, this shitty theory.
He is until he rejects being one to completely become his own character.
Something that Venom never did. He remained the player's bitch up until MG1 and BB's bitch throughout his days as his body double.
That's what it is. Again, prove your Yea Forums-tier theory or go back
>He remained the player's bitch up until MG1
That translates to "he went on to completely become his own character in MG1", thus Venom did
>trying to make an easter egg (Dog Tags) plot relevant
now that's a joke
No he didn't. He was BB's Phantom up to his death.
Completely become his own character in this case = entirely separate from the player
Are you stupid
Sure he "separated from the player" in MG or whatever
But he still was BB's phantom
Therefore he still wasn't his own character
Either way you are still wrong.
Change the topic all you want, your weeb shit theory is just that, shit.
take your fingers out of your ears
I did.
The dog tags can say anything so how the fuck can it be part the whole "Raiden is literally you" bullshit?
>everything you do in TPP postgame
>is supposed to represent what Venom did between TPP and MG1
Kojima is a hack! Say it with me, Yea Forums!
Kojima is a hack! Spell it out!
because you're supposed to enter your name dipshit, it straight up tells you to
we did it reddit
>timeline doesn't call Venom "Venom" or even "Punished"
horrific retcon, that's why
>Imagine hating the best protagonist and antagonist of Metal Gear
Raiden didn't get good until MGR and the Patriots were horribly executed as a plot twist.
Not to mention all the shit they said at the end of 2 was irrelevant in 4. They talked a big game and that was it.
that's because everything after 3 is a joke story-wise