If Cranky Kong is the original Donkey Kong, and he's so old he has to walk around with a cane, but Mario is the same Mario, how fucking old is Mario at this point?
If Cranky Kong is the original Donkey Kong, and he's so old he has to walk around with a cane...
'Gorillas' have shorter life spans than 'people', user. Also Ash Ketchum.
Aging is a pick and choose feature in fiction.
Mario is canonically 24
No fucking way, he's only three years older than Cloud Strife? He looks like he's in his 40s.
The whole "he's 24" thing is simply ridiculous corporate talk to make it seems more relatable to the zoomers.
Not that it has been stated in any game anyway, so it's worthess.
I doubt that, it's from a very old interview.
I'd say it's more of an in-joke at this point, much like him and Luigi being from Brooklyn and/or the homo nintendonus.
>He looks like he's in his 40s.
Have you actually taken a good long look at him? If you remove the stache that any guy past puberty could grow, he's a blatant baby face. Only in Miyamoto's original drawings was he old looking.
You can be old and still have a baby face.
Every single entity named donkey kong is the same being.
When Mario got sucked into the pipe from his home in Brooklyn into the Mushroom kingdom he stopped aging.
>stache that any guy past puberty could
haha... yeah...
Miyamoto says Mario is 24-25.
Here's the interview:
>“I think it was fortuitous that we didn’t put any restrictions on Mario as a character,” said Mr Miyamoto said in a Japanese interview in 2005. “Normally when you create a character and present him to the world, all the details get filed in: what’s his favourite colour? what kind of food does he like to eat?”
>But just the one detail was decided about Mario, he said. “Aside from the fact that he’s about 24-25 years old, we didn’t define anything else”.
>“When we make a game we take care not to add incongruence to that game’s world,” he said, explaining the decision to leave most of the backstory undecided. “With that caveat, I’d like to keep using Mario in future games.”
He's basically Steven universe with a big nose and a moustache
>Cranky Kong
>Donkey Kong Jr.
>Donkey Kong
>Drift King
>All of them the same being
>Still this whole stupid Brooklyn thing when New Donk City exists and it's implied the original Donkey Kong happened there
ninceldo is shit
mario is shit
zelda is shit
congratulations if you like any of the above you legitimately have Down's Syndrome
>Not that it has been stated in any game anyway, so it's worthess.
Melee's trophy description puts him around 26.
>I doubt that, it's from a very old interview.
Here's a video with Miyamoto and Tezuka for this year's E3 where they say that he's actually young, not old like many people think
a literal bot.
what a pathetic snoygger.
I think Mario's age on that trophy comes from the amount of years that have passed since his very first game. So he'd be in his 40s now.
Rare made this mess. We don't know how the current storyline is. The Koopalings got retconned to not being Bowser's children, so it's possible that nowadays Cranky is just an old senile gorilla while DK is the same DK as always. And DK Jr is a retired character until further notice.
Damn, you just reminded me to play this again.
>Rare made this mess. We don't know how the current storyline is.
Bro, they doubled down on it in Returns and implied that the Cranky Kong in that is the previous Donkey Kong. I don't understand Donkey Kong's lore but they have not handwaved what Rare did.
It's not, it's his estimative in universe age. Melee came in 2001, 20 years after his first appearance in DK.
Going by that logic Mario was born in 1981. He would’ve been 20 in 2001
Have Mario and Cranky Kong ever interacted?
Gorillas live half as long as humans. If DK the 1st was already middle aged with a son during Mario's first outing, and DK the 3rd was born around the same time as Mario, the time, it would sync up that Mario could be in his early 20s and running a construction/demolition joint/beer bottling factory/cement factory/plumbing business, join the army and participate in that jungle war(Nam?), get his medical degree, & deal with DK 1st.
Only thing that doesn't really work too well is DK 3 being born but DK Jr still being relatively young when Mario is an adult, unless you want to subscribe to the original version of Modern DK being a grown up DK Jr. Which still doesn't fit but whatever.
Yes, in the original Donkey Kong.
Snake's codec in Brawl also confirms that current DK is the grandson of the original DK. It's true they haven't touched that matter in the new Country games, but they can change if they want since Miyamoto says the Mario crew is like a group of actors, changing a bit of the lore isn't hard.
Easy, the jumpman you see in the original DK is the father of the mario brothers
I mean after he became Cranky Kong.
Then how is Pauline still alive in Odyssey?
>unless you want to subscribe to the original version of Modern DK being a grown up DK Jr.
That was never the original version. Rare just didn't know what they were doing in the DK64-GBA era.
I can't believe so many people are still surprised with the "Mario Bros.are young twin adults" thing. It was never stated they were old, only in American live actions.
There ya go.
She's the daughter of the original Pauline
Cappy is also the son of Jumpmans hat
He's mentioned as DK's grandfather in Returns so that's still effectively what they're going with.
Wow, he looks kind of like me. I even have that shirt.
That was Lady, not Pauline.
I think trying to line up Mario and DK's ages is overthinking it. Like how Maggie Simpson is still 1 year old, but other babies like Apu's kids are growing up.
My question is who is Baby DK, Cranky, Jr. or current DK?
Yes, but if they want, he can still be his grandfather without being the original DK.
I would say current DK. Tezuka has once said the Yoshi games are a separate scenario, so there's that too.
Retro Studios' DK was intended to be a new generation of DK, succeeding Rare's DK, meaning that that game's DK was intended to be Rare's DK. That explains why Cranky's personality was overhauled to be less mean-spirited, and the island is different. Nintendo probably backed off at the last minute due to the implication being that the original DK is dead (and it begs the question of who exactly are the other Kongs).
I bet DK Vine can explain what's really going on, they seem to know a lot about DK canon.
>meaning that that game's Cranky was intended to be Rare's DK
That's what I meant.
That's just a joke. Old people can say whatever they want.
Cranky is the only one that makes logical sense.
>but the bib!
DK'94, scrubs.
Since we are talking about that game I just want to say that this song is awesome.
>Nintendo almost released an update with full-fledged level editor instead of the crapfest that is Mario vs. Donkey Kong.
It's not fair.
Mario is immortal, obviously.
Mustache-less Mario is giving me motion sickness somehow.
The first Mario vs. Donkey Kong is really good, it's the sequels with the minis that are not.
me too
How did he do it, bros?
I remember when NoA's twitter account was used as cranky kong and he was just shitting on casuals. I wished they did that again.
Word of god is non-canonical, mario's age was never stated in any game, therefore, he doesn't have a canonical age.
>what’s his favourite colour? what kind of food does he like to eat?”
Red and Pasta with Mushrooms
Was this not common knowledge?
Melee is crossover game, and as a result not canon to the mario series.
Mario's favorite food is mushroom pizza according to an old, official Mario vs. Donkey Kong website.
He was stated in Melee to be 26 though.
That was an estimate, though he's in his mid-twenties at least, yes.
Non-meme answer since everyone here is spouting shit
>The original DKC had DK & DK Jr. Shiggy told them that he doesn't want Jr. in the game. Rare then proceeds to give both a makeover and DK & Jr a new identity. Cranky was created to be old DK while the other two are original characters. This caused a paradox as to what happened to DK Jr. and why Nintendo doesn't know what to do with the story's canon. Here's what it would have looked like if rare didn't do that
Fuck Yea Forums for this misinfo in the thread. Educate yourselves you fucking dumbasses
That looks pretty neat for a fanmade thing, he should give those sprites to someone so they can make it into a romhack.
Jumpman was a different character to Mario, just like the old Donkey Kong is a different character to the current Donkey Kong. Pauline doesn't even recognize Mario, she just speaks to him like a passerby who's helping out.
Cranky is the OG Donkey Kong
Jumpman is Mario's father
Pauline is Mario's mother
In terms of fiction that's the Japanese equivalent of being 32.
>Pauline doesn't even recognize Mario, she just speaks to him like a passerby who's helping out.
Didn't play the postgame, I take it. She admits she was too busy for pleasantries.
Why does Mario always go for the bitches?