You have to admit she has a point.
You have to admit she has a point
Depends on the game. I like bop-it...
This is why women are damaging to video games.
What the fuck is wrong with women
What's wrong with Bop It?
>If you game involves skill and precision, its shit
>you arent telling a good story
She really doesn't. What you are seeing is a real-time ACTUAL cope and seethe.
What if I don't care about a good story? I have books and VNs for that.
The point of a game isn't just to tell a story though, if all you want is a story then read a book.
But a game being difficult in no way changes how well it's written.
yeah i dont play mario cause the story is shit
you notice how she starts with game, and then ended it with story?
>you're not telling a good story
wow...its almost as if there's other mediums that are better at telling stories than video games. maybe she'd be better served by one of those
>if you are making a video game
>then you aren't telling a good story
300% quality brain , we are one step closer to godhood
>I posted a screencap again
>fundamentally misunderstands what a game is
Why are women allowed to have opinions?
Stop posting this twitter shit.
Make a troll thread get deleted like one.
>the point isn't the story, it's interactivity
Don't show this girl fighting games, games from the 90s, rhythm games, etc
>go to a shooting range
>complain it's too hard and that they're not telling a good story
>If you game isn't telling a story then it's not a game
>If your game is just telling a story then it's an animated movie
The best thing to do with these cretins is to just ignore them. Everyone knows that a game is by default, and interactive form of entertainment with win or loss conditions based on the player. If it doesn't have win/loss scenarios then it's a toy. If it isn't interactive and is instead pre-scripted then it's a film of some kind.
Story fags deserve the rope or a movie ticket
How stupid is this woman? Jeez man, you dont WATCH or READ a VIDEO GAME. you PLAY it. HOW it is played is how fun is achieved. How FUN is it if it iseasy and not challenging?
>you aren't telling a good story
When games was about telling a story in the first place?
And second, how many games actually take advantage of the "Interactive audiovisual" medium in the first place? Most of the games the player are passive to all events in the story and rarely he can have dialog options or anything related to gameplay.
She isn't entitled to a good story. Simple as.
"Bop it for grown ups" is almost exactly what videogames are. Why do women act like they like videogames?
Games don't need a story
I laugh more than should for whatever reason.
She completely missed the point of a game.
>Mechanical challenges are bullshit gimmicks
A story isn't really essential for a video game. I skip all the Hitman cutscenes and Tetris has no story at all.
It CAN be an important part, but that depends on the game.
What a stupid woman.
To be fair it's an opinion shared by virtually every adult who doesn't play multiplayer games. Sturgeon's law also applies to people.
Both have a point. This isn‘t black and white. Fuck off.
What I hated most about the mine cart level was that I didn't know why I was there and who the ghost was chasing me.
theres a comedian who did a sketch about how videogames require you to actually have skill to have the story told to you
>if you're game has gameplay, it's not a movie but a game!!!!!!!
uh yeah that's the point
>How dare your game has gameplay beyond press button to recieve cutscene!
I need source.
You are wrong, it is definitively black and white
Gameplay > Artstyle > Audio, Music > Graphics, Visuals >>>>> Story, Storytelling, Lore
>Then you aren't telling a story
No shit. Go watch a movie roastard
What's the point of attacking games that focuses on gameplay and challenge? If that's not your thing then there are tons of games that focuses on mediocre stories for you to enjoy.
It's actually a metaphor to the gorilla existential crisis, was it really worth kill all those lives for some bananas?
>make a game
>woman thinks its a story
>it's a game
Dumb bitch would forget her head if it wasn't attached to her neck.
>Bop It
>no one posted it
>b-both sides
I want centrists dragged out of their homes and executed in the streets. This is absolutely black and white.
Post a link to this post. Imma reply to this dumb bitch.
If the entire point if your video game is to tell a retarded story, then you aren't making a fun game. You are making an interactive cartoon for grown ups.
What point is she(?) making? I genuinely don't get it.
What she wants is a chose your own adventure Netflix TV series.
She's not wrong, but not every game is created because of the story. Tekken has a story, but that doesn't mean that the players aren't doing anything else than playing extreme Bop-It. Take away the screen and it's basically just seemingly random button pressing.
Why is that bad? Bop-it is fun
Many things aren't black and white, but some just are. This is black and white. If you're looking for a good storytelling medium to watch, you have movies. Interactivity and challenge is the unique trait of video games and if you don't see that, you really are missing the point.
>If you are playing a game of basketball, then you aren't telling a good story. You are making Bop It for Grown Ups.
Anyone know how to attract large meteorites toward us?
why are you incapable of doing this yourself, it's even the second result if you google her twitter name
Fucking woman
1] What the low-IQ girl defines as a good story isn't a good story.
2] The low-IQ girl isn't entitled to dictate how others should write their own stories.
3] The low-IQ girl isn't entitled to dictate how a developer should develop their own game.
4] The low-IQ girl isn't entitled to dictate the validity of the motivations behind a developer creating a game in the first place, that's called mental rape - forcing one's own beliefs onto others.
5] She should fuck off and create her own good stories, and when they don't sell it's gonna be because her idea of a good story is dogshit.
that she likes walking sims
>To be fair it's an opinion shared by virtually every adult who doesn't play multiplayer games
What the hell do multiplayer vs singleplayer games have to do with this? The best games of all time are all singleplayer, and have barely any story to begin with
>"Games are about the story" fags
Games can be about the story, but it's a different genre of games that misses the potential video games can have. It's halting progress, because some autistic fucks can't accept other kinds of games.
This is unironically based, I've been saying this for years. If you only play games for the sake of pushing buttons and seeing numbers go up and try to maximize your "rewards" then you're literally, by definition, a fucking retard
>if you aren't making your game about a good story you aren't telling a good story
>it's an opinion shared by virtually every adult who doesn't play multiplayer games
No it isn't. Most still want the bare minimum amount of challenge.
>Video games are for children
She almost had it figured out by the end. Almost.
Bop it for adults is pretty much exactly what I want out of a game desu. Having said that I have nothing against a good story or storyfags. I just hate when they whine about difficulty.
You can have a shooting range that does tell a story.
Retarded outdated boomer logic
you got BTFO, my dude.
imagine bumping a literally who twitter screencap thread
>not having tight gameplay and a good story
If they can't complete the game because they are bad at videogames, they can't know if the story is good
Nobody is trying to argue that basketball is an art form.
umm yes it does, if the game is too hard for the actual person (and not a nolifer like you) to complete the game and experience the whole story then the it can be considered badly written
There's nothing wrong with bop it
i now understand why muslims hit women
Dumb fucking cunt.
Tyrone and Demarcus will prove it one day.
Also, to add,
>if video game rests on player's ability to perform fast click challenges and precision jumping and bullshit mechanic gimmicks, then you aren't telling a good story
This argument is so fucking dead wrong it hurts my brain, why can't it also tell a good story? There's zero argument.
Only one I can come up with, is that "because I'm bad/lazy to learn the games rule set and can't progress, I can't experience the story".
As much as I loathe Celeste's story as I don't like how it approaches depression, it's a good example. You overcoming challenges IS the story and directly lines up with the story. You could also say that little game Dark Souls does the same.
Fucking idiot, ignore, who cares.
>I didn't know why I was there
You had to go through it to get to the next level
>who the ghost was chasing me.
One of the pirates who died on the ship before it washed up on land.
Did you just assume its gender?
Well good, because that would be like trying to argue video games are an art.
she tries to go on to say that games should have easy modes for people with disabilities. guess she realized her argument was retarded so then she wanted it to seem like if you attack her it's because you don't care about sick people.
it's still a stupid argument though. wouldn't it be better to figure out ways to improve the situation of disabled people so they don't need an easy mode? like those new controllers they're coming up with.
>then the it
Maybe you should pass kindergarten before trying to make a point. It might help with articulating what you mean.
Wow didn't realize there was only one type of game out there. Really opened my eyes.
>the point of a video GAME should be to tell a good story
Dara o'Briain
Imagine saying you couldn't watch the LoTR trilogy because it was too long to watch, or can't read a Kant book because it was too hard.
>implying that's a bad thing
just kys you fucktards
some games are good for that some games are good for this some games are good for both reasons
She's right tho
why is it so hard for these people that don't want to actually play video games but are deathly afraid of FOMO to just watch a longplay
I wonder when Yea Forums will sink so far as to post YouTube comments to rage about
Nice shitpost
bop it is based and I skip all cutscenes desu lol.
These people literally want movies where everyone is gay and trans and don't challenge them in any way at all.
>that hand
You can holster you weapon for all that matters, in a few seconds that robber is gonna be a pile of meat slices
This but unironically
>play videogames
>complain they're not another medium
"Art" does not meaningful. Video games are art by definition, but that doesn't inherently say anything about gayms or their depth
Some games are for telling a story. Some are for the difficult gameplay. Video games aren't some locked in medium with only one way to do things. She's the kind of person that would think Rock n Roll is the only way music is.
Good story isn't even important. Just being fun should be your main goal everything else secondary. These people sound like they're trying to turn gaming into cinema or some shit.
This is disingenuous. Like it or not, there are many games released this decade alone that take an artistic approach to game development where the story and themes are front and center while the gameplay is strictly in service to the plot.
Is Monopoly "Art"?
ah, so this is why games with good "story" and brain dead easy mechanics with no challenge or depth get 10/10 while a game requiring any brain cells gets 6/10. I see it now.
Can you imagine a woman doing a construction job and she had to operate the excavate
OMG you have to press these buttons to move the arm and also move the bucket, ahhhhh what is the point to life! this is meaningless, why do we even build shit, SO HARD AND NOT ACCESSIBLE
They want to be involved with whatever is popular at the time. This happens every time a new From Soft game comes out, we get all these posts about there needing to be an easy mode.
Meanwhile, Sekiro was the best game of 2019 and had a very bland story.
>make game
>select difficulty
>I want just a story
>Dante must die
>Select "I want just a story"
>game proceeds with no gameplay and just play all the cutscenes.
Who says there's no great story in basketball?
Why do these people clearly want every video game to be the same thing, but turn around and say "but we're not going to take away your games"
DMC5 for my money, but same deal.
That can't be real
It is
Games are a better medium for storytelling than movies in 2019.They're interactive, you have to put in effort for the story, you can scatter indirect storytelling across the world in NPC dialogue and flavor text.
It's just that western companies are shit at storytelling.
Why program it if someone on YouTube will do it for free?
My man, you sound and argue like a woman.
If I ever make a game I'm going to do that.
Metal Gear Rising has a horrible story and yet it manages to be fun.
The gameplay, characters and the campy writing makes a 6/10 game cherished by even Yea Forums
>dog obsessed
what did she mean by that?
eat as much as boogie
>good story
I've played games all my life and not a single one has ever had a good story. Read a book if you want that shit. Games should be challenging, not all games needs difficulty modes
Because it's funny.
I wish I could kill these faggots and have them leave my video games alone.
Even Quake tells a story so no.
Call it Games Journalist mode.
>They're interactive
Which is what makes them a horrible medium for story telling.
It's basically a journo mode, Journalists have access to pre-releases and could just watch the game and make reviews based on that.
>medium stands out for putting interactivity and community at the front and center
>waste it by focusing on storytelling, something books and movies do better and are more respected for
It's just bandwagoning, isn't it. The kind of devs who go "I have an idea for a game!" and that idea is just a story.
>ad hominem
you should spend time learning how to debate instead of wasting time on your 'hardcore' games
Counterpoint: Celeste
Fuck off
It's actually a bigger challenge
Can we just make an internet for men and and internet for women? And before you ask, trannies belong in a camp.
no u
She would just counter that with "but it has a babby bitch mode that just basically plays itself so you can just get the story."
Also make it cut to black on a cliffhanger ending on the last cutscene and have a featureless credits sequence that ends with "play the game to find out what happens next!" at the end.
>Video games are art by definition
Nah, video-games can be an art form medium but not by its essence. Just like audiovisual can be used to make movies or doing news.
Isn't this exactly what they want though? I've seen people argue for this unironically.
Not really? It just gets in the way of the story you're trying to tell. That's why most good games use environmental storytelling rather than doing it outright like you would see in a book or a movie
Because I'm. Is there a problem?
>make game
>select difficulty
>story mode
>normal mode
>nightmare mode
>selecting nightmare mode puts you at the final boss in starting gear/skills/stats
>selecting story mode replaces all the enemies/normal bosses in game with japanese salarymen that die in one hit and the final boss is just the tutorial boss
that guy is a fucking genius you nigger
>Because I'm.
I hate what you did to that sentence. That shouldn't be allowed. I am sure it's not.
Nah, bro, you just want to be one.
>The game's story isn't accessible if you can't beat all the levels so it's badly written.
Explain how that makes sense when your own incompetence is what's stopping you from seeing the rest of the story?
Also it's funny you're saying "hardcore" games when I guarantee you'll be just as shit at a children's game and whine how it should be more accessible when normal little kids can beat that shit 100% complete.
If you struggle pushing buttons faster than a 4 year old you really do need to go back to kindergarten because there's no way you can be considered an adult and should absolutely NOT have a driver's license, car or any thing that requires hand eye coordination and reflexes.
Also, if you're pushing 30 you shouldn't have worse reflexes than a 4 year old. If you do, well, that's just sad.
Why are these people always so aggressive and hostile?
>someone doest care about an issue
Would Bop it For Grown Ups also inherently be political?
Retarded vagina is confused. It seems to be partaking in the wrong hobby. Someone stuff a sandwich in her ass.
But video games are already the medium, much like movies
Today, the usual review process is probably not much more than going through a game and taking note of the number of LGBT characters and wymun, and if the game is hard, it hinders the job of the journalist.
As I see it, it is best when the gameplay and the story work together. I do like story-focused games that are more akin to visual novels (which I usually find boring as fuck) like To the Moon or Rakuen, but those are a different genre.
I think the story of Celeste is not much to look at in and of itself. It's about overcoming your hardships, which is exactly what you are doing while playing. It's a great example for what I mean when I say the combination of gameplay and story.
>Skill and precision
>Mash X to win
Enjoy your movies.
>It just gets in the way of the story you're trying to tell
I think you are missing the point, making an interactive story means that all actions from the public must be accounted to the plot, and this is really hard to do. That is why you narrow down to 1-4 actions the player can have to change the course of the plot.
Bop it is ableist. What about all the people without fingers arms or bodies?
$100 says a game journo could find a way to make pic-related political AND also not be able to complete it.
It often improves the story, dark souls is set in a bleak, hopeless world and the difficulty of the game reflects that
>Someone doesn't care about an issue
>still goes into thread about said issue to whore for attention
I can see how that would raise a few eyebrows.
So much for the tolerant right lmao
Video games are an "Interactive audiovisual" medium, you can use it to simulate a soccer game or to tell a story, you can also use a piece of paper to draw Mona Lisa or to wipe your ass too.
Being a medium doesn't strictly make that an artform, there must be the intention of making art in the first place.
the pictures from those likes...
fucking based
Just go out and watch a movie your prick.
Always know twitter is the cesspool of retards.
>twitter screencap thread
fuck off
eh, a dubious claim, since people can't really settle on what constitutes the definition of art
she should commit selfkill
I consider myself a moderate. You seem nearly as retarded as her from my point of view. Not because of your opinion but because you give her the time of day and see yourself in some sort of culture war.
what a dumb cunt
celeste confirmed for shit how will SJWs recover now
Well you know that cause you've played the game and I assume have interest in the series.
These fucking people don't care about anything, they just want to be part of a group because their lives are so devoid of meaning that they want to latch on to others to pretend they matter. They're fucking parasites, they thrive on the path of least resistance so they will always demand an easy mode even though that would defeat the point in the games.
What a dumb bitch to think games are solely story mediums and to compare them to bop it of all things.
Artisticity is in the eye of the beholder, there is no objective measurement for it, it's all subjective. If you think a given game (or book, song, film, etc.) is art, then it is. Intention is not even an important part, for we always think of things intended as common entertainment as art. Shakespeare's plays were originally regarded in the same manner as movies today, and jazz was considered an insult to music, and look where we are now.
[Histrionic personality disorder (HPD)]
>is defined by the American Psychiatric Association as a personality disorder characterized by a pattern of excessive attention-seeking emotions, usually beginning in early adulthood, including inappropriately seductive behavior and an excessive need for approval.
[Messiah complex]
> is a state of mind in which an individual holds a belief that they are destined to become a savior. The term can also refer to a state of mind in which an individual believes that he or she is responsible for saving or assisting others as the messiah complex give the utterance of how a person with that severe mental illness is stated as her or he being a messiah with the complexity.
>The term "messiah complex" is not addressed in the Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders (DSM), as it is not a clinical term nor diagnosable disorder. However, the symptoms of the disorder closely resemble those found in individuals suffering from delusions of grandeur or that they have grandiose self-images that veer towards the delusional. An account specifically identified it as a category of religious delusion, which pertains to strong fixed beliefs that cause distress or disability. It is the type of religious delusion that is classified as grandiose while the other two categories are: persecutory and belittlement.
[Narcissistic personality disorder (NPD)]
>is a personality disorder with a long-term pattern of abnormal behavior characterized by exaggerated feelings of self-importance, an excessive need for admiration, and a lack of empathy. People affected with NPD often spend much time thinking about achieving power or success, or on their appearance, and often take advantage of the people around them. Such behavior typically begins by early adulthood, and occurs across a variety of social situations. Therapy is often difficult, as people afftedted with NPD usually do not consider themselves to have a mental health problem.
Shooter fags BTFO.
hoes mad
>Who plays with the Wii?
Audience cheers
>That doesn't count.
>Which one of these isn't crouch?
That was pretty good.
People like her are the reason why games have started to appeal to the LCD, dumbing mechanics down, streamlining the game, making it as casual friendly as possible and putting in hollywood/netflix tier storytelling that does not provoke critical thinking but oooohh explosions, oooohh sad moment, ooooh cool moment!