>go to steam frontpage
>look on bottom left
Post 'em faggots
>go to steam frontpage
>look on bottom left
Post 'em faggots
Seems about right except for the multiplayer part
well I tried OP, press F for this thread
You okay user?
>Great Soundtrack
I knew I bought with my ears.
I don't want to embarass myself
Don't play third person shooters or rogue-likes except RoR2, so don't know why my tags are like that from one game but w/e
4 tags based on 1 (ONE) game I played recently and 1 on the game I played before that, everything before is completely disregarded
fantastic system
I guess "Singleplayer" has a place here, but that's just about it
all of them except one are based on stalker soc
>pixel art
>single player
I dont even like roguelites
I mean mine aren't that interesting
>sleek n tears
Basic bitch tier
i wonder what game these tags could fit
pretty generic
>card games instead of RPG
Looks like I need to play more.
Cube World
You sure you're okay?
>First Person
Half of my games have "Story Rich" though, strange
This is pretty zeroed in
im not buying your game todd
>Online Co-op
>Pixel Graphics
Terraria, Risk of Rain, Factorio, Duck Game and Stardew Valley are my most played. I honestly never realized i had that much focus on playing co-op.
>Haven't even spoken to anyone for the sake of recreation in months much less played vidya with someone
What a strange composition
Guess my age faggots
800 hours of fallout new vegas
uses steam for watching telltale movies instead of playing games
got all the indie software bundles
prevents homelessness for half a dozen indie developers
guess which game i've been playing a lot of
This really does not fit my tastes at all.
Pretty accurate
Get on my level
no thanks
All I've played on Steam recently is Arma and Guilty Gear...
where are your tags faggot
Can I have fun and learn guilty gear with just training mode, at least until gg2020 comes out? The steamcharts look pretty fuckin barren.
I've been non stop playing Slay the Spire for the past few days and it shows lol, don't even know what other card games I have in my steam library
>play Cat's Quest once
>learn guilty gear with just training mode
You can learn to do combos but not play the game. You can go online (In player match, not ranked or the big lobbies) and find people to play in Europe most times of the day (probably US too as I see a lot of lobbies for that in the evening) as PC is the preferred platform for netplay. There's still some newbies hanging about from EVO so it wont be too bad. You will lose a lot but your goal shouldn't be winning it should be improving
Have you played fighting games before? Don't tell me you're just a tourist who wants to play GG2020 cos it look pretty
Any reason to get into the game is a good reason and there is nothing wrong with getting the game over other FGs just because it looks good.
Other than that, I agree with what you said.
gimme that uh.....
medieval space co-op
Just Blender
I've tried helping people new to fighting games a lot in the past and its been a frustrating experience as they were expecting it to be as pick up and play like FPS's are etc
I wanted to make sure they understand these games take a lot of work
WH40K Space Marine
I get where you're coming from but I picked up Rev and Rev 2 because I liked how the game looked compared to BB CF or whatever version of BB was being played around the time Rev 2 came out.
Don't call people tourists for wanting to try something even if you think they might drop it later on. Games get dropped; that's just how it is.
I don't know how to change the language but it's:
Open World
Hard difficulty
Action RPG
kino if i do say so myself
i have exclusively been playing the binding of isaac for several days
Cube World?
what a bullshit, so I played Dead Rising lately, snd what? Do they really think I'm mostly into zombies and gorey stuff? I played A Hat In Time last month ffs
depressingly shit
Doesn't really say anything too specific
Yeah, that's what I call good tags.
I've been playing Pathologic recently.
Who's your favorite Dota hero?
Seems pretty accurate
it should be obvious what it is
my airdashing brethren
could be based or cringe depending on your answer to this post
the multiplayer tag lowers the age a few years so you are as accurate as you can be. i am 30 i have gained ultimate neet wizard powers
>only plays multiplayer coop sexual FPS
>sexual content
Those things can't mix user D:
You watch just one anime movie and your tags are filled with this
Give me your wizard powers.
What the fuck, Steam?
This is shit.
>begging for powers instead of earning them yourself through patience
look at this faggot
>open world turn-based
is there such a game out there?
>could be based or cringe depending on your answer to this post
only one of these is video game related
this is what i get for sending all my time working on art
Don't know why Star Wars is there or why it even has a tag, I've literally only played 2 Star Wars games
How do I learn to draw?
so close.
just start drawing on paper and look stuff up on youtube every one starts out looking like some deviantart tier shit and you will get better the more time you put in
you can do it user
Unsurprising considering I haven't been on steam much lately except to screw around in RPG maker and play Town of Salem
Still can't post images
>Single player
Recently finished up INFRA so the tags are from there