You did this
You did this
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No YOU did this.
Nah. All my games are on the FitGirl launcher.
More like Steam, GOG and piracy lmao
The poster below me did this
>play good PC games on steam
>play everything else on PS4
done and done.
I'm sorry you guys
>Not the updated version
more like piracy lmao
Pretty much this. I refuse anything else and always have since securom killed my first and expensive TO REPLACE back then dvd drive.
thanks for the image pc virgin, saved
oh noooo i have to install another FREE application to play games whatever will i do
lel, I remember buying Chronicles of Riddick and the game wouldn't even let me launch the game because my drive wasn't supported by securom or some shiet. I had to literary crack my legitimate copy to play.
Discord store is gone
>put them all in a folder
>have a launcher for your launchers
No, the free games with Nitro Pass are gone. The store is staying.
i fail to see a problem
Imagine the amount of spyware.
>using windows
No, THEY did this and I refuse to take part in it. Steam is as far as I go. If you continue to make this shit mandatory, I'll pirate again, quit vidya entirely or, forgive me for uttering those words, play on consoles.
>Only one of those I use is Steam because the rest don't have good games and GOG's is optional
Whoa that was hard.
Hopefully launcher autism and publisher greed causes the return of physical games.
Probably not though, people will just keep buying this shit.
Why not just use per-game desktop shortcuts?
It's funny that in digital versions of some games they straight up use cracks in sold versions. They don't even take out the nfo files.
Some games, like ones through, just open the game page in the launcher.
Pretty much this, I'll download it if it has a game I like.
I have (had is probably the better word now) Origin for like BF1 and nothing else
>Launches the launcher
Nobody ever mentioned the cost. The fact that you don’t understand the arguments against multiple launchers shows that you’re not relevant to the discussion.
I warned people about this when Steam first came out and everyone called me crazy.
Sorry not sorry
>be zoomer retard
>start playing (PC) games after 2008
>"wow this is so convenient a single storefront just like my consoles!"
>things finally start splitting up into a fragmented, open platform like PC is supposed to be
Fuck off retard, thank God Steam's monopoly is breaking up, this is how PCs are supposed to be. Go back to consoles, that's where you belong, and they work exactly like you want them to.
inb4 "b-but it's all different closed DRM platforms!"
That's not at all your worry, dumb consoleshit, if closed DRM platforms were your worry then why the fuck were you ok with Steam? No, you just hopped onto PC thinking it was another console, and you steered PC in that direction for far too long.
I wish we could go back to purely physical with no "omg so convenient" DRMs to tie up all the games in one window.
I only use Steam and ignore the rest
>defending digital distribution while calling others zoomers
Great, so now it's like consoles except without the part where any actual exclusives get funded
And you can get the game on a disc and just put it in and play it.
(Don't know if consoles still do that I just assume they do)
>things finally start splitting up into a fragmented, open platform like PC is supposed to be
You mean the shit that kept PC in the background with terrible ports and support for nearly a decade?
because you looked like a sperg and pic related.
>I wish we could go back to purely physical with no "omg so convenient" DRMs
Yeah, tell that to my Silent Storms and Sacred disks I can't play because of StarForce. kys fgt.
But yah, bring back physical games for PC.
same thing happening with movies and series. Piracy is back on the menu now and this time harder than before. Only reason most people didn't pirate is because it was so fucking convinient to use these services but now them being split up just kills all of them.
It took only 9 years for industry to wake up. Steam did this, you can blame only them on their greed
based fittrannie repacking for us low bandwitchcels
No, it's not like consoles because the launchers are free. Are you retarded? Was PC like consoles before Steam because you had several competing stores?
>muh inconvenience
Having 4-6 programs that hold 5-100 games each is still a lot more convenient than keeping track of hundreds of physical copies. Imagine you had a box and disc for every game in your Steam library. That's how it used to be, I'm sure managing a handful of programs is nothing when you did all that decades ago, right user?
See, this is what I mean by you being a consoleshitter. If you're on PC to play multiplats and other AAA trash, why don't you just get a console? It does everything you want it to, and has all your shitty moviegames. Multiplat AAA trash isn't what made PC, thankfully you consolefags will be migrating off to streaming shit or whatever else you're told to migrate to soon and finally fuck off.
Here you go bro, enjoy
you literally need only 2 of those if you want to buy actual games
steam and gog
I wonder if anyone is actually using it
This might be the dumbest post I've seen in months. Nigga, you went 17 different kinds of retarded. Take the PC musturd race superiority complex with a good portion of ignorance what makes PC great as a platform coupled with a low IQ brain entirely taken over by memes and you get this brain vomit.
Weren't there always launchers like these since the 2000's? I remember Wildtangent, ijji, RealPlayer and OG Planet.
>when you did all that decades ago
>implying 99% of Yea Forums didn't start playing games well after Steam gained momentum
pcgaming in 2019
>capitalism is bad because I must use and buy everything I see like a trained dog
>All that normal fag shit
>not just having Steam and DMM and then pirating the rest
Normalfags are retarded, in other news the sun is hot.
>this horrific fusion of old school PC Boomer for one thing but 'it's ok to have 6 different stores where you don't actually own anything' for another
>pretends to be boomer
>praises the days of StarForce
I don't even use Galaxy much since it's optional
literally who cares
twitch has a launcher?
We did what? PC is an open platform, anyone can enter and do what they want here.
If you don't like it just go to consoles, faggot
I don't get it whats the issue?
you use Yea Forums, you are part of the botnet
I only got uplay (because of anno), steam and
So a single store where you don't actually own anything is better?
>if you dont agree youre not relevant
>EA wanted to force everyone to use Origin
>with fucking Inquisition, Andromeda, SimCityOnline and Anthem
Are the Titanfall games and Sims 4 the only things worth owning on Origin?
>on consoles you need to buy another $400 boox to play other exclusives
>on pc you just need to download another launcher
Literally just don't use them, it's not hard. You don't have to play every normie marketer shill game. I installed GOG once for Witcher 3 since I bought the CE but that was it. Haven't had it in years.
boomers need to be exterminated
>You want to play games? God why don't you get a console you fucking zoomer
>PC gaming was dying in the 2000s because there was no centralized service and playing on console was just easier and less of a hassle
>Steam basically singlehandely saved mainstream PC gaming.
>Now PC gaming is gonna go back to being fractured again.
Ayyy lmao
not all games are available at one platform
also pirating is punishable with up to10 years in prison in my country
>pc gamimg dying in the 2000s
lmao no
He's not even a boomer, who the ungodly fuck feels nostalgic for product keys, limited installs and Starforce?
I mean technically yes? I don't own anything either way, and one option is just more convenient. It would be different if stores like Epic and Steam were competing on price, but it's clearly not going that way
retarded boomers
>PC gaming didn't die in the early 2000s
Sorry, who was the zoomer again? Between shit like SecuROM and Starforce, everybody fucking abandoned every new release and settled for older titles while the PC industry fucking crumbled.
eh.. aside from every pc centered devs either dying out or shifting to consoles, i guess it wasn't
because the only argument are fat autists mad they have to click different icons to get different products like how every single other business works, and legitimate corporate drones who think the launchers themselves are a product and they're creating a digital library instead of using a store to buy a product
>Saving anything
La good guy valve epic meme
>He doesnt remember the mid/late 00 era were more and more publishers were making multiplatform games without a PC version.
Bull shit you guys play enough Bethesda, Orgin and Uplay games to have the launcher. Steam, GOG and are the only legit launchers on there. Epic is going to be the new Orgin.
These storefronts are a fucking joke too.
>Steam and GOG, two actual stores
>uPlay and Origin, kept alive by the occasional major exclusive
>BattleNet, funded by microtransactions
>Epic, funded by China and runs through bribery
>, that literally died
>Rockstar Launcher, likely Battlenet 2.0
95% of PC games having to be fixed with cracks that circumvented the anti-piracy otherwise you couldn't play them. Zoomers who know nothing get out.
I cannot fathom how. Like 90% of my old PC discs don't work anymore due to some form of on-disc DRM.
I don't mind, I only pirate video games. Enjoy the launcher wage cuckies.
>don't want to pay full price
>try to pirate every game
>buy cd keys purchased with credit cards
>crack games
>cry that you don't get exclusives
>threaten to pirate still
wow why don't devs love you guys!
You can be as mad as you want, won't change a thing. You'll fuck off to consoles (or streaming services) soon enough, and you'll take AAA trash with you since you're the main audience for those on PC. Then PC gaming can go back to "dying" like it was between 1992 and 2004, funnily enough the time PC was "dying" was also its golden age.
>muh starforce
Ah yes we traded Starforce for store DRM plus Denuvo, much better, totally not the same shit with an added layer.
It's just rent-seeking.
No new games are being funded and created as a result of this 'exclusivity' push. It's just trying to make more cash by fucking around with how people access games that were already going to exist anyway
>tfw couldn't replay Fallout 3 for years
>kept crashing on launch
>turns out it was GFWL since it was already dead
>had to install it anyway and set it tp offline mode
>Starforce was better than Steam!
Holy fucking shit this is peak contrarian. This is full blown rabies delusion.
same regurgitated shit that doesnt prove a point
Huh, really nigger?
List of games I bought in the past 5 years:
Dark Souls 3
Pirated everything else.
am I the only one who likes using more clients. I've had them all even that Japanese one for that DOA game. Its like pokemon I want to collect them all
>Dark Souls 3
Why would you ever buy steam exclusives?
did GOG patch it out? I mean Fallout3 on PC was such a dumpsterfire not even the poles whose whole gimmick is "we patch it for you" might've been able to do anything with it.
I just use the gog site and pirate everything else
guy wtf? i only use 3 launchers
>Pirating the game was the solution!
See, this is why PC gaming was a shithole. This is why developers and publishers abandoned the platform for over a decade and moved to consoles.
>No actual argument because he knows he's a retarded fucking zoomer who never experienced this garbage
No you stupid zoomer, I'll just fuck off back to piracy like me and many others did in the 'Golden Age'
literally no one ever cared about that shit
Based. I'm like you, I only buy games if I really want to play the mp.
We didn't even have game for windows live in poland so we had some special fallout 3 edition at launch which technically worked without games for windows live but still was stuck for like half an hour trying to install it. Dunno how is it now.
I'm glad we could get rid of DRM thanks to steam saving PC gaming. Now if you'll excuse me I'm gonna go launch steam and sign into my account that holds all my licenses so i can actually play the games the bought, which will then run a DRM check for steamworks, which sometimes will have Denuvo on top of that, and if you're really lucky will even launch an added launcher like the rockstar social club or kalypso launcher on top of all of this.
God bless steam for saving PC gaming so I can now play these console games with slightly better graphics, gonna go post a screenshot of my led setup on r/pcmasterrace for some sick upvotes
>pirate every game
>if you can't pirate complain
>threaten to pirate future games
>pretend you don't' want the game anyway
>cry games online only because you can't pirate
>devs don't support pc
>cry and threaten to pirate some more
Okay zoomer, nobody cared. Whatever you say in your fantasy dream-world when I could play FEAR on the 360 with no issue while my official PC version gathered dust because I had to pirate it.
I use GoG, Steam and hard copy. FUck all others
>>Pirating the game was the solution!
Yeah, nothing changed.
From left to right,
>literally just for wow or waifuwatch
>nothing of value
>literally just for gta
>kinda aids
>imagine the worst thing in the world, and multiply it by cancer.
>emulate old games
>pirate interesting new single player games
>avoid 99% multiplayer only games
this is how you gayme on a PC
>credit card linked to 20 different platforms
psn hack 2012
just use paypal nigger
Starforce protected games worked absolutely fine. You're just a one of seething pirates, like those folks who hate denuvo now, because it actually fucking does a decent job at protecting the game from being cracked.
Starforce had only one legitimate problem - if your disc became too scratched over years, sometimes it would not recognize it, and you wont be able to play the game you actually bought.
>not using tokenized cards
>fraud protection
>money back anyway
literally who cares? the only worthwhile games are japanese and they're on steam anyway
The repeated stupid opinion of a retarded "all or nothing" nigger.
DRM was never the problem, the problem was the implementation.
>Old DRM methods
>Input your CD key
>You have a limit of 5 installs
>You cannot install on multiple machines at once
>You cannot play while offline
>You cannot play with two disc drives
>You cannot play with CD burning tools installed
>You cannot play with torrent services installed
And other countless forms of bullshit.
>Steam DRM
>Download game
Gee, why is this an easy pill to swallow compared to having shit dumped in my mouth?
>people stop buying games on PC or pirate because of this
>publishers abandon the platform
Are we in for another Dark Age, lads?
The only launcher I have is Battlenet for SC2. Everything else I pirate.
>nobody used to use gog
>it was always gog is useless steam has everything
>now that every publisher has a launcher people in these threads are claiming to support gog along with steam
Why are you guys lying? And if you're not, what made you change your mind? GOG wont have those games steam is losing.
you could have just posted the image, what's with the need to twitterpost?
I use only gog and steam, or I pirate, and if I don't want to support developers I also pirate
The same shit is happening to the video streaming industry.
jews gonna jew
It doubles as the Twitch app, which is same thing as the web.
I use it since Twitch gives games monthly for being Prime.
i havent playd SC2 in 2 years but im pretty sure you dont even need the Bnet launcher to play SC2, you can just install the game.
>Want to play a game
>double click on the launcher you need
>enable automatic log in
>play the game
>stop playing
>close the game
>close the launcher
I don't see this as a huge problem, you lose only a few seconds of your time
It's for mods, I think.
>, that literally died
For real?
They gave up to the point of killing it?
I thought they just rolled bback on their intention of making Doom Eternal Bethesda Launcher exclusive.
gog has always gotten decent love, where have you been?
you're retarded aren't you?
>PC DRM in the early 2000s
Californians who have never shown hardship in their lives compare harmless opinions with the Nazis and insist it's exactly the same.
Use steam and pirate the rest that’s it.
No u
>credit card
There's a thing cards with set limit. My ass I'm getting fucked by the auto renewal again. Not on Netflix, not on the Xbox, not in anywhere else. They can't ban you for not having money on the card because that's illegal.
fuck will this shit ever end or will every publisher start making their own launcher?
I swear to god this is literally only an issue if you have massive amounts of shit taste. There used to be a time where Steam was all you needed and now that GoG is a lot more open to video games you don't even really need Steam unless you want some specific indie/nip games that GoG acts too high and mighty to have.
You're missing the microsoft minecraft launcher
>try Xbox app month of Gama Pass for 1 euro thing
>it has cloud saves
>there are separate offline/online saves
>if offline you can't coninue where you were playing online
>savefiles are inside social containers, they won't work with Steam/other verions of the games
First GFWL, now MS store. Why can't MS get it right?
I mean technically they maintain the right to ban you at any time for any reason including no reason at all.
What they can't do is charge you for a service and then simply not provide it
DRM was super shit back then but that doesn't magically make what we have now okay.
Save files work on the Xbox/Windows for most games. MS is the only platform holder allowing you to do crossave.
>not using a launcher for ypour launchers
They don't ban you because your credit card payment wasn't accepted anymore. They used to (at least on the Xbox) but they learned better than to piss off existant consumers with this fucking bullshit.
>not using gog galaxy 2.0
>image literally has "closed beta" in it
yeah thanks user im totally gonna use this thing that isnt available yet 10/10 go eat a dick.
There's a fitgirl launcher?
You have to be a massive fucking RETARD to get caught dude
I don't give a shit about Xbox.
I'm talking about my MS Store saves of Rise of the Tomb raider not working ever with the Steam version.
I've always used it but everyone here hated it
I know this guy. He is a secondary that posts a lot about F/GO but knows nothing about Type-Moon. Is a little too woke. Nice guy though.
most retarded opinion ever
I didn't say they do, I said they maintain the right to ban anyone at any time for any reason. Ultimately it's their service they are providing to you. If they want to go full autism and ban everyone at once, well thats nice watch nobody like them anymore.
>apply for the beta
>get a code
Wow that was hard.
They also used to block you from using your credit card if you tried too many credit cards. Fucking savage troglodites from the past. Glad that shit is over.
leave it to me.
And people wonder why piracy is making a comeback.
The analogy with PC gaming is slightly better as the launchers are free, but holy shit is it obnoxious to have all the old games in a franchise on Steam and have to buy the newest game on a different launcher.
A good chunk of console games are not even on PS4, with PC, you can click open another launcher, with consoles, you need to buy another console
>apply for a code
>don't get a code
wow its almost as if closed betas dont give out keys to just fucking everybody you dumb shit
this. My order is always GoG > Steam > Pirate and if I can't find it on any of those then I just won't play it.
Aw jeez, what a disaster!
>No, no! Companies aren't allowed to sell their own products they have to do it through steam! only the launcher I like is allowed to exist!!!!!!!
The funny part about this is that multiple launchers has always existed and people bitching about this as if steam was the first are all fucking retards.
Thanks for recommending a good client.
I've got steam and dealt with blizzard, origin and uplay. I'm not playing EA shit anymore, so anything not on steam, bliz and uplay is gonna be a cheeky pirate for me.
Are you fucking retarded? So you don't apply guaranteeing a 0 chance to get one? Wow you are dumb.
They are giving codes firts come first served. Pretty much anyone who wants one gets one.
>piracy is back
It never fucking left, you moron.
Imagine all the games people will lose access to when those launchers inevitably fail and shut down at some point. Digital is a bubble waiting to burst.
>I dislike new things
Don't the launchers still need to be installed? That's the actual problem: bloating your PC with all this bullshit.
>Starforce protected games worked absolutely fine
Well they don't anymore and don't even try to pull a "just update it bro" on me. Surprise! it's not "your disc became too scratched over years" it's software itself being obsolete garbage.
AND I remember very well my friends having problems launching Starforced games, even on pristine disks. So fuck off Starforce apologist, go back to sucking denuvo dick, make another BL3 thread for instance.
I actually have 4 installed out of the 10, when in reality I'm only using Steam daily. Weird.
>not my opinion
>must be a zoomer
People are actually advocating for monopolies because they're too dumb or lazy to just pirate or use multiple (free) storefronts (or a storefront compiler like ).
Just set the launchers to not start at Windows startup, it's not like HDD space is a problem.
As for running them, GoG lets you close them after you are done playing.
>no argument
Lel at all the assblasted faggots replying to this post as if it's wrong when it isn't.
They sure are allowed to exist, but i'm not obliged to use them. I can either pass on the games, or go and pirate the game. Rockstar takes the fucking cake here, they release a single game every, what, 5 years? At that point you might aswell do it like GOG, and have the launcher be optional. Just let me download the fucking game so i don't have to deal with having to start a launcher, that i use for one (1) game, which i then have to start from the launcher.
Nigga I ain't do shit
why is it in fucking closed beta for 6 months?
I never said I had any problem with new things you low reading comprehension low test double nigger. What I said was that I'll try and find a game first on GoG, if it's not available there then I'll try steam and if I can't get it there I'll just pirate it. If it's still uncracked then I'll just not play it.
Steam and battle net are all I'll ever use.
If WoW classic wasnt embedded in the launcher I wouldn't use battle net at all.
I got assassins creed black flag for free years back when I bought a graphics card. I installed uplay, played the game a bit and promptly uninstalled it. I'll play the game on console if I really want to play it.
except that steam still has almost everything you mentioned with the added benefit of at least one and far more often 2-3 other shitty layers
Launcher dedicated to a single game. No bullshit, it just works at getting you the game and launching it, as all launchers should strive to do.
>Steam and GOG
Sells a bunch of games. The former offers an okay but fucking bloated client service alongside selling basically everything, and you have to bother with using it if you want to play the titles you bought a mere license to.
The latter offers the objectively best service, games straight up for download (meaning it is as close to OWNING a copy you can truly do anything with) with an optional client, but suffers heavily by the fact it has a severely lacking selection in comparison.
>Battlenet, Bethesda, Rockstar, Origin, Uplay
Dedicated stores/launchers for those companies' games. Since they don't need to compete on providing a service, their clients are shit. Not a big deal, they understandably want 100% of the profits for the games they produced so they set up their own store (not that difficult to do).
Originally delivering only its own titles, then decided it wanted to be top dog by fighting Steam and GOG. But instead of actually competing against them by offering a better service and selection as a store/launcher, they're handpicking third-party games as exclusives to themselves in order to force people to use it. Despite their Fortnite money, EGS client is even shittier than Origin/BNet/Uplay since they spend it all on buying out third party exclusives.
>Xbox Games, Twitch, Discord
There's nothing I want from 90% of those clients. Last time I used anything other than Steam was to play Titanfall 2 on Origin.
Don't need GOG Galaxy, I prefer to get most singleplayer games there instead of Steam.
I wish there was a "Steam Lite" - just a Library in Small Mode. Everything is HTML5 now so I can use the store, friends and community shit in my own damn web browser instead of having a dozen Steam Client Boostrappers eating a gig of RAM.
back in my day we only used this
fuck DRM, fuck jews and fuck you all
pirate or die
>but i'm not obliged to use them.
No one says anyone is, yet people are still frothing at the mouth over anything other than Steam existing. People are just mad that there is more than one launcher, as if publishers aren't allowed to try and sell their own products themselves.
keep mining cuck
Consoles winning since 1975 :)
So how do i sell my games without steam or any other storefront?
Oh, okay that's cool.
We don't blame you, you were doing the best you could.
>gaming in 1999
>learn about a game in a paid magazine, or by luck from a friend
>dress up, get in a car, go to a store, and find out they're out of stock
>30 minutes in a drain
>chance of getting a game you want discounted: near 0
>1 good game per month
>gaming in 2019
>learn about a game from a variety of sources, all free, steam even recommends games based on what I like
>install the launchers once per windows install, 20 minutes max
>find a game, pay for it, it's downloaded within a few minutes, can play vidya in the meantime
>sales almost all the time
>more vidya than you could ever hope to pay
>free vidya
Zoomers don't know what they have
This hasn't been a problem until EGS started buying out games. Uplay still let you buy their games on Steam and use Steam features.
Some minecraft cuck made me use it to download a modpack for Minecraft recently.
I do no understand why people use it.
Speak for yourself, I blame that user specifically.
I mean it's fair to try, but it would be nice if some of them thought about what benefit they're getting out of it and how it affects customers. I think Steam, GOG and Epic are perfectly fine, EA launcher is probably okay too (i don't care about EA, but they have a bunch of games i guess), Blizzard and Uplay are already borderline. And at some point you just need to ask yourself if you're not just wasting time and money for the sole reason of making shit more convoluted than it needs to be.
this post reeks of "i was born this decade and have no idea what the world was like in 1999"
You’ve got it wrong
It’s great seeing you PC fucks argue about shit console gamers had to deal with since the beginning of time
>This hasn't been a problem until EGS started buying out games.
holy fuck, another retard bitching about Epic when Epic wasn't the first launcher after steam. Do you not understand that things like this take time?
>Uplay still let you buy their games on Steam
Not anymore, at least for some of the.
>but epic bought the games
It's the publishers decision where the games go, throwing money at something alone is not going to make a difference. Plenty of publishers have rejected exclusivity deals with the EGS. You seem to not be very aware that people also hated Origin and Battlenet and the Bethesda launcher when they first got out, now people just don't care. This isn't fucking new.
>every insomnia sale has threads
Your the reason we have a gorillian streaming services
Fuck off
oh no, I have to click on a shortcut to start a game!
Why is it a bad thing? I understand for steam achievement hunters if such people even exist on PC
>1 good game per month
Weird, that's more than nowadays
>but it would be nice if some of them thought about what benefit they're getting out of it
That depends. If the publisher itself is selling the game, they get more money because they don't have to give some third party a cut of their profits. The customer doesn't really benefit, not directly anyway, but it isn't even a big deal. The people acting like it is make it seem like they have to move mountains to use other launchers when it's nothing more than a few clicks.
>MFW im a piratechad
>MFW i only need two (2) files: "Games (ISO)" & "Games"
They only have brood war, unbalanced RTS game from the fucking 90s and Gaywatch
Literally every game they make is the same. Always the same tedious gameplay and missions
The only thing you need
Maybe if Valve hadn't been strangling the PC gaming market with it's fucking outrageous 30% tax they wouldn't be getting their shit kicked in by Epic now.
>owning origin games
>playing rockstar games past the year 2003
>buying indie games on gog
>playing fortnite on epic
>ubisoft anything
>xbox is built into windows and only runs if you use it
>watching twitch for any reason at all
I didn't do shit faggot.
no I fucking did not
No, greedy devs did this
for me? its GOG
He's not wrong, though.
>you must use an objectively inferior service just because it's new
All these assblasted replies and not a single argument
Set up a simple website. There are many premade templates with plugins and shit to set up the storefront and handle digital signatures/accounts for distribution.
Set up a deal with your bank, PayPal or a middleman like Amazon to handle transactions.
Buy some server space so people can download your stuff.
Ideally, it'll cost very little to set up and maintain, money-wise.
he is wrong, 100%
>no Discord
>no Paradox
>don't remember how desktops used to be before steam
Quit showing your age zoomer are you scared of icons?
Guess you're right. Good thing is that time will tell which launchers are gonna make the cut. I'm not gonna bother with installing a single one (since i can always just get stuff like Borderlands on my PS4), but it never hurts that Steam has some competition.
>but using Steam DRM is OK
god i hate you steamcucks so fucking much
Based pirate bros. Post which games you actually spent money on in the last 10 years
>Rome 2 after ages playing pirated version, only for easy DeI
>BF3 and 4
Everything else has been pirated
>worried about DRM
Dude I grew up having to have a CD in my computer to play games, you think I give a shit about using steam? It's fucking simple, also I don't care about using any of those other apps either the problem isn't the apps it's the games.
Get a job faggot.
i never understood why people cluttered their desktops, i always put the shortcuts in a "games" folder
Maybe they should try making good games then
>nothing more than a few clicks
Different launchers have different currency support, regional pricing policy and regional payment options, stop fucking pretending everyone lives in the us.
Actually I grew up having to put either a floppy or a CD in the computer, and having to change shit out or fucking learning how to fucking do computer management and repair to make games run and other bullshit.
You kids have it so god damn easy then bitch about something like steam it's a fucking joke.
i don't care that you grew up retarded and didn't know how to use no-cd cracks you fucking faggot
The Xbox app isn't a launcher, it's a hub.
What a faggot.
This is the only correct answer. Stay strong and continue preaching of the true path, Yea Forumsro.
>Dude just install another launcher, what is the problem?
If I can't buy a game on GOG, I don't buy it at all
Fuck DRM and fuck every nigger dev that uses it
i've stored my shit in like 3 folders since 1995
Actually I used no-cd cracks all the time (especially for wc) but that doesn't change my point.
Don't get mad at me because you live in brazil or some shitheap eastern european dung pile.
Kantai Collection
No really, that's it.
>muh monopoly
>Dude I grew up having to have a CD in my computer to play games
>Actually I used no-cd cracks all the time
are you bipolar or something?
Sounds like you don't do work or anything on your pc then.
It's funny how something similar is happening with TV (Amazon Prime, Hulu, Disney etc). Both Netflix and Steam took a massive risk and innovated with digital distribution when everyone else thought they were crazy. That risk paid off for them and they entrenched themselves. Their innovation was rewarded.
Then a bunch of big competitors just decide that they also want a piece of the pie despite just sitting there watching the whole time and having absorbed zero risk. In both cases piracy is going to make a comeback.
The main difference I can see is that people don't get called 'Netflix drones' when they rightly point out that it's inconvenient to them to have shit fragmented across ten different services, and it's not their problem that a company suddenly decides they want more money.
>You did this thing totally outside your control
Fuck-a-you niggeru
Yeah that sounds about right
Imagine this part,
>I grew up
having meaning.
I don't watch TV, I don't use streaming services. Why? Because i'm not a fucking retard. If I want a show i'll buy it directly or just pirate it.
>>more vidya than you could ever hope to play
And they're all shit
yeah your just pretending to be retarded, i see
Well I can see you're not.
This is why you use something like playnite
>dude just let the Chinese steal your credit card info, it's no big deal
I only use gog.
They did this to themselves. Same with anime
i don't have a credit card. suck it, chinks.
I have none of them (except GOGG because it's easier, but I still own the games, unlike all others).
>Steam monopoly
Chairman Sweeny added 5 social credit to your score.
75% of this board isn't even old enough to have a CC and 15% are too poor to use one. Remember only 10% of users on this board are actual employed adults and not worthless.
And honestly that's probably higher than the truth.
risk of rain 2
Steaming owned by china government stupid steaming drone
>rockstar makes game launcher
rdr2 pc confirmed
>bnet for starcraft once a month or so
>avoid preorders, early access shit, "live service" games, lootboxes, microtransactions, denuvo and everything else by not being invested in supporting AAA trash
Feels good to see people who pay for being digitally raped suffer while I slowly go through my massive backlog and play coop games with a friend.
>people actually have bethesda and egs downloaded
I don't know about that guy, but back in my day, you had to have the floppies/CDs in for many early-mid-90s PC games because it actually read data from them during play, an install was often just a folder containing a few tens of megabytes with the executable, some libraries and save data.
Games weren't in the realm of full installs and CD checks until close to the turn of the century. At that point, everybody knew about GameCopyWorld.
Why would you put card info into Epic when all the games are free? Baka.
You forgot Microsoft Store!
Why is there so many mental gymnastics behind piracy? I just pirate because I can invest my money better elsewhere.
>the free games with Nitro Pass are gone
fucking really? why
stop spamming this shit faggot
This year I've bought:
>Resident Evil 2 Remake
>Ace Combat 7
>Remnant from Ashes
>Code Vein
>Labyrinth of Refrain
>Earth Defense Force 5
Of all of those only Bloodstained was available on GOG. I don't understand why people say that you only need GOG.
literally almost threw up just by looking at this soulless UI
>t. nu-pcgamer
>shills GOG and scalpers
>thinks hes and OG PC gamer
lol, i was pwning n00bs in unreal tourney whilst you were still in your dads nutsack kid
>pre-purchasing games
Howling right now mate
It's simple, I don't buy games that aren't on GOG
fuck off chinkdrone
I played Code Vein's network test on PS4 and I liked it so I decided to take the risk.
So, you don't play new games.
the millions of adware/bloatware shit disguised as anti-virus and included as a bonus software during installation were also free you fucking dumbass.
Now now, I never said I don't play them, just that I don't buy them
bad bait
you're all such manbabies, christ
every time I hear fitgirl I see some dipshit who started pirating in the last 5 years
Steam never had a monopoly, there was nothing stopping anyone from releasing their games on GOG
>both gog and steam
It's literally "I'm doing stupid shit on purpose, be outraged for it now"
Does this mean converts who came to PC in 2012 will finally fuck off back to consoles?
Can't wait.
>apply to the beta
>wait months for a code
>this is bad because i have to click a few more times
I know, I'm mostly mocking people who seethe at the idea of epic games getting exclusives for their platform
it's basically just extreme brand loyalty
I only have Steam and I only use it for TF2 and games with massive workshop support like Kenshi. I pirate everything else.
>downloading GOG DRM
>storefront compiler
it's a launcher that launcher other launchers...
>playing ubishit, ea shit, anything on epic games, any bethesda game not available on steam or GOG, or any modern blizzard game
Jesus Christ the shit taste
Perfect world owns 49% of valve, cope more
>I only accept thing that were there the first time i used computer
status quo apologists are the worst
what the fuck are you talking about, retarded chink?
>NO, you HAVE TO use this objectively shittier service, IT'S NEW GOD DAMNIT
If it was there when you first used a computer, and is still there, don't you think that means new things are kinda shit?
These guys were right. The end is slow.
more like
>I only accept the least trash and least spyware and bloatware like products
>PC has all these launchers but not a single exclusive
>HURR DURR [buzzword]
way to show your underage
I can't remember anymore. Pretty sure it was a PS3 game though since I switched to PC after Sony decided to have paid online.
Nobody used it.
The only non-free thing I've used Battlenet for was Overwatch and I'm sure as hell never installing that again.
Bethesda games are on Steam as well.
100% of Rockstar and EA games I've played in my life were pirated.
I have 5 or 6 games on my uplay, but I probably won't ever replay them.
I literally don't have a single thing from Epic, twitch or Xbox.
Nobody cares about your fucking opinion on TV. Shut the fuck up
Only way to play online sadly. It's fucking bullshit.
cope harder, faggot
>[buzzword] HURR DURR
nice non-argument, mentally ill chinkdrone
because netflix ain't free
>Logical Fallacy
>extreme bait
>pay cucks be like : these launchers are too spicy!!
I wonder how she looks
I know it's a Russian girl
Imagine how cool it must be to bee good at cracking games while also having a vagina
There is literally one girl on Earth like this and it's fitgirl
Gub Russian qt pirate wife
>can't stream TV and movies because every company now has their own launcher
>can't play new PC vidya because every company is starting to get their own store
>can't play new console vidya because it's slowly heading towards streaming only
Thank fucking god for my old vidya and emulation. New media can go fuck itself.
If the dev/pub directly sells it DRM-free, I prefer that over all those other options.
Fuck the current state of "PC gaming".
Next you won't be able to legally play your games without an IoT anal probe to tie the (revocable) license to (You).
Uhh only Bloodborne I think.
>Yea Forums
To be called that there are way too many flamewars on here.
People cannot stand having their opinion argued against.
>have gog galaxy
>opens up most of this.
My dad is a boomer and only buys physical copies or pirates games. I took his advice and just bought a ps4
Imagine cucking yourself this hard by buying games you technically don't own.
>Imagine how cool it must be to bee good at cracking games while also having a vagina
She repacks, doesnt crack.
>Imagine cucking yourself this hard by buying games you technically don't own.
>I bought a PS4
user, I...
>bought a PS4
My experience with PS4 has always been fuckhuge patches downloads and instals
>never had blizzshit account because blizzard is shit
>never had eashit account because ea is shit
>never had GoG account because CDP is based and doesn't force me to use it
>dunno if I have an xbox account because Microsoft ecosystem is a massive clusterfuck
>use throwaway accounts for twitch
>was forced to make rockstar account to play GTA5, never buying any rockstar shit ever again
>was forced to make epic account to play UT4, never buying anything from epic ever again
>was forced to make ubishit account to play Blood Dragon, never buying anything from ubicunts ever again
>was forced to make toddnet accounts to play Quake Hampions, fine with it because there's no forced launcher and once you're logged in you can forget about it
Which leaves me with only 1 (one) launcher which I'd use anyway even for pirated games to keep everything in one place, for easy screenshots management and Steam Input.
God bless Gabe, Todd and polaks.
>buying EAshit
Kill yourself.
>by buying games you technically don't own
Fun fact: you don't own those games on PS4 either. In every single games disclaimer it states that you're effecitvly buying a physical "pass" to play the game which can be blocked at any point for any reason without question. You're renting the same as the rest of us the only exception is yours takes up more room.
Games > exclusives
It doesn't, you retard. The only limitation Steam has is that multiple people can't be playing a game owned under one account at once. You can play offline, you can install on multiple devices an unlimited amount of times, you aren't cockblocked by Daemon Tools or two disc drives.
You are a faggot liar.
I didn't.
I only use GoG.
correction, you are doing this to yourself
There's a small list of indie games that I genuinelly enjoyed and decided to support the devs and that's pretty much it.
a botnet doesnt need to have 1 monolithic opinion on everything to be a botnet you child
Technically you don't own anything.
Technically you aren't even alive.
That said, I agree. Why you'd buy a fucking console is beyond me, though.
Go DRM-free. As long as you don't need AAA, there is no problem.
>not stacking launchers upon launchers upon launchers upon launchers
lmao pleb
Calling humankind as a whole a botnet would be understandable.
Cherrypicking a certain group from that entirety doesn't seem appropriate.
>which can be blocked
>goes offline
What now huh cunt
I just bought a console and either buy my games second trade or from some wacky black market. Never was dissapointed so far. Got rdr2 for 15 bucks of some rich ass nigga even a month ago.
I dont pay for the multiplayer though. All I do is apex legends with my irl mates or pkay singleplayer games if im alone
Eh its okay since you can update shit in sleep modus
LMAO at the XBox calling OP a cuck
>work war 3
those are just ones off the top of my head and there’s a bunch of consolefags crying that they aren’t on their shitbox
>goes offline
Enjoy not playing any of your games. Day one updates aren't just a thing to throw in fixes that couldn't be shipped when the game did, it's to ensure control of your hobby. You don't update, you don't get the full game.
BASED and not a single legitimate argument against this post in any of the seething replies.
learn what a botnet is manchild
nice samefagging, retard. Enjoy buying your gaems XD. I'll play them for free, though. Thanks for supporting the developer
Most updates are for the multiplayer. You can just copy disc and start game without updating.
Ah to be so naive again.
It took 4 years, but we won bros.
Article from 2015
Based. Anyone who is mad at Epic is a Net Neutrality level retard
I will, poorfag cuck
>calls others poorfags
>flood the board with obnoxious spam day in day out
>wow stop being mad at them, conspiratard!
Nah, I have Steam. If it's not on steam, I don't care enough to buy it. I don't want forty fuckin' launchers. Fuck that nonsense.
KEK you use twitch
Holocaust the chinks
A program running on a lot of machines executing "attacks" in a distributed manner.
You could argue that in the end the same program runs on all humans. Probably with slightly different parameters.
Singling out a single subgroup in that makes no fucking sense.
Zoomers dont remember when every game had an icon. This is nothing .
What are you even talking about conspiretard?
Is there anything worse than having icons on the desktop?? This is truly the end of PC gaming bros.
>borderlands still not cracked
>go out
>have a billion fucking stores to choose from
>no one ever complains
>turn on your PC
>have a few stores that sell games
Fucking entitled stupidass Dumbest Generationals.
>having anything on the desktop
Fucking yikes, what do you think the taskbar is for?
>child literally doesnt know what a botnet is
The people complaining dont go out
>cluster fucking your taskbar
>cluster fucking your desktop
Not even once. I have everything memorized and search function it. Damn newbs.
The absolute state of PCfags
Basically this. Fitgirl is undoubtedly the opposite of based, regardless even of the mining shit.
>The pc gaming industry should all be beholden to a single massive monopoly and anything that tries to provide an alternative service is bad
Can someone who’s not a mentally ill Gaben cocksucker explain this reasoning to me? Should every single service be provided by a single company then? Competition is good for the consumer, is it not?
>anyone that's annoyed by games being exclusive to a shittier service for no reason is retarded
>Ideally, it'll cost very little to set up and maintain, money-wise.
That is until you start getting fucked by chargeback fees due to russian credit card thieves while they resell your game on G2A.
>pc gaming in 2003
>have an icon for every single game on your desktop
>no one gives a fuck
>pc gaming in 2019
Explain how Steam was ever a monopoly
>choice bad
Now imagine being a console cuck who has only 1 store to choose from.
I warned everyone when Steam Greenlight started that the platform was rapidly losing quality and a competitor was going to strike when it was at it's weakest, turning Steam into an indie game store
Everyone told me that would never happen
Eat shit I was right
Gamers are communists. They hare women and black people and think that makes them right wing
Pretty much every single game that was released had mandatory Steam DRM a couple of years ago, with no alternative. That’s a monopoly.
twitch doesn't have games you fuckturd
What the fuck are you on about schizo
If you want any remotely decent sales on PC you're basically required to be on steam.
Bitch, what rights do companies have to your money? I'm not paying for entertainment if it's not delivered in exactly the way I like it, fuck off.
>buying Actiblizzard games
>buying Ubishit
>buying Trashstar
>buying EA garbage
>buying Epicshit
>using Xbone
How am I at fault?
Twitch Prime has monthly games that you access through the Twitch desktop app.
That's not what a monopoly is
>games released on Steam have Steam DRM
They could have just, I don't know, put them game on GOG or something
A service being better than the alternatives is not what a monopoly is
>no alternative
>stand alone clients
>direct downloads via amazon
There's probably dozens more that I can't remember too
meant gamersgate not gamergate. p good site if you like eurojank games
but these arent icons, they're APPs that allow you to open up DRM folders that then allow you to launch games
If some fucking faggots from Czetch can sell their game on their own website and be successful than anyone can. Steam helps with sales and advertising sure, but it's far from mandatory.
GOG didn’t always exist as an alternative nor did the other clients, yet you same faggots whined and complained that Steam are getting competitors back then just like now with Epic, with GoG being a notable exception due to it being DRM-free. I honestly don’t get it, is it like some nostalgic fixation with Steam and Gaben that makes you lash out at simple free market economics? Steamfags whining about other launchers are honest to god no better than the bugmen worshipping Steve Jobs. Steam was complacent with its service, now they’ll improve to keep their userbase. Life goes on
I... I did? That's kind of heartwarming, I didn't think I had that much power!
So PC gamers think capitalism is bad or something? More choices is bad?
Guess I never realized how left wing you guys are. Sad!
>implying I play blizztard, bethpizda, or cuckstar games
>PCs are simple to use
>have to micromanage 10 programs for the optimal experience
You really are. You are a corporate cocksucker who is upset your are being mildly inconvenienced by a near monopoly having competition and now you think you are some sort of ethics in marketing expert. You're an sjw in fat retard form
>having competition
Exclusives are unhealthy competition. The games should be available on all storefronts and then the stores would have to innovate and be better to actually appeal to the consumers, thus giving us more benifits. Exclusives benefits only the store and publisher, not us
Laugh it up while you can, console fags. It'll be your problem too soon enough.
Nobody uses deluge anymore?
I don't play on PeeCee OP. Not my fault.
compared to, you know, a shortcut and cd for every individual fucking game
EA Access and similar services are optional on console, you twat. As a matter of fact EA Access is just the console version Origin Access. The OPTIONAL subscription program on Origin.
Name one game worth a whole new launcher
Damn... So many icons to click.... This is going to require way too many precious nanoseconds out of my busy day! How.... HOW could they do this to us?!?!
>>open platform
That's what we had before, you retard. Nobody was stopping you from selling games as physical copies or on GOG.
Not sure what you mean by this, and I'm not at all certain it would be a good thing even if I did, fuck you and your shitty bait post regardless, you nigger faggot.
It's got nothing to do with Steam Greenlight, which was a clusterfuck and has irreparably damaged the platform, but what we're seeing now is just the natural evolution of an all-digital ecosystem. And Epic is setting a hell of a bad precedent, because if their strategy of poaching exclusives works well for them - then EA, Activision, Ubisoft, Rockstar, and everyone else will attempt to bolster their flailing storefronts by doing the same thing. The market will become increasingly fragmented as publishers start to pull their games (and their secured exclusives) off of other platforms and put them on a tiered access plan that you'll need to pay monthly to retain access to. Eventually the top earners along with "early access" and "deluxe versions" of newer titles will get shifted to increasingly more expensive tiers - leaving the lower priced tiers filled with virtual mobile trash and exclusive indies.
The whole shift will look not unlike how cable channels are carved up into al-a-carte packages, then shift their popular programing onto new sub-channels which are in a different pricing tier forcing you to pay even more. Or, more recently, to how every studio with a small library now has it's own "premiere" streaming service that it's content and "original series" are held hostage - and even those are starting to get chopped up into "plus" and "premium" packages for higher monthly fees.
Get ready to subscribe to a dozen or so different game delivery services just to get access to about half the games you're interested in.
Diablo 3
>are optional on console
Yeah, at the moment. There's blood in the water though. That won't last. PC leads consoles in all things, and it's only a matter of time before "services" like Access are the only way to play games from certain publishers on consoles. Sony and Microsoft won't care, so long as those publishers give them a cut of the subscription fee.
>PC leads consoles in all things
Only on hardware and multitasking. Consoles are better for pure games since they're more optimized.
What year is it
>>get ready to fire up your torrent client and sail the high seas
Fixed for me and most other people on here, probably.
>near monopoly
Show me where Steam is a monopoly. Last I checked to be a monopoly a company has to have exclusive power in a market made by taking over and squashing the competition. Steam does neither. OPs pic is proof of that. Valve doesn't even care if you also put your game on another storefront that isn't Steam.
I meant back in the day. Certainly wouldn't get the Bnet launcher for anything NuBlizzard puts out.
I suppose
i used to pirate pretty much everything up untill 2014. then i got some fucking miner from a scene release from a private tracker. that had never happened up to that point. i'll never have my hardware mine for some chink in a basement. i'll never trust scene releases again.
Holy shit you're right.
They don't want to split the profits with Steam.
They are gonna put RDR2 on their own launcher
Hmm, I don't have this problem?
>play the video game from an launcher
>friend message me 'do you want to play game on other an launcher'
>close current launcher, open an other one
I beat the system
One launcher to rule them all
>exclusives are unhealthy competition
No they aren't. They are the reason we get high budget games like God Of War because they exist to push their platforms. Stop spouting bullshit like you know anything about what is healthy and unhealthy for competition when you are just operating on feeling and shit posts you have read
I'm already at Level 50 full orange loadout.
Only steam matters here.
Pretty decent taste.
Is a pirates life this easy? I'm always scared of getting miners on my comp. Is fit safe?
I too enjoy mining bitcoins for some faggot while I wait an hour for a game to unpack.
>Good Old Games
>they sell their trashy Witcher games on it
wtf i have bf3 and 4 too havent bought any games other than those in years. i traded tf2 stuff for some steam keys and bought BOI
on consoles i like to buy because i like to have it physically. is the only site you'll ever need
pirating is easier than buying and launching legitimate copies
And mustards have the gall to call consolefags fucked lol.
Console exclusives exist purely to push and sell consoles, regardless of their quality. A good and healthy competitive market, would have the product available on all storefronts, and the shittier stores, like Epic or Nintendo, would have to innovate to try and actually compete properly, which in turn would benifit us the consumer more than it would benefit the owner of that store. Sucking up to corporations and defending exclusives means that you actually like being treated like dirt
What happens that everytime fitgirl is named anywhere, some dipshit with IGG filthy vietnamise dick up his asshole must materialise out of thin air and complain about bitcoin mining?
Daily reminder that the free market is a spook, especially in regards to PC. That just means the titles that were focused on two, maybe three, competitors will now be spread out to sixteen, for the exact same shit you had before on one client. You dumb faggots.
>Going to be the new Origin
God, I hope not, Epic should try to actually be good.
I'm not installing your spyware, ching chong
Because fitgirl is shit even ignoring the bitcoin shit.
whoa... based...
only buy pokemon games(to transfer my old bros from real carts) and COD(Online play), and pokemon is doing away with transferring all pokemon this year
Literally why would you use ANY of these besides Steam?
Why qtorrent and not utorrent 3.0??
Only worthwhile post in this entire shitshow of a thread.
Yeah, we get it, you have a shit CPU. Get used to waiting more time to install her packs or think about acquiring something above a dual core, peasant.
galaxy 2.0 son
GOG Galaxy doesn't solve the problem of DRM forced on you from other launchers, nor does it solve the problems inherent in digital purchases. When you buy a game, you're giving away YOUR money to grant access to AN ACCOUNT to play a game. An account that can be banned, hacked, or will simply evaporate the moment that launcher/storefront goes under due to competition or gets bought out. The problem with the market fragmenting so badly is that not all of those storefronts are going to survive. Some will win, some will inevitably lose, and if you backed the wrong horse - everything you've spent on that storefront is wiped out with the account.
What there really needs to be in this market is a sort of semi-independent centralized authority like the ESA which handles licensing across multiple platforms. 2~3% of every game sale would go to maintaining it. You'd sign up for account with them, linking whatever relevant launchers and platform accounts you have. Purchases on one platform would automatically unlock usage rights on all other platforms (with maybe a small fee to cover porting costs if changing from - say, PS4 to PC). This centralized body would also need to maintain download servers for games, so if the original storefront were to ever go down and the game wasn't available elsewhere - you'd still retain access. Or something like that.
The problem is, you can't really trust a centralized authority - because as we've seen, they're susceptible to corruption and politics, and if you say the wrong thing to the wrong person at the wrong time (or someone in an influential clique is just out to get you) - then you could easily have all access to games on all platforms locked out instantly. I don't know how you'd solve that problem.
Not that it matters, because it will never happen. They got you pinned to the wall, and they're going to fuck you until your asshole prolapses.
as long as your account works offline forever who gives a shit if the service goes under
No, companies did
Based and redpilled. Steam caused this. Stupid fucks.
Holy shit you are fucking dumb as dirt. You don't get to decide what "competing properly" is just because you are personally upset.
>When you buy a game, you're giving away YOUR money to grant access to AN ACCOUNT to play a game.
You can download installers of games, copy them to external drives, give them away, do whatever you please with them.
You really do own your games on GoG.
>as long as your account works offline forever who gives a shit if the service goes under
Because computers never crash, you never need to reinstall your old OS, and consoles never break.
Eventually, somewhere down the line, you're going to have to reinstall the software - and if the body responsible for delivering that software is no longer there, you're shit out of luck. What you'd need is an offline INSTALLER from which you could make personal backups of the software, at which point it would be YOUR responsibility to maintain and keep track of your backups. But the only company who's doing that currently is GOG, and that only applies to games purchased through GOG. It won't apply to games bought from Steam, Epic, Uplay, etc that are launched through GOG.
Oh no, software on my computer? NO! I shan't allow this.
And you do? Exclusives are unhealthy for the competitive market you fucking bootlicker
Based and redpilled. I love how telling anyone bitching abou this to go back to consoles hits home and makes them even more mad at you.
Over saturation will thankfully kills streaming and service bullshit once and for all. The only fucking benefit of this shit is convenience. That's the only reason normies take it up their ass with absolutely ridiculous prices and policies. But, now the corporations are taking away with convenience with their highest bidder bulllshit power grab for a slice of the pie. These fucking huge corporations will never run out of money. Either the value of the industry plummets, or the consumers walk out, nothing else will deal with this current bidding war bullshit. I'm unironically considering closed garden platforms again, I'd rather deal with Nintendo and Sony over more of this bullshit.
> You don't get to decide what "competing properly" is
To be honest, he does. Everyone does this isn't factual matter but rather ethical one. Everyone decides this and majority of people usually set the standard.
What does this even mean
Not only do you have nothing to go on, there’s no way you could ever prove anything.
>gatekeeping piracy
user, you should pirate a shotgun into your mouth. You sound like a faggot.
Cringe but redpilled.
well we know all whose fault this is
How are they unhealthy?
Personal inconvenience does not equate to an unhealthy market. You're just some keyboard warrior who has never done anything work related bitching that you can't play every single game on your computer through 1 platform.
Thats funny, all I have is Steam and GoG.
The majority of people don't care they can't play Bing BING Wahoo on their PS4 or God of Sôy on their switch. You neckbeards are the minority
>Most people don't care for things they don't have options for
Amazing argument right there.
I rather this than buying shit from GameStop to be honest.
>upset about exclusivity
>posts wojak
Checks out. Go review bomb BL3 I guess
It's unhealthy because there's no need for the companies to innovate and improve their storefront, if it all comes down to exclusives. You don't want to use a certain store or console because it's bad? Well, sucks to be you, now you can't play these games.
A healthy market without exclusives would incentivise companies to innovate and improve their store/console and thereby making it more appealing for customers.
Getting rid of exclusives would directly benifit you, me and every other consumer of video games
calm down bitch, that isn't my wojak. Got you all mad and bothered have I?
Yeah, just like how the sub-prime mortgage market was incredibly healthy right up until the point where it imploded and took over half the country with it.
Nah, it won't happen. Anyone can install any store at a time and pirate whatever they want. If steam ever goes to shit people will drop it.
>PC ports would happen 4 years or more after Xbox and PS2 releases
>they were usually so buggy that most couldn't be played for years
Go look up most PC port games user scores' between 2000 and 2010
there is a god damn sea of failure there and that was the norm then.
>no need to innovate storefront
What you don't acknowledge is that exclusives are usually better made games than cross-platform 3rd party games. God of War would never have been made without Sony being willing to take the risk and absorb a potential financial blow
>imb4 I don't like gow
Its one of the most beautiful and we'll put together games of the decade so your opinions don't mean shit.
Again, just because Steam has some features other marketplaces don't doesn't make the market unhealthy. You are confusing your opinions as facts again
>wow its almost like R* didn't have a fucking launcher this entire time
Why you idiots bringing this up now like its new? The launcher been around since IV and always necessary to open when starting the game.
Based and dare i say redpilled
Oh yeah, video games and the housing market are totally comparable. Jesus fuck you are dumb
Companies only do launchers and stores because downloading the game is too similar to piracy
Oh no. One company doesn't control the market. What a travesty.
Literal actual retard.
Literally none of these are required
and how is this indication of PC gaming dying? Just because big companies failed doesn't mean that smaller companies didn't fill the void. Most notable company for me from the time is Tripwire Interactive that blew the fuck up.
Hello, can I save this picture you posted to my hard drive? I think it's quite funny and would like a copy for myself.
I actually deleted my origins, ubisoft, epic and twitch account because they had successful login attempts from third world shitholers. Only accounts left are steam and .Why do none of these fucks give a fuck about security?
Minecraft launcher is good though
>lets you access betas and old versions of the game with just a few clicks, makes managing game versions/modpacks a snap
Oh no guys! If there are too many launchers that will crash the economy!
God of War could've been just as good while not being exclusive. A publisher can still take a risk in funding a game and make it cross-platform.
>because Steam has some features other marketplaces don't doesn't make the market unhealthy
It literally is. If we go back to Epic, they have no insentive to make their storefront better because they just have exclusives instead.
Nintendo's consoles are still sub-par because their exclusives sells consoles.
Why would you be against a market that directly tries to appeal to you, by making themselves better and giving you more benefits?
You are just stuck conflating your feelings as facts. God of War wouldn't have been made nearly as good of it didn't exist to push hardware. Sorry you aren't entitled to enjoying every game through steam kiddo
Holy shit the seethe at this post
>Jesus fuck you are dumb
Says the guy who thinks an industry that can't see past the next quarter's revenue projections on a treadmill of unsustainable growth - who can sell more copies of a game than any other product they've ever produced, and still end up calling it a "failure" that makes investors jittery... is in any way qualified to determine what is "healthy".
>feelings as facts
>market is better for everyone
Okay retard. I don't give a shit about steam, since it's a DRM filled mess that also could be better. If every other storefront on PC improved and were better, Valve would have to step up their game as well.
If I really had to pick a favourite store, it would be GOG and that isn't perfect either.
My PC Gaming in 2019 (actually since 1990s)
Found the tranny
Nobody is saying it has to be a monopoly you idiot. Maybe if services other than steam were worth a damn then people wouldn't be against them.
Nobody filled the void you dumb underage, there was no store to sell pc games.
>Tripwire Interactive
Oh yeah, this one company that released literally 1 game in the entirety of the 00s is the company that was keeping PC gaming afloat. Are you fucking retarded? Their first resealed game came out after Steam was already a thing too.
This is the stupidest argument I have ever seen.
RO is a garbage series as well, their first game didn't even sell half a million.
I still do.
10 icons cointans the very existing of videogame history
>People complaining
You are the only zoomer here, kill yourself.
Then don't pay? But it's not like it stops there. You faggots go on to review bomb and send death threats because your fat is twisted
>open platform where devs can do what they want
>n-n-no its your fault!!
>If I want a show i'll buy it directly
>i'm not a fucking retard
Pick one
This. Fuck zoomers you don’t even need these launchers if you actually pirate anyway.
More like piracy and that's it lmao
I'm and old boomer pirate and I just click on the game and it goes, call me old fashioned but it works.
>Waaaaah everything being in one place is bad!
Eat shit retard. You have no idea how annoying it was to spend 5 hours to find the only available torrent of Majesty and download it for another three (because nobody downloads it to seed in the first place), only to find out that it doesnt work because the files are corrupted
Why would I not choose to torrent well-seeded repacks? Serious question.
Yet gamers would be perfectly fine with only Steam and MAYBE GoG. Every other service is not allowed to exist even though competition is good for the consumer in every other market.
get the fuck out of here you underage faggot, go cry somewhere else
>No argument
Wow you sure convinced me, zoomertard
Why dont you go tell your mommy about how she doesnt have to fuck the landlord anymore since you shill for her income?
speaking of mining shit, how do you even know if you have a miner on your computer? never really looked into that cause I usually don't bother torrenting(cause I don't play new games)
all these buzzwords and not a single argument
get out of here, underage one