Why have you stopped playing Overwatch, user?
Why have you stopped playing Overwatch, user?
I just fap to Zarya porn, that's it.
Because cooldowns and infinite ammo isn't fun.
Tired of getting one shot by nigfist
When Terry Crews wasn't Doomfist, I knew this wasn't the game for me. Or perhaps the company, but still.
Nu-blizzard decay
i'm playing fire emblem :)
I stopped having fun
it became boring, the patches made things progressively worse over the years, and the more people started playing it the more weirdos youd find. got me laid at least.
i have paid 19,99 for it and got like 100, 110 hours of playtime out of it
what more do you want from me blizzard? that's already a way better money to time played ratio than 95% of my steam library
these threads usually help me fap
I got banned for spamming Torb voicelines after every hammer kill
Why are you retards still replying to this shit?
The game was ruined in literally the first patch they did.
>game got worse every patch
>new content was added way too slowly
>overpowered heroes sometimes were nerfed after months of dominating the game, other times they were not nerfed at all
>underpowered heroes were occassionally nerfed for no other reason than reddit complaining about them
>blizzard refuses to admit doing something wrong so they never rolled back one of their awful "reworks" that just made heroes worse
>balancing patches that should take less than hour to create and maybe one day to roll out somehow took weeks or months
>new heroes were created, thrown on the test server, then added to main server but only the just for fun modes and then after weeks or months finally added to competitive where it turned out that they were over/underpowered as fuck and nobody cared enough to fix it because it wasn't in competitive
>half the maps sucked
>players have no control or influence over what maps they play
>the map pool never got reduced or had seasonal rotations
>this lead to nobody knowing how to play on the new maps for weeks after their release due to nobody playing competitively on them often enough to learn them
>some of the event game modes were fun but then got disabled after 2 weeks and were rarely if ever expanded upon
Probably had more reasons at some point these are just the things I still remember form the top of my head, I quit in 2018
Imagine being so retarded that you actually play Blizzard games.
oh and just remembered
>fucking stuns everywhere
>in a normal 6v6 match the enemy team usually had about 4 heroes with the ability to stun you
>this meant that regularly you had your ults and other abilities canceled because everyone is spamming their CC ability all the time
It's really unfun to be in a match but unable to play the game
Because the game is fucking boring after you put like 100 hours into it and you realize you only play to grind lootboxes.
Seriously people just move on and play more games I have no idea how there are people who literally only play Overwatch and have been for literal years.
I didn't even start. In fact I dropped tf2 because it started changing to be like OW.
Good taste
that FEEL when the industry is MONOPOLIZED and they do NOT support mods anymore so there is no ESCAPE from this hell of SHIT VIDEOGAMES
someone post mei
As a Zenyatta player I disagree entirely. Widowmaker could one shot body shot my ass and people would always pick her near/on launch.
why play something shitty like overcock when I have a massive backlog of games to play?
>and people would always pick her near/on launch
and at almost any point in time afterwards
one hit killing someone from any range turns out to be a pretty good ability in every meta except maybe goats
it's even better because it's hard to punish and takes no setting up
remember how widow has that weird powermeter on her scope? At some point in development some blizzard dev was like "how about we prevent widow instakilling everyone by requiring her to charge her shots?" but then they forgot about it again now she can basically quickscope 200hp characters because that's fun
Infinite ammo and shit map design that doesn't even have flank routes.
Shooting at barriers isn't fun.
Why do people fall for these bait threads every time. Nobody is interested in your opinion on overwatch, despite OP appearing to invite it. Nobody gives a shit about overwatch and these threads are just made because OP is an autistic plague on Yea Forums.
hey at least it's not another twitter/eceleb thread
yeah but almost all of the characters in this game will kill you without even having to aim so it all kind of balances out imo
legit just masturbate to the porn
i dont need to buy or play the game to masturbate to the porn
It got to frustrating shooting at shields and theres too much healing.
m-more sombra
>>underpowered heroes were occassionally nerfed for no other reason than reddit complaining about them
>bastion gets nerfed because he was popular in the early days and most of those troglodytes didn’t knew how to counter him
Rip sweet prince
most recent Sombra from that artist
an astute observation to be sure
remember when roadhog had a 5% pickrate making already a fringe hero and then getting nerfed twice in a row just for the lulz?
meanwhile other heroes with pickrates of 50 to 95% were considered just fine
because it sucks
the way this artist draws her I'm more focused on those made-for-sucking lips than her boobs
I'd actually prefer that. They usually turn into something funny like tranny bashing
also this
Imagine paying millions of dollars for focus testing groups to make your game have the broadest possible appeal, stealing the gameplay from other games, cheating by having tits to attract waifufags and sjws alike, staging a controversy to get your game talked about before it comes out, paying even more to get '''''''influencers''''''' to shill your game for months and funeling money through zombie donations to literal porn animators to keep your game relevant and stil losing to a 12 year old hat simulator that's basically abandoned by it's own company
I still play it user
Sup, gayboi. Why aren't you cooming in the blatant gay thread?
I need a fucking gf so darn much, bros
Never played it, but I haven't abandoned Widowmaker's ass
a-user why
Got annoyed at how some heroes have huge amounts of utility despite requiring fuckall skill. Orisa can shit a shield with a single button every few second(it even resets durability unlike Rein or Sigma wtf?) and Moira can outheal Ana just by holding down LMB.
>you will never burst her choker by violent facefucking
it hurts bros
I'm glad user that you and her ass are in a committed relationship
because currently in overwatch you just spend the whole game shooting at barriers, not to mention the fact that a game about adapting your team and where being a one-trick pony was a bannable offence went from being a game about locked characters where you are forced to oen trick (even in quickplay)
I usually play it when i'm depressed because it's familiar and i don't have to invest in it while waiting for death.
What do you do when porn and cute fanart doesn't cut it anymore?
Like, is the only way forward autisming it up with fucking fanfictions like a 14 year old fujo?
Is there 'sombra welcomes you home after work' ASMR?
I'm at loss.
Your only other option is to go out and find an irl Sombra to wife up.
that sounds hot user
Got bored of playing as Mei, now I'm trying to become Mei IRL instead.
good job user can't wait
parents sent me to a special camp and i stopped being gay
why have you started playing overwatch, user?