Who was in the wrong here?
Who was in the wrong here?
Other urls found in this thread:
LTG, but he got spanked and the hero won.
>comes out of retirement to BTFO Low IQ Nig
based viscant
>Tosh.O wanted to remake this scene so they offered to fly out LTG and Viscant to do it again
>LTG says yes, Viscant says no, over and over again. Despite the producers pushing them to say yes.
Viscant cucked gold television
>gorilla nigger
>slimy looking jew
they both look like losers to me, but nothing compared to you, e celeb posting OP
based and redpilled
stop talking shit about white people
They both sucked at SF4.
LTG by a mile. I heard Viscant is a pretty good kickboxer.
LTG would destroy most people on Yea Forums because he's built AF. LTG destroyed Boogie and every other fat and white fuck there is
remember when ltg said nigger and banned multiple mods because they were coon spooks? haha retard niggers man
Holy fucking based
How I’ll OP’s asshole ever recover
>pepe-poster calling other people losers
>How I’ll
god job you dumb phoneposting fuck
skip to 12:25
I'd beat him no problem
>god job
nice spelling you fucknig moron
>LTG is a clout whore
>will literally drink piss for fame
>Viscant bodies him again
Truly based.
The nigger is mentally ill, he pees in jars that he keeps in his room
Black person
Why? Because black
hahahahahahaha this salty fucking nigger
LTG for not backing up his trash-talk then backpedaling and desperately trying to go for the high ground after getting beaten. He's a joke in the scene.
Is this a mother fucking JoJo reference?
>What the fuck evEEEEAAH
I always knew the dude put on a tough voice but hearing those cracks fucking split my sides
Cosmo? Is that you?...
Do you have a source on that?
>literally cucks LTG and his chance at being on tv
What a lad
isn't the white dude a tranny now?
Not him, but LTG mentioned it on several occasions.
>not wanting to be a dancing monkey
Actually cool with me.
Pretty funny. LTG is the real cuck in this situation. He doesn't get to be on TV.
Why's it so hard to just admit you got beat? Doesn't he realise what a bitch he looks like by calling the guy the worst Nash player ever and yet he still lost to him?
amazing fucking going moran
LTG has never been right about anything.
If you want a gold recreation of the scene just look up whatever gay rape porn you have bookmarked
Boogie and Momokun, that's it.
He's still funny, though.
Judging by this picture and nothing else, the coon. Knowing the context, the coon.
Who was in the wrong?
DSP isnt funny, I dont see how the gimmick of him being black would change anything.
Well, that's on you. I think this dude being so out of touch with reality yet being so confident about it is kind of funny. It's like an Andy Kauffman bit.
He was correct about two landwhales but anyone not fucking autistic or underage could see both were shit people.
Based Viscant
Legit clout-chasing lolcow.
I find both really irritating. DSP is disgusting with his snorting and his laugh makes me want to punch him in the throat. LTG is just obnoxious with how deep into his own ass he is when hes a fucking nobody working at goodwill. I can see some fun in highlight clips and stuff like that, but the idea of watching a full 2+ hour stream of them just bitching about ONLINE TACTICS and shit sounds like torture.
Wogs are the only whites that never cuck to blacks.
Truly the superior race.
>but the idea of watching a full 2+ hour stream of them just bitching about ONLINE TACTICS and shit sounds like torture.
Yeah, but only the people that make these compilations do that. They're the real heroes.
The only way whites get cucked by blacks is voluntarily.
>insult and mock someone’s looks and challenge him to a match
>get btfo’d hard
>”w-well I could beat you irl!!!”
Low test goober isn’t ragey in a fun way, he’s just an actual shitty person
Yeah, I watch the 10/15 min compilation clips of him raging at shit and being pathetic and retarded, but I don't know who bothers watching the actual stream.
So americans are all voluntary cucks?
Well, nobody. That's why he stops streaming unless people donate
>LTG pines after being a famous actor
>His brutal public destruction grants him the silver lining of getting on television, showing his face to all of Hollywood
>Viscant bodies LTG's hopes and dreams
Fucking kek.
Lmao, how insecure are you? His voice is fake, what?
Based Viscant literally raped that nigger.
People who get the clips.
Yeah but he also never had sex meanwhile LTG can fuck any white woman he wants
Not even a constitutional amendment can prevent blacks from being owned.
>lose game in deep humiliation
>sometime later someone wants to meet up and talk about the loss
>"ha, I'm the real winner now even though nothing has changed and I still lost the game!"
woah is this the power of spearchucker logic?
>Viscant not only beats him but ensures he gets perfected in life as well
holy fuck
Re-read that, LTG accepted the Tosh.O rematch but Viscant declined, probably to spite him for acting like an absolute mongoloid
Mods, ban this nigga
Get that ass banned!
please be less obvious less time, black guy. jesus
Hey LTG, why don’t you ever play low tier characters?
LTG is still talking about Viscant.
The only thing Viscant does wrong is pronounce his name.
I read it as Vy-can't, not Viss-cant, so it bothers me.
Going from a put-on tough stance to pterodactyl autistic shrieks is hilarious. Sorry about your autism dude
>still hasn't washed the taste of that dick out of his mouth
Niggers always wrong, so...
He's mad because Viscant had the opportunity to go on Tosh.0 and LTG thought this could boost his acting career and Viscant just doesn't give a shit.
Actually stuck in 15 minutes of fame complaining he wasn't carried to 30. Similarly think of a faggot trapped in what he did in high-school football whining. I think better of you anons here since at least you don't air your retardation like this waste or debase yourselves to this degree.
>ruined LowTGod last chance of saving his public life
Based ProJared
>talks shit
>gets hit
>acts as if he didnt just get his shit slapped after being called out again
I sometimes wonder if every single fucking thing LTG ever does is satire or something
'I was pretending to be retarded' personified. Easy out.
>inbf4 mobile posting
This shit legit got a laugh out me
Lines up.
Spoken like a true coon.
That event was extra proof that aris is a ltg tier disgusting cunt and I don't know who even fucking likes that
>spends his time trying to glorify a chimp
>tries to make him sound cool when he gets his ass handed to him by someone that not only doesnt play the fucking game they are playing unlike the monkey, but doesnt even use his main for half the matches
>defeds some numbnut who uses the nickname LowTierGod but is actually a tier whore
>SmallBlackDickGene gets decimated, results seen by everyone and it wasnt even close, commentators decide ''oh yeah it was really close he really gave him a run for his money
>His girl covering her face in embarrassment in the background
Best part
the lil manlet. He couldn't handle the banter
Did your phone's auto-correct put Aris instead of Alex Valle, user?
Cope with this incel meme
Guy on the right became a tranny, not based at all
Lowtiernigger couldn't beat said manlet in a game the manlet didn't even PLAY, so what does that say about him? Don't talk shit if you can't back it up.
Just IMAGINE being American.
You're surrounded by these fucking monkeys constantly. They stink. They're violent. They're always the victim. They can't be reasoned with. They flood cities disproportionately and influence politics. It would be so fatiguing. Negro fatigue.
>dished personal insults
>beat guy in game and throw it back
>guy tries to twist it into 'it's just a game bro' with racial connotations
I chuckled at the vampire jokes at Viscant but a bitch is a bitch.
every time
lmao drink water ya manlet. LowTierGod doesn't care about results; he plays for the people
Based burger brain
what's wrong with LTG, exactly? How did he get this way?
Is it some kind of mental illness?
the bitch duh
you have no right to critique other people's sppeling
I love this about LTG
he will lose and then call his opponent trash, even though his opponent destroyed him
even a retard would see the fault with this reasoning. But not LTG
"There will be a time where youll want to get back at me. But before you do, you're going to have to wash the taste of my superior white cock out of your dirty, nigger, cotton-picking mouth!" How was he able to get away with this senpai??
a different time
Good god do i miss those days.
Nig here, I do as well
Literally a conspiracy to get Shinblade tossed from the venue. That's why some nerd in the back is yelling "just ban him." The woman who attacked him admitted it all on facebook after she, instead, got banned from the venue.
whats the story here?
The other user knows more about it, but here's the video for context.
Sexually abused as a kid
They all tried to say he assaulted her, until the video came out, after which she admitted guilt and apologized.
They literally planned on calling Kotaku, until the video came out.
That's the spirit.
If you listen carefully, you can hear her call him "cisgendered fuck"
cope nigcel
This picture is fucking amazing, i don't even care about the FGC, it's just an amazing picture by itself.
I could train Boogie to take him down in two weeks, as long as he keeps his chin covered and LTG doesn't learn any articular levers he's set - you know LTG would get close and try to box and end up mounted by all that fucking weight and humiliated - that man has 0 fighting IQ.
Anyone got the SFA2 edit
Whats the most kino ltg moment Yea Forums?
>I'll be that monkey
>vs viscant
Jay "Viscant" Sneider
What an unbelivably based man.
Back in his day people got stabbed in arcades and this nigger thinks Viscant is afraid of some pussy who pulls his lan cable when he loses and posts images of him carrying a girl purse. Fucking ROFL
Not the most kino but him playing Smash during the earthquake and winning his match was based as hell.
I'll be that monkey was so unaware it was fantastic
Ltg seems obsessed with dicks for some reason
>Back in his day people got stabbed in arcades
Sounds honestly cool
This is too good,thanks for the laugh retard ;)
You can't recreate soul
I'll be that monkey is fucking hilarious
I don't think I've seen him mad enough to fuck up his rage quit before this.
To this day, even after all the numerous rage clips, I still can’t tell if it’s legit or an act. LTG could seriously make it as a heel in pro wrestling.
first post once again is the best post
It only happens when he gets really pissed off. He actually becomes blind with rage and stops functionning as a human being until he throws the controller away and calms down. It's a nigger chimpout but with video games.
it's all true, he can't act for shit
He exaggerates a lot in front of the camera but he's actually like that for the most part. He doxxed someone who made a documentary about him recently, I don't see how it can be acting when he does shit like that.
If he doesn't care about results why does he ragequit every match?
Autismo hambeast didn't like a certain player. He was obviously popping off but the other people were okay with that. Hambeast and her cronies decide to try and get him kicked from the event. Hambeast doesn't expect a camera and a confused, non-violent reaction. She puts her hands on him though, expecting him to get kicked by her framing it a certain way. If you listen you can hear her gaggle of dickless shits also yell "DQ him!" (disqualify) before the situation was fully processed by anyone or dust even settled. Not sure about the bitches yelling DQ but she was kicked from the event and mumbled an apology from seaworld later on.
>he plays for the people
didn't he say he only plays for money? makes me think he doesn't even like video games. makes sense considering how angry they make him.
got the apology, by chance?
He'd most likely injure himself, others and burn up quickly.
What’s wrong with Crowbcat?
Remember that time there was a UFO in his house? God that was awful.
Nobody was really in the wrong. There weren't any positions to be weighed. It was just LTG being a moron.
Nah. I saw a cap and if I recall it was her blaming mental issues.
Isn't vampire boy actually doing something good with his life too?
can't find LTG nigger-names rant, anyone have it?
>tfw doongie
That was the point. LTG was intending to be big shit against a guy who didn't even play the game and never said he was good at it. Then LTG said dumb nigga shit and got slapped down.
Oh come on, user, most of those clips are ancient. I don’t have any doubt that it was real rage at some point, but I think by this point, he just exaggerates it since he PRESUMABLY has improved since then.
The one where he told the chat to give him nigger names? That was a good one.
Nope, I heard he was working at Dunkin Donuts or some kind of fast-food.
the one he goes on ranting about people giving their kids nigger names
I've seen clips of him interacting with people irl and being calm then him going on video/social media tirades that are insane. No mentally stable person would degrade themselves that much or think that being an asshole player in the fighting game scene is a good way to elevate them. Looking at him he does nothing for that scene and is only out for himself too. Nigga talks about clout-chasing when his existence is dependent on attention and riding coattails.
he made a positive and negative video on VR then deleted the positive one after his shitty community didn't like him being positive about it
also hardly ever presents a fair argument, e.g. the vast array of things gta5 does better than gta4 that aren't mentioned in his video etc
Americans living in your head rent free.
I'm still waiting for the DSP vs black DSP irl match...
A subhuman on the left
how did he ended up being so based?
Not only that the crowd was ashamed to cheer for Viscant at first, every nigger, spic and chink on that crowd makes fun of LTG but the moment there`s a white kid on the other side of the controller they all praise his boy, they only changed sides when it was clear Viscant was the better player by a mile even tho LTG scummy calculated move of making fun of a scrawny nerd hasbeen for easy clout was painfully obvious.
>DSP gets a right hook from LTG and comically spins while collapsing
>hits and shatters LTG's twig legs with his fat ass on the way down
>LTG collapses and still somehow collapses with bad form
A broken clock, user.
Viscant wasnt in the scene for a while, only went to beat LTG
LTG was creating a posse for a while, some dumb fucks like the commentators were somehow hyping him up as an underdog champion
LTG screeching in rage is probably the only thing that will never not be funny. Especially when he starts making up insults on the fly.
Exactly, LTG knew he could get easy fame by defeating a popular player, Viscant was the perfect target being semi-retired and probably not that much versatile on the current game and at the same time promoting his alpha nigger image bullying the small white boy, and every minority on that room knew that and didn`t care.
LTG is a phony with anger issues like every single negro ever, if he was half serious about his bravado he would have slapped the shit out of Viscant out of that taste of his dick comment, but he knew he would damage his reputation forever even tho I doubt they would ban him for life.
I liked the part where he called him a vampire
Good luck with that champ
He’s a heel. It’s performance art.
But the whole point was to show what gta 4 did better. It's a good vid.
>this negro has anger issues
>wtf why didnt he beat down someone for a comment
>LTG said he wanted to be a actor
>The whole LTG persona is just a role he assigned himself into
>He makes the big reveal it was all for his acting career
>nobody cares because I wuz pretending to be retarded schtick got boring after all these years and he loses whatever followers he had
You forgot to quote the PHONY part you coon, you don`t get to walk around telling people you will fuck them up if they every mouth off to you and then walking away after a 5 foot ProJarred looking guy say you washed your mouth with his dick.
dunning-kruger effect, look it up
so whats the lore on Rocks and Preem
His "positive" VR feels like an actual shilling
His actual positive VR video (what if CSGO is on VR one) is still up to this day
what kind of nigger stabs someone because they lost a game of street fighter?
I think rocks is an extremely clever troll
real arcade niggers
>You said "get clapped"?
>Im about to show you how clapped I am bitch ass nigga
>Get that ass banned BITCH
Since minorities took over arcades and turned it on drug dens and violence hotspots, why do you think arcades are still a thing on japan?
>Hol up, you said GG?
>Let me tell you what GG means
>GG means when your mom was topping my BBC and all I could say was GOOD GOD AURGHGHGHG
>The top was so good
>Get that ass banned
you know shit is about to go down when you hear "You said....?"
With all of those disconnects and account blocks, I think LTG plays more for the ducks than for people.
>after his shitty community didn't like him being positive about it
Making a video directly saying something is good then not showcasing anything when the entire channel is about showcasing stuff is dumb
Guy essentially poster a trailer for a meh tier game on his channel, of course people would call out
>mfw brought out his autistic inner Fifty Shades of Gay erotica
Mods ban ANYBODY saying the Ancient Egyptians weren't black
all that matters is who wins
t. Highlander
mods clean up my chat
It was insane. Little 15yo me putting my quarter on the machine to hold my spot and a 30yo telling me it was his machine and he was going to beat me up if I played on it.
you are a nigger
god this was/is so fucking funny. shinblade is based
also kek, another evo story for the books
The nigger is clearly the bully here
its ironic because pepe posters are gigachads irl
get fucked
>white women
t. Low Tier God
Damn is this nigga like 35? This is from ages ago
dunno but seeing that nigger get rekt makes me happy and that's a good thing
is this video games?
Whoever lost the money match, in that case, LTG. That's how things should be settled in the FGC.
Goddamn, he's pathetic.
>hm maybe I should go to a dentist because I can't fucking close my mouth properly
>nah I'll let my face grow with the malocclusion
He was saying "what the fuck happened"
>openly talking about your race fetishes on Yea Forums
jesus christ, get a father
what were etika and projared arguing over?
and once again why pipo got BLOWN THE FUCK OUT by your friendly neightborhood nigger
No stabbings but I remember hearing stories about people getting jumped in the parking lot for doing shit in mvc2.
my father told me that some drug dealer was killed by another drug dealer here once over a match of darkstalkers or king of fighters, i don't remember correctly.
Hes the only person streaming so early in the morning that I can watch. His streams are pretty good when he's not whining about stuff
black dsp
The incel cracker
t. Vincent.
idk watching LTG raging in smash ultimate is funny and i can't tell you why
>what kind of nigger stabs someone
t. LowTierBitch
Neither of them. It was a great moment.
How the fuck do people even find this stuff? half it seems like random shit he recorded on a camcorder
I could kick LTG's nigger teeth in.
No, this is true. LTG offered to drink his piss jug for around $5000 I believe.
You see this, he tells you he wants to drink your piss or else he will beat you up, what do?
>street fighter v is the worst game EVER
>keeps playing it
also that voice crack near the end
Always makes me laugh
I think the most pathetic thing I've seen from him is ragequitting in smash because somebody had the audacity to charge a special after getting a stock off him.
I desperately want someone to shop this so the height differences are reversed
I'm gonna kill that nigger dead
Kill that nigger dead
Record that shit
And put it on worldstar as well
Fuck all those niggers
They can burn in hell
Fuck Eric Garner
He fat as fucking hell
is LTR literally black incel?