Unironically gonna have to play a game about fat litttle droids because Bethesda/iD are so ruthlessly incompetent.
Fuck's sakes 2gd. We want waifus and supersoldiers, not balls of metal.
Unironically gonna have to play a game about fat litttle droids because Bethesda/iD are so ruthlessly incompetent.
Fuck's sakes 2gd. We want waifus and supersoldiers, not balls of metal.
>waifus in every game
you're such a faggot its actually insane
at the very least make it like TF2 where you have cool dudes then
why do they have to be fat fucking robots user
the absolute state of britcucks
Everything new is well forgotten old.
YEA thats right all twelve of us want a REAL arena shooter.
>batshit retarded hitboxes
>UI ripped straight from Overwatch
>Overwatch style 5 minute games only
I'm content to play Quake with 11 other people because it's a good game, as long as it's executed competently.
Give me multiplayer TPS with traps that has gameplay of GunZ or Warframe.
>batshit retarded hitboxes
u wot m8?
The whole point of the robots is that the hitbox can be a sphere perfectly matching the actual model.
Are you perhaps talking about issues with hit detection or lag compensation?
I don't understand you coomers. My parents asked me what games I play cause they like buying me posters and shit, this was a couple years ago so I was pretty into Overwatch, and when they went to find shit for it they found hardcore fucking porn of it. I would much rather talk about a gane about metal robots to people who actually talk to each other in the real world
Well because playing as a sexy girl feels good (debatable whether it feels as good as a badass dude). Playing as a fat personality less drone... well, I can only imagine it would feel stupid and humiliating. Same reason football games have cheerleaders.
holy fuck you're so pathetic
why are you so mad, britcuck? This level of character design is cringeworthy. Look at this awful thing.
hurr maybe instead of movies with angelina jolie we should make movies about a bunch of robots lmao
Now this is a projection i haven't seen in a long while.
>lives with parents
>parents buy him shit
>plays overwatch
>afraid of parents finding out porn
>claiming other anons are pathetic
It looks like fucking emoji. You can guess the audience.
meanwhile, japanese character design:
I see the autistic falseflagging shitposter has moved on to another game.
I was 19 and I moved since, Overwatch isn't a new game homie. Also I'm sorry my parents love me more than yours loved you
Just make sure to check each others timezone, so you can sync with each other.
how is it my fault that the industry's been monopolized by megacorporations that don't play videogames and removed all mod support? There isn't a good title on the market right now. The best contenders are QL, QC, and Paladins.
Tiny community that exclusively plays CA, awful graphics
Terrible, terrible execution of a Quake title, everything from netcode to audio is fucked up in this title
Giant hitboxes and typical MOBAshitter game design to hand hold aimlets
Just another kid recently introduced to communism.
You'll outgrow it don't worry.
cool how you're so thirsty for (you)s that your posts are just contentless, meaningless insults that don't really have any relevance to the topic at hand. The only reason I'm responding to you is to keep this dismal thread alive.
Honestly friend I just entered this thread so don't try to antagonise me, you waste your time, im memeing you. Stop taking Yea Forums seriously, this isn't Reddit nor videogames are relevant in real life.
Like I said you'll grow up, newfag.
you sound like you're a non native english speaker tbqhwu femme
why do mexicans always think they're master trolls when they're on their attention whoring sprees?
>I was only pretending to be retarded
pic related. an actual character. what was the britcuck thinking when he made this game.
Why do you take this so seriously?
Fighting games are unfair though
remember microvolts?
yeah me neither
and this game is that + overwatch mixed in
Am i the only one who likes the robot design? Robots are cool you fucking edgelords. Try to enjoy something for once
>thing is cool, i enjoy thing, why can't you enjoy things?
>wtf why are you enjoying other thing? other thing bad
cool facts about planet earth:
at least one human will make porn of these things
at least one human will masturbate to them
Honestly i just entered this thread, read through it and i noticed youre a retard user, dont get mad.
But they don't make my peepee hard.
1) More games with non human characters doesn't hurt.
2) More kinds of cool looking robots doesn't hurt.
3) More games with less focus on fanservice doesn't hurt. Control your pants or you will become the most idiotic, easily manipulable consumer...
I wanna play this game but it's coming out october 2020.
Also based 2GD saying the north american quake league is like a make a wish program for kids who wanted to play against rapha.