2 months until the legend is no longer a myth
Shenmue 3
I bet its going to take a while for them to crack it
Im so fucking ready. 18 goddamn years.
I didn't play the first two, I'll just skip this one.
oh man, this might be the biggest piece of shit to come along in a while.
Will wait for crack since Tim is already paying for it.
Every single western game is a bigger pile of shit than this Japanese title.
Insightful post.
insightful reply.
insightful thread.
Pretty much this, the original games where more like experiments for what was about to come than good games.
What a pointless post. Who asked?
I did
I didn't
>another denuvo trash using failgame
well I did
That's this whole thread. A game is coming out in 2 months. Okay?
Not sure you can metaphysically skip something if you weren't ever on your way towards it.
>tfw you realize you'll have to wait again for Shenmu 4 cause the story won't end
Anyone else grab the limited edition?
>tfw no Mark
>tfw no one to call him Dyo
He's just saying the game is trash and he won't get into it
i sure did and do not regret it in the least
my brothers
did you also pre-order at BestBuy? You get this sweet steelbook if you do.
Why Yea Forums aren't excited about this game?
Beat me to it, yes.
Most of Yea Forums doesnt play games.
It's a niche and unfavourable game. It just isn't popular enough the series never managed to sell well. Most Shenmue fans are in low numbers and mainly old people that played the games back at release and loved it as well as some new people because of the 2018 re-release.
Also looks like Japan is getting ready for it too!
It's a movie game so you can watch it on Youtube anyway
It's going to be the biggest disaster in decades
For how many games the story will span?
Up to Shenmue 5.
Yu Suzuki said that the end of Shenmue 3 completes 40% of the whole story. Take into account the whole saga was originally gonna take up 8 games with an average playtime of 100 hours
There was a sequel?
>KH3 is out
>FFXV is out
>FF7R will be out soon
>Bannerlord will be out soon
there sure is. Coming November 19th!
>that feeling when you will never see the original 8 games without this kickstarter shit dragging the quality down
>that feeling when shenmue could have been a competitor to Yakuza with amazing world building detailing technological advancement into the 2000s with insane detail and immersion.
Final Fantasy VII part 2, 3 and maybe 4.
Pooh bear
shit happens but what can you do. Just glad to get something at least instead of an unresolved cliffhanger
>yakuza gets changed randomly to not free time rpg but still looks interesting worldwise
>Shenmue III looks like shit and probably won't even have sega games in the arcade
Is there gonna be another sleeping dogs that isn't shit soon? I need my fix.
This shits gonna flop so fucking hard. Its not gonna be able to get a kickstarter for the 4th game so how are they gonna finish it?
You do realize Shenmue is made to be a 5 game series right?
Can I get a quick rundown on the shenmue story that people were so eager to see continued?
Sega have allowed them to put some Sega games in the arcades of Shenmue 3.
If the game can somehow manage to be successful by pure luck or they do greenlight a sequel on kickstarter and the remaining fans mass fund it.
It doesn't look likely that Shenmue can continue
Ive been playing shenmue and Ive been at the forklift job for like 3 hours now. Who thought this was a good fucking idea?
Im mildly hyped for 2 and then 3 though
just play till the end of Shenmue 2 and then you will know why.
This is omega spoilers but at the big deal of why people care about a Shenmue 3 and it's story is because at the end of 2 Ryo who meets Shenhua in the rural villages in China end up at a cave. The only time in the series some magical fantasy stuff happens and then we don't know what happens next. People wanna see Ryo get his revenge on Lan Di so the game needs to continue deep into China
Imagine buying a dreamcast instead of a gamecube or PS2 back then
Shenmue was one of the 3~4 games that the system had. Of course those people are going to hold those few games to high regard, even if they weren't actually that great.
Yeah. Sony shilled a Kickstarter for it on what was supposedly one of their best E3's.
Well I'll at least give it a pirate then. I'll just pretend I'm a sailor.
fucking jew
It's not hard to make the best E3 considering how terrible they all are.
Hell nintendo best E3 was because showed a picture of a vaporware and everyone went crazy over the possibility of maybe getting a game.
Kill yourselves zoomerfaggots, Shenmue is an amazing series and it had a huge fanbase for the past decades demanding for more. why do you think they added Ryo in the Sonic and Sega racing games?
I know you zoomerscum weren't old enough to play the first two games, but at least pretend to be exicited over this and not out yourself as kids.
suck my dick bitch. I'm pirating this at most and yu can't do shit about it. Keep crying on this auto saging topic
Cope more tranny
Is shenmue the "so bad its good" game?
With the English voice acting yes. With Japanese voice acting, no.
Not suprised at comments like yours. This is Yea Forums. Home of the most degenerate lowest of the low people such as yourself.
>imagine not buying consoles for $50 brand new
>and yu can't do shit about it.
Cheeky cunt
This comes 10 years too late, people don't give two shits about Shenmue anymore. I know the Kickstarter was hugely successful, but that doesn't change anything. Just look at the sales of the 1+2 HD collection. This has always been a niche series and going 18 years without a new game didn't exactly help it. Neither does putting it on EGS except short-term financially
>people don't give two shits about Shenmue anymore
>I know the Kickstarter was hugely successful, but that doesn't change anything.
Fuck, I have to replay the first 2 games one last time before 3 ruin the series
I used to replay 2 yearly on one of my DCs but it's been so long since I last played Shenmue 1.
Good arguments there bud
Inafune 2.0
No argument was needed. You stated pure opinions instead of fact. But whatever helps you cope at night.
The fans like the game so no.
The game looks as advertised so no.
He originally created the game so no.
The game has Epic with it so no.
Deep Silver have learnt so no.
Replaying them right now. Ive never played this with good set of speakers before. Aside from the english voice recordings, this game has awesome sound. Hear nature and just random noise as you would hear on an actual street. Its great.
As in mythology? They also should have named the MC Otoko or something like that.
The girls name is Shenhua
Fact is the HD-collections sold way under expectation. Fact is that it's been almost 20 years since the last game in the series and a lot of people who grew up with the series have grown out of video games by now.
Don't you fucking dare m8
>Fact is the HD-collections sold way under expectation.
So what was segas projected sales vs actual? I would expect projected to be nothing substantial. People have been waiting near two decades for 3. Most fans have been stuck with 1 and 2 this whole time. Average fans wouldnt rebuy them. I would assume only hardcore fans and people who were intrested in 3 and want to play catch up bought it.
>Fact is that it's been almost 20 years since the last game
>and a lot of people who grew up with the series have grown out of video games by now.
Where did you pull that from?
Does this retard really think he is going to to able to make 4 more shenmues after this?
I'm playing them now and enjoying them but damn this shit is never going to be finished.
>4 more
He says 5 games will tell the complete story, so 2 more. But in the early 2000s he was saying 7 games. Im sure he has slimmed the story a bit since then.
based post, fuck chinkshit and fuck chinks
He got the kikestarter and epic money and probably way more funding they're hiding from us, all to hire a small cheap mobile game studio to make a simple DC-tier game using a generic engine. And that's before the game even hit any store
I seriously doubt Shenmue 3 used up all that much money considering the result and now that the base of the game is done it'll probably be even cheaper to develop the rest of the story.
Hey dumbfuck, these "chinks" invented Martial Arts and they.will.fuck.you.up
I don't like what was showed so far, funny enough it feels like a downgrade
The man is a fucking idiot. Why can't he be happy with the miracle he got and finish while he can?
I don't want another Xenosaga.
Look at Senmue 3 and tell me isnt going to be shit.
It isn't going to be shit.
>str vs dex
Does anyone in this thread think Shenmue 3 is going to be shit, who actually liked and enjoyed Shenmue 1 and 2 back in the day?
It just seems like everyone in these threads are people who just want to shit on "proto-yakuza" for no other reason than they didn't play it.
Can't wait for you to prove me wrong when Shenmue 3 sells like hotcakes
Screencap this post.
I tried Shenmue and stopped after less than two hours, the control scheme was awful and it just wasn't fun.
Can you show me where i said that? Or where i said part 3 would sell at all? Jesus user, just stop posting. Its embarassing.
It looks like a game made in 2003 just how everyone wants it but normies will hate it and it will sell like 150k copies and never get a sequel
I guess its true that tank controls are a casual filter.
What was the point if kickstart this if Epic will put money anyways?
Where all the money goes if the game looks like a Dreamcast game?
>uses cope and dilate because someone says a game series lost his momentum years ago
>talks about people being embarrassing
Nogga, I meant most people don't give a shit about the series anymore, not all of them. Of course there's more than a few who can't wait for it's release, but it's still a niche audience.
>What was the point if kickstart this if Epic will put money anyways?
What else to convince the real investors. the kikestarter money was blown on expensive food and drink for the real movers and shakers.
The donation drive was to gauge interest in the franchise and if to could be brought back considering Yu Suzuki was unpersoned at Sega at the time.
My name will be in the credits. No regrats.
As someone who never played Shenmue but has played a few Yakuza games, will this game be good?
Its much different. Its more adventure mystery with a side of fighting. Not sure why people compare them at all. Its an aquired taste for sure.
>12 fucking updates them telling us they are “working on the refund” through fangamer
I find it really hard to believe Fangamer is to blame since they’re a pretty legit company and the last time they had issue was with MN9; telling everyone they were waiting for months on end for info from Comcept and had to go on what they were given. Considering how fucking awful and tepid the communication has been for this Kickstarter what are the chances that this is just Yu Suzuki not having changed one single bit since the Dreamcast days and is fucking awful at managing stuff like this?
Also fuck you Adam Koralik you fucking boot licking piece of shit.
Forklift job was fun as fuck, a shame the game ends it early.
Is there time for me to play both Shenmue 1 and 2 until 3 comes out?
>If you don't like Shenmue or you think Shenmue 3 looks bad you're a zoomer or tranny
why is this board incapable of real discussion/arguments?